HomeBlog We Love Enzymes at TLC

We Love Enzymes at TLC

June 29, 2018

We Love Enzymes at TLC

  1. Enzymes save our energy. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions throughout our body to help repair us inside better, fasters, smarter!
    1. This is why I take my systemic enzymes before I go to bed each nite. I take them with a glass of water and I add vitamin C powder plus magnesium powder (Vitality C 1 scoop ad OptiMagNuero powder 1 scoop in 8oz water)
    2. While I sleep with an empty stomach, my body absorbs the enzymes, water, vitamin C, and magnesium to help clean out hurt cells and repair me. The water helps wash away waste, the vitamin C helps as an antioxidant as the body cannot make vitamin C so this is helpful in tissue repair. The magnesium relaxes the muscles.
    3. When I awaken I take more systemic enzymes on an empty morning stomach with a glass of water. I think of this as my soap and water to wash me inside as I do ten minutes of exercise each morning like a washing machine, cleaning me inside.
  2. Nearly all reactions that occur in living cells require enzyme catalysts. Without then the reactions occur too slowly or not at all. So enzymes save us energy – Use them!
  3. Enzymes for digestion are called digestive enzymes. They help us break down our protein into amino acids, fat into smaller fatty acids and starchy carbohydrates into simple sugars.
    1. People with blood type A positive or negative blood in general do not make enough enzymes to digest their food. I start all my blood type A patients on digestive enzymes (i.e. OrthoDigeszyme or SpectraZyme) 2 with each meal. I start children as young as 4 with 1 at dinner.
    2. Older people lose the ability to make enzymes with age. So anyone can start digestive enzymes to help digestion, reduce bloating and gas. I normally have people start them at least for dinner by age 50-55.
  4. Systemic Enzymes are used on an empty stomach. These are proven in research to reduce pain, inflammation, and fatigue. Articles in sports magazines show improved athletic performance and recovery. Articles in cardiovascular research show reduction in HsCrp. Articles in immunology show improved function and balance.
    1. I give all women on hormone replacement therapy enzymes. I tell them if they are old enough to need hormones, they also need more enzymes.
    2. I slow aging with enzymes by reducing the volume of injured cells.
    3. I give large amounts of systemic enzymes to people with nodules, acne, fibroids, benign prostatic hypertrophy, arthritis, obesity, allergies, nasal polyps, acute infections, swollen joints from any injury and past surgeries to speed up removal of injured cells and waste products as you lose weight. Typically I give 5 twice a day on an empty stomach for longer term chronic problems. For more senior acute issues, I use 10 twice daily.
    4. Patients with cancer or on chemotherapy or radiation, I give as much as 20 to 40 capsules twice or three times a day to remove injured cell debris.
  5. Vitalzym is the best enzyme we have found in our clinical research. It is made in Japan as a prescription. Here in America we do not need a prescription. You can get them over the counter. I use these to start the healing process in all of my patients. However, once I see improvement, I switch to a less expensive quality, clinically researched product Vascuzyme. I maintain most all my patients with Vasuzyme.
  6. So you are not what you eat… you are what you digest!