YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 17, 2023
October 19, 2023
“What brand of EDTA do you recommend in oral form? Also, have you seen other chelators like DTPA cause actual damage if it is done in high dosage or with a weakened blood-brain barrier?” [0:02:03]
I don't have a brand of oral EDTA that I recommend. I have been around chelation since I was 6 or 7 years old, I’m now 70. That is 63 years of experience. I've been training with some of the greats throughout the world regarding EDTA chelation. I teach EDTA chelation.
So, what I would suggest to you is we have found through our personal clinical experience that there is very poor absorption with the oral form of EDTA, calcium disodium EDTA, or disodium EDTA configurations. It is such a big molecule. It’s not going to pass through the gut and absorb, maybe at best 5%. Now will it have any value of passing through the gut? Probably. It will have some value. All foods, all the plants have showered down upon them the nanoparticulate heavy metals that are toxic in these chemtrails in the sky, which have aluminum, strontium, barium, and other heavy metals in them, in such tiny levels that they become dispersed in the upper stratosphere, 50,000, 60,000, 70,000 feet. And we are able to bounce radio frequency waves off of them, which can heat up and create changes in atmospheric lows and highs. Therefore, it will impact the weather. This has been studied since 1927, we have at least 100 years as a nation doing this. This is no surprise. But they have to have these metals.
So, if you eat something because it'll fall down on your organic garden in your backyard, it will be taken into the animal who eats the grasses. So, possibly some oral form will help chelate some of the volume of your daily exposure. But as far as where we're at, we're dealing with people who have been bioaccumulating heavy metal toxins, these free radical oxidative agents, breathing them in, drinking them in, eating them every day. They bioaccumulate because we have no real natural way to detox. We grow our hair out and it's in our hair, it’s in our skin, epithelium, we exfoliate. So, the rate of accumulation compared to our ability to get rid of any of this is a net negative. We are bioaccumulating it. By the time you get older, that oxidative stress is going to generate these cell membrane damages over and over again from something maybe you waited 20, 30, 50 years ago, free radical damage here to the membrane of the cell. You have to repair it by eating the phospholipids and things that you must have to repair that membrane with. But your white blood cells are not going to eat a heavy metal, the heavy metal wins the war. The white blood cells will be hurt, they will be punctured.
So, no, I do not have anything on that. And yes, I have seen some toxic side effects, none of them serious with the other forms of chelators. There are some that are manmade. I don’t use them. I don’t use them for the reason that EDTA chelation is ubiquitous in removing all forms of these cat ion, positively charged toxic heavy metals. So, why would I take a trial on something when I know that my EDTA chelation will work? So, I would rather be safe, slow, and steady without any problems than to try other things.
Now, there are oral things like chlorella, cilantro, high doses of vitamin C, and other items that are out there that are chelators too. But again, the net effect of comparing oral, natural chelators, like cilantro or chlorophyll to EDTA chelation, there is no comparison. EDTA is so safe. We have FDA approval for removing lead to save the lives of children who eat the lead-based paint chips that are still around in the world. Hopefully, that will help you.
“What is an alternative to taking antibiotics post colitis or intercourse? Two years and three specialists, this is what the infectious disease doctor has prescribed to proceed in hopes of preventing recurrent urinary tract infections.” [0:07:37]
“32-year old female, otherwise healthy. All labs are perfect.” [0:09:27]
We would suggest that you might consider using D Mannose. D Mannose is a type of sugar in which you put it in water and drink it. It isn’t absorbed into the body. It’s kept such that it will be poured out into your urinary tract system and D Mannose will line the bladder, making the bacteria unable or less likely to attack the lining of the bladder. So, D Mannose can be taken on a preventative basis regularly. I do not know of any long-term negative effects.
I use a product called Eurotrix and Sustanon is a cranberry concentrate. The cranberry extract helps prevent bladder infections. Of course, drinking plenty of water, good hygiene after intercourse, and trying those things as well. I hope that is a help.
This should be something that you can try so you don’t have to use antibiotics after sex. Discuss that with your doctor. That is what we tend to do here with our patients.
“I am 64 year old female currently taking bio-identical progesterone and estrogen. My testosterone is low, 2.7, and have tried shots, creams and now the melts under the tongue but upon taking any of the forms my weight jumps up so I stop. Any insight you can give me?” [0:09:55]
So, you're saying all the bio-identical hormones are associated with this or just the testosterone is what you are focused on? You can use DHEA, over the counter. I use 50 milligrams. This helps my testosterone be in a robust range of like 70, 80, 100, so that my muscles and weight lifting three times a week is much better. If you are adding it all together, progesterone and estradiol, I would say if you're concerned about your weight, there are so many other things that are of concern here. I would want to know your lifestyle, your stressors, your cortisol level, your DHEA level, your inflammatory markers, and your food allergens. I would like to know your fasting insulin. I would like to know your triglyceride level, your hemoglobin A1C, and your fasting blood sugar. All these things, plus others, are far, far, far more impactful. Your Body Mass Index for your muscle volume, if you have a very low muscle component of your weight, you have to build up the muscles as well. So, I don’t find anything more beneficial than natural, bio-identical human hormone replacement for longevity, beauty, health, maintaining a good weight, and so forth. So I would use them. And see a good functional doctor that will try and look at the whole picture, looking at your thyroid, inflammatory markers, you know, autoimmune to thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin antibodies, and try to put this whole picture together for you.
“Do you have any suggestions for my 11-year-old grandson who takes Vyvanse for ADHD (with fair control for only 6-8 hours) and has severe problems in getting to sleep at night? Would melatonin help and is there a better melatonin than others?” [0:12:35]
Vyvanse is a stimulant. We would hope that he can get off of it. We do find that if there are food colorings, and food dyes, getting into this at school in some of their food, they are irritants and agitators, and they have neurochemical impacts. Even diet sodas are neuro-agitators and excitatory. So, natural things that can be looked at, if you can find a pediatrician who will look at food allergies in your child with an Immuno Food Lab for IgG. See if he is eating something that is aggravating him with a leaky gut. Very often, if we can find out their blood type, we can help them with probiotics, with a methyl B complex, get his vitamin D level up to an 80 nanogram per deciliter, and give the essential oils that help build the membranes. Remember, these membranes right here for being agitated are indicating if there is a lot of holes poked in them from these toxins that are punching holes through the membranes. That means they need a lot more healthy fats and saturated fats and cholesterol as well as the essential fats that go into the membrane. The linoleic and alpha linolenic acid, we use here, Clinician's Preference Oil. This is rich in these acids and Omega 3 and 6. They are unadulterated, meaning they are hydrogenated. So, get rid of the processed foods. Get the essential oils, not fish oil. Get a probiotic in. Reduce the sugars. And get him to eat natural fruits and try to get away from processed foods. See if these things along with much more healthy fats will help them. Get a food allergy test. That is how I would start with him anyway.
“Why does it seem like my vision improves when I’m fasting? Is that just a coincidence?” [0:15:48]
No, it’s not. When you fast, remember your eyeball has the vitreous fluid inside of it. That is really a protein matrix solution. And those pieces of protein, if we don’t drink enough water and eat too many sugars, it can get sticky. You can start seeing some difficulty with some of your fine vision. So, fasting creates what we call autophagy. That eats some of these little protein complexes up. That’s why I strongly recommend everyone in America, unless you have some unique medical problem like an insulin-dependent diabetic or so forth, or you are fighting cancer and having trouble maintaining your weight, but for most of us, we can do intermittent fasting. That is where you risk your eating time to a set period, maybe noon to six p.m. Some people ten to four. And this is absolutely a real thing that your vision improves when you fast.
I had a floater in my left eye, I don’t know, a year ago, year and a half ago for the first time. It was rather big. It was a nuisance. When that happened, the first thing that I did was fast for five days. Five days I went on a water fast. And that sucker got chewed up, dissolved to the point where I would say it went down about 85 to 90%. So, indeed fasting down helps.
“Are doctors able to identify early signs of PCOS in young women before full-blown insulin resistance and high testosterone indicate a problem? How do doctors diagnose endometriosis?” [0:17:42]
They could if they were taught preventative medicine. That’s why we do these question and answer things. You can get a HOMA-IR. That’s a homeostasis insulin resistance predictor. If you take the fasting blood sugar, multiply that with your fasting insulin, and if you are using milligrams per deciliter like we do here in the US versus England (they are on the metric system), divide by 405. Your fasting insulin times your insulin (fasting) divided by 405. Guess what you will find? We found out all these years, decades I have been low carb, no carb, long before the bulletproof coffee and the keto diet. I have been preaching this for years and years to my patients, decades. I have told my patients, you want your fasting blood sugar 85 or less. You want your fasting insulin 3 or 4 or less. If you do, you can do this multiple 85 x 3 or 85 x 4, divide by 405. The number will be less than 1. It will be a 0.6 or 0.7. If you are under 1, you are not developing insulin resistance. And in America, with the marketing, pimping, pressure, society to buy and eat, buy and eat, eat processed junk, hydrogenated foods, and you can resist that, checking it once or twice a year, you can see if you are moving toward insulin resistance. This leads to all of these diseases. Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, osteoarthritis, autoimmune, emotional disorders, depression, obesity, hypertension, and the list goes on and on.
So, by the grace of God, we just watched our patients and we figured this out decades ago, decades. And so praise the Lord. That's how you can do it.
And how do doctors diagnose endometriosis? Well, they really do it by poking a hole through your stomach called the laparoscopic exam. And they blow it up with some CO2 and they look around with a light in there and they'll see little implants of the endometrial implants on, you know, your bowel, and your omentum, and various organs like that. And that's just from the chronic stimulation of insulin from eating a high-carb, junky, marketed, pimp-to-you, social pressurized behavior to get you to eat, eat, eat, so don't do it.
“I got COVID for the first in mid-July. While I have tested negative for months I am still experiencing extreme fatigue and muscle aches. I know there are theories about viral persistence as well as micro lots as the reason for lingering COVID symptoms. What are your thoughts as to the cause and what suggested treatments do you have for this?” [0:21:18]
Well, there's a lot of concern about the validity of the COVID test. Remember, all the way back, Professor Kelly was his name, who developed the PCR test, I don't remember his name right off the bat. He told us never to use the PCR to diagnose any disease. And the threshold of counts is very impactful. They used thresholds that exceeded what would even be marginally considered beneficial to try and become diagnostic using a PCR. So, we were at 35, 40 thresholds when you really never should exceed 20.
Then there's all the concerns about the testing. You know, remember, there were some of these people who were heads of state and foreign countries, and they tested goats and mangoes. And the goats and mangoes were positive for COVID. So there is so much corruption in the scientific communications now and censoring. It becomes concerning. Therefore, I don't have confidence in that test.
Now regarding the fact that some people after cold-like symptoms, where you get flu-like congestion, cough, achy, myalgias, fatigue, shortness of breath with exertion, runny nose, fever, a low-grade fever, this happens with really most any viral flu. And normally in seven to 10 days you are healthier and you get better. So, this seems to have some concern about being that it was designed possibly. There is a lot of literature that says this is a designer virus. And that the spike protein that is produced by seizing your own internal cellular machinery, you reproduce the spike protein component of the mRNA. If that is indeed the virus, if that is indeed what you had. And then they're finding research that shows in the lymph node T-cells, mesenchymal cells, that there are spurts of production still, because no one knows how long that mRNA can be read by your own machinery over and over again that generates this producing spike protein. The spike protein then itself attacks the epithelium, receptors, and other parts. This doesn’t stay localized as they had first reported and can cross barriers, membrane barriers, and so on. We may be getting this reproduction of the spike proteins. It’s all so sad and so conflicting. I have my own questions.
So, what would I do about it? For almost three years now, we have been using intravenous EDTA chelation therapy that improves the microcirculation of the patient so that the flow dynamic improves. We have said to get very low on the carbs so the stickiness of the material in the fluid, in the plasma doesn’t get sticky with too many carbs like gum sticking to your shoes. We use systemic enzymes that have the proteolytic enzymes in it. And we did that immediately when this all broke out. We made sure that people had their vitamin D levels up to a level of 80 to 120. And many publications show that anything above about a 60 was very preventative or markedly diminishing the impact of it. We had all our patients long before this ever happened on a low-carb diet. We had our patients all on a good multi-mineral rich in zinc in their multivitamin. And we all recommended it, especially when this came out, but we do it seasonally, Quercetin. A favorite product that we carry here is called D-Hist by Ortho Molecular. It is our seasonal allergy, rich in Quercetin, clinically tested, and helps work as an ionophore which helps a passage into and through the cell membrane. This is so the zinc can get through the cell membrane. The zinc doesn’t easily penetrate a cell membrane. Once you have a good enough intracellular inside the cells zinc level, it inhibits the transcription of all viral illnesses no matter what they are. That is what we do. We give people these natural things. EDTA chelation has to be by prescription. Drink plenty of water. Low carb. Taking a walk. That’s the methodology that we use. Some people we do give Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to as well. And I have used Zithromax and Doxycycline in some. But that’s how we handle it.
“Why do some smokers live well into their 90s?” [0:27:42]
Well, I think part of that reason is because the environment makes a difference. If you are a smoker that eats a high-carb diet, full of processed foods, is very inactive, and you’re not taking any nutrient supplements, don’t eat a healthy diet, you’re nibbling all the time, late into the night, don’t drink enough water, these are contributing factors. So, people who get into their 90s, in these blue zones, very frequently they have a very social happy life, marriage, family, their spiritual church attendance, meaningfulness. They have a positive attitude. They eat organic or homegrown fruits and vegetables. They eat farm-raised meat, fish, and poultry. And they are reaping from that and their hard work. A low-carb diet, lifestyle, don’t drink a lot of sugar drinks. They might actually drink a whiskey. I have seen studies where they look at smokers who drank bourbon I think it was, whiskey, or wine. And I think there are many other factors that go into this.
My mother smoked. My sisters all smoked. And everyone who I grew up with, except my father. My father smoked during WWII because he was in the fighting force and the cigarettes were free. And remember the Surgeon General of the United States of America because it recommended smoking for relaxation. And Camels were his choice, filterless, with no filter on top of it.
So, I too used to smoke when I was young, in late high school, all college years, and medical school, until I had my first child when I was 28, that’s when I quit. I will admit when stress came into my late 40s and early 50s, I picked it up again. And then, quickly stopped again.
The social pressure in our lives is very, very important. And that pressure depresses our immune system. So, there's a multi-factorial epigenetic impact on a human being far outside of any one toxin. So, there you have it.
And my mother never got lung cancer, and neither did my sisters who smoked way into their 60s. And I believe my aunts and uncles all smoked into their late 80s. And I'm not sure that any one of them died of lung cancer. So, it's an interesting thing.
“My friend in VA has just been diagnosed with Scarring Alopecia. She is 57 years old. Is there anything besides steroids she can do to reverse this situation?” [0:31:33]
If I had someone with scarring alopecia, I would think she is probably having a lot of the glands at the base of the follicles at the hair irritated. I don’t know if it’s a hair dye, environmental, maybe she is using various cosmetic items. It inflames the root. The root is chronic and scarred. So, I would use Selsun Blue, which is a selenium-based shampoo. I would only shower at most once a week. Then I would have her use the infrared cap on her scalp, systemic enzymes to reduce the inflammation, and go on an extremely low-carb diet because sugar, starch, and fruit sugars all depress the immune system. She could spray or she could rinse her hair in two or three ounces of Argentyn Silver, a little bit of a nanoparticulate silver that is 23 parts per billion. I think you can get this as Sovereign Silver, spraying on the hair to keep the fungal, and bacterial count down. So, if you lower the sugar, you help the immune system. If you take the enzymes, they work to be a little anti-inflammatory Pacman. If you use Selsun Blue, that’s a natural anti-fungal selenium-based shampoo. If you use Argentyn Silver, that’s a natural anti-viral, anti-fungal disinfectant. And then, if she did the infrared, that stimulates into the scalp about a centimeter. I think those are all worth it.
I would also do EDTA chelation. I would do intermittent fasting because when you don't eat for 18 to 20 hours a day, let's say you only eat in a four-hour window, your growth hormone and repair hormones become much more dominant in your natural growth factors. So, that's what I would do. And hopefully, she finds a functional dermatologist.
“What do you recommend for face cleansing that is fragrance-free? I have very sensitive skin and prefer not to use any chemicals.” [0:34:24]
I don't ever wash my face at all. The only time water or any soap gets on my face would be you know, once every few weeks when I take a shower. So, that's the best way. God knows how to exfoliate your skin and keep it clean.
At most, I would splash cold water on it in the morning. You could spray the Argentyn spray to your face. That is a broad spectrum antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. That is clear and not reactive. It’s water with a little bit of, 23 parts per billion silver in. That’s quite safe. So, be on a very low-carb diet. Drink plenty of water. Find out what your food allergies are. Usually sensitive skin is a gut problem with food allergy, so find a functional doctor that can do some gut testing for you.
“Does taking honey with morning tea break a fast? Also, how do you feel about using dairy in our diets?” [0:35:28]
Yes, sorry. Well, what you see in a container at the store that is white fluid, you call it milk. I call it processed junk firewater. Because when they homogenize and heat up, pasteurize it, they turn the natural product that comes out of a cow, true milk, cook it, and shake it, so that all the fats don’t naturally rise to the top. It becomes an inflammatory firewater drink. So, no, I don’t recommend dairy.
If you're going to have dairy, I recommend raw dairy. And I recommend you use it maybe only every fourth day or once a week. So, that's how I feel about dairy.
“Two years ago, my husband (age 67), had a mild non-stemi MI with stent placement. Please discuss how enhanced chelation would be of benefit to him.” [0:36:44]
I think the best way to do that is to say that it improves microcirculation. EDTA pulls out the free radical heavy metal toxins. It also works as a natural anticoagulant. It also works to enhance nitric oxide synthase that is in a cell membrane. These membranes have all kinds of responsive chemical plants, and sensor systems, lining the blood vessels. And if you can create a favorable environment in your blood system, in the cavities of all your capillaries, that nitric oxide synthase enzyme will help nitric oxide be produced, and you'll get wonderful vasodilation.
So, there is a video called, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy. It’s just the letters TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamas, the principal investigator for this. And he goes through this as a cardiologist and how this has changed his practice, and reduced heart attacks in his patients. Over 10 years they followed the tests and watched 1,708 men and women, mostly men who had heart attacks and were on the standard of care therapy. Many of them had stents. And they found that those that got chelation and took a nutraceutical antioxidant multi-mineral tablet, really reduced their risk for re-injury by more than 50-some percent. So, watch on YouTube, TACT Update 2019, Dr. Lamas. Now, when you see that pop-up on your video selection, about one picture lower or two is the ACAM Lecture by Dr. Dorothy Merritt. She did an excellent summary of the biochemistry and the history of heavy metals and how we get them and how it's linked with all causes of mortality, especially heart disease and its correlation with the oxidative damage of the lining of the blood vessels. So, please watch that one also. That will be very beneficial.
“I occasionally have a split in the skin of my perineum. I am 67, a TLC patient, and am on lots of supplements and bioidentical hormones. I'm not straining with a bowel movement, and does not happen during sex. It just sometimes appears out of nowhere. I will treat it with silver gel, or vitamin E. What causes this?” [0:39:48]
Well, we think that there's probably in the lining of your cell membranes, a need for more protein and healthy fats. So, I don't know what your blood type is, but I would maybe go on a carnivore diet, almost carnivore, and really put down the organic fish, turkey, chicken, beef, eggs, and meat. And then use your digestive enzyme. And use the parent essential oil, Clinicians Preference, three twice a day to get in the essential fats. The fats that are important here for holding on to the proteins in the structure of the cell membrane where the proteins are, so it doesn't break down. It's all about the house we live in. The cells we live in are 50 trillion cells, you can have the best antioxidant in the world, the best mineral, and the best amino acid, but it's not going to do you a bit of good if it isn't into a well-structured cell membrane and intracellular membranes and nuclear membranes. So, that's what I would do.
“I had blood tests this October. My liver enzymes were: Alk Phos 148 U/L, AST 65 U/L ALT 86 U/L I am 78. Should I be worried? Is there anything I can do to help me?” [0:41:50]
They are all a little high. Again, this is not to be used for advice, just you alone. But I would say most Americans are getting what we call nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. And the kids are getting it and that's what's even worse. How would you like to be 12 and facing a liver transplant because everyone let you eat all the pizza you want, ice cream, gummies, all the candies, cupcakes, all the Cheetos, and junk food that you wanted, and wound up becoming liver toxic with all these high triglycerides and blood sugars and getting too chubby and the liver couldn't keep up detoxing and the liver enzymes go up and they scar and get fibrotic and you get liver damage? So, I think this is probably not serious. That you should be following up with your doctor. You should go on an extremely low-carb diet. Try if you could be just a carnivore for a month or two. And then use your digestive enzymes and then repeat that test by lowering your carbs Of course no alcohol and then that should turn it around. But do follow up with your doctor on that.
“My 20 year old son was just diagnosed with mono. He has likely already had it for a couple of weeks. His symptoms are fatigue and a reoccurring fever at night. He is a musician about to go on a tour. He is wondering if he will be up for it or if it will set his recovery back. What do you think he should be taking to recover as quickly as possible?” [0:43:40]
I would eat in a four-hour window. I would eat a largely cardboard diet. I would take the vitamin D, probably 15,000 international units a day with K2. I would take vitamin C powder in the water, the Vitality C, and one scoop at least twice a day. If that gives him diarrhea then use it once a day. But try to use as much of the vitamin C. So, vitamin D with a high dose vitamin C on a very low carb diet stimulates the immune system especially the antiviral T cell killing impact, and clears up these viral illnesses nicely.
Quercetin in the D-Hist, if you took two twice a day, and TLC Multi Min that has high zinc. That will help penetrate into the cell membranes. The zinc, so it will stop the replication of viruses, and viral illnesses, eating a very low-carb diet, with systemic enzymes for the achiness and you have to drink half your weight in pounds as ounces of water. That should help him along.
If he isn’t getting better, he needs to see a doctor.
“How do you feel about protein powders and protein bars? Are they a healthy source of protein or too full of other processed additives? Do you have any recommendations?” [0:45:25]
I work with our team here to develop Drs Nutrition Bar. And I did that because I wanted to get the right fats in the patient, rich in the essential fatty acids. To do that, I had to create my own bar. No one was eating enough meat, chicken, fish, eggs, or anything. I created this protein-rich bar. But I still don’t recommend eating it every day. We are so lazy, as people, we want to reach our arm, pull off a paper, pull out a powder, and then have wonderful, perfect, excellent results. It doesn’t work like that. Life is messy. There is no perfect bar. I don't even recommend my own Drs Nutrition Bar every day. I recommend it to be used as a replacement, so you won't buy some bad food, keep it in your purse, as a preventative for a worse choice. But out of all the bars, mine is the only clinically evaluated, tested, laboratory process for insulin and glucose, and the effect was fantastic.
Now, I don’t have the bar right now. With the supplies and COVID, we had issues. And then I wanted the high quality. I am insisting on quality. So, I don't have them right now. We should have a product in early November, so not too long. And we will start production up again and maybe have the regular thing by Christmas, for Christmas presents. And boy, would that be nice. So no, I don't believe in protein shakes. I don't believe in protein bars. They're really just masquerading as candy bars.
So we have to be big adults and grow up and learn how to stop eating and feeding a sweet tooth. We've been trained that way, we've been marketed to that way, they've tricked us and made us addicted to these high sugar, high fructose corn syrup. So, we have the ability to say no, and we have to work on that.
“A 72-year-old male friend was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam for 18 months. He got prostate cancer had his prostate removed and now 10 years later has bone cancer. What are our treatment options besides chemo and radiation?” [0:48:06]
That is too big of a question. That is something where you need to be talking with a functional doctor. If he has cancer, he has to be managed and treated by an oncologist. It’s illegal in California for a non-oncologist to suggest treatment for any cancer, let alone prostate cancer.
Now, if you see a functional medicine doctor, they will give you suggestions about how to build up the immune system, detoxify, how to improve nutrition activity like that, so you need to get with a good functional doctor. And then you need to work with the oncologist and look at ways to do this. There is actually a YouTube video called, Cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease by Dr. Thomas Seidfrey. I think he’s at Stanford, I’m not sure where he is at. He’s a Ph.D. He is very controversial because he’s claiming like Otto Warburg that the cause of cancer is an oxygen deprivation chronically to the mitochondria. It's an energy mismatch metabolism. I think there is more to it than just that. But that YouTube video is very interesting. It’s worth watching. And then you can talk to the oncologist about that, your functional doctor. Certainly getting a low-carb diet is a key feature. A high-carb diet is a sure way to clog up the capillaries and choke out the cells. We would also be advising good vitamin D levels. We would advise building up your immune system, and your nutrition, maybe some high-dose vitamin C, EDTA chelation to improve the circulation, and things like that. There you have it.
“I have been on bioidenticals since my late 30’s and still using them now at 45. Is it safe to continue using bioidenticals forever or will I need to wean myself off of them at some point? I use estrogen (patch) and oral progesterone. My sister's doctor has her on the same patch and told her she can only use it until her mid-50s.” [0:50:50]
I’m starting my 70s now, and I have been on hormones since roughly my late 30s, early 40s. I went into menopause way too early because of the stress in my life. I just didn’t let myself get hot flashes. I’m doing very well, thank you. My bone density is perfectly normal as I hit 70s. I’m strong as an ox with good muscle tones. I told my family, jokingly, that if I die, make sure you put some of my estradiol cream and my progesterone cream, these are mine right here, into the casket just in case I need it on my way to heaven. I got a ticket paid for me by Jesus, death, and resurrections. So, thank you, Lord Jesus.
Yeah, I think you can be on hormones all the time. I come from a Christian point of view. It’s my worldview. I don’t think God meant for men and women to die. That means we would be healthy, always have our hormones, and always could have babies. I am 70 now, I would love to have another child, I think they are wonderful. I think Eve would have said to Adam every 500 years, let’s have another one, honey. I think that’s good, healthy, wonderful, just delightful. Hormones are helping your bones, mental acuity, your memory, helping your immune system. They are helping cardiovascularly. They help with mood and sleep. Excuse me, they are wonderful and not the cause of cancer. So, yes, I think I will be taking it all the days of my life. And if the good Lord allows me to stay working as a doctor and helping his dear wonderful creation, you people, because I believe you're made in the image of God and therefore I don't care what your politics or your beliefs are, I have to treat you as the wonderful creation I see that you are made in the image of God. So that's how I roll. That's how my life rolls and it rolls with me. I roll it on with my hormones.
“Can you get an adequate amount of vitamin D from getting sun exposure or is a supplement still necessary? And does it depend upon age and health status?” [0:53:54]
You have to use a supplement and even the kids need it. Because I have lifeguards here in Newport Beach, they are low in their vitamin D. They are in the sun all the time. They have the stratospheric geoengineering chemtrails with the nanoparticulate metals to try to block the sun's rays. So you think you're getting it? No, you're not getting it. Yes, you need a supplement.
“I’ve seen you comment on a few of your Q&A’s that certain types of food impact people with certain A blood types. What are your commendations for someone who has an A+? Can you recommend a book that explains this? Or website?” [0:54:35]
No, I can't recommend that book. And I can't recommend a website. Because this isn't taught formally. This is part of being a good doctor clinician over decades. Your blood type, you can’t give your blood to someone else as much as you love them if your blood type is not compatible with theirs. Our blood type has something very important about our immune reaction. And all this white blood cell lines our gut here. So, when you're taking food in your immune system and your blood, about a third of your blood rushes to your stomach when you eat. Because of the potential immunogenetic stress that your food is that you're eating. So, they're making food lousy, the industrialized farming, genetic modification, all this is making the food horrible. High fructose corn syrup is ruining your immune system with high sugars.
So yes, your immune system is one of your vital signs that defines who you are and how you react with the world. It's just a fact. And so every doctor should know what your blood type is, you should know what your own blood type is. So, we find as clinicians that blood types tend to have certain liabilities. Like As, tend to not digest food as well, especially if it is protein and fat. Then the As shun it and move towards vegetarian lifestyles. And then they miss all that wonderful fat and protein, and they start having weaker cell membranes with more holes in them and they succumb to illnesses and anxiety and neurological and problems in my personal experience as a clinician.
Now some As are worse than others. But in general, most of my patients are blood type A. I don’t advertise for blood type A. But if you can’t digest well, you are starting out behind the eight ball. And why this is not taught in medical school, I have no idea other than to think it was planned that way. Possibly.
So, I would tell all my type A blood people, the book, Eat Right for Your Blood Type, has foundationally the right concept. But then, I think he sells this out by trying to sell vitamins for different blood types. I think that’s the wrong marketing. I would rather see all my patients eat well, exercise, drink water, go to bed on time, give up these bad smoking/alcohol/drugs, get a hobby, contribute to the community, and watch their health go up without a vitamin given. So, yeah, I think that book conceptually is correct, but I don’t like what he did with that making money off of it in that sense.
“I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, epilepsy, several policy, partial paralysis on left side, arthritis, and I have jaw issues from medical abuse and some of these issues stem from medical abuse. I was on 20+ medications, so my immune system is low and I want to ask, how can I get my Health restored from being on all those?” [0:58:19]
You need to come and see someone with experience, like myself. Find a good functional health doctor where you live, or come here. We have about seven or eight of us healthcare providers working hard to think outside of the box and use the standard of the medicine, using consultants and specialists when necessary. But I have seen miraculous things happen. I will give you hope. Work with a sincere doctor. Let healing take place. Have a positive attitude.
“Which brand of Colostrum do you recommend? Is it okay for someone who is lactose intolerant to take it? What are all the benefits of taking it?” [0:59:30]
Well, colostrum is really great in mother's breast milk, and hopefully, your mother gave it to you when you were a baby. Beyond that, I am not a fan of a lot of dairy products as adults or as grown children. So, colostrum is meant for babies.
Now, you know, a little 180-pound cow newborn turns into a 2,000-pound animal, I don’t know how many, hundreds and hundreds of pounds heavier, and that little baby is drinking mother’s milk to get hundreds and hundreds of pounds. You don’t want to be a big dairy consumer. That baby stops eating the mother's milk and eats grass itself. I’m not recommending colostrum.
“I have ear pain in my left ear clicking noise in the ear. I get a headache and feel off-balance/light-headed. I saw a local doctor today and he ruled out an ear infection but said I have some fluid behind my ear. He prescribed Levocitrizine 5mg and prednisone 20mg. Can I address this holistically or do I have to take medicine?” [1:00:45]
You have to follow the doctor that you have seen. I don’t know what your ear looked like. It could be very well everything he gave you is exactly what you need. Now, what you have to do is see someone that works at, why did you get the ear infection? Why are you accumulating fluid? Why is the eustachian tube from the back of your throat to your ear getting inflamed? Is it a food allergy? High-carb diet? Lack of water? Is it a lack of enzymes? Blood type? All these things have to be looked at. So, that’s what I would say.
“I’m trying urine therapy and wondering what your thoughts are on it. I drink about 4 big gulps of my morning urine.” [1:01:44]
Well, I smiled and chuckled, so you know my thoughts on it. I hope you get a powerful result from it. Because I am impressed with your courage. I've read about that 20 to 30 years ago, I know many cultures have this as a tradition. It is sterile. It is something that I might do if I was starving on a desert plane and nothing to drink. I would probably resort to drinking my urine. But I have no recommendation that it is of any true functional benefit, in and of itself. So, I’m going to say, good for you. Strong person you are. I predict long life and good health for you because if you are capable of doing something like that, you are someone who is going to plan your own life and eat your food in safety and health and exercise and do other wonderful things for yourself. I will do all of that, but not drink the urine.
“I am 71 years old and I have osteoporosis. I have been on pro-Leah treatments but this week I was told that I have a severe amount of arthritis on my right hip. I’m taking many supplements to include Kforce, multi min, and Orthobiotic. Hope to delay hip surgery.” [1:03:06]
I hope that you are also on natural hormone replacement therapy because it's very beneficial. I hope you're on a rich protein and fat diet, low carb. I hope you use your digestive enzymes so you can extract all of that repair for cartilage and your elastin and tendons and muscles to hold you up. I hope you're doing weight training and physical therapy, stretching, Pilates, or something like that. I hope you're drinking enough water. I hope someone's measuring your vitamin D level to make sure you're getting around about 100 nanograms per deciliter to be stimulating bone rebuilding and all that.
“I recently listened to a podcast with Karen Hurd. She has a bean protocol that she recommends. Curious on your thoughts about this protocol and her beliefs about nutrition.” [1:04:27]
I do not know Karen Hurd. What I can tell you about beans, they have a lot of lectins in them. These lectins, in general, produce a lot of gas and create tiny little micro tears on your one-cell membrane thick lining. It is not a perfect source for protein replacement. We are made of proteins and fats. I like eating meat, fish, chicken, beef, and eggs instead of beans. It’s so high in carbs. For the amount of protein, you would have to eat enough of those beans to get enough protein daily. I think we are all joking to think that the American Dietetic Association's recommendations for protein consumption and the recommendations on the pyramid are useful. We have 50 years now of chronic disease and worsening, and cancer and heart disease, and ruined immune systems. So, their advice stinks.
So, I would say, get my protein from the sources from the chicken, fish, turkey, beef, eggs, and stuff. Rather than the lentils.
“My husband in his 50s has poor blood circulation in his legs to the point that his legs are now purple on his lower legs and ankles, in the inner part of his lower legs he has two ulcerated spots that have not opened but look very dry, and could open. He doesn't have diabetes. Drs recommend hip and knee replacement. What do you think?” [1:05:52]
I think you should see a functional doctor and get this gentleman on EDTA chelation therapy to improve the microcirculation. Watch that video, TACT Update 2019 with Dr. Lamas. They are saving limbs and toes and amputations left and right by doing chelation therapy.
“Are there any standard tests to detect pancreatic cancers?” [1:06:45]
Nothing specific.
“How does one become a functional health doctor?” [1:07:12]
There is no formal training. Now, there are programs out there, back in the 1990s, I tried to find a formal training program. I went to Capitol University of Integrative Medicine, but now it's closed up. Because there's so much pressure from standard medicine to suppress this knowledge. The college couldn’t withstand all the assault. After about 10 to 15 years, it finally closed. But fortunately, I got through in the first few years where it was all exciting and all the European doctors were there, all the Chinese, Japanese, and Eastern medicine doctors were there. I was really given a great second doctorate at that place.
So in the meantime, naturopathic medicine, become a naturopath, Or become a regular doctor. Learn what you have to learn. I am not throwing a baby out with the bathwater, I use my standard medical training all the time. I respect my specialist, I need my specialists. I refer to specialists. I don't know everything. I'm not God. But I do have foundational premises that I expect everything to be done by and to enhance whatever specialty or medicine I might need to do to have a greater, better, more short-term outcome.
So, get with a functional doctor. We do mentoring here, you can come and call the office, speak with management, and tell them you would like to shadow us and see and talk with us for real about what a day is like in our medicine.