YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, February 14 2023
February 16, 2023
“What are your thoughts about walking barefoot on tilted floor?”
That’s an interesting question. There is a concept called grounding. And you could get some grounding if you are on some form of cement material, I think it has to be moist though. The sweat in your feet could have some moisture to it and there could be some sense of grounding. That's where your body has an electrochemical connection with the earth through your sweat, on the soles of your feet, and then you discharge negative ions. This is a very healthy thing. That's why people who swim in the ocean tend to be healthy people, they discharge negative ions through their skin.
Another thing is, if you walk barefoot on a very firm surface, like a cement or tiled ground, you're getting more of a vibration, a sudden deceleration up through your femur and your tibia, fibula through the bones to your hip. And that vibrational stepping will jiggle the periosteum surrounding your bone. And it'll create what we call a piezometric electrochemical discharge, which stimulates osteoblasts bone formation and reforming. I am in favor of stomping. You'll hear me talk about stomping, you know like you're an angry toddler throwing a temper tantrum. And you're stomping as hard as you can and letting that kind of shockwave go up your feet to the heels to the tibia to the femur to your hips and up your spine. You will feel that thudding. That is very good for bone development.
Another thing I do is I take my arm and I jam it right into the table, so I get that sudden deceleration into my radius and ulna. I hope that's what you are referring to. My thoughts are, you might be able to get some grounding effect by walking on a tiled floor barefoot. It would be better if it was cement that was wet and there was some electrochemical connection with the earth below.
“What are your thoughts or opinions on EDTA chelation and curing or improving autism? I have practiced carnivores, water fasting, and intermittent fasting. I have taken your knowledge with a low-carb diet. I’m 34 years old, blood type O, 6’2”, and I revered by Type 2 diabetes, edema healed, and my diverticulitis, went from 450 to 349 pounds, all thanks to your gifted knowledge and health.”
We do praise God for his great design. Just remember, all that I have God has given me, all the knowledge that I have has been given to me. I stand on my father's background and the great scientists around him. And him upon the shoulders of many other greats and teachers before him. The greatest of course is God himself through the Scripture. And so, God has made us fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139. I love that Psalm. It talks about how we were formed. Written in the book our my members even before they were formed. That is talking about the DNA. I love reading the Bible, cover to cover. I do it about every nine months now. I tell you, each time I finish the Bible cover to cover, I just pause, even with today’s reading. I’m in First Kings right now, I think I was reading Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. I read four chapters a day. I just pause to think about the great men. I had just finished the story of the passing of King David. And the great things he said in departing to his son, Solomon, about if you're going to be a leader, be a humble leader, putting God's Word, His righteousness, His precepts first.
And so, we are to look at the temple that God has given us, this body. And Romans 12 says, that we should lay our bodies down as a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service. And so, as a Christian, that's my faith base. It teaches me to respect every human soul, every creative being, no matter what their political or their philosophical premise is. I see them as being created in the image of God.
With that, it gives me great respect. There was a time in my life, where I didn't know those scriptures, I wasn't led to go to church, I was not led to read the Bible, although my parents were Christians. And I was blessed to see my father accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. But they did believe in God. And what a blessing that was, to me, even though I wasn't told to read the Bible. I wasn't brought to church, maybe on a rare, rare occasion. And then, the long and the short of it was with stress, with problems in my life, I at least knew that there was a God that my parents referred to, and then I sought him out, and I knew I should read about them. And that's what helped me. And so, we give God all the glory, just like you said, and I appreciate you thanking me as well. We can all be a blessing to one another.
One of the other things I like about the Bible so much is we are our brother's keeper. We are supposed to be living epistles right of all men, it says in the scriptures. Paul says, the way we behave, the way we talk, all these things should reflect that we know who we are, how precious we are, and everyone else. We should treat one another with that respect.
I am so proud of your success. I'm very much impressed with chelation. And I have used EDTA, which is ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid. It's like an amino acid, it is manmade. I see it as a gift from God. And it is able to chelate, it is the Latin word for claw. That means that it can capture something and if this is the heavy metal, it will take it. We believe that there is credible science pilling up and has been established and treatments have been done to reduce the heavy metal exposure to aluminum that might have been in some vaccinations, to the mercury, to the lead in the environment these pollutants. And so, these toxic metals bioaccumulate in the body. We have no way to remove them in general, so they slowly accumulate. And much like I use the example if you had aluminum in a powder form in a box and you opened up an electrical box on a house where all the breakers are, whatever that is. When you open up that breaker box, if you took the aluminum powder and blew it into the electric box, tiny, tiny, particles, molecules of the aluminum are probably going to get into the connections, and you’ll get static. The lights may flutter and so forth. The electric to your house might reflect that. I see that as happening to atrial fibrillation. I see that as happening in our thoughts. I see that as happening in our tremors. I see that as happening, you know, all throughout the body because we are just vibrational collections of the beauty and the science of electrochemical bonds.
And so, EDTA chelation is well established well over 70, 80 years now, on removing these and so many other toxic heavy metals. There are no safe levels. I know that there are ranges on the lab papers that talk about lead ranges that you might typically find. But we are in a polluted environment. There was no such ranges like that in someone 300 years ago, there wasn’t. So, since the Industrial Revolution, we've tolerated way too high of a level. And in the 40-plus years, I've been around I've seen them slowly admit and lower the tolerated ranges. There's nothing safe about it. So, I do believe that your thinking, your heart beats, and everything about you will improve. So, hopefully, you can go to ACAM.org and find a chelating trained doctor. I and Dr. Lynn Patrick and Dr. Dorothy Meric are the American College for the Advancement of Medicine teachers have chelation therapy in the United States for all the doctors, I guess around the world. And we do that usually every November.
And if you look up the YouTube video called Tapped Tact Update 2019 Dr. Lamas. If you call that YouTube video up, Tact Update 2019 Dr. Lamas, you’ll see on the YouTube selection come up and you will see Dr. Gervasio Lamas, the head of Cardiology at Cedars Sinai, and he praises EDTA chelated as a cardiologist. He wishes he learned about it sooner and the remarkable things it has done. And the trial to assess chelation therapy that the National Institutes of Health, by the grace of our Mighty God was able to somehow get this trial financed and done. Thousands were in it. 60,000 IVs were studied. It provided conclusively leading to Tech Trial 2, and Tech Trial 3. It is ongoing right now to the tremendous benefits, life extension, and better circulation of it.
But right under Dr. Lamas, you'll see the very next picture is always Dr. Dorothy Meric. You will see her with her cute little hair and stuff. It’s something about the ACAM conference on chelation. It is a webinar. That goes over all the other wonderful benefits of EDTA chelation that history of the toxic loads that have been in the industrial usage of petroleum products that need a metal in it to help catalyze the combustion for the carburetors that burn and create the pressure for a pumping action to drive the wheels in cars and so forth. That combustion is enhanced more efficiently if you have lead in it. I think they took the lead out and put nickel in it instead. But nickel is also a toxic element too.
But that's a long answer and a lot of praising the Lord for your wonderful accomplishments. We’re so, so proud of you.
“Sometimes when I drink a small coffee in the afternoon, I feel bad. Sometimes tight chest and shortness of breath. Today I feel nausea. Is it the caffeine? Does caffeine have health benefits? Do you know of any doctors in the Midwest? I want to see one because I have a lot of problems, but don’t trust regular doctors anymore since the pandemic.”
I empathize with you, and I understand. I would go to ACAM.org. They will help you find a doctor that has gone out of their way to try and expand outside of their box of specialty training and learn some of these other wonderful functional alternative things such as EDTA chelation therapy. You can put a mile radius on it and your zip code. That should help you, hopefully.
In general, O-type blood people have the hardest time with coffee. The reason why O-type blood people have the hardest time is because Os, as a class of people generally make more stomach acid than the B-type blood, the ABs, and the As. As are traditionally the ones that make the least amount of stomach acid in general. So, O-type blood people, if you take a cup of coffee, especially in the afternoon, your stomach has been you know trying to deal with making acid for breakfast and lunch and there may be excess acid. So, a cup of coffee, which is an acidic solution would aggravate and one of the signs of excess acidity could be nausea and some of the sense of unwell feeling, tightness, and so forth. Remember from the lining of your mouth to the esophageal junction, the only part in the body that doesn't have like a saran wrap, fascial lining is the esophagus. There's no wrap really from the tube of your mouth to the entrance to your stomach, the esophagus. So that if you burp up acid out of your stomach, into your esophagus, you're going to feel that heartburn but it'll inflame the tissues and that could actually inflame your heart and create some irritation there and you can get some palpitations. It’s quite a scenario. Kind of like why we put coverings around fireplaces. So, the wallboard around a fire stove and stuff doesn't heat the wallboard and then it's suddenly combust on fire. The same with your esophagus it can get inflamed and get so irritated the heart next to it pumping could get irritated a little bit. I mean, these are true things. So, I would avoid that afternoon coffee.
Another thing is just make sure you take it with some food maybe or you could take L glutamine powder or you could take you know phospholipid powders we have here at TLC. Sometimes I'll have them take this powder in the form of, I use it so much I keep it here all the time. This phospholipid is what will help the lining. It's called phospholipid powder and we have SBI Protect Powder. Those two of you take a scoop of it actually promote healing of the lining of the gut. L-glutamine powder we have is called Glutagenics. The other is called GlutaShield. So, those are all useful things that might be helpful.
“My son was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. He is 51 years old. He is taking steroids, anti-viral, and eye drops. Doctor told him he could go blind he is having problems eating and drinking, any suggestions? What causes Bell's Palsy? And his job, majority of work, is on the computer.”
Well, Bell's Palsy is the drooping of a face. And I have it. I don't know if you can notice, but this side of my face droops just a slight bit more than the left-hand side of my face. And I had Bell's Palsy right after the birth of my second son, about six, seven weeks after his birth by C-section. I was ordered to get the flu shot on active duty as an ER doctor. The stress in my life, the long hard crazy hours of the ER, having had major surgery, trying to breastfeed two young children, working as the ER doctor in that stress, and all the colds and coughing, I got a viral cold. And my face drooped. And so, normally it is a common cold virus that does it. I just took a lot of vitamin C orally. I think I was on Shaklee vitamins at that time, that's almost 40 years ago. I took Shaklee vitamins. And I ate a very good diet, I was eating real foods and so forth.
Bell’s Palsy, the description of the trigeminal nerve that comes out in this fashion in three branches. And the lower branch impacted me. These two upper branches can affect your eye and this upper part. If the viral illness irritating the nerves comes out and shows up to the eye itself, the top of the eye could get if especially if it's herpes, it could get herpes virus outbreak. It could harm the eye, and the optic nerve, and so forth. And that's why you have to be careful.
I have my patients use intravenous vitamin C high doses, 25 grams, 50 grams, 75, and 100 grams intravenously. Of course, I didn't have anyone who could give me vitamin C IV back on active duty at Fort Knox, an army hospital at that time. But that's what we do here. We give Quercetin. Quercetin works as an antiviral. We use Vitamin D high dose, I would go on 50,000 units once a day for five to 10 days, and then drop back to 10,000 thereafter. We use Zinc, chelated, highest quality of minerals of zinc. And fasting always stimulates antiviral activities. So going on a fast, a water fast for a day or two always helps that as well. Taking systemic enzymes also helps to dis-flame and hastens the healing. It works kind of like the steroids without any of the bad side effects. And B vitamins for stress. So, that's what I would have done. And that's what I would recommend. And that's what Bell's Palsy is, it is the inflammation of some of the branches of the trigeminal nerve that are attacked by a viral thing.
“What causes the little sores on the tip of the tongue? Now, I also have a large white sore on the side of my tongue making it painful to chew and even shallow. What causes them? How do you get rid of them?”
These are called EFIS ulcers in general. In general, if you have a sore spot on the tip of your tongue, sometimes along the side rim of it, these are little damaged parts. Remember how we're always pointing to the cell membrane where there's a hole bumped into it, and punched right through that cell membrane there? And our job is to eat the healthy fats and healthy proteins in our grass-fed beef, and prairie chicken, and wild cod fish, and prairie-raised pork, our free-range eggs, and stuff. Fix it by eating the phospholipid fats that are rich in the yolks of the eggs and the skin of the chicken and the chicken and the meat and the fish and the pork so our body can plug these holes and put the fats and the proteins back in their place.
Now often, you might have sipped some very hot coffee or soup or food that created a tiny damage point. You might have accidentally bit on something or scratched it with some rough piece in your mouth that you were chewing and that created a breach where viral particles are, our mouth is not a clean place, and viruses and bacteria and stuff are there. That will take over and that will start eroding.
What do I do? Good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth no less than twice a day, first thing in the morning, last then before you go to bed, drink enough water. The sugars and the starches and the excess carbs depress our immune system, so, you have to be low carb in general. Exercising builds up your immune system. Exercise should be a part of everyone's lifestyle no matter what your age. Get a good night's sleep, that's the only time you heal.
But the thing I would do is I would use Argentyn Silver. I have these tiny little bottles. This is the dropper one. I put a drop in my eyes. That would also be very good for the gentleman with the Bell’s Palsy and concerned about the eyes. Sometimes I pour out of a bigger bottle right after I brush my teeth, I take a sip, swish, gargle, and swallow it. That will kill down the viral, bacterial, any fungi, yeast, or anything and keep those numerically low, those particles. You could do that three, four, or five times a day. And that will help you greatly. Taking vitamin C will help you. Taking zinc will help you. Taking vitamin D3 will help you. And I pretty much use at least 5,000 international units of vitamin D3 or 10,000 international units of vitamin D3 with vitamin K2. But if I'm getting ill, I will take vitamin D3 50,000 international units one a day for about five days. That is what I would do for those tongue things. How to keep them going away and as soon as they show up, I start doing that.
“What is your opinion about using botox for essential tremors in the hands? The recommended meds seem to have undesirable side effects.”
Botox itself has potential undesirable effects. And Botox is itself a toxin. Botox, extracted and attenuated you might say so it won't be as disastrous as an infection as botulinum toxins. What I would say to you is we have many, many people with benign essential familial tremors. We have people with tremors for many reasons, Parkinsonian, and there are plenty of lifestyles, and nutraceuticals, and EDTA chelation. Remember I was talking about how heavy metals bioaccumulate and over time, they mess up the signals and we start getting these tremors. So, physical therapy and exercise are very valuable. Eating a diet that helps put a good myelin sheath surrounding your nerves. Remember they're surrounded with a fatty insulation just like a wire has a rubber insulation around it. So, do your nerves and that can be damaged just like this cell membrane can be damaged, the myelin sheath itself can be damaged. So, eating a healthy phospholipid, fat healthy essential fats-rich foods, like egg yolks, prairie-raised meat, wild fish, and so forth. Removing inflammation is very important. Getting a good night's sleep, along with adequate hydration, chelation to remove toxins, and the fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, E, K, and D.
I would look at two other areas rather than Botox injections for tremors in your hands. I have never heard of it in 41 years of practicing medicine.
“I'm a 36-year-old female who struggles with anxiety, heart palpitations, sleep-maintenance insomnia, migraines, and excessive sighing. My labs show I have high cholesterol, and my ECG shows RBBB and a pattern consistent with Pulmonary Disease. My cardiologist says he is not concerned by these results, in part because I don't have high blood pressure, wheezing, or significant shortness of breath, so I feel as though I should not be concerned either, but can't shake this feeling that something is possibly being overlooked here. What do you suggest for my diet, exercise routine, and mental health to strengthen my heart, and improve my overall quality of health and life?”
I would say, find out what your blood type is. If your blood type is A, very often these symptoms show up with anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia, and all these soft signs, including the shortness of breath. And the reason is in the A-type blood, if you're not digesting your food, well, you can't repair your cell, well, the cell membranes, which means you'd become more susceptible to, you've heard of leaky gut. Well, we should coin the term, leaky cells. They don’t function as well. Just like I said, your heart, the heart cells could be more susceptible to hippity hop and a skip and a hop. And people who are blood type A don't digest their food as well. Which means they don't digest fats and proteins as well. Which means they don't have the building blocks to repair the cell membranes in their nerves for anxiety or their heart to avoid palpitations, or their brain so it's able to come down at night and go to sleep, and so on and so forth. Do you see how if you understand the building blocks, and they do not teach this in medical school, they do not teach this. And so, doctors are myopic, just looking in their own area. And they can't seem to bridge that gap to see the beautiful symphony of the connectedness of the simple principles of health.
So, find out your blood type. If you're an A, you would want to get a digestive enzyme support. What I've used here for 35 years is Ortho Digest. You could call our office and we also provide a product Digestzyme. Take it while you eat your food, one or two capsules. I am B+ blood. And now, at about 70 just about, I have to use three or four with all my meals. I used to have what I thought was an iron stomach. Now as I age, my digestion time is greatly slowed down. I think it can take up to six hours to digest my food, pass through my duodenal, into my small intestine. I need this very, very much to stay vibrant, healthy, and repaired. So, I would begin here with this. And you have to remember, if you are not repairing as well, you are leaking out of your cells, what we call leaky cell membranes, the leaky cell membrane instead of leaky gut, leaky cell membranes. The minerals that you need as cofactors in hundreds of millions of reactions every second, become lost and flow out, your energy flows out, your stamina flows out, all these things. And then, you sense this as a sense of anxiety. So, you would need to take it very good multi-mineral for which we have. It puts the amino acid connected to a wonderful mineral like zinc, or magnesium, or calcium, or potassium, and so forth. Then I would eat the food that repairs this. The very egg yield chicken, beef, and so forth, free range, prairie range, and I would not eat past six o’clock at night, I would start exercising. I would eat in a time-restrictive phase roughly between noon and 6 p.m. And I wouldn't be low carb, so you don't clog up your capillaries with sticky little sugars and so forth. That is how I would begin. Try to find a functional doctor, integrative medicine doctor. Again, I use ACAM.org to try and find one near you.
If you are O-type blood, I say A first because I would say 80% plus, close to 90% of my patients are A-type blood. I don’t advertise for A-type blood. It’s just if they don’t digest well, they can’t fix well. And they always become ill first. But O-type blood, they are the other end of the spectrum. They have too much acid. They'll get the ulcers, they get the arthritis, and they can have a lot of fibroids and rheumatoid osteoarthritis stiffness. And then they can get the heart palpitations from the inflammation of their stomach, into their esophagus, and so forth. And so, the wheat and dairy products are so harmful for the O-type blood group. So, that would be a quick fix for that.
“I am getting osteoporosis in my upper neck and lower back. What supplements and anything else to help my bones?”
Well, I would definitely stomp on a hard surface with your bare feet on cement or a very hard surface I would stop 10, 15 seconds in the morning, 10, 15 seconds in the evening. I would jam your palm to shutter up your radius and ulna. Not terribly hard, but enough to suddenly stop. And then, I would use natural hormones, if you can, estradiol and progesterone. I would consider DHEA, so you don't have high cortisol. Cortisol goes up with stress and aging. And this catabolic, it tears the body down promotes the breakdown of your body and buildup of fat and so forth. It's a steroid type of natural hormone. So, I would use the natural precursor DHEA. So, the estradiol and the progesterone are bone-building, and sleep-enhancing, estrogen is collagen elastin for your skin, and you have less flap. Fasting stimulates growth hormones, so intermittent fasting, eating in a time-restricted phase. Getting a good night's sleep. I never really recommend calcium. Instead, I say eat meat fish, turkey, chicken, beef, eggs, free-range, grass-fed. And use a digestive enzyme. If you are old enough to need a digestive enzyme to help you pull out from the meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, eggs, and stuff, the calcium that's in it. And I always use vitamin D3 with K2. Vitamin K2 and MK7 are going to help put that calcium from your diet into the bone and not into your coronary artery or soft tissues. It'll go in the bone where it needs to be.
“Can toenail fungus be caused by diet? Are there any good options to treat it? Topical and laser treatments have so far been unsuccessful.”
Absolutely. The American diet is full of sugar, and high fructose corn syrup that was created. The patent for it was sold from Japan to Monsanto, I think in 1971. And the sugar, the starch, the bread, the sweet drinks, the lattes, the frappes, all the sugar stuff, raises the average blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C which is the measurement of glucose sticking to the proteins in the body, goes up and up. Their range of tolerance is too high. If the standard is 5.7 limit, we cut our costs down by at least a half a point to 5.2. If the fasting blood sugar on your lab allows it to go to 115, many labs do that or to 100, we lower ours of tolerance to 85 or less. If triglycerides, which are simple fats made from carbohydrate high diets, if the normal limit is 150, we lower ours to 50, just to get you away from all the sugar stickiness. That depresses the immune system. And if you don’t have a good immune system, you will not fit off a fungal overgrowth. And fungus loves sugar to eat. And so, the diet is the number one thing to be ketogenic, fasting.
And then, I put Argentyn Silver, this kills fungus. I put it on the toes. I have a spray bottle, you just pump it and spray it on it. It is very simple to do. Just spray your toes. Thank God, I don’t have any fungus. I think it’s all because of the wonderful things I was taught to do and I teach my patients. So, yeah, those are some ideas to do.
“People with AI diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis are more prone to heart disease. Besides living a healthy lifestyle and diet, what can we do as a preventative? Also, do we need special testing or to see a heart specialist as a preventative?”
Well, we can certainly do very good preventative teaching. If your doctor sees a history that you're giving us for which you need a stress treadmill or if you're at an age to do some preventative screening for your heart endures before embarking on some new strenuous exercise, we need the cardiologist for a stress treadmill, and they watch your heart performance while you’re walking on a treadmill, and they're monitoring your heart as that you put more and more stress on it to make sure it can handle this increased workload. The other thing is we can do some sugar, fruit sugar levels, triglycerides, we always want your triglycerides to be no higher than your HDL is. We've said this for over 40 years now. I thank God and my father and the research scientists at Armor Food for teaching me cholesterol and butter was never the problem for heart disease. It was always the sugar. And that those wonderful doctors in the lab there, at Armor Food Research had read the book Pure, White, and Deadly by Dr. Yudkin. It was about sugar and how it was exploding on the market and getting into all foods and cereals. Back then the cheap food for moms was cereal boxes, quickly just feed your kids cereal, and sugar cereals in the morning. And it was driving all the kids to have rotten teeth and chubby tummies and problems even back then.
So, yes, we can do plenty of studies. I really have never seen anyone in my practice, until the mRNA injections came out, really we’ve had no heartaches, we had no strokes essentially until that mRNA injectable came out. And I could count on my hand one or two who had a stroke in our practice, and everyone was doing well, living well. So, we were always doing the right thing not worrying about total cholesterol or even the LDL. We were always harping on them on their fasting blood sugar, 85 limit fasting. Triglycerides, we always told them to aim for 50 or to never be any higher than their HDL. And that their hemoglobin A1C would be 5.2. We just never had a problem with the heart. We would do EDTA chelation to enhance microcirculation. We always told them to exercise, drink enough water, and never eat late, use stomach enzymes, and minerals like magnesium. And we just had the greatest and we still do have the greatest healthy people. And I am just so blessed because of it.
“I have developed arthritis in several joints. What are the supplements that you recommend for prevention and/or repair of joints?
- My understanding is that silver is a heavy metal. Do we need to be careful in how much Argentyn Silver we use so that we don't accumulate silver in our body?
- Is the EDTA chelating agent absorbed by the body more efficiently if it is given at a slower rate?”
First question, for arthritis and several joints, I would want to know your blood type. O's tend to have the worst arthritis. My husband just came to me last week, he's O+ blood. And he all his life, you know, ever since I met him at 16, he used to drink an RC Cola, Royal Crown if you remember that. We were from Northern Chicago area. He would drink a whole RC Cola. And then he would get a big Hershey's chocolate, you know the kind where you break off chunks, and he would down one of those huge 6” x 8” humongous bars. He would just eat it. I would stare at him. I’d say, “John, my dad says you can’t do that. And you can’t marry me either if you do that because it’s a no-go.” I also said, “I have to marry a Christian.” But even as a little kid dating, I knew that was wrong. I noticed when he ate the dairy and the wheat, he would complain more as he hit his 30s and 40s.
Last week he came to me and said, at 74/75 years old, he would grab a doorknob and his arthritis would hurt him. So, I said fast for two days, go on a water fast. Take your Vitalzym, five twice a day on an empty stomach and your other vitamins. You know, he's on Juice Plus, a multi-mineral, on the D, and what else? Essentially that is what he is on. He did it. He came to me, two days later, I guaranteed him, and he was joyful. He said, “I’m 80% better.” He did a three-day fast and is totally staying away, yet again, from bread, cereals, grains, and dairy. He sees the difference. He'll slip back nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect either. But that’s what I would do.
I would use Vitalzym and the Vascuzyme. I would kick it off with a two-day fast, a water fast, and I would do those things. Take your supplements. But lots and lots of systemic enzymes. I would avoid food allergies, especially if you are on the wheat and the dairy.
Silver, Argentyn Silver has never been shown-- There are different kinds of silver. You can make homemade silver by taking a coin, doing electrolysis to dissolve it away, drink that solution. The blue man he looks like a Smurf or something, he has a blue tint on his skin. That is a different type and charge of a silver particle. Argentyn Silver is a nanoparticulate is so much tinier. We’ve been using it for decades and decades. We’ve never seen a problem with it, swish and swallow.
Regarding EDTA chelation, I would say no to that, in general. I have been around EDTA chelation since I was seven. My earliest recollections of my grandfather getting EDTA chelation in the Great Lakes, Chicago area was when I was seven years old. I have seen every which way to administer EDTA chelation. I have seen the results so consistently. And I'm just going to have to say no. Every chelation you get matters. Even if you can only afford it once or twice a year. Every time you do it, you are blessing yourself.
“I have adrenal issues and low aldosterone, I was told I should go on Dhea which will help the adrenals, the females in my family have female pattern baldness, if I go on Dhea would I lose my hair? Are there any blood tests to see if I'm susceptible to hair loss? Will the Dhea help my adrenals and low aldosterone? How many milligrams should I start with? How do you know when to stop increasing the dosage? I also take Ashwagandha for stress.”
That’s true. In general, the answer is no for hair. You can do a blood test for DHT, Dihydrotestosterone. Testosterone can be converted into Dihydrotestosterone. That’s what is associated with baldness.
Yes, it should. We typically start women, I start them at 25. But I take 50. Men, I usually start at 50 and go up to 100. You do a blood test for your DHEA level. I test without three months of starting any hormone or sooner. I like to achieve levels that a 30-year-old or 35-year-old woman would have had. For a woman, if she is healthy, and it’s harder and harder to find healthy 25 to 30-year-old women today, I would say that a level of 250 is a good number for DHEA. I don’t like anything less than 150. I don’t think you need to be much more than 500 or 600. That would be a really excellent level at 20 years old or something like that. They are all safe ranges. You can also test the testosterone. If you take DHEA, it is a precursor for testosterone and will help that go up too.
That is an herbal tonic that is helpful. There is nothing like good old fashion exercise and a good night's sleep. Have your stomach, your last dumped into your stomach around five o’clock. Not having a full stomach gives you a good night's sleep.
“My 81-year-old aunt has recently been diagnosed with "severe lumbar spin multi factional spinal stenosis on L3, L4, L4-5. Her new primary doctor immediately referred her to a surgeon. She also has neuropathy. Can you recommend what else can help her condition instead of surgery?”
Yes, hormones. Natural progesterone, natural estradiol, creams, and testosterone. Walking barefoot on a hard surface. And standing on a rebounder. And gently bouncing up and down. Taking a vitamin D3 with K2 MK7. At least 10,000 international units a day. Retest the levels of the hormones on the D, and the DHEA in about a month. If the D is not in the 80 or above range, adjust upwards by 5,000 units each time. As guided by her specialist, stretching, and physical therapy. And taking natural enzymes on an empty stomach, like Vitalzym and Vascuzyme. That’s where I would begin.
“Should we all be taking probiotics? If so, which one? Will you please discuss elevated levels of alk phosphatase? Cause and treatments. Please discuss your bars. When to take and how many? Is it possible for you to speak to doctor referrals? I.e. cardiology, DC, breast care, etc.”
In general, I'm going to say yes. And the reason for that is because we have used too many antibiotics about our lives and very often we as children have already been given a round, two, or three rounds of antibiotics that can harm our gut lining and microbiome, you know, lasting up to two plus years. So, yeah, I think a probiotic, a good broad spectrum, well-dosed is very good.
Well, if you're a growing child, your bone enzymes will be active and you should have elevated alkaline phosphatase. But if you have reached your adult height, then your alkaline phosphatase should be, you know, at like 130. Alkaline phosphatase is also known to be a liver enzyme or a gastrointestinal enzyme produced. And if you're having gut problems that can go up. So, we fractionated to try and determine if this is coming from the bone, or from the GI system. One of the things you could do if it's from the gut system is doing a water fast and rest your gut for two days. Use these gut-healing products here. Or their similar name products we have here. We have the BioPC Pro, the phospholipids, and the SBI Protect Powder. That helps build the lining of your gut there. Then the probiotic that's the powder form, but you could use the oral capsule too. And then find out what food allergies or whether or not you need digestive enzymes or get a complete digestive stool. See a good functional doctor, or integrative doctor to do your exam. Checking your colonoscopy, checking your family history for colorectal cancer, and doing the appropriate test. If you have a close family member with colon cancer, do it sooner. And if you don't have any relatives then you can do it at 45 or the latest 50.
If you are on a low-carb diet, then you find our bars taste pretty good for those of us that really try to eat a low profile for sugars. I don’t think you should eat at the bar every day. I honestly think that you should rotate everything. If you have a bar every third or fourth day, I think that is probably the ideal. If you are just starting out and relearning how to cook and cook real food versus marketed and tripped up buying food out all the time, I can see you using our bar more often. We designed it to try and get you a quick, healthy, healthy phospholipid and protein lipid-rich to fix the lining of your gut. But I never meant it to be something you would use every day or more than one a day. So, that's kind of my philosophy on the bars.
I don’t think that I should talk to referrals. Let me talk to my staff and the other doctors about it. We have some doctors that we use a lot for referrals. I will have to think about that one.
“I hear you mention taking estrogen and progesterone but not too much of testosterone, any reason? I stop using testosterone and only take natural estrogen and progesterone because my hair was falling off. And once I stop the testosterone my hair loss stopped.”
Mostly because I'm mostly talking to women. And I find that if women take DHEA, that their testosterone levels go up really as well if not even better than with testosterone cream replacement. So that's why. If you're male, then I'm going to use testosterone at much, much higher concentrations.
I don't know who your doctor is, but we should have tested your Dihydrotestosterone. You can block Dihydrotestosterone, that is aromatase inhibitor, taking something like DIM, these blockers. There are things we can take to block that conversion.
“What does it mean when there is blood in the urine? Is it from the bladder or kidneys? And is too much protein from eating too much meat? Because the doctor told my brother to stop eating meat to bring down the protein.”
Well, if you are on hormones, and you have a uterus, that might be coming from your vaginal canal, and you're having some breakthrough bleeding or your menstrual cycle. Remember those of us who are on it, and we cycle our progesterone, women, even my age will still have a menstrual cycle every month.
But if there's blood in your urine, you have to see a physician and get a urine test. Test it for red blood cells. Do the appropriate workup, yes.
I find that amazing. I don’t know what your brother’s problems are. I really have never met a person that ate too much protein. I have never seen that person.
“What are the best foods to eat to lower LDL? Eggs, Chicken, Dairy, Beef, Pork, and pastries seem to be on lists everywhere to limit or omit. How much is too much? My cholesterol used to be 212, now 235.”
The best feat foods to eat for lower LDL are meat, fish, chicken, turkey, pork, eggs, bacon, and things like that. Because of starch, carbs, sugars, and grains, all these things make the sugar insulin go up and thicken the blood vessels and create inflammation. And that will make the liver produce more cholesterol to repair all the damaged cells.
Well, they are wrong about eggs, wrong about chicken, wrong about dairy, wrong about beef, wrong about pork. The only thing they got right was to limit the pastries.
That’s wonderful. I love cholesterol. And in general, cholesterol is never the enemy. The enemy is not understanding the big picture and the big picture is, what is your fasting insulin? If your fasting insulin is much above four, then you are eating too many carbs, fruit sugars, and scratches, carbohydrates. Insulin stimulates the thickening of the middle lining of the blood vessels. This is associated with cardiovascular disease, growth, tumor growth, diabetes, high blood sugar, oxidative stress, vascular damage, and inflammation, and the liver sees the damaged little fragments off of the injured cell membrane. Then the liver will send out more cholesterol to repair it. That’s how the story goes.
I love cholesterol. You should Google mortality and low cholesterol. You’ll find the lower your cholesterol and the older you are, the more likely you will die sooner if your cholesterol is low. So, go learn about that.
“My husband, 85, active, pretty good diet with numerous supplements, has Afib and is under the care of an open-minded cardiologist. Because of my husband's Vit. D level was low, with increase in supplementation, now registers at 104. His cardiologist felt it was borderline high but did not recommend changing his supplementation. However, his endocrinologist was concerned because he felt that such a high Vit. D increases the plaque in his arteries. Is that true? Should he lower his Vit. D intake?”
That’s wonderful, I love it. It is not borderline high. Plaque in his arteries, that is absolutely not true. The answer is no about lowering vitamin intake of D. The only thing you need to look for with vitamin D at 104, look at the liver enzymes. If the liver enzymes are elevated, then that fat-soluble vitamin might be making it a little difficult. I have never really seen that at 104. I have patients who have, and in myself, vitamin D levels of 120, and 140, and our liver enzymes are just fine. We have strong bones, fall down at 70, go boom, and we do not break.
“I fasted for 21 days. On the 31st, I ended my fast and started the carnivore diet. Have any opinion why I’m not in ketosis?”
It could be you are taking too many amino acid supplements, that might be one thing. You could be eating a little bit too much excess proteins. I would see a good functional doctor who really understands physiology and nutrition. Look at your fasting insulin, your hemoglobin A1C, and triglyceride level, and look at what your fasting blood sugar is of course. Then we will be able to understand that better.
“Fast 20 hours and four hours I eat. Blood type B. Take vitamins during the fast. Can I take my vitamins with Kangen water since it’s 9.5?”
That’s pretty much what I do. The answer is yes with the Kangen water.