YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 12, 2023
September 14, 2023
“What causes gallbladder stones? How can you get rid of them?” [0:03:16]
Well, we are not sure. I don't know that anyone has the answer. The gallbladder, of course, is a sac that is right underneath your liver, and it will collect bile, produced from the liver which is processing old red blood cell material. And that material is condensed into a thing called bile and accumulated in the sac there when a fatty meal comes down into the stomach and then into the intestine, the beginning duodenal, that fat needs to be sort of say packaged, emulsified for later absorption. Fat and water do not mix. So, the bile works as a kind of like a helpful digestive aid in getting the healthy fats that we need absorbed.
Then the question is, why would a stone start falling you know developing there? All kinds of concepts and ideas are there. If there were some bacteria that came up into the gallbladder, the body, very often will try and seal it off. There can be minerals that are ionized and collected. So, the body starts putting a protection so to say around crystals, foreign material, or dangerous material, pathogens to seal them off. Then there is the question, is the wall of the little sac inflamed? Does the wall itself have polyps in it? Does the wall have one big stone forming in it? Or does it have many little stones in it? And the answer is we don't know.
But we do know that digestion has been challenged over the past 50 years or so, with this low fat, no fat, bad advice that we were given by centralized government recommendations from the McGowan and the American Dietetic Advisory Council that was formed in 1980 as a result of this condemnation of saturated fats. And with that, we started getting more and more foods that are Franken foods, that is what they are called. Cereals, Count Dracula, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, dyes, colors, and genetic modification of the grains, and glyphosate. This is a pesticide that has been interpolated into the DNA of some grains and used as a desiccant, a glyphosate, pesticide spray right before harvest that amplifies the exposure to that pesticide, insecticide. All these foreign materials are putting a strain on the digestive system. The older you get, the harder it is to digest. And these high sugar, high starch, high fructose corn syrup laden drinks that we drink, and foods that we eat, and syrups and salad dressings, all of these things are suppressing the immune system. The hydrogenated fats that are in the packaged foods are creating these very foreign, molecular fatty acids that are not possible to be broken down. And it puts the function of digestion into a tizzy, a hyperdrive. And the general theme is that there's a lack of production of healthy proteolytic and lipolytic, as well as hydrochloric acid. And so, we're getting maldigestion and putting a strain. And that gallbladder is strained with all this material coming at us.
We are seeing all kinds of chronic metabolic weird diseases. We are starting to see this tremendously get penetration into the younger age groups, even children. We are seeing more fatty liver from the sugar drinks, apple juice, and orange juice in the kids. This is all limiting the function of the liver. That bile production and bile salt are being stressed. We believe it has something to do with putting the strain on the liver with the horrible, cheap, fast food, junk food, quick get-it food, and restaurant food that we are all being busy-bodied and rushed into eating instead of a nice old-fashioned meal at the table, prepared with real meat, real fish, real chicken, or real pork, shrimp, crab, lobster. Real food with a real cooked vegetable, with real simple condiments like salt or pepper. Leaving it as a simplistic thing like that. We have to have entertainment with every meal, marketed, modified, and jacked up into some horrible connotation that is stressing our liver.
We believe that bile salts are under attack, creating chronic inflammation in the system, and that goes up into the gallbladder sac and that creates low-grade inflammation, the immune system trying to suppress it, and that is probably where it is. So, what would I do? I would say, eat real food, eat slow, slow down, and under a more comfortable environment, supportive, at home, with homemade meals. Probably use a digestive enzyme. We use Ortho Molecular’s Ortho Digestzyme. That reminds me, I didn’t have time to eat because I have not had a break since six o’clock in the morning. Therefore, all I had time to eat was a protein bar today. I had two protein bars, that’s it. I’m taking my Digestzyme so that I don’t get trouble. That’s the thought on that. Hopefully, that gives you an idea.
“I was recently hospitalized with a diverticulitis infection and was given antibiotics. I was not given much guidance besides to seek the help of a GI doctor. The doctor at the hospital did not provide me with much feedback despite my many questions. I want to ensure I never experience this again. What would you suggest to someone in my situation.” [0:10:58]
That is an infection of the outpouching of the colon. The colon has peristalsis through the sac in the body and you can get nipples blown out like a lab on a tire and it can get infected. She was given antibiotics.
Well, we have to ask the question, what would blow out the side of a tube that is under pressure moving the bowel forward for expulsion? So, you have to talk about the membrane lining of that tube. That membrane is made of elastin and collagen. And you're being frightened from eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and collagen does not come from plant food at all. It only comes from animal food. So, by eating less meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, shrimp, lobster, and crab, you are having a problem with that. Plus, you need vitamin C, we do not make it. That helps with the locking position of the interlocking of the structure of the collagen elastin webbing there and you need minerals. There is a lot more to it but essentially if you are not eating any animal food, you can get pulled apart. Then if you have pressure, it’s going to separate and allow a blowout of one of these little nipples.
What do we recommend? I recommend for diverticula if it's just a blob, diverticula, it's not inflamed this when you add the word it is. You would say that the little blob can become inflamed and turn into diverticulitis that can rupture ultimately and then have bowel toxins, waste, and spill into the internal cavity of the abdominal cavity and that is sepsis and can kill you.
So, drinking enough water, eating the healthy simple menu, have your fish day, chicken day, steak day, pork day, egg day, and rotate your diet. Eat a simple one menu day because the less complex your diet, conversely, the more simple your diet, the less stress you put on all the immune system lining of your gut. About 70-80% of your gut-associated lymphoid tissue lines your gut all the way through it to protect it so that there is breaching or breakthrough that barrier from the outside world into your internal body. Plus we want enough water for paralysis and exchange of healthy, as well as removal of waste material throughout our body.
Our probiotics, are good healthy bacteria, are beneficial bacteria that diminish with aging. And a more challenging, wild spicy, crazy variety that we stress our gut with and the good bacteria have become more diminished. They are part and parcel of helping maintain the defense wall of the gut barrier. What we have to do then is take probiotics. As we age, especially, the more we are doing, microbiome assessment of the variety of the hundreds, thousands of species of flora that live in our gut, we are learning that there are groups and families that seem to be there in health and go away with illness. One of those is clearly identified as bifidobacterial. So bifidobacterial, and lactobacillus, these are very good items to make sure they're included in your probiotic. We use a probiotic from Ortho Molecular people who really provide only to medical doctors. That way, when we do interventions on people post-infection or having inflammatory bowel disorders, we can get stool samples, and we can see the clinical impact of using these things so that we're not wasting our time or the money and time of our patients.
So, you have to eat to make a strong construction wall of your colon. And that comes from animal products. You have to take probiotics, you have to drink water, you have to move, and exercise is very much associated with healthy bowel performance. Those are the things that I would say that need to be addressed. I would see a functional doctor and work on that.
“Have you seen the Netflix documentary, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones? I observed that it is promoting eating no meat, very interesting.” [0:16:59]
Well, I can tell you that there are big arguments regarding that fact. And in fact, there are those who are challenging that these blue zones do in fact eat animal products. There is no definitive science identifying that a plant-based only diet is the correct diet alone to eat.
I think there's pressure on our industry in the farming, big agribusiness to push us to eat these high carbohydrate, immune-suppressing, genetically modified foods that are orally pleasing and satisfying as far as a taste. But they're not structurally, we are not composed of grains and vegetables, we'll get nutrients from them and minerals. But structurally compared liver, or beef, or an egg, or chicken, or fish, it's hands down the nutrient density. And complete need is far better met by having fish or eggs or chicken or pork or meat and these kinds of things, or crustaceans.
There is big industry financing. Many of these so-called documentaries, and I have not seen that video. But there are books out there like the China study, and again, it's more error by omission rather than outright deceptive lies. I do not buy that at all. Plant-based diets have to really be fraught with care to get the proper fats and get the proper nutrients, minerals, B12, and many others, essential fats. So, no, you are not going to make it to 100 on a plant-based only diet.
Besides these are epidemiological studies. The lowest level probably or near lowest level of evidence is epidemiology as opposed to randomized controlled trials, out of the like. That is really good science. People will forget what they ate earlier in the same day, let alone what they ate 20 years ago, 30 years ago. And you can forestall disease outbreaks by just having a piece of fish every two weeks, or an egg, you know, once a week. You can prevent a lot of diseases. I’m doubtful of that.
“My 2 yr. old granddaughter is undergoing chemo for a benign tumor located on her spinal cord. The surgeon tried to remove the tumor in Jan. but it started growing back in just 3 months time. Do you have any supplements or dietary suggestions for her?” [0:20:27]
That’s a question that we want you to be sure that you are under the care of specialists, and we certainly are not representing that we can manage or treat cancer, it's only a license for oncologists to do that here in California. But regarding what stimulates a tumor, or any growth, or even fat to grow in a human being is a high carbohydrate diet. Now, I'm telling you, Americans don't realize how much carbs they're eating and feeding their children. Because we're seeing an epidemic of disease, obesity, diabetes, and liver damage, even liver transplants in young people and adolescents today. Because no one wants to admit that they are giving them, you know, goldfish, chips to eat, and Doritos, and french fries, and a soda pop, and orange juice, and apple juice, and sugary jello, and a piece of cake, and cookies, and pizza, and, and, and, and. So, we are harming our children and the carbohydrates make a hormone come out called insulin. Insulin is probably one of the biggest growth-promoting hormones in the human body that promotes fat to grow, that promotes thickening of the middle lining of the arteries to make hard, stiff, thick blood vessel walls, and to make a tumor to grow. So, if you've ever seen someone have around their neck where their collar is rubbing them all the time and it looks like it's dried, darker skin, or you see skin tags there, you know that person is eating too many carbs. Because insulin will promote skin thickening at tiny microscopic areas of minor trauma and scratching and skin tags to form. We're seeing this in children today. In between their legs where their thighs rub together, we see the darkening of the skin and the skin tags, or under the arms.
I would start sharing with you, research articles by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. He has a movie on YouTube called, Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease. Their abnormal growths all behave similarly. I would listen to that. I would also listen to Dr. Jason Fung, Intermittent Fast is Medicine. Or Dr. Robert Lustig, he is a pediatric endocrinologist who also is going to tell you if you watch sugar, the bitter truth, how high fructose corn syrup is just horrific in what it is doing to the young children today, destroying their immune system with the sugars, promoting fat, and promoting tumor growth and diabetes and so forth, and liver transplants. So, hopefully, that helps you to get started.
“I’d like to get your opinion on ovarian cysts. In April, an ultrasound showed a simple cyst on my ovary. Last week, I had a follow-up ultrasound and it now shows a complex cyst, measuring 4.1 cm, with a single thin septation. Is this something to be concerned about? Is there anything that can be done to treat it naturally? The ultrasound also showed a uterine fibroid, in the posterior aspect of the uterus. The previous ultrasound didn’t show a fibroid. Is there anything I can do to treat that and prevent fibroids in the future?” [0:24:40]
You have to follow up with your gynecologist or whoever is doing this. We would want you to be on a very low carb, insulin stimulates polycystic ovarian syndrome. Hyperinsulinemia, that is the high insulin, and growth hormone stimulation of the high carbohydrate diet and the best thing you can probably do is become a carnivore for four to six months and take systemic enzymes like Vascuzyme on an empty stomach, five twice a day. And progesterone cycled, this helps quiet down the hormones in a woman’s body. If a cyst in the ovary starts to get complex, the risk of becoming cancerous is more concerning. So, don’t fool around with this. Follow up with your doctor and watch the same videos I told you about on hyperinsulinemia, cysts, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is clearly associated with a rise of the highest sugar diet of the American girls today.
The answer regarding the fibroid is the same growth-promoting impact of insulin. Everyone thinks they are on a good diet. Everyone thinks they do not eat too many carbs. Chronic disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, thickened blood vessels, tumors, polyps, benign or cancerous or otherwise, are all on the rise. So, we're deceiving ourselves, ladies and gentlemen, we are deceiving ourselves. And just having one less cookie a week or avoiding cookies and thinking you can have a sugared yogurt, whatever it is, we are addicted to carbs, we have to break that cruel relationship and deal with it.
“Mom is 93 and complains of hissing noises in her ears. Is that a common symptom of Alzheimer’s or should she be seen by an ear specialist?” [0:27:23]
Yes, it is. And most of us, if you take a moment, you probably can hear a high-pitched tone the older you get. We are all aging and drying out and stiffening and that includes the inner aspect of our ears on the vessel even the vessel walls. We don't have quite the answer, but the thing that helps slow it down is the healthy lifestyle, enough water, exercise, EDTA chelation therapy to improve the microcirculation, eating the healthy fats and proteins that make the vessels and the tissues soft and insulated. And the high carbohydrate diet turns us into rock candy and a fat-growing, polyp-growing, tumor-growing, hardening artery, kinky, clinky little thing. So I would do chelation therapy also as well.
“What do you recommend for lower cholesterol without a prescription?” [0:28:38]
A low-carb diet. Are you all hearing a theme over and over and over again? A low carb diet, a low carb diet, low fruit sugar diet. We are eating so much carbohydrates. We are stimulating insulin. This is stimulating fat storage. It is creating clogging of the vessels, choking out the cell metabolism, and creating inflammatory screams and signals that the liver picks up, hears, and sees these fragments called cytokines. The liver will churn out more cholesterol, even if you don’t eat any cholesterol, trying to find the tissue to repair the injury in the side of the cell in your body. You can’t get away from it. We are made, all trillions of your cell membranes, especially your nerves, need lots of cholesterol. This whole concept of cholesterol drugging and the cause of the problem, the ignorance is what caused the problem They knew this answer. I knew this before medical school. Men knew this back in the 1950s, ‘40s, and ‘60s. I heard it argued at the food research lab at Armour Food when I was a child, how they were aghast at the results of the McGowan Senate hearing on cholesterol as a saturated fat, causing heart disease. What the heck is the government doing in healthcare? Get us out, get us out of there, get out of our business. And they suppress the researchers who were supplying valid scientific information. Does that sound like censorship? Yes, it is called censorship. And these doctors were silenced and only the anti-cholesterol, low-fat, grain-producing, financed by the grain industries, the food industries for the grains got a seat at the table at that Congress report. There's a whole criminal story about the suppression of it. And we've gone through 50 years of their damaging impact on us. And now they retract very silently, the American Heart Association has retracted since 2015. But you haven't heard about it. Because they are wrong, they lied, and the doctors went along with it for a cheap trick of money for financing, rather than take care of their dear patients. So, that’s how you lower it.
Another way is to look at your thyroid function. Just today in our clinical meeting, Dr. Meric was talking about a patient who had high cholesterol hyperlipidemia, and again, that's from a high-carb diet. And she put her patient on a lower-carb diet. And then she also gave the patient some natural thyroid medication, not the levothyroxine, which is a precursor. Gave her the real natural NP Thyroid, again a grain, which is a very modest dose. That patient has such a dramatic drop in the cholesterol and the LDL, but I don't care about the total cholesterol or LDL. I care about the triglycerides, which come from the high sugar, high starch, and high carbohydrate consumption. And the HDL, high-density cholesterol from your exercise. So, if you have triglycerides that are equal to your exercise of HDL number, so if your HDL is 60, then your triglycerides should be 60 or less. And it was a beautiful thing.
“What do you think about the fruit in store now? It rots too quickly. What is your take, glycine as a good supplement? Do you think NMN is safe and effective?” [0:32:50]
I don’t know what I’m going to say about the fruit rotting too quickly. Usually, they are picked pre-rip. Then they do chemical argon gas stimulation of them. And then the fruit is delivered. They may have not gassed them early enough, I don't know.
But we'd never as people had fruit available year long. That was only a seasonal treat. Usually only showed up in the fall, not something you have all year long. You couldn’t get berries or bananas, that would only be something you get if you were in the tropical zones. So, we are spoiled overeating, sugar, high fructose corn syrup consuming, addicted set of people, and it's TV, and news media marketed so that we get fat and sick and have chronic diseases and we make a ton of money for the healthcare system that rapes us. Doesn't have time to teach a poor lady about her diverticulitis, just wants a paycheck, and jams in as many patients a day. I'm sick of my colleagues for the most part. I'm so ashamed of my profession.
If you are eating enough protein, you don’t need to worry about glycine. If you are eating a plant-based diet, 60% of your diet is plant stuff, then you have to worry about it like all vegetarians, vegans have to worry about it. I never worry about it. I eat liver maybe once a week, twice a week. I eat a steak once or twice a week. I eat a rich, heavy-protein diet. Very low plants. I’m mostly carnivore. I never worry about glycine. I don’t think you need to take it if you eat a healthy diet.
We can come up with all these specialty supplements and metabolites, agonists, and look at it, if you exercise, eat a rich, healthy, natural home-cooked meal with a protein, don’t eat late, very low carb, fast intermittently, stay involved socially, and get to bed in time, I don’t think you need these things at all. But I am not right off the top of my head working 12 full hours remember what NMN is. I was going to watch YouTube before I got on today because I’m constantly studying. It was on NMN. I have to look into it, to be honest.
“What would you recommend for drinking water filtration?” [0:36:39]
I use the Infowars site where I ordered my Berkey Water filter. I’m looking at it right now. I have it at home. I feel good about it. I have extra filters. I think the standard large-size one will serve about 10,000 gallons. That’s what I use.
“Did I hear from another Q&A that you do not recommend a DNC following an endometrial biopsy which came back negative?” [0:37:19]
No, I am not saying that. It depends on the situation. If you have, I don’t know your age, I don’t know if you are on enough progesterone, what your level is, I don’t know how thick the lining was, I don’t know if you are having continual spotting, so all these things need to work together by the doctor who is managing you. A DNC may not be needed if it’s marginal. But certainly, if the lining is thick, maybe it would be wise to have a dilation to just clean out the lining and the inside of the uterus. So, no, I am not saying you do not do that at all.
“I’m confused on when to eat. I work third shift. I eat in the mornings and then go to sleep?” [0:38:13]
If you work third shift, that’s usually 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. My suggestion to you would be to come home after work and go to bed. Amplify your healing time and get rest right away. When you wake up at 2 in the afternoon, or 3, that’s when you should eat. Eat before 6 p.m., before you go to work at 7 p.m. That’s trying to prevent the shift-related risk of increased disease, you know, it is associated with shift workers to have more chronic medical problems and shorter lifespans because of the stress of the timing of the sleep. You are going against the planet, day and night, cycle. But you can modify that a lot if you will not eat after you get home in the morning and just go right to bed and then wake up at two and then eat them that modifies a lot of those risk factors.
“I have tried fasting lately and start to feel weird, sweaty, shaking, and sometimes heart palpitations. I am thinking low blood sugar. Thoughts?” [0:39:45]
This is probably withdrawal, that’s exactly the symptoms you get. You have to work at it, bit by bit. If you eat something, let’s say you are giving those feelings, have a hardboiled egg, take a tablespoon of olive oil. Now, it's possible that it could be low blood sugar. Again, I don't know who you are, or what your unique situation is, or if you have any comorbidities, or if you have already. Other problems like being on medications that would aggravate your blood sugar. But the thing is, we are addicted. And they made us addicted through their TV, pharmaceutical, and marketing, of making food a glorious demanding entitled thing, you should have an explosion on your tongue every time you open up your mouth. And that's just not the way mankind has been. So, we have lost the joy of a true celebration gathering where there are treats because we can get it any stinking time we want it. So, we have become addicted. So, when you start reducing it, your body will go through withdrawal symptoms and I think that's more likely what it is. But you persevere through it. A tablespoon of olive oil should solve it. A hardboiled egg salted should solve it. And then just keep on knocking at it until you retrain your metabolism to have less and less carbs. There are no essential carbohydrates. We don't have to have any in our diet.
“I have a stubborn infection on my eyelid after cataract surgery. I’m on my fourth round of antibiotics. What am I doing wrong?” [0:41:47]
I would want to know what your fasting blood sugar is, how high is your hemoglobin A1C, how high are your triglycerides, and how high is your fasting insulin. You could do the Argenton Silver, get a spray of it, open your eyes, and spray that into your face. I have the Argenton silver, I'll just put a drop of this right into my eyes to moisten them. Most evenings, I would do EDTA chelation, I would take high dose vitamin D and get your Vitamin D serum levels up to 80. I would do EDTA chelation therapy and maybe some vitamin C. You have to do all these things along with zinc so you need to see a good functional doctor who can put the whole story together instead of keep on doing the same damn thing over and over again and getting the same dumb answer. Obviously, these other things make a difference.
“What is your opinion regarding testosterone replacement therapy? My urologist is prescribing low doses of it (lotion form) because my numbers are low (3.1). I never felt I needed it otherwise. Are there long-term damaging side effects? There are no issues with my prostate.” [0:43:07]
I am in favor of it, if appropriate. I agree with low doses, lotion form. I have been practicing medicine for 42 years now. When I was a young doctor in the late ‘70s, I went into the military and was a physician there. Men had testosterone levels easily at 1200, 1400, 1500, and 1600. And the testosterone levels I see today are absolutely dismal. And I don't buy into this fact that a lot of these young fellows feel that they have no desire to be a man. I think the real problem is they've eaten such a lousy corrupted genetically modified oxidizing sugar immune suppressing diet, that we've burnt them out and they can't produce enough testosterone to know what it means to feel the wonderful powerful hormone effects of testosterone. And I've been using testosterone replacement therapy on men to get their testosterone levels up to 800 easily for years and years and years.
I remember when my father died. He was not on testosterone, but he had a serum level of around 800 on his testosterone at 89. He was almost hitting his 90s, without any testosterone. It was just how healthy his body was. When he was a younger man, I think he was like 60 when I became a doctor, and he was easily 1600 on his testosterone. It’s really sad. I’m all for testosterone therapy.
I have been following it and doing it for 40 some years, I have had no complaints, problems, or diseases from it. I’m all for it.
“Where do you stand on the "standard of care?" I am finding that many doctors talk about the standard of care when they want to do more screenings or write prescriptions for their questionable synthetic drugs.” [0:45:40]
Maybe have him fly out here for a long weekend and shadow us. He can become associated with us. We’d be happy to show our resources, and where we get things. I’m going to die and go to heaven and be the wealthiest person in the world. I don’t need to have my wealth here. I would rather share it with young or otherwise doctors, and nurses, to see what we have done and how the Lord has blessed us here. So, please tell him I would be happy to have him come shadow us and are other doctors. Each has developed themselves and growing in this. I started out at 0 somewhere when I started practicing as an independent doctor after active duty. We all start somewhere. So, be tender and kind to these doctors that are boldly stepping out, trying to learn how to do the natural way alongside the safe practice of standardized medical training. Encourage them and be tolerant. Share your information with them, share your contacts, and help us network. We will do that all together.
“My 30-year-old son has been experiencing skin eruptions for 2 months. 3 on his on his thigh and 2 in his armpit (they come one at a time). they are similar looking to a spider bite as they swell up and then pop and thick globular puss come out. T ones on his thigh have been quite large, painful to the point of not being able to walk, and at their peak look like decaying raw meat, and smaller ones in the armpits. Also, he has had painful inflamed lymph nodes in his groin during these. He has been careful to make sure this has been only local and not showing symptoms in his overall health. He believes this to be an MRSA infection and has not been seen by a doctor because he believes that antibiotics are not the answer. He educates himself and has been using herbal support such as raw garlic, green tea, etc., and taking bacillus subtilus supplements and other probiotics. along with rest, Epsom salt baths, and keeping them very clean avoiding surfing, etc., and using topical poultices. After the last ones were healed he has recently gotten another one. He is very healthy, eats a mostly carnivore diet, and follows your health protocols. His blood type is B+.” [0:47:37]
I was going to say that the sugars are probably suppressing his immune system. I would go and buy a couple of bottles of Argentyn Silver. I would put this on the sites or even spray these areas where the microtrauma is. It is always where there is always tiny, chronic irritation and micro trauma that allows bacteria to get in there. So, if he is a carnivore, very low carb, and blood sugars are good, then make sure that his vitamin D is getting up there. I like keeping my patients at 80 nanograms per deciliter. And make sure he is on vitamin C, zinc, and low carb, and take systemic enzymes to decrease the inflammation. He can come in and do a walk-in high-dose vitamin C, 12.5 grams. That would be tremendous for his immune system. He can do a walk-in chelation at the same time, and do an IV EDTA chelation. That would improve the microcirculation to the skin and everywhere in his body. And then follow with the 12.5 grams of vitamin C right into the bloodstream. That would be tremendous for him. Take the Argentyn, do all those things, and believe that he should be seen by a doctor. Have him come here if he is in the area. I do think you should have a medical doctor check this out as well.
His sweat glands are getting infected and the bacteria is kind of crawling down into the sweat glands. That’s right. He should see a medical doctor.
“Are there any physical triggers for anxiety attacks? My mom seems to get them right after eating. Any correlation to food?” [0:50:47]
Yes. Yes, there definitely is. The food can be inflammatory and create bursts of these neuro-toxic kind of elements and cytokines that are picked up in the blood. The body senses the inherent damage that is producing. So, yeah, I would have her seen by a good functional doctor who knows how to do the screening for the slow reacting and the immediate reacting food allergens. There is both IgE and then IgG for slow-reacting immunoglobins and get them both done. Maybe do a stool. Find out her blood type. Minerals are calming, magnesium is soothing. Make sure she is well hydrated. And for heaven’s sake, make sure she is eating enough fat. The brain is made of fat primarily and if you're on a low fat diet, you're all going to be anxious. You're all going to be worrywarts, and you're all going to have lousy sleep. You have to eat enough fat to repair your brain. And have her see a good doctor.
“I took Vitalzym for two months but felt no effect. [0:53:00]
I would have to know who you are and what the situation is. Because maintaining health, if you are generally healthy is the goal. And how many you took, take is important, and why you are taking it. If you are a healthy 30-year-old man, you are probably making enough enzymes.
But if you're 50, you probably aren't. So, it depends on many things. I didn't take enzymes regularly until I hit menopause.