HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 9, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 9, 2024

January 11, 2024


“Are there some more natural remedies to help with shingles? A friend in her 70’s has been suffering for weeks. She has not had any COVID shots and is on some kind of medicines prescribed by our general practitioner, but they’re not helping.” [0:03:02]


Well, shingles is an outbreak of a dormant varicella virus, that once you get chicken pox, it lives forever in the spinal column and the dorsal horns of your spine. And as we age, our immune system begins to decline. Our T-cells, white blood cells, and leukocytes start to act more slowly. If you're on a standard American diet, you're high carb, starchy, fruit sugar, sugary drinks, too many beans, rice, pasta, bagel, chips, nuts, seeds, too many of these things. Plant foods can become excessive carbohydrates, starches, and fruit sugars, and they all suppress your immune system. So, with so much marketing to eat these stuff and with aging, we lose our muscle mass, and with the muscle mass loss, our engines for burning down what we had been more typically consuming in the past, we start to lose the muscle engine to burn it and we're still eating the same amount of carbs and there's an offset. And then what happens then, your sugar starts to climb as your muscles recede and you become more inactive with aging. And that's one of the ways we see the elderly move toward diabetes as they age.

So, when I'm done with this program today, I will go immediately to the gym, and I'll be doing my heavy weightlifting workout with my husband and my aerobics. And I got my two new rescue dogs that I have to walk every day, and they're a big challenge for me to take out. One is a big 50-pound dog and the other is around a 25-pound dog. Beautiful animals. Still trying to train them. And so, you've got to stay active if you're going to help build your immune system. So, building your muscles, and being low-carb will help your immune system. So that's the number one thing. 

Now, we all tend to not drink enough water as we age. And so, we always have our water. I use a straw because I drink more water with each gulp if I use a straw. It just makes it more interesting and it's a reminder to me. But you have to drink enough water because the capillaries are getting clogged up and the sugars and the antigen-antibody from food allergy leaky gut, and that clogs up our capillaries which then makes debris build-up, waste, which ruins and harms and wastes your immune system. So, having enough water also is important. 

Then take anti-inflammatory systemic enzymes. This helps reduce the clogging and it'll be like little Pac-Man trying to get through those little blood vessels to help get white blood cells where they need to go. So, zinc. Taking zinc in the form of 25 to 50 mg and doing that daily will help your immune system with shingles. And then taking a high dose of vitamin C immune drip. You can come in here or find a hydration center that will help with your vitamin C, by taking it orally. Taking high doses of vitamin D, especially at the onset of any viral illness or outbreak, whether it's shingles or herpes outbreak or anything, a high dose of vitamin C helps because that helps your T-cell function immune system.  

Another thing is quercetin, taking 800 mg a day, at least 600 mg. That helps as an ionophore which allows for the penetration of a healthy cell membrane. See, this is a cell membrane in the picture here. So, to get a healthy penetration so zinc can get into the cell, and then that will help suppress the ribosomal reproduction of viral particles and that helps as well.  

Using Argentyn silver spray, which is a systemic silver nanoparticulate. So, it's much better than colloidal silver, although colloidal silver is still good. But Argentyn silver, I think over the counter it's called Sovereign Silver, but it's half strength. We, doctors, only get the Argentyn, which is the full strength.

 But if you spray this on the areas that are the outbreak, it prevents a secondary inflammation from bacterial overgrowth in these sites.  

And then fasting. Fasting stimulates the immune system. So, if you're coming down with a cold or an outbreak of shingles or herpes, any viral illness, like last week, my grandchild, I think, gave me a little bit of a viral exposure, and by Tuesday night of last week, one week ago, right after I finished – Tuesdays are hard days for me because I work a long full day. Like I've been up since 5:00 a.m. working at full speed, and then I see all my patients and then we have our video here. And so, I was run down a bit and I think I started getting that sick taste in your mouth, you know, when you get a cold. But I had started fasting because I fast the first week of every January, and that's a pattern. I try and not eat for 4 or 5 days, the beginning of January 1st through the 6th, and a Labor Day, Monday, whatever Labor Day is, 5 days later. And I do this to kind of cleanse from my exposure to more treats than I would have normally had. That fasting helped get me through without missing a day of work or skipping a beat in my life. I think I ate last Friday. I took a vitamin C drip, I took the D 50, 000 once a day, a high dose of vitamin D for 5 days, then I went back to my usual 15, 000 a day. I took extra TLC Multimineral. So, I got a little more zinc in every day. Instead of three, I took five, I think. I took my D-Hist, my quercetin, my Argentyn. And I was able to get through that achy, low back fatigue hitting you, the pasty taste and congestion, and I fasted and drank a lot of water, had the vitamin C drip, and then boom! The next day I was ready to go back to work.

So, that's a long answer, but it helps explain how we here at Tustin Longevity Center stay so healthy for so long and can work at our peak, even like me in my 70s. 


“For a menopausal or post-menopausal woman, what is the best way to supplement testosterone if the blood work has said that I am low? I chose vaginal cream from my doctor over pellets but didn't know if there was a better way.” [0:10:55]


Well, I try not to put as much, I try and keep stuff out of the vaginal areas and let the normal physiology and discharge and cleansing of the vagina. So, I don't like putting anything in there. What I would recommend for DHEA is DHEA. I use it somewhere in the 25 to 50 mg range for women. And DHEA is the precursor for testosterone. for women, and also for men. It helps your adrenals and your stress. That's also a good thing to take if you're stressed and you have an outbreak of shingles or a viral illness. So, I take 50 mg myself every day. And that converts to testosterone in a woman. For me, it'll keep me from having a lower testosterone in the 20s. And I think the last time I checked it, my testosterone was 170, and that's very good for my muscle and my weight training. So, my suggestion is oral DHEA for testosterone supplementation. And yes, I know there are topical testosterone, but you can get so much more benefit if you take the precursor DHEA because it helps your adrenals, it helps your immune system, it helps your testosterone, and muscles. So, why would I use an end product testosterone when I can help a woman in many other ways just by giving her the oral DHEA?


“Do you prescribe Lugol's Iodine in your practice often?” [0:12:53]


Well, I use Iodora, it's a tablet form because the Lugols can spill and stain things. But Lugol's is the old traditional way that we use to give iodine supplementation. So, I'm in favor of Lugol's. It's just I haven't been doing it because it's so much more convenient to use a little tablet.  


“I am low on iodine, and my provider is being very conservative, and after starting a multivitamin with iodine, went even lower.” [0:13:21]


Well, Lugol's…and see, I haven't prescribed it in so many years, I forget the milligram strength per drop. But I think the standard Lugol dosing was somewhere in the realm of 6 mg. And the tablet that we have is a 12. 5 mg. And I've been using that for 25 years at least, and I really like the tablet – simple, simple, simple. So, women in Japan, that have a natural dietary intake of a lot of seaweed and sea products, get anywhere between 12.5 to 50 mg of iodine a day. So, I don't think you have to be too worried and conservative. If your doctor is new in functional medicine, let them learn, let them grow, and develop. But you can ask and say, I would like a dose that's higher, but make sure that you're getting your free T3, your thyroid levels measured, and your thyroid stimulating hormone and your thyroid antibodies tested. And you can do a urine 24-hour collection, and we do a provocative test where we give 50 milligrams of iodine and then we collect urine for 24 hours. If your body, when you, do the testing on the urine, if most of the iodine you took of the 50 milligrams is peed out because it's water soluble, then your body does not need much supplemental iodine. That is extremely rare. I would say maybe four people in 20 years in my practice have had enough iodine in them already, that when they urinated, they had close to 90 or higher percent peed out of the iodine they took on a challenge. 99 percent of them had too little. So, Kimber, tell your doctor to be not afraid to let you try this and get a test. Do a 24-hour urine collection. 

There's a book out there by David Brownstein from Michigan. He's a family practitioner, and he wrote the book called Iodine, and it explains it thoroughly there. So, get the book for your doctor and bring it over, read it yourself, and We'll go from there.  


My question is, if someone has to get a PET scan or MRI, how damaging is the contrast, which is the gadolinium contrast material they inject you with? What should be done after to help rid the body of the stuff?” [0:16:50]


Absolutely, good question, Alisa. Do EDTA chelation because it'll pull the gadolinium right out, and we do that all the time here, and we tell our patients that have to use contrast dyes, the gadolinium dye, for these contrast scans to come in afterward the same day or the next day or as soon as they can get in and do a couple of chelation therapies to try and pull it out.

I have an article in my hallway here I hand out to people about the neurotoxicity of gadolinium and all these scans. Most of the doctors out there don't know about heavy metal toxicity, let alone gadolinium. And so, it is a growing knowledge span that you have to help your doctors learn about. So, you can put in your screen. I usually find this better on Bing.com. Put in ‘contrast scan gadolinium and neurotoxicity’ and you'll see all the articles on this. 


“Hello! If I take systemic enzymes, is it redundant to take glutathione and NAC and Juice Plus? Thank you for your input.” [0:19:09]


No, because systemic enzymes are anti-inflammatory. They are proteolytic enzymes. And so, if you get plaque or mucus buildup in a sinus infection or you get an injury and you have a lot of scab and material bruising. I had really at the back of my hand, you can't even see it, but I hit the back of my hand real hard right about here. And I'm telling you, this was almost black with bruising, and that was last week on Tuesday or Wednesday. So, I took the systemic enzymes five twice a day, I drank my fluid, I was fasting, and immediately I healed up. So, enzymes break up all that junk that leaked out of my blood vessels, the little blood and the serum and proteins, immunoglobulins, and the enzymes chew it up like little Pac-Man right through the capillaries and around the tissues and disinflame the human body. So, that is totally different physiologically, in a sense, than if you take N-acetyl cysteine, which is a precursor to what makes up glutathione. And glutathione is an antioxidant. It's very important in your energy metabolism, TCA cycle, tricyclic, Krebs cycle, and N-acetyl cysteine itself is an antioxidant as well.  

Juice Plus is a phytonutrient concentrate from vegetables, from fruit, and from berries. These phytonutrients can have many different classes in them. There can be anthocyanidins in there, pycnogenols in there, and things like ascorbic acid. So, these phytonutrients in Juice Plus are a boost to antioxidant nutrient requirements in our own physiology. So, Juice Plus is in a category of its own, slowing down cell membrane damage. Remember, when there's damage to the cell membrane, like right here, this is from a virus getting into it or trauma or a free radical oxygen species damaging it from hypoxia or poor combustion of the mitochondria inside, producing a lot of free radical species. So, there are many things that injure it. So, if you have a shield, and that shield is the phytonutrient protection that can take the hits of free radical species, and reactive oxygen species, and that's what Juice Plus does, you're going to have less injured cell membranes and be healthy like this and your skin and your eyes and your corneas and your blood vessel walls, the endothelium lining and many, many parts of your human body will live longer, last longer. So, I've used Juice Plus for close to 30 years. I take N-acetyl cysteine and glutathione, and I use systemic enzymes, and they're all valuable and they all have a job, just like the body has many parts. Is the head more important than the foot? Well, you can't get around without feet. And so, they're all important. So all these things are important. So hopefully that answers your question. 


“At my recent eye exam and after having the same prescription for years, I was told that my prescription had changed quite a bit and now I have cataracts. Is there a natural way to rid my eyes of these cataracts? Thank you for your help and God bless you and your day!” [0:23:30]


A cataract is a part of that lens, that glassy ball you might say, in front of your pupil that expands and then contracts depending on the ciliary muscles scrunching it up or pulling it out and thinning it out so that it'll change the light rays going through your eye for near or distant viewing. And when that lens gets burnt or oxidized, the proteins coagulate and stick together, and that is pretty much irreversible. I would certainly suggest that if it's not bad, I would get the sugar out of my life, I would really drink plenty of water to hydrate it, I would do chelation therapy, I would do vitamin C IVs, Juice Plus, systemic enzymes, the multi-minerals, walk, exercise regularly, and observe and see how you do. But once you've burnt or oxidized proteins, which are in the lens of your eyes, it's a scar, and that's what they call cataracts.  

Now, the best thing to do is to try and prevent that. But everything is a grade. So, if it isn't that bad, I mean I just saw my optometrist, Dr. Grant, here in town, and he looked at my eyes and he was just surprised to see how clean my lenses were, or maybe he was being kind to me and didn't want to say anything, but he certainly didn't say anything was going on with my eyes. And I have to attribute this, and I praise God and the Lord for all these wonderful things that my father and very wise physicians and research scientists and PhDs have done before me to get me to be aware of cell membrane structure physiology. So, if you don't have a healthy cell membrane, you've got an injured cell, and that injured cell is going to crumple up and get sticky and die and create protein-oxidized, gooey, sticky scars. So, that's why the cheapest thing to do is drink enough water every day as much as you can, half your weight in pounds as ounces every day of your life. The older you get, we are making less enzymes. So, take supplemental enzymes on an empty stomach.  

The most researched nutraceutical in the world is Juice Plus for DNA damage prevention. I've never ever seen a nutraceutical, to my knowledge, that has university-based, peer-reviewed literature showing less DNA damage within a month of using nutraceuticals and that's Juice Plus. So, you'll have less damage occurring, free-radical damage like here, and that's been proven on Juice Plus. A couple of studies on that. So, I do that. And I do chelation to get that circulation to every part of my body.  

You see, everything matters. You can't say one thing is more important than another. And you have to have a decent gut membrane to absorb these things. So, you have to have a doctor that tries to do it all. Now, you have to eat the right structure to make the cell. So, you can have the cleanest blood, but if you don't have phospholipids and protein that you're eating that make up the materials to repair the breaches in the cell membrane, what good have you done, you know? So, you can have a beautiful inside of the house, but if all your windows are broken out and you're not getting any new glass replacement, your house is open to birds and rats and coyotes coming in.  


"Good morning, doctor. My mother is 97 years old. She has diverticulitis and is not eating well. She took antibiotics, doing better but doesn't want to eat or drink. What do you recommend?” [0:28:20]


I would give her, or someone that has inflamed cell membranes in the gut. So, all diverticulitis is these little outpouchings in the tube of your colon. These little outpouchings collect debris and they can have bacterial overgrowth and create micro-damage and then leakiness, which creates fever and pain and swelling, and inflammation. So, the antibiotics help it. I would say you’ve got to replace what it's made of. And so, we came up with it, especially people who don't feel well enough to eat fish and eggs and egg yolks and chicken with the skin on it and meat and pork and lobster and crabs and salmon and fish and all these things. So, we took the phospholipids that make this up right here. You take a scoop of this in warm water because this is basically a bit of a fat. These are phospholipids fat. And they mix in water better if it's warm. So, that's the fat for the lining here. Now, if you take SBI SBI-protected powder, these are the natural immunoglobulins of the intestinal cavity. So, the cavity has in it, God has given us saliva that makes IgA immunoglobulins that fill the lining of your gut with immune defense soldiers. And that's what this is. Plus, it has some other nutrient-supportive material that is very helpful. So, I mix a scoop of each of these into warm water, not hot, and I put that in the patient to drink in a cup, two or three times a day, especially if they're having acute problems with diarrhea, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, or anything like that. I often, in the warm water, will add in a probiotic packet, a little packet like this, that's inside this. And so, I'll put that in there too. So, it is the best emergency resuscitative program for any and all gut problems. Ortho Molecular is making these products. So, it's just wonderful. Now, you have to get them through a doctor. Ortho Molecular only serves physicians, but we have privately labeled them so that we can get others who can pick it up. So, that's the first direction I would go.  

And make sure you aren't trying to get junky carbs down here. If she can start taking solids, then I would give her scrambled eggs with butter and salt. And then I would give her the digestive enzymes to help her digest her food when she eats it. So, that's how we would treat diverticulitis, any inflammatory bowel disorder, and that's the first step that we do here. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita. I saw a functional doctor and she suspects I have mold toxicity. Haven't tested it yet. What can I do to help clean myself out? Thank you.” [0:32:38]


Fasting, a low-carb diet, getting your blood sugars, starches, fruit sugars, rice, beans, crackers. These gimmick food sales that say they're low-carb or keto are often very, you know, overall high. See, we trick ourselves by saying, I'm eating keto/low carb, but then we eat several different keto items, and it basically adds up to a higher-carb diet. Then I would take, as tolerated, supplements that are known to be beneficial, N-acetyl cysteine is, 500 mg twice a day, systemic enzymes, probably four or five on an empty stomach twice a day. And whenever you do eat, I would eat a one-menu day so that your immune system quiets down and can focus on any aspect of mold or candida overgrowth. Make sure you get your house remediated or wherever you're working or living so that whatever is the generation of those mold spores is being addressed. So, get in a dry, no carpets, no indoor plants, no curtains. And that's pretty much how I live. I have such bad allergies. I bought my home about six and a half/seven years ago and I still haven't put a curtain up. I mean people must think I'm crazy with no curtains, but I just can't handle all that allergen and stuff. So, I have to try and afford maybe shades or I don't know what you call those things. You call those things that are wood pieces with slats, whatever they are. I never worry about the appearance of things so much. So, that's how I would start there. 


“Dear, Dr. Ellithorpe, I had an ECG (electrocardiogram) which came back abnormal. The cardiologist said what do you expect with high cholesterol? Do you know a cardiologist who understands your labs and science?” [0:34:57]


Yes. Dr. Kelly Tucker, that's one of them. I know there's another functional integrative cardiologist. I just don't have his name right now. But if you call Terry, my nurse, she will give you his referral number and location. If you are a patient here, please send me that ECG so I can take a look at it and follow up with you on that. Okay? That's what I would suggest. 


“Hi, Dr. E. What are your recommendations for a 32-year-old female with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, partial thyroidectomy after cancer in remission, medications - levothyroxine, overweight, borderline hypertension, and diabetes.” [0:36:05]


I would recommend a carnivore diet with digestive enzyme. Get her blood type. She might need to use digestive enzyme with even meals at her young age of 32. That will provide all the phospholipids to heal up the leaky gut that created the inflammatory autoimmune that attacked the thyroid, that inflamed it, that made it overactive and then underactive, and probably created the oxidative stress for the thyroid cancer. And so, you're going to eat a carnivore diet, so you repair the lining of your gut. And you don't eat late, you start exercising no less than five days a week with both weight training and aerobic training. And you should probably be on an amino acid multimineral, like our TLC Multi Min. You should be on a D, probably 10, 000, with K2, one a day. Then you should be on, I mentioned the enzymes, like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme, on an empty stomach twice a day to disinflame. Drink half your weight in pounds as ounces of water every day. Never eat past 6 o'clock. Take an iodine tablet, the Iodoral 12.5 mg a day. I would have someone like that. Also use Juice Plus for its phytonutrient, antioxidant, and DNA damage reduction, and it’s 42 plus peer-reviewed articles, including mine, published on that. That's how I would begin with someone like that.

And we are seeing more and more wonderful young doctors, and we have our brand-new doctor, Amber Majid here. She is just an extremely intelligent, well-trained, internal medicine physician coming on board who is at our clinicians’ meeting today. Very knowledgeable. She also was disillusioned with medicine today and how working as a hospitalist for years and years and seeing all these broken down dear wonderful people that have nowhere and no guidance. And not that I know everything or we know everything, but we have to, as doctors, start talking and becoming their patients, their best coach, their cheerleaders toward every step they take in the right direction is going to improve and help their body. Intermittent fasting for this lady with her problem. And then I would do a 24-hour fast once a week, where you don't have any food, just plenty of water and your supplements. Once a week fasting is very healing. 


“Did you receive your DRS bars?” [0:39:44]


Yes, they came in, but they're the pilot ones. We cannot sell these, because when they run the pilot one, nothing's written in stone as far as their commitment to run the series for us, and then we finally get these done. And there could be a trace of nut in them or a trace of wheat or dairy. So, they will not certify them or label them or sell them. So, we got these bars in, and I haven't gotten mine first because I think they just came yesterday. And my intention is for all of you, dear souls, who have waited, and if you understand that there could be a trace of dairy or nut or wheat in it, you'll probably have to sign a little paper that says ‘I understand these are samples and it isn't the final certified product but I trust Dr. Ellithorpe and want to try one.’ So, we'll give you a bunch of them. And that'll be my plan as soon as they're physically here. One of the partners, Bob Suttonary, who has been the scientist whom I did the EDTA suppositories with on all the men's studies we did, and he's helped me with this and others on our team, wonderful people. And I'm waiting. Any day we should have a pile of them here, and we'll make a decision how we can lawfully and responsibly divvy these out, all the initial run. And then we need to do some taste testing, that kind of stuff. All right. Thank you for asking.


“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe. I wanted to compliment you on PA Gonzalez. Saw her for the first time last month. She is very sweet and attentive. Also made a follow-up phone call last week to go over test results.” [0:42:03]


Thank you so much. And I will tell PA Gonzalez. You know, I was in the military and all physician assistants were called doc/doctor. So, I call Dr. Gonzalez, Dr. Gonzalez, but technically she's a physician assistant with the extra training in urology. So, she's absolutely a blessing to me, just like Dr. Majid is. But Dr. Meric, Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Kaur, Dr. PA Patel, Dr. Johnston, all these people are God's creation, they're all very good. They're all people who want to serve and continue to learn. So, I'm so blessed to have them. Thank you for your compliment and I will pass it on.  


“Do you know anything about CofixRX Iodine nasal spray?” [0:43:16]


I think yeah. I think that came up because the nasal iodine wash for this alleged COVID pandemic iodine was used. CofixRX iodine. My understanding, if I'm thinking of the right thing, is it's a very dilute iodine that you inhale in each nostril. I haven't done it. I use Argentyn because the same thing happens and protection happens with Argentyn silver.  


“I read that hops contain 8-prenylnaringenin and is one of the best estrogen boosters.” [0:44:01]


I'm going to have to look that up. 8-prenylnaringenin estrogen booster. I'm going to have to check that. In the very distant remote brain cells of this old 70-year-old woman, that seems to be correct. 


“Is this true? Should I switch drinking wine and buy some beer instead?” [0:44:44]


No. No, because I don't like any alcohol. Alcohol is a toxin. And I don't want to raise estradiol in a false way. So, I would not do that. Anyway, I have to look up 8-prenylnaringenin. I'm going to look that up and come back next week. I will not forget this one because this is the kind of stuff that makes me excited. 


“I have SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) and am taking Zifaxan. Simultaneously, I've been prescribed a medication for heart failure that has side effects to potentially cause urinary tract infections and yeast infections. My urologist and gynecologist have recommended a pre- and probiotic and D-Mannose. Am I correct that a prebiotic is not advisable to take when you have SIBO (Small Intestine Bowel Obstruction)?” [0:45:30]


Well, many foods essentially become a prebiotic - artichoke, inulin. I'd have to look up the list myself. But you can't live life in fear of these healthy nutraceuticals, like pre- and probiotics with D-mannose. 

That's a very small thing compared to the volume of food you're eating. I would be far more concerned about feeding Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth with too many carbs, starch, fruit sugars, and things like that, that create an imbalance of the bad bacteria. So, that's how I would look at that.


“Hi, Dr. Rita. I'm 69 years old and received the first and second Moderna COVID vaccines when they were being highly recommended for older people with underlying conditions. I have cardio and endocrine issues. I also received the COVID booster in early 2022 in order to travel abroad. Is there any way to detox these poisons I allowed to be put into my body?” [0:47:01]


Yes. And we have, and I'm glad to see that doctors like Dr. McCullough (0:47:51), and the other one is Malone, and who else? Doctor…I haven't used his name in a long time, the one who promoted ivermectin. But anyway, I'm glad these doctors are starting to learn functional medicine. But right from the beginning, I was giving broadcasts in January of 2000, and where I'm telling you about the antiviral aspects of high dose vitamin C, the importance of microcirculation, adequate hydration, vitamin D, the mineral zinc, and, the anti-inflammatory effect of systemic enzymes. Now, EDTA chelation is able because it is an anion, and the spike protein happens to be a cation, positive, and all heavy metals that are toxic are cations, positive. So, EDTA chelation has improved the microcirculation to help prevent clotting. It helps platelets from being sticky. So, it's a calming modality/medical medicine, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, calcium disodium. These are all anti-coagulating nitric oxide, synthetase-enhancing for vascular vasodilation of the microcirculation. And the fluid, the vitamin C, the zinc and minerals we have in chelation, all these wonderful things help to reduce spike, build the immune system, so that the T-cell function that was harmed by these spike proteins can hopefully and apparently seem to improve, because all of our patients, even those who did take the mRNA injections, not one of them have we lost, not one of them have we had any serious long-term effect. And they do the EDTA chelation, they do the enzymes, they do the low carb, they drink the water, and they're walking and moving. 

So, the good news is, yes, all these things can help to reduce it. Plus, I would stay on quercetin, 600 mg a day minimum, every day. You could take preventatively ivermectin twice a week so that no secondary viral illness can take over you with any potential weakening of your T-cell function that has been reported in several peer-reviewed literature pieces regarding the potential harm it may have brought. 


“My ureter is partially pinched, and my left kidney is always swollen. Is there a natural way to heal my ureter so it is fully opened?” [0:50:59]


This is now structurally an issue. Usually, prostate swelling pinches the ureter and puts pressure on it. And so, you need to see a urologist. They can put a stent in there, which will enhance the urine flow. That's like a little soft plastic tubing pipe. But you have to see a specialist in that. You could come by if you're a patient here and see PA Gonzalez. She's excellent in the urological advice and training and has years of experience. But all the things that enhance every single cell function in your human body, dis-inflaming you, drinking healthy volumes of water, vasodilation to help move debris inflammatory protein waste breakdown products, stop the sticky sugar, and sticky complexes that clog up the capillaries, stop eating wild variety of food. Eat a simple one-menu day, so that the lining of your gut can help fix, with phospholipids and proteins, the healthy single membrane of your cells in your colon. All these things then work together. Plus, we know that EDTA chelation with nephrology research studies on chronic kidney disease improves creatinine and glomerular function. So, get a good functional doctor. If you're in the area, come see us. Come see PA Gonzalez, urologist PA, and get your specialist to potentially determine if you need any specialty support like a stent.


“Recommendations to help improve a subclinical low thyroid with adrenal fatigue; menopause. Trying to improve energy levels and feel more alive. The thyroid labs are slightly off, and the adrenals have shown low cortisol, but I believe this is from prolonged stress over time. [0:52:56]


Well, here's an area where you need DHEA 25 to 50 mg a day. I can turn around cortisol in a couple of months with DHEA supplementation. 


“I have taken thyroid and adrenal supports for some time but slow improvements.” [0:53:30]


I don't know who you are, but almost all women and young women moving toward this, as they move toward menopause and aging and toward our day of death, this is something that everything I've told you applies. I just have to see who you are, where your fasting insulin, your triglycerides, your HDL, your hemoglobin A1c, and your insulin levels are. I need to get your body mass, your body makeup. I need to see your inflammatory markers. I need to get a feel for your blood type and your digestion and your exposure and age and life to damages and put all these things together and a pathway toward healing. See, God wrote the message in Psalm 139. He wrote about written in the book are my members as before they were even formed. And God's talking about the instruction book of his DNA writing, the intelligent language of the DNA, and that's why evolution has been proven wrong.  

And so, in that DNA is the healing for every cell in every part of the human body. What we have to get out of the way is our bad habits, our lack of water, our inactive bodies, our poor sleep habits, our clogging up sugars and starches and fruit sugars, our late-night eating, our alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, all this kind of things, we have to get ourselves out of the way. And so much like the gospel, die to yourself and live, you know. So, the world's marketing is to have some oral excitement every time you put something in your mouth. God never meant for this to be an excitement center. This was a method, to use our mouth to bring love and honor and instruction and encouragement to our family, friends, and neighbors, to all mankind. It was never meant to be some entertainment hole. And so, I would just say follow this. Get a good functional doctor. Try and work on this and see the best we can do for you. 


“My friend has alopecia. Her hair has grown back a few times, but then she loses it again. Her blood tests have shown no issues overall. Thoughts on how to help her grow her hair back again? She has tried supplements in the past for thyroid, liver, parasites, digestion, etc.” [0:55:57]


Remember, hair is made of protein, and this is a non-essential part of our body, the protein here. But it is in our bones. And when there's stress, aging, breakdown, and as our capillaries to our scalp and stuff diminished, then your body is going to take what protein you do get in because they’re trying to tell you not to eat meat now. It used to be eggs and stuff. Now, they're down to saying meat is bad. We're living in an upside-down world. Anyway, we have to see how good her gut is because if she's not absorbing it and her body senses a lack of it, it’s not going to put it in her hair. So, whoever this is, we have to do a complete digestive stool, and we have to get her thyroid antibodies and her hormones and that kind of stuff and probably find out her heavy metals levels and that kind of stuff. 


“Is the Prevnar 20 vaccine safe and is it necessary and do you know of any long-term side effects? Want and asking for a friend who is healthy, active 70+ years. She had fatigue and muscle pain, but it lasted more than a month. She has her first appointment with TLC this month with Dr. Gonzalez.” [0:57:07]


I'm not familiar with it. Well, she'll be blessed here. Let me write down the name of the vaccine. Prevnar 20 vaccine. All right. So that's new. You know, the way old doctors can stay current is to talk and talk with their patients and get questions like this, and then we can continue to learn as doctors and take all of our experience and mix it with the new, and hopefully the best results for our patients.  


“Dr. Robert McCullough.” [0:58:12]


Yes, that was the one. Yeah. Thank you. He's one of the doctors who was talking about working away to deal with the toxicities. So, I'm glad he figured it out finally. So, praise the Lord, and I'm glad to see these doctors learning to grow and develop. 


“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, I have lupus and recently diagnosed with Sjogren's.” [0:58:34]


So, that's an autoimmune, it starts in your gut. You've got to have a complete digestive stool analysis.  

We have to look at your sugar levels. We have to look at your blood type, your digestive capacity, your hormone levels.  


“I've been working on my healing gut with Glutagenics, SBI Protect, Systemic Enzymes, and probiotics. Any recommendations?” [0:58:54]


That’s a good first step. I would go carnivore. Basically, eating meat, a carnivore diet, supplies a plenteous, massive repair system for the entire 40-foot tube so that it will quiet down the immune system inflammation, and all these autoimmune phenomena. I've seen it over and over and over and over again. That's my general first knee-jerk reaction. And that's why we use these things. This Phospholipids is what you get when you eat the meat, to plug these holes up again. The protein and the immunoglobulins are here and then the probiotics are up here. So that's how I would look at that.


“I have left lower lung atelectasis. When I swim, I get winded. What can improve my lung function and increase nitric oxide? Thank you, doctor.” [0:59:49]


Well, I would do EDTA chelation therapy, hands down. I would take systemic enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day. I would drink half my weight in water. I would eat a robust, healthy, simple one-menu day rich in proteins and iodine and N-acetyl cysteine, and the antioxidant protection from Juice Plus. I would do all those things. Well, I don't know you. There might be something else. But long and short is atelectasis is just little sacs that kind of get stuck together from not expanding your lung enough, and they have these little clacking, it's like little popping sounds when I'm listening in on a…it's little crackled. And as I hear these little smacking sounds, I have the person take another deep breath, cough, or take a second deep breath, and then it opens it up. And sometimes I make the patient, most people are sitting kind of humped over like this, and then I say sit your chest up nice. That's why I want you to do weight training and that’s what I'm going to do here in a minute.