HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 31 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 31 2023

February 3, 2023


“A friend is taking Aleve over the counter for knee pain. What’s a better option to help her?”


Aleve is a prescription medicine that is designed as an anti-inflammatory, an inhibitor. So, it will affect some anti-inflammatory pain relief. Chronic use of these synthetic medications will have other secondary effects. We would rather start by asking number one, do you need to lose some weight? Well, number one is, how much water are you drinking? You know, I have the game every day of my life. You know, I have so much water I have to get down and I've filled this up again for tonight because I've already finished the pitcher. Water is probably your best anti-inflammatory in a general sense. Most Americans don't drink enough water and it helps hydrate the cushion cartilage between the knees.

Number two, as we age, we have less enzymes. So, enzymes are God's natural anti-inflammatory. Systemic enzymes are taken on an empty stomach to be absorbed into the system of our body. And it works to chew up and get rid of debris works within our little blood vessels to help unclog little micro clots and things like this.

The other thing would be three to avoid a high carbohydrate, starch, and fruit sugar, processed food, carbohydrates, and sugar diets, eliminate sugar in the diet. Number four, maybe find out what kind of food reactivities you might have. If you see a functional doctor who will do IgG food sensitivities, you can do IGE food sensitivities, which are the immediate anaphylactic ones. But it is the IgG ones that are the slow-reacting ones. So, you may be very reactive to the lectins that are in wheat and grains, and reactive to hydrogenated pasteurized dairy products that ruin the milk content of the sugars and proteins, and fats in the mouths and make it very inflammatory. Stretching. So, these things you might add-in. Also magnesium, and turmeric, or curcumin. So those would be some good suggestions for your friend.


“She had another friend struggling with diabetes, and she wanted a general alternative treatment.”


Again, most Americans and most large, almost well over 60% of the world, appear to have what we call insulin resistance now, largely through drinking and sugared drinks, sweetened drinks, lattes, frappes, whatever they call those things at coffee shops. Energy drinks are notoriously worse. They're usually you know, 36 ounces, you know, big jars of energy drinks, Gatorade, I think is one of them, they have too much sugar in them. The other thing is, to get away from all these freeform drinking sources of sugar, soda pop, juices, and juicing, and just get to water and unsweetened herbal tea or coffee. Then we would ask you to exercise and we would ask you to eat in a time restriction of like 10 to four or 11 to five. And we would ask you to try and reduce your meals to two meals per day. Fats and proteins with a high fiber, real food vegetables that you cook up such as broccoli, brussels sprout, green beans, asparagus, and things like that. Buttered with salt and pepper and learn to stop snacking. And those would be some of the suggestions I would go there. Maybe they can find a doctor who will do her hemoglobin A1C, her fasting insulin triglycerides, and fasting glucose, and see how that runs for her. 


“What do I say when someone asks me why I do hormone replacement therapy?”


I often come back in a kind of a teasing manner. And I say back to people who ask me that for myself, I say well, why do you eat? Because food, cholesterol is the building bone of all our hormones. And so, you could say why do you eat cholesterol, you know, and you have to have it. It's a wonderful molecule. It's in all of our cell membranes. It's 50% of our cell membranes, our fat. It has loads of cholesterol. It’s very essential. It’s 70% in the membrane of your brain cells. You must have cholesterol and that's the building block for your hormones. And that's natural.

I use natural hormones, not synthetic ones, like Premarin or Provera. These are synthetics. But I use natural human bio-identical estradiol, natural testosterone, and natural progesterone. And the reason is, they are what we call building molecule signals to help repair. Remember, we have the damage here in the cell membrane and we want to fix it to a completely wonderful cell membrane that doesn't have any holes in it. And those holes need fat, cholesterol, and protein. The hormones help to signal and orchestrate repair and rebuilding and reshaping, and so forth. And there are many, many, many benefits. Maybe estradiol itself has 400 known bodily, and physiological needs in the human body. It helps you with your bone health, it helps you with your mental acuity and memory, and it helps you with your immune system and your heart health. So, those would be some quick answers that I would give. There are many more, but I'm trying to get through all these questions.


“Is there a common reason why someone gets vein blood bursts in the eyes?”


I think what she's referring to, I think she is saying you get a red eye and then suddenly all this blood is in the white part of your eye. And it happened to her a couple of times in the recent. And I find that this normally happens in the winter, in the dry time. We rub our eyes. By the way, as we age, our skin is thinning, we wrinkle, our skin sags, our repair, our elastin, and collagen, and estradiol helps with elastin and collagen and cell membrane repair. So, as we dry out if we rub our eye or if we sneeze, then what happens is the very, very thin layer of your eye has these tiny, tiny capillaries. A capillary diameter is about two and a half to three microns width. And that's maybe 1/100th of the diameter of one hair. So if I plucked one hair out and I longitudinally divided it, you know, 150 times 100 times, then you're going to roughly see how teeny tiny a capillary is. As the skin is thinning, it's easier and with the moisture going away with aging, we have drier eyes, and the irritants in the cornea happen. You can rub your eye and a little capillary will get irritated much more easily. That's why when you blow your nose in a winter often, you'll see that the dry air dries the membranes on the inside lining which is very filled with capillaries to try and warm the cold air of the winter before you breathe it in. And it dries in the dryness and then you bump your nose or your rub your nose and then it cracks, and you get a little nosebleed. That's the same reason there.

You don’t need to have high blood pressure. This is not a high blood pressure issue, busting a vessel. It’s the surface drying out of the area getting traumatized. That is essentially enough. I can go into a whole lecture of the lining and the cell membrane and fatty acid, phospholipid repair. You have to eat a healthy, real food diet, that are the building blocks of repairing your cell membrane, the proteins, the amino acids, and phospholipids. 

And we have gone through the disastrous governmental and foolish conforming educational institutions complying with the silly advice of the government saying we should be low fat, no fat. There are many competent people including my father, back in the 1950s and 60s who said this stuff about cholesterol is the cause of heart disease is foolishness. They don't know what they're talking about. But if you understand the money and lobbying in Congress and getting Congress involved, then you can understand why they said it and for making money. They don't care about us and our health. You have to have these building blocks to have beautiful skin beautiful hair, beautiful longevity, and endurance. All right, and that means your little blood vessels have to have it to stay more elastic and more pliable. 


“I have had high ferritin levels in the past year. I went to a specialist and was checked out for the common concerns like hemochromatosis. Some people have a genetic problem with that. All the tests were normal. What can be causing this? Heavy metals, lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum. Would chelation help?”


The short answer is yes. Chelation is known to help lower iron levels and that is well established. In fact, I was involved in trying to get a research grant for doing a study on chelation therapy for CRE hemochromatosis with chelation therapy. 


“I’m having a terrible time with heartburn. I’m avoiding the list of heartburn-triggering foods, spicy foods. I get heartburn when she eats a meal and while on an empty stomach. What do you suggest?”


I would want to know how old you are, I would want to know what your hemoglobin and hematocrit are, and I would want to know if you have any blood in your stool. If you're having an ulcer, if you're a blood type O, they tend to have the majority of the ulcers. And if you are hungry, or you see a restaurant and smell the food, it'll trigger a cephalic phase of digestion. And you'll start secreting stomach acids and enzymes just at the smell of food, kind of getting ready to eat but your body doesn't realize it's in the 21st century. Every place is puffing out there at the smell of their restaurant foods to entice you to come in. And if you already make extra acid is a blood type O and then you're smelling this and you start getting secretion from the cephalic phase thinking about food or watching the Food Channel or recipe videos, I do study some recipe videos, and I've noticed that happened to myself. I would say to you see a doctor to check those things out to make sure you don't have an ulcer. And that's why that can happen when you're on an empty stomach.

And when you have heartburn after you've eaten a meal if you're starting to get the signs of an ulcer and gastritis, the release of the acid and digestive enzymes may create a problem there. So, what would I do? One of the things that I find very, very helpful is GlutaShield. This is a powder that you can mix in water. It has glutamine powder. Some zinc in it and such. This helps the lining of the gut. BioPC Pro, which is phospholipid powders mixed with GlutaShield. or with SBI Protect powders. These are all gut formulas. SBI Protect is a Secretory IgA that is derived naturally and concentrated into a powder mix to help the immune lining and system of the gut. Another powder is GlutaShield, it's a glutamine base with zinc also. It is a separate product that's helpful. And BioPC Pro plus is meaning of phosphatidylcholine phospholipids that are in a powder form that helps the fatty lining of the membrane, probiotics, good bacteria help it. So, see your doctor and you can use these powders multiple times a day rather than trying to take antacids. 

If you're a blood type A, you could have the opposite end of the spectrum, whereas those who have too much acid and ulcers are a concern, you can be a blood type A with too little acid and enzyme production and food sits in your stomach for hours and hours and hours. The older you get, the longer it lasts, and the poorer your digestion. A’s are the worst. Undigested food is still in your stomach, it can kind of burp back up into your esophagus, at the esophageal stomach junction there, and even a pH as a 4.5 is acidic compared to the pH of the esophagus which should be seven. And you would get that sense of heartburn even on an empty stomach. You think it's empty. But it might still have all that liquid under digested food and your duodenal more open up to let it out until the acid in your stomach gets at least down to about a two range because acid is supposed to kill off bad stuff and bacteria. So, by taking a digestive enzyme that has been hydrochloric acid. So, there are many things, see your functional doctor and try these very safe, natural methods and see if there's a big help to you. 


“What do you think about DMSO?”


Dimethyl sulfoxide is a medically used chemical that helps to carry things through membranes. For instance, some people have mixed dimethyl sulfoxide with EDTA chelation in a mix that’s topically pasted on to children who will not sit still for a chelation IV, and you absorb the EDTA chelation through the skin. And then, it detoxes heavy metal toxins that way. DMSO is put sometimes in other topicals to enhance the absorption, and penetration. So, it is a carrier molecule. So yeah, it's fine. It smells like garlic. It has a very pungent smell. I used to use a lot of it in the 1990s with my chelation. But the smell was so pungent, it became really intolerable for anyone that needed to be in the IV room for any length of time. So, it didn't seem to advance the end goal of detoxing that much. So, although I'm not against it, and although I know it has its potential value, there just isn't enough money that is given to us to work in natural fields to do further testing in this area.

So, I'm a practical doctor, and clinician and I decided we're not going to do that and we will just move forward with the very safe and well-tolerated standard calcium disodium EDTA regulations. There is no brand that I know of because I don't use it.


“Can you go over the protocol to use when one feels a cold, or upper respiratory symptoms coming on? What can parents do when kids catch a cold? How can we build up the child’s immune system?”


Well, it's lifestyle, everything is lifestyle. And eating real food. Just make a rule as the father of the house and mother that you're going to eat real food. You're not buying processed food that it will eliminate close to 80% of everything in the grocery store, pre-packaged, pre-made, box opening, even can opening material because they are using VPN in cans now so much. So use real food cooked meat and vegetables and salads, cook fish, vegetables and salads. Cook chicken, vegetables, and salad. Cook omelets. All wild caught free range prairie raised. Teach your children about the dangers. These foods are rich in the building blocks that build the white blood cells. Remember, if you're going to build enough white blood cells and immunoglobulin antibodies, you have to have enough protein and fat to build those cell membranes. You don’t need synthetic, you know, I can’t believe it’s not butter. Remember those commercials of Mother Earth, when they came out with margarine, adding a squirt of yellow to make it look yellow? Seed oils that are sitting in the aisle that have clear or lightly colored walls, the light can get to them and destroy the fatty acids in the oil bottles. They're rancid. People are cooking with these oils and making them acrylics and hydrogenated fats, trans fatty acids, get rid of all this synthetic stuff. Lard, beef tallow, butter, coconut oil, and use your olive oil on salads, use your olive oil, you know, take you can take it as a tablespoon and swallow it down. But don't cook with any mono or polyunsaturated fats. Use lard, coconut oil, beef tallow, butter, and coconut oil, and leave it at that.

The other thing then is vitamin D. I would get the drops of vitamin D. There are like 400 international units per dropper or per drop, you'd have to look on the little bottle and go by the age or poundage of the child and give the number of drops or the marker on the little eyedropper tube there to the child. I would support this with vitamin D supplementation. I also am a strong believer and all the research in Juice Plus Juice Plus has probably well over a million I don't even know what the number is anymore. But for 20-some years we have been giving Juice Plus for free to the parents of children 18 and under, and if they're in college, if they give their email to the college so we know they're an active person in college, we have given free juice plus which is fruit vegetables and berries in a concentrate. And these children can get their fruits and berries in chewable or in capsule form. And they can get there for four years, for four years. So, we had a lot of time to do all kinds of studies on them. These are easy internet questionnaires how often do you go to the doctor, how often are you sick, and how often are you on medicine using it? How many days do you miss from school, things like this? And so, the child goes on it six months later before they get their next six months supply they answer the questions again and see we see this wonderful drop off on illness rates on sicknesses and so forth if you have any questions about how to get that you know you can call the office here 714-544-1521. And you can speak with Terri my nurse and she'll let you know how to try and get a hold of some.

So, Juice Plus, vitamin D, eat real food and drink water, not juice. Remember juices are so full of sugar. Those are the sugar drinks, the juicing, the orange juice, the apple juice…foolishness. Don't use that. Just make that the rule in your house. Now you set the example as the parent and don't let them see you drinking that either. Exercise, fresh air, not eating late at night, not staying up with these lights on these TV electromagnetic energy frequencies inhibiting melatonin for deep and restorative sleep. If they want to grow, they have to get sleep because you only heal at night. So, if the boy wants to be tall and strong, he's got to go to bed. You only heal at night. That's the primary function of sleep is restoration and refreshment and repair and growth.

So, water all these things. That’s what I would do. And you could buy a children's multivitamin that has zinc in it, that zinc would be very valuable. But remember meat, fish, chicken, pork, and eggs, all these things are rich and have the complete nutrients that are needed. Zinc is in the meat and the fish and the chicken and the beef. These healthy free-range foods have sustained mankind since God made the earth 6,000 years ago. 


“Have you ever heard of nitric oxide? Is it good to take?”


Yes, for sure. Yes, it is.

But we make it, our body makes it. The lining of all your blood vessels makes it. But if you're messing up with diet and you know a process, a lifestyle, your lining of your blood vessels is not going to respond very well.


“They are talking about shedding of the spike proteins with nitric oxide, help?”


The answer is yes. It helps dilate blood vessels. It is a natural thing. Nitric oxide synthase is an enzyme that's in the wall. And just the triggering of the release and activation of that enzyme to release nitric oxide is waiting there but it can be messed up with a high sugar diet, not enough water, lack of exercise, processed foods, chemical toxins, and of course the spike protein which you make if you get the mRNA injection. And we don't know how long you'll make it and how much spike protein you'll produce. So, I would be cautious about considering anything that would generate spike protein.


“What else could you do?”


Exercise generates nitric oxide. EDTA chelation is known to generate nitric oxide. Certain supplements help give it L-arginine and L-citrulline help stimulate it. That is in your meat, fish, chicken, and turkey. A low-carb diet helps it. Fasting helps it. So, yes, that would work. 


“Dealing with Hashimoto’s since 2009. Well managed with Armour Thyroid, 90 milligrams. Had a thyroid storm due to a scan dye that was iodine-based. The storm was caused by the iodine in the CT scan. He had palpitations, restless sleep, and inflammation. What do you think?”


Well, I want you to understand there's a big difference between the radioactive nuclear iodine scan composition. It's a whole organic synthetic chemical with iodine in it, versus iodine, the salt, okay. Iodine itself is not going to harm you. A big synthetic foreign molecule with a little iodine on it, it could hurt you. It's rare, but it does happen. So, that was unfortunate but don't become a person who thinks that iodine itself then is the harm. It's not that.

The other thing is more often we are in a situation where we're eating such processed foods, food allergies, lectins, environmental chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, air pollution, high carb diet, processed food, trans fatty acid, hydrogenated foods that our cell membranes are too easy to trigger and get inflamed. It makes a leaky gut. Our immune system is always on the alert kind of like an unorganized but angry army. And then it auto attacks your joints, and you get arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. It attacks your nerves, and you get MS or other things like that. It attacks the thyroid and you can get thyroiditis.

So, there are many things here calming this whole story down is working with a well-informed doctor who can take step by step block by block and start with helping you to clean up your diet, drink enough water, not eat late, lower your carbs, and then start looking for hidden food allergies, things that cause inflammation unbeknownst to us from even our diet, start giving you things that heal the gut and helping your liver work for proper detoxification. And then, you're ready to look at your thyroid globulin, thyroid peroxidase antibodies slowly come down over time. And look at your complete digestive stool analysis and how you're working there. So, that's what you would have to do to try and help yourself with that. Find a good functional doctor. 


“Can cold water plunges negatively impact the adrenals? I was doing this, two or three-minute cold showers and my insomnia got significantly worse. I have more belly fat now.”


All right. The big answer to that is, there is a time and a place for everything it says in ecclesiastics. I would say that for the most part, a cold shower after being warm is a healthy thing in a generally healthy person. And we're designed to be eating real food, with the building blocks that replace us were made of fat and protein. We eat some vegetables and such to help get some micronutrients and minerals. But we're composed of the meat and fat.

Secondarily, that stress if you're not in a good place to detox, and to handle that added stress of the cold, your adrenals are not ready. If you didn't know what your cortisol level was. You're probably stressing out your adrenals and when the squirt of adrenal comes out, what is it do? All cortisol excess turns to fat. So, that's where your problem is, in my humble opinion. That's the direction I would start looking at for you.


“My daughter-in-law has a beautiful sweet five-month-old baby boy and she wonders what she can take of while breastfeeding. She's still on her prenatal vitamins.”


In general, I don’t like prenatal vitamins because they are usually inferior to the more organic amino chelates, methylated B complexes, which make it more expensive. That’s why they don’t give you the good stuff.


“She’s A-type blood. She goes back to working as a teacher in April. She wants to continue breastfeeding.”


Well, you got to eat real food, like I said with the other person, and eliminate the processed foods. Eliminate the sugar drinks, and get a good night's sleep. drink enough water if you're breastfeeding and eat a balanced reasonable meat, vegetable, fish, vegetable, chicken, vegetable, pork, vegetable, egg, and vegetable diet on a rotating basis. And a low carb and use a digestive enzyme when she is she's blood type A, so she can extract out of those meats, pork, fish, vegetables and all, and the eggs more nutrients. In fact, I have all my patients and children on Juice Plus, vitamin D, Iodine at a low dose, and one little tablet a day called Iotarol. I have them on a multi-mineral that we make out of all the highest quality methylated Bs, minerals that are amino acids, chelates, and so forth. With that the Multi, the D, antioxidants of Juice Plus, and the Iodine, that is a sure recipe for well-being. And I'm not bringing up the need for any oil capsules because if you're eating healthy fats and cooking with healthy saturated fats like I listed in healthy foods, you probably shouldn't need an oil supplementation. 


“Are dried mushroom powders equal to fresh mushrooms?”


No, they are not. Nothing that has even minimal processing just like drying it out in the healthiest way. You're going to lose some of the activity and nutrient contents. However, I think it's a moot point. And we're never going to get the money and financing until we start stopping Big Pharma and big lobbyists from controlling the food industry and marketing and pharmaceuticals. We need to have localized, community, and state research funded locally by interested people. And we can do projects locally. We don't need separate little centers that have lobbyists' money that buys science with their outcomes are already predetermined by the volume of money they donate to their institutions. And that's a reality fact. Just read some of the articles by Dr. Angle. Dr. Angle was the chief editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. I think his name was Hoffman was the former chief editor of The Lancet and there are others. These physicians have all written articles saying most of the published material in these peer-reviewed journals, well over 60% is bought off science. Terrible, disgusting. 


 “I work up with puffy red lips and wonder why? What do you think is the cause of this?”


I think it is the dryness of the winter and the dry air heating microcracks in the coverage and it makes things penetrate quicker, faster, easier through the cracking, and so forth. So, it doesn't have to be the lipstick or the Vaseline. It can be something else you touch or wipe your mouth with accidentally. This is rare. In its worst form would be like an Angio edema. If this is recurrent, you should see your doctor. Certainly, if it continues or seems to spread, you have to go to the emergency room and make sure this isn't a true allergic reaction emergency. But most of these things are happening to us, our skin gets more sensitive with age, more reactive because it thins. We get cracks and dry out in the winter months. So, the common little things that usually couldn't penetrate as deep on our lips tend to penetrate deeper and become reactive. That's likely what it is. 


“I have a friend suffering from shingles on her chest. Her doctor recommended an antiviral medicine, probably Acyclovir. Are there any additional things that she can do? She had COVID in December. And is there a correlation of getting shingles afterward?”


Acyclovir is designed to be an antibody against the varicella herpes.

After any kind of a stressful event, for some people, COVID was so stressful that they broke out. And the reason is stress causes of cortisol to go, be used up, and with cortisol that suppresses the immune system. We all have the varicella zoster from chicken pox exposure, and herpes in our lips, and some of us have the genital herpes. That lives in the dorsal horn of our spinal canal and an aqueous and quiet state all our lives. But when your immune system gets stressed out, your cortisol is high, which suppresses the immune system, then it can break out along a nerve root and cause what we call shingles.

What we do is high-dose vitamin C, intravenous drips, where you do a series of about twice a week for a month, or even three times a week, and we usually see with high dose vitamin C. It really knocks it out because it's an antiviral, and it's all safe plus your body needs that we make no vitamin C. Also getting your vitamin D levels up, going on a low sugar diet, maybe even fasting going on a broth diet, chicken broth, beef broth for two or three days, just so that your whole immune system can revive itself. And by not eating if you could do that, depending on if you're diabetic, you'd have to see your doctor. But if you're not you should be able to go a day or two on a clear liquid diet just using chicken broth. And that would help take the stress off your immune system and recover. 


“What is the difference in preventatively treating COVID with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? IS there any reason to use one over the other for a period of time and then change to the other?”


And the answer is there really isn't any. The only thing I would say is hydroxychloroquine is clearly needed in the early phase of treatment or prevention. Hydroxychloroquine works best to prevent or be in the early phases. Whereas ivermectin works very well to prevent and in the early phases, it also is very effective, it appears in many studies to be a value in the later development of COVID situations. So, if there's any advantage, I would say you'd give another star to ivermectin, and that would be the most notable one. So, I don't think I would change one from the other. Or you could use hydroxychloroquine preventatively all the time, but have ivermectin on hand, so that if you get a breakthrough, and you use hydroxychloroquine 200 milligrams twice a day for five days, then if you're still not doing well, then you can bring in let's say ivermectin at point four milligrams per kilogram, which would be you know, for an average woman 150 pounds, about 15 milligrams a day, for five to seven days. And that should do the trick. Along with maybe if necessary. azithromycin, adequate vitamin C, adequate D, and zinc. 


“Are there medical health benefits based on our faith or our belief system?”


And the answer is absolutely, yes. If you talk to any actuarial insurance, one of the questions you often get when you're doing health insurance, they find out about your lifestyles and so forth, if you're married, that relationship is always associated with living healthier and longer. So, marital relationships that are lasting are usually producing the longest, healthiest live people. People who attend church services on a regular basis, you can miss a Sunday here and there, but that have a regular commitment of a church, they can name that's their church, their known there, and try to participate in the community. So, that’s socialization. And yes, insurance companies know this. Faith-based belief system, being part of a group, a marriage, a faith system, and an assembly is always associated with a longer lifespan and fewer medical problems.


“I picked up a sample of ATP Ignite, the energy molecule of the mitochondrial Krebs cycle. How do we ignite it?”


That produces the energy that serves your whole body. Well, ATP Ignite is a powder B, vitamin, and certain nutrient complex that provides a burst of powdered in powdered form, items, largely the B vitamins in water. You put it in water and take it before a workout, if you are getting tired at work, have work to do on the weekend and you want a burst of energy. This is what this is. 


“Did I miss the annual TLC group fasting visit?”


We are not doing that annual TLC group fasting visit event. We are recommending continuous intermittent fasting all the time, for the most part to almost every one of our patients.


“A 16-year-old menstruating female continues to have estrogen dumping on day one of her period with vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, cramping, hot-cold flashes, strong body odor, and uses progesterone cream days 15 through 25. She had muscle spasms also associated on day one and twitching enough to be concerning. She was given magnesium. She sleeps off the symptoms on day one. It's mostly normal by day two, but usually one day per month she loses from work, and she doesn't get vacation time. So, that's 12 days lost. And that's a big impact. What would you suggest? Could high beta glucuronidation be a factor?”


Yes, beta glucuronidation is made by the body, but it's made a lot by the bad gut bacteria. So if you eat a lousy diet, which most people do, and are insulin resistant, then they're going to feed the bad bacteria and the bad bacteria make a lot of beta glucuronidation and that will recycle the estrogen that is produced, there's a peak in the first part of the month of estrogen production in the cycle, and that peak then has to be processed out of the body. And if you have a lot of beta glucuronidation when it passes through the liver, for instance, for detoxification of estradiol, it is packaged. And basically, commodities will break up that packaging that went through the effort to make it water soluble, so you could poop it out and pee it out. So that you recycle the estrogen all the time. And you have a net building up of this kind of like heavy metal toxicity is a net building up.

Yeah, so beta glucuronidation can be a factor in this. Cleaning up your whole lifestyle, you might use some calcium to help with getting rid of that. Many other wonderful things. 


“She goes on, with high estrogen, many people take dithietane methane.”


That also helps estrogen detoxification. Broccoli is rich in substances that help eliminate and is one of the substances in the dithietane. This will lower the beta glucuronidation. So, good bacteria, a better diet, and all the things eating broccoli, cauliflower, and things like that would be the way to go.

But a woman like this needs to be seen by a doctor who is familiar with liver phase one and phase two detoxification pathways, and all the many things involved. You could have a simple lecture on it, or you could have a long two-hour lecture on it. But the basic thing is cleaning out the pesticides and herbicides, fungicides, the plasticizers, the heavy metal toxins, you know, getting rid of the package, processing food going organic, as much as you can. Then not eating late, lowering the carbs, drinking water, and then using certain nutrients that support a liver detoxification. That is too complex to go into here. The other thing would be looking at the age, the weight of the person, other comorbidities they probably might have, and looking at their hormone balance and checking it at the time of the month of ovulation. Making sure the progesterone is high enough. Maybe checking twice a month, her estrogen during the early phase and the later phase of the cycle, lots of things that need to be done. Maybe doing a stool analysis and actually measuring the beta glucuronidases in the stool. This is so complex. You have to really see a good functional doctor and work that through. 


“Regarding the left nodule with inferior pole, I had an ultrasound and the cardias were normal. Ultrasound of the thyroid revealed a six-millimeter nodule. Repeated in January 2023, months later, it was seven-millimeter stable. I take supplements, no medications of any kind. I exercise with weights, elliptical, walking. No fried foods, no dairy, or unhealthy carbs. My question, is calcification a buildup of calcium? What cause inflammation?”


That is small enough not to be of concern.

Yes. Just aging in itself. Because oxidative stress, inflammation is the cause of tiny micro free radicals throughout our whole body, even your batteries of your mitochondria, just to make the energy of your thyroid, which is a big organ that has to reduce this for the metabolism of the body generates free radicals just to do it this way, you need to make sure you're on something like Juice Plus, or good antioxidants so that you can kind of absorb those free radicals of normal mitochondrial function. But some of them get loose and we can't keep up with them all. And ultimately, one day we'll all die from that. Remember those free radicals generate in cell membrane of your thyroid and every other part of your body, these damaged holes in your membrane. We have to fix it by eating real, genuine replacement products of meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, eggs, fat, cholesterol, and all those things that were made up because that's what we're made of. 


“What are the best treatments for many bug bites, itchy spots of the whole body? Some bites have redness around the scabs. How do you know if the scabs or bites are infected? What do you do if they are infected? Antibacterial crème, Benadryl, hydrocortisone cream? Will supplements help?”


Well, look at this is something that I would have to see. It could be scabies, you know, and that's a bedbug. And it's a whole different kind of medication that you would use topically, ivermectin, topical creams would help with that. So, that's a totally different thing.

Well, how do you know if they're infected? Well, they get red, inflamed, and start by making a little white or yellow discharge or bleed. What I would do is, I would clean up my diet because very often the skin is a dumping zone for toxins. And we're feeding bad bacteria and we become irritated our skin. And it breaks down easier and surface bacteria because bacteria and fungi live all over our bodies. And in our gut, I would use our Argentyn Silver, that spray, and I would put it on, you know, all these areas. Have clean sheets, and stay dry. I would not take showers, get wet, or anything. I would let my skin grow and get thick. I would just wash underneath my arms and feet. And I would try and not shower in a hot shower because it'll swell and break and crack your skin. And also, I would not put soap on your body, I would just put soap to your pits. Because God designed for there to be layers of epithelium that create a perfect sealant, just like the shingles on your roof. And so, we don't need to scrub our roofs. We just need good shingles. So, we need good dead cells that are piled up and if you keep on showering and rinsing them away and scraping them off, you're going to be easier to crack and penetrate and get itchy skin, especially in the dry months seasons. So don't shower, don't do hot showers. Try and use as cool a shower as you can do a military three-minute shower, jump in, do your hair, wash your pits, hop out, and only let soap touch your pits in your hair. And then dry off. And then spray your skin with the Argentyn silver where the red spots are. And that should, within the week, you should start seeing a healing if you're doing everything I'm telling you. And then in two weeks, it'll just gradually get better and better and better. It takes about four months to make a whole new layer of skin. But that's what I would do. If you don’t see improvement in the next few weeks of doing that, see your doctor. 


“You may recall that you treated me for my stage four endometrial cancer with a 50-milligram high dose of Vitamin C. During my recent visit with Dr. Mahmoud, he prescribed vaginal estradiol inserts, 10-micrograms, three times a week because the estriol cream was causing other issues with my body. When I read the warning label, endometrial cancer, I wanted to inquire if it is safe to use this product after being cancer free for 3.5 years.”


I don’t mean to be rude or anything, I see hundreds of thousands of people, many of which with the same name. I wish I could remember.

It’s very likely those 10 micrograms, such a teensy weeny tiny dose locally should be well tolerated. But I would do an estradiol level. So, if you are one of our patients, my patient, I would want to see you and discuss this. I don’t want this to be an answer on YouTube. I want you to make this a formal call to the office to get in your chart and address it in that fashion.

In general, many women will drink wine too much. And the wine will aggravate the liver detox and what little estradiol is generated in the body will build up so that they can actually have so much built up in the body, if having cancer, breast cancer, ovarian, uterine cancer, etc. You can have levels that are higher than women who are on hormone replacement therapy without cancer. That is because the estradiol needs to go through a detox. If you have a lifestyle that is the typical sad American diet lifestyle, and you're drinking wine or alcohol, you need to get your estradiol checked. 


“TLC Goodnight you sold me did not help with my sleep at all. Do you have other recommendations?”



I would say there are many things that go into a good night's sleep. I don't know your age. I don't know your other medicines. I don't know your stress situation. I don't know your working situation. Or if you're retired. I don't know if you have any other comorbidities. So, sleep is very important. And it's something that you need to work with your doctor, work it out until we start getting solutions. Exercise done at the right time, and enough of it should exhaust the body getting it ready. Having electromagnetic light hitting your eyes, too late at night will inhibit melatonin release and activity. Getting a blue light screen for your glasses, I have blue light screen built into my glasses. But also, you can get it on your screen. There are many, many things that you can do to help with this. If you are patient here, please make a phone call and turn this into a formal visit. I believe sleep is important because that's how you heal. 


“What do you think of chlorophyll additive to water?”


I don’t know the product. I would have to say I can’t endorse it. It is basically a chlorophyll-type product. Very often, it was created by God to attract mercury. You might be putting mercury in your system if you don’t have a quality control system. Be cautious about that. 


“How can I order supplements on your website?”


I would call the Wellness Store, 714-544-1521. You can ask that question. I don’t know how to do it myself because I’m here every day of my life. I don’t do that. I’m sorry. 


“What do you think about lectins in some foods?”


I avoid them. The goods like beans, cooked really well-- They are notoriously to have lectins that irate our gut lining. The problem is, it’s rich in carbohydrates. Genetic modification of these legumes that are typically the ones that we cook enough and don’t really reduce the lectins that they are so genetically modified now you can’t cook that out of them. 


“How do you treat Lyme?”


I can’t even begin that question it’s so late. Lyme is very complex, Bordetella tick-borne disease. It’s chronic. Usually treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline. This is for many months and followed with repeated testing. See your functional healthcare doctor.


“You’ve been hearing about blood clots caused by the COVID shot. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?”


Well, I would say, take n acetyl cysteine, you know, do all the healthy diet, clean out the sugars that promote stickiness, drink enough water, and get a good night's sleep. But systemic enzymes, take morning and evening, two or three for sure, and don’t eat late at night. Stay active and mobile.