YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 13 2022
December 15, 2022
“What are your opinions on donating blood?”
I'm in favor of supporting our blood bank for many, many reasons. There are people who have trauma, have surgeries, and so forth. So, I'm all in favor of that. I know there is some concern now with those that received the mRNA injections. There are some concerns about this and there are some organizations that are starting to develop that exclusively take the blood donations of people who did not receive those mRNA injections. I'm all for people trying to help other people and the donation of their blood. So yes, I'm very much in favor.
“My grandchildren are very active, typically healthy kids that drink water all day, and eat healthy, clean foods, and get good sleep. But they seem to get everything that's going around. What are your recommendations for keeping an 8-year-old boy and his 5-year-old sister healthy throughout the winter season? What supplements should they be on and what other advice can you give us?”
As we are developing from birth and throughout our lives, but most especially in our childhood, our toddler, and our early grammar school years, this is how our immune system is learning about the world around us. The various exposures to the hundreds and thousands of pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. So, a child should always probably be responding. You can see this usually with maybe a little bit of a runny nose, occasional congestion, occasional cough, and occasional sore throats. It is just showing that their immune system is mounting a reaction. As long as that child is drinking and eating normally, is responsive and appropriately is focused when you say their name where you look at them and they track with you. You know, like with an infant that can’t understand words necessarily, but they are tracking you. You know that they are alert, and they are orientated to their best ability, to their situation when they are little and tiny, few weeks old, months old, to a toddler who recognizes their name, mommy, daddy, and hugs, and basic manners. As long as a child is appropriate in that behavior aspect, drinking their water, and they're not having fevers that are very high, we tend not to try and over aggressively treat fevers in the children. Fevers are a natural way for the body to mount an immune response and produce certain biochemical molecules that fight off an invasion of a pathogen and a fever facilitates that. Unless the fever is very high, low-grade temperatures we don't chase after.
What will we do to try and keep them healthy? Well, just standard hygiene, washing your hands before eating, teaching them hygiene to brush their teeth and to blow their nose appropriately, things like that, of course.
But as far as nutrients, and items I have around my house for my grandchildren, I have Argentyn Silver. I have the mist spray. So, you spray it and you can literally spray the child’s face in like a game-like thing. They get this nice antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal action that can help clean off this challenge. There's also the nasal spray. There are droppers that you can use. They can take a teaspoon of it and gargle and swish and swallow is fine. So, that works is kind of like a general antibacterial, fungal, viral seidel.
The other thing we encourage is to have supplemental vitamin D because we're seeing vitamin D levels so low. But we also encourage you to have them see their doctor and get a blood level check of how their serum vitamin D is running. Certain fat-soluble vitamins should be within a certain range. We tend to lag a little higher range than the general recommendations. So, we would certainly like them to be 60 to 80 micrograms per deciliter in their lab reports. And so, a dropper that is usually out there has about 1,000 international units per drop. So, that would probably be very reasonable for the infants, once a day, and check their levels. For toddlers and grammar school, they can probably have two drops or 2,000 international units a day. When they become older children, 7, 8, 9, and 10 years old, you can start giving them 2,500. Then junior high, and high schoolers should probably be around 5,000 international units a day. That’s the general trend that we go by here in our clinic.
We also give them Juice Plus. We feel very strongly that the children's and family health programs that have been conducted for many, many years through Juice Plus, and the surveys they have done have actually reported that there are fewer days missed of school, fewer doctor visits, fewer allergy manifestations, better lifestyle, water, and dietary intake. But the whole educational dietary program of the Juice Plus, gummies, and capsules that they have for the children. It is just the nutrient densities of fruits, vegetables, and berries that are concentrated and given in the form of Juice Plus, which we recommend. The fruits and vegetables are given to the children as a gummy. And the children really like this and seem to do quite well. We’ve had millions all over the world use this and see consistent findings throughout all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. We find that very valuable.
So, if they're taking something like that that has been shown in independent studies to improve their lymphocyte count, their immune white blood cell counts, checking their vitamin D, doing healthy eating, avoiding the sugary junk foods, drinking water instead of juicy drinks full of sugar. And if they are taking that with their D, and Juice Plus, typically that’s about all they really, really need. And then you have the Argentyn Silver in a spray, liquid, or dropper to be also quite helpful. That’s about all we do.
Now, we do have a Junior D-Hist. This is natural Quercetin. And the children can take that for allergies. We would ask you to find out what their blood types are. If they are Type A, as a child, they can start getting supportive digestive enzymes or apple cider vinegar with a meal to help digestion. That will help support them in building a healthy body. That’s what we do here. Hopefully, that was helpful.
“Most of our foods and beverages are packaged in plastic these days. What is the effect of plastic around our foods and what can we do? I read the summary of a study that plastic molecules were found in mother's breast milk.”
Well, indeed. Microplastics, BPA, and phthalates are very much seen in the lining of even the tin cans and packages very often you’ll see these packages in lunch meals and so forth. We like to keep away from that. And the same goes for aluminum foil. I don't cook with aluminum foil. You have to make an effort to have these plastics out of your life and learn to use good old fashion glass cups, and glass plates. Not using Styrofoam cups, not using the plastic cellophane, and stuff that is wrapping our foods in. Get healthy containers and lids and reduce the waste from this.
I like the concept of having dried concentrated paper for the washing machine. I think it’s called Earth Breeze, I’m using it right now so that we can get away from all the plastic bottles and stuff. But indeed, phthalates and BPA are associated with hormone disruption in these children and may aggravate normal endocrine development in the children as well. So, please, yes, set the example by avoiding it yourself. Have a glass cup in your home and drink out of glass, or a nice big glass jar.
One of my dear patients just brought in a gift for me. And look at this cute item here, it is a pitcher and the cup fits on the top like that for my water. I just got that. So, I'm going to wash it. And I want to thank you very much for that. And I will keep on filling my cup up even though I have my water machines and stuff here.
“What do you suggest for someone with low red blood cells and low platelets?”
Well, many things come to thought there. Are we talking about a child? Are we talking about a certain ethnic group? I mean, if the person is black and has sickle cell anemia, they can have challenges. There are so many things that come to thought. Are they a stressed executive working in a business with an ulcer? Do they have lots of colds and viruses? Typically, a viral infection can either make the platelets drop or make the platelets go up depending on what point in the exposure and measuring the time you have. Platelets are a factor involved in preventing acute bleeds and so forth.
When there is any microtrauma, even from a virus or bacteria or infection, these are then triggered and you can get variations in your platelet counts. You can have toxins that are damaging your bone marrow that help produce the platelets and the blood cells. So, you have to be thinking about the various blood disgraces, and blood cancers. And menstruating women tend to have the low normal or lower red blood cell counts because if they're not producing enough red blood cells at the rate at which they cycle and menstruate, then they'll have a net negative amount. If they are a vegetarian and not getting enough iron in them, they may not have enough. If they're not eating enough healthy proteins to help make the cell, and healthy fats to make the cell membrane because the membrane is made of fat and protein. So much goes into that question.
You need to see your doctor, you need to make sure none of these more serious concerns are a part of the diagnostic concern. But the vast, vast majority are just iron deficiencies due to a lack of eating enough iron, absorbing enough iron, or having a menstrual cycle that's heavier than your rate of production. You need to always be looking for the common ulcer or gastrointestinal bleed, things such as this.
“Kamila Foire at Forum Healthcare (formerly Great Smokies Medical Clinic) in Asheville, NC increased my bioidentical progesterone from 50mg/day to 100mg/day. I also take 5mg of DHEA and 30mg of pregnenolone daily. In a ZRT lab saliva test, my Estradiol was only 1.2 pg/mL (low) because I am 55 and going thru menopause. She recommended that I get a transvaginal ultrasound to see the thickness of my endometrial lining before adding any E2 or E3. Do you agree? I am sleeping well and not having any issues.
My homocysteine was on the high end at 13. She told me to do 5 sprays of Methyl B12 (by a company called Physica) under my tongue daily. Do you agree?
My TSH was 3.5. Not now but in the future, she suggested that I check my TPO and TG thyroid antibodies. She said if they were elevated, iodine therapy would make it worse - if not iodine is good. She recommended for me now, 2 drops/week of Potassium Iodine in water or rub on my breasts. Do you agree or what would you recommend?
Is there a big difference in testing hormone levels through bloodwork or saliva? She prefers saliva.
How do you test your patients’ levels? The ZRT saliva test is $277 and I can’t afford that on a regular basis.
We do not usually recommend the ultrasound beforehand unless there is some irregular bleeding or a history of fibroids or a pelvic exam that shows an enlarged uterus. We normally start natural bioidentical hormones without an ultrasound. There is nothing wrong with getting it. That’s being very conservative.
Well, over time if you're 55, typically when the estradiol drops off, then you're going to start having less depth of sleep, it'll be more irritable, and you'll sleep more lightly and you don't heal as well if you keep on waking up. Then your bone density diminishes and your skin sags, and your memory declines. Even your immune system and many other systems decline. I am in favor of natural hormone replacement. I would like to see an estradiol of at least somewhere in the range of 50 pica grams per milliliter.
You need to find out your blood type. If you are an A, as a class they generally don’t digest and produce enough B12 due to a lack of acid and intrinsic factors in the stomach. Without B12, you are going to have a high homocysteine. But as we age, we make less acid and intrinsic factors. So, the older that we get, we all need extra vitamin B complex as well to help our metabolism.
Have her check your iodine, but I would have checked your 24-hour urine iodine with a test.
I've always found that menopausal women don't give pure salivary samples. Unless the technology has significantly improved from the time I used to do salivary testing. When you get into your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, your gums are receding, and you get much more likelihood of chronic inflammation at the at the gum line there whether you see it or not. And then when you try and produce a salivary sample for testing, it can be inadvertently contaminated with a red blood cell. And that will offset the results and give you false readings. So, I never found it reliable. I stuck with the consistent known sourcing using serum and blood samples.
She prefers saliva. Well, there's no formal guidance on this. It's just my 40-plus years of experience. So, I have learned not to trust my salivary testing over these many decades. So, I use the serum. And hopefully, that works. We transcribe the results of these conversations, so if you go back to the website, TLCDoctors.com, go to the blog, and you will see the transcript. You can let the doctor see my response. She can contact me here at Tustin Longevity Center, 714-544-1521
“Regarding concussions. I had 3 in 10 months in 2020. They were mild but now I'm still very sensitive to any movement, car bumps, hard braking, anything that jostles the brain, it's like a state of intoxication without being intoxicated. Have you seen this before? What could you recommend to heal the brain?
I also have concurrent gadolinium toxicity, which I've been treating with EDTA. I feel like the concussions and heavy metals have a correlation in healing and symptoms.
There is a whole subspecialty in sports medicine on children, and high school, and college, and then professional football players who go through their life with multiple undiagnosed mild concussions and a syndrome of cognitive deficits, neurological symptomology like you're describing can emerge. Now, your age matters. So, if you're very young, and this is happening, it's less of a concern. The older you get, it's more of a concern. I presume you have a doctor who has done a neurological exam on you, who knows your history, and any other drugs that you may be on as well. And who has decided whether or not a CT of the head or MRI of the brain should be done or is indicated, a neurological consultation also. Another thing is you can also see many of these symptoms with heavy metal toxicity and gadolinium. Unfortunately, gadolinium is used to infuse with the contrast for some of these imaging. But the good news is EDTA chelation will eventually pull this out if you continue to do this on a regular basis and compare it. So, you need to see your doctor, you need to have them follow you for some of these concerns. I'm so happy to hear you're doing EDTA chelation.
Now, if you're older, very often, we start to get what we call vertigo or benign positional vertigo. These lifts can get stuck instead of rolling with our head and its various positions forward and back. These little markers and the flow dynamics of the fluid in these loops that feed back to our proprioception position of our head can also be aggravated. And that could be a complicating factor too. So having that addressed for, you know, vertigo would be something else that you could think about. So, yes, we do see these things. Yes, they tend to heal.
Remember, your brain is mostly fat. The cell membranes are more like 75% fat, and 25% protein. So, it's important to eat a healthy linoleic, alpha-linolenic acid content. And that's found in healthy meats, the skin of the chicken, and the chicken meat. It is found in egg yolks, it's found in nuts, and seeds, found in your fish. So, you have to eat a robust amount of protein, 70 grams a day. You have to digest it well. If your blood type is A or you are very much older, you need help with digestion to extract them, to repair your brain. The EDTA chelation will help you with your microcirculation to get those repair molecules to your brain surface. Gradual physical therapy exercise is also there. And then, there are neurologists, there are physical therapists, there are some specialties in chiropractic, and body mechanics that work with post-concussive syndrome. This is where they work with you in physical therapy to get you in a better state of health. So, all these things are important.
“How does the colloidal silver mechanism work to kill bacteria in the human body and viruses? Also, are there any human studies to show this?”
Yes, there are. Many studies, many animal studies on the mostly in vitro, meaning in the cell tissue. Both from human extracts, human lymphocytes, and then the animal studies. Silver is taken up typically by the bacterium and fungi and viruses in the cell lymphocytes as well. They mess up, so to say, the replication of the viral impact if it is a virus, they mess up the bacterial internal components, and internal cellular organelles. And so yeah, there's a robust field of science behind this.
So, the silver has been used for thousands of years. And mankind has learned that silver inhibits bacteria and viral and fungal issues. It's been used by all the royal peoples who could afford silverware and drink out of silver cups and so forth. So, it's a part of destroying the uptake and the intracellular action of some of these pathogens. So, yeah, it's been studied in humans and animals.
“What do you recommend for leaky gut?”
That's an entire course. Leaky gut is basically seeing if this is a cell membrane right here in this picture and it's healthy. And over here, it shows this blow up this breakthrough in the cell membrane. And remember, the cell membrane is a double layer of phospholipids, 50% fat, and 50% protein. And so, when you go inside through the gut and swallow something, the thickness is only one cell membrane. That little membrane is thick. And if you have a lectin, a toxin, a bacterium, parasite, heavy metals, all these various things that can irritate a food allergy lectin and can kind of sort of scratch the tube as it's going down, it pokes a hole. And then, the material inside the gut can go into the lymph system and into the body where it was never supposed to go. Therefore, your body will immune respond to this and develop an inflammatory response.
If you keep on eating the same food allergen, drinking the same, you know, heavy metal toxic laden material, it'll keep these holes being poked. And if you don’t eat a healthy diet of healthy proteins and fats, you are not going to repair it. So, leaky gut represents the culmination of lifestyle food allergies, heavy metal toxins, glyphosate, genetically modified food, irritation, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, fungi, you know, parasites, on and on, that create these damages. And your immune system responds to it very often. Then we link this with autoimmune reactions, whether you are more destined to get rheumatoid arthritis or juvenile arthritis. It could lead possibly and be linked and associated with multiple sclerosis, and other neurological problems. Thyroiditis is very, very common.
Leaky gut then means that you have to fix it. We do a food allergy test to see what foods you are reacting to. And we ask you to eliminate those and you stay away from them. And then we give you in a diet, typically we give you phospholipids which make up the majority of the fat, and then we give you proteins, immunoglobulins which are approaching a natural antibodies that normally populate the saliva, and these immunoglobulins and protein help repair it along with the phospholipid fats. The products I use from Ortho Molecular are NT Factor or BioPC Pro. They are two different phospholipid powder products from two different companies. And we take a scoop of it and then we take it with the other Ortho Molecular product for the protein and immunoglobulin which is SBI Protect. I think it is from New Zealand, grass-fed cows. And those immunoglobulins you ingest. If you take that a scoop of that in water of the immunoglobulin protein powder, and a scoop of the phospholipids in water, and you drink that first thing in the morning, it turns to help plug these holes in here. And then if you're eating a very healthy diet that is naturally also rich in these things and you restrict your eating time to a six-hour zone, then you're only using the stomach and presenting it with work to do, and the food selection, food components during that six hours and you give 18 hours of it to heal. Then you tend to have more time healing than you do time when your stomach is being used for work and exposure to further potential irritation and damage. So, you are narrowing down through a food allergy avoidance, and we call this a simple one-menu rotational diet. So, you would make your eating in that six hour only a one protein, one vegetable, maybe one type of berry, and one nut. And you eat that throughout those six hours, you don't change your menu. So, there are really only four items that your gut has to deal with chicken, green beans, walnuts, and let's say blueberries. And then you eat there for the six hours. And then the next day you change it to beef and broccoli and pecans and strawberries, let's say. You didn't have any problem with the food allergy test identifying these randomly selected, healthy foods that are grass-fed, wild-caught, and organic. Then the third day, maybe you could have salmon and asparagus and macadamia nuts, and you could have blueberries or blackberries. And on the fourth day, you could have maybe pork and sunflower seeds and spinach and raspberries, you see what I'm saying.
So, you have a very simple set menu during those six hours. And you nibble off that. For condiments, we allow butter, real raw butter, and salt, and some pepper. Some people can handle pepper. But salt should be enough. So the less you present your gut with the better and quicker you're going to heal your leaky gut. The more limited hours consistently and the more time you allow for healing, 18 hours or more, then your gut will heal quicker. If you use the NT Factor or BioPC Pro and mix it with the SBI Protect, which is the protein immunoglobulin powder to begin your day and the last thing you do at night. Then you will probably do fairly well. Plus we usually give vitamin B and a good vitamin D. And we give a multi-mineral. Those are the bare minimums that we use. That is our general approach to leaky gut treatment.
“Besides less sugar and carbs, what would be your best advice for people who have had a reactivation of eczema after many years and/or a new autoimmune diagnosis shortly after covid booster?”
I would do exactly what I said about leaky gut. That is exactly how I would do it. I would add systemic enzymes, morning and evening on an empty stomach. I would take Vascuzyme, put out by Ortho Molecular or Vitalzyme. That’s exactly how you do it. I would take five or six twice a day on an empty stomach to help prevent micro clotting and to chew up antibody-antigen irritants in your body. I would also try to get into EDTA chelation therapy to improve microcirculation and to detox. Remember it has been described that the protein spike is a cat ion meaning it has a positive net charge, the spike protein. And EDTA chelation is negative and anion. It tends to take out that spike protein based on the pharmacokinetics of both the pathogen of the spike protein and the knowledge of EDTA chelation and how it works.
“I recently had COVID. I had a temperature of 100.5 for about 6 hours and then it went back down to 99 and then normal within just a couple of hours. I understand that with covid can come hair loss. Is there anything you can recommend that would help me to circumvent that? Or if I do start having hair loss what are certain supplements that I could take to counteract and to encourage regrowth?”
At the onset of any insult, ice caps. You know, if you put them on your head, it helps prevent the inflammatory response to the scalp of blood vessels. But eating a healthy protein diet, and taking systemic enzymes reduces inflammation, like the Vascuzyme or Vitalzyme on an empty stomach. But you have to take a good amount, at least five twice a day for several weeks until you are totally dis-inflamed from the event, drinking plenty of water. Always EDTA chelation improves microcirculation to your skin and your scalp and such. Getting a good night's sleep and not eating late, in that time-restricted zone. So it’s 6:40 right now, and when I go home after this, I should not eat at all. I should wait until tomorrow at 1:00 to have my next meal. And that is what I generally try to do and essentially eat one meal a day.
So, eating in a time-restricted zone, taking systemic enzymes, and drinking plenty of water all towards dis-inflammation. Icecaps do work with acute inflammatory responses.
“I have a hard time with acid reflux. I am currently taking pantoprazole and I really don't like having to take medication long-term. Are there supplements that I could take, natural supplements that would reduce my inflammation? I really can't stand the acid reflux it happens all the time if I don't take that medication. And I can't enjoy eating food because I know what I'm going to experience soon after.”
Again, you have to stop eating at six o'clock, you have to find out your blood type. If you're older than you know, 50, 55 you may be having, even if you're not a blood type A, you might not be digesting as well as when you were a teen and 20s, 30s, and 40s. And you might need help with your dinner digestion. So, you would take a digestive enzyme with bedtime hydrochloric acid. I take five after every dinner meal and I'm a B-type blood. And that is what has helped me with my reflux. Never lay down after dinner, wait for three or four hours. And it can take really take four hours for your stomach to empty and it takes longer the older you get. So, I'm always telling my older patients to try and stop eating by six o'clock for sure. Many of my older patients really eat between 4:30 and 506:30 and use their digestive enzymes and that tends to be very helpful. If you're blood type A, you'll probably need digestive enzymes with every meal. A walk after dinner also facilitates that. Not laying down. These are very important and helpful things. The very same thing that helps it helps repair the cell membrane in your gut and the esophagus there that gets the irritation from the gastric sack burped up into the esophagus, where you get those symptoms transmitted. If you take the
SBI Protect powder with empty powder, that's very, very helpful morning and evening. You can use doses of Glutagenics. These are glutamine amino acid-rich concoctions. Some of them have licorice and some of them don't. And they're very helpful to be used as natural antacids. That is sort of the beginning of where I would go.
“Do you recommend anything to lengthen our telomeres?”
Well, what I really recommend for that are all the things that we normally talk about is our lifestyle disciplines. Getting to bed reasonably early, not staying up till 11,12, or one am. Most of the healing, the signals, where the sun is when it’s nine o’clock where you are living on the planet, the electromagnetic energies are such that is trying to tell your pineal gland to calm down. All the animals are getting bedded down. And you will release some mana statins, growth hormones, repair hormones, and healing hormones in your own body. If you're not going to bed at nine, 9:30 at the latest, you're going to miss the secretion of this. And if you live a lifestyle like that you'll age more quickly.
If you don't drink enough water. You, well, won't keep your telomeres long enough. If you don't have a regular exercise program. If you eat a high carbohydrate diet, it will clog up your capillaries and create oxidative stress at the very distal end where that tiny capillary gets plugged. If you eat junk food and don't eat the things you're made of to repair. Even the lack of good bacteria and own body’s production of butyrate short-chain fatty acids that help protect the DNA and the telomeres.
So, we recommend a style of life for all those things, probiotics, vitamin D, EDTA chelation for circulation, plenty of water, exercise, and not staying up late. We do believe in early to bed early to rise. So, those are all the things. As far as a supplement. I'm going to say that I am not impressed with any one supplement being recommended. But I am going to stand out and make a recommendation for Juice Plus. I have seen over almost 25 years now, a quarter of a century those patients who have taken Juice Plus consistently seem to have reduced their DNA damage and the end of their DNA is where the telomeres are. If it's a double strand like that, and it's got like a cap on it like the end of a shoelace has a cap on it. Those DNA strands are protected, and it's well proven there are studies on DNA at universities on Juice Plus. It’s the most researched nutraceutical so if I were to stand out and say what one nutraceutical can I really see science and then actual clinical evidence, I'm going to say is the Juice Plus. So hopefully that helps.
“Can EDTA be applied topically as a cream? My husband won't use the suppositories?”
I have seen many decades ago that they were using topical EDTA on children who had autism. And these toddlers and young children, you know, would not be still for an IV or anything like that. And I saw credible science on the topical application of EDTA in these children. I've never seen it in the adult. I've never seen studies on that. It's a large molecule. And I can't see it being absorbed in the older skin layers of the grown adults. In the young children, with their very rapid growth and supple skin, I can see a better likelihood of it being absorbed. So, I think that’s a long shot.
“Do you treat for possible adverse side effects from vaccines?”
Well, we treat anything. We try to help everyone. And if you use basic core principles to improve your circulation, if you take a certain core nutrients and nutraceuticals as well, as well as pharmaceuticals, remember EDTA is a prescription, FDA-approved medication. These are what we found, along with enzymes, that seems to be overwhelmingly protective, as all my patients have done marvelously well, even those who had received the mRNA injection. And they had events. They had been using the EDTA chelation, using the systemic enzymes, been drinking plenty of water, and trying to reduce their sticky carb lifestyles and they survived events. And I believe that's totally because of everything we had been doing.
“Do you recommend nicotine for nerve damage from the jabs?”
I would have to say I have limited knowledge on the association between nicotine and neuropathy, nerve damage complaints, and pathology. I would have to defer on that and try and look into it later. Let me write myself a note. Nicotine and neuropathy, so maybe next week I will have an answer and you can re-ask the questions.
“Dr. Brian has been mentioning snake venom that's shutting onto us who didn't even get the jab.”
I've heard of him. He's a chiropractic physician. And there are, you know, associations with the neurotoxin and the blood reaction of their venom that is also associated with some of the proposed mechanisms of damage of the spike protein, and so I can understand some of his logic. And so, I'm neither endorsing nor denying what he's saying.
The good news is, is by taking EDTA chelation, using systemic enzymes, drinking plenty of water, low-carb diet, regular exercise, a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy diet of cell membranes, the endothelial lining of all our vasculature. Notice, I'm here every day at roughly 70 years old of age, every day of my life, I'm here and I'm touching and with people, a goodly portion of some of the patients I've seen have had the vaccine. So, I have regular content. I'm doing quite well.
And so, I want to stop any fear-mongering and concern, and I want to say we all should do quite well if we're following healthy God-given lifestyle things that we can all do. So that's what I have to say on that.
“My husband has essential tremors after getting both jabs.”
I'm sorry, that's unfortunate. But I do think that if he's seen by a good functional integrative doctor who is licensed to practice medicine, naturopath, or doctor of osteopathy, who does chelation therapy uses these instructions and a very good enzymes such as Vascuzyme or Vitalzyme, but at least five twice a day on an empty stomach with these lifestyles that I've recommended in the above questions. That should be of great value and help to him.
“Is there a reason for mucus in the stool? All blood work was great in the summer, it's increased a lot over the last year. Is this something to worry about?”
Mucus is normally produced when there's an irritant. The mucin in the goblet cells in the lining of the gastrointestinal system is a way of distancing irritants there. So, I would have some concerns, I would certainly see your health care provider and find out when your last colonoscopy if ever or what your age is and if are you due for it is there a family history of you having colon disease, colon cancer in close immediate family relatives? If all the colonoscopy was benign, or you're not old enough to recommend that, or there's no family history at risk, then find out your blood type because very often food allergies these chronic irritants can be associated with increased mucus production.
I would go to a doctor who could do some food allergy testing looking for the lectin responses. If you took that SBI Protect and the NT Factor or the other product called BioPC Pro. Those are the phospholipids in BioPC Pro and NT Factor, they're equal products. I like the BioPC Pro better. It just doesn’t clump as much. That tends to help the lining of the gut. I would avoid food allergies. Typically, the genetically modified foods need to be avoided. Most of all the lagoons and soybeans and corn and the wheat products should all be avoided. Pasteurized homogenized dairies should be avoided. So, a few primarily grass-fed wild, pasture-raised meats, fish, poultry, and such, along with organic cooked vegetables, cook tends to be more healing than raw. Raw tends to be more irritating. And simple spices like butter, and salt. Do that on a rotation basis like I described in the very first question of today, then you should see the mucus immediately recede. But if it doesn't, please do see your healthcare provider.
“Mom is 96 years old and was diagnosed with COVID and a PA started Ivermectin today, one week after the diagnosis. Should we add hydroxychloroquine? Symptoms, she’s very sleepy and doesn’t want to eat or drink.”
Usually, we like to start it in the first three to four days.
Well, I'm not there to see her. I don't know her background. I don't know what other medication she's on. And she's in a very older age and frail. So, in general, the Ivermectin if appropriately dosed along with vitamin D, and zinc, 25 to 50 milligrams a day. Vitamin C, you know, like 500 milligrams four times a day, the vitamin D, I would probably take a 50,000 international unit one a day for five days for my elderly patients. And I would consider lots of broth and fluid volume. If she's able to eat, she could have some chicken broth, and beef broth, and give her easier things that are nutrient-dense, like you can maybe puree some beef and puree some vegetables and make sure she's getting enough protein and fats. I would certainly ask her to stay away from the sugars that are immunosuppressive suppressants. But it sounds like she's under good care. And hopefully, she's getting at least point four milligrams per kilogram dosing. And that would be somewhere in the realm of depending on most women, if she's a typical woman and not obese, anywhere from 12 to 18 milligrams, once a day for seven days should be very good. But those are the general things and nutrients that are recommended.
“What do you think of a mass gainer supplement for daughter who is 26 and struggling to gain weight?”
I'm not familiar with that term, a mass gainer supplement. So, I do not know what you are referring to. I’m going to have to say, this is something that you’d have to have your daughter who is 26 see a physician who is licensed to practice medicine, make sure there aren't any other issues that are going on, make sure she's not having diarrhea or vomiting, or that she has hidden bulimia or eating disorders, making sure that she isn't having metabolic problems, blood sugar problems, and go through that workup first before you start talking about dietary. You got to know your blood type too. A’s don’t digest as well. They can’t absorb as well. Those are various things and something that needs to be seen by your doctor and has that managed. Hopefully, the doctor has a good foundation in nutrition and functional medicine.
“I take a shower every morning and I work out almost every day, at night. I only sweat a little bit. Should I take a shower in the morning and after my workout or only in the morning?”
I am against showering excessively, especially if you're older. The skin, the thickness, and the fats that are in the lining of your cell membranes are going to get dried out, you'll wrinkle, and your age and your ability to handle that are aggravated with aging. So, good old wash clothes and washing in the areas that produce bacteria. That would be your armpits, groin, and your feet. So, I would definitely not shower as often.
“I’m a 14-year-old.”
As a 14-year-old, I would probably say that it’s not as important then, whether you shower. I would probably not use hot water. I would try and use as cold water as possible. And I would only put the soap to the armpits, the groin, and the feet. Get in and out to get rinsed off. But that would be my answer to that.