HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 10 2022

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 10 2022

October 12, 2022


“One of my coworkers just asked me to pray for her appointment coming up for a recurrent non-malignant brain tumor. She had surgery over five years ago and it started growing in the last year. She was COVID vaxed and boosted last March. She says she often has headaches. They are offering surgery or radiation. I told her no more boosters. Besides encouraging low carb, what else can I suggest? Any provider you would suggest closer to Torrance?”


I don’t know anyone closer to Torrance. But number one, she should follow up with her oncologist for management. I suppose there's a potential for any tumor to change in its character and become more serious. But the issue is we have had glioblastoma multiforme arrays here, several of them. And we have some of the longest survivors in the state. We put them on a carnivore diet or a very strict keto diet. And then we use high doses of vitamin C and chelation therapy, certain enzymes, and certain nutraceuticals such as vitamin D with systemic enzymes. Plus, some others. Iodine is one of them. We do a complete nutrient assay. So, we would look to help the detoxing and the nutritional immune support for people such as this. But we have seen tremendous success with even the worst type of brain tumor, glioblastoma-- with the ketogenic carnivore type diet, time-restricted eating, and so forth.

So, hopefully, they can find someone who will help them in that venue as they follow along with their oncologist. If they need further surgery or if they need radiation, of course, they should follow the oncologist’s advice. Hopefully, that is a help. 


“My niece, who is in her 30s got the C19 vax. Since then, she has had many health issues, including hair loss, mood swings, chronic fatigue, brain fog, headaches, low libido, generally feeling unwell, and getting sick every few weeks. I think you have mentioned using chelation with some patients. Is there anything else you could recommend to help her, she lives back East.”


If you go to ACAM.org, you might find a chelation physician. That is the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. There are many, many physicians all over the nation that do chelation therapy, which will improve the vasculature, and microvasculature. I don’t know if this has been scientifically proven yet, but anecdotally, we have seen a lot of chelating physicians find that with improved circulation the pharmacokinetics of the spike protein show that it is a CAT ion. And all heavy metal toxins are CAT ions. That means they are positive in charge overall.

Whereas EDTA chelation is negative and it attracts this. The theory is, it might be pulling out spike protein, which would be a good thing. Quercetin is an over-the-counter nutrient herb. Quercetin. And taking 400 milligrams, twice a day, not only acts as an antiviral Ayana to help prevent colds and stuff, but it also seems to help with binding viruses, as well as possibly the spike protein, which is part of a viral presentation.

Using high-dose vitamin C orally, if you can’t find a chelation doctor who would give it intravenously, I would try and take one or two grams, twice a day. Drinking half her weight in ounces every day. If she is 150, she needs 75 ounces of water every day. And to dis-inflame from the microscopic endothelial damage of the potential production of continued spike protein, by using enzymes such as the Vitalzym or the Vascuzyme. These are systemic enzymes that you can use twice a day on an empty stomach. Being low carb is very important. Learning to eat so that you are in a time-restricted zone and stop eating by 6 p.m. Regular exercise, even if it’s only nominal. Just being faithful, even with what little you can do, and building it up. And of course, following her local physician there. Maybe she can find through ACAM.org a chelating physician.

So, I hope this may be a hope and an answer for you. 


“How do you know of any connection between heavy metal toxicity and ototoxicity?”


Well, I don't know of any article, per se, scientific paper on that link. I could do a search maybe at another time.

But the theory would be the tiny capillaries that are involved in the eighth nerve there that helps with the hearing and microcirculation around [inaudible], and all the microvasculature that is important in the whole healthy maintenance and physiology of hearing would be improved with microcirculation as you reduce the oxidative stress that heavy metal toxins bring to the body wherever you are talking, whether it is in the brain, eye, heart, tissues, nerves. As you reduce that oxidative stress, it is usually a help.

So, we would propose to you that as the microcirculation improves with EDTA chelation, not only the ear but all parts of the body will be benefited. So, hopefully, that will be a beginner's point for you.  


“What would you suggest to someone suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities?”


 Well, you should see your physician and be evaluated. But if it's been determined that there is no finding on their evaluation of any impending serious issue, but usually people with multiple chemical sensitivities are people who have, like, they'll smell a perfume, and it'll produce symptoms, headache, nausea, fatigue, bloating, tingling, paresthesia, various things like this. If they eat food, it might generate this. And oftentimes, this is associated with mold. Mold is often thought of as the last resort.

So, what would I suggest for someone who has multiple chemical sensitivities? Work with your doctor, and if they have the time, or if they're not familiar with functional medicine, I would do a complete digestive stool analysis of your stool. And that is done by Doctors’ Data in St. Charles, Illinois. And that is an absolutely wonderful evaluation of your body's digestive system and inflammation. Very often that is a contributor to the weakening of your immune system.

The other thing is I would get a heavy metal test, I would do an EDTA chelation challenge, where they give you EDTA, a certain amount over an hour and a half to three hours, and you collect your urine. We do a six-hour urine collection. Others do a 24-hour urine collection. And you can look at your burden of heavy metal toxins. And we would look at a very thorough, comprehensive screen of your sugar metabolism because it's so common to see metabolic syndrome, hypersensitivity to insulin, and resistance from the high-carb diet. We would want to know your blood type and your age if you are not digesting well. It would probably be benefited from supportive enzymes. Sometimes natural hormone replacement therapy is very valuable depending on your age and situation. Certain herbs that help the adrenal gland with stress, often metal sensitivities are associated with such chronic stress that the adrenals become sluggish. And there are some natural things that can help that. Following a more humble diet, which reduces inflammatory triggers and stressors. So, we teach a one menu day. You eat only one item. For instance, if you have a chicken day, you would have that for all your meals in that 24-hour period. If you have a chicken with a vegetable, that is what you would have. So, we are teaching a one menu a day which reduces stress on your immune system.

Those would be some beginner points. But I think the mold issue and screening for mold is a very important concern here. A very good antioxidant, we use Spectra-sal And it would be looking for glutathione. That's very important in detoxing, N-Acetylcysteine. So, your level of ability to resist oxidative damage. Those would be a starting point that I would suggest. And work with your local doctor and find maybe a functional integrative doctor. Very often, ACAM, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and ACAM.org, you might find something. 


“Does it matter when the daily water quota is filled? I don’t drink enough water during the day, do I still benefit if I drink the remainder of the ounces after returning from work?”


Yes, it does. So, it's very beneficial. I would encourage you to try and get your water volume in every day. 


“Should I discontinue using moisturizers with SPF protection in them? I heard you mention that you don’t like the chemicals in sunscreens. Also, what about for kids? What sun protection do you recommend for them?”


Essentially, I don't use anything. For myself, I do use natural progesterone cream. That is the only thing that I use. I use lightweight clothing, linen, long sleeve, and a hat. That is all that I do. But natural progesterone is known to have a protective effect. So, there are over-the-counter creams of natural progesterone that I use, and seem to be beneficial.

For children, I would probably use-- I don’t see many children. But what I used for my children was a vitamin E, Eucerin cream. I remember having that compounded for them.


“At what age are teenagers considered adults when it comes to iodine supplementation?”


It isn’t age, it’s really more the weight. So, anytime a child weighs about 90, 95-pounds, you can treat them like an adult as far as dosing for supplements and such. So, 95-pounds is about the range that I would go. 


“I’m giving my kids, Iodoral, 6.5-milligrams. They are 13, 16, and 17. They all tested deficient in Iodine prior to supplementation. I wonder if and when they should be talking 12.5.”


I think they all could take 12.5 right now. That was the standard diet for the average Japanese person. That would include most of the children who had reached the size of about 90-pounds. So, I think you are very safe to use 12.5-milligrams.


“The Kokora progesterone cream website has a Prop-65 warning. I recently started my 17-year-old on it. Should I be concerned?”


Essentially that was required in California. I believe that’s because if there is any possibility of some trace heavy metals, it has to be identified. I would say it’s very hard to live in a world that is so industrialized, with lead flowing around so much, it’s in the surface crust dust. So, it’s everything. It’s in your food and all. Therefore, I would not be concerned about it. 


“Is Vitamin D3 okay for a dementia patient to take? And if so, is 10,000 international units too much for one month, reducing to 5,000 after that? She doesn’t sleep well. And I read that D deficiency could be a contributing factor. She is 92 years old.”


I think is very safe to give 10,000 international units of vitamin D3 to someone. I would try and get it with the K2 with it, and Vitamin D3 with K2. We have the D3 10,000 with K2 90-micrograms. And then, have the doctor check her Vitamin D level a month later. I don’t think you ever need to drop to 5,000. It would be most supportive on so many levels for her immune system, bone health, and whole general health. Yes, feel very comfortable doing that even if she is only a hundred pounds. And then just check the level with her local doctor there. 


“My husband is a patient of yours and he just had a colonoscopy this past Friday. Do you recommend he take any post-colonoscopy for gut health?”


If he is a patient, he has probably already been prescribed a healthy diet and certain nutraceuticals. I do think it’s wise after you’ve had anything done with your guy, endoscopy from the throat on down, or colonoscopy, to use a probiotic. Ortho Biotic put out by Ortho Molecular is very, very good. And taking one a day is probably smart. There shouldn’t really be a specific thing that is needed. So, he should do quite well. 


“What mineral vitamins do you recommend when going through chelation therapy?”


Essentially, it has been taught throughout all the years and when I teach chelation therapy for ACAM to other physicians, we always ask them to use more, because of tradition rather than any science-based research, we ask them to go on a multivitamin-mineral supplement. Any standard multivitamin-mineral supplement for an adult is adequate. And so, there is no fear that chelation itself is going to be associated with any particular vitamin or mineral deficiency. Because it really only works the first six to eight hours and it's pretty much out of your system. So, your normal lifestyle of dietary behavioralism will be the theme of how well you're doing. But we still recommend any standard multivitamin-mineral over-the-counter supplement.


But again, don't fall into this pit thinking chelation reduces healthy minerals and such. This is more folklore and methodology. I have never seen it in all the decades after decades after decades that I have used chelation therapy. 


“What do you think is the reasoning behind doctors saying EDTA can cause brain damage?”


I don’t know what reasoning there is because there is no reasoning. EDTA chelation has been given millions of doses yearly for the past 60 to 70 years. And I certainly have been involved with it in medical practice for the last 40 years. That is a foolish statement for a doctor to make. Based on what data? Based on what assumptions? So, no, that would be a very wrong thing to say that EDTA can cause brain damage. That is a preposterous thing. 


“I have a friend whose young son has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It has been recommended that he starts medication. He is not hyperactive. He has a difficult time focusing and following directions. She is looking for alternative options and was wondering what you might recommend?”


I would certainly find out what his blood type is. I would certainly find out what his hemoglobin A1C is. That is the average amount of blood sugar, and glucose sticking to the protein hemoglobin. And that’s an average over a three-month period of time. So, anytime you get a sample, it’s referencing the last three months of spikes of sugar. Sugar creates a hyperactive child and that includes fruit sugar. So, a fructose amine is for the fructose sugar and the hemoglobin A1C is for the glucose. And then, get a fasting insulin and get their triglycerides done. If they're elevated, we know, that he’s getting too much sugar all the time. And that will make someone fidgety and have these crashes and lack of focus.


I would also probably ask them to put the child on JuicePlus. We found in the studies with children on JuicePlus, nearly 20 years, at least 15, those children irrespective of their economic status, and this is worldwide-- I think JuicePlus is in at least 30 or so countries. These children who take it, have better academic performance, better athletic performance, less allergies, less over-the-counter medicines use, less medications prescribed use, less doctor visits, less missed days from school, and so forth. So, I would strongly encourage them to go on the JuicePlus. We put all of our young children here on JuicePlus, Vitamin D, and Iodoral (which is iodine), and instruct the patient's parents on a low-carb diet. That is essentially the focus that we give them. We might give them minerals depending on other factors. But that is essentially what we do and where I would begin. 


“If someone has had an allergic reaction to fish in the past, are they able to take fish supplements?”


It depends, you know, not all fish, you know, sea life is equal. So, if they were eating shrimp, and they had a reaction, that wouldn't be the same as, let's say, salmon or other types of fish. But you see, I am not anyone who supports taking fish oil. Fish oil is for fish. Fish can get into cold water and have to move and don’t want to freeze. And oils don’t freeze. So, God puts lots of double bonds in the fatty acids of fish. So, EPA has double bonds and DHA has five double bonds. So, those fish are always going to move and they are not going to get so cold in the water, even if it is down to 29 degrees. Sometimes moving water at that temperature will not freeze. So, these fish have all these double bonds. And they're swimming and living in 30 to 29-degree weather. But we are 98.6 degrees, and the more warm you are, the less a double bond will survive in a body. So, if you're taking these double bonds, you're going to have a higher likelihood of oxidation and damage from stress for doing that to yourself all the time. The oils and fatty acids that God gave to human beings are linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids. They have two or three double bonds respectively. And this is normally found in egg yolk, eating nuts and seeds, and meat, fish, and chicken with the skin on it. These kinds of things. So, that is what we use. I do not even recommend using fish oil. 


“After having arterial bypass surgery, and taking a beta blocker and a statin, would chelation therapy be beneficial? Would taking Vitamin K be beneficial in keeping cholesterol levels low?”


Well, the number one thing to keep cholesterol and everything low, is the low-carb diet. Because the more starch and fruit sugars and carbohydrates you eat every day, the higher your triglycerides, and the higher the damage is going to create to cells and that damage will be picked up by your liver, and your liver will see the damage fragments and produce more and more cholesterol. So, the number one thing you have to do is be on a very low-carbohydrate diet. Try and do some exercise. Drink enough water every day, half your weight as ounces daily.

And yes, EDTA chelation will always help if you look at the TACT trial, 1, 2, and 3. Go to TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamas. That is the title of the YouTube. And when you go to YouTube, listen to his 15-minute, he’s a cardiologist, head of Cedars Sinai cardiology department. He did the National Institute of Health Research on the TACT trial 1, TACT trial 2, and TACT trial 3. He was very impressed with the data and actually I paraphrased his statement, making the video, there is a statement that says, there is no medication a cardiologist can give you that will be more beneficial than EDTA chelation. 


“What are the benefits of Pycnogonid, French maritime pine bark extract? Does TLC have this in the store or something like this?”


Well, Pycnogonids are powerful families of antioxidants. I think Apex Nutritional has made that in the past and I’ve used it. Now that I have Juice Plus and I have such great antioxidants, I don’t really look for other golly gee whiz individual antioxidants. And I’m just not impressed.

So, yes, in the world of biochemistry, we probably have only figured out the antioxidants that are in, even say an apple. Let’s say there are 10,000 biochemical findings in studying of an apple, but that is probably only the tip of the iceberg of all the wonderful nutrient elements within an apple. So, when you find one item, like a pycnogonid, we get excited. Science gets excited. I’m glad they look at these things. But when you look at the whole food concentrate of 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries that are in JuicePlus and you see the 25-year history of it, and talking to millions of children who have been participating in the children’s health studies with all their great results.

I do my own study on the antioxidants. I just don’t worry about trying to find one isolated antioxidant that will-- Usually they all work in tandem. They work better with a low-carb person and with a person who is drinking enough water. And it works better in a person who gets a good night’s sleep, and it works better in a person who has some exercise. So, we have to put everything in its balance. And so that’s what I feel about pycnogonids. 


“My son, who is 50, asked if I had taken the shingles shot. I have not taken it. What do you advise? What is in the shot?”


Well, the shingles shot is supposed to be a vaccination in which you will develop antibodies to the varicella virus family that is associated with shingles. And so, in all my years of practice, I have never seen it make a difference at all. Instead, I find that people who are taking extra vitamin D to the point where they're getting their doctor to have their blood checked maybe once or twice a year, and they make sure they're dosing. And I find it to be roughly D3 10,000, the bare minimum. And I like it with K2. If they are on that much Vitamin D, taking extra Vitamin C, if they are low carb, getting a good night’s sleep, and all the natural things that support natural immunity, that is what I find to be very beneficial.

There has never been a vaccination study to my knowledge. But I believe I’m right in saying this, when you look at all the childhood vaccine schedules, it has never been studied in a controlled study compared to unvaccinated children. And you'll see that when one pediatrician did this within his population, I think he's from Oregon. I don't recall his name, Dr. Park, I don't recall. But they took his license away for publishing a book that talks about his own study of his patients, in which he found that those parents who had not had their children vaccinated had far less allergies, far less asthma, far less missed school days, far less chronic medical problems, compared to those that were partially or fully vaccinated.

So, if you're hearing things that are suggesting you do it, you would have to ask the question back. Did they have a comparative study of older adults who did not use it? Because I just don't see it happening to my population of patients who are all getting these wonderful supportive nutrients. So, that wouldn't be my answer.


“My girlfriend has polycystic ovarian syndrome. Can you give some insight on the condition of treatment and effects on fertility?”


That is the American dietary standard diet, the SAD diet, it’s a diet full of fake food, high carbohydrate, hydrogenated fats, and dyes. It is a diet that is so high in carbohydrates. It has chronically stimulated the hormone insulin in the human body, and that insulin stimulation actually stimulates the ovaries to develop multiple cysts as a complication. And that is also associated with fibroids and endometriosis. Anything that is associated with natural, secondary sexual characteristic development. So, it is a hyper insulin-anemia problem from the diet. Eating bread, starch, cereal, cracker, bagel, popcorn, too many nuts and seeds, crackers, ice cream, pizza, and all that stuff is available all the time. And we're eating it too much.

The best thing to do would be to move toward a carnivore diet or an extremely low keto diet for many months until you get your labs from your local doctor that show an insulin fasting level of four or less, a triglyceride level fasting of 75 or less, an insulin blood sugar fasted of 80 or less, and a hemoglobin A1C of 5.4 or less. And that's being generous. I'm harder on my own patients. But without that, there's very little hope that the follicles will behave and normally work. You can start working on that immediately. Doing intermittent fasting. Never eat past 6 o’clock. Exercise. Do some weight resistance training. Drink half of your weight as water every single day. Never eat late. That is how I would begin working on that. 


“Are there supplements, herbs, or algae such as chlorella and spirulina that can help with chelation for people that cannot afford EDTA chelation?”


Well, these are chelating herbs. Chlorella has always been corrupted because natural existing chlorella in the green of the plants is designed to detox, so to say, mercury in the environment. When we were looking to try and find a chlorella concentrate that might be beneficial and doing other heavy metal detoxing, it was always compounded by the fact that the natural existing chlorella has heavy metals in it already. And that’s what it is supposed to do. I have never put much stock in herbs that purport that chlorella is going to do a significant job. And if it is, it will only be in the gut region for what you are currently taking in. It does not have an impact on what you have bio-accumulated in your tissues over the past many decades. These oral things like high doses of Vitamin C, garlic, cilantro, and herbs, are going to be able to help the intake of what was in your diet or drink that day that was contaminated with heavy metals. But it does not have an impact otherwise on the systematic deposit of heavy metals. 

Even if you can only do one or two chelations a year, that is far better than none, ever. So, any IV chelation therapy is a benefit. And we can prove it because we have done hundreds of thousands of heavy metal tests on the urine after an IV. We see a huge amount of toxins come out. 


“What do you recommend for an older man with cirrhosis of the liver from alcohol? He had 2.5-gallons of fluid drained from the abdomen. He is taking water pills and stopped drinking.”


Well, God bless him for stopping drinking. He needs alpha lipoic acid, ALA. I would take 500 milligrams, twice a day. That would be very, very beneficial. Systemic enzymes on an empty stomach like Vitalzym five twice a day. And then you would work with the doctor to be on a low-carb diet. And, you know just very closely work with your specialists, the hematologist. And stay on Alpha Lipoic Acid. I also think Juice Plus would be the multivitamin concentrate that I would take on a low-carb diet with the Alpha Lipoic Acid and enzymes. And that would be a great benefit to him. Hopefully, that helps. 


“What is super ventricular tachycardia and what can cause this?”


Superventricular tachycardia reflects a signal of a high rate heart rate in the upper chamber. You know, it's like an acorn. You know how the cap on the acorn and then the bottom is there? Well, the top part of the heart is your atrium and the bottom is the ventricle. So, super ventricular tachycardia means these top atriums are sending a signal that is generating much too fast. And the beat goes up very, very high.

And what can cause this? Well, anxiety, coffee, caffeine drinks, energy drinks, too much caffeine, and green tea, anxiety, drugs, sun, speed type drugs, you know, cocaine, all this stuff can aggravate it. So that would be the cause. 


“Can someone eat too much protein? What is the reason to eat only one type of meat in a day?”


When I was an ER doctor for many, many, many years, never once did I ever see anyone come in from an overconsumption of protein. Never. But have I seen people overconsume alcohol and sugar with hyperglycemia and carbohydrates? Yes. You see, to eat protein is self-satisfying. In other words, as you bring the protein into your body, the body sends signals back of what is called being satisfied or satiation. Because protein has usually a good amount of healthy fats with it, both the fat content and the amino acid breakdown. Content is associated with satisfaction. So, people just don't overeat protein.

Now, there are those who say if you have gout, or, for instance, the gentleman with cirrhosis of the liver, you would have to because of other factors, you would want to look at the entire metabolism of people who have gotten to the point of liver cirrhosis or gout conditions and track them. But in general, it is not the protein that is the problem. And never have I seen anyone with gout or cirrhosis of the liver, overeat protein either. It’s self-controlling. It is such a part of our healing, you have to incorporate it. And so, I would say that one gram per kilogram for a woman, 1.5-gram for a man. So, if a man is an 80-kilogram, he would need about 120 grams of protein a day. A woman would need of course, if she was, you know, let's say 150 pounds, let's say she's 60 kilograms, she would need at least 60 grams of protein a day, something like that.

What is the reason for one type of meat in a day? Remember, the more information you put down your throat as far as the components that you put into what you’re eating, both spices and variety, the harder it is for your immune system to sort this all out, meal after meal after day, after week, after year, after decade, you wear it out.

So, the more simplified, we can eat. So, if you're eating chicken as your protein, we just recommend that you eat it for any meal in that 24 hours. If you're having green beans with it, we just recommend you have that with any meal you eat with your chicken. If you're having walnuts on your chicken, then have your walnuts with any meal. And if you are eating blueberries with it, just have them with any meal. So, you are eating a single menu and that reduces the immune stress on your body, sorting out spices, sorting out so much variety of food components.

Now, on a special day and you want a treat, go out and have your spicy variety of food on that wonderful meal for your celebration. But to think that marketing has tricked us all into thinking that every food we eat should be an entertainment of a spicy explosion of variety in our mouth is not healthy. 


“What could you recommend for a displaced hip that is lower than the other one?”


It is a matter of degrees, I don’t think any human body is absolutely balanced. Those of us who are right-handed, tend to use our right side and we have more muscles developed on our right just by reason of use and dominance. Therefore, the left side is going to have slightly, slightly smaller musculature and then you will not be symmetrical, you'll be just a little bit off. More high on your right and a little lower on your left. 


“Is that life-threatening or a long-term liability?”


It depends on the degree. If you had trauma and you have a significant unevenness of the hips, yeah that’s going to be translated at every little activity you do. And that needs to be addressed. But the natural human being, it’s not equal. Your eyes are not equal. Your nostrils are not equal. Your ears are not equal. Your hands aren't the same. And so, everything is asymmetrical. The best we can do is to try and exercise, stretch, and do resistance training, some aerobic training, a good night's sleep, a low-carb diet, drink adequate water, and you know treat others as you would have them treat you. 


“What do you think about taking dicyclomine for the stomach pain? My daughter is 14 and her gastroenterologist prescribed it for occasional stomach pain. Her calprotectin level was 245.”


So, she’s inflamed. I would see a functional doctor who would find out what her blood type is. If she's a blood type A, she's not going to digest well. She’s not making enough enzymes. She will have dysfunctional digestion and this will be translated into stress all the way down the gut. So, find out her blood type. If it is A, then you have to help her with a digestive enzyme with hydrochloric acid with every meal that she eats. Take a capsule or two. Or at least the meal set have a rich protein and healthy fat component.

The other thing is, very often we haven't been eating enough healthy fats and proteins. So, we help heal the lining of the gut, the gas, and the bloating by over our patients taking phospholipids, Bio PC Pro, with SBIProtect powder. And we take a scoop of each of these. When we point out that the cell membrane is phospholipid and protein, and you have this injury here, this whole in it right here, it’s blown out of the cell membrane. Those fragments signal injury to the liver and cholesterol is made. But then you have to eat the meat, the fish, the chicken for restoring the protein and the fat. So, one of the things that we also do is have the essential fat of the alpha-linoleic liquid form as a liquid, and these are capsules. So, we would take a scoop of each of these. And then we'd put a little dribble of the oil at it. First thing in the morning, last thing at night, you could do it more often. But usually once or twice a day will solve it. And then we see we see great healing in the lining of the gut.

But see a functional doctor, find out our blood type, get in some essential phospholipids, and so forth.

One of the other things we do is we give them the powdered probiotic either Ortho Biotic or this. This is more powerful. It’s the strongest one. So, when we take these powders like this, a scoop of each, and then we put in a packet of the powder. So, all these things help the guy heal. We try to have them restrict their eating time from, let’s say a young girl, we have her eat between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. so that she has at least 16 hours to heal. Hopefully, that will be helpful.