YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 18 2023
April 20, 2023
“1. How would you treat fiber peripheral neuropathy?
2. Should iodine and biotin be avoided for hyperthyroidism/ thyroiditis? If not, What are the recommended daily use for both?
3. My general practitioner who practices chelation told me EDTA is a poison and should only be used to remove heavy metals. That I should stay away from using it for thyroid issues, as well as for fibromyalgia. What are your thoughts?
4. What is the best way to bring down levels of homocysteine?”
1. We are not neurologists. But as functional doctors, general practitioners, we look at the nerve as something-- You have to remember when I was a young doctor in the 1970s, basically it was taught that nerves don't regenerate and that really there's nothing you can do except try and treat the symptoms of the pain, and the tingling, and the burning, and such like that. Now today, as I have always believed, the same construct of the nerve and its nutritional needs could be regenerated, and nerves are indeed repaired. And there is what is called neuroplasticity. So, nerves follow usually along the artery venous tracks and pathways, and in the areas that get irritated or peripheral. Meaning the most distal like, usually, it's in your feet you start feeling the tingling, it can be your hands, and stuff. And yes, there are some B vitamin excesses and deficiencies. Vitamin B6 is one of them. If you take too much you can get some burning neuropathies with it, both in your hands and your feet.
But in general, what we're trying to say is those things that are healthy for the repair of the body are in fact healthy for the repair of the whole body including your nerves so that they are damaged just with age and there's free radical damage to the myelin sheath. See that little hole in the membrane there, that double membrane here, and we want to repair it to that healthy double bilipid membrane there. So, if the membranes of even your nerves are a double layer of phospholipid and protein, then eating that phospholipid and protein, with fat, is part of helping to repair the nerve. So, where do we find phospholipids and fat? That would be in your meat, your egg yolk, your chicken with the skin on it, your pork, and crustaceans, things like this, wild cod free range pasteurized developed eggs. And so we encourage a high-rich phospholipid diet. Now to reach those tiny sites over the years that have been damaged and the little, tiny capillaries, like the thickness of a web of a spider strand of a spider, or less, actually, those tiny capillaries depend on you drinking enough water every day. So, you got to drink your water to keep those little passages open.
So, drink enough water, and eat the repair building blocks of the phospholipids rich in our healthy diet, protein, and fats that I listed. And then enzymes, systemic enzymes that chew up damaged materials like that, injured cell right there might be so damaged it needs to be just chewed up and you can promote that and stimulate the cleansing of old damaged cells through fasting. Prolong fasting, 24 hours will certainly start the beginnings of autophagy. And that autophagy will help clean up the debris. And exercise will create a hydraulic kind of pumping action and flowing of enough of your fluid in there. And then having a good multi-mineral and multivitamin in your diet. So, chelation therapy, a good multi-mineral vitamin with the B vitamins in it, the enzymes. I think vitamin D should be part of any health program, systemic enzymes to help clean up the debris, chelation therapy, exercise, and a good night's sleep. Natural hormone replacement therapy, I think is also a foundational part of helping with reconstruction, repair, and building. Not eating late, being on a low-carb diet so you don't make sticky clogged up little tiny capillaries and the such. So, that's how we will begin to support the repair of fiber peripheral neuropathy.
2. I have no knowledge of a paper that says that is so. And for 40 years, I've been using, you know, a modestly appropriately range multivitamin that has the B vitamin in it. And have been using iodine. I would say 96% of all my patients that I've tested have been iodine deficient. So, they've removed this from the diet. It used to be iodinated salt, iodinated bread, and iodinated products were very abundant in the American culture. When I was a little girl, it was all removed by brominated items. Bromine is a halide that's much heavier and toxic. Fluoride and chlorine during the same halogen area. So, no I don't see that that's a problem at all.
3. Your general practitioner does not understand enough about EDTA chelation therapy. It is not poison. I've been around it since I was seven years old and I’m about 70 now. So, for 63 years I have been intimately involved in the use, distribution, and treatment of EDTA chelation for more than half a century. I have never seen anyone harmed by it. I've only seen everyone blessed by it. When you have better circulation and better microcirculation you do better everywhere. I like to explain it to my patients that EDTA chelation is known to help with nitric oxide synthase enzyme to produce more nitric oxide which produces a dilation of the vessel. And that improves the circulation of blood flow and helps prevent clotting and stickiness of the little contents of the blood. Plus, those tissues then get a better supply of nutrients and waste removal. And so, it speeds up healing, it enhances vision, the back of the eye. I've seen my macular degeneration, and my glaucoma patients, my Alzheimer, and dementia patients do well. And I've just seen it improve in every area, whether we're talking about peripheral neuropathy, and helping to get a tiny microvascular supply of nutrition and waste removal. So, it is not a poison.
In the world of EDTA chelation for the millions of servings around the world every year, I would say there have been, in the course of the 50-plus years I'm aware of, there have been maybe three or four people who have died in half a century. And that is because of the practitioner using the wrong dosing. And so, that's a human error. That was not due to the accumulation at all as opposed to the tens of thousands of deaths that are accepted very often with product presentation introduction into the system. And years go by and you'll find, for instance, remember the Vioxx story. Vioxx, they had 60, 70,000 people die of a heart attack, and it was discovered that was a side effect of risk. And when this was found, and they were brought to Court, they had to pay for felony crimes of these unlawful deaths money. The pharmaceutical business thought it was just the cost of doing business. We're talking tens of thousands of people.
No, EDTA chelation is not a poison. It is a chelator. It attracts heavy metals, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, uranium, and many others which are then attracted to the manmade amino acid-like molecule and you urinate it out. We do teach that you have to watch the patient's kidney functions, but we still can give it to people with kidney disease. We just give it at a lower dose and a slower rate. We have many nephrologists who have learned to give it for chronic kidney disease and see that it has been greatly beneficial to those who had various glomerular under-functioning, and it actually improved it. So, no it’s not a poison.
4. Well, all the things I mentioned. But in particular Juice Plus, I've used it for close to 26 years, 28 years now. Juice Plus is just fruit, vegetables, and berries concentrate with the fructose sugar removed, starchy sugars. And these final nutrient powders leftover taken are studied and researched in adult University cases whether it’s for the immune system or the children’s study on their performances in school. We had the Journal of Cardiology published on Juice Plus for lowering the homocysteine in a very significant manner in just four weeks. So, if you're asking what does such a broad swath of benefit over many, many areas, I'm going to have to say lowering homocysteine was one of the clear benefits of Juice Plus. Now, there have been isolated studies to try and find out what, in particular, so its vitamin B6 is known. Not necessarily the only one at all. Vitamin B12 is known but not necessarily the only one. And folic acid is one, but not necessarily the only one. So, I have used B6, B12, and Folic Acid. I have not seen as good of a result as I’ve seen with Juice Plus.
“I am an 83 yr. old woman in good health, Dr. Mitchell's patient (so sorry that she is leaving), and a follow-up question to you re: breast health. Just to refresh-- although mammograms and ultrasounds are fine, thermographies continue to get worse, putting me in the "concerning" category. I have been using topical bio-identical estradiol/estriol/testosterone and oral progesterone for years (under Dr. MitchelI's care) checked my labs re: your suggested levels for insulin, triglycerides, fasting blood sugar, Hga1c, etc., and they're all pretty good. I take DIM and Indole-3-Carbinol to address the metabolites. Another practitioner had suggested iodine -- several months ago taking "Atomic Iodine" and recently suggested Lugol's Iodine/Iodide (about 3 mgs.) to take internally and/or rub on my breasts. I had read in "Iodine for Breast Health" by Lara Briden, ND that .25-3 mgs. of either potassium iodide or Molecular Iodine -- but Molecular is safer than potassium iodide because it's absorbed more quickly into the breast tissue and more slowly into the thyroid. (Good because too much iodine can be harmful to the thyroid and trigger auto-immune problems). (I am slightly hypo-thyroid and do take 15 mgs. of liothyronine (T3) and 50 mcgs. levothyroxine (T4).
Questions: 1. What is your opinion on the type of iodine?
2. How to administer -- use some topically, taken orally, or a combination of both?
3. When I apply to breast, my palm gets stained -- is some potency lost when I wash my hand?
4. If applied to breasts, how to calculate if rest of body is benefiting from the iodine?”
We try and make things too complex. All I can share with is that my 41 years plus working with patients and being raised by a father in food research over the years. I have always been involved in functional medicine since the beginning of my life. So, that’s why I went into this. I find there are no studies that I have seen, there could be a study out there, I’m not God. But there could be a study I don’t know. I have been practicing and such a feature, I’m not demonstrative, but I’ve been in the background of the company, supplements, functional medicine. I’m a quiet contributor. I have helped write the functional textbook of medicine. I have been involved with ACAM and Chelation Therapy. I’m just a steady horse you might say going along, not trying to win it and not trying to lose the game. I don’t see any value in nitpicking tiny micro doses and placement. Placing it on the breast and such, we were designed to take things orally. The body sorts out what we need and brings it to the thyroid, ovaries, uterus, the brain, and the other tissues of the body. I believe in oral use of the delivery of iodine. Over the history of mankind, if you look at people with a low history of breast disease, fibrocystic breast, or breast cancer, those are the women who consumed in Japan the seawood and seafood items that are higher in iodine naturally and taken orally. The average daily intake is anywhere between 12.5 milligrams a day of naturally occurring Iodine in the form of oral to 25 milligrams.
And since Dr. Brownstein, David Brownstein, he’s up in Michigan. He’s a family practice doctor there. Whereas I've emphasized chelation, he's emphasized really iodine. And so, I honor him for all his work. But indeed, that's where I follow and I have found for 20 plus years using Iodarol, which is the 12.5 milligrams, one tablet a day. Now, they are scored if you want to crack it in half if you want to use half of a tablet. But I have never seen any autoimmune aggravation of anything at all. Maybe there was one patient in 20 plus years that I saw have a reaction with some acne build up and I had to cut back the iodine and give her calcium and magnesium. But I'm not sure if that was the iodine. And I was only giving her a low dose anyway. So, long the short of it is, I wouldn't use the topical iodine. I remember another form of iodine as an antiseptic to sterilize wounds and stuff when I was a little girl in the 1950s. And it would stain everything, stain your clothes, and so we’ve moved away from Lugol’s solution. And we have moved to the oral delivery of this primarily. Betadine solution is still used in some hospital settings as a prep operatively for being an anesthetic. But that is a topical. I don’t see the need to use it. And certainly, I don’t see any value in applying it topically to the breast, at all. I have never recommended that. So, I would stick with the oral use of a known standard dose that has the greatest amount of history to it. And following the lifestyle history of women and men. Prostate cancer in men in Japan is lower among all the nations as well. And we feel this is well correlated with their iodine. So, if you take the thyroid which would be the number one organ needing and metabolizing, the halide salt, iodine, then the next would be your breasts, and then I guess a man's prostate, and ovaries, and it goes down from there.
So, take it orally. The dose, I think is extremely safe is 12.5 milligrams in the form of the Iodarol.
“My husband recently had hip replacement surgery and is recovering quite well. He is 77 years old and in very good shape. He has not been on any prescription medication. His doctor is asking him to take meloxicam for three months. He keeps battling with raised blood pressure as he is not able to do cardio exercises during this recuperation period. We have been told meloxicam sometimes raises blood pressure. Do you have any suggestions on what he might do to keep it down?”
You know, I would use systemic enzymes for pain. And the pain will make your blood pressure go up. So, is he getting the Meloxicam for an anti-inflammatory for the hip replacement for the pain? So, I would use systemic enzymes like the Vascuzyme and Vitalzym. I would use like five on an empty stomach twice a day or three times a day. To relax the blood pressure, I would make sure that he’s drinking half his weight in ounces of water. If he’s 200 lbs., he needs 100 ounces every day of water. And I would put a dash of Himalayan pink salt. I got to Sprouts and get a little Himalayan pink salts and I put it in every 20-ounce cup of water I drink a day. And then, you could take a multi-mineral, magnesium, potassium, with some calcium, and trace minerals that we’ve designed that our chelated with Amino Acids. That’s what I would do there.
“My daughter is having stomach pain, bad gas, and other issues that seem to be gallbladder related (same symptoms I experienced before mine was removed). She is going to the Dr tomorrow. If it is determined that it is her gallbladder/gallstones, is there a way to heal or fix the problem without surgery? I am a patient of Dr. Mitchell's but my daughter is not a patient of TLC (we live near Fresno)"
There are no studies out there of trying to fix gallstones without surgery. So, all of this is just clinical experience. I am going to say it's mostly dietary. And what you have to look for, if there are multiple tiny little stones in that sack, in the little cystic duct where it’s coming out to be squirted out to help emulsify fats, those little stones can get stuck and block the cystic duct and create an acute emergency, an obstruction of a gall bladder and a problem. So, if they are tiny, small ones, yes, I think a surgeon has to be seen. And you have to address whether or not that should be surgically removed, most likely they will. If it is one large stone and not infrequently, I don't do surgery, so I don't track this, but the surgeon will. They can tell you the likelihood is not uncommon there is one big stone in there. That usually never gets blocked in the cystic duct. With those kinds, we would recommend systemic enzymes, a very anti-inflammatory diet, finding out your blood type, finding out diets that are inflaming to you in particular and that can change over a season of time. We would do an immune-food sensitivity reactivity. We would do her blood type, the inflammation sedimentation rate, highly sensitive C reactive protein, white blood cell count, and a general comprehensive chemistry to look at her liver enzymes. And I would probably throw in her pancreatic enzymes, amylase, and lipase.
If all of those are normal, and a single big stone, and if she is hydrated well, on a nice low carbohydrate diet, and she is helping her digestion with a digestive enzyme and taking on an empty stomach systemic enzyme, then I would suppose that she could be watched. And I have had patients who have gone decades with a single large gallstone and nothing ever is done. And God only knows how many are out there with gallstones, who just eat well and don't eat a wild diet and are able to tolerate that very well.
You have to see your surgeon. You have to work with your surgeon and see what's best. I'm just giving you general concepts for this and general approaches. This all leads to an anti-inflammatory diet.
"My son has narcolepsy. Do you know of any alternative or homeopathic treatments? He has had bad results with prescription medications."
Well, I certainly would say that that is very rare. And so, I am not an expert. And this is a very difficult concept. Associations have narcolepsy, following certain viral infections, certain medications, and even the mRNA shot has been associated with reported cases of this. And so, in the midbrain and the back of the brainstem, there are very sensitive centers there that are giving feedback to your autonomic nervous and sympathetic nervous system as to your environment and your posture and your sense of awareness of your proprioception where you're at physically and spiritually. I guess, physiologically as well. And vitamin D levels are very, very, very important. And they are being found to be very important in sleep as well. So, I would make sure his vitamin D level is adequate. I would say adequate for the functional medicine researchers and clinicians and neurologists.
There is a neurologist in Texas who has been interviewed by High-Intensity Health. I forget his name. Dr. McGormack. Anyway, it's a lady doctor who just retired a few years ago, so she must be in her early 60s or mid-60s. Anyway, she's done some very interesting work on patients. She was a specialist in headaches. But she found that headaches improved, migraines especially, and sleep problems improved with vitamin D levels that reach around 80 to 100 nanograms per deciliter. So, 80 to 100 range, plus vitamin B5, pyridoxal phosphate, that at 50 milligrams a day. Along with plenty of water, a low-carb diet, and eating, you know, healthy essential fatty acids. We would use the clinician's Preference, linoleic, and alpha-linoleic acids. And so, those three things plus a healthy gut biome that gets those sugars out, a healthy gut biome that is eating at a time-restricted zone. So, it's an empty stomach after 6 p.m. in the evening, exercise, exposure to the light in the day, getting outside, and getting exposed to natural light. And her theory is, you know, for the past 30 years with all this computerization and iPads, and then the high sugar diet, and the stress, the B vitamins dropped. We're not getting the vitamin D from outside, we're all inside. And then, the high sugar made gut biome bacteria that are unhealthy, and this is messing us up in an exponential sense. And indeed, we do find people who have higher vitamin D sleep better and are awake and more alert because they get better deep sleep during the sleeping time. Those who have vitamin B five are improved. And those on a low-carb diet are improved and are hydrated. So, some of the very common things and the direction that we would head.
Hopefully, you can find a neurologist, High-Intensity Health. If you go to the High-Intensity Health home site, put in sleep in the search engine. You will see the woman show up and talk about Vitamin D and sleep. Even if you YouTubed Vitamin D and sleep, I think her name will show up. I want to put an Mc in front of it but maybe it’s not there. Hopefully, that gets you on the road and share that with your doctor. Hopefully, they will dedicate enough time to expand their knowledge and look at that. That’s how I learned about it. I'm not saying I have a lot of narcolepsy patients at all. I'm saying that I've seen sleep cycles improve.
“I have struggled with constipation on and off my whole life. Is there something like a probiotic that would be helpful since just relying on my diet doesn’t seem to work?”
Well, I would have to go to the basics. Are you moving every day? Are you exercising? I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t pay for it. So, I have to pay for a personal trainer five days a week. And when I pay him, I do it. I’m just being honest with everyone. I’d be a happy little rolly polly bug that you find under rocks with my books and my studies and my Bible. I would just study my brains out the rest of my life. To get myself moving, I do pay people to hold me accountable. I pay them a year in advance. That’s how dedicated I’m trying to be. Paying ahead of time so that I know that I will do it and I don’t want to waste the money.
You have to move in order to have bowel movements. So, you have to move on a regular basis. Plus, you have to be hydrated. And along with having adequate water in your body, you have enough salts. We have been raised to be low-salt people and that, in my humble opinion, clinically I find the low salt trend of our generation tends to be associated with a lot of bowel and other disorders. So, we encourage adequate salt. I put a little dash in every 20-ounce glass that I drink. I drink four of them, half your weight in ounces, sometimes five. I need a little over 80 ounces a day.
And then I take a multi-mineral that has higher magnesium, potassium, and some calcium with trace minerals. I always take that in the evening. I always take iodine for energy. And I take a probiotic, the Ortho Spore IG. And I take the probiotic, ProBiotic. So, I'm taking two probiotics a day. And I'm mostly a carnivore. So, I really am not on that high of a fiber diet. Now, we make that, Drs Nutritional Bar. It has 15 grams of fiber. It’s fabulous with soluble fiber. However, with the shortages and stuff we've been going through as a nation, our supplier ran out. So, we are out of production. We have found another site. We have ramped up another location. Maybe late this month or next month we will have them back online. That how always been reported to me as a very good source for stimulating bowel movements. Plus, I helped design it with the team here of the other doctors with a richness in phospholipids for repairing the bowel. And then, the other thing is vitamin D for the bowel. Vitamin D. I would try all of those things and see if that helps.
“A question about a women’s issue— yeast infections. Do you recommend taking the pill (ingesting it) doctors give you or doing the Monostat over the counter vaginally? I’m just wondering by taking the pill (it’s a one-time thing) if that changes your internal chemistry and lets more yeast develop over time?”
Taking the pill, Fluconazole, or doing the vaginal Monostat over the counter, yeah.
Your lifestyle and other things about how you're living and why yeast infection would develop in the first place. Usually, that will not develop unless there's some immune disruption. Our immune system is designed to protect our oral mucosa, our eyes, the lids, our nostrils, sinuses, and our vaginal area. These areas are designed to have an immune mucus and immunoglobulin secretion that has value in protecting us. But if we are going to be eating processed foods and we lie to ourselves saying, “Well, I don’t eat as much as my neighbor who does a lot.” Well, you have to understand, we all rationalize that we eat healthily, and yet we have these problems. I would be not calling myself low carb, which low carb will fight yeast. The way you know your low carb is if we do a fasting insulin and it's under four. You do fasting blood sugar and it’s under 80. Do a fasting triglyceride on the lipid profile and it’s 50 or less. Do a fasting blood sample and your hemoglobin A1C is 5.2 or less. If I see that happening and then I see yeast then I'm perplexed. You are in a very healthy metabolic environment that would not feed the yeast, okay? So, I almost never see that.
Then we have to ask, are you on antibiotics frequently? Are you eating meats and stuff from animals that have been on a high antibiotics diet? Even eating chicken a lot, and they're fed all these antibiotics can be a problem. I would do a complete digestive stool analysis and look at your microbiota, your predominant flora, and your digestion parameters, your immune function, your immunoglobulins, and get a picture of all of that as well. I don't like taking oral medicines at all. This is the last thing I want to do.
Now, as a doctor, I'll prescribe it when it's absolutely necessary, i.e. life-threatening. But I think if we do healthy lifestyle things, then we should not have to take oral antifungals for our vaginal yeast. And I think it's safer to use the vaginal Monistat antifungal cream instead for those problems. So, you know, many of the things that were asked. Are you douching? Are you taking baths? Are you over-aggressive in showering and cleansing there? Because your body is not designed to have soap up in the vaginal area and things like that. And some women have innocently thought they're doing just like we brush our teeth, brush down there. That’s not the right thing to do. So, there is a lot that could go into that. Hopefully, that gives you some ideas on how we would look at that. Talk with your gynecologist about that and see if there are other causes as well.
“(1) Do you think there are tangible benefits for taking baby aspirin as a preventative measure (for example, thinning blood when preparing for air travel or when blood may be thicker during an illness like COVID or during dehydration)?
(2) Do hospitals have measures to classify blood donations from patients with or without covid injections? Can patients request specific blood transfusions?
(3) Are there ways to bank your own blood (long term) to be used in case of an unexpected emergency?”
3. We can answer this right away. You cannot do long-term blood donations for yourself. You can donate blood in anticipation of a known surgery that you are going to have electively and it can be saved up for days, to weeks under the right conditions. But no, you cannot do anything long-term.
2. There are companies now that are being developed that are actively pursuing blood as a competition, free enterprise competition so that you can use their blood sources from what they claim are non-persons who have not had any mRNA injections. Now, I don't know the specifics about it, but I also have seen articles come through the literature about them. And so, they do exist.
1. I would say that there is a whole industry out there that benefits from it. I don't like to support anything that's associated with evil beginnings and felonies and stuff like that. So, I don't like aspirin. I don't like using the aspirin.
Instead, I say are you drinking enough water, so don't be dehydrated if you’re going to get on a plane? Don’t be dehydrated in case anything happens to you. So, drink your water every day. Just have a game plan or keep it around you. Another thing is systemic enzymes. All my patients did well regarding this COVID virus or mRNA injections. I would say about 15% of my patients took the injections for various reasons. I don’t fault them. They were under pressure with various concerns. What benefited them was really none of them died from the mRNA injections because they were on systemic enzymes, drinking the water, and lowering their sticky/sugar carbohydrate standard American diet. They were all exercising. They were all taking natural hormones, getting a good night's sleep, and doing so many other beneficial things. No, I don’t think we need prescription products to be healthy. I think God has given us all the wonderful things that we need.
“I have a friend that had breast cancer 8 years ago and was in remission until recently and now it is in her stomach. She is going through Chemo again and her numbers are going in the right direction, down to 54. Her doctor says she will need to stay on Chemo until it stops working. She is looking into alternatives. Is there anything that you can recommend that she do? Would Chelation or Vitamin C IV Drips help?”
We do not treat cancer here at the clinic. It’s illegal to represent that you do. We try to build up the immune system and build up the natural killer cells, T Cell count. We build the immune, the nutrition, we are detoxing. So, yes, this is where high-dose Vitamin C and EDTA chelation helps with microcirculation, oxygenation, and detoxing of oxidative stressful things. Certainly, a very, very low-carb diet. And those with stomach cancer may benefit from even other therapies to help their immune system. We work with an oncologist. We do not work in opposition to them. We are called an integrative medical clinic. I think there are several things she could benefit from if she worked with a functional medicine doctor.
“This question is for my granddaughter. She was recently diagnosed with BiPolar. She is 18 years old. She is very depressed and recently started purging. She doesn't do well on the medication that was prescribed to her. It makes her tired and she doesn't function well. There is a natural Lithium supplement that Life Extension sells. I don't know if you are familiar with that company, but is there anything else you would recommend that might help.”
There is a lot of peer-reviewed literature on lithium that is associated with anti-depression, and anti-suicidal protection, and this is a naturally occurring item. Lithium is a salt. So, yeah, I think that’s a smart item. I don’t know the dose, particularly as an antidepressant. Vitamin D is very important, getting it up in the upper levels to 80 to 100 nanograms per deciliter. Having a good amount of methylated B vitamins that help you make your serotonin and your dopamine. Remember, your second brain is in your gut. If you take the Vitamin D and take a multi-B complex that is methylated, that has the pyridoxal phosphate, vitamin B5 which helps with producing some of these beneficial neurotransmitters. Being low carb, exercise, and daylight. All these things could be beneficial for her.
“When (morning, afternoon, or evening)is the best time to take Energy Core, Iodine, and DHEA tablets, and should I take them with or without food?”
I’m going to say probably mornings or early afternoons because these are designed to help with the B vitamins in your awake time. Iodine helps you with so many things. But mental acuity is another one of them. So, it’s good in the morning. DHEA is helpful with your stress cortisol, which is your peak in the morning. And taking them with food is probably ideal. But you can take it without food, I have done it both ways. I have patients taking it later in the day and not with food, they are doing well. But I would say if you are talking about fine hair-splitting, probably before two in the afternoon and with food could be better.
“Last year, I bought a UV light to go inside the air conditioner near the blower. They had to open it up and put it in. I'm hearing some reports That these UV lights inside the air conditioner give off radiation which can cause cancer. Have you heard of anything about these UV lights?”
No, I haven’t heard that. No, I have not heard that. Ultraviolet light, no. Can’t say that I have.
“I like to use baby powder all over (except the privates) after I get out of the shower. I use the nontalc one but is there something safer to use? Seeing articles that say it's toxic if inhaled.”
I agree. I would take frequent showers because you are washing off your essential oils and this is helping the dead layer of the epidermis, the many, many, hundred cells like pancakes stacked there to hold in your moisture and hold in your oils to help you have the glow and robust texture to your complexion and everything. Every time you use warm water and soap on your body, you are stripping that stuff off. Frequent showers or baths are not good.
Now, do you apply these powders, I’m not in favor of any of them, sorry. And I would say that I would do sponge bathing more frequently. Hit the pits and then of course, if you get truly dirty, dumped, fall in the muddy, dirty working in the garden, or something you need to shower. But in general, we live in such a clean environment we don’t need these showers and baths all the time. I would rather do sponge bathing. I would stay away from powders. I would stay away from almost every beauty, cosmetic, topical, and moisturizer because they all have hidden chemicals in them. I don’t trust the companies anymore. I just don’t trust them.
Instead, I would try and preserve your own natural oils and sponge bath. I use Argentyn Silver. I use it as a deodorant, the spray works nicely. Sometimes I even use the gel. That’s just how I feel about it.
“Should a person with hyperthyroidism and a multi-nodule goiter avoid biotin and iodine? What is the best B vitamin complex for someone with an MTHFR gene mutation? How do we test for iodine levels and cortisol levels?”
I think I just answered that. It was the first one. Methylated B complex would be the best from a reputable company. And so, I have the TLC methylated B complex. And our producers are accountable to us. We are doing quality assurance all the time and have tremendous results with it. So, methylated, which are little methyl carbons with hydrogen on it, carbon with four hydrogens. These are methylated B vitamins. They help make neurotransmitters, make you happy, give you energy, prevent cancer, and all these wonderful things.
Usually, I will do the 24-hour urine iodine challenge where I give you four of the 12.5-milligram Iodoral tablets. That would be 50 milligrams. And then, we collect 24 hours of urine. If your body holds on to all the iodine because it was deficient and it needed it, then you will urine out very little. That is what I see. Most of my patients can’t get above 60 to 70% in the urine. They needed it so much. That’s how we do it.
And then the cortisol levels, I usually like testing it on a serum level first thing in the morning somewhere between 6:30 and 9, 9:30 in the morning.
“Best way to fix hypothyroid?”
That’s textbook in itself. What you want to say is, why are you hyperthyroid? Did you just have a viral illness that made you tired, now, your body is repairing and getting all better. Or did you have a smoldering viral infection that created an autoimmune attack against your thyroid? That's Hashimoto’s or Graves's disease, which is another type of thyroid. All these problems can lead to thyroid dysregulation. So, it's not a simple thing, how do I fix it? It’s why you are hyperthyroid.
The most common thing is with aging, under-functioning hormones happen across the board. But most commonly, the hypothyroid is you've had a low grade or a prior history of some inflammation of your thyroid gland. That is technically the Hashimoto’s. And now, you're past the inflammation phase. And now you're into the under-functioning phase. And maybe if we give you iodine, maybe if we get rid of food allergies and inflammation, provoking foods, if we give you enough water, if we give you enough anti-inflammatory enzymes, essential oils, then that you'll do very well. But we would have to have you see a good functional doctor to kind of figure out where you're at.
“A few days ago, my throat felt like I had a frog. Then my voice started to fade and the next day it was gone, I could not talk. I am guessing it’s my sinuses, which usually start in my ears, and pressure in my head. What do you suggest?
I do have Argentyn 23, spraying 4 times, few times a day, took more d3 and vitamin C,”
I think you're doing all the right things. I would fast for 24 to 36 hours. Just have broth, chicken broth, and beef broth. And I would drink tons of water. Double up your vitamin D for at least a week. Take extra vitamin C, you know, from one to four grams a day. And make sure you're getting zinc in your diet, either through a multi-mineral vitamin or a dedicated zinc chelate reactant. Zinc is what we have here or the TLC Multi-Min. Then use your Argentyn liberally, rest, and you could come in and get a high-dose vitamin C drop or at one of these hydration centers.
And then, I guess that the next thing I would suggest is ivermectin as an antiviral or you could take D-Hist, we use it as 200 milligrams per capsule, I would probably say two twice a day as a natural, antiviral. If not that, or with it, you can add in ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. And call your doctor and ask if you're interested in ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and/or the IV. You should do quite well. Those are the things that I would do.
“Follow up to last week's cold plunge question. What are the verifiable health benefits of this or have they been determined? 5k for a tub is not cheap.”
Wow, 5,000. I’m not convinced that cold immersion therapy is worth a $5,000 tub to jump in to be quite honest. I mean, if you are an elite athlete, then there may be some value to it, additionally. I would honestly I put my money and my time where the most benefit is going to occur. And I find people just don't drink enough water for a good immune system. I find people eat too many carbs and fruits and processed foods and that depresses the immune system. I find people don't exercise regularly enough with both strength training and aerobics to improve their immune system. I find people stay up too late at night in general watching electromagnetic energy irritating their eyes, they have no blue filter on them, and that hurts their immune system. I see us living in a toxic world and they're getting heavy metal chemtrails and they're getting, you know heavy metals landing on the ground, and it's getting into our spices, and all our foodstuff. That is hurting our immune system. I see us eating and snacking too late at night, snacking too much throughout the whole day, and hurting our immune systems.
And then someone's got to come up with verifiable data about cold immersions. And then they're going to say that makes all the difference. And yes, there is data, there are white blood cell count increases. There are interleukin L1, L6, L2, TNF Alpha, and cytokine measurements that are beneficial. I’m going to say, let’s do the basics. And if you are wealthy enough to have that and the time enough to do it, at least three times a week. Same with the sauna, there is good data on the sauna. But you have to do it about 4x a week to make a difference. I’m going to say that I am not sure about buying a tub unless you are doing all the other things very well, I would work on something else.
“Is a liquid multi-vitamin more readily absorbed than capsules or pills? Especially for persons who have chronic diarrhea and other GI issues.”
Nobody is going to do a study on that. No one will make money on the outcome of that study. It’s hard enough to do a functional medicine clinic and not sell drugs and surgeries and cutting and cosmetic surgeries, all this kind of hoopla, and survive, stay afloat. The last thing they are going to say is where is the study on multi-vitamins, liquid versus capsules. That just doesn’t exist.
I think you really need to be with the best functional medicine doctors who will be looking at repeat stools completely as just evaluations, to look at that and answer that more completely. And to work with your food sensitivities, and all these other parameters and get that handled.
“I take 5 Vitalzym pills in the morning and 5 at night. How long do you suggest people continue with this regimen? Other supplements I take sporadically, as there are so many and I don't want to stress my liver. Any suggestions on taking/stopping supplements.”
Well, see your doctor. Let’s look at what you are taking. But the older we get, the more we need the enzymes. And if you have chronic inflammation, that goes up with aging, that is smart to do. I tend to take five Vitalzym all time, morning and evening. But please sit with your doctor on that. Look at the other things you are taking and see what you can get away with. The food system is being corrupted and we are really challenged. We are challenged because we don’t want to push vitamins. We want to push a healthy diet.
“Is it permissible to drink black coffee prior to a fasting blood draw?”
Yes, if you are consistent. If every time you do it, and that’s what I do. I am just consistent. Whenever I do my fasting blood sugar, I have had a black cup of coffee before that and sipped on it. So, my last fasting blood sugar was 62, and last year was 59. The coffee can raise it a little bit so maybe I’m a little lower than that. But don’t worry about it.
“My twin grandsons, two years old, eat very differently. One will not eat red meat. He eats fruit and the other things well. Should I be concerned? I think he would benefit from Juice Plus.”
Well, I certainly do. We have literally millions of kids now over, I don't know close to 20 years on the Family Children's Health study programs, where they get it free for four years if one parent can sponsor one child. And their health parameters, doctor visits, medicine use, athleticism, and academic performance all go up So yeah, I would certainly think about giving them Juice Plus.
Now, as to the difference between the two, I can’t speak to that with that amount of information. Children are grazers. I would certainly keep the garbage and processed foods out of their reach. I would keep you know, those typical junk food things to give kids I would never give them juices, I would never give them the apple juice. I'd cut up an apple into slices, I would have little slices of vegetables, little pieces of meat, and chicken to nibble on that kind of stuff.
“What I can do for a cold sore other than lysine, the extra vitamin C, and d. I’ve heard making a paste with a reputable actin powder helps.”
Yeah, use the Argentyn Silver on cold sores. Spray it frequently or just get the gel and put it on the core sore. That is what I would do.
“Is it okay to drink coffee in the morning when taking systemic enzymes and doing intermittent fasting?”
Yes, it is.
“With all the growth of plants after the rain I’m suffering from Hay Fever. I’m taking two of the 250 Quercetin and systemic enzymes and lots of water. Is there anything else to help my itching eyes and nose?”
You and me too. I have dried up so much. I have been using my Argentyn. I spray my face. I will take my glasses off. I hold my eyes up and squirt. I do that. I also squirt it up my nose. That helps prevent any secondary viral bacterial irritation. Other than that, make sure your vitamin D is optimal and you have B5 and a good methylated B complex. That tends to be beneficial for people with allergies, and zinc. I don’t have anything beyond that.
I’m in a course right now where I’m studying mast cell activation studies. So, I’m always studying. Get back to me on this if there is something new, and I will try and do it.
“What do you think of a low dose of Naltrexone for fibromyalgia?”
My experience has been that it really has not been helpful.