YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, July 18, 2023
July 20, 2023
“You and the KoKoro website mention to apply progesterone cream for three weeks and off one week. I’m concerned my mom is going to forget, she is 87. Is it better to have one week off?” [03:31]
I would say you don’t have to have one week off, no. It would be safe and fine if she continuously uses it all the time. That’s no concern whatsoever.
“Having sharp chest pains in the left side of the rib cage area once a day. Sharp pains come on suddenly and triggered if I breathe too deep, cough, or laugh. These pains last about 15 to 20 minutes.” [04:01]
I do not know how old are you. The older we get, the cartilage from the side of our ribcage to the sternum is just cartilage there from the rib bone. As we age, that gets calcified. So, simple things like a cough can strain it, or a heavy lifting something, a grandchild. We can get a cracking of the calcified cartilage. That can give us pain. That takes 10 to 15 minutes to resolve after we re-irritate it. But depending on how long this is and if you have a particular cough that goes with it, we can all have the occasional cough to clear our throat. But if you have coughing and other symptomologies you should see the doctor about that. Let them listen to your lungs, and do a chest x-ray possibility. But very often, sharp pain is a musculoskeletal phenomenon and not anything of real concern. As there are symptoms, you can get fluid build up in the lung, and that can give you a drainage that kind of goes between the lung and the wall cage. That area can get separated apart as fluid builds up. This would have some sharp component to it. It’s best to see a doctor. Let them check that out. Certainly, if it is lasting more than a week or two, please have that checked out.
“What is a good calcium to take? What about Spirulina? Collagen supplement?” [06:05]
I don’t believe it’s right to supplement with calcium because it should be plenteous in your diet. Especially if you're eating enough fish, or chicken, or turkey, or meat, or shrimp, or crab, or lobster. It's tremendously abundant in our diet. Supplementation with calcium is, I think, a wrong direction to go. And there is research way back since the late ‘90s when everyone's bone density was causing concern as we were seeing the demineralization of our bones with aging, especially in women and hip fractures. And so, they started out with the recommendation of calcium, say 500 a day. Then it went up to 750, then 1000, then 1200, and then 1500. Over the decades, it made no difference in the bone densities. So essentially, calcium supplementation is something I never recommend as a standalone item. It might be in a multivitamin-mineral, it will be in a multi-mineral supplementation, but never standing alone.
And we would recommend different things for bone density than giving calcium. So, I don't recommend calcium supplementation at all. But if you have to ask what a better type of calcium is, it would be chelated calcium, meaning it’s connected to an amino acid, like calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, calcium sulfate, or these amino acid chelates. L-Bien is the name of the company that is best known for its high-quality in making minerals for medical and food research. But don't use it separately.
What do I think about collagen? Again, if we eat enough meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, shrimp, lobster, crab, and pork, we are going to get tons of collagen in our food. Collagen can be and must be of certain sizes to be absorbed into our tissues for incorporation. And a lot of junk cartilage is being manufactured and sold foolishly. So, I don't support collagen replacement in general. It’s very rare that I would ever recommend that.
Things like spirulina, I don't believe in taking unusual supplements or juicing. I believe in eating whole foods. I am most concerned about marketing and packaging. Unless you know the manufacturer or you know, some scientists there, I think we are in a world in which marketing and corruption and food services and lobbyists just to make a sale is a problem. We're seriously faced with corruption and industrial farming. So, who knows that's really a high-quality spirulina and so forth. So, I don't go for any of these packaged green drinks or protein shakes or smoothies. I just don't believe in them.
“I have just started taking MCT oils and I am wondering if it is okay to take them with dinner versus with coffee in the morning?” [09:38]
Most definitely, yeah, you can do it that way. Very safe.
“(1) What's your opinion on advice that women should avoid water fasting during the week prior to menstrual period starting? (2) For a woman who uses IR sauna 4 times a week: should the sauna sessions be avoided while menstruating? Or is it beneficial for dilating blood vessels?” [10:14]
I don’t believe that it is a necessary thing to avoid water fasting the week prior to menstrual period. The menstrual cycle is an inflammatory cycle of a women’s monthly phase. That inflammation will only be helped with some fasting before it and plenty of water. I think it’s fine to do fasting.
It is beneficial. I would feel very comfortable in doing that.
“I have an ongoing issue with acid reflux. Is there anything you can recommend that will help? I have a prescription from my gastroenterologist, (omeprazole), which is not helping, and have developed a constant cough and congestion. I am 71 years old, a patient of Dr. Mitchells, drink my water, half my body weight, 0 negative type blood, exercise regularly.” [11:18]
That would be our phospholipid powder with SBI Protect.
So, the lining in every cell in our human body looks like this picture right here. When you get an injury, you will get a whole through the cell membrane, which is a single membrane. That’s made of fat and protein. We will take phospholipids and we will take this as a fat, very same thing as this stuff here, and mix it with the immunoglobulin powders, SBI Protect. We put these two things together in warm water, say 6 ounces. Not hot, but warm water. I would drink that before you go to bed every night and I would probably drink it first thing in the morning. That will help fill in the holes here of the phospholipid damage and the protein globulins that make up the lipid-protein fatty layer. This always works. I really never have had a patient that this failed. That is what I would do.
Sometimes people are helped with glutamine powder, L-Glutamine. Some of them have licorice acid, zinc, and vitamin in it. It's called GlutaShield and then there is Glutagenics. So, we have both of those here. It is just pure amino acid calming. And then there are some that use L-Carnosine, taking a capsule once a day. It’s an excellent source of zinc supplementation, you get 25 milligrams of zinc with it. So, that's what I would say. Give that a try and let Dr. Mitchell know.
“I am a 64-year-old female patient with TLC and recently received x-ray results for my spine due to back and hip pain associated with scoliosis. The X-ray report also mentions the Atherosclerotic aortic arch. My primary doctor a Kaiser indicated that they use biometrics and that my risk of stroke or heart attack is a 1.8% chance, so nothing more needs to be done, and that the condition is likely associated with normal aging. I am still concerned since there was no indication on the X-ray report regarding the severity of the atherosclerosis. Should I be insisting on a referral to cardiology, and what tests should I pursue? Do you recommend Lifeline screenings or other actions? As for the scoliosis, I have dextroscoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine with Cobb angle of 34 degrees, and levoscoliosis of the lower spine with cobb angle 27. Again, Kaiser did not offer any services or solutions. What do you recommend? Thank you for your service and guidance.” [14:05]
You just have to believe what they are saying. I have been practicing medicine for 42 years and every time we take pictures or ultrasounds, you will find little cysts, little tiny nodules, and little calcifications. This is being alive and being a typical usage of the body.
In general, just seeing a little calcification in the aortic arch on the X-ray meant to be looking at your spinal scoliosis is very common, so we usually don't pursue that any further. Talk with your doctor or see a functional health care medical doctor, naturopath, MD, DO and get your insulin measured, get your fasting insulin measured. Get your triglycerides measured, which are the first little fats that you make from too many carbs. Get your hemoglobin A1C, that’s glucose sticking to the protein hemoglobin. Get that number and get the fasting blood sugar. We can take your fasting blood sugar and multiply it times your fasting insulin, and there's an equation we can use to figure out your insulin resistance, which is far more predictive than any x-ray of your likelihood to be inflamed, have a poor metabolism, and have disease ensure. So, get those things tested. See your doctor about the x-rays.
Regarding the scoliosis, the best thing you can do is to stay as young as you can with regard to stretching, Pilates, being well-hydrated, and taking systemic enzymes. I tell all my scoliosis patients that when you lean in one direction, this crushes the pad of the spine, and spinal disc on the one edge, and then fluid is expunged out. When you come back, it imbibes or sucks in, by diffusion, the water that you are drinking. So drink plenty of water every single day of your life, half your weight as pounds in ounces every day. When you are moving and stretching, your body is getting into the tendons and discs between your vertebra, all the possible water you can get. The older we get, the less we drink, you must just discipline yourself to get that number down your throat. Play a game with yourself and set out the water in a big picture or in bottles of water and knock them out like you're shooting them down every day. And then systemic enzymes like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme are anti-inflammatory. That helps you with your range of motion. Then you need absolute weight training. And weight training is designed to build up your muscles, crunches, chest press, and leg press so that the paraspinal muscles there, all those little muscles that line the spine will be strong enough to hold you up instead of getting thinner and weaker with age and dissolving away. You just kink into your scoliosis. Weight training, twice a week, 20 minutes minimum, total body. I use the Perfect Workout myself three times a week all the time. Then Pilates on the, I forget what they call it. I have that twice a week, one hour. Also, live a low-carb lifestyle. Don’t eat late. Get a good night's sleep. And I’m all for natural hormones and testosterone to help you with your muscle tension. So, try and find a doctor that will help you with that.
“I have a question regarding when to take supplements; with a meal or on an empty stomach.
Secondly, is there any drawback to taking supplements with a digestive enzyme if I take supplements with a meal?” [19:21]
I take all my supplements, my pattern is, I have maybe 15 different bottles that I use. Some are just testing. And I take them all in the morning. The only thing I don't take and you know what that reminds me I forgot my thyroid. So, I am going to say thank you and I'm going to take that right now. But I don’t take my thyroid with my vitamins because that will generate maybe some calcium-binding from the food I ate. But I don't want to take my thyroid too late. Okay, so thyroid medication should be taken an hour away from eating food.
But I take all my vitamins in the morning and one big lump, glump. And I take my thyroid with all my vitamins except for my multichain minerals. So, if I remember to take my thyroid in the morning, I don't take it with the multi-mineral if I'm using a multi-mineral. Because of the calcium in it and I don't want to bind up my thyroid with it. So, calcium, mineral supplements, and thyroid should be separated. But that's not too common. Don't worry about that.
So, digestive enzymes to help you digest your food are taken with the meal or after the meal. And systemic enzymes are taken on an empty stomach away from all the eating, for at least an hour or two. And I would usually use it first thing in the morning, as opposed to waiting an hour or two after a meal. It's much better first thing in the morning. And last thing before you go to bed. Outside of that you can take your vitamins all together and keep it simple. I don't have time to nitpick too much. Also just try and keep my thyroid away from my minerals. And I take my enzymes on an empty stomach and I take my digestive with my food. And that's how simple it is.
“My ALT/AST run high. What is a good liver cleanse?” [21:58]
I don't endorse any cleanses at all. I just don't. I have been doing this for 42 years. I don’t see any sustaining value to them. Instead, I teach people how to eat and change their lifestyles. We're facing a world, with a boatload of marketing, and propaganda. They spend billions on neuroscientists looking at how to addict us by visual stimulation, smell stimulation, and group pressure on how to eat and consume their foods. You have to understand, you are being manipulated through videos on the TV, videos on your TV, computer, telephone, and imaging. You are always being propagandized to respond to things to buy. This is a multi-billion dollar field for neural psychologists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, and all this kind of stuff, behavioral specialists. So please, I want you to understand learning to eat well, and control your own food rather than being influenced by social pressure or group pressure, or your feelings. So, we are made of protein, fat, and minerals, and water. And that is what we should be eating. If it is a piece of meat, you know, it's meat. It hasn’t been handled. Now they are even messing with this concept with the fake meat. Give me a break.
So, let's get away from the understanding that we need to cleanse. No, we need to live right. And we have to restore a true holiday or holy day to that statement. A holy day. Instead of being trapped into thinking it's my sister's birthday. I'm going to eat junk food. It's my husband's promotion. I'm going to eat junk food with it. It's my cousins this, my girlfriends that, it’s a work association doing this, we can’t live like that. So, eat real food.
And what's really hurting our livers today? The number one thing is fructose, hidden in high fructose corn syrup. And it is creating a strain on the liver just like as if you drank alcohol and creates inflammation. That inflammation hurts the liver cell and then the cells rupture. Then you see these enzymes. So, fasting is a wonderful cleanse. If you can learn to do intermittent fasting, where you restrict your food eating from let’s say 6-hour frame and eat nothing for 18 hours, that gives your liver 18 hours every single day to heal and six hours only in which eat. Just start creating some rules for yourself.
You know, I tell my patients, I think about marriage and your vows and marriage and fidelity. You don't get married and put a ring on your finger and then you say, alright, I'll be married to you. But then you see some handsome male or female and you say, you know, I'm going to sample that. And besides, it's a party, and they look fun so I’m going to try them out and be intimate with them. No, you don’t that. Even though you could, okay? You don't do it because you you live according to a principle about your personal life, your family, and things like that. And you don't want to commit adultery, or even to your own body. So, start putting up these ugly images about eating foods that you're being targeted and tricked into eating and say that’s bad for your body. Instead, I'm going to choose health and feeling great and I'm going to choose the positive idea and take some water with a squirt of lemon in it. You just have to keep on fighting and do the self-talk and reprogram that propaganda that has snuck into your brain since childhood and getting cookies in Sunday school.
“Do you have any suggestions for a 77-year-old woman who has high cholesterol / high Lipoprotein A (and some arterial calcification) but has been told to take statins?” [26:33]
Yes, high cholesterol is wonderful. I don't really care about lipoprotein A.
Here's what you do. You go on to YouTube after you're done watching this. And you look up a video in the group of videos run by Dr. Ken Berry. In that group of Dr. Ken Berry is a video called, High Cholesterol is Healthy. If you put that in the top line, Dr. Berry and then Dr. Diamond Ph.D. have a beautiful review that just went up in the past month on the current literature. They do it in a manner, teaching methodology that is so understandable. Please look at that.
We need cholesterol. In fact, there's tons of cholesterol in every cell membrane there. It will help the fluidity and the smoothness and sort of say the lubricating molding ability of your cells. You have to have fat. We were made of fat, and protein, and minerals, and water. And we eat fruits and vegetables for micronutrients. But you still can get all of them. And I mean that all, all of them, through a pure carnivore diet.
“I have a family member (male in his 70s) that has a distended bladder. We're told once you stretch your bladder, it's impossible to get those muscles working again (becomes like a sock that lost its elasticity). Do you agree with that? Or have you seen any solutions for a distended bladder?” [28:22]
Well, it takes a long time. But if you do intermittent fasting and autophagy can chew up some damaged areas and repair is still possible. We used to be taught the brain will not repair. Back in the 1970s when I was in medical school and first starting to practice medicine, we were taught once you damage a nerve, that’s it. Now we know that it is foolish. There is neuroplasticity. So, I'm never going to say an organ has no hope. You have to be working with a functional doctor who is going to test your insulin. High insulin, above a four or five fasting, will prevent healing. Fasting blood sugar of 85 or less, a triglyceride that is equal to your HDL or less, and a hemoglobin A1C of 5.2 or less. Exercise, both weight training and aerobic. Emphasize weight training with aging. Enough water every day. Salt, your minerals. I use the juice plus series as my antioxidant. I use digestive enzymes with older adults, all of them no matter what their blood type. And I use a B complex. That is the bare minimum. We do see that with bladder retraining. You can talk to them about that.
“I am hearing a lot about black seed oil. What are your thoughts on that? There seem to be a lot of health benefits but also risk of toxicity.” [30:10]
The black seed oil has the Omega 3 and Omega 6. I’m fine with black seed oil. But we don't have to do these exotic things. It isn't like health or healing is an exotic mystery. Instead, health and healing is a disciplined lifestyle of eating real food God gave us, the meat, the fish, the poultry, the pork, the crustacean, shrimp, lobster, and crab. Using the egg and the yolks, and having a real whole piece of lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, green bean, brussel sprouts, that kind of stuff in moderation. And I prefer cooked vegetables over raw and that's because of the lectins and a lot of the problems with food, vegetables, are lack of cooking them and to break up some of their components like beans in particular.
“I’m a 28-year-old young woman, generally healthy and currently 35 weeks pregnant. I have a history of anemia (slightly lower than average iron levels). What vitamins or supplements do you recommend for postnatal care to replenish everything my body lost or provided for my baby? Do you ever recommend taking Reacted Iron during pregnancy?” [31:38]
Yes, we have HemeVite. That is a chelated iron. We have a reacted iron here that we use, these are amino acid chelates to the iron. I prefer you eat organ meat, liver. I prefer that you eat red meat and find out your blood type. If you're a blood type A, I would take digestive enzymes because it could be that you're just not digesting well. And you should see a functional doctor to look and see if you have a low-grade level of the bowel wall. So, the lining of your gut might have some low-grade inflammation from the corrupt foods, the grains, and the dairy. And this is creating some leaky gut syndrome. So, see a good functional doctor to get that talked about.
“My neurologist recently diagnosed me, a 36-year-old female, with cervical dystonia, though my head does not twist or turn to any one side. The left side of my neck muscle does, however, appear to be slightly larger than the right side, though it's not overly noticeable unless you are looking for it. I also suffer from migraines in general and as a result of certain workout exercises, as well as tinnitus and hearing loss in my left ear, all for over 20 years. She suggested I try muscle relaxers or Botox to improve this condition. I am not in favor of either of these options and would prefer natural treatments. I'm also wondering if I should get a second opinion on this diagnosis because I don't look like the images I see when I search Google Images. But if my diagnosis is accurate, do you have recommendations for how to treat or manage this naturally? Would acupuncture or massage therapy be beneficial? Magnesium oxide or Omega fatty 3s? I'd love to get your thoughts and opinions on a more holistic, natural treatment plan for dealing with this diagnosis.” [35:15]
Dystonia, that’s very rare. Well, we have these patients who get these muscle twitches, ticks, dystonia. Some of them are reactions to certain drugs. One of them is Compazine. It’s often given for nausea. It takes time. It takes muscle workouts and a clean diet. Looking for any source of inflammation in the body, largely in the gut with the complete digestive stool analysis, looking for inflammatory markers in your stool. This can be activated or triggered by foods that you are eating through an inflammatory pathway that a breach in your gut system has caused. So, we would do a complete digestive stool analysis and would look at your oxidative stress in a test called SpectraCell. We would then look at your hormone and aging status, and your protein status. We would give you a recommendation to do whole body resistance training twice a week, twenty minutes, upper and lower body. We would ask you to do a formal stretching program, like with Pilates, twice a week. The water is important and systemic enzymes, lots of them to replace the need for these medications of muscle relaxers. We would give a powdered magnesium drink with Vitamin C powder. We would look at any other specifics of metabolism, through enzymes, weight training, and muscle training that is balanced for posture and tone, for all these things. That’s how we would approach it. I don’t know a single dystonia we weren’t able to work through. We give the Lord all the thanks for that.
“1) How long is it good to wear compression socks? My ankles swelled up for only 1 day - maybe too much salt and over-exertion. 2) My kidney stone has stayed at .6cm in size, a small pea size for 9 months. pain less. Is there any risk of not getting the shock wave treatment to break up and just continue drinking lots of water and exercise?” [39:32]
That’s what I would do. I would be extremely well hydrated, and reduce your body acidity by looking at the inflammatory things in your body you may be eating and oxalate foods. Look up oxalate-rich foods. Spinach is one of them. And these people out there taking these green drinks, where they pulverized spinach and dehydrated it into these powders, it's like giving you dozens of times the concentrate of a normal serving of spinach, rich in oxalates. That will help produce stones. So, avoid oxalate-rich foods. Drink your water in ounces, which is equal to half your weight in pounds. And I would use systemic enzymes on an empty stomach once a day. Magnesium is a powder, we use OptMag Neuro, and that relaxes the smooth muscles. And you can do lithotripsy if there's any concern, but if they can check it by ultrasound, you know, once it is staying in the same place, don’t worry about it. But of course, that is my general advice for a general situation. I don't know your whole body and your whole situation and you should see your doctor about that.
For instance, if you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, the risk of that stone becoming a sight for infection is at higher risk. I don’t know these things about you. You have to watch this with your own doctor.
“My 84-year-old mother has been suffering from her scalp itching- just on top of her head. We have been to a dermatologist and their shampoos and recommendations have not worked- we have tried olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil - but no result. She has stopped coloring her hair and is using Hanna instead. She has been dealing with this issue for many years but now it has gotten very bad that is affecting her sleep. She keeps putting water at night to soothe the itch. We have tried everything- she started taking the 3 omegas supplements but really no success. Any recommendations.” [41:36]
I do not know what Hanna is.
Well, the skin membrane is made up of fat and protein. So, the older we get, the thinner our skin gets, we lose our hormones, and the construction signal and repair signal diminishes, and the thin skin gets thinner. And it can get broken and scratched into much more easier, especially when we're brushing it and doing things to our scalp all the time. And we often bathe and shower too often. And we're drinking less water. The soap dissolves the oils on the top of the skin and makes it easier to crack the skin for surface bacteria and viruses to penetrate in the cracks and create inflammation. I would not wash your hair. I only wash my hair once a month, that’s why I always wear it up. With my aging, hitting the 70s, I don’t want to dry out and get cracks and itching. It is age-related skin itchiness. And that's because we don't drink enough or thinning our skin, we don't need enough protein and fat. And the oil I would take are these parent essential oils called Clinician's Preference Oils. We don’t need Omega 3s, DHA, EPA, or DHA. We can make them. We need the two essentials we cannot make, linoleic and alpha-linoleic acid, Omega 3 and Omega 6. And everyone is afraid of the Omega 6. But the science is really, it’s being suppressed. The only reason why Omega 6 has a bad rap, it’s so needful and abundant in all your cell membranes. And when we eat meat, fish, chicken, egg yolks, these kinds of things, it's rich in some nuts and seeds in Omega 6. But when they make it in the packaged foods, they have hydrogenated that fat.
You have to look up an article, I don’t have it with me right now. It’s on adulterated linoleic acid, adulterated Omega 6s are the cause of all this alarm about Omega 6s. Because this is what you have to do is hydrogenated fats to create a package that'll sit on the shelf for a year without rotting. So, we're not eating real food people. We're not eating real food. It’s not the Omega 6 that is bad. It’s the damaged, processed, hydrogenated Omega 6s. You must have this. This comes in a liquid too and you can rub this onto the top of your head. Start wearing your hair up or with a hat on, try not to shower or wash the scalp. Only use cool water and minimum soap I would only use Selsun Blue with Selenium in it to prevent fungus and bacteria. And I would try and wash your hair only once a week, at most. If she can go every twice week or once a month, that’s better. The itching will improve with more water, higher meat, fish, chicken, poultry, and egg yolk consumption.
“Why is there only a 15 Hour window of opportunity following the administration of an EDTA chelation IV to pass heavy metals in the urine?” [45:55]
Well, essentially, there is a half-life of that EDTA binding all the heavy metal toxins and peeing them out. That’s’ usually within a four to six-hour window. After that, what residual is left is going to probably be all washed out within 15 hours. And that's because it's so water-soluble. That’s why if you do chelation therapy, basically it's out of your system within four to six hours. And what's leftover is going to be really all gone in the next maybe eight hours. So, you can easily do this twice a week or three times a week.
“Your thoughts on consuming powdered whey? Cow and/or goat, fermented or not? Of course, I’m talking about free-range, grass-fed, organic powdered whey here. Does taking Vit C increase intracellular glutathione levels? Does EDTA increase intracellular glutathione levels? How does one measure intra-cellular glutathione levels? Were you able to look into the supplement called “Fatty 15” and the relevance and importance of its C15 fatty acid?” [47:08]
I don’t like powdered proteins. I like eating meat. So, I’m just going to be the old icky doctor and put my foot down and say, the long and short of it, unless there is some chewing or oral surgery that requires you to be on a protein powder, eat the real food.
I am so untrusting today of the food industry, the industrial food industry. And the more Bill Gates is into farming land and the industrialization of food production.
You can make a case for glutathione levels. If you go to a biochemist with a Ph.D., they will be able to connect all the pathways. Ultimately, it all does connect. I’m not going to say no, it doesn’t impact it. Because there is a lot of antioxidant recycling. The vitamin E helps recycle vitamin C, the glutathione, and so forth in the body. It’s all patterns that are protective.
We will say that it does improve cellular glutathione levels because it improves circulation. If we can get a fraction, even 1% of the tax dollars you pay to the dollar that is sat on by big Fucci’s butt and divides it out, billions and billions each year. Nothing goes to wonderful research like this unless there is a food industry benefit to it. Pure science is not being done anymore. We have to use our own money on this. Shame on centralized government, decentralizing everything. EDTA will improve microcirculation which enhances all microbiologic functions because you have better delivery of nutrients and removal of waste.
I have not looked into Fatty 15, will do this.
“Milk, including lactose-free milk, gives me diarrhea. Is this an allergy or something else? How do I determine the cause?” [50:29]
I would say, it's probably also processing that it was pasteurized and homogenized. So, what you're calling milk, I don't call milk. I call it a foreign substance you've been tricked into thinking is milk and we're giving to it to our children and in the form of cheese. And it's really a white fire drink, which is all inflaming. I just have a more restrictive view of the need for dairy after birth, outside of the mother’s milk. So, if you're going to have to have milk, I would want you to know the farmers or check into them, call them up. We use Organic Pastures in central California. We've had the owner of the farm lecture here. I know him and I know their farm, we’ve been up there. I have a raw dairy farmer supply. He brings it to Sprout. I get his stuff from Sprouts if I use something with dairy. But in general, no dairy.
“My brother in law just diagnosed with prostate cancer and will start treatment soon. What do you remember to help him before treatment?” [52:15]
Well, we have a strong research support that fasting and getting your insulin as low as you can, say under four or three on a fasted blood sample is going to stop stimulating it from growing any tumor. Insulin is a growth-promoting hormone. And every potato, every rice, bean, tortilla, cracker, cereal, and banana can stimulate a neural gastric response and some insulin release. So, an extremely low-carb diet, fastings, intermittent fasting. I would do EDTA chelation therapy to improve the perfusion and the blood flow through the prostate. I would use systemic enzymes. I would Vascuzyme or Vitalzym on an empty stomach, twice a day, five twice a day. I would use iodine, Iodoral, 12.5 milligrams once a day. And I would stop all alcohol. Because the alcohol like carbohydrates stimulates insulin, but alcohol and its special friend fructose, will also make more complex of your detoxing. It will make estrogen rise and it is stimulated through drinking alcohol. That’s what I would do.
“Struggling with bladder pain and sensitivity. Also urgency and incontinence at times. But strained back in May and feel like something neurological is intensifying things. Avoiding caffeine, etc.” [54:10]
Are you talking about your brother-in-law? Food lectins, oxalates. Go on an absolutely oxalate-free diet. I would go Carnivore if you are struggling with bladder pain. Do an absolute carnivore diet for a month and see if the symptoms greatly improve. That would be a big tell for you.
“My grandson tested positive for TB and had an x-ray today. What will an X-ray be able to determine? I hope it’s not serious as he is trying to go into the Army. No symptoms, but a recent cold?” [55:09]
Well, of course, if there's active TB, you're going to see the lesions in the chest and the sometimes there are cavitation cysts there. Hopefully, none of that is there. But there is such a thing as just a skin reactive, with no evidence of any active TB going on. Usually what they do is they'll give them a three-month trial of antibiotics designed to fight the tuberculosis infection. It is usually a double or triple drug therapy. That should be the end of it and not inhibit anything for him.
“Just got bloodwork. Glucose 98, AIC 5.3. Diet too lax, will retest in 3 months. Weird result, testosterone went up to over 1000. Age 64, seems weird. Looked it up, nothing conclusive I could find.” [56:11]
That’s wonderful testosterone. It’s not weird. You are a healthier man, with a healthier life. When I was a young doctor, men’s testosterones were in the 1,600, 1,500, 1,400, and 1,300 all the time. That is not unusual. I’m not worried at all about your testosterone. I’m proud of you, I know you, and know how you live your life. It all reflects the anabolic life, cleaned up your body, healthier. You are not 64, you are biologically more like 50.
“Have been suffering for several weeks with fatigue and difficulty breathing. CT Scan showing fluid and mass. The fluid has been drained in the ER but still Waiting on an appointment with the Pulmonologist for a biopsy of the mass. Even if it gets done this week, it could take another week to get results. Experiencing nausea, digestive discomfort at night when I lay down, and insomnia. Is there something I can be doing to help myself and help boost my energy, counter the nausea and get a good night's sleep? I have been eating carefully, meditating, and tried melatonin which made me more nauseous.” [58:21]
I would say fasting is the best thing for you to do right now until it is determined what this mass is. I would try to do a two-fast with chicken broth and beef broth. I would use some olive oil for waves of hunger. You can have a tablespoon, two or three a day. When I did eat, I would eat carnivore-like. I would have beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and butter salted. I would stick with a carnivore. The next day fasting. Then carnivore. And then fast with the broth until you find out what is going on. The lower you can get your insulin, your blood sugar, will stimulate autophagy which eats up junk. This stimulates your immune system, and white blood cell function, and gives you mental clarity. That is what I would do. I would also drink plenty of water and take systemic enzymes, like Vascuzyme or Vitalzym on an empty stomach, twice a day, five or six. Make sure you are taking your Vitamin D 10,000. You might take some Vitamin C powder, Vitality C with magnesium, and OptMag Neuro. Mix these two together as a nice drink. Gives you a little sugar, and energy from glucose. You can do this once or twice a day. That’s very good and helps the muscle relaxation with the magnesium.