HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, February 21 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, February 21 2023

February 23, 2023


“Can you find Ortho Digestzyme outside of a functional integrative doctor’s office clinic? I found it being sold on Amazon. Do you think it’d be safe? I just found out I’m blood Type A+.”


My suggestion is not to use Amazon. We don't know how long it's been left in some heated environment, on the back of a truck, wherever it’s been. Heat can destroy enzymes. So, Ortho Molecular products are only sold to physicians.

Now, I do have Ortho Digestzyme enzymes that are simple. It’s privately labeled. You could call the TLC Vitamin Shop at 714-544-1521 and can obtain fresh, properly managed, kept in a safe cool environment, all our nutraceuticals for your health and consumption.

Now, the Ortho Digestzyme is put out by Ortho Molecular. They want to make sure that their products are not sold on eBay or Amazon, abused, or stockpiled, or whatever happens in this world on the internet. They want to make sure that their quality assurance and effectiveness are not interrupted. So, from their production to their shipment to the physician, it is under a controlled environment. And that physician then knows they can dispense it to their patients. So that's, that's why we do that.

But since your blood Type A+, that's exactly what I just took. I took my Ortho Digestzyme Enzyme. I just used it because I ate right before this meeting so that I’m not eating last at night. 


“I was just told by my doctor that my liver enzymes are elevated, and I am concerned. These are the results of my last lab test SGOT (AST) is at 59 and SGPT (ALT) is at 97. What do you recommend for your patients to lower the enzymes?”


That’s not a very high level of elevator. The second is a mild elevation as well. 

I would suggest that you would take alpha lipoic acid. Alpha lipoic acid helps with sugar metabolism. It is a powerful antioxidant. And it is extremely supportive of liver function. I wouldn't drink any alcohol. I would probably go on a fast for 24 hours. And I would eat a healthy, simplistic, one-menu day, a rotational diet. We say a when menu day where if for instance, I just had salmon, I had broccoli, and then I had some wild rice. Now, a one-menu day would mean that I would have tomorrow, broccoli, salmon, and wild rice for lunch if I ate a lunch if I am eating two times in a 24-hour period. Then tomorrow night’s dinner I would rest. Maybe I would have chicken and green beans for dinner and then leftover chicken and green beans for the next day. So, notice how that is a one-menu day. It’s in a 24-hour period.

When you eat like that, your gut is not seeing a huge variety and it is very low carb. It’s much easier. I have a chicken/vegetable day, a beef/vegetable day, a salmon/vegetable day, a pork/vegetable day, and then I have an omelet day. Usually, it turns out, two days out of the week I wind up doing a 24-hour fast.

But the longer the short of it is alpha lipoic acid around 500 milligrams, twice a day, 400 milligrams twice a day, is very healing. There was a scientist physician, I can't recall his name but there is an amantadine poisoning, mushroom poisoning that occasionally kills young campers, Boy Scouts who accidentally eat amantadine mushrooms is extremely toxic. And he actually would eat amantadine and then during his lecture. He then would open up a pre-connected IV of alpha lipoic acid. He just wanted to show you how powerful it was and you can get it intravenously. You can also take it orally. I think that is what I would do.

I wouldn’t drink alcohol. I wouldn’t have a high-sugar diet. I wouldn’t eat late. And then, I would retest these liver enzymes for four weeks, for sure. If you are having pain, nausea or vomiting, anything like that, or fever, go to the Urgent Care or Emergency Room. These are not uncommon. Unfortunately, today we are seeing so many people eating so much high fructose corn syrup, so much high carb refined junk food, and sugary drinks that the children especially we're starting to develop non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and the adults as well. And we're seeing these mild elevations. It is from the high carbs in our diet. 


“I see a dermatologist a couple of times a year since I have had melanoma in the past. She does a very extensive exam of all of my spots. She measures any she finds questionable. She usually wants to scrape off a few spots. I always tell her to watch and wait. My question for you is if a spot is cancerous is there a chance that it will go away on its own? If I let her take all of the spots she wants to I would have scars all over my body.”


I'm not a dermatologist. Melanoma is a serious skin cancer. And squamous cell carcinoma is a serious skin cancer. Basal cell is more common. It is usually always a localized phenomenon, that doesn't spread. So, I would have to ask you to work with your doctor on this and let your dermatologist know you don't want to have scraping after scraping after scraping if it's not necessary. Ask an employee or doctor to be using a conservative approach without taking undue risks.

Now, on the other hand, I would encourage you to be very low-carb. We recommend our patients have a fasting blood sugar under 85. A triglyceride level that is equal to the HDL or lower, that's roughly around 50 or less. Because most people's HDL is around 50, or 60. But some people have a very good HDL and the 80s, 90s, and at 100. In general, we like the sugar, carbohydrates, and fruit sugars to be around 50. And the fasting insulin to be three or less. The hemoglobin A1C is to be 5.2 or less. And with that parameter given, I usually don't see people ever emerging or developing cancer. Remember insulin stimulates growth. And if you're eating a high carbohydrate diet, always calling for your pancreas to squirt out insulin, squirt out insulin, squirt out insulin, you're asking for hormone-based stimulation of growth in you. So, I would focus on that. You and your dermatologist should work out your concerns and so forth. 


“Should I take vitamins and supplements when I am fasting?”


I do. The only supplement I do not take when I'm fasting is my Ortho Digestzyme.

The reason is, I’m not eating when I’m fasting, so I don’t need to use a digestive enzyme. So, I would. And I do. 


“I recently began using estradiol and progesterone creams and noticed that my lymph nodes in my throat are a little painful. Is that possibly connected? If yes, should it resolve on its own if given time for adjustment?”


I wouldn’t think so at all. 

I think this is totally related to either the dryness or in the air, this time of year when we have our heaters on, the lack of humidity, always lets particles and stuff circulate longer in the environment rather than falling down and out of the environment. So, this is more allergens. This is more viral. And caused. I would never and have never associated estradiol progesterone, starting with any lymph nodes in the neck feeling sore. So, I wouldn't correlate those two. I have never seen it.

But of course, if things persist and so forth, I would always have things checked out with your doctor who gave it to you. But when I start my patients, I always have them follow up within roughly, you know, a couple of three months. So, I can see how the new usage is and if there are any questions just like this. 


“Is bone loss in the jaws common in postmenopausal women not receiving HRT? I just came across a study on osteoporosis but the authors were dentists and oral surgeons. The article didn't even mention issues in the mouth, just generalized osteoporosis and a friend of a friend is dealing with sudden issues with bone loss and teeth infections after a normal x-ray and regular dental care. I have been promoting seeking out care at your office for over a year because of her autoimmune issues.”


Part of bone health in the mouth depends on healthy dental hygiene, brushing your teeth twice a day using a soft brush, not a medium or hard brush because that'll traumatize your gums too much. It is also important to be on a low-carb diet. It is important to try and not to have these amalgams with these heavy metal toxins because every time you bite on it, every time you drink something hot, or soup, or eat a hot meal, that heat will excipient those, release those heavy metals, mercury in particular.

With that, it'll loosen those fillings and then your teeth will crack, bacteria can invade into the jaw, and into the bone. You can get this osteomyelitis cavitation. Oftentimes, if you have a root canal, they'll be on a 3D x-ray, pictures of a tooth that had a root canal and they will see these cavitations. And people, we are not chewing and biting down, there's about 40 pounds per square inch when we bite. And with that bite, it's, remember how I said stomping, stomping with your arm or your feet, biting down is also very good. There is a necklace that has a rubber loop in it. It helps you to chew and bite on it. That will stimulate the bone for growth.

A low-carb diet will do that. If you fast, I would say about 18 hours, then you are getting some secretion of growth hormones that are promoting the repair of bone tissue, collagen, elastin, and all these things that help us live longer and repair better. Exercise stimulates bone health, sudden stomping or hitting like a hammering, chewing/putting pressure, and hormones like estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone help it. DHEA helps it. All these things matter. Bone loss in the jaw is an increasing phenomenon. I think largely because of the high sugar contaminated foods that we are eating and oral infections that are low grade that are generating weakening of the bone and these fillings. So, hopefully, that is a help to you. 


“I am 84, B+ blood type, good health, slight frame. Had hysterectomy at 41 yrs old with endometriosis. Began Estradiol vaginal cream, USP, 0.01% 18 years ago twice a week. With osteoporosis, is it advisable to add Progesterone? If so, what and how much?? Is it essential to get a hormone panel done?”


Adding progesterone, the answer is yes. Well, there’s only one progesterone. There are not varieties. Now, the synthetic chemical companies, and pharmaceuticals, which I'm very skeptical of, they create things called Progestins. This is a whole group of synthetic mimicking progesterone chemicals. And if you can recall back to 2002, there was the Women's Health Initiative, one of the largest women's studies on hormones. And you know, it was very controversial when it came out in July of 2002. A lot of women became fearful of some of the initial statements about it. But analysis and scrutiny over the years looked at it and they found that the estradiol is really not associated with an increase in cancers of any sort. It actually had a cardio-protective effect. And the progestins were associated with an increased risk for breast cancer. The natural progesterone, and fortunately it was amazingly used in this study, was not associated with any of these harms. I believe any woman who has breast cancer, this is my personal belief, I am not an oncologist. But my personal clinical experience has been that natural progesterone is a natural modulator of estradiol. Therefore, all women who are concerned about their estradiol levels, should be advised that they should not drink any alcohol or be on a high-carbohydrate diet. They should be on a low-carbohydrate diet. Because alcohol is a carbohydrate as well. And they should all have progesterone to help naturally modulate it.

How much? Well, there are various ways you can do it. If you want to recreate what God did with the woman's cycle, a woman makes an initial buildup of the uterine lining called the follicular phase. And then, there is ovulation somewhere around day eight or 10, and the build-up of progesterone for about 10 to 12 days. This is called the luteal phase. During that time, estradiol has taken a drop but then has a slow bump up. So, women are making estradiol in biphasic ways with every month like that. Their progesterone is a single wave every month. And this is what I do, I take progesterone two weeks out of the month, and the last two weeks out of the month, I don't. I take my estradiol all the time, I don't vary it. I know of the protocol, but when it was just the manuscript, I was asked to read it. And I did back in the early 1990s. I went to our home. And we had talked, and she had a little female group thing about it. She was trying to recreate those higher estradiol levels and these biphasic levels of estradiol and these higher peaks of the progesterone. It was interesting, it was helpful. It’s very cumbersome. It’s very hard for doctors to put up with that who are not interested in nature. She would link it to the lunar phase, the moon counting of the days rather than the calendar, and oftentimes people would get messed up. So, I use calendars for the sake of understanding simplicity.

Number two, I use static dosing. For instance, I'll put a woman on 100 milligrams of progesterone, or 200, 300, or 400. And they're on that for the two weeks, and then they're off for two weeks. Or they just stay on the two to three to four hundred  progesterone all the time. That's to inhibit the uterus in the woman from developing a lining that is responding to the estradiol she is on. Because if you have a normal uterus, the lining of your uterus will respond to your estradiol, and it will develop a bloody lining that wants to shed itself. So, progesterone is designed to help shed that lining. So, women who are near 70 like I am, if we do this the fashion that I’m on estradiol all the time, my uterus will build up with some lining. When I start my progesterone on the first of the month to the 15th, this will signal the queen out of it, and then you'll have a very light menstrual cycle around mid-cycle every month. This way I know everything is normal.

So, I'm a postmenopausal woman who has menstrual cycles or bleeding every month, but it's not a cancer. And why is it not a cancer, because it is very well controlled, it is very predictable, and it is a natural hormone undulation that I would expect.

Now, if a woman is on continuous progesterone, and a continuous estradiol level, over time, and we do check this usually twice a year with our patients and I tell them, you have a normal uterus, and its possible at some point that you might have enough lining that eventually will build up and then you’ll get a little blood flow because you have a uterus. This does not mean as it did 40 years ago when I went through medical school that this is always a cancer. This is not the case anymore. Back in the 1970s, almost zero women were on natural hormone replacement therapies. So back then, if you did have a postmenopausal woman who hadn't had her period in years, then have vaginal bleeding, then we did become concerned. But that's not the way it looks to be today. So, if so many women are getting some anti-aging, bone-building heart health, immune health, mental health, sleep-enhancing health, skin integrity, cardiovascular health with these hormones and bone health. So, I would start with the 100 or 200-milligram range. And why not try and see if you can tolerate a very light predictable period every month? That’s what I offer. Some women say, “No, I don’t want that at all.” That’s when I tell them, if you're on a continuously, you may indeed get a little bit of a breakthrough bleeding, even still, and then we'll do a pelvic exam. Usually anyway, because all women on hormones should have a pelvic. And if all the two-year pelvic, somewhere in the year or two we do it, then we'll get an ultrasound every so often to see if that lining is building up or staying very low. 

Hormone panel, I think if you are going to be on hormones, your doctor and you should be tracking. You start it, get a panel in three months, and see what you have achieved. Then six months later, did it stay in that realm? At least once a year, or every six months for the first few years or so to make sure that there are several points connecting. Make sure you get a pelvic in that time. Maybe one ultrasound of the pelvis. 


“1. What do you think about taking a goat's colostrum? What are the benefits?


Well, this is the initial flow, breast milk has the colostrum in it, which is rich in all these wonderful fat-soluble vitamins, immunoglobulins, and immune protective information for the baby developing, the brain developing, all these wonderful things. I don't see any problem with taking goats colostrum, but I just don't know that you need it. I think if you do intermittent fasting, you're going to stimulate natural growth hormone, you're going to be getting autophagy, cleaning up of older cells that are going to be cleared up with autophagy. So, although I’m not against it, I don’t think you need it. 


“2. What do you sell/recommend to improve nitric oxide?” 


Regular exercise and HIIT training, which is high-intensity training. Let’s say you are walking a decent pace, but for 20 seconds you decide to walk much faster, break out into a job, and then just do these little spikes of higher intensity, walk for a minute, 20 seconds, whatever cycle you want to do. 3-minute walk, 30 seconds higher intensity. That is associated with nitric oxide production. Doing EDTA chelation is associated with enhancing nitric oxide. Using amino acid supplementation like L-arginine and L-citrulline. doing intermittent fasting or doing prolonged fasting is associated with it. I mean you could go on and on. So, that's what I would say.


“3. Do you recommend testosterone shots or natural testosterone for men in their sixties to improve overall well-being?”


I think you can do both. I have men who are on testosterone, and intramuscular shots once a week, or every 10 days, like the 1st of the month, the 10th of the month, and the 20th. I have men who take it once a week. I am men or take the testosterone every day. I have men who used to just Mondays through Fridays. I have men who have they dissolved a soft capsule, like a mint, and dissolved it under their tongue once or twice a day. There are various ways to do it. I’m not in any way at all in favor of pellets. They are adding something stuck under your skin, it’s foreign, and it reminds me of breast implants, and other implants. I just don’t like foreign stuff in the body. And once it’s in there, you can’ retrieve it if you have a problem. 


“4. Do you recommend Ozempic for weight loss? Is it safe?”


No, I don’t. I don’t think it’s been around long enough to say that it is safe. 


“I have recently recovered from Type A Flu in mid-December, 2022. Was treated by a physician assistant at an Urgent Care. Had chest x-ray & was negative for pneumonia. Was not informed of any other problems. Returned to urgent care for another x-ray 8 weeks later because of lingering non-productive cough, sinus congestion & occasional vertigo. Had another chest x-ray & attending M.D. stated negative for pneumonia, however, noted small nodule on right lung. He further stated he compared December x-ray with February x-ray & nodule has not appeared to change in size. Felt that if it was Cancer, it would have increased in size. What further lab and/or imaging tests should be done for more information re nodule? Still have fatigue, insomnia & occasional vertigo issues.”


This should be shared with your primary care physician who can monitor this with you, rather than whoever pops up at these clinics. They try to do the best thing. And if you're not the regular recurring doctor, you're going to be like an emergency room physician, you're always thinking what can be the worst thing. So, I don't miss it and warn the patient because I may never see them again. And that's kind of how I operated as the ER doctor. But as we all age, we're going to have nodules and cysts and lump-sum tags and things. It's just a part of aging. And the vast majority of all these are not concerning. But to have it repeated in over a period of time and they're stable is very reassuring. The mere fact that yours was about eight weeks apart, is a narrow window. I would probably see your primary doctor or anyone who is following something like this and have a longer-term repeat x-ray done, a simple chest X-ray. They can do a CT of this and look at it more discreetly if they have any concerns that it changed. I would work on this with your primary care doctor. But it sounds quite benign. It sounds quite stable.

We are in an environment as we age, our recovery time lengthens, and our fatigue lasts longer. And if you're not taking a diet that is low carb and has enough vitamin D it's going to be harder to recover. I don’t know your age or if you have other comorbidities hypertension, diabetes, asthma, or anything else. But this is why we should have a doctor that you can follow up with, and follow you through, and reassure you.

Anytime we get congested with allergies, the mucosa can swell, the sinus can get clogged, the pressure has to get absorbed bacteria try and grow, your high carb fungus can grow and the Eustachian tube can be clamped down and you can feel pressure in your ear. But the same thing can be happening deep in your ear, which are three loops in three different planes, horizontal, vertical, and then tangential loops so that when you turn your head one way, the water fluid flows in one direction when you lift it this way it flows this way, or you go without way it goes backward. So, it's always feeding back with a flow dynamic of the loops of Helene with little hairs in it. It’s sending information about your spatial orientation. As we get congested, these little areas become more sensitive and have less variability tolerances. And when you get less variability, less tolerance you can get maybe one loop is not flowing correctly and then your body is kind of like what's going on, what's going on. And your sense of balance orientation goes off. That's called vertigo.

So, eating a low-carb diet, drinking enough water every day, taking enzymes to clean everything up in our body on an empty stomach is extremely valuable, getting a good night's sleep, having an empty stomach long enough, try to be about 18 hours a day without eating so there is more time for cleansing in the body. 


“What are your thoughts on taking Magnesium L-threonate (2,000 mg) with L-theanine (200 mg) and Apigenin (50mg) for assisting with deeper and more restorative sleep?”


I think it is well-known magnesium is a muscle relaxer. With L-theanine is very helpful in neurocognitive, production, and neurotransmitters. The same with apigenin. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't take it, David. So, why not? 


“I have a friend who is fighting stage 4 renal cancer. It has spread to her liver and a small spot on her left lung. Is there anything you can recommend that can slow the process or help her in any way?”


There's a video out there called, Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease put out by Dr. Seyfried. He’s a super-duper biochemist and he's someone who puts out much of the research on these very serious dangerous cancers that usually are poor prognosis. Dr. Seyfried is well regarded for extending the life of these people on what we call the carnivore diet. The other thing is high-dose vitamin C research, the Riordan Clinic in Kansas has quite a few renal case studies reported. There is research on ivermectin and as a daily dose at about .4-milligrams or .3-milligrams per kilogram, use once daily. The association with that and some improvements. EDTA chelation therapy improves the microcirculation. Selenium. I would go to ACAM.org and try to find a doctor who is experienced with high-dose vitamin C, and intravenous therapy with chelation therapy and who would be willing to look up ivermectin and renal cancer research. It’s very promising. Who would be supportive of looking at cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease, with the very low carb, that's a carb limit of let's say 15 grams of carb per per day or less? Prolonged fasting, some people do a prolonged fast, like 21 days, they're on a water fast with multivitamins and minerals, and have had significant big breakthroughs. 

All of these things are metabolically typically oriented and stimulate autophagy through the low-carb diet. And also through suppressing growth-promoting factors such as insulin by the low carb, and fasting lifestyles. So those are the things I would look into. 


“My question is: Berberine seems to be so helpful.. could you share some specific benefits it has for us and why you use for your patients?”


Well, Berberine is an herb that they model the drug Metformin off of. So, they change the structure of the herb Berberine to a chemical a little different, so it can be patented. And it is associated with helping with the sugar metabolism in the human body. And the name of that medicine is called Metformin. Berberine is also associated with improved liver functions, probably largely because it helps the liver to process sugars. And I would say that's the greatest benefit, why I use Berberine every day of my life, our product is called TLC Metabolic Formula. And I use to twice a day. And you know, I enjoy fasting blood sugars that are nice and low. I think my last fasting blood sugar was 62. So, I feel wonderful all the time. 


“My daughter Megan has a damaged artery from having surgery on her lower right side which causes her leg to go numb. Orthomolecular has a new product for arterial health called GLYCOCALYX Pro And I was wondering if that would help restore a damaged artery or what you think of this product?”


I know of Glycocalyx Pro, it is partially some of those enzymes that we talked about that are in like Vascuzyme or Vitalzym. And yes, it is helpful. So, I would think it would be helpful. But you have to drink enough water. And you have to stop eating by six o'clock, You have to have an empty stomach for about 18 hours a day to stimulate the healing. So, you have to do many other things other than just take a product. That was called Glycolcalyx.


“Is there something that would cause an ANA test to read 1:1280 (speckled) but all additional blood tests for specific autoimmune diseases to be negative? Another question if possible, is having a b12 level of 1,566 pg/mL, something to be concerned about? I don’t take supplements that would cause it to be high. I actually have symptoms that would suggest low B12.”


My experience as a clinician of 41 years practicing, is that heavy metals, when I do EDTA chelation with anyone with antinuclear antibodies, I would say 99% of the time see it dropped dramatically, you know, after maybe about 10 or 15 IVs. So, I don't know if it was a recent dental work done. Were there mercury amalgams taken out? Anyway, that's what I have found.

B12 level, no, because it's water-soluble.

Okay, so you can have a higher measured level, but functionally, it's not getting to do all the work that needs to do. You might need also other B vitamins and you might need other trace minerals. You might need hydrochloric acid, and digestive enzymes to help in many ways. 


“Can you share your thoughts on the role and benefits Nitric Oxide has on the body and how best to maintain healthy levels through food and/or supplementation?”


I would do high-intensity training. You don't have to try and do it like an animal. But I mean, if you do a brisk walk, spring for 20 seconds, and you are doing that three times a week, weightlifting helps stimulate nitric oxide, EDTA chelation, and IV helps stimulate nitric oxide. L- arginine, the amino acid help stimulate it dietarily. L-citrulline seems to be even better than L-arginine. Certain herbs are helpful. I don't recall them right off the bat like this. But those are the things that I would do plus, a low-carb diet, fasting, and a good night's sleep. 


“Recently, functional medical doctors talk about HRV, heart rate variability.” 


That’s not recent. That’s been around for decades. 


“What is it exactly? Is it better to have high variability or low?” 


High variability is better. 


“Why is it important to monitor?”


Well, if you've ever watched a little baby, or you watch a very young child, and you're watching them sleep at night, and you can actually see the heartbeat, sometimes the little baby is so thin, you can actually see the chest pulsing. And when you take a breath in, the heart rate will start going quicker. And when you breathe out, the heart will slow. When you breathe in, the heart rate will go quicker, when you breathe out, the heart rate will go slower. So, the vagus nerve is very healthy and uninjured. And so, the vagus nerve is involved in this. And so, the sheath the lining of the fat is all beautifully insulated without these breaches, you know damages to the lining on it like in the picture there on the wall. So, heart rate variability shows that your system is ready to respond in a second to the changing environment. And that's a very healthy, healthy sign. And that has a great predictive value of good health. 


“Do you believe in the concept of ketosis? Do you ever eat any bread, ever?”


The answer is, yes. I do eat bread, sometimes. I do believe in ketosis. If I eat a piece of bread, it'll knock me out of ketosis for sure. You know, I probably have an 80/20 rule. 80% of the day. The 80/20 rule is what I live with usually. There are some people who are sensitive to grains that they can’t even tolerate an 80/20 rule.

I would say ketosis is going to be stopped because bread has a glycemic index of 100. As a reference point, it will stimulate so much insulin, and insulin is going to stop ketosis or fat burning. Ketones come from chopping up little pieces of fat into triglycerides and smaller ketone particles. And so, if you eat any carbohydrates, you're going to lose the ketosis. 


“Any tips to relieve headaches, migraines?” 


Well, it will sound redundant. Water. It's the number one thing I've ever seen to consistently impact headaches. So, half your weight in pounds, if your 150-pound woman, 75 ounces is the minimum you should be drinking a day. Number two, sleep. Get the electronics off, get the phone away from your head, and get the computer shut off. Get blue light in your lens to filter some of these electromagnetic frequencies to your eye gate. Go to bed more close to 9, 9:30. Try to get up at 4:30, 5. Exercise. Exercise is always associated with better circulation, reducing inflammation, and you'll have less vascular spasm contraction and swelling edema of the vasculature. A headache can be sinus, mediated, and spread. Or it can be the blood vessels. The brain, itself, has no pain receptors. It's the lining meninges and the blood vessels. That's why you get throbbing headaches. Because something irritated the lining of your blood, you could have eaten something, so food allergies, a wild entertaining diet of all kinds of things, or whatever you all want to eat is sure to trigger inflammatory symptoms in your body. So, if we eat more humbly, and we say I will have only real food, nothing packaged, I'll have a more simplistic steak and broccoli day. And I'll have a day where I'm having chicken and green beans. So, the less I'm asking this immune system to do, the less likely I'm going to trigger inflammation to the rest of my body. 

Magnesium, mineral deficiency is the number one for relaxing the smooth muscles in your blood vessel vasculature. Taking consistent magnesium is usually always helpful. What else? Low carb is a given. I think I've covered some of the major basic ones. Enzymes, if you do have a headache, you know rinse your nose with Argentyn Silver, drink plenty of water, and take 5 to 8 or 10 Vitalzym or Vascuzyme and fast for 24 hours. That usually knocks any headache out. 


“What benefit is there out there for a healthy 70-year-old woman who has gone through menopause to take hormones?”


There are all kinds of benefits. It is slowing aging. It will extend your life. It will build your bones. It will help your sleep become deeper and more restorative. You will feel more refreshed. It will sharpen your memory. It will improve your skin barrier and the function of your skin. It will help with the collagen, not only in your face and reduce wrinkles, but helps your joints and ligaments throughout your body to use your joints longer. It is cardioprotective. It is immune enhancing. It is emotionally stabilizing, just to mention a few. 


In the event of a nuclear radiation event, how much potassium iodide should we take? Do we double or triple during an event?”


Honestly, I would say 12.5 is plenty. I don’t think you need any more. I take that much every day myself. I have for years and years. At most, I would take 25 milligrams.