YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 30, 2024
February 1, 2024
“Dear Dr. Ellithorpe, my friend had pericarditis in 2020, and a year ago had it again. Just last week, she started to feel the same symptoms, extreme fatigue and weakness. Her doctor advised colchicine, but she doesn't like taking pharmaceutical drugs. Could you suggest something for the inflammation that would be an alternative? Thank you.” [0:04:41]
Well, all the healthy lifestyle. She has to eat real food and stay away from everything processed and ultra-refined food. So, a real piece of meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, a real piece of vegetable, and a real salad, and a real glass of water. Not eating past 6 o’clock in the evening, getting out and taking a walk as tolerated, or exercising with some resistance training, and being extremely low carb. And the systemic enzymes act as anti-inflammatories. We would use Vitalzym or Vascuzyme here, systemic enzymes, and taken on an empty stomach twice a day where there's no food to digest in your stomach, like first thing in the morning and the last thing before you go to bed. If you took five or six capsules, and then that anti-inflammatory, along with the correct amount of water, take about half your weight in pounds as ounces of water every day, that's a very good starting point to help with that. And find a doctor who is a functional doctor who will check fasting insulin, triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, and hemoglobin A1c, sedimentation rate, a D-dimer maybe. D-dimer is associated with the inflammation of sticky blood sugars, sticky carbs, and inflamed blood prone to clotting. So, a D-dimer Hs-CRP, things like that.
“I got quadruple heart bypass surgery in September 2022. Docs tried several different statins – which cause muscle and joint problems. Now, they want to try some weekly or monthly injections of something else to minimize cholesterol. Can I use Detoxamin in conjunction with these meds? What other supplements should I use or other advice? Other advice?” [0:06:49]
The answer is, yes. Well, you have to follow your doctor's advice, your cardiologist's advice. But I am not a fan of statins. The YouTube video that you might consider watching by Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. David Diamond is called High Cholesterol Is Good For You - because you have to remember, these cell membranes that have been injured in your heart or the lining of your blood vessels, these cell membranes have a tremendous need for cholesterol in them and the essential fatty acids, phospholipids, and that is only going to come to you if you're eating real food and stay away from packaged food. The inflammation that is associated with the cause of damage to the endothelial lining would be helped with adequate water. The inflammation from sticky sugar and food allergies would be helped with eating a one-menu day on a rotation so that you would assign day one to be maybe beef and broccoli for dinner, and then you make enough so you could have it pre-ready to warm up for your lunch the next day. Notice I said ‘no breakfast’ because we believe intermittent fasting is very helpful also to disinflame your body, to detoxify. So, eating only a two-meal day in a window of time, no further than six hours, depending on your unique situation. If you're an insulin-dependent diabetic, of course, your physician would have to help you with this, but it is possible to achieve. And adequate water, half your pounds of weight as ounces of water every day. Moving to a carnivore diet would probably frighten your cardiologist, but it will greatly disinflame your body, reducing your fasting sugar, which is associated with cardiovascular disease. All diabetics have high average blood sugars, and they're associated with the increased clear risk of having a vascular disease. It's one of the down-the-line side effects of being a diabetic. So, if you become a carnivore, that would be helpful.
And then, exercise, walking, motion, and then a good night's sleep, and never eating late. Eating late in and of itself is a multidimensional impact of harming the human body. Detoxamin is EDTA chelation therapy in a suppository form that I did research on and published on and found great value in association with reduced inflammation because it improves the microcirculation and improves nitric oxide production and vasodilation.
Those are things. Find a good functional doctor. Go to ACAM.org and put in your zip code or, a distance you're willing to travel. Maybe you could find a good, functional doctor. But do stay in touch with your local doctors here. But clearly, I would certainly recommend the systemic enzymes twice a day on an empty stomach. would recommend vitamin D with K2 every day, 5,000 I.U. of vitamin D3 with probably K2 somewhere between 90 and 180 units, and do that every day. That would be a starter.
“Dr. E, my friend's daughter has endometriosis. She is 23. What is your advice to keep it under control?” [0:11:15]
I'm telling you, everybody, we would do ourselves very, very well if we would eat in a fixed window of time, eat real food, not processed, and, keep low-carb, rich in the healthy phospholipids, protein, and fats that we need. Move our bodies on a regular basis. I will be going to, I've got my bag here to get my gym shoes and my workout clothes on right after we're done here. So, I do my weight training still, I do it twice a week now, and then I have my aerobics every day now, especially with having my dogs to walk and one is 77 pounds, the other is 52. So, they really are hard to walk. So, you have to move. You have to be low-carb. You have to drink your water. You have to have good sleep hygiene and, yeah not eat late, and that's how I would begin with that. And it's an unpleasant thing, but these junk foods are fake entertainment for the mouth and fake nutrient components. Not good for our bodies, and they are making us all sick. So, we have to get away from processed foods, sugar drinks, and, eat real food.
That's what I would tell her.
And then have a good doctor follow her insulin, and fasted, with her fasting blood sugar, her fasting triglycerides, and her hemoglobin A1c. And if she can get her triglycerides, somewhere around the 50s, her insulin to 4 or less, her hemoglobin A1c to 5. 2 percent or less, and her fasting blood sugar under 85, this endometriosis should dry up. Another thing is she should probably be on progesterone days 15 through 25 of her menstrual cycle. That's what we do for our patients.
“Similar question to my past regarding whether to have a colonoscopy or not. Since my last submission of this question, I had gone to my old liberal doctor, and he had me do the Fecal Globin by immunochemistry test. Results on the InSure ™ FOBT test card: Specimen Quality: Adequate. Fecal Globin: Not detected. Q? Any other tests available?” [0:13:38]
Well, if you did the Cologuard, you can learn about that. But I am biased, and my bias is regarding colonoscopies. When I was around 38, my brother-in-law, who was 45-ish roughly, married to my older sister, was working with my husband on carpentry when I was on active duty at Fort Knox. And he was in good shape. I say that, he was working on construction because obviously he was working very fine. After the job was done, we had a beautiful steak dinner, and a week later, my sister called me saying that David had both ankles swollen. That's very unusual for a 44 or 45-year-old man. I was surprised and he didn't want to go to the doctor. So, I told her, to put his feet up and give him a little fasting. And then, if he's not better within a week, let me know. She called me back in a week, and the edema didn't go away, swelling to both his ankles that went up to his knees, and that’s tremendously abnormal. I hospitalized him and got a CT on him, and he had colon cancer, metastatic stage four, already. He had no symptoms whatsoever, and he died three weeks later.
So, when you ask me about doing a colonoscopy – and this was in 1995 – I’m biased that everyone should have a colonoscopy. And they have lowered the age for doing it from, 50. Now it's down to 45. And of course, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer, which is not that uncommon, they're lowering it as much as to even age 35. So, colon screening for colorectal cancer, which is very manageable at an early age is what I recommend.
“Hello doctor, my mother is 97 years old, and she has not been doing well in the last month. She does not eat very much, not even one full meal, and does not like to drink fluids. She has diverticulitis, which gives her loose stools, and seems like she has IBS. She has DVT, now being followed by a doctor. What do you recommend for her nutrition and IBS?” [0:16:22]
In general, if that was my mother and my patient, I would want to know about any other medicines she's on, comorbidities, and so forth, but on the surface of this, using, a clear liquid broth for two days, plenty of, chicken broth, beef broth, and then, giving her the phospholipid powder in warm water, mixing the phospholipid powder in warm water, just like you would have warm water to make a baby bottle up for a baby. And if you use phospholipids, we use this so much, and it works so well for everything because this is what we're made of. So, if you're saying, what's in these cell membranes and any injured cell in your body, it is phospholipid protein. And here is the phospholipid fat, and the next middle jar is the SBI protect powder, and the Probiotics 225 is a powdered form of probiotics. So, so you can mix this all in warm water and give it to her first thing in the morning, and last thing in the evening. This will improve healing of the lining of all the cells in our gut to help heal it. The clear liquid broth diet will reduce the work of the digestion.
And then when I enter foods, I would give her things like salmon, slow roasted beef that falls apart, like cooking a chuck roast for 275 degrees for five hours for, you know, hour, roughly an hour per pound. It makes it almost fall apart, and you can mash it up. It's such a delicious and this low-heat cooking helps preserve the nutrient activities. The probiotics will help the bacteria, that inflammation that the colon would have, and, she probably, if she had diverticulitis, was on antibiotics, that would be my starting point on that. That would be my starting point on that. And I would certainly give her vitamin D as well, vitamin D3, about 10, 000 IIU a day. And then have her blood checked and see her doctor.
“Good evening, Dr. Ellithorpe! I have been seeing a lot of information on parasite protocols. And some say it's good for everyone to do. What are your thoughts and what would you recommend (if you do a protocol)? Thank you.” [0:19:30]
I don't do these parasite protocols, and I don't see it. I test and have been testing complete digestive stool analysis for the last 30 - 35 years using very sophisticated techniques with Great Smokies Medical Center, or Great Smokies stool kit by Dr. Levine since the early 90s, and now I'm using Genova with Doctor’s Data, and I just don't see these worms and parasites. And so, I think this is something that is burping up in the paraprofessional group, and I just don't see any value to it. Also, like drinking this olive oil drink to flush out gallstones, this has never been a value. What you see in the toilet, if you drink all that, is bile micelles. And when the green bile is squeezed out to help digest all that fat, that green bile will be seen in little clumps. And when you have a bowel movement, these people say it's a stone. Same with ear waxing. That is foolishness.
And I have looked into this sincerely, I did a doctorate in integrative medicine. And so, I want what works, and I understand the intention of people. And sometimes just a caring person is healing medicine in itself. So, I don't mean to put down any paraprofessional. I actually assume responsibility as a medical doctor that we, doctors, have been too unapproachable, too arrogant, too opinionated.
And the older I get, the more abrupt and opinionated I am because, you know, I'm not going to live forever. And so, I want to say it like it is and get the facts out there, but I hope to do it in a loving and tolerant way. I am not in favor of these parasite cleanses. I would far, far say you will do better if you will eat only real food, only eat in a window of time, drink half your weight as pounds as ounces every day, get a good night's sleep, don't have lights on, noise, and stuff like that, and get some movement and exercise and be extremely low carb, which would be a more carnivore-like diet, getting all these sugars and fruit sugars out of your diet. That would do far more to prevent a worm infestation by building up your immune system that way. I just haven't seen it. And so, when I do see the occasional Entamoeba histolytica or Entamoeba fragilis, various parasites, I do treat them. I do use natural things like grapeseed extract, colloidal silver, and some of these oils, but really it's not a thing. So, hopefully that helps you.
“Is there a benefit to hormone replacement therapy to maintain good numbers for cholesterol, D3, and hemoglobin A1C post menopause?” Or is it better to be natural and let nature be? Age 53, not taking any medication, and no ailments. Slightly overweight and combined cholesterol of 201.” [0:23:17]
I would say we are living in a different world with marketing. People are attached to their cell phones, hands, and computers. They are being marketed to, spoken to, and by the diet and drink industry. The alleged “health food industry” is putting out materials that I don't consider health food at all. And all these energy drinks and all these green drinks are so untested and such an immunologic daily exposure of a high volume of food, lectins, and signature proteins and structures that your immune system can develop reactions to them through the tiny entries that are in the cell membrane there. So, if you're taking down that green drink or that smoothie you make every day, you are just asking to develop food sensitivities. It would be better to eat real whole food. If you're going to have blueberries one day, eat a cup of it. If you're going to have spinach, eat a salad with spinach. I never do shakes, so I don't know, but it would be better to eat the real thing, and then the next day have a different vegetable, maybe arugula and strawberries, the next day have kale and blackberries or something, rather than these drinks that were blending up and releasing all the glucose, pre-digesting it, so we get a higher sugar spike, which means a higher insulin spike, which means it stimulates fat storage and thickening of the intima of the lining of the blood vessels, promoting heart disease and insulin resistance diabetes and suppressing the immune system with higher sugars, which reduces your ability to fight off viruses, which stresses your immune system that will not be able to fight off a tumor stem cell that may be normally your killer cells would have picked up. And so, it's just a lousy, marketing world we're living in, and we have to fight this off.
Now, given that, also we're going into menopause and hormone deprivation scenarios far sooner. We’re doing it foolishly through birth control usage that's given out like candy and denying women their normal developmental natural bioidentical hormones using these synthetics, and their bone density totals are failing them, by the time they get to menopause, they're already in a significant state of this. And we already have like 50 years of this abuse of women. Men have low T levels, testosterone levels. And so, fertility is declining. So, hormones are general contractors that help our skin, our hair, our mood, our strength, our muscle tone, our immune system, our bone health, and even our cardiovascular system, and we are pelting these with neuroendocrine disruptors. Even the receipts you get from your cash register have that BPA film on it for laser printing of the numbers, and you touch it, and you are absorbing that, which is an endocrine disruptor.
So, do I think hormones are important? Absolutely. Do I use them? I use them every day of my life. I joke with my husband that when I die and go in the casket, I want a supply of my hormones put in there with me. I just have normal bone density at 70. I have normal labs in general, and my muscle mass and all this is so very, very good. So, yeah, I am very much in favor of bioidentical hormones given by a doctor who has experience or is working under the supervision of a doctor helping to train, because I'm training other doctors doing this, and monitoring follow-up with pelvics. Like a lot of women will say, should I do a pelvic? If I'm married to the same man and we’re monogamous and I'm not having any problems, do I still have to do a pelvic after menopause? And my answer is, yes, because you're on hormones. When we have hormones, we want to treat you like you are a younger biological woman. And so, we do monitoring and management, and that's why we do so exceedingly well here. We thank the Lord so much for our healthy patients and the leadership the Holy Spirit has given us here.
“I'm wondering if you could explain a little more about systemic enzymes. I have definitely benefited from them for my arthritis. I use Vascuzyme and it looks like many of the ingredients are the same as Ortho Digestzyme. Yet you have to take Vascuzyme on an empty stomach. I'm wondering how they're both for digestion and for other things. Thanks in advance!” [0:29:11]
Well, God is a very great God, and He is very economical, and He uses enzymes and many other things, like B12 and magnesium, and hundreds and thousands of biochemical actions in our human body. Therefore, we say, there are similarities to the enzymes in Digestzyme, but one thing you won't see in systemic enzymes that are in Ortho Digestzyme is betaine HCl, which you need to help digest proteins and fats. The other thing is ox bile to help with fat digestion as well. So, they are different. Digestive enzyme needs to be when you're eating food. Systemic enzymes, which would be the protease, the lipase, and the amylase, this kind of things can be serrapeptase, bromelain, all these can be taken on an empty stomach, which then is absorbed systemically to disinflame your thumb, if you hit it with a hammer, your sinuses if they're congested with seasonal allergies. So that's the difference. If you go to our TLC Tustin Longevity Center YouTube, and you type in the search ‘joint’, you'll see my whole lecture on enzymes and so forth, as well as joint health and so forth.
“Hi, Dr. Rita, can hormone receptors at the cell level be triggered? What would the cause of blockage be? How can it be addressed? Would heavy metals be responsible? Thank you.” [0:31:41]
Well, the membrane of all cells, or the eyes, ears, ears, nose, throat, and touch, for the cell, it’s a receptor for the communication in the interior of the cell of the machinery and magnificence inside the cell. So, yeah, there are receptors there.
What would cause blockage be? Well, there are hormone-mimicking agents and hormone-blocking herbs and chemicals out there. For instance, dong quai and black cohosh. These herbs are mimicking. They have similarities to the structure of estradiol. And so, they will have some docking and the ability to give a message that estradiol is present. There are some things that are blockers out there, natural hormone blockers and synthetics.
And what could cause blockage? I'm not sure I totally understand your question. How can it be addressed? Well, you have to see a medical doctor who's experienced in functional medicine, and integrative, and natural hormone therapy. And you have to be prepared and willing to be responsible for your choices and get off of the processed food train and the gimmicks on the internet.
How can it be addressed? Would heavy metals be responsible? Well, heavy metals are not organic. They are metals, and there is no digestive enzyme or anything that can detoxify toxic metals. We're breathing it in. If you see those horrible lines in the sky in the stratosphere, those geo-stratospheric engineering chemtrails, they have heavy metals, aluminum, arsenic, strontium, and boron. I'm not sure if arsenic is in them, but I wouldn't put it past them, and they've been doing this for close to a hundred years. And so, it is landing on our land, and we're eating it, and we're breathing it, and we're drinking it. So, these are oxidizing damage. They're like knives, metal knives cutting yourselves all the time. So, EDTA chelation is extremely smart. Get a measurement first with a challenge with urine collection so we can get a feel for the volume and the number that you have. But you need to see a good doctor on that. Hopefully, that gives you some guidance.
“Do you have any information on the body that measures muscle? I may not have the correct name. From what I understand, BMI is outdated and gives inaccurate information. Thanks.” [0:34:49]
Well, we have the bioimpedance system here, which is a big upgrade from those things that you stand on your scale at home. We can measure you that way. Well, if you're driven by numbers, you’ve got to work with a doctor who does a lot of gimmicks and testing. I find, over these years, 43 years, people need a caring healthcare provider who knows them, and who they feel comfortable in sharing. There are moments of binging and lack of exercise, so you can get truthful information. We all want to be seen in good eyes, but none of us are perfect, or very, very few are very perfect about their lifestyles. And so, BMI or body impedance measurements, all these things are just more gimmicks. Even a good old tape measure around the waist-to-hip ratio is very valuable. So, we need to get away from saying I'm waiting for that miracle machine or the miracle vitamin or the miracle exercise or the miracle shake out there. It doesn't exist. Do you know what the miracle is? Obedience. And that's why I love my Bible and read it every day. It helps me screw my head and my heart on right and realize it's discipline, self-control, and taking your body, the reins of it, and the darts of the devil coming at you with all these advertisements and smells and people walking by you in the office lunchroom with all these smelly, wonderful treats that you used to touch and you have to not touch them anymore. And you have to put them in a box and only allow yourself a special occasion, legitimate, on your birthday or anniversary or a true holiday. And it’s always great to get away from processed foods, drink your water, move your body, have good sleep hygiene, don't eat late, eat in a window of time, so your gut has more resting to do, and do some resistance training. Outside of that, that doesn't cost a thing. And if you write yourself a little diary and your weight and your hip-to-waist ratio and be honest with what you're eating, how much water you're drinking, when you're going to bed and getting up, things like that, you will see a miracle happen. And we always do see it here. So, hopefully, that's helped you.
“What’s your take on the advice in the book: “The One-Minute Cure by Madison Cavanaugh” which advocates for the use of commercial-grade hydrogen peroxide in increasing doses for a. month-long period?” [0:37:59]
I'm familiar with hydrogen peroxide used in the alternative world, and functional world, and as far as a one-minute cure, it is valuable for viral illness protection. So, I'm in favor of that. I have nothing negative to say about it. It's a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, I believe, that you mix half and half with water. You swish and gargle and either spit it out. You can do a little nutty pot into your nose even. And that oxygen will in fact be very damaging to viral, bacterial, and fungal issues.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. What are natural remedies for the flu in kids? Headache, vomit, fever, muscle aches, etc. Trying to keep them hydrated with electrolytes. Thank you.” [0:39:09]
Getting them off their junk food, cookies, doughnuts, potato chips, tortilla chips, crackers, beans, rice cereal, puddings, all that, juices, Coca-Cola, chocolate milk, all this foolishness, we're killing our children. The Pediatric and American Dietary Association is full of paid conflict-of-interest physicians who are working with food industries, and they are so foolish. They say 10% of a child's diet can be refined sugars. 10%. That's ridiculous. That's evil. And that is why we have so many sick kids. Sugar depresses the immune system. The best thing to do is get them on real food and just say, you know, there's all kinds of naughty things to do out there, and one of the naughty things is eating junk food.
Another thing to get them off of is their computers, and electronics, staying up too late, and helping them to get outside and play and let the sunshine, the ultraviolet light, and the vitamin D that comes from it, to help stimulate their immune system. Also, I believe in allowing a child to have a fever up to 103, because we know research shows that, at 102, that's when the body begins to make interferon. Interferon is very valuable in killing viruses off. So, they love to market to you, saying, oh, be a good mommy and put Tylenol into your baby and get rid of that nasty old fever. Well, that fever was given by God through your innate immune system to fight off viral-invading pathogens, and there's a volume of research showing you really shouldn't. As long as the child is alert, will drink their fluids, eye-to-eye contact, there's no purpose in treating a fever under, say 103. Just lots and lots of fluid and rest. And that's what you want them to do – is rest. So, don't suppress their immune system with sugar drinks and so forth, and Jell-O and stuff like that.
Vitamin D, I think most children should have. If they're 1 year old, they should probably have somewhere around 1000 IU of vitamin D3, and their toddlers to their age, you know, first grade, around 2000 IU of vitamin D3. And then a child, when they get to be about 40 pounds, can have 2.5 to 3000 units. See your pediatrician, do their blood level of their vitamin D, and you can get a gauge on what you're giving them and what their blood level is.
But if they're 85 pounds or higher, then we start calling them adult-like, and we start recommending 5,000 IU of D3 a day. Also zinc, I believe in giving a child a good zinc multimineral, as well as the Juice Plus series antioxidant has had volumes, literally the N number in the studies, we're talking millions of children have been studying on Juice Plus. So, find someone to help you get onto Juice Plus as the adult, and you can get your child on it free for four years. And you set the example by taking it and the child will follow through. When they see you drink the water, they will drink the water. When they see you eat healthier food, with less carbs, they'll do the same.
Then there's Argentyn silver, that's not nanoparticulate silver. The half-strength over-the-counter is sovereign silver. You can spray their face to decrease the viral load on their face and orifice, wash their hands, and keep them clean, helping them to learn to use Kleenex instead of going like that and then touching everything. The other thing would be vitamin C is in the Juice Plus. So, that's about it right there.
So, fluids and chicken broth and beef broth and the salts that are in them and the potassium in the multimineral. You could give them water for their headache. Treat a fever if it's 103. If the child seems not to have good eye contact or respond appropriately to an instruction or not be taking their fluids, then you have to treat that fever and have them seen.
“Trying to keep them hydrated with electrolytes.” Yeah, of course, use those electrolytes. It’s fine. Pedialyte is out there, but good old-fashioned chicken broth and beef broth are just as good.
“The lack of sun here in the Midwest is hard.” [0:45:04]
Yeah, but there's still light. And so, there's more than just vitamin D from the light. And so, get them out in the sunshine and playing on the seesaw and the swings, and whatever they're doing, get them out there and get their bodies moving.
“There is so much out there now about cancer being a metabolic disease. What about blood cancers? Multiple myeloma in particular. I know you aren't prescribing and aren't an oncologist…low carb? No sugar?” [0:45:27]
Well, I do believe that the blood cancers are all similarly treated with the low-carb diet. And the other thing is I really think there is a case for free radical damage in the bone marrow where heavy metals accumulate in slow turnover material, like the bones, and the marrow is injured by the accumulation, all of this, oxidative, stressful, toxic metals. And fortunately, we have the ability here to give you the vitamin C high dose and the EDTA chelation to help pull that stuff out, and we have seen tremendous improvements and stabilization with it. But again, you need your oncologist to have the diagnosis, get their management skills, and we come alongside your oncologist, and we support through these modalities, your own immune system, your nutritional status, and detoxing.
“Are you familiar with Daved Rosensweet and “Menopause Method”? The hormones and it sounds.” [0:47:00]
No, I'm not familiar with it.
“Sorry, first time…I wanted to know if you are familiar with Daved Rosensweet, the Menopause Method, bioidentical hormones applied on the skin?” [0:47:23]
Well, that's what I've been doing for 35 - 40 years. So, I'm glad that Daved has joined in to help people.
That's what I do, is the topical, primarily, hormones, although I have patches and although I do use oral as well. So, it's a wonderful thing to do.
“Chemtrails! [0:48:02]
Yeah, they're pushing all this heavy metal toxic damaging material, creating a metal dome, you might say, and this is then inhibiting some of the healthy sun rays that we need.
“Chemtrails have been so bad in Southern California these past few days!!!” [0:48:21]
Absolutely, they've been terribly bad all over the place. So, look up Dane Wigington for geoengineeringwatch.org. And not that I agree with everything Dane Wigington says, but he has a wonderful documentary on YouTube called “The Dimming” and that's the blocking out of the sun.
“What is the best supplement for constipation? I know I need fiber, water consumption, and exercise. I eat a lot of red meat, but fruits and vegetables are sparse here. So, I'm looking for a supplement, please. Thank you.” [0:49:22]
Super Aloe 450 by Ortho Molecular. You could try and find a doctor, or call our vitamin department, and try and get Super Aloe. That will really get you moving. It's not senna-based, I believe. Senokot is the most powerful irritant through herbs that stimulate the bowel movement. You might be hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism is associated with slow bowels. You might have mineral deficiencies, magnesium in particular. One of the things we do before we use Super Aloe 450 is we give Vitality C, the vitamin C powder. We mix it with OptiMag Neuro. This is a magnesium chelate powder. You put the two together. Vitamin C stimulates the bowels, magnesium stimulates the bowel. You take it as an 8 oz drink, once, twice, three, or four times a day, and you will have bowel movements. And then you go to your bowel tolerance where you start getting diarrhea, then you start backing off and seeing how much you can take. I don't necessarily think fiber is the answer either alone. And hormones, estradiol are very important in normal bowel movements. If you remember during your menstrual cycle, most women, when they're on their menstrual cycle, will have more bowel movements. And so, that's another feature of that.
“I got a stye about three weeks ago. I used Argentyn silver on it regularly. It grew to the size of a small pea. My ophthalmologist took a look to confirm it was a stye and not some kind of growth. He said to use hot compresses until it drained. It never did drain and is still there but much smaller. Another one seems to be starting on the same eye.” [0:51:20]
I would certainly work with trying to be very low carb. I would use the warm compresses. I would use the Argentyn. Beyond that, I think I would check with your doctor about your blood sugars. And systemic enzymes for the inflammation, and follow up with your ophthalmologist for management.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. My dad has recently started losing a lot of weight, about 30 pounds in a month, has no appetite, and is getting red bruises on his arms and legs. His doctor has doubled his metformin. What would you suggest getting tested? He is 57, B-type blood. His doctor has really just shrugged this off and doesn't seem concerned. It's concerning to me. Thank you.” [0:52:17]
Well, I don't know your situation, but when I see a story like that, I think of disease of the liver, infectious disease of the liver, damaging the production of making normal clotting proteins, and so forth, or cancer in the liver. So, I would have that worked up and have him see another doctor because that's not normal. So, have that checked out?
“Do you treat patients for symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity? Thank you.” [0:53:16]
I do in the sense that, you know, I recommend you get someone on the internet that can go around your home or your apartment. Find out where the main power lines are, and where the electromagnetic amplitude of the flow of electrons is the highest. You don't want your head near the bed of that. And getting electronics out of your bedroom and getting a heavy metal test to see how much of an antenna you are for this by having all these metals in you, trying to detox them out of you, and figuring out your ability to heal, your blood type, digestion, that kind of thing. But beyond that, as far as getting things to hang on your neck that are electromagnetic dampeners or on your wrist, they make some of these power sinks, you might say, you could do that. You can look for those things. There are some people who specialize in measuring and have some of this material to wear. There are some clothes now that have the skull caps like beanies, very nice hats, baseball hat kind of things, or I don't know what you call them, head mittens, you know, like you would up in Chicago. I haven't been up there so long. I forget what it's called. But they have the metals and a very tiny metallic to stop these waves coming through like a Faraday cage cloth. They have clothes with it now, and it's becoming quite an industry because it is a real problem. So, that's the best we could offer you on that.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. Why is it that I always feel sick (nausea, depression, fatigue) for about two hours after taking any kind of B vitamins (B complex, energy core)? I cannot take on an empty stomach. Thank you for all that you do.” [0:55:27]
Well, it is a powerful thing to take B vitamins. It's a tremendous ringing up of metabolic functions since it's involved in 400 at least biochemical pathways, the various, 8 or 9 B complexes, especially if they're methylated high quality like we give you. Maybe you could spread it out and you wouldn't have that impact. And even the cells lining your gut will get the surge of energy and maybe excess production of digestive enzymes and acid from it because it tunes up all metabolism. So, spread it out and take it with food if possible.
“Which doctor at TLC would be recommended for hormone replacement therapy? Thank you.” [0:56:35]
Dr. Meric is an OBGYN. She practices mostly just general medicine now, but she's excellent. Dr. Mitchell is still seeing people through telehealth. Dr. Kaur is excellent. Dr. PA-Patel is excellent, but she's going on maternity leave. Dr. Amber Majid is excellent and starting up on this with a passion. Dr. Johnston…am I forgetting anyone? I think they’re all good. And we do our rounds every month, and we sit and we discuss difficult patients, hard questions. We review scientific articles. So, we do our monthly rounds, where we shut everything down and we just sit at our big conference table, and we go over these case studies and issues like this. I don't think there's anyone that I would prefer over another. And if there's a question, we can just ask your doctor to bring your case up on one of our second Tuesdays of every month that we do this. By the way, that's not a good time to come to the clinic because we're so all in conference mode from noon till around 2 o'clock. So, once a month, the second Tuesday of every month.
“Is a woman ever supposed to stop taking hormones?” [0:58:03]
Well, you see, as a Christian, my worldview is based on the Bible, and I believe it, and I believe this is a young earth. I believe everything in the Bible, and the word of God is without error. And so, I believe that God made Adam and Eve to live forever. That means Eve would have been 6,000, a couple hundred years old, and she probably still would have pregnancies because that would have been natural, which means she would have had her hormones. I don't think there's marriage in heaven after we die. So, I don't think we're going to have babies in that sense anymore. But in the meantime, our bodies were designed to depend on hormones for healing, repair, and general contractor work. And so, yes, I do think I'm going to take them, and I've been around women who have been on it with me for 30, 40 years now. And so, yeah, I think it's very good to use.
“My ferritin on 12/23 was 10. Iron total 62, iron-binding 379, iron saturation 16. I eat animal protein, low carb diet. First-time blood donor O+ 10/31/23. Obviously holding off on another donation, but what can I do to raise ferritin besides beef? Or do I not even need to worry? Thank you, doctor.” [0:59:07]
Let your doctor know so we can recheck your ferritin and your percent saturation. Your total iron binding of 379 just means your body is actively generating iron-binding proteins to try and increase the take of it. We do have the herbal HemeVite, and that is a very nice gentle way to do that, is to take two of those tablets twice a day or three times a day. Little herbal capsules. That would be a suggestion. But let your doctor know so we can remeasure your ferritin, and give you maybe a little bit of a boost. Also, you could eat liver once a week. I eat liver once a week. I love it with fried onions.
“Greetings from Oklahoma and a former patient. Few functional medicine doctors here, so at a traditional medical clinic for a bone scan. I'm 71. Hip “mean T-score” is = -1.4. The diagnosis was osteopenia and prescribed RX alendronate (Fosamax 70 mg). I don’t take any prescription medicine and suspect and am suspicious of this drug. What say you? Gratitude and blessings for you.” [1:00:30]
Well, are you on a natural hormone replacement progesterone? Are you on estradiol? Are you taking vitamin D at least 10,000 IU a day and with K2 90 mcg or more? Are you stomping? Are you doing weight resistance training for your bones? This is not bad. So, I would strongly encourage you to go to ACAM.org. Try and find a functional doctor, even if you could do telehealth, and then try and be on natural hormones, your vitamin D - K2, eating your low carb, rich protein diet. Take your digestive enzyme to help you stomp around like you're in a 15-second temper tantrum with your bare feet on cement, so you can get that shutter up your leg, and that'll help you.
“Dr. Ellithorpe, God bless your sister. May I get your opinion? I'm a 35-year-old male, 6’2’’, blood type A+, 338 pounds. I had an appendicitis and fistula leakage from my sigmoid colon and had emergency surgery. It's been six months then and have a stoma now. I have to lose weight before the reversal surgery. Is it safe for a 21-day fast with a stoma?” [1:02:06]
I don't know your case individually, but in general, it should be I hope you're not a diabetic. I hope you're not with any other comorbidity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension. In general, you should be able to do that, but you need to be supervised. So, I don't know your state of health, but have a good doctor and have a good multivitamin-mineral, have a good electrolyte or salt your water, put a dash in at least two of your drinks, or have some chicken broth or beef broth. That won't give you any calories, it'll give you electrolytes. And let us know how you do. And may the Lord bless you and give you strength as He’s a mighty man of valor and a great ambassador for our great king and God and His only son, Jesus Christ, our savior. And stand in that strength and hopefully, that'll work out very well for you. But do get me oversight with that.
“My thyroid makes lots of reverse T3. My free T3 is 3.6.” [1:04:06]
I like your free T3 at 3.6. If you're triglycerides and your diet is good and you're exercising, I don't think I would worry about it. But I would have to look at your whole case and know you personally to say much more.
“How do you find a doctor that does chelation therapy? I am now living in TN, but from SoCal. Can I get chelation at your office when I visit CA?” [1:04:29]
You go to ACAM.org. and find a physician near you. “Can I get chelation at your office when I visit?” Sure, you can. Yeah, absolutely.
“I have done everything in the book to get it down and as a result, my estradiol fluctuates like a roller coaster which makes life miserable why do I ask about cellular receptors.” [1:04:52]
I think too much is made of reverse T3. I don’t even worry about it. I don’t even test it. I would stay steady as you go with what you’re doing and not worry about your reverse T3. I don’t know your case individually, but that’s my general take on reverse T3. It’s I think much to do about nothing. Yes, there’s biochemistry, there’s research, there’s data, but that’s my experience.
“Daved Rosensweet recommends bio-identical hormones like Dr. E. but believes he specifies an organic basis for the creams.” [1:05:36]
I think minor organic too. And good for him. I mean, I’m all for as natural as you can make it.