YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 19, 2023
September 20, 2023
“I want to share my recent observation with you. I was in the hospital for a minor procedure and watched an hour and a half of TV while I waited in the inpatient room. Every single food commercial that came on was for fast food and diet soda. The only commercial that featured healthy, whole foods was for a dog food commercial. I found this ironic and quite disheartening, to say the least. The cost of food continues to rise, and people are exhausted from working all the time, so I don't blame people for wanting to choose quick and easy processed meals. But obviously, this does more harm in the long run. What are some approachable ways for people who are tired, overworked, and living on a strict budget if they want to eat healthier and prioritize their overall health?” [0:02:39]
My suggestion is to eat a one-menu day. If you have tonight, let’s say you are at home cooking, you cook up hamburgers, steak, meat, and I would ask you to cook enough for breakfast and lunch the next day. That way you will have that food available for three meals out of your one attempt at cooking. Same for lunches with the kids and breakfast.
The commercials are what teach you that breakfast is some cereal or another concoction of another variety. We can get steak and broccoli for breakfast and for lunch and dinner. I try to eat a one menu day. The next day, you can change it to chicken and a different vegetable, chicken and green beans let’s say. Make enough chicken and enough green beans to have set aside for breakfast and lunch. On the third day, you can cook up salmon and asparagus. You can cook up enough for dinner, then enough for breakfast and lunch. And fourthly, let’s say pork chops and Brussels sprouts. Have enough made for breakfast and lunch. We call this here a one-menu day. You only prepare once a day.
What some people do and I have learned to do over the many years, I tend to cook about every two weeks. I cook with trays in my oven. I will put like 10 pork chops and sprinkle some garlic salt and pepper. Then I will get about 20 chicken legs or 12 thighs of chicken on another tray. Then I will make up hamburger and make ½ pound hamburgers. I will maybe have 12 or 16 of those on the third tray. On the fourth tray, I put my thick bacon. I can get two to three pounds of bacon on a tray that way. I slow-cook this at 250 or 275 degrees F for about two hours. Then I have all of this protein ready for me. I let it cool down and get my little baggies. I put it in the freezer. I then have this and can take it out. By the time it comes to lunchtime here, I have this thawed and it’s quite tasty. I don’t use a microwave. You can get an induction top cook thing and a pan or something or a toaster and heat it up. I don’t like microwaving at all.
So, that’s what I would suggest you do. Set aside about three hours of preparation twice a month or two hours once a week. Get all of the protein-based themes ready. There you have it. That is how we would do it.
“What is the best way to detox after chemo?” [0:07:08]
Well, a low-carb diet, drinking half of your weight in water as ounces. If you are a 200-lb. man, you would drink 100 ounces of water every day. I do think that using high-dose vitamin C intravenously with EDTA chelation is an excellent methodology. Very often many of these chemotherapies use a metallic curing base, such as platinum, which would be the heavy metal toxin that's involved. So also, I would suggest never eating passe five o'clock in the evening and only eat in a four-to-six-hour window so that your stomach is empty as long as it can be and you're eating more on a carnivore type, very low carb, and taking on an empty stomach twice a day systemic enzymes, five Vitalzym or Vascuzyme on an empty stomach. You can use more enzymes. I have had some people take 8 or 10, twice a day. And take your vitamin D, probably 10,000 international units of D3 with K2, 90 micrograms. Make sure you are on that every day. Use a good amino acid chelate, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and selenium-based multivitamin. And then I believe in a powerful antioxidant we use here called Juice Plus it's just the phytonutrients of fruits, vegetables, and berries, where all the starch and fruit sugars have been rinsed out. So, you get the phytochemical concentrates of 30 different fruits, berries, and vegetables. That is a core base of how we detox. Find yourself a good functional doctor who does high-dose vitamin C and intravenous chelation therapy with EDTA. You will be on your way.
“When do you do 3 days fast (when you are not feeling well or after eating foods you don't usually eat or...?) What do you eat when you break the fast? And do you do the 3-day fast water only?” [0:09:34]
When I do a fast, I do a water fast. I do allow myself my black coffee. I take all my vitamins as usual. The only one that I don’t use is the digestive enzymes. I am going to take another enzyme right now. I ate at four o’clock. I had salmon. So, I don’t take the digestive enzyme when I’m fasting because I don’t have anything to digest.
So, I do a water fast. I take my vitamins normally. I drink black coffee. I come to work. I don’t change my schedule. I'm able to keep up with my trainer, my weightlifting three times a week, and my Pilates, personal private instructor once a week. And that's what I do.
When do I do it? I'll do a three to five-day fast at least twice a year, every six months. If I feel ill at all, I just stop eating for at least a day and a half, 36 hours. If I eat something that upsets my stomach, I probably will wait 24 hours. So, that’s kind of how I run my life, like that.
“When using EDTA chelation suppositories, are we supposed to drink more water like with the EDTA chelation IV to flush the toxins out? If so how much more, for a 140lb female?” [0:11:32]
No, I think if you are drinking half your weight in pounds as ounces of water every day, you are getting plenty. You will do just fine whether you are using the suppositories or the IV. We get into these little mantras, but most people are not drinking half their weight in pounds as ounces of water every day. So, try and do that, all the time.
“Is A2 half and half better from reduced inflammation than standard ultra-pasteurized?” [0:12:13]
I think he is referring to cows that are genetically bred to have different parts of the beta casing 1 or casing 2 proteins made. The cows differ in making lactose as well. So, there is a series of Jersey versus another kind of cow, I forget the name of the cow. But it is breeds of cow production that are trying to modify some of the proteins and sugars that are made in the cow’s milk.
I am not convinced that we have done enough research on this and that we can make strong recommendations either way. The only recommendation that I make, if you do dairy, try to avoid pasteurization and homogenization. These processes are rather new to mankind’s history, I think in the last 100 years, we started to do homogenization and pasteurization. These are abnormal treatments for cow milk. With it, it has created a lot of inflammatory changes to the structure and molecular makeup of the cow dairy, that way when we consume it, we are taking in inflammation from the dairy from the process of homogenization and the heating it up that busts up the matrix of the proteins and fats and sugars and some of the cellular debris as opposed to the naturally room temperature or cooled dairy that comes from a healthy, clean farm, which all mankind has had up until now. So, it’s a long topic. I just stay away from store-bought dairy or cheese that is from homogenization or pasteurized sources. I avoid it and stick with Sprouts. I get it from organic pastures. I have gone to their farms and have had him come and speak to my clinic here. I should do it again.
“What supplements are beneficial to women with mild osteoporosis who cannot use hormone therapy and are unable to walk?” [0:14:44]
The focus would be a very low-carb diet, eat like a carnivore, and to use enough vitamin D with vitamin K2, probably 10,000 international units with K2 as a standard routine, 90 micrograms once a day. And after a month or two, I test the levels. If I don’t see the vitamin D level up to about 100 micrograms per deciliter, then I increase by 5,000 international units of the vitamin D with K2 until I see that level hover around 100 and 120, always checking the chemistry of liver enzymes. I have never seen a problem ever, in all these decades. That is what I would do.
Be very low sugar. Eat all the healthy protein and fats. And do what exercise you can do if you can’t walk. I would do some calisthenics, weight training, Pilates, that kind of thing. Then go from there.
“I am one of Dr. Meric‘s patients. I was just listening to a podcast the other day by a female physician from Harvard, whose medical paradigm seems to align with yours; she’s also very focused on longevity. For women, her number one recommendation is to get a CT scan of the chest to assess your coronary artery calcium score. I have PVC’s and have experienced atrial tachycardia a few times. What are your thoughts on this test? Is this something that, in theory, a TLC practitioner could prescribe? Based on your previous livestreams, I’m becoming more interested in chelation, and I know you’ll probably recommend that.” [0:16:18]
I think the CT scan is reasonable. But doing it much before age 60 is probably increasing the coffers of the facility rather than getting where the disease is. I want to prevent the disease so that we don’t need these kinds of tests. But certainly, by the time you are post-menopausal and without hormones, maybe at 55 it would be reasonable. But women who are healthy, exercising, low carb, drinking their water, taking natural hormone replacement therapy, and on systemic enzymes, and vitamin D with K2, these are women that I am not worried about. If their insulin is under 4 fasting, and their fasting blood sugar is under 85, and their triglycerides are in the 50s, 60s range, and hemoglobin A1C is 5.2, it would be almost impossible to see heart disease in that group. It is a good thing to do. I think if you help your patients and work with them to live healthy, they will do well.
In your case, if there is symptomology, I don’t see a reason not to do it. Yes, a TLC practitioner could prescribe, absolutely. I have ordered many, many coronary artery calcium scores.
Most definitely recommend chelation. I would recommend this for microcirculation that gets the vitamin D and K2 better penetration, better tissue oxygenation, less free radicals, better profusion, and less inflammation, all the way you can look at it, it’s better.
“My dad is 79 years old and he got shingles. It started on his right leg, so he can’t put any shoes on and his leg is swollen. It has already been 2 months. Anything that you would recommend for that?” [0:18:55]
In general, anytime you have these limb inflammations with a shingle, taking systemic enzymes is very, very valuable. Taking Opti-Mag Neural, a magnesium powder drink with Vitamin C is very helpful. But systemic enzymes and Vitamin C powder with magnesium powder and you could bring them into the clinic as a walk-in and get a low dose of vitamin C. I mean it's a high dose relative to anything else, but you can get a 12.5-gram, which is huge intravenously as a walk-in. Maybe you can see one of the doctors here with him.
“How do you fix constantly having bloodshot eyes?” [0:20:07]
Well, obviously the circulation to the clear covering to your eyes is irritated by something so they are dilating. Usually, this is from allergens, could be viral, or could be micro trauma from rubbing it from allergies all the time. So, there are many causes. You would want to look at your workload situation, what kind of job do you have, and what are your exposures. How old are you? Are you postmenopausal? Are you an older man? But allergies are the number one thing. I tend to use, as I get to menopause and I’m drying up, my eyes dry out. I use Argentyn Silver, that is a broad-spectrum eye drop for antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. And I'll just moisturize my eyes with a drop.
My son has bad allergies, he got it from me, I take Quercetin, I take 400 to 600, sometimes even 800 milligrams at a time. Sometimes you have to use Zyrtec or Allegra, two over-the-counter, non-sleepy antihistamine mast cell stabilizing prescriptions. So, all of those things are important. Also, be well hydrated. That is what I would do.
“I get tweaking muscles. On my chest, you can see it tweaking. I take lots of magnesium for bowel softness and drink lots of water. Do you know what causes this?” [0:21:43]
Probably B vitamins. I would take the TLC Methylated B-Complex, take all four once a day, and see if this stops. As we age our water-soluble B vitamins diminish. They are so important. That is what I would do.
“I ate out last week and started to feel nauseous that night and bloated. I have had loose stools for about three days now. Are there natural remedies?” [0:22:55]
Here is a situation where I would stop eating. The minute that I’m nauseous, your body can only tell you in soft ways, especially through the vagal nerve integration of the stomach. These are not somatic nerves that pinpoint, that ouch, you hurt, it’s very different for abdominal pain indicators. Nausea is one of these things. Just stop using the work of your stomach and go on a fast for 24 hours. Just have chicken broth and beef broth and you can take ginger ale with some water mixed in it. You can get the glucose in from ginger ale, mix it with water to get the fizz out though. Just rest your bowel for a day like that or two days. That is how I would do it. There are other things to do, but if that doesn’t fix it, you should be seeing your doctor.
“What might be the cause of a low oxygen level, 80, following a successful cardiac ablation two days earlier? She is in the hospital.” [0:24:23]
Well, number one, you should be telling your cardiologists about that. Getting microclots, I don’t know if you had the injectables from the mRNA and stuff, but the spike protein, microclotting, and inflammation endothelial lining could be an issue. Not drinking enough water would promote micro-clotting. So, you need to let your cardiologist know. And if it's sustained at that level, you will probably have symptoms. But do go and have that checked out immediately because a normal oxygen level on those little fingers' saturations should be 95, 96 range. That needs to be addressed.
So, what we do here, we do EDTA chelation for things like that. We give them systemic enzymes on an empty stomach, four or five, at least twice a day if not three, four times a day on an empty stomach. Push a lot of water, fast for a day or two, like the Pac Men chewing up the little microclots. That should help. Taking magnesium helps relax and dilate the blood vessels and the smooth muscles, all these things help.
Of course, if you smoke or vape, please don't do that. And there you have it. Talking with the doctors there at the hospital, sounds like injectable with the mRNA if she is on blood thinners. Usually, they are doing two and three triple-therapy anticoagulants. You could be on a baby aspirin. Sometimes they will give Eliquis and something like Entresto and something, triple therapy. So, lots of water and so forth.
“I had 1 ablation on March 22, 2023, it lasted for 2 months, and now I deal with AFIB once again. The Dr. wants to do another one in November. At the moment, I took myself off of Eliquis and Metoprolol. I do go in AFIB on and off ever since I had the Ablation I notice when I go into AFIB my heart rate always goes to 154, 155, or 160 and blood pressure a little high, 155/88 or so. I went in AFIB today from 9 am until 10 am, 1 hour. Do you recommend another ablation? If this works the 2nd time...he wants to do the “Watchmen”, what do you think about the "Watchmen" as well, that way I won't be on Eliquis & Metoprolol, right now I am supposed to be on both, I was on it for most of this year, I got off of both, when I did, I had a reaction. 5 days later my blood pressure was 155/135 for about 4 hours then it went back to sinus rhythm. I’m doing good now any advice would be most appreciated.” [0:27:05]
I have only seen really good results from ablations. They have really turned this into an interesting and well-evaluated science. These electrophysiological cardiologists are doing a very good job. So, I would be.
Now, we would metabolically want you to be as healthy as you can and do EDTA chelation to improve the microcirculation so hopefully you never go back into it.
My suggestion is, I don't know who you are, you have to work with your cardiologist and talk with him. I do think it's important to be following their medical management in between ablation being on the blood thinner and the Metoprolol is a beta blocker that helps the rhythm, so it won't easily be triggered back into atrial fibrillation. So, living healthy, and what is living healthy is trying to keep these membranes here, this bio lipid double membrane of the cell wall healthy like this picture and not with holes poked in it from free radical oxidative stress. What creates free radical oxidative stress? The American diet is full of carbs and starch and sticky sugars and micro clots and endothelial lining and irritation and shear factor damage to the endothelial. This shearing will disrupt you know the glycocalyx which is the little tiny-like hair along the cells. It's just terrible what a high-carb diet does. The high fructose corn syrup, not drinking enough water, always drinking of entertaining fluid instead of real water. And then, the inactivity, we are not exercising, we are not moving, and we lose enzymes with aging. Then our hydraulic pressure, you might say the pumping, rhythmic exercise, and so forth is diminished. So, capillaries collapse, and blood flow diminishes, cells get stressed, and start to die, and you get cytokine inflammation. It's a cycle of death.
So, we asked people to be ketogenic, very low carb, or go carnivore. We ask them to do the EDTA chelation therapy, follow their cardiologist's instruction on the medications, and even the ablation, and we ask them to exercise as they are able to. I don’t know your situation or what they are associating with the AFib. Some people have this after an injury to the heart, from a heart attack, ischemia, you know, infectious, viral pericarditis, post-MRI, injection pericarditis, whatever. So, you have to have a healthy lifestyle and the EDTA circulation most definitely will help the microcirculation, reduce the inflammation, increase the oxygenation, and the systemic enzymes on an empty stomach five twice a day will help reduce the same thing and get rid of debris. And it's just a whole process like that. You have to eat the protein and the fat that you are made of because these cell membranes if they are going to fix that hole right there, you have to eat the phospholipids and the meat, fish, chicken, egg yolks, and all that kind of stuff. So yes, follow up with your doctor, and do those things. Find a good doctor that can help you with the other functional things that we do here.
“What is the recommended amount of zinc to take daily to prevent illness? Would taking approx. 65-mg daily (for about 2 years) be any cause for concern?” [0:32:07]
Well, most multivitamins are designed to have about five or six milligrams of an amino acid chelated zinc in it. Zinc picolinate, and zinc glycinate, about six milligrams a day. Now, if you take more than that, it can be of concern because if you have excess zinc, you can get a copper deficiency. That’s a whole other topic about mineral balance. That's why it's good to have an experienced functional doctor who has some bearing on these things, so you don't do foolish activities.
It's not harmful to take zinc, 25 to 50 milligrams a day for a month, you know, let's say healing up from a bad cold, pneumonia, illness, or viral illness. But then I would drop back to five to 10 milligrams a day. And the functional doctors know how to do intracellular and extracellular serum samples for copper and zinc if it's necessary. I rarely ever need to do that. But that's what I would tell you.
“Are you seeing more bone problems since 2020? Like abnormal bone growths and/or cataracts?” [0:33:34]
I'm seeing almost everything more than I've ever seen in 42 years of practicing medicine. And I do associate it with some interventions that have been forced upon us and they have not been studied well enough reported on well enough and their physicians have been protected by the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and the freedom of medicine and the freedom of transparency. So, yeah, I see almost everything more in the last two years than I've ever seen in my life.
Now is it bone growth or cataracts? I'm not going to say that's jumping out. I got to say I'm seeing more pericarditis, more cardiovascular clotting, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, hypertension, these kinds of things.
“I am 53 years old. I had a hysterectomy laparoscopically done at 35 years old due to fibroids, heavy periods, and bad cramps. I kept my ovaries but almost immediately started having menopausal symptoms. Maybe like 4-5 years later I started having abdominal pain and they went in and discovered I had endometriosis really bad. Cleaned it all out and removed my left ovary. I felt much better. I eventually went on bioidenticals for menopause symptoms. I had been on them till the last 6 months when we moved and I didn’t know if a compounding pharmacy and went on synthetic progesterone and patch estradiol. I have for the last about two months started having abdominal pains with a heaviness feeling like when I had endometriosis before. Could I have it again even though I am postmenopausal? And if so can it be treated without surgery if I do? Could it be because I got off the bioidenticals? Thanks for whatever info you have and I hope I gave you enough info.” [0:34:47]
Well, you are postmenopausal, but you are on hormonal replacement therapy, which is the same signaling that is in the environment of being younger when you have endometriosis.
A high-carb diet is felt to be by most functional physicians to be the cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, and then the multiple endocrinological problems that go along with this abnormal hormonal drive from eating too much bread, starch, pasta, Bagel, crackers, you know, pie crust, inflammatory foods, lectins, genetically modified, and all that insulin stimulates growth. Remember, estradiol is a growth-promoting hormone, but in a rhythmic fashion. And so, we have to have growth hormones to repair our tissues, to repair blood vessels. We're always remodeling. So, God always has some hormone effect going on in men and women. And when we eat a high-carb diet and have hyperinsulinemia and get insulin resistance, and we still have these hormones, or we take them extraneously, we can drive the insulin along with the hormonal impact to get these problems.
So, we would have you go on an extremely low carbohydrate keto diet, a carnivore diet. We're talking for at least you know three to six months. We would have you immediately go carnivore, maybe at least the first month to dramatically improve everything, we would find out your blood type, and we would give you systemic enzymes, again, five, three times a day to chew up all that inflammation and material. We would have you drink half your weight in ounces as pounds. Your weight as pounds and ounces of water. We would have you do aerobic exercise and some resistance training. And then we would give you magnesium multi-mineral vitamin, and we would probably give you the iodine 12.5-milligram. We would probably give someone like that an antioxidant like Juice Plus. And then we would probably reassess from that point.
You know, you need to have a pelvic exam, ultrasound, looking at things like that. Find out when your last colonoscopy was, and find out what is going on there. All these things with your doctor, so please see your doctor and go over with them.
“What are your recommendations for low Omega 3 levels? Omega check test came back at 3.7.” [0:39:08]
I don't trust these fatty acid levels. Most doctors didn't major in chemistry or bio-chem. And fatty acid research is a very hard science and assays for the various fatty acid double, triple, you know, there's five double bonds in DHA, six double bonds in EPA, and these are not essential fatty acids. Linoleic has two double bonds. Alpha linoleic has three double bonds. Those are the only two essential fatty acids we must have. And God gives them plentifully in egg yolks, meat, and fish, with chicken with the skin on it. If we eat a natural diet and get away from all the carbohydrates, we would be getting enough fatty acids that are essential. Remember the parent fatty acid we must eat, and consume, is linoleic and alpha-linoleic acid. Omega 6 is linoleic, the two double-bond fatty acids. And Alpha linoleic is a three-double bond. These are the critical two that we must have. They have known this since 1929, Dr. Bryne and his wife were both biochemists. This was during the greatest phase of medicine and nutritional research in American history. And disease and death are associated with deficiencies of these both.
Now, all the EPA, all the DHA you need, you can make downline using the enzyme pathways. So, am I going to worry about a $100 test and trying to get authorization and waste my time with dumb insurance businesses that don't practice medicine or care about the patient? No. I am going to tell you to eat right. I’m going to tell you to exercise. I’m going to tell you to drink your water. I’m going to tell you not to eat late, use enzymes, and those kind of things. So, I don’t care about the Omega 3 checks, I don’t trust them. Oxygen combines with these double bonds and that is what aging and rancidity are all about. Eat the healthy rich meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs. Take a double dose, every day. Become a carnivore for three months. For a joke, whoever ordered that Omega check, do it after you have been a carnivore, eating free-range, wild-caught food for three months. Watch the level go up.
“Were you able to check on spironolactone for high blood pressure? If you have to use a blood pressure medicine, which one has less side effects? What about clonidine?” [0:42:15]
Yes, I did. You are my teachers. Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic. And it's used in, you know, preventing all kinds of cardiovascular hypertension, heart failure. The potassium-sparing is very important because losing potassium is part of the imbalance on the cell membrane surface that has that action potential. If you have enough sodium rush in, and potassium rush out, that electrical charge on the opposite molecules of salt are going to trigger an electrical change that will propagate down the cell and you get contractions of your heart and muscles, thinking, and all these wonderful processes that God has designed. When you get more cell damage, like in a picture here, as you age, then you are going to get more opportunities to have these electron potentials mess up and get all these kinds of problems. Heart failure, irregular heartbeats.
So, that's why all my patients are super healthy. We're fixing our holes. We're plugging them up by eating our meat, our fish, our chicken, our egg yolks, staying low carb, doing chelation therapy, and we don’t have to worry so much about potassium-sparing blood pressure pills like Spironolactone.
Clonidine is a central acting, more in the central nervous system alpha blocker I believe. It’s a relaxer. It’s very, very potent. It also has been told to be like a relaxer, an anti-anxiety medicine. I will find out with your doctor. The discussion, what is your age, what are the other issues going on in your life, and these blood pressure medicines can be chosen, more uniquely designed with your age, situation, and medications that you are on, how active or not active you are. So, you have to work that out with your doctor.
I think they are both useful and have a point. Here we would ask you to drink enough water, exercise, be low-carb, take enzymes, do some chelation therapy, reduce oxidative stress, and heavy metal toxins, and improve your microcirculation. We would do that all together.
“What is up with all of these gums in foods? (Guar Gum, Acacia Gum, Carob Bean Gum etc.) I have noticed a big uptick of them being put into foods that were never there before, like adding it to coconut milk when coconut milk on its own is just fine! I've had a hard time finding a good source for an explanation of these gums. Are any gums safe?” [0:45:10]
Well, these are plant products and they are some of them are polysaccharides which are just sugars all chained up together. And these are like a fiber. You get them mostly from I think the seeds, cacao seeds. You are getting these extracts from seeds that act as a fiber and some of them act as an emulsifying, helping the smoothness and the uniformity of the liquid to be dispersed. It would be like in milks, ice creams, tapioca, custards, and yogurts. It’s a fiber. And you can overdo it. You could maybe get some gas and bloating from it. These are plant foods of course. But a small amount of guar gum or something as a stabilizer put into a vitamin for the capsule to be stable and uniform dispersal of the nutrient. I think it's very minor.
“I got cataract surgery and I got a stubborn infection on my eyelid. The surgery was on July 11. It’s now September 12 and I am on antibiotic #4 and it’s still not gone. The swelling goes down the medicine ends then after a week the swelling returns. I am now also taking Zyrtec and Tylenol. My other eye is fine and I see very well. I am very healthy. Is there something else I could take that will help it? I got cataract surgery and I got a stubborn infection on my eyelid. The surgery was on July 11. It’s now September 12 and I am on antibiotic #4 and it’s still not gone. The swelling goes down the medicine ends then after a week the swelling returns. I am now also taking Zyrtec and Tylenol. My other eye is fine and I see very well. I am very healthy. Is there something else I could take that will help it?” [0:46;59]
This sounds familiar. I would use Argentyn Silver, the same liquid that is in these droppers can be put on your eyelids. You can spray this on your face. I’m wondering if you are putting some makeup, topical there. Taking a high-dose vitamin C drip, checking your vitamin D levels to make sure that it is in the 80 to 120 range, along with a chemistry liver enzyme check. Checking your insulin triglyceride, glucose, hemoglobin A1C, doing microcirculation with EDTA chelation, I do an enhanced version with that with vitamin C and Argentyn. Being extremely low carb is how I would work that out with your doctor. See your doctor about that. The Argentyn is only available to doctors, if you don’t have a functional doctor, I would go to the health food store and get Sovereign Silver. It is half the strength, but still very good.
“Would you recommend choline supplements? What have out found best to help your patients quit smoking cigarettes?” [0:49:01]
Well, choline is a fat moiety that sticks onto like phosphatidylcholine These are parts of these little items here, these phospholipids that are hanging on like this for both sides. The choline would stick here. These are specialized fat moieties. There's a lot of choline in egg yolk, if you eat your meat, your fish, or chicken, pork, your chicken with the skin on it, your shrimp, your crab, your lobster, you're going to get an abundance of choline and you are going to be able to fix the little holes and have a healthier brain, skin, eyeballs, and everything is better in you. We are made of protein and fat, not fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables have wonderful micronutrients in them, that are very useful. But they also contain repellents for the world, like lectins of all kinds of sorts to repel insects, molds, and bacteria, and being eaten. And so, if you eat plants, you're going to expose yourself to these things. And genetic modification now and glyphosate and God only knows what they're doing in this industrialized farming making the plants less nutrient dense. So, I'm not against eating fruits and vegetables. But I have found wild-caught, prairie-raised, meat, fish, chicken, beef, and eggs is all that I really, really need. Then I use Juice Plus for that.
What kind of supplement? We created, but with the help of the Lord, there is nothing that God didn’t create, we are not inventors. He gives us witty inventions. But these phospholipids help make up this stuff here. Whenever I get a really bad stomach upset, these powdered fats are helpful in the cell membranes like what the lady with the eyelid infection or if you have heartburn or any part of the human body, you have to make it out of what you are made of. That’s what you need to do.
I would use choline. And acetylcholine has another, you know, three-prong kind of a carbon chain stuck to the choline molecule and it acts as a neurotransmitter. I mean, God is very efficient. And it makes these molecules have many, many functions, many things that are needed in the nervous system. And this acetylcholine is felt to be helpful with nicotine receptors and calming them down. So, you know, the more you are satiated by eating the healthy fats and proteins from a more carnivore diet rich in choline, the more calm I think you can be and get away from sugar addictions, nicotine addictions, all addictions.
“I live in Europe - the hormone treatment is frowned upon there. I had my estrogen and progesterone creams that I have been purchasing and I used them topically for a few years. A month ago I developed vaginal bleeding after 10 years post menopausal. They did imaging and said - because I have been using estrogen I developed thickening of the walls and suggested Some cases call for a more complex procedure called a diagnostic hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage (D&C). I came here to have a second opinion and had not had a chance to see an OB/GYN doctor.
My question to you at my age of 61 thinning of the walls not thickening and moisture versus dryness- typical or not? My bleeding lasted a week and stopped. Should I continue taking topical hormones and get more naturopathic treatments or do the procedure? I am also concerned if it could be a cancer and no examples have been taken to the lab just yet.” [0:52:31]
I mean, I think she said biopsies as samples. You need to get an endometrial biopsy. Estrogen normally thickens the lining of a young woman up to about 15 millimeters, 14 millimeters of thickness, so a centimeter and a half. That’s about the biggest it gets. And then when the progesterone cycles, it triggers the cleaning out of the lining and you have a menstrual cycle once a month. So, every two weeks you ovulate and you build up the progesterone. The progesterone then cleans it out and you have a clean-out once a month, it's the normal cycle. Estrogen does cause building up in the lining.
Whoever is prescribing these hormones should be supervising you and checking your blood levels and asking you periodically to do a pelvic exam, sometimes a pelvic ultrasound to check on this and that's what we do here. We put people on a low-carb diet and enzymes so that we don't get excess thickening of the lining of the uterus.
So, although this can be normal, since this is the first time in 10 years, see your doctor, do the procedure, and get the biopsies. Make sure there's no endometrial cancer. Check your levels. Get yourself under the care of a doctor who is familiar with natural hormone replacement therapy and manage you with routine checks annually. And check your levels of your hormones and make sure you're on progesterone, either continuous or cycled. And just get a good doctor that will follow you through, but do obey them and follow up.
“Would you tell us the difference between EDTA chelation pills and intravenous chelation therapy?” [0:55:39]
Well, you can put the molecule in a pill form, and you can swallow it. It’s such a big molecule, that it will not be absorbed through your gut, into your body, and where it needs to be to pull out stuff. You can only get a teeny, teeny amount. The impact is largely very low effect, minimal. Now all food and water and air that we're breathing in has contaminated dust and putting nanoparticulate material in there to create metallic clouds and bounce waves off of them and stop the sun from getting through all of them. All the research has been done for decades and decades. This falls eventually on the ground. You walk on it, the cars, the wind blows, and we are breathing it in all the time. We cannot get away from this heavy metal. That's what we need to address.
So, I think taking oral could possibly be a little bit of value to the food that you ate because it grows on the ground, up into the fruits of vegetables, the animal eats it, it gets into their tissues. But the only meaningful way to get real detoxification and reduction and reproducible measurements is with intravenous EDTA.
“Tell me more about strong PGC1 Alpha activators?” [0:57:42]
That does not ring a bell in my brain. I will have to look that up. You must be in the world of science or a medical student with new drugs. I will look this up. I can’t answer the question.
“What is the best way to remove amyloid brain plaque?” [0:58:16]
Well, there is an argument over this in the research. We do think this is more related to sugar metabolism, and the brain dendrites that act like macrophages to this microscopic injury inflammatory reactions from heavy metals, chronic viral illnesses, things that ought not to be in the brain, fructose, excess. And it's like an immune reaction and this builds up. We believe a cardiovascular, EDTA chelation will improve microcirculation, and reduce oxidative stress, taking systemic enzymes will also help like Pac Man eat up the debris cells, and being extremely low carb on a carnivore-type diet or a very low ketogenic diet will facilitate a relaxation of the dendritic cells in the brain tissue itself. The membrane surface will be repaired to the nerve sheath, myelin sheath, and the brain cell by eating more phospholipid-rich egg yolks and cells like that. So, that’s how we would begin on that.