YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, March 07 2023
March 9, 2023
“Can a melanoma spot on the back of the hand appear when there was no mole or other growth before that?”
The answer is yes. As we age, and our skin healing process begins to diminish, we heal slower. The whole idea of life goes from a picture where there is a punch out in the bi-lipid cell membrane here to healing it all the time here. As we age, that process of healing an injury like free radical stress, sunburn, a virus, injury, toxin, dehydration, whatever it is, the rate of healing is slower. So, when that happens, you have dysfunctional cell growth repair. That can go wrong. So, please see your dermatologist or have your doctor check that out. See if that is something that is looked into. The answer is yes, a spot on the back of your hand can appear when there was no mole or other growth.
Very often, as we age, on the back of our hands, we will start seeing age spots. These are typically lipo-Heusen. This is a collection of fatty acids that are burnt or oxidized. It's similar to browning, when you BBQ and see the brown rail marks of the grill on the skin of the chicken, fish, or piece of beef. So, this is oxidized fat. That might be all that this is as opposed to a melanoma. But it’s very common to see these appear on the back of the hand and are benign.
“Just did labs, AST was 21 and ALT was 18. Also, did ultrasound, and liver was enlarged at 21cm. Do not drink and take no prescription drugs. What would you recommend for enlarged liver?”
I just want to remind you again, this is not meant to be medical personal advice but general concepts of general responses that we will be thinking of as doctors with our training and alternative practices as well.
Often an enlarged liver, 21, I don’t know the exact average measurements, but it depends on the body type. I think that’s a borderline level. I’ve seen livers at 21 considered normal. But fatty liver will enlarge a liver. And so, that’s the most common thing would be fatty liver.
If you have high triglycerides, anything that's above 100, or 150 on the triglycerides, elevated fasting blood sugar above 85, insulin levels above 5 fasting, and hemoglobin A1C that's 5.7% or higher. When your blood sugars are always at the upper limits of the accepted normal range for the lab, these are too high. I would much rather see them much lower. Fasting, low carb. Take that report and have your doctor look at it. You can do a measurement of your fatty acids, triglycerides, lipids, your fasting blood sugar, your insulin, your hemoglobin A1C, and your fruit sugar. You can also do a postprandial after you eat breakfast and wait an hour or two and repeat the triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, and insulin. And see the rate of increase to whatever you typically eat for breakfast. That would give an idea if this is likely from chronically elevated borderline high blood sugars, triglycerides, and so forth. But that's the most common cause.
“You talked a few weeks ago about using Lipoic Acid for elevated liver enzymes. How does this help the liver? Is there a time of day that’s best to take? With or without food?”
That's true. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant and it is involved with detoxifying items being an antioxidant. The liver is very much involved in processing and detoxifying. toxic materials and in the process of doing it when it converts from phase one to phase two there's an intermediate stuff that is actually even more toxic than the original toxin. Free radicals can damage things and lipoic acid is involved in metabolic pathways that will help the liver deal with oxidative stress much better. It also is involved in helping with blood sugar metabolism so that the very common stress in the American standard diet is excessive carbohydrates starches, sugars, and grains, and then sugary drinks, and some fruit sugar in our diet. This puts a great, great strain, especially from the fructose component of sugar. Remember sugar is a disaccharide, it's a glucose and fructose molecule linked together, and the fructose is processed essentially all in the liver. And it really wreaks havoc in the liver. That’s why I never recommend drinking juice at all or sodas full of all that sugar. Yeah, that’s essentially why Lipoic Acid is helpful so that the damaged liver will have support from oxidative stress. One of the main stressors also is the excessive, sad American diet full of the sugars.
“I'm going to be starting chemo. Would doing a chelation therapy session beforehand be useful? And would doing one after each chemo treatment help to better detox me in between? I'm 73 with no kidney or lung issues.”
Oftentimes chemotherapies use heavy metals in the created chemical that's being infused. That is what attacks rapidly dividing cells. Like platinum is a very toxic, heavy metal. And there are other chemotherapies with these types of toxic metals in it. And therefore, yes, chelation therapy will help remove it.
What I typically have recommended is doing a high dose vitamin C, the day before, to try and build up your immune system. Remember, we don't make any vitamin C as human beings. We just don't have that ability. Guinea pigs don't have that ability. But all other mammals and animals have this ability. So, that when they get injured or stressed, a cow or a goat or a dog or a cat, will make an order of 100-fold more vitamin C during the stressful time. This acts as a powerful antiviral, a powerful immune-boosting protection. So, when you take vitamin C, and high intravenous doses, it doesn't act like vitamin C anymore, it starts acting itself, like a pro-oxidant. Essentially all chemotherapy traditionally is an oxidative stress for rapidly growing cells. Immunotherapy is a different type of chemotherapy for cancers, based on a different premise.
But anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if you took a high dose vitamin C beforehand, you're building up your immune system, you're helping your adrenals deal with stress, and you are working to keep your viral bacterial, fungal-- How do you say it, these viruses are looking for opportunistic situations with a stressed immune system. I will often recommend vitamin C, 25, 50, 75, and 100 grams the day before or two. And then after the chemotherapy is done, a day or two later to do the EDTA chelation. I usually do it enhanced with at least of 10-grams of vitamin C. I do that before, typically the vitamin C and then the enhanced chelation afterward. That’s in general what we do. Typically a patient will get chemotherapy once every three weeks on the average because doing more tends to be so harmful to the cells that the chemotherapy would harm the patient and make them so sick they couldn’t be ready for the therapy in three weeks. There is a lingering effect, typically the 24 hours after during the cell division.
“Morton's Neuroma - I have tried traditional remedies: ice, rest, not going barefoot, etc. but to no avail. Any suggestions as I'm not able to go for my daily walks for over 45 days? As of this week, I've gone to a completely "Carnivore diet" with the hope it will help with the inflammation.”
Rather high-dose systemic enzymes would be a good first choice. And that would be the direction I would head. Like Vascuzyme or Vitalzym. I would take probably five twice a day on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed. Lots of water. And then I would look for some kind of an orthotic that will help expand, and open up your toes. And by the action of opening up the toes, blood vessels, veins, and nerves go to each area between the distal metatarsal, then they split to go down one toe and then the other so they will split. The arterial will go to that toe and split to be in the other one. And then the nerve and vein will do that. At this area here, this junction where the vessel of the vein, nerve, and artery come, they will bifurcate to go into the toe on each side, that becomes a busy area. And so, stepping on it each time, stepping on it, you can see the rubbing action here, and then the body will build up fibrin material, sometimes calcified, which will then become kind of like a glob. And that blob or glob is called Morton's Neuroma. It's the name of the man who identified it on anatomy. Anything that is dis-inflaming, like enzymes, drinking enough water, being very low carb like a carnivore diet, and providing all the repair that brings the phospholipids and the essential fats to heal the tissue.
So, if you got some kind of an orthotic placed so that when you step on it, it makes your toes spread out. That will help the space here, the space here, the space here, and the space here, between all the toes and it will splay them apart a little bit more. Some people will take cotton or yarn, and they'll put it between their toes like this, with a little gauze or tape in between their toes to help them make their toes be splayed open a little more. But that would be my suggestion as well. Hopefully, that might help you.
“What are your thoughts on ivermectin in relation to slowing down or stopping cancer? Especially renal cancer.”
Well, there have been a good deal of publications on several cancers, renal being one of them, renal cell carcinoma and the overcoming, you might say, of the cancer cell. And this would imply that there might be some chronic viral illness that is creating chronic irritation so that the repair of whatever is irritating the tissue there is maybe a viral origin and it's trying to repair itself. But if you keep on having a poke in the cell membrane, and your body is constantly trying to send growth and repair hormones to fix it, then at some point in time, especially with growth hormone and insulin growth-promoting factors being stimulated by a high carb diet, that's when you see how these areas of chronic inflammation can generate a tumor finally, which is an outpouring of the body's frustration of inability to repair a damaged area or a constantly irritated area. So, I'm pleasantly surprised. We have tried after talking with some patients who have independently electively decided to use ivermectin, an appropriate dose at 0.4 milligrams per kilogram, once daily, and we've seen some prostate cancers and other cancers. Lung cancer, I think was some of the earliest cancer. Now, there are many kinds of lung cancer but there has been a lung cancer that has apparently resolved doing this. So, I don’t see how it can harm anyone.
Ivermectin received the Nobel Prize in 2015, and the inventors of this very essential medicine worldwide, are so beneficial. It was recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the foundational medications and so forth. And it's been around and in used billions of doses over 30 to 40 years. And so, I'm in favor of it.
“What is the most effective way to relieve hemorrhoids? How can they be avoided? Do they ever disappear completely?”
The hemorrhoid itself is the vein at the anal opening, and when there's constant stress, like bearing down like a bowel movement, the blood will pull in the veins. And if this is a chronic constipation, often bearing down, those veins that surround the anus, the pressure on the wall can kind of tear it open and have the bulge in the vein. Blood will accumulate there and have an abnormal pathway clot and then become firm with the site of irritation and inflammation and so forth.
So, one of the things that we’ve always told people is to lay down. Because you know what, you have about three feet of height above your anus when you’re standing. So, you’ve got three feet of venous pressure on that area, even if you're not bearing down with a bowel movement or have you know piled up constipated stool down there. So, we say the more you can lay down, the better in a protracted sense, not that you stay absolutely bedridden. But the more you can lay down with your body then your body's thicknesses what maybe 10 inches or so then the column of venous fluid that builds up as much less pressurized, you might say, from the height of the column if you were standing.
The other thing is wonderful water, just drinking tons of water. The other thing is taking enzymes. Enzymes are the PacMan of the body and they clean up debris and not injured cells. When the hemorrhoid becomes so large that it's literally palpable with your hand use that usually has to be surgically removed. Very small hemorrhoids can be resorbed. Very often the tension in the vein there, the body is very sturdy and has natural connections in the elastin collagen sheathing of a vein and this will not come apart. But to repair it, if it comes under stress, you need vitamin C. So, vitamin C deficiencies are implicated as part of the cell wall weakening. I do believe in taking enough vitamin C every day. Also, eating enough protein and collagen. Also staying well hydrated so you don't get firm stools. Taking probiotics, taking high fiber in your diet, laying down. Some people and I've done this, I have compounded an ointment that has nitroglycerin in it. Nitroglycerin like at a 0.05%, which is a very low percentage, as a gel if you smear it around your anus there where the hemorrhoids are, it helps this bumped-out area that has a blood clot in it and helps it relax a little bit more because nitroglycerin is part of helping nitric oxide to be released and dilate this area and may release the enzymes and stuff in the water to get rid of that clot and the enzymes will chew it up which may allow for healing. And so, nitroglycerin cream is applied two to three times a day locally, to have a localized effect. You have to be careful with nitroglycerin if you have heart disease. Remember nitroglycerin under the tongue can create vasodilation cardio vascularly for angina. So, you don't want to overdo it with the topical. So, I usually don't give it to people who have low blood pressure or are on other vasodilators from their cardiologists and stuff. But if you're if you don't have those medicines, I think that's a very reasonable thing to do also.
And then of course, you always want to eat a diet that's healthy in phospholipids and protein, so that when you reweave the elastin collagen, and they adhere to the highly erotic acid, the vitamin C, the elastin collagen will be strong Remember the thing where you would stick your two fingers in it and it would be very firm, that’s what I would do for a hemorrhoid.
“I recently got diagnosed with Seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and my doctor prescribed me nizoral 2% shampoo. The treatment seems to be working, but the shampoo is quite harsh. Any suggestions on how to treat this alternatively?”
Well, Seborrheic dermatitis is showing that there's lots of little irritations on your scalp. I don't know how often you brush or you wash your hair or what you're using, or what your, maybe your salon/hairstylist is using, but lots of pokes in those cells. And we always have bacteria and viruses and fungi on us. I mean, we're teaming all the time with you know, fellow travelers. The argument is made if you think of all about biofilm that's in our gut, the trillions of bacteria, all their unique DNA, the billions and billions that are on our skin, in our hair, and so forth, in our sinuses, all that DNA is foreign and most of it is irritating. So, if you're constantly scratching your skin, creating little injuries like this, overwashing your hair, drying out your oils that normally want to keep the cell that are in the dermis, the dead cells that pack up and kind of create a seal to your skin to hold in the moisture, to hold in your oils, to give you some structure and thickness, but you're always washing it off, you're going to create these tiny little micro-injuries where an adventitious opportunistic bacteria, virus, fungi is going to try and get their way in and start creepy crawling and munching on the old dead cells. And, you know, setting up his house and cave and so forth.
And another thought is that food reactivity, and chronic inflammation creates a reduced immune system from the gut, leaky gut, and a permeable gut cell membrane, and those tons of bacteria create an alarm in your gut-associated lymphoid tissue. So, your immune system is being wasted on your gut and breaches of a wall there. Maybe you have wheat allergens or dairy allergens from homogenized, pasteurized dairy, or you have gluten allergens, or other food allergies, and you just keep on eating this pattern. And you keep on injuring. And you keep on getting leaky gut. So, you're wasting your immune system there. And therefore, it can't control this.
The other shampoo that I tend to recommend for a Seborrheic dermatitis is Selsun Blue. That’s a one or two percent selenium because the mineral selenium has a very powerful immune-supportive activity. Of course, if you know healthy nutrition, have a good zinc level, don't wash your hair so often, all the dyes of the hair, the coloring of the hair, blow drying the hair, heating the scalp up, drying the scalp up. If we don’t eat enough healthy fats, remember the picture here of the cell membrane, the bilipid membrane is the same as these pictures here, only this is in more detail. And on each protein, which this is the protein right here, these are essential fatty acids that are surrounding and hugging it, you might say. They're attached to these phospholipids here and they stick and hug to the receptor proteins. These are the essential linolenic, and alpha-linolenic acids. They are damaged with all processed foods, that omega 6 fatty acid, which is essential for health and life. It’s damaged with heating, hydrogenated, trans fatty acids, and even if the package says there is none, there is a government loophole that I think allows a half a milligram of trans fatty acids for serving. They can claim no trans fatty acids, but yet a half a milligram or some, you know, low level. But you eat this over and over and you're getting trans fatty acids. You are damaging cell membranes. These fatty acids are being lost. We are not eating them. We don’t eat enough of healthy free-range beef, fish, or chicken with the skin on it, or the egg yolks, butter. We are becoming a bunch of people who are made up with cells with a bunch of holes in it. You are not able to fix your cell phospholipids, and cholesterol in the wall, there are these essential fatty acids that are in these pictures. So, that’s what we do for Seborrheic dermatitis.
“What type of doctor should I see for hip pain before it gets worse and I need a hip replacement? Or are there exercises that would be helpful?”
You want to build up your muscles. As we are aging, the deltoids in our shoulders, the hip muscles, the abdominal, and the psoas muscle to help us from protruding forward, our glutes, and our spine, it is all a wonderful orchestration of muscle, tendon, and synchrony. But we lose muscle mass with aging. We become dehydrated with aging. So, if you're losing the muscles that hold you up to do everything you need to do, bend forward, and so forth, and you're not putting effort into you know, do some overhead deltoid pull-down weights against resistance to do some weights with your latissimus dorsi on your scapula, you know with your arm lifting a heavy weight or pulling the weight or pushing against the weight for your pectorals. If you're not doing biceps, if you're not doing leg presses, if you're not doing leg extension and flexion, hip abduction, and abduction, abdominal crunches, you are going to be dissolving away. If you don't eat enough protein every day, you're going to be dissolving away.
If you're always eating bread, pasta, too many nuts, and seeds, cracker, rice, beans, oatmeal, couscous, hummus, tortilla crackers, tortillas, corn, bread, bagels, pasta, crackers, chips, cookies, sweet drinks, we are not made of carbohydrates, this is all fat and protein in your muscles are fat and protein. And they're essential fats that you have to have like we talked about. So, steaks, and chicken, and fish, and egg yolks, and pork chops, and shrimp, lobster, and crab so that your body can extract this. And then, hormones, like estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone are part of helping our body do remodeling and general contracting. But only if you are using it and using your muscle or pulling that weight down. Then you have to have capillaries and you have to have enough water to dissolve the building blocks center to get it to every muscle everywhere in this little thin, teeny, weeny capillary beds to every part of your body. Many times, we don't stretch. So, Pilates or a regular stretching program will you know bring your body and expand your vertebra and let those discs in between each vertebra those spongy areas between each vertebra has a disc in it. When you bend one way and squeeze one side of it, you kind of make a wedge when you're bending this way. But then when you bend the other way it expands and steps in water. But you have to drink enough water to do that. So, you want to build your muscle. You want to exercise that muscle.
DHEA is also a precursor to testosterone that helps you build your muscles, eating the protein, eating the essential fats, getting a good night's sleep. I mean literally having good healthy sleep hygiene. Getting a good night's sleep every night is very important in your repair of your gut. So, it can absorb what you're eating, not eating late. The older we get, that reminds me, I got to take my digestive enzymes myself. And if you don't digest your food, then you won't break down the protein to get the amino acids to make the muscles as well.
When I take my capsules, any vitamin, I take two at a time with a big gulp of water and I don't swallow it right away. I swish it around in my mouth. So, my saliva will start secreting. And it will start making the capsule slippery and it helps to go down much easier. So, I would just encourage you to do that rather than throw it back and try and force it down with a water. It's nice when you let your saliva action work on it and you take 10 seconds and before you swallow. So, that's what I would say about hip pain.
I am so thankful I have no pain anywhere. And I honestly think it's my hormones. My testosterone level. My DHEA, you know, I have my routine with sleep. Early to bed, early to rise. I’m always up at five or a little earlier. I’m always trying to hit the sack around 9 to 9;30. And I’m well hydrated. I have my rules about my water. I have my boundaries. I won’t eat late so that my stomach is empty so that I can extract out of my diet what I need. I feel so healthy and so mobile, so I can my workouts, and Pilates. I will be at Pilates tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. I’ll be there for an hour and work out. I’m so thankful.
And yes, the hips will hurt. And my sisters who don't use hormones, their hips hurt. My other sister who did the hormone and still does it, and does Pilates and exercises, and does low carb, and takes her digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes, the one that’s on here, Debbie, you see her join in with us. She doesn’t have this problem either. So, it’s not just us. It’s the way we should be.
“I have been diagnosed with yeast in my gut- and almost have to wall around my gut. My symptoms were constipation and then came the autoimmune disease of Hashimoto's thyroid. My question is I have fungus on my toenail for over 15 years and I was always discouraged from treating it with medication. Could that have caused yeast in my gut? Should I treat my toe fungus with medication?”
We will all have yeast, a little bit, all of us. No matter who you are. It’s in our food. It’s everywhere. It will grow if you eat a high-carb diet. It will grow if you eat a lot of starchy foods. Yeast loves sugar. The sugar suppresses the immune system and then that will harm the healthy bacteria. You will start to get an imbalance in your gut. It will have yeast overgrowth.
A toenail grows so slowly we become impatient. It takes about a full year for one great toenail to grow from the base of the toe where the skin meets the start of the growth plate on the nail until the edge where you trim it off, takes about a year. And so, fungus can be gotten rid of with a very low-carb diet, all the things we talked about, enough water, exercise to have pumping, hydraulic pumping, and oxygenation of the tiny, tiny, tiny little capillaries down there. Because fungus hates oxygen and it loves fermentation, lack of oxygen. And so, it needs lots of sugar to survive and grow. So, if you are very low carb or carnivore like a ketogenic diet, you don't eat late, you have intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating so that you're only eating in a six-hour window say between 11 and 5 pm, you keep sugar to grams, less than 20 grams or less. If you do that all year long, your gut is going to heal. If you eat enough healthy fats and proteins, you don't eat late at night. I would take probiotics. I would use digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes.
Then for the gut, you could use something like grapefruit seed extract, or you could use other herbs that are associated with killing off yeast and have been tested, even the Argentyn silver. I often have people put Argentyn silver on their nails, soaking the keratin of the nail on the nail base and under the rim of the toes. The Argentyn silver kills the fungus. So, there are many things you can do with it. I just don’t prescribe prescription medications for fungus. Because it's a Band-Aid. If you're not going to change your diet, if you're not going to work at this, get your body moving. Start with what you can and then build on it. All you have to do is do one good thing starting tomorrow and do that for a week or two and then add another good thing two weeks from now and then another good thing. And then suddenly, you know, a month or two from now you're doing two or three good things for your body, and all these things will benefit you.
So, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, help your body to do what's right, get a few all-natural substances, the Argentyn silver, put it on your toes, morning and evening. Keep the shoes open-toed as best as you can. Very low-carb diet. Lots of water. EDTA chelation will help improve the microcirculation and heal it quicker. So, all these things will be helpful.
“Thoughts on 60+ taking creatine for strength training?”
Well, it's involved in muscle building, so it’s going to work. It's just the rate of building and the effort is harder the older we get. Therefore, you just have to use your wisdom and age with maturity and understand, “Okay, it will be a little slower going of healing, but I’ll get there.” It’s the Turtle and the Hare story. The turtle wins because he's dedicated. He knows if he's steady, he'll get to the finish line. The hare is impatient and runs all around and goofs off and gets into trouble. So, I think using creatine for muscle building is very wise and very beneficial.
But then again, I think if you just eat meat, and fish, and chicken, and beef, and eggs and you get, you know, all this foolishness out of processed foods, and sweet drinks, and treats. Reserve true treat days to a once-a-month limit, then that's what we should do. Well, hopefully, that helps you.
“In addition to eating well, and drinking water do you have any suggestions for dealing with arthritis in the spine and narrowing of the foramen and central stenosis?”
There is no real healing. In the 41 years I have been practicing, central stenosis is a chronic, low-grade inflammation process. I believe if you take systemic enzymes, drink your water, very low carb, you do resistance training, no less than twice a week, and you do aerobic training twice a week, you get a good night’s sleep, take enzymes morning and evening, building up your posture and your muscles, natural hormones. EDTA chelation is extremely valuable in microcirculation.
Anytime you improve circulation, you're going to improve any part of your body of all diseases. So yes, EDTA chelation is a solution for every issue ever brought up to me. And I've always seen it work now.
Yeah, you have to do 30 IVs, that is the typical recommendation, and steady as she goes. Remember the Turtle and the Hare. Some people need 60 and then do a maintenance, 10 a year thereafter. I have been doing chelation for decades and decades. I’m sure I feel healthy because of all the tiny circulation that I’m sure part of my skin and complexation, and the thickness of my skin so I don’t look so aged, is because of the circulation, as well from chelation therapy I've done all these years.
“Please explain the difference, and your preference, between the following diets, keto, ketogenic, keto-for, carnivore?”
Well, really carnivore is a pure all 100% animal products that could include fish, that can include poultry, that can include pork, that can include eggs, and dairy because it's any animal product. That's a carnivore, that's the highest purest form. That's what I like to do. That is my preference. Especially for rapid healing. It is the most nutrient-dense, mineral-rich, even organ meat and organ from animals eating the liver, heart, and so forth, and kidneys and such, these have vitamin C in it.
Keto-for is a blending between a very low-carb diet where you allow in vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, green beans, Brussels sprouts, and spinach buttered up. But you keep those carbs extremely low. Well under 20 grams.
The term keto and ketogenic are a diet in which most people can eat a certain amount of carbs if they're very mindful of the amount of starch in a plant, a product that they're going to eat. And so, if you're working out a lot, weightlifting, doing running, doing hit training, high-intensity training, you can probably get away with maybe up to as much as 50 grams of carbs a day. And I know some very young people who can have almost up to 100 grams of carbs a day. But again, it can't be these simple carbs, it can be more of the complex carbs, maybe some squash, maybe some zucchini, maybe some a little bit of sweet potato. But these are kids who are very active working out of athletes, the average person I think needs to stay at 50 grams if they're working out on a routine, and they're very good with it. Those of us who are not being driven by a personal trainer, and we're doing our walks, we're doing our weight resistance training, Pilates, whatever you're doing, I think is safer if you try and stick with a 20 to 25-gram limit, especially the older you get. So that would be my answer.
“I have chronic indigestion, already take complex digestive enzymes, complex pills before each meal, and fermented foods, still struggling. Is there anything to get my digestive enzymes up and working?”
Well, I would want to know what your vitamin D level is. Vitamin D is so important in so many, many cell receptors throughout the whole body. And the impact on the gut health, and the amount of diversity of the good gut bacteria that helps with digestion. You know, your bacteria in your gut is also part and parcel of helping you make vitamins, helping you to keep bad bacteria and opportunistic flora away. It helps prevent endotoxins and irritations in the gut. So I would check your vitamin D level and I would take a probiotic, you know, that has a broad spectrum the different all the lactobacillus, the saccharomyces boulardii, and I do like the spore-forming probiotics in Ortho Spore IG. I take Ortho Spore IG, Ortho Biotic, and a third one, what is the name of it? O’Hara’s. So, I’m taking three probiotics a day. Again, I will not eat past five or six o’clock. You might back that up and not eat past three. Make your window of eating 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. That is often good. Having good nighttime, good hygiene, going to bed earlier, 9:30, and getting up earlier. And exercising is associated with stimulating the environment of your gut to promote growth and repair hormones. I mean, there is so much research going into the microbiome and the flora and the vitamins. You might also consider you know what your blood type is, you might need more digestive enzymes. I take five digestive enzymes, I'll probably take another two or three more when I get home. I normally take five, I took two so far right now. I could tell, I ate at 4:30. I could feel the food is still in me, I don’t want to belch, or burp when I’m talking to you. I know I need more. You could take more.
Vitamin D, don’t forget it. You may also want to take a B complex, like a mid-range B complex that has all the essential B vitamins in it. Not a high dose necessarily. Because B5 pantothenic acid helps you make acetylcholine, which is involved in peristalsis, your parasympathetic system, which helps and aids in digestion, and many people are not making that hormone called acetyl coenzyme a, acetylcholine, which is the digestion rest side of your innervation of the gut. Whereas, the sympathetic side is the epinephrine fight or flight side. So, think about a good B vitamin with enough vitamin D and pantothenic acid, 50 milligrams a day. That is vitamin B5.
“Next month I will be traveling. I will be on an airplane for five or six hours. I take two immune protect each day. Should I take more? Any other supplements I should take?”
Well, if you're going to be on a long plane flight, I would not eat. And I'm just sorry that that sounds so unfun. But the older we are, and the more oxidatively stressed and you're flying through the sky and you’re higher off the ground. The sun’s radiation is getting there, like getting a chest x-ray every two to three-hour flight. You will wind up getting two equivalents of a chest x-ray with that many hours flying. Then I would drink boatloads of water. I would take vitamin C powder and put packets of vitamin C, or scoops of vitamin C in my water to promote bowel movements.
I would take my Juice Plus antioxidants, I would take extra vitamin D. And let's say you're on 10,000 a day with K2, I would take at least two of them, 20,000 for the day before the trip, the day of the trip, the day after, or two. Then when you get back on the plane, the day before you get back on the day before, the day of the trip, and two or three days thereafter. With extra vitamin C all the time, with the extra vitamin D, plenty of water. You don’t want to get any blood clots from long sitting time, or the oxidative stress of flying, and the other thing is I would take your systemic, Vascuzyme or Vitalzym. I would be taking maybe while I’m on the flight or upon getting to your flight, I would take four in the morning therefore, and then four when you get on the plane. And four more after you get to where you are planning to go on an empty stomach. You have all this anti-inflammatory going on at the same time. That's what I would do.
“What blood test, diet, or exercise do you recommend after having a TIA?”
I would do EDTA chelation therapy to improve microcirculation, drink your water, be low carb, be on a time-restricted eating frame, and find out what your blood type is, you might need digestive enzymes, especially if you are a blood type A. I would never eat past six o’clock at night. I would fast one day a week, 24 hours. I would exercise with both some moderate resistance weight training twice a week, but definitely a planned 20/30 minute brisk walk every day for aerobics. EDTA chelation, vitamin D, eating a diet that will help repair the blood vessels with the healthy fish, beef, chicken, eggs, and so forth. What else would I do? I would take our clinician's preference for parent essential oils definitely. So, the oils, the healthy proteins in your diet, time-restricted eating, walking briskly, and some weight resistance, EDTA chelation, systemic enzymes, and that's what I would do.
If you are older, always start digestive enzymes around age 65 to 70. So, you might need a lot more digestive enzymes than you think.