YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 15th, 2022
August 17, 2022
“After having abdominal pains for the last four months, ending in the ER having a CT scan, ultrasound, and MRI, my husband and I were told that I multiple uterine fibroids, two being in the 7-centimeter range. We do not have kids yet and this has been concerning news. Is there something that can be done to reduce the size of the fibroids or even make them disappear? I’m in my early 30s.”
In general, fibroids come from eating too many carbs, hidden high fructose corn syrup, which stimulates insulin, and that stimulates growth. And the uterus is very sensitive to growth in the lining. And estradiol is one of the growth promoting hormones to get the lining ready every month for a possible implantation of a fetus. Now, when we eat a high carb diet, the insulin stimulates that, and you can get fibroids to form. When you are under stress and it's a stressful world, we don't ovulate. Cortisol cycle emotionally can overwhelm the follicle stimulating hormone to have a follicle develop and produce progesterone every month to clean the uterus out like it should be every month. And so, progesterone loss is another problem that is associated with endometriosis, excuse me fibroids.
And so, I also would point out lack of enzymes, systemic enzymes, lack of water, lack of exercise, lack of good sleep, and lack of iodine. I would recommend using progesterone. For my fibroid patients, I give them 200-milligram capsule of progesterone. Sometimes I use 400-milligrams. And I use it Day 15 through 25 of their menstrual cycle. This will create a nice clean out. Even the flow may be heavy for the initial cycle that you use it, so 15-days from the start of a menstrual cycle is when I use the progesterone. I put them on 12.5-milligrams of iodine a day. I ask them to be on a keto diet, a very low carb diet. I ask them to take in the morning, on an empty stomach and before they go to bed at night, systemic enzymes like Vascuzyme or Vitalzyme. These are anti-inflammatory, proteolytic, and they help chop up and chew up this excess fibrin tissue material. And then, I ask them to take Vitamin D as a general rule. And to take good antioxidants. We usually recommend Juice Plus, the fruit, vegetable, and the berry blend. And then, a Vitamin D and a multi-mineral. The multi-mineral has rich amounts of magnesium that are in an amino acid chelate with potassium. This helps with any cramping and such.
That’s how we approach it. We follow it up with repeat transvaginal ultrasounds and we watch the cycle. So, use the progesterone. For my fibroid patient’s day 15 through 25 of every menstrual cycle. That should bring a great resolution to this. Build up your immune system, decrease the cramping and discomfort, dis-inflame you, and make you more fertile.
“What do you suggest for chronic, every night insomnia? I wake up early and get in the sun before noon. I do physical activity. I stop eating before 7-p.m. I’m in bed at 10. I use a magnesium supplement, CMD mineral drops in my water. Sometimes I’m so exhausted I can’t sleep, if that makes any sense.”
If you were a patient, your age would be important and your lifestyle, what you are doing and all. I suspect that you are in your 40s or older, but maybe not. Lack of hormones, lack of estradiol is often associated with insomnia that seems to not respond. But interestingly enough, not drinking enough water also can aggravate insomnia, having an irritable brain from being mildly dehydrated all the time.
Progesterone naturally helps sleep. So, progesterone is hypnagogic. And it can help you go into deeper sleep if you had adequate estradiol levels. Having enough magnesium in the form of amino acid chelate. So, magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, these are amino acids that are chelated linked to the magnesium mineral and potassium sources. You would want to look at all your electromagnetic material around your bed. You might look outside the wall and see if there's any meters out there that have a lot of electromagnetic irritation. You want to get the lights off, and so forth.
So, that's the beginning on how I would start with a patient with these issues.
“Can you talk about probiotics? I made a search for probiotics on Google and found lots of conflicting information, including that they cause weight gain.”
I would be too. And my statement to you is the world of gut biome is a rapidly growing-- Gastrologist and other researchers are aggressively looking at the microbiome. It’s such a huge content with trillions of cells and components that it makes it a challenging effort. But we have been addressing this for many decades, 30 plus years. We are finding that, indeed, probiotics actually are associated with some weight loss in particular, rather than any weight gain. I would disagree with weight gain.
So, I'm not surprised you get a lot of conflicting reports, because there's a lot of confusion in the field. And how to isolate what's influencing what when you're dealing with trillions, that's why it really has never been looked at. So, you have to put the whole body together when you're talking about a microbiome and probiotics, and you have to have a complete digestive stool analysis to be able to have help with that.
“I just found out that the previous owner of the house I bought a year and a half ago was using Roundup and possibly other poisons on the property and died of cancer that can be caused by these chemicals. I’ve been in the yard for the past year digging and so forth and getting, you know, dirty, and inhaling some of the dirt/dust. How concerned should I be about this for my health?”
What I would recommend is that the longer the distance, you’re not actively using it now, so it’s not having the concentration more than likely. But I would also say, if you take Glutathione and extra Vitamin C, if you can find somewhere where you can get a Vitamin C and EDTA chelation, that would be very important. I wouldn’t stress over this. Glutathione and pesticides have been on all of our foods, sprayed on them, drifting, even to the organic areas. Unless you have an organization that does spectra for morphic analysis for organophosphates. So, I would relax about it in the sense that we’ve all been exposed, we all need to clean up our diet as best we can, take extra Vitamin C, extra Glutathione to help us detox.
“I asked last week, but did not see the answer, what causes plantar warts on the sole and how do I eradicate them?”
Well, these are usually viruses. And this often develops when your immune system is somewhat depressed where we are eating such a high carb diet. That clogs the capillaries. And the pressure and the dead tissues down there make a good environment for virus, fungi to go. So, you want to eat a very low carb diet. You would want to drink plenty of water. You would want to do aerobic exercises. You would want to have open toed shoes, if you could. If you have to wear socks, for some reason the darkness of dark socks seems to be linked more with viral and fungal illnesses. You would want to be on systemic enzymes, probably iodine, orally every day. I use Iodide or i-Throid, 12.5-milligrams a day.
And you want to put on Argentyn Silver. This is a water, tasteless, 23-parts per billion, hydrosol silver which is much more nanoparticle dense than a colloidal silver. Although colloidal silvers do help. Over the counter, Argentyn Silver is called Sovereign Silver. It’s only half strength. And I would soak the area and put that on morning and evening. And see if that is a help with a low carb diet, and systemic enzymes, and the other things I’ve mentioned.
“What are your thoughts about the foot patches and getting all the toxins out?”
I haven’t seen the studies. I do watch the YouTube and it really frustrates me and wastes my time. I think, often I’m looking at these things that say, “If you have heart disease, you need to watch this for the next few minutes to save your life.” “If you have foot fungus, you need to watch this to save your life.” “If you have Type 2 diabetes…” And it just goes on and on, if you have hair loss or losing your teeth. And these are commercials. I have spent much of my time trying to watch them because I know my patients and friends will watch them and come up with questions. But really, it is commercialism and we have really handled all these things very well on an individual basis. I have very rarely seen-- And it’s not unusual that I will buy something that is advertised and test on myself or a family member or two, and really for the most part, these patches are just smokescreens.
“If someone is no longer a patient of yours, can we still get a prescription for the EDTA suppositories?”
The answer is no. That’s a prescription medication and you have to be an active patient for it.
“I’m not a patient, but I do chelation at your clinic. I’ve been doing EDTA chelation preventatively elsewhere for over 20-years. The drive is now too much. I am nearly 83.”
Yes, you can come in. We have a walk-in for EDTA chelation. It is at a lower dosage. But if you’re consistent, it’s quite effective. It’s very powerful.
“I had my first breakout of shingles. I’m 68. I’m under a lot of stress. I did not vaccinate. I had COVID twice. How long does shingles last with the intermittent pain on the left thigh? What supplements are recommended to accelerate the healing?”
High dose Vitamin C, intravenous. And then oral Vitamin C. Quercetin, about 600 to 800-millgrams a day. I would get that as D-Hist, and I would use two, twice a day. Take optimal amounts of Vitamin D, probably in the realm of 10,000-international units a day. I would have your doctor check your Vitamin D levels within a month. Lysine is an amino acid. But that’s been around for many, many years. And I’ve never seen Lysine alone have any long-term impact. It is a rare case that has given Lysine any credit for the control of this.
“How do I avoid getting shingles again? I’d take the antiviral medication the doctor recommended to stop the spread of the rash. It did help. And lots of calamine lotion.”
Well, interestingly enough, Ivermectin twice a week has many, many beneficial components to it. That might be something you would consider doing. Quercetin, used every day, 600 to 800 milligrams in the form of D-Hist. That’s what I would do. I do not take Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. I'm just on D-Hist. Have peace in your life, find a way to find contentment, deal with the stressors, your health is showing cracks in with the stress that is giving you a breakout in shingles. So, you have to deal with your own stress and so forth.
“My mother has severe allergies. She sneezes a lot in the mornings and sometimes during evenings. And she takes medicines to help her with these allergies. If she doesn’t, it gets worse. The question I have is, have you worked with anyone who has naturally healed this where they no longer experience having any signs of allergies? My mother wants to stop relying on medications and start finding other ways to heal.”
Well, yes, there is skin allergy testing. And we have desensitization drops you can put under your tongue that are homeopathic and natural. There’s a Quercetin, long term use in the realm of 800-milligrams a day. That is what I use so that I don’t have symptoms.
You might want to look at food allergies, a complete digestive analysis, look for yeast and fungi and other things in your bowel that are creating chronic allergic phenomena. We could do the testing or advise you to see someone who is competent in mold testing. Very often molds and having wet spots or water damage to your home is a chronic source of this. So, those are the things that I would suggest.
“I’ve been taking Armour Thyroid for years, started adding Iodine, 12.5-millgrams plus several other new supplements. When I lie down to sleep, my heart is racing. Could it be Iodide or some other supplement?”
Well, it could be many things. But when you are talking about your heart racing, we need to see a cardiologist to do a holter monitor, an EKG, a stress test to make sure everything is fine.
The other thing that I would suggest is, make sure that you don’t eat late. I would not eat past 6 o’clock, or even 5 o’clock. I would make sure that you are well hydrated. I would make sure that you’re getting enough potassium in your diet. And I would have and I would have your 3T3 tested to make sure it’s not too high. If you are on 60-milligrams of Armour Thyroid, your doctor should be checking your Free 3T3 to make sure it’s not too high. And I think I have mentioned that potassium is very important.
So, I would see your doctor and not let that go without being followed up.
“Have you any knowledge of nicotine gum patches being helpful to alleviate the symptoms of loss of smell/taste from long-term COVID?”
I am not familiar with that. However, I know that the nicotinic receptors are associated with smoker-- Interestingly enough, smokers had less COVID morbidity and illness and death. So, there was some correlation between the nicotinic receptors and having protection from the viral illness and those things that cause the smell and taste loss.
But as far as a treatment for that, I have never heard that. I’m sorry. I would have to try and look into something more on that.
“My friend was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I would like to know your recommendations regarding her eating? As the medical recommendations are low fiber, your diet starts only with clear liquids for a few days, like a broth, ice chips, ice popsicles, gelatin water, tea/coffee without cream, and so forth.”
What we normally do in the acute phase, if you actually have active diverticulitis, you have the infection of your bowel. That is very serious. And you have to see your doctor. It has to have antibiotics. It could rupture and turn into a perforation and sepsis and death. So, this is nothing small.
We would actually say, once you’ve been treated and released from the hospital and there has been a perforation, that you need to go on a protocol and work with a doctor that is going to help you to rebuild the lining of your gut. So, food allergies and lectins, she should have a food allergy test. You should have a complete digestive stool analysis.
And the diet in the meantime, should be extremely limited. Initially, clear liquids, chicken broth, beef broth, and ginger ale mixed with some water to get the fizz out. And do that for several days. Then start adding in cooked vegetables and cooked proteins. You can use butter, salt, and pepper. So, the least amount of variety and the least amount of spices. You would want to use NT powder, which is a phospholipid that helps rebuild the lining of the gut. The SBI Protect which helps with a protein, amino acid protection immunoglobulins. Then you would want to be on a Probiotic 225 powder.
We mix those three powders all together into a drink, morning and evening, before you start eating. And then, of course, we want to know your blood type, take digestive enzymes, take systemic enzymes, get on Vitamin D, get on a very good antioxidant, as well as a good multi-mineral.
“How would you treat an ingrown toenail in a 13-year-old?”
It says here, her 13-year-old is 108. So, we would treat her as an adult as far as size. Probably 5,000-international units of Vitamin D, every day. And then apply Argentyn Silver, soaking the area two to three times a day, having that area open to the fresh air. See the podiatrist or your local doctor if you don’t see it improving within 24 to 48-hours.
“My daughter has experienced heavy periods with horrendous clots and cramps for three months. Never ending. She was told she has fibroids. She had her first surgery about two months ago. They removed about 80%. Last week, she had her second surgery to remove the remainder and they found out after surgery that it had grown back and the surgeon said, “It was the biggest she had seen.” So, now they have to go back and remove it.
She’s been anemic through this whole process and very tired. Regarding the bleeding, they said they could put her in menopause until everything was completed. Can you tell me what causes fibroids? And is there something that she can do?”
I think I answered that earlier on. Carbs, sugar, bread, pasta, crackers, cereals, beans, rice. All the sugars, all the fruit sugars stimulate insulin. Insulin stimulates fibroids. Stress stops ovulation follicle stimulating hormone, and you become estrogen dominant and that stimulates the lining of your uterus. So, you have to find peace, you have to be on progesterone, very high dose, and you have to check her estradiol levels. And the progesterone could be cyclic from day 15 through 25 of her cycle. But if she is very heavy, she can use day 8 through 28, three weeks on, one week off. And I would certainly have her make sure that her carb insulin is being checked. Check her cortisol. She's estrogen dominant, get her on the progesterone. And dependent, you know, if she's overweight, she needs to lose weight. That'll put her in hyperinsulinemia. Exercise. It's also age dependent. So, there's many things I would share with the doctor and try and do.
“What are your thoughts about the Dutch test for hormone imbalance? I have some irregular cycles, should I test it multiple times?”
I’m going to say, the Dutch test is something that I’m not as familiar with and I would ask you to see PA Patel or someone who uses this regularly. Of course, the more you test, the better volume of information your healthcare provider has for you. But in general, aging is stressful. And stress impacts the menstrual cycle. And illness impacts the menstrual cycle. And all of these with aging, as cortisol goes up, progesterone goes down, the estrogen becomes dominant, the bleeding becomes irregular and heavy, and DHEA, the precursor to help you with your cortisol stress drops. So, you have to have a doctor that will work with you through the age you are and the timing of the cycle.
But as far as the Dutch test itself, I do not use it. I am familiar with its components. I know some of my doctors here do use it.
“I’ve been taking all of the wonderful supplements you have recommended for me. I would like to know what you make or recommend for IBS? I also believe that I have that. I have been using Glutagenics and Ortho Digestzyme when I eat.
Ortho Spore IG is a probiotic designed specifically for gas producing bacteria. So, Ortho Spore IG is what I would recommend. That’s what I give my patients with IBS.
“She’s been taking supplements and is addressing multiple issues. My husband is also on supplements. Their budget is being strained with this. Could you offer a discount to seniors or a family discount? Use of the online store is tedious and time consuming. Could you improve access to online store?”
I will discuss this with Talen. And I apologize, last Friday, I was going to try and do a morning Talk to the Doctor. Last Friday was my 50th anniversary, wedding anniversary. I had totally forgotten about that. And so, I was busy doing other things. So, forgive me for not being there for you. We will this Friday at 9:30 in the morning until 10:00. I’m going to ask Talen and point this out for him to look at this to see if we can be a help to you.
“If the mammography report comes back recommending further breast imaging due to vascular asymmetry, what type of imaging do you recommend? Mammogram or ultrasound?”
Well, I think your whole history is the direction, and with an exam by your doctor. You might need both. And the standard of care is an annual mammogram. That is what the State of California Medical Licensing Board recommends. You should have your doctor know you, in particular, your family history, risk for breast cancer, your personal habits, your risk factors, and go from there.
“A friend of mine has a granddaughter who has pulmonary fibrosis. She was diagnosed at age 2. She is now 8. She goes to the hospital about every three to four months to put a tube down her lungs and give her antibiotics. She stays in the hospital for about a week. Her grandmother wants to know if there is anything you can do to help her daughter with this condition?”
Well, not to replace her pulmonologist, but things that we would recommend if we had such a child in our practice, we would want to know the blood type of the child, we would want the child on systemic enzymes to dis-inflame the lungs. We would give the child enhanced chelation to improve the microcirculation to the lungs and all the body. We'd put the child on probiotics. We'd give the child glutathione which is very important in lung health and surfactant production in the alveoli. We could also give the child this as nebulized. So, there's many, many things that we would do.
“My niece has pains in her legs at night from her groin to her ankles, which interferes with her sleep. She is O positive and 62. Your thoughts?”
Well, normally it is mineral deficiencies, potassium and magnesium. So, TLC Multi-Mineral is the direction that I would go. I would take the minerals every evening. I would make sure that you would have her drink half her weight in water every day. And stretch. She needs to do stretching. If that is not enough, then I would ask her to use the systemic enzymes, Vascuzyme or Vitalzyme, five twice a day on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning and last thing before bedtime. If that is not enough, I would make sure she’s exercising, walking for blood flow. And she needs to discuss that with her medical doctor as well.
“You used to be a big component of the Kangen water machine? Do you still recommend high pH water?”
Yes, I do. Kangen water, which makes it alkaline does go through the added hydrogen ions. This helps reduce acidity overall. But in the world of things, just getting people to drink enough water at pH 7 and filtered is the greatest goal that I have. But yeah, I’m still in favor of it.
“Can mitochondria be repaired? And if so, how?”
Well, yes. The cell membrane of the mitochondria is made of the same cell membrane of the cell. And that is made of phospholipids. You have to eat enough meat, fish, chicken with the skin on it, ham, pork, eggs with yolk in it, so that you have enough phospholipids or you take phospholipid supplementals like our NT Powder or Bio-Poly Phospholipid Pro from Ortho Biotics. The mitochondria is working hard all the time producing energy and free radicals. It’s like your fireplace has to have bricks and a good flume and chute. And you have to help the structure of that fireplace and the flume be healthy so that you don’t get a house fire from the chute and the breakdown of it. So, you check out the chimney sweep, check the bricks, and so on. That is the phospholipids.
The other next thing you have to do is resistance training. Resistance training is when you push against something and work on this in sets until you feel the muscle fatigue, maybe upper/lower body twice a week for 20-minutes. Research shows that will help stimulate mitochondrial repair. And I would make sure you are getting a good night sleep, to bed early, up early. Then take antioxidants to help quench the fire that is cooking in your fireplace of your mitochondria. We have found Juice Plus to be the most powerful antioxidant with the most research. Then, I would take a multi-mineral cofactor for many of the enzymatic things you need. And then, I would take Vitamin D and I would take iodine. So, there is that group again.