HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 17 2023

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 17 2023

January 18, 2023


“Does Turmeric really help with joint pain? Does glucosamine chondroitin help with arthritis and joint pain?”


The answer is yes. Turmeric is an extract from these root vegetables that have an anti-inflammatory action. And the question then comes is how good is the product from the plant and the extract quality? Is it of high quality, tested, and considered good manufacturing safe protocols? Is it clean? Does it have containments? These various things. Is it clinically tested? What is the milligram concentration? What is the capsule it is in and its ability to deliver, be absorbed, and assimilated? These are the various questions and that's why we are looking at things clinically here and testing them.

Glucosamine chondroitin sulfate, same issue. Glucosamine chondroitin sulfate, these are components that help to make up your cartilage. And hopefully, we would get them into our diet. You can augment that by taking it as a supplement. Again, who is the manufacturer? What is the quality? What is the facility? What is the milligram's strength?

And I want to say an overall thing as well, you cannot just take a supplement like curcumin, Turmeric, or glucosamine chondroitin sulfate and say I am taking this therefore my knee pain, my joint pain, my thumb pain, my hip pain should get better. Because if you're not drinking enough water if you are not stretching, if you're not getting a good night's sleep, if you're clogging up all your tiny capillaries with a lot of sugar, starch, food allergy, antigen, antibody complexes. Even if you have, you know, a depressed mood, angry disposition, all these things tend to impact. There are others as well, how old are you? Are you overweight to start with? So, when you say, will this help the joint pains, you have to have a clinician, a medical healthcare provider that is looking at all these things around you and honestly, lovely approach you with reality checks with your weight, hormones being brought in to help repair, how much water you are drinking, starch/carb/fruit sugar you are taking in? Going on a water fast, would that bring down other inflammatory markers? Do you have dental issues that are recreating low-grade, root canal or smoldering infections? Do you have a leaky gut that's creating chronic inflammatory problems that are creating an autoimmune phenomenon? Are you maldigesting your food? Are your enzymes systemic enzymes high enough to help naturally just inflame you? So, there are many many things that go in here.

So, there are studies on curcumin, turmeric, glucosamine chondroitin sulfate products that when they take under controlled situations, either in the labs with the animals or with human beings, and these issues are largely controlled for and then they bring in these nutraceuticals, then we do see outcome results that are documented that yes, turmeric does really help. Yes, Glucosamine Chondroitin does really help. I am going to say on the glucosamine chondroitin sulfate that this is usually a far longer term usage. We're talking months of usage that is regular and faithful with a healthy lifestyle to see the improvement. I see more immediate reactions with turmeric and curcumin. So, hopefully, that gives you an answer there. 


“I have a whole house water filter and a Kangen water filter. You mentioned that you have a Berkey water filter. Do you prefer that over the Kangen water filter? I know that the Kangen machine helps to hydrate us. What are your thoughts about these filters and what are your thoughts about a water distiller?”


I think I've answered this question before in the past. I like Kangen water. It hydrogenates the water. That means you are putting in a more net positive number of hydrogen molecules into the water you're drinking. Hydrogen has a positive charge, free radical species that are damaging and hurt the cell membrane and blow a little hole in the cell membrane, this comes from a negative ion and anion ion. These are usually always all reactive species that are unstable, not paired electrons, and they have a negative charge. Therefore, if you're drinking water that has extra hydrogen in it, which Kangen helps provide, then you are taking something that really works as an antioxidant in many ways. And so yes, I like the Kangen Water Filter. I think the company has its manufacturing and repair in Torrance, California, that's a little south of Los Angeles, a little north of us here. So, you have good supportive care there for your machine. So, I like it very much.

Now, being very busy, I do have the machine, the nicest one, and can take a lot of water. I needed to get it serviced. So, right at this moment, I don’t have it working for me. So, in the meantime, I do have a water filter for my house. And I have the Berkey filters, right here in my office and at home. So, I'm drinking filtered water no matter what, whether or not I get the benefit of the extra hydrogen is the question. I'll tell you one of the issues, I don't have a sample of it now. But I helped write a book, let me see. Wrote the forward to the book and endorsed it-- One of the scientists that I have worked with is Bob Centenary. Healthier, Better, and Longer is discovering the health-giving wonders of hydrogen. I have published on it and am very familiar with the value of hydrogen, and extra hydrogen atoms in the water.

This book we're going to have here I think, for sale. It's very readable. It's fun reading. And so, I prefaced the book, the book is just coming out now. And I wrote my endorsement of it for Bob Centenary, who I have done other publications and scientific work with. So yeah, water is very, very, very important.


“What do you think of all these lasers, and Botox treatments they are using on the face for wrinkles sunspots? There is a micro-needling laser where they take your plasma and then put it on your face. They call it the vampire facial. I’ve never had any of that done on my face because I’m afraid it will damage my skin. What are your thoughts about this?”


I need to do a study on these individual items, these lasers. Light frequency, infrared, and heat therapies, they penetrate the skin, and energy is delivered to the molecules there that can improve the blood flow, can heat the skin, and stimulate through tiny microdamage, the response for healing, which will help tighten up the skin. Now, all my life I have done the EDTA chelation therapy, the low-carb diet, taking enzymes, using my natural hormones, drinking enough water, and taking vitamin C. And a high dose of vitamin C also provides hydrogen molecules too. So, I think for not having any time to take care of myself, I never do beauty things, I never go shopping, I don't go to a hair salon ever, ever, never. Maybe two, or three times in my lifetime, not even from my wedding. I did my own hair for my wedding. And you know just beauty has never been something I focused on. I don't do my nails or anything. Maybe I should but I think I've turned out okay by just letting my own hair be itself and my skin didn't wrinkle that much. And I did smoke quite a bit of cigarettes when I was young and through college. I stopped with my son when he was born when I was 28. And then, for 20 years, I didn't touch them. And then, with the stress of work and opening this clinic, I did go back to smoking. And then, I was able to kick it again. So, for all those years of smoking, and stress, I'm really reasonably happy with how well I turned out.

So, I have to say chelation therapy, vitamin C, nutrients, enzymes, natural hormones, water, hydrogenated water, and exercise, all these things did make a big difference and helped me. I do not jump on the bandwagon of new things very easily at all. So, if you're talking about Botox with laser, and these treatments, I am going to stand back and watch these women for 20 years because there are side effects to Botox long term. I don't think they're quite that open about that. I would have to read. I would have to look back at some of the literature. But I remember being concerned when I did do some reading on it maybe five or six years ago. I would have to up my reading on that. 


“How many mg of the Vitalzyme do you recommend? There are 2 choices, 168 and 1,550 mg. Also, is there a safer alternative to pull out metals other than EDTA? Does chelation cross the blood-brain barrier to remove the metals deposited in the brain or the metals just over time move out of the brain as the burden is lessened?”


In general, it is felt that your body tries very hard not to move toxic materials around, as little as possible. So, the greatest depository for these toxins would be slow-turnover tissues like your bone and your fat. And this is where the most goes. Now, we do know it does cross the blood-brain barrier, heavy metals. I do believe that EDTA chelation impacts the blood-brain barrier and the total body reduction in heavy metals creates a pressure you might say for the body to allow itself to detox. So, whether or not that EDTA actually crosses into the brain, I think needs to be more studied, with very little as being spent on natural things. But in the 60-plus years, I've been around EDTA chelation, you have to remember my grandfather was chelated and my parents were chelated. I started chelating when I was 16 years old. So, I was five to seven years old when I first started being around chelation therapy. And being about 70 years old now, you can see I’ve been around it a long time. So, there's no harm that I've seen from chelation. I've only seen benefits.

Now, I don't use the highest dose that you can use. The calculation allows me to go up to 50 milligrams per kilogram. I never use that high dose. I believe in a slower, more steady, gentle detoxing. Are there other chelating agents? Yes, there is cilantro, chlorella, and volcanic ash that is used. I forget the name of that product. What is the name of the volcanic ash extract? Anyway, there's DMSA and some of these other items. They all have side effects and they all have never been used to the degree that chelation has worldwide, hundreds and millions of doses. So, if cilantro was so great, if chlorella was so great, if penicillamine was so great, if DMSA was so great, volcanic ash zeolite, that’s what it is. Zeolite. All the great stories. We have so many patients who have improved cardiac perfusion and nuclear scans. We have diabetic toes and ulcerations that would have been amputated and improved. We had dementia, and Alzheimer patients on Aerosoft and other medications come off of it and are restored to their work and their leadership roles. We have angina improvement. I've seen so many wonderful things from the use of this. I've just never seen anything come as close to being so valuable to improve circulation, improve nitric oxide production, and improve the organ tissue of the whole body at the same time. So, that's how I feel about it.

Now, Vitalzyme, what do I recommend? I like the higher dose of Vitalzyme. This is largely because as we age, our ability to produce systemic enzymes and repair, the micro-damage of the daily life and trauma we go through on a microscopic base needs more enzymes. And so, I would take a higher dose than the low dose. Now, the owner of Vitalzyme came from Japan to see me because I guess I am one of the most widely distributed of Vitalzyme in the United States. And I told them, the cost was challenging for the higher dose, Vitalzyme XE 180. And he, therefore, made a lower dose for that reason. But I found that really the higher dose was what made the big difference in the inflammatory markers and health of my patients. So, I'd go with the higher dose. 


“My husband is 75 years old and in generally good health, but he has had persistent Afib for about 8 years. He takes levothyroxine and liothyronine for his hypothyroidism. He also takes digoxin .250mg./day) for his heart. He and I go to a functional medicine doctor where we live who is monitoring his health. We told the doctor that all previous visits with cardiologists all recommend prescription blood thinners for his Afib to reduce the probability of stroke. But instead of taking prescription blood thinners, he takes Vitamin E Gamma and mixed tocopherols (300mg/day); C LA (1200 mg./day); Nattokinase (6000 FU/day); Vitamin D3 (6000 IU/day); Flax seed oil (1 TBL/day); Fish oil (1300 EC/day); and 1 baby Aspirin per day. He recently visited another cardiologist, who claims that there is no proof that these supplements actually thin the blood enough to reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke. He said his heart is in very good shape for having had Afib for a long time. He mentioned that there is a procedure called the Watchman which can be done to reduce the probability of blood clots leaving the heart and would not require the use of prescription blood thinners afterward. He has not had the COVID vaccine but had COVID twice since 2020. So, my question is: Are there any documented studies that prove the benefits of natural blood thinners, and is the Watchman procedure safe as the device is supposed to contain nickel, which may be a health risk?”


So, I am going to say you're never going to see studies that look at natural products like the nano kinase, fish oil, the vitamin E gamma with mixed tocopherols, the flaxseed oil, and baby aspirin. Now, there have been large-term studies on baby aspirin. But those studies in general were found to be insufficient to be associated with clot prevention to the degree they felt necessary with people who have AFib. Because atrial fibrillation has a disrupted dysregulated blood flow. This chaotic blood flow in the atrium could coagulate and create a blood clot that might then be sent to the lung or sent out through the left side of the heart to the system and the rest of the body and create a problem, a stroke. That's where the problem is. We don't have these studies and finances. It is a captured organization, in my opinion. The NIH, the FDA, the CDC, and HHS, they are just doing the bidding of a multibillion, trillion-dollar businesses in the pharmaceuticals. So, that is why the cardiologist said there aren't any studies that would challenge this.

Now, you have to say then, but why are so many people using this? So, when I practice medicine here, I tell people what the cardiologist said, there are no studies that would be reliably referred to that would show the vitamin D, the nano kinase, all these other items stopping blood clots in the same manner in which the Warfarin, all these other types of prescription anticoagulants work. And there are many of them now. And I tell them, the standard of care is that they go on these things and that they follow their cardiologist's advice. I am not going to go against the cardiologist.

But I have many patients that refuse to listen to their cardiologist. And they have chosen instead didn't drink enough water, this is one of your best anticoagulants, water. And so, I've had a countless number of AFib patients who have chosen not to follow the advice of their doctor or myself who encourage them to use the standard of care, but I'm not going to abandon them. And so, I follow them, and they are taking responsibility for their own health. I document well in the chart that I didn't say to do this in exclusion of the standard of care. And what I have found over 40 years is, I just say these things seem to do a very good job. I can't think of anyone that had a stroke as a result of choosing instead to just use all these natural things. Now they had to really live a healthy lifestyle. And they did live a long, long time. So, you have the clinician and their experience, and a well-informed patient who was to take responsibility for their own choices. And you have people like myself, who have seen countless cases of people who understand they have to be serious about their health, taking the supplements, drinking their water, lowering the sticky carbs, exercising, and then voila, they seem to do just as well, if not better, because many of these people who just take drugs eat a poor life and who are inactive. And they, in my opinion, if we could ever do a study, they don't do as well. So that's my experience. 

And to this watchman procedure, there are devices that they can put in your inferior vena cava. These are like little drains like you would have in your sink to catch food particles so it doesn't go down the drain and then you can put it in your garbage bag. We have things like fat that we can put into the large blood vessels to prevent a blood clot from dislodging and creating a problem. I've never heard of this thing called the watchman as a device. But I think that's what you're talking about. That may be the new marketing name of it. I have never in long term seen a problem from it unless your husband has known nickel allergies. One of the things a healthy lifestyle does, and chelation does, is chelation therapy itself is acting somewhat as an anticoagulant itself. And we would do PT PTT tests on patients when I worked back at the Great Smokies Medical Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina on Patton Avenue. And it showed a nice decline, maybe not as much as you would with Warfarin and the others, but there was a consistent anticoagulant effect that's written in the literature on EDTA chelation. So, I'm not going to say that the device is wrong to use. There are some people that need things like that. You're going to be breathing in aluminum and stuff every day. So, we have to be practical and not too worried about the tiny effect and we can measure it on the nickel as well. 


“What's the reason for an abnormal pap smear for a healthy female in her 40s if her HPV test is negative and BV is negative also? Any supplements you would recommend?”


Well, it could have been a lab error in the reading of the Pap smear. Nothing's perfect. No human is perfect on the earth. It's unlikely that there's anything serious. You would have to work with your gynecologist and talk about the type of abnormality on the pap they're talking about. If they see you know, a class 1, 2, 3 changes of a tibia, then you have to be very serious about repeating this. Do a better look at the cervix and sampling and so forth. I would say it's unlikely if both you and your husband are monogamous and if you're not using condoms that have an allergic reaction to your mucosal surfaces. That goes for instrumentation for activities, you know, there are various things people are doing in the privacy of their bedroom today. And so, there are dyes and latex and things on some instrumentation in the bed activities that could be irritating, allergic reactions can cause some atypia in the cells. But if you're not doing any of those things, then I would just follow up with your gynecologist. They're probably going to have you repeat this in a month or two. And it'll probably come back normal if you're monogamous and practicing, without condoms and it should be fine.

A lot of women are using deodorizers, douches, and things that have chemicals and fragrant odors to them, these are foreign and I would not be doing anything that is unnatural. I would be low-carb. I would drink plenty of water. I would exercise. Get a good night's sleep. Take your vitamin C, your multivitamin, and your enzymes. And let's see what the next Pap shows in a month or two, okay? It could just be a lab error. 


“Started getting rosacea a few years ago and it is now taking over my cheeks. What do you suggest?”


You know, the microcirculation looks like it's even higher because of the blood trying to get rid of an invading irritant in this region. And so, they often treat with antibiotics, long-term topical, doxycycline, antibacterial. But if you fast for two days, go on like a water fast. If you do some EDTA chelation. If you take systemic enzymes. If you do the food allergy testing, you should see on a fast it immediately improves. and you can take your Vitalzyme or Vascuzyme. Because very often it is a gut reaction, autoimmune. Our skin, we're touching, we're putting makeup on. We're doing peels now. And one of the other questions was about these laser treatments to the skin. I'm frankly, I do nothing to my face. I actually don't wash it, I don't do anything. I only want to shower does anything touch my face. And otherwise, water touches my face and a pat dry towel. Nothing goes on my face. We were designed to heal. We were designed to repair on our own. I chelate regularly. I drink my water and take my enzymes. My fasting blood sugar, I just did those labs and they came back since our last visit. My fasting blood sugar was 62. My hemoglobin A1C was 5.0. I think my triglycerides were 60 something also. You can see that I’m very, very low carb, I do fasting intermittently, and I get a good night’s sleep. I work out five times a week. I don't put soap on my face and wash my fat oil away. And I do believe that part of my complexion has been good to me all these decades is because I let the body do the healing. I don't try and assist it along with anything or wild makeup or peels or any of that stuff.

So, try fasting. Do a food allergy. If you went carnivore for three months, that is a good thing to try and make that go away. The biggest eliminate diet is the carnivore diet. Find out your blood type, and see if that is a help to you. Use the enzymes, Vitalzyme or Vascuzyme. And follow up with your doctor. Let’s see how that works. 

I don’t like distilled water. It’s what we call dead water. It has no minerals in it. If you have distilled water, I would buy some pink Himalayan salt or something like that has minerals in it. I would put a dash in any glass I drink. 


“Cramping/Spasms occur in my Legs (not Quads) / Feet while sleeping at night. When practicing Yoga, my Liver area (while holding bending positions) and Legs (not Quads) / Feet / Hips also experience this Cramping / Spasm. Since I urinate clear liquid consistently throughout the day, I know my Reverse Osmosis Water Hydration is sufficient. I adhere to the Carnivore Diet, Workout-Stretch 2x/Day, and FAR-Infrared Sauna 3x-4x/Week. Supplements include Juice+, DHEA, PEOs, TLC Methyl, TLC Metabolic, L-Glut, Thyrotain, Gult IV 1x/Week, and EDTA IV 1x/Week. I drink Coconut water occasionally to replace Electrolytes. I am working with my Dr. to reverse Hypothyroidism, Homocysteine & Parkinson's. Do you have any suggestions to prevent future occurrences?”


Salt. I use pink Himalayan salt. And I have found that that helps me with my leg cramps. As we age, all the cell membranes, we're going to have more and more of these cell membrane damages like you can see here, this little blowout right there. And so, life is about repairing it with the fat and protein. And our bioaccumulation of these little injury centers is worse as the day progresses, mostly cramps occur at night or right before bedtime. And so, potassium is very important magnesium calcium, so I do take the TLC Multi Min. You might try this, three of them every evening after dinner, and put some pink Himalayan salt in your water. Because it does sound like you're doing everything else beautifully. I trust your low carb and see if that helps. 


“How does stress impact your whole body and physiology? What illnesses does it cause?


Well, that's a textbook on American medicine and physiology and stuff. So, in general, stress creates a high cortisol output from your adrenal glands. That cortisol will mobilize your glycogen and get you a squirt of sugar if you haven't eaten and you need sugar immediately for running or fleeing a stressful situation. So, the cortisol goes up it mobilizes glucose. And in our world today, in which we're really not being chased by lions, tigers, and bears, we instead are having more emotional and psychological stressors, workplace stress, family home stress, the news media, and things stressing us. So, this chronic hyper cortisol production in our body is like creating this sugar metabolism errors and all the thing that goes along with improper glucose utilization. It also is associated with burnout in the sense that your adrenals can only produce so much, and then they fatigue and burnout, and then you become unable to respond appropriately with cortisol when you do need it. And you could develop the fatigue and the wasting from that.

The other thing is part of the adrenal stress is with electrolyte metabolism and balance. Another thing would be with the hyper cortisol, the high glucose, you get a fat accumulation, and you cannot lose weight with a high cortisol effect. It has a depressing effect on your immune system, your white blood cell count is diminished. And so, you can get more chronic viral illnesses. So, it just goes on and on. 

That's why we need a good night's sleep. That's why we need our Bible to read. And then to give it up to God and do the best we can to honor Him and to serve his creation and those around us that He died to save. So, lifestyle behaviors that promote exercise help reduce these patterns of routine, so you have a good bedtime, you have good hydration, you have good exercise, you keep your sugars, and starches under a controlled parameter, a time of eating, a time of fasting every day. And then, as we age and our cells are having harder times repairing from the damage, helping yourself with digestive enzymes, helping yourself with the B vitamins for the stress, helping yourself with extra vitamin D, a good multi-mineral, antioxidant. Vitamin C is very important in cortisol management in the body's core, so I would take extra vitamin C every day. So, those are some ideas.


“Can a kidney stone dissolve on its own drinking tons of quality water, not eating oxalate fruits and veggies, and drinking lemon water and Apple cider vinegar? VS having a shock therapy procedure. I take TLC Multi Min but wondering why the boron and vanadium are included.”


The answer is, reasonably yes. The answer to that is yes because the apple cider vinegar has the acid. The lemon juice has the citrate in it. The citrate helps mobilize oxalates. So, the answer to that question is yes.

I just think most Americans don't drink enough water and the flow dynamics of the kidneys tend to be sluggish with our bad food system promoted by our institutions. So just drinking more water is clearly the largest solution but I'm in no way against you using apple cider vinegar or putting you know a couple of ounces of lemon in your water. 


“Versus having shock therapy procedures lithotripsy. I take TLC Multi Min. But wondering why boron and vanadium are included. ”


These are known trace minerals that are very important in various aspects, most notably bone development, vanadium, and sugar metabolism. So, that's why they're added.


“Is it better to dry fast or water fast? If you dry fast, how long should you go without water?”


She’s talking about not eating. I have never recommended a dry fast. I can't think of a time I ever saw it do anything better or superior. I don't think I've seen any research or article promoting or comparing the benefits of dry over a water fast, so I would stick with water fasting completely. 


“You have mentioned people with the autoimmune disease go on a three-month carnivore diet and then start a reintroduction of other foods afterward to find out their sensitivities and which foods cause inflammation. Can you explain what the three-month carnivore diet would consist of, what a person would eat for three months — which meats? Shellfish? Organ meats? Any greens at all? Fruit?”


A carnivore diet is an animal product-only diet now. I also like eliminating dairy essentially on a carnivore diet. Just because there are so many things in dairy, that are corrupted, very often we don't get raw dairy. And so, when I say a carnivore diet, I'm talking about eating grass-fed beef, wild-raised, Prairie raised poultry, wild-caught fish, and crustaceans, and wild-raised ham. And so, having shellfish and beef and hamburgers and steaks and lamb and ham and salmon and cod and tilapia, haddock, eggs, hard-boiled, chicken. And then having primarily when I do this, I use a lot of butter, I warm it up, and I don't use a microwave. And I'll add garlic to it or I'll add some salt, garlic salt in it. And I'll create these little dips and flavors in my butter. So, that is a carnivore diet from the wild raw caught sources. 

Because of the corruption of the industrialized farming and agriculture, all these GMOs are eaten by these poor cows that are shoved up this corn which isn't what they would normally eat. And then, that cow lectin, that cow glyphosate gets into the tissue of the beef, so I would not eat it. And you're eating what their cow ate essentially. So, wild free range, totally, beef, poultry, fish, crustacean, pigs, ham, is what I recommend.

And that gets all of the plant kingdoms, all the lectins, glyphosate, and genetic modifications out of the system. And since you're composed of a double bilipid, phospholipid layer, and this is rich in the liver and the organ meat, and the fish and the chicken and all of this, then you can repair all this damage to the lining of your gut where 80% of your immune system lies. And then, in those three months, you should perceive long-term enduring energy, less gas, bloating, and general healing. 

There's a book out there by Judy Cho, she wrote a book called, Carnivore Cure. She did a great job. She has a lot of recommendations there. When you finish a one-month, two-month, or three-month carnivore diet, I would not jump willy-nilly into anything processed. I would stay away from processed food all the time. You know on the holidays, I had some popcorn. I did have some Cheetos on New Year's Day. And then, I did my five-day water fast. But processed food is horrific. And when you come off a carnivore diet, try and come off of it eating in a manner of adding in a certain vegetable, you know, the broccoli, asparagus, green beans, Brussel sprouts, spinach family and rotate it. So, one day you have broccoli, the next day you have spinach, the next day you have green beans, the next day you have asparagus, and so forth. It can take four days, maybe even five for you to develop symptoms from a food group. So, you don't want to eat broccoli, broccoli, broccoli, broccoli, broccoli. You want to have a broccoli day. And then keep a calendar of it on your calendar, mark it off. When you start coming off the carnivore and you see a pattern that midweek you are always tired and find every Saturday you have yams or potatoes. It might take you four days, by Wednesday for your joints to develop a reaction to the nightshades that are in the eggplant, potato, and bell pepper family. That is the recommendation that I would have you do there. 


“I am following up on a few responses you made last Tuesday. I have been considering how to include more saunas in my week. I was thinking perhaps a few 20-minute saunas could be beneficial with my usual weekly 35-minute sauna. But would that really be beneficial if I don't usually start sweating until minute 12 -15? On the sauna topic, do you recommend fasting beforehand? Do you recommend any specific minerals/supplements to replenish with afterward? Someone else asked about the best steps to take when feeling ill. Along with your multiple great suggestions, you discussed fasting and said broth could be consumed, but not bone broth. Can you please elaborate on why you don't recommend bone broth?


The answer is yes, your body will acclimatize and it will start sweating more as you are consistent. 

I don’t know that I have seen enough data or references that eating before or after makes a difference. I will tell you, physiologically, if you eat before, close to 1/3 of your blood volume rushes to your stomach so that the skin benefit and the sweating out of fat will be diminished because you're taking away so much blood supply from your skin.

I think putting a dash of Himalayan sea salt in your water afterward because you're sweating out minerals, and salt, potassium, and sodium, and chloride. And I take my TLC Multi Min every evening. That is when I typically do my sauna.

Well, for the initial phase of any illness or injury, you want all your blood supply going to the part that's hurting or the area of your body that needs more white blood cells brought to them. So, eating is a challenge for anyone coming down with the flu and illness and so forth. Even trauma, even post-surgically. So, I think a day or two of being on a clear liquid diet with just broth. And bone broth has the fats and the protein in it, so it’s food. That’s why.

Once you have done a day or two on a clear liquid diet, and then you want to take the bone broth, it's a very good thing to do on day three let’s so. 


A new question: what is your opinion of Humic and Fulvic acids? They carry plant-based ionic minerals. Are they already included in your supplements and I just don't realize it?”


Well, when leaves and stuff and everything die on the forest floor, the plants are eaten up by fungus. And this fungus eats up the leaves and breaks them down. That is where we get this fulvic acid and the mineral release from all the plant material. We can't digest plant material. There are a lot of arguments that getting fulvic acid as a supplement is helpful. I've never found it to be something that I needed in any situation. So, I just don't add it to the protocol. I'm not saying it isn't something that may have a benefit, but it's esoteric. It's a very low-impact piece of data. This is more for the I think the floor of the forest than it is for us. We're dealing with aerobic metabolism oxygenation. 


“My question is if there is a way to tell if you have Crohn's disease for certain without invasive tests. I was told by a Gastro doc that I may have Crohn's but didn't want to do the follow-up diagnostics to confirm. Now I have a gastric ulcer that seems to be bleeding and is causing a lot of pain. I have a history of H.Pylori and gastritis...wondering if the ulcer could possibly be related to inflammatory bowel or if the H.Pylori could cause Crohn's it seems like they are all related and if you have any specific diet and supplement recommendations.


Well, typically they do the trans-glutamine assays. Tissue trans-glutamine is a blood sample, TTG for Crohn’s. And they'll do other blood tests looking for these chronic inflammatory problems. So, your gastroenterologist would know this.

The other thing is using a fast to rest the bowel from all of us work for 24 to 48 hours, and then using the use the powder form of the probiotic 225, and we mix it with the immunoglobulin IGA powder. And so, we mix these two together, morning and evening. You can do it three times a day. Along with the fats. These are the fats, the BioPC Pro phospholipids, with the immunoglobulins, with the probiotic. And we take a scoop of each of these, these are packets, there's only 14 of these in here. After you're done with these, this will last you for a couple of few months. We then go to the capsule form. But you're welcome to stay on this longer. That usually calms down, we would do a complete digestive stool analysis, and we do your food allergy. And remember what you're trying to do is repair this with the phospholipids that I showed you in that jar and the proteins. Phospholipids, this is a protein fatty by a lipid membrane. And these are the little damaged sites that you're trying to fix. Whether it's the H Pylori, whether is an injury site that a food you're eating so you need the food allergy done with a complete digestive stool. Start off with a 24 to 48-hour water fast, then go to these protein drinks twice a day, and really the carnivore diet is the quickest healing diet there is. Get that book, Carnivore Cure by Judy Cho. You will be blessed with that. 


“What could cause very cold hands and feet?”


Well, usually that's hypothyroidism. Very often there can be noted especially if you have just eaten and all your blood rushes to your gut. And that is associated often with certain autoimmune phenomena, renounce diseased organ syndrome, and the various kinds. You should see your doctor and have them look at these find out your blood type, EDTA chelation microcirculation certainly will help you. Get some healthy T3 thyroid and drink plenty of water. Start a regular exercise and get a sauna. Do that four times a week for about 20 minutes. 


“Okay to drink soft water (due to high BP) which utilizes salt crystals to soft water?


I don't like reverse osmosis soft water for drinking. I filter mine and I put it through the Berkey filter. So now I'm not in favor of drinking it because you need to drink a lot of water especially if you have high blood pressure. But you really have to cut your carbs and you really have to start learning how to eat in an eight-hour, six-hour window. And only eat between noon and 6 p.m. Exercise, and take enzymes, and that should help it. No, I don't like soft water to drink. 


“My 2-year-old grandson regressed after his 12-month vaccinations. My daughter has since stopped vaccinating all my 3 grandbabies. What can she do to help detox his little body? She has been using a type of zeolite spray that has gotten excellent reviews.”


Yeah, there is a book out there that just came out called, Warrior Mom. This is a story of a woman, military too, ex-military, who fought to find out what to do for her regressed child, and all her troubles. And she wrote this book, Warrior Mom. I would get that. It’s brand new. She has all the new links. She has Bobby F. Kennedy Jr. and his Children's Health Defense. Go the ChildrensHealthDefense.org. And you can see a lot there, lots of recommendations on that, besides the book. Then go to Barbara Fisher. Barbara Fisher, her son was injured in 1986. And she started the National Vaccine Information console. And let me see what the name of that is, just a second. National Vaccine Information Center, National Vaccine Information Center. NVIC.org. Another place to look for is the High Wire with Dell Big Tree.

I would start at those sites and start reading about them. There's a lot you can do. The diet is the number one thing. And absolutely non-processed food diet, a very simple whole food diet. Chicken, fish, beef vegetables, and maybe some berries only. Nothing from the grains at all, no dairy at all. So, this would be the beginning point. And those are some good sources to get books on this on the vaccine-injured child.

And let me know next week what you found and if those references I gave you were any help. 


“What can I do for tennis elbow? It’s been a year and won’t heal, both elbows.”


Well, number one you got to reduce the elbow. So, stop the tennis. That sudden deceleration is putting a jerk on the tendon adhering to the part of the condyle there and you have to stop that sudden deceleration. Absolutely. And it takes about a year to heal the tendon insertion there. So, find another fun sport in the meantime.

Number two, I would immediately start fasting. So, you're only eating between noon and 6 pm or start off with a 24-hour water fast. And then start checking those Vitalzyme like five twice a day and drink half your weight in ounces every day. Don't eat past six o'clock. Stay away from processed food, grains, and dairy. And see if the fast for a day or two and the enzymes and you suddenly are going, wow I feel better immediately. That's what I would do.


 “What can I do to help bloating? Sometimes I get a pain in my left intestine in one spot, mostly after I eat carbs, like bread.”


I would fast. I would start learning to embrace self-deprivation and do a water fast for 24 hours, as long as you are not a diabetic or some other rare specialty issue. Most people can do a water fast and you can start out by doing intermittent fasting. I would avoid grains completely like I said to the other patient all dairy. And try and eat a very limited diet, lowering those carbs and starches, and you should see that go away. You could take probiotics is probably a very important as well. I don't know if I emphasize that enough. And drink plenty of water, and start walking, exercise regularly. And you should see improvement there.


“Is the Vitalzyme about the same as taking Vascuyme?


Vascuyme and Vitalzyme are systemic and wonderful. They are very good. They are both very equivalent. But Ortho Digestzyme is to be taken with food to digest the food.


“I have a wart between my thumb and my index finger that returned after 30 years. It hurts terribly, and freezing it at the doctors does nothing. I work with my hands as an esthetician massage therapist.”


I would use Argentyn silver. I would go on an extremely low-carb diet, fasting because that also stimulates autophagy to chew it up. If you can do a one, two, or three-day water fast once a month, and then a very low-carb intermittent fasting, even a one-day every-week fast, that will help it. And just soak that with the Argentyn. And that should really help it out.

If not, you've got to see your dermatologist. 

It probably came back because the older we get, the more we all move towards diabetes and we listen to our doctors that do our corrupt lab test ranges that are just averages. People are getting away with thinking that a fasting blood sugar of 97 is normal. It is not. It is pre-diabetes. Sugar will always promote viral irritation and growth. 


“I am now in PT for a spiral femur break. I have noticed my leg is swollen from the PT. I've been taking two Vascuyme each morning since November. Can I Increase?”


Yes, you should be able to take five twice a day on an empty stomach. Try that and see if that will help it. And stay on that for a few weeks and see if it isn't much better.