HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 26th, 2022

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 26th, 2022

September 28, 2022


“I was wondering if you would know about a vitamin called Rainbow Light multivitamin? If you do, could you tell me if it is safe to take?”


I think someone else asked that question, and I looked it up. It is a multivitamin mineral. But it does not have any reference listing or physician endorsement or clinical studies on it. So, it looks like to be from the description of its contents a standard, well thought out, multivitamin supplement. And so, I would say from its marketing, if I could pull it up again, it’s called Rainbow Light multivitamin. I think they are trying to play off of all the research and stature, and renowned background of the Juice Plus Series, which is fine. I’m for a free enterprise competitive system. This is a Rainbow Light multivitamin.

Yeah, you can get this at Sam’s Club and Target. And once again, the details on it-- I’m trying to pull it up. It’s listed here, egg-free, fish-free, peanut free, you know. So, it’s trying to avoid the most common types of allergens and such. So, it’s a vegetarian multivitamin supplement with Vitamin D, B2, B5, Folate, Calcium, and Zinc. And then it's got the rainbow superfoods blend and probiotics. So, it's probably got some of those, you know, multi vegetable, berry, fruit concentrates in it. So, that's the closest I can say it has an appearance of looking good. But I have no clinical reason to endorse it. But I have no reason to say it's wrong either. 


“My husband’s belly is swollen. And now, his feet are swollen too. He has a doctor’s appointment on Monday. He has been a heavy drinker for a long time. Don’t know what to do.”


So, today is Monday, I wonder if this is a leftover from our last or a current, new post. But I think I remember you before talking about this. If your husband has used a lot of alcohol, this is probably causing cirrhosis of the liver, the chronic inflammation of the toxin, the alcohol damages the liver. And that creates scarring. The scarring then diminishes the detoxing phenomena of the liver role. So, then fluid begins to build up in the abdomen called ascites. And then, the ankles start swelling as well.

So, I think that this is something you should urgently follow up with your physician and address and go from there. 


“What are some reasons women lose significantly more weight than other women after giving birth?”


Well, we are all individuals. We are processing our foods and our environmental patterns differently. Blood types are different as well. The life cycle and stress and cortisol stress management are different. So, if you have a woman who is under a lot of stress, she’ll have high cortisol. And cortisol at high levels will hold on to the energy you might say, conserve it biochemically thinking that her body’s health is under stress. It will resist burning the fat, letting it go after birth.

The other would be, if she is an American living on the typical American diet that is very high in high fructose corn syrup, carbohydrate, starch, and sugar-infused, smoothies, and sodas, juices, cereal, processed foods, hydrogenated fats, very high contents of the wheat in these foods that are glyphosate, we would then suggested that there might be the added burden of the immune system challenge that pregnancy brings to a woman. That immune system is inflaming. And being inflamed with the food you are eating already in a genetically modified corrupt food system with the stress of the immune challenge of carrying a baby with 50% DNA from the husband, along with potential blood type incompatibility, will also add to the cortisol stress. Plus, all the sugars. And so, it goes. These are multifunctional issues.

So, you have to work on your stress. You have to work on your immune system, your diet, clean it up, and probably the best thing is finding out your blood type. You should know if you just delivered a baby. You would probably know your blood type. If you are A-type blood, you would probably want to help reduce the inflammation with digestive enzymes when you eat food. And the easiest probable first step to detox and yet have very good nutrient density-- In fact, the highest nutrient density would be to go carnivore. And then, it’s difficult to sleep with newborn babies. But as much as possible, if you have a spouse and/or family to get as much reasonable sleep and rest as you can, all these things will help reduce the cortisol which will help reduce the holding on to the weight. 


“Can Estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone cause tenderness around all the breast areas?” 


Yes, it can. It’s primarily estradiol and progesterone, not testosterone for women. Estradiol is a natural and normal physiologic promoter of breast tissue development and maintenance of functions so that a woman would be ready if she had a baby to breastfeed. And then the woman who starts a natural bioidentical hormone, as an adult, even after a period of time after menopause, if she starts hormones, she already has her mature breast development. This is not like when she was a 10, 12-year-old young girl who was just starting to develop breasts. So, the tenderness as the estradiol developed in her young puberty body would be not as noteworthy. But if you started later, with mature breasts, it's more noteworthy.

But indeed, if you use progesterone and you eat a low-carb diet and take your systemic enzymes because young girls are full of natural enzymes that are anti-inflammatory, we lose this with age. Then you should be able to tolerate it after about two months, or three months, and have less breast sensitivity to the reintroduction of natural hormones. That's why I always insist all my patients who start natural hormones have to go on a low carb because remember, insulin stimulates breasts as well. And they have to drink plenty of water, half their weight as pounds as ounces every day. And they must use systemic enzymes on an empty stomach. 


“I need to have your email address to ask questions regarding the supplements. Who do I talk to?”


I would use the link down at the bottom here. That is how we get all these emails. I see them right before the show. I don’t have a pre-screening. When I’m doing all this, it’s right off the cuff with my 41 years of experience. Use that email address in the link down there and I will get your question. 


 “Estradiol 0.75-milligram, progesterone 100-milligram, and testosterone 5-milligram daily.”


That seems to be a reasonable amount. Now, you have to have your blood level tested. And you have to sit with your doctor and discuss how long you have been on it, how you are doing, look at inflammatory markers, sedimentation rate, your highly sensitive C-reactive protein, insulin fasting, your fasting blood sugar, your hemoglobin A1C, and your triglycerides. Then we can get a better picture of the level of inflammation and the sugar impact of stimulating the breast tissue. 


 “How do you renew cartilage and how long does it take?”


Well, our bodies are designed to maintain and repair all the cartilage and its tissues. What happens is, as we age, the capillaries everywhere throughout our body, which are tinier than angel hair connections everywhere in our body, they get clogged, compressed, and we don’t drink enough water, we don’t exercise and have a nice hydraulic cleansing washing through. And so, the areas around the joints, we have no blood vessels into cartilage, otherwise, it would become bony. So, your nose, as an example, would be a hard bone and you couldn’t kiss, so to say. And snuggle with your husband and your children and babies. You would have a hard pointy nose if that cartilage had a blood vessel in it. So, it depends totally on the wrapping of the skin and the diffusion to keep it soft. So, the same goes for the cartilage between your bones, between your joints, your knees, and everywhere.

So, that's why we stress here, drinking water, half your weight as pounds as ounces every day. Then if you eat enough meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and crustaceans and things like that, you're going to get a ton of protein cartilage, material that you'll digest. And as we age, we have to take digestive enzymes to help us break that down to extract the components that go into the repair of the cartilage. There are products out there, collagen is what we have here. And Condra Flex is another one. These are researched by orthopedic surgeons who are doing actual studies. Now, I eat such a high meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, chicken with the skin on it, crustacean diet, that I really feel that-- And I have no joint pain as I’ll be 70 next year. I just have to say, I’d rather not see people buy these things, but they would do chelation therapy to improve their circulation, drink their water, not clog up the capillaries with too much sugar, starchy, food allergies, lack of water, lack of exercise, and so forth. Hopefully, that will help you understand. It could take years to repair things. 


“Do you have any tips for gastroparesis or Barrett’s esophagus?”


Gastroparesis is the lack of motility of the gut that often occurs with diabetes. There's nerve damage and so the actual nerve construction to stimulate the churning of the stomach diminishes. You get neuropathy. And this is all the same process of clogged capillaries, too high of sugar, endothelial lining damage, and the nerves are not getting fed and repaired. Remember the nerves have a myelin sheath of fat. We've all been taught to be afraid of eating fats. And we've all been pushed on this silly pyramid that is a high-carb, grain, and the grains have been genetically modified. And so, we have sticky sugar, genetic modification, glyphosates with the genetically modified pesticides on there. Just the density, the osmolality of too much sugar. And this damages the nerves. So, gastroparesis often goes clearly with diabetes.

So, I would work to become as low carb as possible and eat in a time-restricted range, even eating one meal a day, you know, roughly trying to eat in a 20-hour empty stomach and eat in a four-hour window or two-hour window. That gives your stomach the greatest number of hours of healing. You have to drink enough water. And you have to have a daily exercise that includes aerobic and resistance training, about 20-minutes of resistance training with weights, twice a week. And you have to have some form of aerobic. I think the best thing is a rebounder, those little miniature trampolines that you can have in the house, they have a bar. If you are older and need stability, this is great. That is probably one of the best microcirculation, lymphatic moving, as long as you eat a healthy diet. And again, I’m going to support basically the more carnivore-rich diet that is so nutrient, superiorly dense, and full of minerals. I like eating bratwurst, which is organ meat in a sausage form. And I eat that on a piece of raw cheese. So, it's all total carnivore. I'll put maybe some mayonnaise on it. So, those are the ways that will help you.


Then you have to talk about using digestive enzymes that help digest the food that you do eat for gastroparesis every time you do eat. So, whenever I eat, I'm taking my ortho digest or zymogen product. No, what is that called? Spectro-zyme. That has hydrochloric acid, lipase, fat dissolving enzymes, proteases, and protein dissolving. So, I take four or five of those when I eat and I’m usually on a one meal per day. I also am doing very often a 24-hour fast once per week. I will do periodically a two day in a row fast in a month. And then, annually I will do a five-day fast. Labor Day, Monday night to Saturday night, I will. This year, I didn’t do all five days. I did four of them. And then I do a January 1st to the 6th. And so, all this stimulates healing. When you fast, you stimulate growth hormone repair, and that helps. Now, that is the gastroparesis part. 

What is the other part? I lost it. Barrett’s esophagus. So, Barrett's esophagus is when you have food just sitting in a sludge in the sack of your stomach pouch, and let's say you ate four hours ago, and you bend over to tie your shoe or slip something or pick something up off the floor, but your stomach is not emptying in three hours. That means you have all this liquid there and the compression of your stomach bending over, is going to burp up and reflux up some of that stomach contents into the lower esophagus. And that lower esophagus was really designed only to have a pH of a 7.0 - 6.5 range, very basic. Your food and the acid are supposed to drop into the stomach, where all the high acid and enzymes are. And the stomach acidity can get down to a preferred 1.2 pH, 2.25. pH. And that's necessary for killing off bacteria that might have been in the food and for digesting the food. And if you can't get your pH down low, you'll also slow down the digestion. 

And then, you'll think it's been four hours, five hours, six hours since I ate and you bend over and you still have this burping up of this stomach contents that have, you know a pH that's maybe a 4 or a 3.5. So, that's worse in usually blood type A people. They have trouble early on with these things. So, that’s what you would have to do. 


“I got a urinary tract infection last week and had to start antibiotics. My question is, can antibiotics make a person tired? I can’t seem to get my energy back?” 


Well, the event of having an infection in your bladder, especially as we get older becomes more challenging. And our recovery time from the challenge of that bacterial infection and all the broken down waste material of the bacteria becomes harder to deal with. So, yes, it becomes harder with age. And yes, we can get tired. But is it actually the antibiotic or is it just the process of life and aging? It does not sound like you're having an allergic reaction to any antibiotic.

Sometimes there is an issue with Ciprofloxacin, I try to rarely ever use it. I have seen too many soft tissue inflammation side effects from that medication. So, I reserve that to the very severe, concerning life-threatening kinds of bladder infections. But I would see your doctor. I would follow up if you're not getting better. Drink plenty of water. Try and fast for 24 hours. And see if you don't feel much better just by taking water only, with maybe black coffee, or green tea, and use your vitamins. You wouldn't use your digestive enzymes because you're not eating anything. And just give your whole system a restart and see if that helps you in that time.

You could also get a high-dose vitamin C, 25-gram immune drip often really jumpstarts the recovery and the energy as well. So, see your doctor or call the office and leave a voice message. And see if that is a help to you. But let them know if you are not getting better. 


“What can I do for mosquito bites? I seem to get bites and don’t know why I want to scratch. I know that it makes it worse.”


Well, you know, you have to live in an environment that hopefully does not promote any standing water. So, if you have plants and stuff in your house, and you water them, that's probably not a smart thing. The other thing is having fans on that will help prevent mosquitoes. So, if you got a gentle fan on you at night, especially, to help you and in your home, fans are very valuable. The other thing is putting certain plants help repel. I think lavender and mint. These are typical plant herbs that have a fume that is repugnant.

Now, if you have the bite already, I would use Argentyn gel. That is that antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, silver. Argentyn is nanoparticulate silver, and if you put it in a gel over it, that tends to help it very much. So, that would be one thing I would consider doing.

Hopefully, those suggestions might help you with that. But you got to watch your carbs. You got to make sure that you don't smell sweet and delicious to them. 


“My toddler is uncircumcised, and the foreskin didn’t fully grow over the end while developing. Today, it is very raw and red inside. It hurts him. What should I do?”


Well, this is where you should work with your pediatrician and try to retract the foreskin gently. That very thing, the Argentyn Silver, which is a gel will help stop superficial bacteria. There is also a spray that you can spray and gently try and retract it. But you have to retract it so that it stays fluid and doesn’t adhere to the sides of the skin folding over. The other thing is, using the Desitin that has the zinc oxide, which is the type of mineral that helps prevent burns and stuff like that. So, those are some suggestions. But see your pediatrician and have them check the infant out and look at how retractable that is. And start from there. 


“What do you recommend for nurses who have to wear face masks for so many hours a day? It is causing sinus infections.”


I would tell them not to wear them for their health's sake. There is no science behind it. And that’s just the end of it. I have a stack of about 140 peer-reviewed articles from scientists for decades and decades back that are all compiled. If you go to BrownStoneInstitute.com, and let’s see, and then look in their search part of their website, masks. They published this over a year ago. I’m going to see if I can call it up right away. Maybe I can find the title to it. This is called-- My computer is running slow today. Probably because I have too many things saved on it. BrownStoneInstitute.com, there you go. While it’s searching, we’ll just keep on looking at that. This site has been blocked. Well, wouldn’t you know that censorship, bless their hearts. That’s not science. All right. So, I have to look for it on another search engine, maybe Bing or something. But it’s--

I wonder if I have it in my drawer here. Yeah, here it is. So, this is the one that says Brown Stone Institute. And it’s more than 150 comparative studies and articles on mask ineffectiveness and harms published by Dr. Paul Alexander on December 20, 2012. And it is just page after page after page of a summary of each of these. So, there it is, about 150 in here. So, there you go. BrownStoneInstitute.com. And thank goodness I saved it.


“What makes our collagen superior to other collagen supplements? What is the best way to use it?”


Well, I go for the science. I have to look for reputable peer-reviewed articles on human clinical trials with data on the sourcing and the type of collagen particles. They have to have a small Dalton, is the term, the anatomical size of the collagen particles because cheap chewed-up cartilage from the cow or something may not be processed properly, and you may pay for something expensive but it won’t be absorbed. So, this and that is why I carry it, collagen has all the credentials and research behind it. And then, the clinical outcomes that do show a benefit. But it takes time. They are actually telling you with this that you have to wait at least, with dedicated use, six months, over time. 


“What causes a stye in an eye? I have been using Argentyn. Do you have any other recommendations? It is rather painful?”


Warm compresses. And I was explaining there before that there are little meibomian cysts, these are little glands that are associated with our eyelashes. And as we age, and dry up, we can get these areas clogged. So, it’s important to be hydrated, to exercise, and get that hydraulic washing machine cycle working for you every single day. That’s why I love the rebounder. Do some resistance training to help your muscle tone. And drink half your weight as pounds as ounces every day. Be low carb so you don’t clog things up. And then, that Argentyn silver, I rub it on my eyes, I do it every day. And then, natural hormones help with lubrication. And a low-carb diet helps with the clogging. 


“I was wondering how you treat gadolinium with EDTA. Would you recommend ongoing slowly or starting out with larger amounts of EDTA or slowly? And follow up with glutathione in a drip or a push? What have you seen the most success with retreating someone with gadolinium retention? The retention has been for two years. It started out slowly. But with EDTA, I’m experiencing a lot of cognitive symptoms using EDTA, like brain fog.”


I would use intravenous, you know, the IV form of Calcium Disodium EDTA with the nutrients in it and Vitamin C. I would take the hour, hour and a half of infusion. We always see the gadolinium come down. I would do this and work with your doctor and measure with a challenge and a urine collection for six hours. And you can do that after 30 of those IVs once a week and repeat it. You will see, and I always see a very nice reduction. Calcium Disodium EDTA. We use one and a half grams per infusion, so we are very gentle. 


“I refuse to give a doctor my vaccine status and COVID history. She would not see me. I wrote a statement that I have never had COVID and she would not accept it. Do I have any patient rights? She was referred by a GI doctor, both work at Hope.”


You have to understand that the Constitution is written to restrict and put limitations on government, not on human beings. So, it was the entire construct was to maximize the human liberty that is God-given and no one can touch your liberties. So, you have your rights. And I would just say, there are other gastroenterologists out there that would be happy to see you, that probably won't make such a to-do over this. I do think if she is a younger doctor, she probably has been raised up in a society wherever since kindergarten, everyone has been told that we come from a rock, we’re slime, we are just creatures that just crawled out of a pond. There is nothing special. There is no soul. If you look at Harare evolve, the advisor to Klaus Schwab, who is the creator of the economic forum, which is designed to create a one world government with the computer and centralized processing, a world fascist state if you please where business is basically in bed with governments worldwide and you are surveilled. And this is what has been going on in the schools. And the parents have not caught and have not protected their children. They have not raised them with strong knowledge of their faith. And they are going to teach evolution as if it is a proven science, and it’s not. It is a theory. And they are going to then have a creation, those who believe in a biblical six-day creation. We can’t prove that either. So, we don’t demand that this be taught as fact. But we certainly don’t like our tax dollars being used to pay for teaching a theory that is in contradistinction to the founding principles of the liberties that we were given by God and that we secured a limitational government, a constitutional republic to protect us from tyranny from the government. History always shows, it emerges. So, the young doctors have grown up under this training.

The new faith, the new science, is science. It’s called Scientism. It’s been discussed in all the planning for this technocracy and trans-human agenda for decades. And destroy the family unit, destroy the faith of traditional faith so that there is one “Scientology” religion. And that’s exactly what is happening. So, those of us who have the traditional Christian background for faith, we are to be ostracized, identified as the weird ones compared to the trend of the trendy scientist, educated group. 


There's a wonderful series called, Kent Hovind. He teaches creation science. And he teaches it all over the nation and internationally. It's a series called, Creation Science Series, one through seven. And so, it's about 10 hours, covered in the course of seven sessions. It is rather dramatically astounding that this is not at least be shared in a fair venue. You have to understand the evolutionists, Charles Darwin and his all promoted the scientist since the late, I think it was 1859 when he published his book, The Darwin Evolution of the Species, and the preferred races have something with the title. And you have to understand that that profoundly liberated the academics to deny any God or any morals and to say science is-- And now, we are looking at gene editing. You know, we are not anything. Humans are nothing. We are just hackable human beings. We are hackable. The cell is hackable. And even the executive order that the President signed last week is amplifying our tax dollars into research on this very type of activity to hack the genetic code. They always put it for laudable, wonderful scientific reasons, but we tend to find it's more for their means of eternal life is going to be through hacking the code and they're going to upload their data of being an avatar and live forever. So, that is really what it all boils down to if you read their works. 


“Have you received Izumi hydrogenated water recently? Where do you get it?”


I guess, if you call the office, ask for my nurse, Teri, that’s my registered nurse. She can help you get the link for that. 


 “Have you ever tried Good Ranchers, all American farms and ranches?”


No, I haven’t tried it. And I don’t doubt that there are many wonderful, holistic, healthy farms. 


“During the humid heat, I noticed that my ankles were swollen and had a few spells of dizziness. Do you think that is due to the heat or something else? What do you recommend?”


I did answer that. But somehow, something is messing with our YouTube now. Changes in the heat, from either cooler to sudden heat changes, your body will sense this change. Your cortisol will react, and it will retain fluid until an equilibrium starts. But if you go to bed and put your feet up, and then the ankle swelling downs down and it’s bilateral, this usually just that activity. And as we all age, we have less complete containment of our capillaries. There are little breaks. And there is more likelihood of little leaking through our capillaries as we age. And so, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. 


“What amount of D and C do you recommend on days when one flies on an airplane? Any specific protocol?”


I don’t, in the sense that I’m always taking every day of my life, I take 15,000 international units of Vitamin D with K2. And I’m taking my Juice Plus all the time, which has fruit vegetable and berry concentrates, the micronutrients which one of them is Vitamin C. So, I never vary.

I’m always taking Quercetin, which is my D-Hist. I take two, twice a day. I have bad allergies. But it also asks for an anti-viral. And it acts just like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. So, I use that. I never vary. If you want a Vitamin C and Vitamin D pre-travel, I would pop a gram of 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C before boarding and maybe 5,000 international units of Vitamin D. And then, I would do it again at night. And then, I would take my standard dose, whatever you are on. I tend to think at least 5,000 international units are necessary. Vitamin C every day, we make none. So, I would think a gram a day would be the bare minimum that you would want. 


 “My whole family is recovering from mold illness and Lyme. However, my oldest daughter has a significant amount of brain fog and she is very distressed by it. And nothing seems to help. What would your thoughts be to get her brain functioning better?”


All the things we talk about, a low carb diet, doing some intermittent fasting, as long as getting the mold and the spores under control. I don't know how old she is. I don't know what her weight is. I don't know what her physical activity is. I don't know what her blood type is. I don't know what her blood sugar insulin is. All these have impacts. Food allergies as well.

What is the name of their clinic, they do a lot of mold management treatment. Renovation Health in Irvine, I think it is, or Mission Viejo. I think you could look that up and see if they would help your daughter. We don't claim to work with mold specialties very much. It’s quite difficult. I just did a continuing medical education, you know 20 hours on that, just last month. And it is quite a challenge to deal with. So, I would work with someone who's familiar with mold. I think Renovation Health in Irvine or Mission Viejo, Dr. Faraj is, to my understanding, quite up on this. 


“Last Wednesday I went to an Urgent Care in Newport Beach for an injury I had gotten on my foot. My golden retriever jumped up (80 lbs.) and came down. I felt her nail penetrate but there was no blood. Normally I would have disinfected it but I was going to walk them and I forgot. Long story short, it’s really infected now. On Wednesday at Urgent Care, they diagnosed me with cellulitis. I was given a short in my posterior and they put me on 800 milligrams of the generic for Bactrim twice daily. The foot is better. However, I have a persistent lump where most of my dog’s weight came. The massage therapist counseled me to get my usual massage and that can help the cellulitis go systemic, not to take hot baths, something that they never informed me about at Urgent Care.

I guess my question to you is if that lump is still there by Friday when my medication should be finished, should I go back to the doctor and get more antibiotics? I know that cellulitis infections are nothing to mess around with. I had one years ago and landed me in the ER. I had to have five straight days of intravenous.”


You’ve got to see the doctor who saw you originally to do a comparative evaluation, look and see if you need a blood count for your white blood cell, check your temperature, and look for any indication of spread. But you are going to have some tissue damage there, scarring, swelling, and a little lump. So, you have to have the doctor address that and manage that with another follow-up. 


“In school, they teach us to promote a low protein diet for patients with Parkinson's because it interferes with their drugs, like Levodopa.”



I would say, show me the science. That is absolutely something that I disagree with. 


“This is contrary to the belief of promoting a protein diet in the elderly to maintain muscle mass. What do you think and recommend?”


I agree. Well, the patient needs to exercise. The patient needs to do all that work to help themselves resist the muscle wasting that will occur. So, this is the problem, the training is designed for really pharmaceutical imaging and surgical interventional protocol. There is very little training in nutrition and diet and so forth. And even, dietitians are just, kind of like a superficial, I don’t mean to tear down dietitians perchance. But I have been following the low-carb diet for decades. And we have been well ahead of all of this low-carb, keto. We have been way ahead of this for decades. So, I have fought with dietitians that did not get taught this. They think their science center where they got their training is God. It's not God. You are supposed to be the determinant of your situation, continuing medical education and studying. So, I would have you look at the series by Dr. Jason Fung on YouTube. I would have you look up Dr. D. Augustino on the research on the protein and the ketogenic-rich diet. And there are so many others. You can Google Parkinson's and protein and exercise. Those three words should help you with that. 


“It is too much to take 400-milligram magnesium glycinate and 300-milligrams of magnesium citrate daily?”


Daily, no that is not too much. 


“Is it okay to take both forms of magnesium in the same day?”


Yes, that’s fine. They are just different carriers, they are natural. That is fine. 


“What is your opinion of carbon steel pans?”



These are the questions that someone clipped out of a Friday morning's conversation. I think they are fine. And they are very safe. Don’t worry about it. 


“I was wondering if upon treating with EDTA for heavy metal toxicity, my brain fog, more like a drunk disoriented feeling, got really awful. Is that normal? Is that dangerous?”


Well, you have to work with your doctor. Moving out heavy metals is a process and we do it slowly. And we do it with a very modest dosing. We don't use the highest peak doses that ACAM teaches, which you can use up to 50 milligrams per kilogram. We basically reduce that by half, so it's more gentle. So, you just have to work with your doctor on that. And you should be able to do well. I don’t support the suppositories at all anymore. They do not make them right. 


“I need to start doing the EDTA IV treatments for heavy metals. But I have low ferritin of 19 and a B12 deficiency, which I do injections for.”


That shouldn’t have any problem. These have B Vitamin, B12 in them. You can be eating your red meat and things like that, enzymes, and that should help the ferritin situation. 


“From what I understand, doing the EDTA treatment removes some of the iron?”


It does not. 


“How often can I do the treatments without affecting my iron levels negatively?”


I would say once a week would be the standard thing. But you have to work with your doctor. I would need to see the exact levels and where your iron is. And just have a follow-up after doing four IVs, check an iron level, and I’m sure you will see no change. I have never seen that happen. 


“What would be the issues with a non-GMO form of canola for cold applications?”


I'm not sure what you're referring to. Are you talking about a poultice, pack, or something like that? Topical. I don't like canola oil. I just, I don't like it. So, I wouldn't be supportive of it. And I don't know exactly what you mean for cold application. So, I’m not sure that I am able to answer that question for you. 


“Been sick for two weeks, took Ivermectin five days for the Zinc, DEC, Quercetin. Still super fatigued after two weeks. Preparing to evacuate for Ian soon.”


I would probably stay on the ivermectin and I would do another five days. And then use it twice a week thereafter for a month or two. And I would keep up your zinc, D, and your Quercetin, and your Vitamin C. Be very low carb. See your doctor. Let them look you over. You can do a high-dose Vitamin C drip. That is very supportive. We do an immune drip of 25 grams with a lot of micronutrients and B vitamins and zinc and stuff in it. But that is the direction. I would get back on the ivermectin for another five days and stay on it twice a week thereafter. 


“What are the physical indications of poor hydration? I am drinking at least half my weight in ounces of liquids, but it’s not all just water. Some is coffee and some is black iced tea.”


Then, you are not really drinking the water. See, water is water and it has no solute in it. Whereas tea or black coffee has dissolved into it a solute that makes it turn into coffee or tea that makes it turn into tea. Therefore, the dissolving, the hydrational component of that drink has been lost. So, you have to drink half your weight of ounces as pure water. So, that's what I would say. 


 “Do you think Argentyn Silver would help eczema?”


 Absolutely, it will. Eczema is a patch on your skin that is disrupted, it has eruptions, and micro-cracks in it where the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are always on us are trying to invaginate and inflame. So, yes, I would. 


“What would you suggest for extreme panic attacks?”


Well, you could be helped, you know, with natural hormones. You could be helped with counseling. You could be helped with exercise. You could be helped with minerals. Ashwagandha is an herb that's very helpful. Passionflower is another very helpful one. Getting a good night's sleep. Natural hormone ones are very helpful. So, if you saw a functional doctor those would be some of the areas that they would try to look at and see if they can be a help with you. Of course, some people have to wind up using some form of prescription medicine. 


“How much Juice Plus do you take?”


I take the standard two fruit, two vegetable, and two berries. The purple, red, and green. That is all I take. And I use one of each in the morning and one of each at bedtime. Because when we are going to bed at night, that is when most of our body is healing, and using antioxidants is very important at night while your body is trying to heal and stay hydrated. If I have to get up once a night to urinate, okay. Because the benefits of hydration and slowing aging and helping your body to do the work that it needs and healing at night is so very important. I take one of each of my multi-minerals, and I take 5,000 of my D at night. I take two more Quercetin at night. Again, I have such bad allergies. I take five Vitalzym  at night. I take a probiotic at night. I take L-carnitine at night and N-acetyl cysteine. And my minerals, I take the TLC Multi Mineral in the evenings. That’s what I do.