HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 11 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, April 11 2023

April 14, 2023


“What do you think about Castor Oil packs for women to wear around their midsection to help with hormonal issues? I just started hearing about this. Is it a marketing trend? Or is there any truth to it? And would a hot water pack work just as good?” 


I'm going to say, I have been aware of plaster and packs and these kinds of things for decades and decades. And my experience over the 41-plus years that I've been involved in healthcare, I have not seen this to be anything very impactful. I haven't seen it really change with detoxing or anything.

I'm not against castor oil packs. They're certainly benign. There certainly may be some value to topical fats that are in castor oil, maybe vitamin D, through the skin is absorbed. Sometimes they're jazzed up with other herbal nutrients in these packs and plasters, so to say. And so, there are no studies that I can refer to that I would say, nor a large volume of anecdotal supportive statements.

If my patients came in, and I’ve been in the functional healthcare alternative complementary medicine along with the standard of practice. You know, I do general practice. We have gynecologists working with us, medical doctors, like myself. We have naturopathic doctors here. We have physician assistants. So, there are seven of us healthcare providers here. And in all this experience, we have information coming to us left and right. But I have never seen these packs, these castor oil packs, make a huge difference, or even rarely are brought up. So, this is just making a new resurgence lately. I’ve seen in some of my scannings through the internet, these are little waves and blimps that I see over the decades. So I am going to say if it has helped someone, wonderful. But I have never seen anecdote after anecdote. When I see a person come to me, and they say, for instance, “I use vitamin D. And it helped my mood.” Or “I use Vitamin D and my bone density is going up and up.” Or “I used vitamin D and my sleep improved.” When I have hundreds and thousands of anecdotes like this, then that is very impressive and needs to be followed. I have not had that kind of finding with the castor oil. So, I'm not going to stand against it, but I'm not going to say that there is anything with large support there.  


“I miss TLC. I was your patient for many years until I moved away five years ago. I have lost and kept off 30 pounds in the last few years. You have given me a magic bullet with your online info.! I have been eating organic, both produce and meat products, 100% grass-fed for decades, but what has turned the corner for me recently was intermittent fasting. I never eat after 6 and not before 11 in the morning. I have lost all of my belly fat in less than two weeks. My dog is on the same regime. To synergize the effect, we hike for at least one hour in the morning before our 11 am meal! Our bodies get to get rid of more, faster this way. I also have whole house water and air purification and all personal and cleaning products are organic, including sheets, blankets, and even some clothes. I will continue to follow you on your weekly internet programs. I also take 5 Vitalzym in the morning and 5 in the evening on an empty stomach. There are many other supplements. I don't take them all every day, as my liver needs rest. I go some days with no supplements for my liver. 


I’m so proud of you, great job. It is an excellent plan to do your exercise fasted in the morning before you eat and break the fast at 11 a.m. The Vitalzym will certainly help to dis-inflame you and when inflammation goes away many diseases and holding on to fat is let go. 

And I just am so thoroughly proud of you and want to tell you to share this with your family and friends. We are our brother's keeper. You know, when Cain slew his brother Abel in Genesis, God called out to Cain and he said, “Where is your brother Abel?” And Cain said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” And then the implication there is that we are to help each other. We are to be a support to each other and see the value in everyone around us and be that encouragement. This is wonderful news. Please share. Please continue to support family and friends, lovingly not in a nagging manner. But always believe in the best and share the best with everyone. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing.  


“I am almost 56, I am going thru menopause - taking 5mg DHEA, 100mg capsule of progesterone, and estradiol/estradiol cream - 1.5/1.0 mg/dl daily. What numbers for my progesterone and estradiol should I be shooting for to balance my hormones? Here are my current numbers- 190 ng/dL - DHEA, Estrone - 104pg/ml, progesterone - 1.1 ng/ml, estradiol - 90.1 pg/ml. I am seeing Kamila Fiore (Forum Health - formerly Great Smokies Medical in Asheville) but she has not given me numbers or ranges of what “balanced numbers” look like.” 


I like that above 150. It can go as high as five, six, or 700. You know, when we are young, teenagers and in our 20s, I easily would see it in the six to 800 range. That is a beautiful range above 150 for your DHEA because you are at 190. 

90 is a wonderful number. That is a beautiful, modest, feminine range for estradiol. 

Now, the only thing I don't see here is your progesterone. Here it is. Progesterone was 1.1 nanograms per millimeter. I want to see your progesterone above four nanograms per milliliter, above four. That would be probably the most modest range in a natural ovulational progesterone phase. It runs anywhere from roughly four to like 28 in a normal woman. So, you being at a 1.1, I'm going to say that your progesterone should most likely be increased. So, go back to Dr. Fiore and ask her about your dosing of your progesterone and see if you can increase that. I don't see the dosing that you have here. Yeah, you didn't give me a dose of your progesterone. You want your level above a four. The higher, six, eight, 10, I love it at those ranges. The estradiol, you know, 50, 100, 150 range is good for estradiol. And DHEA, above 150 to four or 500 range is very, very good. This will help your bones and your immune system with the DHEA and your estradiol and progesterone. This will help your muscle, and testosterone levels so you don’t waste away your muscles, and this will help you with your mood. This will help you with your sleep, your depth of sleep, and recovery and healing time. This will just do so many things for you.

We just had our clinicians meeting. We do this once a month with all our doctors, we take time off, and we shut the practice down for a few hours. And we meet monthly where we doctors can bring up case presentations. difficult patients and we all think and look at how we are working with a patient. We bring up articles that are current. It’s like being in university rounds. We do this once a month here, just at our clinic alone. One of the things was the bone density and an article on that. I was able to bring up two of patients, ages 86 and 80, and both of them had normal bone density in their 80s and late 80s. These are women who have been with me for a long time and who have been using natural hormone repair. And so, this has helped them. They're vibrant, they're active, they're mobile women, they're engaged. They're both working still, in their 80s. So, praise the Lord for that. That is what natural hormones can do for us.

And that's why it's so wonderful in manhood, men have their testosterone throughout all their ages and it is very supportive for the men with their mental focus, and their muscle mass, and so forth, yeah. 


“What would cause my body to be deficient in alpha lipoic acid?”


Well, alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant. It's involved in sugar metabolism. It is on the respiratory Krebs cycle in your mitochondria. It helps with the transportation of that electron into making adenosine triphosphate. And as we age, you know, you see my picture here, I always have the cell membrane with a hole poked through it. And then, I have the cell membrane here with no hole poked through it. And you have these pokes in your cell membranes, even intracellularly. So, your mitochondria get holes poked in them. And what happens is we leak out our energy. We leak out the materials and the form and the structure of the mitochondrial engines that make your energy become deformed. This can be associated with cancerous changes, fatigue, and many other chronic disorders. And so, it's a process of aging. So, just to have an engine, there's heat and reactive oxygen species spinning off, and these have to be handled. So, all the healthy lifestyle things, like drinking enough water, getting a good night's sleep, having an exercise program for circulation, maybe doing chelation therapy to help with microcirculation, taking systemic enzymes to clean away cells that need to be auto-eaten autophagy and gotten rid. So, a new cell membrane or a cell can emerge, or a new mitochondria can be born.

Remember fasting, intermittent fasting, like was asked earlier, fasting, and prolonged fasting stimulates autophagy. And this autophagy helps stimulate cell repair and better performance. Now, it's not as simple as that. Exercise is part of it too. And you must eat the things that are helping to repair that very cell membrane. If membranes are made of protein and fat, all this advice over the past 50 years that saturated fats and cholesterol are harming us, is foolishness. Thank God, my dad was in food research, and I never told my patients to avoid fat or proteins, chicken with the skin on it, or the egg yolks. You have to have cholesterol in these membranes here on the picture here. These are so important that we get our essential building blocks and our phospholipids rich in our meats and our egg yolks and nuts and seeds. So, all these things are important for helping you.

So, what’s causing your body to be deficient in alpha lipoic acid? Well, it is the aging process. Now you can supplement with it. We have alpha lipoic acid. But one of the things I did was I put alpha lipoic acid in our product called TLC Metabolic Formula. And I always put in a therapeutic amount, not a little amount. There are 600 milligrams in that. It helps with Berberine in there to support sugar metabolism so it goes easy on those mitochondrial engines and with you doing intermittent fasting, a lower carb diet, exercise, drinking your water, taking your enzymes, doing intermittent fasting, all these things help to take the stress off those mitochondria and repair. Hopefully, that answers your question, somewhat.  


“I keep hearing that what they are injecting our cattle with mRNA vaccines so it's in our food now. That's how they can get the unvaccinated people. Have you heard this? Are they allowed to do that to organic meat?” 


I have heard that also. Mike Adams on the Health Ranger has been talking about this. I have also seen the National Cattleman’s Association refute this and say this not happening. I have been seeing official statements saying that this has not happened to us in America. Now, that doesn’t mean some meats aren’t imported that have had it done. I am aware of and looking at my meat sources. I do use Sprouts. I do go there and buy meat, free, all grass-fed. I also have some sources that I use. I happen to use ButcherBox. It is a private family source that sends it with dry ice. So, all you can do is walk by faith, not by sight. Do your due diligence as reasonably as you can, not to live in fear because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I think God will hear your prayer to help you work to eat well and healthily and provide for your family a nutritious and safe meal. So, let us not live in fear. Let's be informed. Let's be able to talk about these things without emotion or strife. But I am watching this closely.

I have seen the Cattleman’s Association deny that it is happening. But they said that you could be getting some cattle that were foreign and slaughtered in America. And that cattle then could have been contaminated. So, we just have to watch and keep studying on that. 


“Does hair dye contain heavy metals? Does hair dye penetrate the scalp and get into the bloodstream? Are hair dyes safe to use, or should we be concerned and avoid them?” 


The answer is yes. In general, all the standard hair dyes-- The color, when you see like the fireworks, heavy metals are used in these fireworks because each metal really has a different weight, atomic weight, and burning point. And when they do burn, they emit a wavelength that's unique to them. And these are color perceived. And so, yes, these heavy metals are indeed in our hair dyes.

Yes, hair day penetrates the scalp and gets into the bloodstream. So is tattooing. So is putting on eyeshadow and anything that has color in it is usually involved in these colorings from heavy metals. So, that’s unfortunate.

I would be concerned and I would avoid them. I do not use anything. I do use lipstick. And I do use some occasional eyeshadow. But I never dye my hair. I never do anything to my hair actually. And I'm trying to be all-natural, which is what I'm trying to do as much as I can. So, yeah, we have to deal with that. 


“My 12-year-old granddaughter has eczema. It was diagnosed about 3 months after receiving several vaccinations that were required for entering kindergarten. Is it possible that the vaccines caused it? Is there a cure or is it a lifelong disease? It seems to be spreading and getting worse. She has no other health issues. Her blood type is O negative. She is a picky eater and is very slender.” 


I am going to say there is a concern about the fact that there really is a question about the testing methodology and even the school-required vaccines. That these have not been properly. For example, there is no control. There has never been a control. So, when they say one vaccine is safe, they're testing the next vaccine proposed by comparing it to another type of vaccine. So, if you had, let's say as an example, one minor poison and you want to propose another minor poison, you should be comparing that with a group that doesn't get any minor poison, they get a water injection. But no, they're all comparing them, one vaccine to another. We are not getting a clear picture about the side effect profile and we are not getting the information that you would expect from the FDA, CDC, the NIH, HHS, all these tax-dollar-funded programs that are supposed to be for our safety and our children's safety. They are not doing it in a scientific manner. It should be done against an unvaccinated group of children to actually find whether or not there is a side effect. 

Now, can these aluminum components in the vaccine, can the thimerosal or mercury component, can the many other adjuvants in this vaccine create an inflammatory response? Well, of course, they can, because that's why they're there to amplify the inflammation response to the antigen in that vaccine so that the immune system sees the alarm and examines the challenge.

Can it be overshot? I mean, is one shot the same for all human beings? That's never been studied. This is why it's reasonable to shed a light on looking at childhood vaccine schedules. And because the science in their evaluation is reasonably challenged with good questions as a result of looking at some of the faux pas of the past three years about the reporting on the mRNA injections. Remember Pfizer wanted the data sealed for 75 years, and a court and judge, fortunately, denied them that protection. Now the group, Naomi Wolf, I’m not sure of her website. They are collaborating together, along with many doctors, we subscribed to help screen through the trough of data that was released by Pfizer. And we realize that there are many, many factors that were not reported on the original testing done in 2020 that should have been known to us in full disclosure. These showed side effects and adverse reactions that were never reported.

Now, if they're doing that, Pfizer already has been fined billions of dollars for hiding data from research and for negative effects on human beings. Why should I trust them there? Why should I trust any product that they make?

There is another thing with O-type blood, if you eat pasteurized homogenized dairy, genetically modified wheat, and grains, glyphosate genetically modified grains, this is immunologically shocking to the immune system lining the guts of these children. 80%, roughly of your immune system is in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. And it appears that O-type blood, in my clinical experience, is very reactive to pasteurized homogenized dairy and the grains that are in all these cheap cereals and food products that are hydrogenated for extended shelf life.

And so, you mix that with vaccines that have adjuvants that hyper react to amplify the reactogenicity of the immune system. You can then get cross-reactions and you can get damage to the gut microbiome and the healthy bacteria content with the lousy foods out there, too high and sugar supporting bad microbiome bacteria, and then one of the common expressions is eczema.

The other thing is, remember, cell membranes, these cell membranes are made of linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid and cholesterol and all these wonderful fats when you don't hydrogenate to extend the shelf life, the Omega 6s in all these food products when you are eating natural, raw, healthy Omega 6s that make up the cell membranes. Then you have better resistance and better skin integrity and resilience. You don’t wrinkle and age as fast. The same with your gut. Your gut is always the same cell structure as your skin on your face and eyeballs. These children are not getting enough healthy fats. Or if they are getting fat in, they are getting the hydrogenated Omega 6s that people are thinking, Omega 6 linoleic acid is bad when it's essential for life and health. But it is the hydrogenated Omega 6 linoleic acid that is hurting us. 


“What do you think of red light and near-infrared light therapy for dementia or specifically Alzheimer's?”


This helps these patients if they're in there for you know 20, 30, 40 minutes. And the penetration can go many centimeters deep. This is associated with raising up the temperature in the body, heat shock proteins, and many other pathways are activated. That is similar to doing a run or exercising for that period of time. So, it's like exercising, without exercising, when you go into a sauna or infrared therapy. So, the answer is yes, because it promotes circulation. It is a very good thing to do for the brain and dementia to stimulate circulation plus so many other benefits.

One of the people that are very good to look at on this is if you go on YouTube, look up. Rhonda Patrick, Ph. D. And put the word Rhonda Patrick, sauna, or infrared. I think her website is FoundMyFitness.com. She has dozens and hundreds of lectures on YouTube and many of them because she is a fan of saunas for that reason as well. You will get a nice lecture on that. 


“I have asked you a few questions about EDTA in the past but I was wondering why it is that every time I do EDTA I feel really disoriented for a while after, even at 1500mg. I'm young and healthy overall but am a sensitive individual. Does this feeling lessen over more chelation sessions? It's hard to go to work after chelation with the effects it seems to have on my brain. 


Yes, it should lessen.  

Well, it improves microcirculation. It is moving toxins. And whenever you move toxins, you may have what we call a detoxing effect. If we do it slow enough, and modestly enough over time, pulling out the aluminum. By the way, once again, you know that Mount Shasta’s fresh was just sampled a month or so ago. And the sample particle for aluminum, which is very much associated with Alzheimer's and cognitive probable dysfunction in thinking, is aluminum. And the number of parts per billion in the fresh snow in Mount Shasta was 161,000 parts per billion. That's what I heard reported. And if you go to Dane Wigington, he is the man who runs GeoengineeringWatch.org. You can see the lecture on it. It was about a month ago. That will help you with that.

But yes, it will get better over time. And yes, you should look at your challenge for your heavy metals in the urine, and then after about 30 IVs do it again so we can see the progress being made.


 “My grandson is 10 years old and has been experiencing red sometimes a little dry and ashy on top of his both hands not on the palm areas. and not on any other area on his body. May you please tell me what is actually causing this?” 


I don’t know what a dry ashy, some kind of rush sounds like on the back of his hands. So, I wonder what his blood type is. Is he Blood Type A? Either way, these children are eating junk food. These children are eating high fructose corn syrup, sugar-based, carbohydrates, starch, and rich when they are growing. And their cell membranes are made of protein and fat. And we think we're doing them a favor by giving them these addictive high fructose corn syrup, we have to get these healthy fats in them. They have to eat the meat, chicken with the skin on it, roasted, and we have to give them their fish, their egg yolks. And we have to probably give them essential oils. I don't have the liquid form. But we use this acid, which is an essential fatty acid, not fish oil.

So, we are not getting the wonderful seal and the wonderful texture of our cell membranes. So, that is when you wash your hands, and I remember when I was the ER doctor for many years, washing my hands, washing my hands, over, and over, and over 12-hour, 14-hour shifts, 16-hour shifts. And I would never get that red rash that many of the other doctors did. They marveled. And I kept on telling them, use your butter, eat your egg yolks, eat nuts and seeds, and eat your meat, fish, and your chicken with the skin on it. Not deep fried because it was in Kentucky where I was at. I have never not used these healthy fats. It’s been in my diet.

So I would give this little boy the liquid form of the Parent Essential Oils, which is linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic, which is called Clinicians Preference here. Put a little teaspoon into his applesauce or put it into his food that is not hot. It cannot be put into hot food. Have him take that every day. And put a drop or pop open a capsule and rub it on the top of his arms every night. See if he doesn’t greatly improve. Find out his blood type. If he is Type A, he is having trouble assimilating and digesting fats and giving them digestive enzymes with biotin hydrochloric acid.


“Last week I asked a question about my daughter's hard lump after the wisdom teeth surgery but did not explain the location of it. It's on her cheekbone. She developed an infection after the surgery and was treated with antibiotics, the dentist had to drain the bump. It got smaller, with no pain or swelling anymore, but it's still there. Her surgery was on March 3. She is fasting and taking Vascuzyme 5 pills 2x a day. Is that normal that the bump is still there?”


Yeah, it'll probably take weeks and weeks. And the more you rub on it, the more you'll inflame it. So, leave it alone. Maybe put some warm moist compresses on it. And exercise and get that blood flow, the hydraulics of the blood flow going. Drink tons of water. Low carb. And it should improve.  


“I recently had a respiratory infection that lasted over 2 weeks. I ended up getting antibiotics (Zpack) which seemed to clear it except for a cough. We all had this infection(my adult daughter and my granddaughters' ages 4 and 2) and we all still have this cough. Is there anything we can do to help get rid of this cough? It is a deep cough that comes from the chest.” 


Well, you need a very good night's sleep and a cough suppressant so that you have time for healing. And when you inflame the bronchi, and the little alveoli, this needs time to heal, weeks and weeks to heal. And certainly, your cough should really be gone within four to six weeks for sure. And it should not be associated with fever or chills or any huge productive, or fall productive material, certainly no blood in your cough. You need to see your doctor about this.

But you have to give yourself time for healing. There could be an allergic component to this as well. Quercetin may be a benefit. I like using my doctor, if I get a bad cough from one of my patients, and I just have this persistent cough, I will get guaifenesin with codeine in it. That codeine, I only use at nighttime to knock me into a deep sleep. Codeine stops coughing to create a nice deep sleep and no coughing throughout the night. Now, I don't give that to children. There is also liquid Benadryl, which is both an antihistamine and allergy syrup that could be used, along with quercetin. Using an acetylcysteine of 500 milligrams twice a day, using Argentyn Silver nasal spray up the nose, and taking a sip out of the bottle. Swish, gargle, and swallow. All these things help to rapidly move you forward in clearing this.

But a persistent cough has to be followed up but maybe those would be some things that would help you. 


“I am a 51-year-old woman, and overall healthy. I do have mitral regurgitation and have a mitral clip to prevent it, and it is working pretty well. I was recently diagnosed with ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia) and microplatelets. My platelet levels have been quite low for several years, but recently they dropped to extremely low levels, and my Dr. prescribed Prednisone for the short term, but I have now gone off of it and the levels are low but not plummeting. I am interested in hearing about alternative ways of dealing with this versus taking steroids, or the other two traditional medicine choices: a platelet manufacturing booster, which can cause blood clots, or a spleen inhibitor, which can cause high blood pressure.” 


Yes. As a general practitioner, I see all kinds of things. But indeed, I'm not a specialist. And you should be seeing your doctor, your Hematologist, Oncologist because he is the one who typically handles the thrombocytopenia and macro platelets. And I would work with a doctor who is in functional medicine, integrative medicine, alternative, complementary medicine, who's familiar with working with restoring gut health. Because I have a patient, a gentleman who is in his late 80s, well, I think he will be 90 pretty soon here. He came to me 21, 22 years ago with the same thing. He had low platelets chronically. He wasn't ill enough to do anything about it.

But over these decades, I started giving him the powdered form of a high probiotic called ProBiotic 225.

It's a powdered probiotic, with very high lactobacillus, and other probiotics in it with a low-carb diet, and these phospholipids are in a powder that is called phospholipids. And he would mix that probiotic powder with the phospholipids. Remember that helps repair this, and he took the systemic enzymes and vitamin D, and then a low-carb diet. And his platelets stabilized for decades and decades and decades. He’s doing quite well still. And he is followed by his oncologist and hematologist who are marveled at how well he's done.

So, find yourself a good integrative doctor, pick up the ProBiotic 225, and use a packet a day. Run it for a month from my recommendation to see if it will valuable and get a CBC to check it again. Along with low carb, intermittent fasting, phospholipids, the vitamin D minimally. 


“I wanted to ask for some input on dietary strategies and supplements for someone with metastatic pancreatic cancer, just diagnosed as terminal. Pancreatic mass on the tail of the pancreas, Liver metastasis, and 3 cm brain mass. Are there any supportive therapies that can be helpful?”


There are. And one of the biggest ones would be to consider the work by Thomas Seyfried called, Cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease. Mitochondrial meaning the batteries inside the cells. Metabolic meaning it's a high-carb, the American standard diet, insulin-driven thing. And so, there are people who have done prolonged fast, 21 days, and people who have taken high dose systemic enzymes, plus high dose digestive enzymes along with these phospholipids and high dose vitamin C, intravenous therapies with vitamin D, and some testing of the gut, you know, to do a complete digestive stool analysis, to do an immune-food allergy. And essentially, this is probably the direction that would be taken. So, find yourself a good functional doctor that'll help work with the oncologist and try and work in support of the best outcome for this dear soul. 


“I suffer from occipital neuralgia and migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. I eat an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise, meditate, infrared sauna, get sunlight, etc. I also have sensitivity to light and sounds, which seems to happen before and after migraines. None of the healthy modalities that I follow has seemed to help with this. I do also have oxygen at home and get magnesium infusions once a month. Do you have any suggestions on how to help these symptoms to subside? One ever knows when it will happen and it limits daily activities.”


I suspect you are vitamin D deficient. And we need to know your blood type, and your age, and we're out on that. And I suspect you need to get a very good vitamin D3 K2, 20,000 a day for a couple of weeks. And then drop down to 10,000 is how I would run it with my patient after a month. Then I would have my patient on a systemic enzyme, like  Vitalzym, first thing in the morning five, and last thing at night, five capsules. And they have to drink cancer weight and water every day. So, if you're 150 pounds that is 75 ounces to 80 ounces a day. And I would put a dash of Himalayan salt in the water in every glass that you take, just a dash.

And then, I would look at many other things. But I think your vitamin B5 and vitamin D are deficient. We could do a micronutrient assay. So, find someone who can help you with functional medicine along with your local doctor and see if you can’t be helped. Natural hormones help. There are many things to do that.  


“What do you recommend to do to get rid of a sore throat? I had a cold a week ago. Everything is gone except for a sore throat and cough?”


It is probably a post-nasal drip. The Argentyn Silver squirts up your nose several times a day, morning and evening. And get the liquid Argentyn in a bottle so you can take a tablespoon after brushing your teeth. 

Swish and swallow, gargle with it, and swallow it. And then make sure you don't eat past say, five o'clock at night, and drink half your weight in water. That should get rid of it.

If this is a reflux aggravated, meaning a little bit of stomach acid aggravated, make sure you don't eat lightly and make sure you don't lay down after eating. Another thing that may be helpful would be to take some you know vitamin D and make sure your vitamin D level is good. But a high-dose vitamin C immune trip would be very good, 25 grams with all the goodies in it and the Zinc and everything. 


“I have been having uncomfortable and light pain in my lower right side for about 5 weeks. My appointment to come in is in June. I’m wondering if I should get an ultrasound. I have my appendix still.”


This could be diverticulitis. This could be, you know, constipation. It could be an ovarian cyst. It could be a fibroid. I don’t recall if you are a patient here, who you are per se right off the bat. But persistent pain should be evaluated. And if your appointment is in June, I would call, and ask to be seen sooner. And if you can't get in with me, if you're my patient, then ask to be seen by someone else. And we'll get a white blood cell count on you, a blood count, and maybe an ultrasound and take a look, and ask about your bowel movements and how they're looking. And you know, what aggravates it, what makes it better, and so forth. So, please follow through. 


“What is the benefit of the Coenzyme Q10 supplement? Do statins really deplete this enzyme from our bodies?” 


Yes, statins block the enzyme that is downstream of production for Coenzyme Q10. This will create a deficiency in people. 

Coenzyme Q10, like the acid, it is part of the intricate electron transport procedure that takes place along the cristae, which are the little invaginations of the little kidney being looking like energy batteries in each of our cells. And let's say a cell has one nucleus, but there might be 5000 mitochondria there. And COQ10 is one of those special antioxidants that are involved in energy production. And so, the benefit of COQ 10 is tremendous.

And, you know, a very good place to look at whether or not statins are useful at all if at all, is to go to a YouTube series called Low Carb Down Under. That's about Australian researchers from Australia and Dr. Paul Mason, he’s on many of their YouTubes discussing this in-depth about COQ 10, statin, and what if any group may possibly benefit from statins that might help you. 


“What are your thoughts about Rogaine type of hair growth products?”


I'm not against Rogaine type of hair growth products and there may be some value in it. So, topical is one way to get it. I know there are some other methods of delivering it. But I’m not against it. 


“What is your opinion on dry fasting versus intermittent fasting versus water fasting?” 


I don’t like dry fasting. 

I believe we need water, tons of it. And in general, because most Americans are drinking their coffee or their tea, or they're drinking kombucha shows and other concoctions and protein shakes and diet sodas and lattes. They are drinking all these other things but what their body essentially needs is half their weight of ounces in water. So, if you're 150 pounds, you need 75 ounces of water, every single day. Absolutely. And then, don't forget the salt. Don’t be afraid of salt, a dash in each of your glasses to equal about a ½ teaspoon at least of this natural salt. And why the natural salts? They have all kinds of trace minerals and wonderful things that your body needs. And so I'm against dry fasting.

Intermittent Fasting is where you eat every day, but you're eating in a time-restricted zone. For instance, some people will make sure that they're only eating between noon and 6 pm. That means 18 hours later than they can eat again. That's an 18-hour fast, six hours of eating. I think the real benefit comes when you do that 18 or 20-hour fasting. But you got to drink a lot of water.

And then, prolonged fasting, I think is reasonable if you know, depending on what your medical conditions are, and what your doctor says, but during a 24-hour, which would be considered the beginning of a prolonged fast, or a 48 or 72-hour or longer fast, talk with your doctor and make sure everything's fine. And then, we will go from there. And I just think the benefits are fantastic for autophagy, for killing stem cells, for rejuvenating your mitochondria, along with exercise and so forth. So yeah, drink your water. I'm against dry fasting.  


“Is iodine supplement bad for Hashimotos?” 


No, it’s not. Hashimoto is the name of the doctor who discovered the initial autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid that made it overreactive at the onset and then you get too much Free T3 loose and get palpitations and hyperactive thyroid functions. But then, the autoimmune inflammation dies off and you get hypo-thyroid. Iodine is not a problem with having a history of autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 

If you are the actual inflammation time, there may be some questions. But in general, there is no thyroid storm, you are in the h hypothyroid phase, and iodine should be fine. 


“Your position on cold plunge health benefits hype?” 


There is value to it. I think there is increasing research showing about the immune function, longevity function, cardiovascular function, performance as far as muscle workout, parasympathetic, and sympathetic balance. The data is just increasing. I do think the cold plunge has great research and science behind it.  


“Do you recommend cooking with grape seed oil? I’m worried that it has bad Omegas.”


The answer is no. Why? I would never cook with any liquid fat. To be liquid at room temperature means that it has double bonds in it. So, it’s an unsaturated fat. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, like butter, lard, beef tallow, and coconut oil, things like that. That is the only thing that I will cook with. And so when the heat comes up in the cooking, it will never crack or explode those double bonds and make them hydrogenated and potentially damaging.

Now, I'll use grapeseed oil, olive oil, and avocado oil on a salad, I will use it on cold things. I'll even take a sip, right straight from the bottle. But I never cook with it. You see you have been propagandized to, and unfortunately, the educational training of your physicians and even scientists and even the field of science is corrupted now. Remember, Marsha Angle, who was the head of the New England Journal of Medicine, she was the chief editor for 20 years, in her parting editorial, she said, “Medicine is corrupted, you can't even trust half the data. It's a corporate buyout. And it is the science that the corporations want.”

So, the corporations don't want you getting your saturated fats and these membranes here are from chicken with a skin on it, beef, egg yolks, and butter. The cholesterol here. And so, they hydrogenated these products that damage the life-essential linoleic acid, Omega 6. They hydrogenated it. They damage it. And we're getting tons of it because we're all eating crap, chips, Doritos, cracker cereal, store-bought foods, and we're getting this damage to linoleic acid and your doctors don't even understand the science. And it ticks me off the life essential thing you need is being slandered. And so, it just ticks me off. We need Omega 6. 

In fact, I was trying to do research on this. And you know, the older I get, the more decades that go by, the science is being shut up and censored off the internet. Professor Mead and his wife discovered linoleic in 1929. My father was working in the fatty acid aspects of Armor Food research labs. I'm full of knowledge and full of the professorship data on the importance of these fats in our diet for our cell membranes because we're made of fat and protein. We're not made of sugar and starch. And they've demonized fats so they could sell you all this foul stuff they call food.

Now look at it here, is it upside down? No. If you look here, this is Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. And if you look here, there's linoleic acid in the cell membrane content of mononuclear sites, some of our immune systems. So, here is linoleic acid. It's 10% of the cell membrane on those monocytes and here's alpha-linoleic, the other second family, the Omega 3s, and it’s less than 1%. Now which do you need more? You need hundreds of times more of the Omega 6. That’s the problem? Give me a break.

Anywhere, we'll all be sick, and we'll all be easily knocked over, we'll all be easily injured in any part of our body, if we don't build beautiful healthy cell membranes.


“I'm looking for an oil that tolerates high heat and is still good for us.” 


It does not exist. Sorry. I was a little girl and my father was yelling at my mother and throwing out bottles of oil and corn oil and everything. He said, “That will not be in our house.” Anyway, it does not exist. You can put it on your salad if you want. But I would only buy olive oil, extra virgin, high class, high quality, maybe avocado oil. 


“Is the hard lump on the cheek a blood clot?” 


It's just the reactive inflammatory tissue healing at that site of infection and the inflamed material. Leave it alone. Don’t touch it. Let time, let two months go by, and reevaluate it. And have your dentist follow up. 


 “Best tips you have for a healthy pregnancy and delivery?”


Adequate rest, especially in your eighth month. Being well hydrated, and taking your vitamin D. I would have plenty of antioxidants. Probably the best research I ever saw was on Juice Plus, using fruits, vegetables, and berries because of the oxidative stress that you’re going to go through. And getting enough sleep and rest prior to delivery is so important. Otherwise, you won't have the energy for the work of having the baby, and the uterus contracting to push the baby out. So, vitamin D, Juice Plus, enough water, and enough rest. And I would take iodine because we know babies, where mothers are adequate in their iodine consumption, the intelligence IQ of their baby goes up. And then, of course, eat the wonderful fats that you're made of. But get the rest.