YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 3, 2023
October 5, 2023
“What is your experience in detoxifying the body of Spike Protein and your suggested approach? My wife recently (5 days ago) had an ischemic stroke in her right choroid artery caused from multiple dissections, which is believed to come from an over-stressed cross-fit workout, but the why is unclear. She is an extremely healthy 41-year-old Caucasian woman, who went through vigorous training as a firefighter, cross-country runner and gave birth to two children naturally without an epidural all pre-Covid, she has no negative medical history and lives a healthy & clean lifestyle. We are researching the possibility of Spike Protein in her system derived from the Covid vaccine causing unexplainable weakening of the interior artery walls.” [0:02:15]
Well, I'm so sorry to hear that about your wife. The good news is we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the membranes here at this double lipid membrane. This is what you really need to burn into your brain, everyone needs to burn this into the brain. This is where the injury is, and this is how we have to heal it every day. And so, how do we heal this? Well, every cell in your human body and the lining of your blood vessels are made of this double membrane. It is 50% fat and it's 50% protein. It's not made of any fruits and vegetables. So, all these years they've been frightening you from eating eggs, eating meat, eating pork, ham, and lamb, and chicken, and the skin of the chicken, and so forth. Now, we have the mess that we're in. But we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And I've seen tremendous recoveries.
So, this double layer, these are phospholipids that hang in both directions like a sandwich, you could peel this apart. And when something injures that membrane, and this is what the top layer of the endothelial of the lining of your blood vessels looks like. Now it's got little things, receptors on it, glycocalyx, and that has to be taken care of and fixed every night. So, we talk about this a lot. And you have to eat right so you have to eat a low carbohydrate diet. You have to drink enough water to keep the blood vessels and the hydraulic pressures moving through exercise. You have to stop eating late at night. We use the EDTA chelation therapy, which helps to remove the spike protein because the spike protein is a cation, which is positive, this is the spike. And EDTA, the amino acid is attracted to that and helps pull it out. Systemic enzymes like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme, ProteoXyme, have things like streptokinase, bromalin, and nano kinase in them. And we've been doing this for decades. So, none of my patients had this problem. And even those who had medical issues of problems, they went ahead, and they've been trying to take their enzymes, trying to do some calculations, trying to be low carb, which stops the stickiness of the blood and slowing it down, so that clots and damage can form. All my patients did fabulously.
Of course, we did other things. We did nutraceuticals. And we didn't have to use any of these things. We had the vitamin D, we had the zinc, we are all my patients who had the D, had the zinc. All my patients who had the low-carb diet, plenty of water, enzymes, and chelation therapy with vitamin C in them. So, all my patients did well. And I have tremendous elderly patients, and many with overweight, or hypertensive, or cancer, or diabetes. None of them, none of them are hospitalized, got sick, none, zero, nada.
So, we are giving thanks unto the Lord Almighty for his wonderful wisdom and thankfulness to him that he brought us up to regard his creation and to regard trying to look at first causes. I’m published in doing this. I have been doing this since the 1990s. I have been doing chelation since I was 16 years old and I’m 70 now. I have been around so many great minds in medicine. Who can claim that they know it all? Who can claim that they are so smart? We are all standing on one another’s shoulders. So, I'm standing on the shoulders of all these wonderful people who came before me, including my own father who was in food research. And I have been teaching about the foundation of healing anywhere in your human body. What the problem is, though, is marketing. Marketing. And the billions paid to psychologists and psychiatrists and into think tanks about how to bend your mind and make you buy and make you habitually think of a product and draw you like a zombie to eating that product, getting you addicted to high fructose corn syrup and sugary items, or the taste of salt. You can get addicted to salt. You can get addicted to anything. You can get addicted to eating fat.
You have to be an independent human being. You have to think. And understand that your frontal lobe is your reasoning. Whereas your cravings are more on the limbic system in your lower brain functions. And God gave us this frontal brain to fill with wisdom and love and judgment and compassion.
So, one of the things I do every day of my life is I read my Bible every day for chapters every day, every single day of my life so that I can screw my head on right. And get my discipline, right. And my reason for why I do what I do. Because your creation of God, I say is so valuable, and I'm going to see him today. How can I help them? How can I support them? And it isn't like I have some great miracle or great secret knowledge. God has given us healing written in the bulk of our DNA right in the Bible there. Psalm 139, around verse 18. David talks about how written in a book, which is the DNA, which is all the formation before it was formed. So, he's already talking about DNA and this book, so you want to talk about something fabulous and scientific-based. The Bible is scientific.
So, anyway, we have had such a blessing and such good health because we remind patients you can heal. We remind patients every day. God has given and written in the DNA how to repair yourself. What I am here to do is try to be a traffic control cop and remind you, don’t speed, don’t park where you shouldn’t park, check the air in your tires, that kind of stuff. We are here doing the basis, every day. Every time you come here, water, water, water. Are you drinking enough? Every time. Cut the sugar, starch, bread, pasta, and carbohydrate down. Every day we say don't eat late. When the sun goes down, don't eat after that. When we are here, we're saying how much do you move every day? How much do you exercise? When we come here we say, the immune system lining the gut is about 80% of your entire defense. Why would you throw things down your throat for variety, for taste, fun, variety, taste, fun? You have to say, I am eating today because I have a purpose to serve the family, the friends I love, and the coworkers whom I love. My purpose is to be of service to them. So, I'm going to eat something so that this container I am in, because you see this container on the video. This material is going to pass away but the essence of the person talking to you is eternal. Because I'm already forgiven, as a Christian, I know I will never die. My body may die. But I will never die.
And so, I don't have to worry about being gorgeous or shopping or traveling all over the world or seeing fun stuff. I can see plenty of fun stuff in eternity. I can do fantastic things in eternity. So, let's back off, cut the carbs, take our enzymes, drink the water, exercise every day, never eat late, do the chelation, with those enzymes, take Quercetin (our vitamin D or seasonal allergies, 400 to 800 milligrams), get vitamin D in, check your levels to see if they are in between 80 and 100. Have your chemistry to check your liver enzymes. Get your insulin, your fasting blood sugar, and your triglycerides all in ideal ranges. Fasting sugar should never be above 85. Triglycerides should be never any higher than your HDL. Your hemoglobin A1C should be 5.2 or less. Your fasting insulin should be four or less. And then you stay healthy. You stay healthy. And that's what we do.
And if you do that, for all of the complaints that you have, your body will tend to resist disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, strokes, and heart attacks. Everything. And if we eat a simple one-menu day, what do we mean by that? That's eating a menu where let's say you have, I had liver and onions tonight. And I typically eat one meal a day. But if I ate two meals, I would save or make enough liver and onions so that I could have that for tomorrow's lunch. And then, tomorrow night for dinner I'll have maybe chicken with a skin on it roasted with green beans. And I'll have enough of it so I can have that for lunch tomorrow. Then the third day I would have maybe salmon and asparagus. And then I would make enough of it so I could warm it up for lunch. And then, on the fourth day maybe I'll have steak and broccoli. I'll have enough of that so I can have it for lunch. So, it's a one-menu day. So, this whole immune system, lining my gut, is not saying wild spices, a wild variety, and it is very low carb.
“In the last two weeks, my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. Is there a supplement, vitamin, or food that might be causing this? I started doing these lymphatic massages about 10 days ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlgqllPKQUA” [0:14:38]
I don’t know how old you are or what concurrent illnesses you may have or whether you're hypothyroid or hyperthyroid. I don't know what your serum blood protein is, blood urea nitrogen, or total protein. I don’t know what all these things are on you. So, you have to eat protein to make the protein of your hair. So, you have to eat tons of it. We have been shied away and shooed away from eating all this wonderful bioavailable meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, liver, eggs, and so forth. I eat a ton of it.
When I talk about marketing, at 7 years old, and I was in the 1950s, in my father's Food Research Lab in Chicago, my mom was real sick or something, I was the last baby. I must have been four years old. My dad would take me to work all the time. I was there around all the labs, bubbling bottles, and all the food research. They put me in the taste testing room. I heard men talking about advertisement and how they could make us eat s-h-i-t and love it. So, the TV dinners were starting and would have an off taste. So, they had to learn how to hydrogenate fats so that the off taste or the rotting of the food would slow down so you couldn't perceive it. And how they would put any drug they wanted or seasoning or chemical to cover it up so you would buy it and eat it.
Anyway, they were advertising and I would listen to these men. There was a commercial, I can even at 70 years old remember hot dogs, Armor Hot Dogs, what kind of kids eat Armor Hot Dogs? Fat kids, skinny kids, kids who climb on rocks, short kids, tall kids, and even kids who have chicken pox, love hot dogs. Armor hot dogs. The dogs that kids love to eat.
So, do you see how deep that's embedded into my limbic memory that I can pull it out just like that? So you don't think that eating your junk food and succumbing to eating these things isn't driven through deep manipulative marketing to treat you like a zombie? Develop your front brain, develop your parameters, develop why you eat, and develop these things.
There's a website called www.FoodAddiction.com. And that doctor talks about all the marketing that went into triggering these food addictions that are harming us in so many, many, many ways. Jane Illapod, something like that. I was just listening to her around four o’clock in the morning. I think you will enjoy that.
So, your hair's falling out, you got to eat the protein. I have been doing EDTA chelation most heavily since my 40s. I had some, I started when I was 16 when I got myocarditis. I am one of the kids who got myocarditis at age 15. I was hospitalized for months. I was in cardiac care. I was resuscitated back then in the 1960s. I think the mortality rate was 90%. But my dad came in with shots in my butt of high-dose vitamin C and God only knows all the things that he shot into my butt. And then he took me to Ray Evers, the father of chelation therapy in Andalusia, Alabama. And I started chelation there. Bingo. Within three years, I’m married and I passed my flight physical for ROTC college and it is history now what happened. My husband marched me over to the college and he said, “You go to school.” I think I was 18. He said, “I promised your father I would let you get a college education.” He was in the military. I went to college, and I studied like a good obedient wife. Anyway, that’s the story.
I think the chelation helped my microcirculation of my hair. I think all the protein I've eaten has helped my hair. And you need to work with a doctor that will look at those things. Just start eating tons of protein, every day, but don’t eat late.
“What treatment protocols for chronic late-stage Lyme/Bartonella have you seen the most success with? Have you seen patients successfully treat with only herbals vs. abx?” [0:19:43]
Actually, I have only seen combinations. I see long-term use of Doxycycline, and I think I've seen it combined usually with something like a broad spectrum antibiotic, sulfur antibiotic. We are talking like six months. But if you mix all these healthy lifestyles, the water, the exercise, the proteins that go into repairing the protein and stuff here, and get a little cat circulation going by with EDTA chelation and enzymes to clean out the little blood vessels that are clogged and go low carb, then that’s how your immune system is healed with this one-day menu. This is the lining of your gut as well. Every time you put in wild food, you're creating all this hurt right here in holes. So, the person who's going to have the greatest immune system is going to be the low-carb patient with the enzymes, doing chelation with vitamin C, taking vitamin D, not eating late, exercising, and drinking their water. That’s just the way it will be. It will help grow your hair.
“I am 61 and have no family history of breast cancer. I have had routine mammograms from 40 on. I have seen articles lately regarding the pros and cons and wanted your opinion. If there is no history of cancer, is the yearly radiation harmful? (even low doses) Is every year necessary? Can I do it less often to minimize any negative effects?” [0:21:17]
All radiation is harmful. The standard recommended State Boards and the College of Gynecology and Oncology all recommend this. Don’t tell me what science they are quoting. Don't tell me what great reduction in breast cancer they've noted because they instituted this since the early 1970s. Don't ask for science to back up that recommendation. But that's the standard of care.
You're in charge of your own body ladies and gentlemen. I don't do any mammograms. I tell my patients though, I have to report the standard of care in California is to recommend an annual mammogram that's the standard. And I write out the prescription for the mammogram and I tell them that's the standard. But I tell them that cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease. I've been teaching this for over, I don't know since, I worked with Stanislaw Burzynski in the 1990s with his antineoplastic P53 gene. Worked on his publications. And we've known this, so I've been low carb ever since. And so, it's nothing new to me.
And so, you own your body, you make your decisions, you ask the questions, show me the science? Show me the science where it says an annual mammogram has been the factor that has reduced breast cancer, mortality incidents, whatever methodology you're looking toward, and what other modalities or venues could be done. And, you know, they're going to talk about gene therapy or genetic causes of cancer. You have to grow up, genes don't cause cancer. If there is a genetic cancer problem, it is in the 1% or 2%. Very, extremely rare. Now competitive with heart disease, the leading cause of death. So, don't get me this, genes. It’s not genes. It's hypoxia from clogged tiny capillaries. It's lack of enzymes to unblock the clogs. It’s a lack of water. It’s a lack of exercise. It’s a lack of good sleep. It's an exhausted immune system from a wild crazy diet and so forth. And lack of vitamin D and so many epigenetic factors that we've been teaching for decades. And that's why my patients do so exceedingly well. And I have such a low mortality and low morbidity compared to any other doctor. Because we teach all this. And we love our patients and most of them perceive that love and they do it. And so, they cut their carbs, they cut their alcohol, they cut their smoking, move their body, drink their water, eat their protein, do some vitamin D, and do some enzymes. I have the lowest incidence of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and so forth. Praise the Lord.
“Is there any difference between a cream or a pill for estradiol and progesterone? Is Promethium bioidentical? What happens to bio-identical when they are processed through the stomach and gut? What is the most recommended for a menopausal 58-year-old in terms of hormones: testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, DHEA, pregnenolone?” [0:25:27]
Not all women receive the oral form versus the topic as well, patch, or sublingual drops. Promethium is bio-identical. If it goes into your stomach, you will get a biphasic kind of level of absorption because it'll be reabsorbed, go through the liver on the circulation again, as opposed to just putting it on your skin circulation will go straight through there and it won't have this second bypass through the stomach. But the dose is all that matters. And hormones are everywhere. It's in your gut, it's in your brain, it’s in your eyeball, it’s in your toe. So, you know, we’re just nitpicking hairs right here to worry about that.
You have to have a good doctor who will be experienced with it or under the care of a doctor. I have many doctors starting to learn about this right now. But I'm here, they walk into my office any time of the day, we have monthly rounds, and we do clinical case presentations. We do article studies. And we're published here ourselves. So yeah, we study it, we teach it here.
All of it. Because the body can use every part of it, we have receptors for all of it, we can test your hormone levels, and we can give you either topical or oral compounded forms of this, whether you take it through your gut or through your skin. It's the follow-up visit. It is the follow-up lab. It is asking how you are feeling. It is seeing a blood level and a clinical impact that makes you feel healthy and stronger and more vivacious. So, that's what you have to do. You have to find a doctor who will do that and not worry so much about seeing lots of patients and making money. No, you see six, seven or so in a day, you do a good job, and you thank the Lord for that and the Lord will bring you an income that you can live on. That’s how you practice medicine.
“I am curious to get your thoughts on the new product Apeel, the plant-based protection that helps produce stay fresh longer. I have major concerns regarding its safety and the potential harm it may cause our microbiome. Per the FDA, Apeel will be applied to ALL produce in the US, including Organic. I incorporate a variety of organic fruits and vegetables into my diet daily. Outside of not buying any produce with an Apeel label, is there anything else I can do to protect myself?” [0:27:56]
I have never heard of Apeel. The FDA has such a lousy name today. When the Advisory Boards for the vaccines, what was his name, Gottlieb? He says, regarding the children back in 2021, should children be getting this experimental drug? He said, “Well, we just have to give it to them and see how it turns out.” That’s the kind of intelligence that you have there in the FDA. Why should I ever give a care about what they say?
Apeel, by the way, don’t be a doctor. If you are not consigned to being a student all the days of your life and learn from your patients. This is something that I have never heard of and I will check it out. This is for produce. I don’t know what to say about it and I will look into it. I will bring this up next week.
“Have you ever tried liquid phosphorus for kidney stones less than 1 cm?” [0:29:19]
The answer is no. The reason why I would not is because kidney stones are usually calcium oxalate. And guess what makes most kidney stones? Not drinking enough water every day. Any of that Coca Cola, and the ice cream, and the icing on your cake, and your fellow colleague workers' cake, and grandchildren’s cake, cake, cake, and the icing, juice, juice, fruit, fruit, and all of the starch, soda, all have high fructose corn syrup. That fructose in particular creates a metabolic jam in the liver cells that start producing more uric acid and the tendencies towards calcium oxalate stones.
So, you want to know how to do this, cut way back kind of your fruit, your fruit sugar, and your carbohydrates. And don't worry about some medical or even natural pill to try and make up for the badness in the diet that we're eating. We are out of control. Been mind-controlled and tricked into thinking about what is out there called food is food. It’s not food. It’s junk. Maybe 15% of what is in a grocery store is really food today. Even milk, it’s homogenized and pasteurized. It's processed. Don't touch it.
“How long after a vacation birthday, with desserts, and stressful events, should one wait before getting labs drawn to better reflect my normal?” [0:31:15]
Good girl. I think that’s a wise question. I think if I was back from a vacation, I think I would fast. August is my birthday, my husband’s birthday, my son’s birthday, our anniversary, and Labor is the first Monday of September, so every year after Labor Day in the evening I go on a five-day fast. Once in a while, it’s not all five, maybe it’s four days. And then I do my labs. So that's what I do. I fast for three minimum to up to five days.
“I’m having rapid heart rate, mild chest pains on and off. Clammy feet, cold, lump in the throat, bloating, digestive issues, what could be going on? I remember that hot dog song.” [0:32:20]
Well, a thousand different things. How old are you? What is your blood type? How late are you eating? How fast are you eating? And how much water do you drink? What is in the food you are eating? Are you allergic to the food you are eating? Has it inflamed your gut lining? When you eat the food and gets through your injured gut lining, it triggers your immune system. The immune system alarm goes off and the heart rate goes up. And then food, when you eat it, it will drain from your brain to your limbs to go to your gut. So, about a third of your blood volume after a meal will rush to your gut. And then you will get cold feet, clammy. All these kinds of things can be going on.
It could be your heart, it could be ischemic heart disease. So, you need to see your doctor, you need to discuss this with them. Let them look at your age, your digestion, your food allergies, whether you need digestive enzymes, should you do a stress treadmill, check out your heart. What are your lipid profiles, and fasting blood sugar? Check these all out.
“I’m 58 and recently became a patient at TLC. PA Patel prescribed bi-estrogen cream and 100 milligrams of oral progesterone. Will the latter increase my risk for breast cancer?” [0:35:50]
The answer is no. Hormones don’t cause cancer. Once again, hormones don’t cause cancer. If you are listening to doctors, reading books or articles that you had estrogen-positive, progesterone-positive pathology on a marker on the breast tissue that was considered malignant, you have a healthier risk, a lower risk for death prognosis because the more normal the breast, the more it'll have estradiol and progesterone. And that's the normal way. Any woman who's healthy right now, we do a little breast sample will have estrogen and progesterone receptors. No, it doesn't cause cancer. Because they don’t require enough training for doctors, I guess, to be critical thinkers, read, to be continuous students. You have to understand that cancer is a mitochondrial, the little batteries of your cells, and when the engine gets worn out with your high carb, high octane, eating all the carbohydrates, eating all the sugars, run, run, buzzing. Your power little batteries and all your cells are being shoved with all this fuel. And they spit out all these free radicals. When they spit out a free radical, you get your own harm from your own body, not to mention all the pollution that we’re getting from the environment. That's why you shouldn't be low carb. So, cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease foisted upon you through marketing, and lobbyists, corruption, and payoffs for the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. And that's a fact. Get angry. Get righteous anger.
“I recently found out the grocery stores and food delivery such as HelloFresh have lab-grown meat.” [0:38:19]
So, find out who your local providers are. Find out, meet people, talk to people. If someone does something naturally, has eggs, find out what you can do to get them for you or what skill or thing you have. Find a farmer who you trust and isn’t bought out for money. And you don’t think this practice that we have, they haven’t tried to come and buy me out with millions and millions of dollars? No, I’m not going to sell this place or be absorbed into some monster Kaiser or monster St. Joseph’s, Piedmont Medicine, or whatever, no. I’m going to have my little place and we are going to run it here and I’m going to be your representative. There you go. Local government.
“Been having chronic diarrhea for 14 years, recently found out my gallbladder doesn’t work, no gall stones, any advice? No GI doctor can figure it out.” [0:39:50]
Well, we tend to do very well with the patient who comes here and says, I've seen so many doctors, and they can't fix me. And the good Lord shows us a way. So, I would see a good functional medicine doctor who understands that your lifestyle is going to make the decision whether you eat the building blocks to repair it at night, see you build the barriers. Hey, build the wall, build the barrier. Sounds like barrier building is an important thing. And you have to have phospholipids from the fats and the proteins to do that, and you have to eat it every day. And so, we have to eat our egg yolks and our eggs, and we have to eat our meat, our fish, and we have to eat our chicken with the skin on it, and so forth. The more so as we grow older.
“What do you know about Sight Care supplement? It claims to have pure ingredients to improve aging eyesight, repairing own stem cell re-growth by using alpha lipoic acid, lycopene, lutein, lutein, bilberry, zeanthin, and at least 3 other ingredients.” [0:41:15]
So, these are phytonutrients. And in polyphenols, they're called anthocyanosides. These are some of the chemical biochemical special class group names, all the blues, purples, and red, and all the yellows, oranges, and then the reds. These have different biochemical structures, and they're given different names. So, if you eat something red, or blue, or yellow, or green, you're going to get these different polyphenols. Now, what do I use? I use the Juice Plus series. Why do I use Juice Plus? Because it has the most proven research. It is the most researched nutraceutical in the world. So, that's what we use is Juice Plus. I’m published on it. I tried to attack Juice Plus, I didn’t believe it, and was more full of myself in the early 1990s when they started. I didn’t believe what they were doing. But this is like a list of all the universities that have published on it. And it’s got the bioavailability if you do buy it, take it, you will absorb it. Dental schools studied it. The Journal of Cardiology, Heart Health, the immune system studies even on smokers. DNA, this is just amazing on the DNA studies on DNA damage and multiple studies on how it reduces DNA damage and extends life. Antioxidant studies. And I use it because of skin health, maybe some of my good skin is from all these years of using this antioxidant as well as chelation, low carb, water, exercise, and high protein diet. Then we have anti-inflammatory studies. And then we have the quality of life studies on it. Obesity studies in the children, it helped reduce childhood obesity. Lung health and all these publications. All these peer-reviewed, third-world, I mean, third-party journals. All that stuff for the eyeball in Juice Plus.
So, I would far rather take the contents with all the sugar taken out, with all the fructose, in 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries to take some man's concoction of five items and think that is the end all, be all. That’s what I would say about Eyeball Sight Care.
“Asked a question last week about being post-menopausal and hysterectomy with the possibility of endometriosis again. I had bloodwork done last week and there were two numbers I was curious about. My alkaline phosphatase was 30 and my DHEA sulfate was 332. I do take DHEA daily and guessing that is why that number is high. Any thoughts on these contributing to the possibility of endometriosis?” [0:45:53]
No way. Neither of these. Those numbers help you. A healthy liver will show AST, ALT, and if they do the LDG and the GGT, shows that you are not stressing your liver out with a high fructose, high corn syrup, sugar, fatty liver promoting disorder. And all that sugar and carbs will stimulate insulin, which stimulates endometriosis to grow, polycystic ovaries, thickening of the blood vessels, lining of the wall, thickening it, making it hard. And on and on, in cancer and tumors. Those numbers are great.
“One of your previous topics on blood pressure was very helpful. Thank you. In the meantime while working to get the blood pressure down through proper diet, etc. I wondered if it is safe to walk/exercise when your blood pressure is running high or should I refrain during that period.” [0:47:08]
Well, I don’t know who you are. I would have to know more things about you to see how high, do you have any other related problems, what your weight is, what your inflammation markers are, and various other things. Walking in general is very, very good. So, I would ask you to see your doctor and tell them about all the wonderful things you are starting to do for your health. Walking should be an integral part of it and tell them you are going to do it unless they have some reason not to do it. So, please talk to your doctor about this. In general, it’s very good.
“Do you have an opinion on the mycotoxin urine screening for mold? If you use this test, do you know why someone would show an intense decline in mold on a retest, then 4 months later, doing the same protocol, go back up?” [0:48:17]
Well, seasonally the warmer it gets, the more moist it gets, the more the mold grows, the more the wind and dust blows around, and the spores can go out and be breathed in. Your immune system then responds to it. You can pee out metabolites in the urine. Then in the cooler months, drier, winters are usually drier, the mold tends to quiet down, mold issues tend to go away, or reduce, and then your levels will go down. If you are doing treatment, and not thinking about the seasonal impact of it, you may think you have treatment and it went down when really you did some treatment but it was getting cold, seasonal, and drier. There are many reasons there to bring it up. I am not representing myself as a mold expert. I have done specialized training in it. I have taken a whole course in it, have a book on it, and I don’t spend my time on it. I find that most of the people who get their carpets out, cloth drapes, and their plants out of their house, and look for water damage in the house, get remediation, and do the healthy things, they get better.
“I am scheduled for a colonoscopy due to moderately severe diverticulosis. I've been taking 6 capsules of Vitalzym due to mild atherosclerosis in lieu of aspirin or other blood thinning agents. Do I need to stop that supplement before the procedure? And if so, how long before?” [0:50:18]
They're not going to be doing surgery or cutting you for colonoscopy. They could take a biopsy. The only thing that six capsules of Vitalzym could do to thin your blood very mildly would be for that sight to ooze a little bit. You could stop at like three days beforehand and then after the colonoscopy is done, double up for three days. The safe side, stop for three days before and then the day after, double up for three days, and make up for it.
But really no I have never really seen any issue with thinning of the blood from that. You can make the argument for water. Water thins your blood. Should you stop drinking water before surgery?
“Just curious to ask if you have ever heard of the Amen Clinics for mental health and addictions? https://www.amenclinics.com/locations/los-angeles-metro-area/ Here is the one in CA.” [0:51.53]
Yes, Amen Clinic is in Newport Beach. They have several doctors and a whole team that does this specialized brain, energy, and blood flow functions. And they are in favor of a healthy diet. I don’t know in particular which diet they support. But I have heard of them. I’ve only heard good things.
“I'm wondering if the type of meat or amount of food eaten in a meal affects the number of Digestzyme capsules one takes. I'm also finding that taking Digestzyme at the end of a meal does not work as well for me as taking it at the beginning. Perhaps it just depends upon the person and the way their digestive system works.” [0:52:30]
Absolutely. At Thanksgiving, I will take five or six Digestzyme. You can take three or four. I shouldn’t do that, that’s gorging. But you know, what can I say, I’m human.
You and God own your body together in a joint, work-management relationship. For me, I don’t want to take my Digestzyme until I eat because in medicine and in ER medicine, I could have been called away right before I could get a bite of something. Then I have the Digestzyme on an empty stomach. For me, I always take it afterward. Maybe I should try it ahead of time. I would think in my 70s I should be slowing down and not called away as much.
“How many clicks of Kokoro progesterone cream can I give to my 14-year-old? She is 110.” [0:54:10]
She’s an adult. You know, endless, because progesterone is wonderful. Men can have progesterone. Children can have progesterone. We're grown in our mother's womb and belly soaked in progesterone. Progesterone is wonderful. And so, for the young teenage girls with all the stress so they don't get the cortisol shut off of ovulation, it's very good in case their stress on their cortisol is high and they don't ovulate which many of them are not anymore so that they aren't an estrogen dominance we give them over the counter a low dose progesterone. She could use 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 pumps and rub it on as a moisturizer on days 15 through 25 of her cycle. That’s what I would do.
“It appears I've started perimenopause and I'd like to know your thoughts on when to start testing hormone levels (do you recommend a 24-hour hormone urine test or other) and consequently, starting hormone therapy/replacement.” [0:55:05]
No, I don’t. I don’t like urine tests. I don’t like 24-hour urine tests. They are too cumbersome. They are incomplete. Sometimes people forget and they pee and put the rest in there and don’t tell the truth. I get a sample, I know the day it was, and they know whether they took their hormones, their last period, or was not, and I can pretty well figure out where your hormones are. But I need to tell you, a woman from age 37, to about 47, that's a whole gray zone because of so much stress and so much impact on the hypothalamic access. Stress stops ovulation, cortisol blocking it, you become estrogen dominant, your cycle can go off, your mood can go off, your lining of your uterus can build up. And if you eat a high-carb diet, which most people do, you can get the Polycystic ovarian and endometriosis and all this messed up life from this lousy lousy, system that is marketed to us by the American Dietetic Association recommendations. All these organizations. They're just constantly telling us, yeah, this is our recommendation. Yeah, based on what? Based on what science? And it’s not there folks. Even the American Dietetic Association.
So here you are, we're eating all these lousy things. We're under stress. hormones are out the wazoo. Our moods are out the wazoo. We're all treating each other without love, patience, endurance, compassion, and forgiveness. And, so there you are, maybe next month, it'll go better and you'll ovulate and you'll feel better and then your hormones will be good. And then life will get stressful again, and then your hormones will be off, and then you eat a bad thing and your hormones will be off. So, this is a yo-yo time between ages 37 and 47. It's the hardest time for a doctor to help a woman. So, I tell my patients, this is the hardest time. We have to be consistent. We have to use natural hormones. We need to keep a record of your cycle. We're going to test when you're on progesterone. And not the first day of using progesterone, like three or four days into it so I can get a blood level. Come and see me. Let’s discuss it. Retest in three to four months. And we can see about your life, your stress, your work, the ages of your kids, you know, how your marriage and busy life is going, and we will see how it is running for you with all the other factors, especially the insulin, DHEA, testosterone, and the cortisol. It’s a hard time. You go and get connected with a good functional medicine clinic and they will walk you through this.
“A very good friend of ours has idiopathic neuropathy and has not been able to find relief. He is 75 years old. He has suffered with fibromyalgia for years, but was able to find the right formula and routine to keep it more under control. Recently, his pain levels have been more challenging. Now he has the neuropathy in his feet and often it feels like he is walking on glass. He is not overweight. Any suggestions for him?” [0:58:43]
We have to repair the lining of the nerves, it’s full of the phospholipid fat protein. He has to become mostly a carnivore. He has to get on enzymes. He has to do EDTA chelation therapy to remove the heavy metal toxins and improve the tiny, tiny, tiny microcirculation to his feet, and he has to be on enzymes. Have him see a very good functional doctor.
“Our dear friend was hospitalized for tests due to fluid in the lungs and a small amount around the heart. Results concluded congestive heart weakness/failure. He has been released and wants to do what is best to heal. He will be 82 in Oct., has been on a modified carnivore diet, is blood type O, and was generally doing well until he started getting shortness of breath recently. He also has had dental work done in the recent past. What do you recommend?” [0:59:49]
There are so many different things this could be. Could there be a blood clot suddenly? Could there be a viral flu? Could it be seasonal allergies? Could it be eating too many carbs secretly? Could it be not drinking enough water? Could it be he is too inactive? Could it be other comorbid problems? Hypothyroid? So, he needs to see a good functional medicine doctor. He has to work with his cardiologist and specialist. There are so many things that have to be addressed here.