HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 06 2022

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 06 2022

December 8, 2022


“I have two questions, if you have time for both: A little background. I have rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and occipital neuralgia. I also have braces which I’ve had for a while, and they haven’t been tightened in over a month. Thanksgiving I had terrible jaw pain on the lower right-hand side, back of the mouth. I could not open my mouth wide and couldn’t eat because it hurt to chew. After a few days, the pain migrated to my ear and up the right side of my face. It doesn’t feel the same as the ON nerve pain. My teeth do not hurt and have had recent dental x-rays. The ER Doc suggested I have a CAT scan to rule out cellulitis. I declined. The pain has gotten better but is still there. Could this be jaw pain from RA, which I’ve never had before? Do you suggest going to my doctor or dentist if it is persistent?

Also, while in the ER for 6 hours, they went around the waiting area with a machine that looked like a floor polishing machine and sprayed disinfectant throughout the room. The next day my husband and I both woke up with a sore throat, postnasal drip, headache, and terrible body aches. Have been using my at-home infrared sauna and drinking lots of water. We really are miserable. Is there anything else we can do?”


So, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, I’m presuming you are middle age or older. Although there is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. And this is an autoimmune triggered phenomenon, and it's not understood why and it usually involves the minor joints and your temporomandibular joint is one of the more minor joints. And yes, it's possible to have rheumatoid arthritis I'm involved there. It could be that on Thanksgiving you were eating some food that you are having a leaky gut, food immune reaction to, which inflamed you. Which made the area more painful to use, thus the non-chewing. And as you've moved away from eating these more infrequently consumed foods, you will get better. Water will help it of course. Fasting will help it. Going on a clear liquid diet for two days just to having chicken broth or beef broth. I found that most of my rheumatoid arthritis patients are O-type blood and it'd be interesting to know your blood type. And they tend to do very, very well on a carnivore diet for about three months. A carnivore diet is very valuable in reducing all food-related allergies. And you know, 80% of your immune system lines the tube. And so, a carnivore diet, if you eat grass fed wild caught, beef, chicken, fish, pork, and such, these are not going to be treated with industrial husbandry antibiotics, and arsenic, and wheat grains, and stuff.

And so, what can be done, you know, I think one of the first things I do is find out your blood type. I would go on a clear liquid diet. And see if just removing all food, just having the broth of chicken or the broth of beef and ginger ale for a little energy. And do that for two days. And see if everything immediately calms down. We find systemic enzymes are helpful. But we would be talking about something that has, you know, like nano-kinase, streptokinase, bromelain, things like that, curcumin turmeric is very valuable. You could take those during the fast and use on an empty stomach, all the time. I do it, five in the morning, five in the evening. And then, I would see how you feel after two days. Anybody can do this whole thing for any reason, any kind of illness, we all heal. If you'll notice most of the animal kingdom stops eating when they become injured or sick. So, we would then say the enzymes and lots of water and the carnivore-like food when you start eating.

And then, you should be able to slowly heal out of this, it takes about three or four months to heal the gut and improve the system. So, that would be the beginning point.

As to what they sprayed, I’m sure that they probably had some alcohol-based, antibacterial, antiviral, or antifungal liquid in whatever was going around. And that can be aromatized and become an irritant to the mucus linings. And so that should heal up.

You know, they have frightened us for the past 50 years from eating meat and eating the skin on the chicken and getting cholesterol and saturated fats and egg yolks and the like. And because of that, our cell membranes are all in a weaker state of health. In other words, these membranes on all of our cells are a double layer and they're composed of fat and protein. And they have busted out areas, you can see right here busted out area, from anything, food allergies, heavy metals, and whatnot. And if you're not eating the foods that repair your cell membranes, the healthy fats and proteins that are in these natural wild-caught foods, you are not going to repair as well. So, I don’t care how many vitamins you take, if your cell membranes are not repaired, you are not going to do well. That's why we see such great healing stories with people who do a carnivore diet for three months. 

But those are some ideas there. Hopefully, that'll be some ideas you can talk about with a functional doctor, you know, a standard medical doctor who got some extra training and put the effort in to learn about functional medicine, integrative medicine, complementary medicine, with some experience. One of the things you can do is ask your doctor if they do chelation therapy to improve the microcirculation if they have attended any doctor conferences, like the ACAM that teaches chelation. There you will find lots of doctors who have started to expand their background in nutrient and nutritional dietary functional medicine, using many other modalities instead of the typical drugs, surgery, radiation, and so forth. 


“Is butyrate good for someone with IBS?"


The answer is yes. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid that is typically not consumed. It’s produced by your healthy bacteria. So, you have to go have good bacteria and digestive enzymes. Really the only way I know of getting good butyrate levels-- Back in the 1990s I used to prescribe, with a compounding pharmacist, a butyrate enema. It was very awkward. And I’ve stopped doing it since then. And since then, I've learned to help build up the whole gut and repair it that way.

But yes, butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid is produced by healthy bacteria with the sole purpose of helping to heal the lining. And in fact, butyrate, a healthy short-chain fatty acid is also associated with wrapping your DNA and protecting your DNA from injury.


“Does it work to produce good gut bacteria and reinforce its lining?”


It’s the reverse. Gut bacteria produce it. So, you have to eat things like inulin, and artichokes. This is a prebiotic. So, you know, our bars we make these, Drs Nutrition Bar, and they have in it various items that are dietarily sourced, the inulin, artichokes, and things like this in here so that the healthy bacteria, we put good bacteria in it. So, that the bacteria have something to eat. That is what you need, prebiotics. Prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics then make butyrate.


“Is there something that you would recommend other than that?”


I recommend, especially if you're a blood type A, to use Ortho Digestzyme, try the digestive enzymes with biotin hydrochloric acid when you eat food. And then, I would take a prebiotic and probiotic. We use the item called Drs Nutrition Bar. But you can be eating artichokes, and what's another good source of inulin? I can't think of it right off the hand. But if you Google prebiotic foods, you'll see a whole list of things that you can eat in the vegetable kingdom. That will help you. 


“I would appreciate your opinion on 3D mammograms. I am 47 years old and in good health and my former OBGYN asked that I get a 3D mammogram every year starting at age 40. My mother has had breast cancer three times, but she was tested for the gene and does not have the gene. I’ve been reading up on the small amount of radiation produced by 3D mammograms accumulating over time and how it could affect women negatively and could contribute to cancer. I’m wondering what your thoughts are and if there are any healthy alternatives. I get my yearly mammogram. I have heard of thermogram and a breast ultrasound as well.”


Well, the answer is yes, you have to have some concern because it’s a known fact, it’s been published over and over, that the trauma to the breast and radiation are both known carcinogens or promoters of cancer changes. So, there you are annually traumatizing, radiating your breasts. So, it's a question of the egg and the chicken, or the chicken and the egg, which came first.

What we tend to do here is to promote a healthy lifestyle, a healthy body, building up the immune system rather than following, you know, a protocol once or twice a year through your doctor doing a scan for the final emergence of a disease. We try to teach our patients to live a style of life that will not promote the development of the disease. For instance, the low-carb diet will keep the insulin level hormone lower. And that hormone is a growth-promoting hormone. And the American people are vastly consuming carbohydrates, sugars, starches, high fructose corn syrup, and the like. And they drink much of their sugar in the form of smoothies and sodas and lattes and frappes, whatever they call them. So, that calls forth for the insulin. The insulin works very hard to pull sugar and stick it into cells to be used for metabolism, and energy. But unfortunately, that insulin doesn't get shut off so easily, and then it can stimulate the growth of tumors and the thickening of your blood vessels and heart disease. And eventually, you become insulin resistant, and you become diabetic, which is self-associated with a higher incidence of tumors and cancer.

So, rather than we being so concerned about annual mammograms, although, in California that is the standard of care, we are much more hammering each visit on watching your carbs, checking your insulin fasting levels, checking your hemoglobin A1C, checking your fructose amine level, doing a monthly self-breast exam, not eating late at night, getting a good night's sleep, exercising on a regular basis, drinking lots of water, taking enzymes. And using progesterone cyclically to help balance the estradiol a woman makes because as a woman ages her progesterone shuts off way, way before the estradiol. Estradiol itself is a general contractor and it is involved in growth and repair and rebuilding. And so, if you have both insulin and estradiol, both working in a growth promoting, remodeling form, and you're clogging up the capillaries with sticky sugars, you're going to have a problem in the cell getting its oxygen and nutrients. Especially if you don't drink a lot of water or exercise and eat late at night.

So, you see this is the approach. Not trying to look for some way to find early cancers. I like ultrasounds because it does not seem to have any association with the link to promoting cell changes in cancer. I like doing a self-breast exam monthly. I like having a medical doctor who will examine a woman once a year in the armpits. That is hard for a woman to do herself to feel for lymph nodes. And possibly consider doing other things like thermography or Sure Touch, which is more a targeted type of ultrasound wand that's put over the breasts in quadrants. There are many other things that you could do.

I'm not against doing a mammogram. But I have not seen any major change in the breast health of women in the United States or incidents of breast cancer. And we've been, you know-- I've been around when they first promoted mammograms back in the 1970s when I started practicing, getting involved in healthcare.

So, 3D mammograms, you have to discuss it with your doctor. But certainly, work with a doctor who is going to look for prevention. Iodine is another thing that's very much associated with helping to prevent breast cancer and fibrocystic breasts. So, there's a book out there called Iodine by David Brownstein. So, it's an excellent book for protecting your thyroid function, your mental function, memory, for prostate size for men, and for what else? Preventing ovarian and uterine cancer and fibroids in the uterus. So, there are all kinds of wonderful things that can be done rather than thinking the only thing you can do to help yourself is do traumatic pressure-squeezed breast mammograms and radiation annually. Hopefully, that helps you. 


“Will drinking alkaline water cause your body to become too alkaline?”


I've never seen that happen. Instead, we are always producing products of respiration in the mitochondria, in the cell engines. We are always burning, oxidizing things. And so, you might think of that. I like to describe us as we are, whatever your poundage is, if you're a 150-pound woman, then you are a 150-pound roast cooking at 98.6 degrees all the time. And that's why you have to really realize how important your water is and why we push that you drink half your weight in pounds as ounces every single day of our life.

Now if you add an alkalinization and what does that mean to alkalize a water? Well, there are machines out there like the Kanga machine, which I have, and I had here a lot at the clinic. And we did test with it. What it does is it uses an electrical plating to take the ions that are in the water and organize them. You might say in such a way that it will promote hydrogen ions to be available. And hydrogen is positive and donates positive hydrogens to unstable free radicals which usually have electrons that are looking to wreak havoc and rip electrons or a hydrogen atom off of something. So, if you're drinking something that is extra hydrogen in it, that would probably be helpful. So, yes, I'm in favor of hydrogenated water.

Adding minerals to your water, and salts are reasonable too. So, I've never seen anyone ever over-alkalize their body.

There is a program there's a book written by Bob Settineri. And what is the name of it, I'm going to get up and take a look at that for a moment. So, the name of the book is, Live Healthier Better and Longer: Discover the Health-Giving Wonders of Hydrogen by Bob Settineri, Master of Science. And he has worked on a lot of things that I am published on. And this H2, extra hydrogenated water, has been well-researched in Japan. Premier research has been with a Doctor, I can't think of his name right now. But this is the product that they're promoting. It’s called Izumio water. It is a 6.7-ounces. When you crack the top of it, you have to drink it right away. That’s why it is only 6.7 ounces. Because if you just let it sit there, the hydrogen gas will come out. So, I drink it right away, as soon as I crack open the seal.

And I know some of you are going to ask how to get it. So, I will give you a contact. I have the contact where I get mine This www.Debvwellness.NPUSAShop.com. The phone number is 815-601-2480. She can help you find out how to get a hold of the water. So, I’m always trying to use things that have science behind it, things that I have been involved in the research, and now explaining to you that extra hydrogen is a positive and that will kind of quiet down a negative free radical. The more negative free radicals you quiet down, the healthier you are. 


“What tests are really needed to determine optimal treatment for the thyroid? I’ve heard so much conflicting information, particularly about the need to test for reverse T3 and T4. Follow-up is treating with T4 alone insufficient? What about T3 and I’ve now been seeing T2 (what is that?)”


Well, you have the hormone for thyroid that is iodinated. And it's got four spots where it can take on the salt of iodine. And you can have one site occupied by iodine, that’s T1. Two of them, that’s T2. The functional one recognized by our body for metabolism is T3, free T3. And when they are all loaded, free T4, all four sites.

So, many of us are iodine deficient. I go back to that book by David Brownstein called Iodine. The title of the book is Iodine by David Brownstein. Excellent, excellent book. So, these are one of the minerals, iodine, salts really, it's a halogen-salt. You have to have one. And this is part of your mental acuity, your memory, your energy, and your metabolism. And also, a part of just your whole well-being and fighting cancer and disease. So, read the book.

But it makes sense. The diet has been diminished as it gets more processed, and we have less and less iodine. And my goodness, in recent days, I test for urine iodine. And I have seen as little as 1% iodine released into the urine. I have never seen such low iodine on my patients in my life. Everyone is low. I think in decades because I have been using iodine for decades, maybe two people, maybe one, I can’t think of more than maybe one person that I know that I did iodine testing on-- And this isn’t common. And most pathologists and labs really don't know how to do this. So routine Quest, Lab Corp Labs, are foolishness really the way they do the urine iodides. You have to go to a place that's been doing this for decades. And so, you can learn about that or come to someone like myself who does a 24-hour urine iodine test. And then, if you're sufficient in your iodine salt, and you take some iodine as a salt, potassium iodine, let's say take 50 milligrams. Well, if you don’t need it, you should urinate it out nicely so that 90% of that iodine should be released into the urine. I'll tell you, I saw maybe a person with 1% released, 2%. That means they needed the iodine so badly their body wouldn't let it go. Mostly my average iodine is like 60 to 62%. Really, they should be releasing 90%. So, all of us are iodine deficient. And I've been on iodine for decades, and that certainly has helped me from losing my mind and my memory as I’m soon to be hitting 70.

So, what about all these replacements and what to do? It isn't just about acting like an allopathic doctor drugging you. So, you have to have a biochemical evaluation with a physical exam. You have reflexes that you can have checked, you can have your metabolism, your body content, composition, and how much fat. You can have the testing for thyroid antibodies, and gut health, which is linked to an inflamed gut, and leaky gut attacking your thyroid which will lower the function of the thyroid. 

So, do you really need reverse T3 and T4? I have been able to work with all my patients and I guess they're all happy because they seem to all comeback and do quite well. So, I never do reverse T3. I never do reverse T4. I don't even care what your T4 level is because it's not the physiological active item. The only item I care about is your free T3. So, if I give you supplemental thyroid, and I like to give us a whole glandular, that will have everything in a T1, T2, T3, and T4. But mostly a typical balance of T3 and T4, mostly T3. Then what we'll find is that your body will use the T3, the functional molecule, and your metabolism, your energy, your cholesterol levels will improve your memory, and your weight loss. Your mood will go up. You will be more motivated to choose healthy lifestyles and exercise. And of course, water does make an impact and avoids food allergies. But so, it isn't as simple as saying, well, should you use the lab tests A, B, or C? You really have to have a doctor that has a strong grounding and understands the interrelationship between all the departments of the body. And even the spiritual and the understanding of their patient, how much stress are they under? How much financing do they have to do these tests? Many times, I have a patient with less financing ability, and I have to make a clinical best guess to just try and leapfrog over at the lowest expense to try and help them get a management and treatment outcome. So, being a doctor is a master of many things. We need a lot more good general practitioners, May the Lord give them to us. 

So, I like a glandular thyroid, like Armor Thyroid, WP Thyroid, and NP thyroid, Nature Thyroid, these are all names of natural whole glandular products. And you could use T4 which is Synthroid or levothyroxine, that's all basically a T4. And then, you're depending on your body to have the ability to do the conversion to pluck off one of the iodine and to convert it into the act of T3. I don’t like wasting that time. I like to give you something that has the T3 in it. So, there you go. That’s how I like to do it.

But if you took, Levothyroxine, Synthroid, and Liothyronine, which is the T3, you can achieve a T4/T3 combination. You can make a compounding. But I am not for all these fandangled ways of doing things. There are standard ways to do it and tiny fractions are just a waste of time. There are very simple ways of doing this and you don't need all this to follow the D, fiddly D, testing. 


“What's the difference between Argentyn 23 and Silvadene? Dermatologist said to apply Silvadene to a stubborn toe callus. Would Argentyn 23 work better? Does soaking the foot help?”


I am not sure that I know what Silvadene is. I don’t have my extra computer here to look it up right now. I think Silvadene is a zinc oxide, topical, like Desitin. I’m not sure. I would have to look that up to remind myself. I have never heard of Silvadene.

Argentyn 23 is 23 parts per billion of nanoparticulate silver. And it is nanoparticulate which means it is dispersed far more uniformly as a suspension than a colloid. Colloids are usually clumpy. That doesn’t mean it’s not effective as a silver treatment. And usually, silver is associated as a general broad-spectrum antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. And over 40 years of practicing, I can tell you, I've seen it work in every situation. So, I can tell you that Argentyn 23 is very good. Over the counter, you get a half strength, called sovereign silver, they make it as a gel, a nasal spray, a liquid, I think eyedropper. I put it in my eyes every night, just to moisten my eyes before I go to bed. And you know, when I see patients all day long, sneezing, coughing, you know, walking in front of them after they inhale, exhale. You know, I've had millions of people up close and upfront, and I'm walking in their exhaled airway particulate matter, and I stay healthy all the time, even as I age. And all through these fearful viral times in the past three years. So, I use Argentyn 23 all the time. I spray it on my nose most nights, especially in the dry winter seasons. I put a drop in my eye all the time at night. And I'll swish and swallow after I brush my teeth, very often. I'll do it more often if I feel ill, I'll do it three, or four times a day. And hopefully, that helps explain it a little bit better. 


“We have been using laundry detergent with no fragrance and no dyes for months now. My 7-year-old will still occasionally get a rash/hives in her armpits only. She showers every few days to not dry out her skin. I spray Argentyn silver on it when she tells me it's there. Would you recommend just spraying the skin when she doesn't have it as a preventative measure?”


I think there's no problem with a preventive measure at all. You can certainly do that. I would have her see a functional doctor who will find out what her blood type is, and then find out her digestion. You know, these allergies might be coming from food. And the food will make intermittent hives. And not infrequently, it would make our skin that isn’t on the exterior surface so much, could get soft hives in the moist areas of your armpit and your groins, and small of your back, which is not as traumatized. I would see a functional doctor. Find out her blood type. As for a complete digestive stool analysis by Doctors Data in St. Charles, Illinois. That is how I would begin with her. 


“What are the criteria/reason to supplement DHEA 25 mg? My last lab, 7/22, says a value of 106 for my DHEA. I am also on the estradiol each day and progesterone days 14-28.”


It is a precursor to your adrenal gland cortisol production. It is a precursor to testosterone production in men and women. It is associated with helping your white blood cell count and immune function of your whole lymphocytes, white blood cells. I have often given DHEA and seen the white blood cell count go from, like a 2.7. Everyone is chronically running low. When I was a young doctor, everyone was like a 4.0 to an 8 on their white blood cells. So, we have so many toxins in the air and the water and in the food and glyphosate and GMO and 5G, and all these dyes and stress and high sugar suppressing the immune system, and lectins in the food, and glyphosates. So, all these things are harming our immune system and if you take DHEA it helps mitigate the stress, it helps build up your muscle through the action of testosterone, and it will do the same for men. And it will support your adrenal glands rather than having such high cortisol output. It kind of calms it down.

So, that's what dehydroepiandrosterone is. And where do we get it from naturally? Well, it's a byproduct of the digestion of cholesterol. So, if you eat a piece of meat, you eat an egg yolk, you eat the butter, your digestion of that cholesterol molecule in the animal food products or chicken products or you know, fish and so forth, that cholesterol when you make one of your first digestive snips or two, it breaks down into pregnenolone and DHEA. And these are all precursors of many other wonderful things in the body. So, yes, it is a healthy thing to eat your meat, your fish, and your chicken. Grandma was right.


“I recovered well from having the flu last week. My energy is back to normal however I have a nagging cough left. The cough is a nuisance when I am with clients or in a workout class as I sound sicker than I am. I am currently intermittent fasting for 18 hours, I eat a low-carb diet, and daily I take 3 Vascuzyme, 2 grams of vit C., 5000 IU vit D., 4 capsules of Energy Core, Iodine, DHEA, and clinician preference oils. Is there anything else I could take or do better to help the process of healing this nagging cough?”


We have to understand that once you've had a viral illness, yes, you might have overcome the viral attack and the initial armies of viruses being born. But what you don't perceive is that damage is left. The damage where all those little viral particles were breaking through the cell membranes, and that very often is much of the reason, the vast majority of the reason why we have a persistent cough for the next week or so beyond the initial four or five days of being ill. And we have to give our bodies time to heal and plug this up. If you're eating enough egg yolks, and meat, and chicken with a skin on it, and fish, and pork, and butter, and stuff like that you'll heal quicker and your cough will go way quicker. And you will heal up better. But you are very much, I know who you are, and how much you use your body and demand it, so you need a good night’s sleep to heal these injured cell membranes. If they are injured, you are going to feel it even though there is no overgrowth of virus or anything. And it’s just going to take about a week to heal. 


“One more question, a family member is frequented with painful dysmenorrhea and migraine headaches during the menstrual cycle. What is your opinion on using pycnogonid? I have read that there seem to be research studies showing it helps. If so, what would be your recommendation for how much to take? Thank you!”


Pycnogonid is a plant extract, a very, very powerful antioxidant. So, as an antioxidant, it becomes an anti-inflammatory. I suppose the billions and quadrillions of molecules the good Lord has created, we've only learned less than 1% of what's out there or even less than that in a world of knowledge. So, what I'm trying to convey Is Pycnogonid was the rage in the 1990s. And resveratrol came and on and on the story goes. Someone came up with an article/publication on some extract that is taken as an antioxidant, ECGC from green tea. And I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying before we start looking at them as single-bullet solutions, what we have to ask is, lifestyle? Are you drinking enough water all the time? Are you exercising regularly? Are you avoiding known food allergies because most of the grocery store, I would say 80% of what is at the grocery store, are known food allergens. So, most people are eating, they're sneezing, they're coughing, and most people have headaches. Most people eat their joint pain. Most people eat their gut pain. Most people eat their fatigue because of what they buy to eat or go to eat, and it's inflaming them.

So yeah, Pycnogonid is an anti-inflammatory, powerful antioxidant. It has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal characteristics itself.

So, what do I think, I think progesterone needs to be optimized in young women who are menstruating and cycling. Because stress stops ovulation. Ovulation produces progesterone to balance the construction work going on of the estradiol and if you don't have the progesterone to manage it, you'll have inflammation there. From the uterus, when the lining is breaking off this inflammatory cycle every month a woman goes through that can trigger a cascade of inflammatory reactions through the body, the headache, the fatigue, the moody swings, the bloating, the cramping, the pain. And then take enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day. You would know roughly when you're getting nearer before you expect your period any day. So, that's when you want to maybe fast, do intermittent fasting, a very clean diet, and take systemic enzymes, and a lot of water, and exercise. And that's how I would do it. I wouldn't use Pycnogonid, I would use progesterone, day 15 through 25 of a girl’s cycle. Day one is the day her period starts. 


“I had oral surgery with extractions and implants. I’m on a soft diet for a few months. What can you suggest for a sustainable diet? So far, it’s been soft scrambled eggs and bone broth. Thanks so much!”


I think your dentist should have plastic inserts that you can bite down on so that the bone in your mandible and maxilla has that 40 pounds per square inch, you know, resistance. Otherwise, your implants are going to be in weak bone. So, you have to talk with your dentist about biting down on some surface, under his advice and care I'm not representing that I'm a dentist, but if you don’t bite hard on stuff, your bones are going to get soft here folks. So, it's important to chew and bite. Just like I say stomping and feeling that shutter goes up your legs and spine for stimulating the bone, you have to have that in your teeth. That is what I would be recommending for you here.

As a diet, I don't know how long you have to be on that kind of a diet. But you've got to get some strong biting done so your bones don’t get demineralized. That is what I would recommend. 


“I have had low secretory igA for years showing up on stool and saliva tests. Globulin and total protein is also trending low. All of this points to immune system dysfunction? Thoughts on how to improve as I have had inflammation in my body for years and believe it stems back to the gut health. I follow your recommendations on diet, water, exercise, avoiding toxins in products, etc.”


There is a supplement called Mucosagen by Ortho Molecular. It has the lactoferrin in it that is very valuable in helping you build up your immunoglobulin A. It is a special antibody that is secreted in your saliva and along the lining of the gut. It’s one of the first immune defenses. You want to have igA. If you are going to make protein you have to eat protein. So, it would be hard for vegan/vegetarians to eat enough protein conscientiously. That's why I'm all in favor of very densely nutritious valuable meats, fish, chicken, poultry, pork, lobster, you know, crab, shrimp, things like that, butter. Because we need the protein and the fats to make the immunoglobulins. Then we need to know your blood type to help you digest. The older you are, even if you are not a blood type A, it is typically of the low digestive enzymes, but any of us as with age and illness, we might need to take digestive enzymes. I’m almost 70, I have to take Ortho Digestzyme. I have done that for at least a good 10 years. I take five, typically once a day, because I typically eat only one meal a day.

The other thing is, there are powders that enhance the immune system. So, if you're avoiding food allergies and sticky sugars, and you're eating in a timeframe, so you're not giving time to heal your gut, you could take phospholipids. Those fats that make up the lining of the cell membrane, and you could take immunoglobulins that are in powdered form in addition to that Mucosagen capsule of lactoferrin and that's called SBI Protect. These are serum bovine immunoglobulins that actually help you with the fat to line your gut, so it takes off the stress. And only eat in a six-hour window, use your digestive enzymes, use a probiotic, use a prebiotic, just be faithful, and keep on doing it. It'll take about four months to heal your gut. Then you should see your Secretory IgA improve.


“My mother has been diagnosed with kidney disease, 19 GFR. She was told she improved from the last labs which were 16 GFR. She will be traveling to see relatives this holiday. How much D3 K2 is safe for her to take to boost her immune system? She is currently taking 800 IU/ with calcium daily. She was encouraged to get mRNA vaccine in 2021 but has not gotten any booster. Thank you.”


That is probably an estimated rate from the chemistry panels.

Once again, I cannot tell you what to do. But I can give you general advice. People with known kidney disease benefit from taking vitamin K2 MK7. And this is known to be associated with helping kidney function, EDTA chelation therapy is known to help the microcirculation of the glomeruli. There are a lot of nephrologists who understand this very well. It is the amount of K2 that is very important. 90 micrograms K2 MK7. Just the K2 MK& that is effective in helping the kidney and its performance.

So, I would find a doctor who is doing EDTA chelation therapy with calcium disodium EDTA. I have all my patients, no matter what state of health they are, even those that are on dialysis, we have some. And they're all taking at least about 5,000 international units of vitamin DK3. And they are all on at least 45 micrograms of vitamin K2 MK7. There is a lot of research on that. So, that's what I would do. I don't think calcium supplementation is necessary for patients. Of course, if you're eating healthy meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, egg yolks, and stuff like that you don't need it. And use digestive enzymes and drink plenty of water and don't clog up your capillaries with a lot of sugar. 


“What is the root cause of Eczema? My 18-year-old son battles with inflamed skin since birth. He doesn't eat food that is allergic to him, gluten, oat, nuts, dairy, and egg free. Low sugar diet and did not use steroids on skin. He did a blood heavy metal test when he was 3. We removed mercury by chelation. His eczema continues to itch him and flares up weekly. What can he do to get better?”


You have to have a doctor who knows his blood type. You have to have food allergy testing done on cycles. We can start to eat in patterns because of marketing and then we can develop reactions to our new pattern of eating. You have to work to heal the lining of these blood vessels by eating the phospholipids. If he's allergic to eggs, then we can just give him a phospholipid as a fat in the form of the NT Powder or BioPC Pro phospholipids that help heal the lining of the gut. He has to have the stool looked at as far as how he's digesting his blood for food allergies. He has to probably take the immunoglobulin powder SBI Protect and the phospholipid powders and the probiotics, as a minimum, and find out his blood type. And work with some functional doctors that can help understand that. I pray that it will be a great help to him. 


“I’m a current patient of Dr. Meric. I recently had a breast ultrasound and was told I have a lot of cysts. The radiologist said there is nothing I can do about it, but they are very painful. Would iodine help with the pain? Is there any hope in proving the Radiologist wrong and ridding myself of the cysts? What can I do? Finally, my mom had breast cancer. I really don’t want the radiation of a mammogram or the metal toxicity of an MRI. Should I reconsider given family history?”


Absolutely iodine will help with the pain. Everything that I said you should do. Get a 24-hour urine iodine test, use a low-carb diet, avoid known stimulants like caffeine-based drinks, and drink plenty of water, and take a lot of systemic enzymes like Vascuzyme or Vitalzym, morning and evening on an empty stomach to chew away the inflammation there. You probably need to have your hormones looked at and managed. And what else would I say? That would be the beginning point of it. Find out your blood type and read the book Iodine and you'll see all the information there. Dr. Brownstein goes into a lot more mineral support for fibrocystic breasts there. But I've never really needed to use all that detail stuff, what I mention is usually enough. 


“As a follow-up to my question last week re: "timing" with Vitalzym, I'm still not clear. Please let me know the correct timing of the following: How long before, and after a meal should I take the Vitalzym.”


As far away from food as possible. I take my Vitalzym first thing in the morning and then I don’t eat until around 12:30 if I nibble on something. It is usually one of my Drs Nutrition Bar if I get hungry. Very often I will not eat until I get home from work, which is 5 to 5:30. Then I wait until I have finished eating, I take my digestive enzymes, and then three to four hours later, before bedtime, around 9:30, 10:00 I will take my second dose of my Vitalzym or Vascuzyme.


“I take the Vitalzym certain days because my schedule is different, I often wind up taking my nighttime Vitalzym same time as 5 HTP, or 200 mg bio-identical oral progesterone, or sometimes with some vitamins. I'm concerned that the Vitalzym is "digesting" those aforementioned, (particularly the progesterone) losing the effectiveness of those supplements and also minimizing the proteolytic action of the Vitalzyme.”


That is fine to take with them. It is not minimizing so don’t worry about that. I take my Vitalzym with a pile of my vitamins. I counted them this morning, my vitamins are 27 in the morning, including my 5 Vitalzym. Here is my bag for the evening. And see, the Vitalzym is in there. I’m going to take that all at the same time, a good four hours or more since I have eaten, which I finished eating before this program. So, hopefully, that helps you. Don’t worry about taking the progesterone capsule, that’s fine too.


“Second question: As an 83 yr. old woman, I find that I have to urinate more often (of course I drink a lot of water as prescribed by you) but there is often an urgency and nighttime bathroom use which disturbs my sleep (usually get up twice during the night). Besides Kegel exercises, I'm wondering if there are some herbs (bladderwrack?) that may positively address this problem.”


Well, I don't know if you've done this, but that Mona Lisa touches that, it's like getting a speculum put in the vaginal canal and it has a light, which is a light that stimulates the healing of the skin, and thickening to help the structure that the urethra goes through so that when you have more muscle to you know shut it with your Kegels, we get thinned out with aging. So light therapy vaginally, it's called the Mona Lisa touch. Dr. Mitchell can do that for you. Call the office and see if that might be a help to you. 


“My neighbor has bone spurs on his spine. Doctors want to do surgery. Do you have any alternative ways to help with those?”


There was a Swedish study on Vitamin MK7, the isoform of Vitamin K2, which is MK7. They used a very high dose. I think they actually used 45 milligrams which would be 4,500 micrograms. So, it was a high dose of Vitamin K2. And they looked over it for a period of time. The report was done in 2016, so I’m not remembering it quite well.

Nevertheless, the end results were there was a 52% reduction in calcification on the aortic leaflets in the root of the aorta, I mean, so vascular calcifying plaques are dramatically improved. That means it can help everywhere. Don’t take extra calcium supplements, eat healthy calcium in your diet. And then, through your meat, your fish, your chicken, and take enzymes, and be on a very low carb diet, EDTA chelation will help with that, and the MK7 with Vitamin D. That should help remodel it. 


“My husband’s nostrils seem to swell during the night during the colder weather. He wakes up unable to breathe and has to go to a recliner to sleep. Do you have any recommendations?”


Yeah, I would use the Argentyn Silver, that is the spray of the silver up his nose, morning and evening. Whether or not he has symptoms too. I would stop eating, absolutely at 5:30. And I would take systemic enzymes, high dose, on an empty stomach before bedtime. At least five Vitalzym, morning and evening on an empty stomach.

And then another thing he could do is take the Natural Clinicians Preference Oil, that's just like the capsule form that we have here. But this is the actual one that heals the membrane of the lining of our skin. And you could put, you know, take the cap off, put a drop on, and then you know I can moisturize my hands. And it'll be absorbed right away and it'll help the skin grow and fill in these holes here. So, he could rub this around his nose, and up his nose, he could put it on a Q tip and rub it there. It will smell like walnuts or something, but that’s okay. And then squirt his nose with the Argentyn Silver. That will help him stay moist and seal the very thin lining of his mucus membranes. I would get some towels, and two-bathroom towels wet them, and put them over a laundry rack to dry them so that the room humidity in your room will be more humid. Of course, he has to drink enough water, every day, half his weight as pounds every day, and low-carb. 


“What do you think about flaxseed oil with lignans?”


I love flaxseed oil, and it is a source of one of the linoleic acid components of the two human essential fatty acids. So, I think that's very fine.