HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, November 22 2022

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, November 22 2022

November 25, 2022


“Is it common to experience warmth in my stomach after taking digestive enzymes (and/or a tiny bit of nausea or burping)? Does it mean I consumed too many for my chemistry in that moment? Does the efficacy of OrthoMolecular digestive enzymes wear off after the expiration date? Or can they still help break down proteins? Can I still take expired digestive enzymes without harm?”


I have never personally paid attention to my Ortho digestive enzyme expiration date. And in my decades and decades of using it, I would say that I've accumulated several bottles, some partially used up and some I forgot and put them away. I never throw them away. So, I have used my Ortho digestive enzyme without checking the expiration date. So, I personally know of no harm. These enzymes, if they are expired, or lose some of their activity, are just going to also be broken down into their components, amino acids, and such. So, I can't imagine any harm that that would come to. 

Now, if you're having a sense of warmth, after taking some or even a slight bit of burping, or nausea, we would not know whether that is what you just ate the food and the reaction you're having to the food you had. It depends on many factors, the stress, the rate of speed that you ate your meal, the time of the day you're eating it, the major components, what percent of that meal was carbohydrate, what percent was fat, all these things come into play. I would suggest that if it isn't anything more than a sense of warmth and if it isn't constantly happening, I don't think I would pay attention to it. I think instead, I would observe and if you see a pattern, then I would cut back and see if that goes away under similar eating conditions. 

I take typically, five Ortho digestive enzymes after I eat a meal. And I usually take them after the meal because I don't want to be called away if I'm busy or interrupted and take five on an empty stomach and never get the opportunity to eat the meal that I meant to digest them with. So, that's kind of how I would see it. I don't worry about the expiration dates. Certainly, I don't think there'd be any harm. And I do certainly think that there are many other factors that could be associated with it. But if you see a pattern, maybe cut back, or it could conversely mean that you need more. I used to only take one or two digestive enzymes when I was younger. Now, at about 70 years old, I am taking five or six after a meal. 


I've heard you mention BioPC Pro. I'm wondering what the difference is between that and NT Factor Energy Lipids, which I've been taking for years. I have some nerve conduction slowness in my feet and venous insufficiency in my lower legs.”


And what she is talking about, we've done a lot of research and publications. We have done studies here and it's been a part of my activity as a doctor here at Tustin Longevity Center to do food research, nutraceutical research, projects, and cell membrane repair, and cell membrane has been made up of 50% of fat and 50% protein. And if you get a hole blown into the cell membrane there, you are going to need to have that healthy fat and those proteins to repair yourself so you're not getting all these holes popped in it and collapsing like the inner tube in the pool. So, this is what she is talking about. 

This is the old Allergy Research Group, NT Factor Energy Lipids. We helped develop this for this company. It contains all these phospholipids that make up our cell membranes that we have not been eating enough of because our corrupt, you know, food advice pyramid made us afraid of eggs and meat, and things like that, the egg yolks. And so, we need these to have healthy membranes and to make our white blood cells. So that's what this is.

Now, pardon me. Since then, we have noticed this tends to clump. It’s a powder. You scoop out a scoop of this, you put in some water, and then you take that morning and evening to help repair the lining of your gut. Over time, it gets clumpy. Let me see if I can see this here. Well, that's what it looks like inside with a little scooper. And you can see some clumps are starting in there. 

However, I haven't opened it, but BioPC Pro is a powder and we have found it's better received and it is not clumping on us. And it has all the phospholipids in it. And is very valuable, for the same reasons that this is so helpful. So this is what we're moving to and this is the one we're going to be moving away from. And it's the same thing, there's really no difference. There's phosphatidylcholine in here, there is Phosphatidylinositol, Phosphatidylethanolamine, and Phosphatidic acid. So, each of a naturally occurring phospholipid profile, about 10 grams per serving. That's a huge amount. And that's a wonderful amount. This one had a serving size, which is a scoop or 1/4 teaspoon, gave you about four grams. 

And so, you are getting more from this one here. So, that’s how I see it and how we are going with it. We have been pioneering the repair the cell membrane for over 30 years. We have been ahead of the spearpoint on it. And I think that is why we have had great success with our patient base and no matter what your age is, our patients are living healthier, longer lives.  


“Apolipoprotein B unifies, amplifies, and simplifies the information for the conventional lipid markers as to the atherogenic risk attributable to the apoB lipoproteins. Should an apoB blood test be the standard measure for a patient's atherosclerosis risk?”


And I’m going to say a whole-hearted, no. And the reason why is because it's been quite clear. I've seen it born out in 41 years of practicing medicine. It is how much sugar, starch, high fructose corn syrup, and fruit sugars that you're consuming every day, which raises up the blood sugar stickiness, which creates injuries, which creates clogged tiny blood vessel capillaries, which choke the cells, injures the lining of the endothelium of the blood vessels, and attracts for tissue repair. And if we're not eating the healthy phospholipids I just mentioned such as the egg yolks, and the meat, and chicken, and the fish, and pork, and the like, then we are not repairing as well. We have these chronic injuries, ulcerations on the inside lining of our blood vessels, and then they become inflammatory attraction centers and then calcified down and so forth. 

Now, we are seeing more and more the unpleasant truth that we're eating too many starches, bread, pasta, crackers, processed foods, roughly, you know, I've heard as much as 80% of the foods in a typical grocery store never existed 50 years ago. All these products and the living healthy foods are becoming more and more diminished, genetically modified, and all these processed foods are being developed, and they're being laced with, not to mention preservatives and to extend the life on the shelf, they are hydrogenated the fats so they don't oxidize with the oxygen and become rancid. But they are putting in them addicting components of high fructose corn syrup and there are like 54 or 56 different chemical names for high fructose corn syrup, derivatives, and sugars. And it's confusing to the consumer. And so, we're getting these sugars in all the time. 

And I think if you Google heart disease and insulin, heart disease and high triglycerides or hypertriglyceridemia, if you Google heart disease and high blood glucose, you even know, even if you're not a health care provider, diabetics as a class have higher average blood sugars. That is what defines the disease label of diabetes. And they are not clearing their sugars out properly. And most of these are lifestyle-created problems. The very small percentage is a Type 2, rather a Type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes. And those are very rare. You can as a Type 2 become so poor, that eventually, you become insulin dependent. And they erroneously call that Type 1. But really, it's Type 2 that's just amplified. And this is on blood sugar problems and heart disease. We know that diabetics have advanced heart disease, vision problems, strokes, heart attacks, and peripheral vascular disease, at a rate that far exceeds the population. 

So, what is the number one thing that they're starting to turn to that we have been saying for decades here at Tustin Longevity Center? We have been saying reduce your carbs, reduce your inclination to snack, and eat and drink your sugars and all these foolish drinks and all these juicing drinks. Even many of these commercial health foods are really overpowered by sugars that impact us. 

We have been using insulin as a biomarker for heart disease for over 30 years here. We have been using homocysteine for over 30 years. We've been using highly sensitive C reactive protein for over 30 years because we certainly understood that heart disease is an inflammatory disorder of the blood vessel lining and that's primarily for a high carb inactive diet. And so, I don't care what little new specialty tests are out there that are correlated and are associated from the downstream post-inflammatory result and that's what we're seeing with APB and the others. It is the sugar fasting glucose, the hemoglobin A1C average glucose sticking to the protein hemoglobin in your blood, it is the triglycerides which are made when there are excess sugars and you can't burn them down enough in time, then the body will start turning that glucose into storage triglycerides and put them into fat cells and your triglyceride level will rise. And the insulin will shoot up and your baseline insulin level will not return to the baseline. It'll start staying higher and higher anticipating that you will eat these carbs and you will need a higher amount of insulin to drive it into the cell. And that insulin is a growth-promoting hormone. It is associated with increasing the fat and triglyceride content in your fat cells. It's associated with stimulating tumor growth and thickening of the blood vessel intimal wall and on and on it goes. 

I'm going to stick with what you can do yourself without a drug, and that is do weight training. Build up your muscle tone at least twice a week, 20 minutes, weightlifting, and aerobic exercise daily. Don't eat late, fast intermittently on a time-restricted level, and never eat late at night, that's the most confounding time to try and ask your body to burn up a load of food. And eat primarily more healthy fats and proteins and limit your carbs. Because in our country we are in a carbohydrate excessive environment everywhere you go. Hopefully, that's helpful. 


“What’s your opinion on therapeutic blood plasma exchange for autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis?”


I would say also that I am not against this plasma exchange. But it is so unnecessary. We have all kinds of rheumatoid arthritis patients that have voluntarily done food allergy tests, they learn what foods are reactive to them, and they avoid them. They go on a low-carb diet because many of these triggers for arthritis inflammation come from the leaky gut, which is just an injury to the one-cell membrane thick lining of your gut. And that's from the food lectins and eating that same food over and over. And not eating enough healthy phospholipids as you saw us just talk about, or enough healthy eggs, or meat, or chicken with a skin on it, and so forth that have these healthy fats and proteins. So, the repair is not there. And so, you get more injury, more consistently over time. We're eating all day long and snacking, and getting these foods that have glyphosate, genetically modified pesticides, and herbicides, and this alarm is hitting us through our gut. And then, the body sees this as an attack, and very often it is converted into any manner of an autoimmune phenomenon. In this case, you're talking about the autoimmune phenomena of rheumatoid arthritis. 

We have seen these patients come off their methotrexate. They've come off of their monoclonal antibody injections and their antiinflammatory injections and their steroids. And they do remarkably well. So, if you are serious and you're with someone who is able to get that available to you because that's hard to get available, the therapeutic blood plasma exchange for autoimmune. And that's where they filter out these big antibody complexes through the passage through a membrane, plasma freezes, and it stops them. But you'll generate those antibodies again if you don't change the lifestyle. So, it's a high cost for a short-term activity where your own lifestyle could solve most of the problem. 


“How toxic is a daily glass or two of wine? I am on bioidentical hormones (10 mg bias & 200 mg progesterone + Armour Thyroid 90 mg. Could drinking alcohol increase my chances of breast cancer? If so, is there a supplement you can recommend to help with detoxing? I am taking milk thistle and Eco Nugenics 'PectaClear' for detoxing.”


Alcohol is a toxin. I don’t support alcohol consumption. It is a toxin. It has no nutritive value. It harms the liver. It is exclusively metabolized in the liver and consumes much of the duties that the liver was designed to just maintain a healthy body in its normal detoxing of other metabolites in our body. So, I don't have anything good to say about having wine.

Certainly, if you're going to have a glass of wine at a family tradition, Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or something like that. You know, a few glasses a year, that's probably volume-wise very minimal. And from a physiologic point of view, probably very small. But daily consumption of alcohol is a toxin, and there's no way I can support them. 

Yes, it will harm and aggravate the hormone balance because alcohol is associated with elevating the estradiol component in a woman, in a man, in children, in the young, and in the old, any consumption of alcohol raises estradiol. And it gives it a bad name because alcohol from this mechanism of a build-up is usually associated with harm to the liver and tumor formation. Natural estradiol, that's not exposed to the toxin alcohol, I would argue is not associated with a breast cancer risk. I would encourage you to read the book, Estrogen Matters. And you'll see it is far more likely the carbohydrate content of alcohol and its components, the high carbohydrate component of our lousy American diet, and the insulin hormone that it calls forth that stimulates the high sugar content rise, and the insulin response, and the growth promotion that is associated with cancer. 

So, the liver is helped by fasting. And fasting gives it a rest from metabolism stress and taking things like Alpha Lipoic Acid, 500 milligrams twice a day. Taking milk thistle. Taking even Vitamin C, N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Glutathione, and others are associated with helping the liver. But the number one would probably be Alpha Lipoic Acid. The metabolism of estradiol is helped by calcium glucuronic and with item items like diendomethane (DIM). These are items that are known to be associated with a breakdown of estradiol. These would be helpful, but I would not drink alcohol every day. 

And I say that because of personal experience. I had a family member, of course, who I love very much, and is a wonderful person, and a hard worker. But this family member came home from work every day and would have their one or two glasses of wine. In reality, we in medicine are taught, if a patient tells you one or two, in general, it really means two to four. And that's what this family member of mine was really doing. Ultimately, this family member was not on any estrogen replacement therapy. They ultimately gained weight. They ultimately were diagnosed with breast cancer. Her regular doctors did not check a thing about this. They just watched her getting worn out, working hard, and gaining weight, and did nothing to help or check her or do preventative work, until she felt a mass in her breast, and was diagnosed with breast cancer. We got her out here and we got everything handled. She had a partial mastectomy. She did fantastic. She lost a ton of weight. She stopped drinking the wine. And then I put her on a lot of good nutrients. We gave her chelation high dose of vitamin C. Her oncologist followed her up when she returned home out of state. And then life happened and she started having her wine again. And she started calling me about October of the year she died, saying she had chronic infection, sinuses, and she would call her doctor. He would call in an antibiotic and then she would get better for a week or two, then she would get a sinus infection again. And the following month, another round of antibiotics, which happened two or three times. Then her ankles started swelling. And then she said she couldn't urinate, pass urine. And I was saying what on earth are your doctors doing for you? Which was essentially nothing. And she flew out here and I had her see the oncologist, I had her see originally. And I could not believe how indurated with edema she was when she arrived. And there was very little that could be done. And her tumor markers for breast cancer were extremely elevated. 

But what was interesting with her, I did her estradiol level, and she had 179 estradiol. And she was not on any estrogen and she was in her 60s. So, that estradiol came from alcohol. And that alcohol and the sugar of it stimulated probably the original breast cancer and then the recurrence. And her foolish doctors aren't held responsible for their lousy care. And so, that's how that story goes. So, I'm biased. I'm biased and I don't like alcohol. 


“Do you think it’s worth trying a continuous glucose monitoring device? Prescription is required to use these devices and most doctors do not know much about these new devices.”


It’s kind of six of one and half a dozen of another. If you know that you should be avoiding the carbohydrates and there are no nutritional requirements for carbohydrates. Then you should avoid them and then your doctor will do a fasting blood sugar a month later or two, and the insulin, and the triglyceride, and the hemoglobin A1C, and you will know how well you are doing. If, and I fear this is what's happening, many people are asking for this device not only to really control their blood sugar but more to see what they can get away with. It'd be like putting an alcohol metering device in the skin to give alcohol levels to see how much you can drink before you get in the car. And that's my opinion on all of this new fandangled stuff for monitoring and so forth when we know what to do, we can get a blood fasting sugar and those things I mentioned. And then do our exercise, not eat late, avoid the carbs, only eat healthy leafy greens, and so forth. And then, retest in eight to 12 weeks. And that's how I recommend it to be done. 

That is not to say there aren't sincere people who are wanting to monitor their blood sugars and will be motivated through seeing improvements on their daily or weekly walks. So, I'm not against that. But I fear that the sinful nature of man, including myself, would cause me to learn what I can get away with and then eventually you know, abuse things. So, that’s from the hip opinion. But I have prescribed continuous glucose monitoring units. I don’t do it often. But that's what I'm thinking about it. 



“Is it safe to use beef tallow as a daily body moisturizer?”


This can be rendered down into just the beef tallow and it can be used and I don't think you'll smell like a piece of beef. I've never used it. It's certainly not harmful, and it certainly contains the fats that our cell membranes do need. So, it makes all the sense in the world. So, give it try and let me know, let us all know here in a month from now or two if you see improvement on that. This especially is the dry time, this is when we wrinkle up more, we dry up more because of such a drop in humidity. And that would be interesting. And it is certainly safe, yes. 


“I'm Dr. Mitchell's patient, 83 and in pretty good health, eating well with numerous supplements for years and on topical bioidentical estradiol, estriol, testosterone - 3/3/.4 and oral progesterone (220 mgs) Normal diagnostic mammograms and diagnostic ultrasounds but dense breasts. However, thermographies have consistently gotten worse since 2012 (baseline) Atypical hypervascular patterns in both breasts with a continued increase in the thermal patterns in both breasts but findings in the left breast are now at TH 3 (Thermogram Score) which is considered "Equivocal". The "closed loop vascular completeness in the left breast has increased to 2.0 degrees C and is outside of normal limits and is considered a thermographic finding. Global heat of the left breast has significantly increased from a delta T of 0.5 degrees C to 1.2 degrees C which is elevated. I have "callbacks" every 6-9 months and these last findings were compared to 12/21. I do take Allergy Research DIM and OrthoMolecular Estro DIM (which includes 200 mgs of Indole-3 Carbinol )so the dangerous metabolites are in a safe place. I have been advised by other integrative practitioners to stop bioidentical estrogen. About a year ago, Rx for topical bioidentical was lowered, so the estradiol which had been at about 5.7 was reduced to 3 and safer, but weaker estriol was increased to 3. In spite of the reduction and at that time applying topical progesterone on my breasts, the thermograms have gotten consistently worse. I don't want to stop using estrogen because of its youthful effects (facial skin is lovely), cardiovascular, etc. But I'm frightened that I'm on the path to breast cancer! Please advise.”


Well, thank you for joining us here and sharing. So, what I would say is this, fibrocystic breasts do respond to iodine replacement therapy. I would do a 24-hour urine iodine test and start using Iodoral, one tablet, 12.5 milligrams daily. Enzymes help dis-inflame and using the systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, I would use four or five twice a day. I would also do EDTA chelation therapy with Vitamin C called Enhanced Chelation. And I would do that once a week for 30. And doing all that with a low-carb diet and exercise, then I would, with adequate water hydration, I would repeat the thermogram. And I am sure you will see a nice reduction in the heat temperatures. Therefore, I am in favor of natural human bioidentical hormones. I am aware that most doctors don't know about iodine and fibrocystic breasts. I know they don't know about systemic enzymes and fibrocystic breasts. I know they don't really think very much of the power of a nice big glass of water, drinking half your weight as ounces every day, of water. I don't think they appreciate the impact of EDTA chelation therapy with Vitamin C at all. And I don't think they appreciate the value of aerobic exercise. 

The other thing is as we age, our skin thins and then the breast skin tissue thins, and the heat contents of the glandular vascularized glands become more dominant. So, you put all these things together, and some things may look worse than they really are. I know that as we age, we tend to have, by the time or 85 I've heard it said, that if they look hard enough they'll find a breast cancer starting in any woman or in any man his prostate gland at 85. But that this would never be a cause of death per se, just if they found a little piece of it. 

So, more important, I would check your insulin, check your fasting blood sugar, your triglyceride, and your hemoglobin A1C. These should be lower than the normal ranges recommended. They are too tolerant of it. So, a hemoglobin A1C, we cut off at 5.2, for triglycerides we cut off around 50, for fasting blood sugar we don't want higher than 85, and for insulin, we want under 4. 

So, do those things. Take the enzymes, drink the water, exercise, and do the EDTA chelation, drink your water, enzymes, and take the iodine. And then, repeat the breast imaging. I think you will see a nice temperature reduction. 


“Some functional doctors suggest taking a break from supplements once in a while. They say to stop supplementation for like 30 days as the body gets used to the products even when the supplements are medical grade such as Ortho Molecular, etc. So, they say it’s good to stop to reset the system. What is your opinion on that?”


I don’t think there is any problem with a month off, once a  year. I don’t know any studies on this. So, I know in my busy life, I have probably, certainly, one or two times in the past 50 years of my life where I’ve been off a month or two. But I have to say, I really have been on it almost daily ever since I can remember anything as a child. My father was putting supplements on our breakfast plates every day of our life. But give it a try. Let me know when I see you next. Be off for a month and then get back on and see if you see any really discernible issues or improvements or anything and let me know. But I don't think it's going to be harmful. 


“Is a patient with a history of gallbladder removal 12 years ago at risk of hypercholesterolemia, and high triglycerides if on a ketogenic diet? Female, 58 years old, not overweight, not a diabetic. My labs for the last year have consistently shown T. chol 200, elevated triglycerides.” 



The answer is no. And that is carbs in your diet. And the older we get, just the mere fact of aging, we're going to have more cells with holes poked in them as we age. It’s just the way of life. It’s just the way of life, there's going to be our rate of repair diminishes. So, the number of cells with holes in them will increase. That will send messages to the liver that there are cell membranes that need cholesterol for repair and your liver will generate cholesterol to repair it. So, the older we get, if you don't hit 200 by the age of 70, it's predicted that the life expectancy of someone who's 70 without cholesterol of 200 is not good. So, if you look at longevity and total cholesterol, you'll see there's a correlation that above 200 over the age of 70 is associated with longer life, health, and vitality. 

So, the total cholesterol I think is meaningless. Everything is around the triglyceride and the hemoglobin A1C, the fasting blood sugar, and the fasting insulin. So, work on those things and discuss that with your doctor. It has nothing to do that you having your gallbladder removed. That's just a sack, a holding sack that can squirt out extra bile to help emulsify fats as is passing through the bowel for absorption. If anything, you probably need to eat more cholesterol-rich foods. 


“What is your best time to take digestive enzymes, before or after the meal? 


For me, it's after the meal. Because I get so-called away, interrupted by a phone call, interrupted by a patient, or a situation. I take it after I eat, so I know for sure I have something in there to digest because I don't want to take a bunch of enzymes on an empty stomach and not have something for them to digest. So, there you go. 


“I've had a sore spot on my upper left arm for months now. On and off. Sometimes it feels like someone punched me. I can't think of why?”


I'm gonna say, it's probably the way you're sleeping at night. And you create like exsanguination and pinching of the nerves there and these little nerve bundles. So I would try and get a pillow or see how you're positioning your arms at night and see if that doesn't help it. 

And then systemic enzymes help, drink more water. I think a cell-preserving cell membrane puts a shield up against damage, we recommend the Juice Plus Series as our antioxidant. And of course, EDTA chelation helps microcirculation. But work on your arm positioning at night and see if that might be associated with it. Otherwise, see your doctor and let us know. 


“Do you happen to know of any trigger for Graves disease that people may not talk about much.?


Well, I think it's multifactorial. I think it is partially the one-cell membrane lining of the gut, it's only one-cell membrane thick. It's so easy to injure the inside of the tube of your mouth all the way to your anus. And that's from the food allergies and the marketing to get you to eat the same food over and over again. 

Number two, it's that we're not eating enough natural fat and phospholipids to repair it at the pace of injury. Those holes then create chronic inflammatory spots, which then create inflammation, and the immune system becomes alarmed, and then this miss informational alarm attacks the muscle tissues and the fibrous tissue behind the eye and is an autonomic phenomenon of Graves Disease. So, it’s from the gut. It’s from the lousy marketing and the corrupt pyramid of our corrupt medical industry teaching a foolish pyramid. It’s from lobbyists buying off food industry favors to get away with glyphosate and genetically modifying our food. 

Now, it's also iodine deficiency. And we're mostly all iodine deficient. And our food system has been destroyed by this. And so you start putting in all these factors together, our inactivity we become more inflamed, our lack of drinking water, we become more inflamed. Our eating more hours throughout the day, and our snacking, that aggravates the inflammation. Our stomachs need a quiet time to heal. So, we teach eating in a time-restrictive six-hour zone so that there are 18 hours your stomach can heal by. So, those are some thoughts that may be helpful to you. 


“A relative just had second-degree burns on his face and neck after his shirt caught on fire. But other than the right ointments, what will help his skin heal?” 


Use the spray of the Argentyn Silver. That is cooling. That is the silver nanoparticulate. It’s moisturizing. Have them stay indoors and in a cool environment. And try to just let the skin, not get wind, light, and anything else. Argentyn silver will speed up the healing dramatically. Drinking lots of water, and fasting stimulates healing, if you are on an empty stomach, that will stimulate growth hormones. So, if he can get away with fasting for three or four days, that will really stimulate that. Spray with the Argentyn, and he should heal very well. 

Enzymes, such as Vitalzym and Vascuzyme will reduce the scarring and inflammation that creates some of the pain. So, that will help him as well.