YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, July 16, 2024
July 18, 2024
“Hi, Dr. Rita. I'm from First Works Baptist Church. I've seen you a few times. I'm a 35-year-old woman and I'm on day 54 of a carnivore diet. I just did a calculator to see how much protein and fat I should have because I have stopped using weight the past few weeks, and I really want to continue to lose weight. I mean, I feel a lot better, no more inflammation, sciatica is gone, but I still have lingering of depression and anxiety, and I just stopped dropping weight. It says I should have 149 grams of protein and 134 grams of fat and calories should be at 2100 daily. Also, my psoriasis is really bad on my scalp and I was hoping it would get better, but it's not right now at all. It's pretty inflamed. I wanted to ask, is having a little bit of grass-fed Kerrygold cheese and heavy cream okay with this diet or is it working against me? Can you guide me a little bit, please?” [0:01:50]
In general, you're already experiencing weight loss, and that's good, and the inflammation has gone down. Number one, you're on day 54, so you're a little over 4 to 5 weeks into this. It takes about 4 months for a whole new layer of skin to grow out. So the skin layers are going to take 4 months. So you have to be patient. We have to get a grip around the fact that we are in the instantaneous generation and world. We just don't have enough patience. So, be patient and make a commitment to this for six months. You'll see your new skin layers growing out and that the psoriasis will get better because in general, it is stated that the carnivore diet is the most perfect elimination diet you can do. In other words, you get rid of all the lectins, all the plant pesticides, all the plant lectins, oxalates, phytates, tannins, oxalates, plus the genetic-modified material, the glyphosate. So you get that all out of your diet to the largest extent when you go carnivore. A carnivore diet is a complete diet. It's very sustaining, and it's made of the protein and fat that we're made of. Your cell membranes are made of these fatty layers here. So, these double sandwiches are phospholipids and these are protein little blobs here. So you're literally eating the protein and the fats that your body is composed of. So, that is a very good thing.
The same for your mood and anxiety, you have to be patient with your weight loss. And I would say that a 2100-calorie diet is not a low-calorie diet. I would cut back somewhat of, maybe I would drop to 120 grams of protein, and the fat, drop to 120 of that as well. In other words, cut back. I don't think you're caloric. If you want to lose weight, you know, I don't know who you are, I don't know what your blood type is, digestion is important and if you're a blood type A, you should probably take a Digestive Enzyme to help you with this increased amount of fat and protein you're eating. I use Ortho Molecular. I've used it for close to 40 years. It's just excellent and that's been received very, very well.
So, she said she's a blood type O positive. You know, O's as a class tend to do very well eating the meat and fats, but all blood types can eat it if, especially an A, if they take Digestive Enzymes. So, I think you're eating too many calories. And I think you need patience, both for your mood and when you cut back on the total calories of your fat and protein, you'll start experiencing more weight loss. You have to drink plenty of water though. So, you need to try and get in about 100 ounces of water a day. Weight training and weight lifting will help you burn and take down that weight, tone up your body, and improve your circulation. Plus, exercise helps your mood. Those would be the suggestions that I would give you.
“Does using ”pure” nicotine gum for Parkinson’s symptoms have any addictive risks? Do you know where to obtain the pure form? Have heard claims that Serrapeptase and NAC may be good for Parkinson's? Do you have information/ opinion?” [0:07:15]
Well, I would assume yes. Well, Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease, and it is, in a sense, an autoimmune type of attack on the nervous system. So again, I think anyone with any disease or autoimmune attack should probably go on a carnivore diet at least for 3 months and see if they greatly improve in their symptoms. The fats and the proteins are what make up the nerve and nerve sheaths. So, if that's your nerve and you have the myelin sheath wrapped around it, that's all made up of fat and protein. So, it's a very healthy and nutritious and repair diet. It takes a long time to gradually heal nerve damage and the like. So, that's going to be a long term. I would probably try and be on a carnivore diet for a longer period of time.
Now, as for nicotine, it has addictive features, but it's nowhere as addictive as sugar and high fructose corn syrup, but it is addictive. So, I'm going to obviously say, yes. Now, can you get a pure form? You know, I don't prescribe nicotine for Parkinson's. I find the research interesting. I've been watching it from a distance and occasionally reading articles on nicotine and Parkinsonian symptom relief or prevention of progression. I think there has been a trial already done on this. I think the results of that trial have not been impressive. But again, I don't know. Who did the trial and I haven't read it, the actual report, I just saw clips of the abstract, and I don't necessarily find that to be revealing. They have seen that smokers tend not to get Parkinson's disease, and I think that's one of the areas in which made them interested. The other thing is smokers didn't have any bad experiences with this pandemic, with the COVID and the ace receptors. So, we have nicotinic receptors all throughout our body, and I don't think we completely understand all of their function, but we do know that the smokers did well during the pandemic and then Parkinson's does not seem to be as prevalent in the smoking population, which is gradually diminishing less and less smokers are out there with the real cigarettes. As far as vaping, I'm not so sure, but there is nicotine in the vape liquids.
Now, does serrapeptase help? Well, anything that reduces inflammation will help all body functions, including the nervous system. So, serrapeptase, which is a systemic anti-inflammatory enzyme, will help. N-acetyl cysteine is one of the precursors to glutathione, and glutathione is a tripeptide that's known to be helpful. Especially in neurodegenerative Parkinsonian features, we've actually seen IV infusions of glutathione and then Parkinson's symptoms being greatly diminished within half an hour. But it's not long-lasting. We can see it happen immediately, and we see people are taking glutathione IVs over and over because it's a very powerful antioxidant, very important in cellular electron transport, free radical quenching, you might say, of the oxidizing free radicals of metabolism. And so, yes, N-acetyl cysteine would be good.
So, I take Vitalzym every day of my life, and which has the serrapeptase in it and other systemic enzymes, just as a base to my life. Plus, I have all women who are on natural hormones. I request they take Systemic Enzymes. I also take N-acetyl cysteine. It helps with glutathione production and it also is associated with a mucolytic to help expectorate and clear up lungs. Also iodine, I take iodine. And chelation therapy helps with Parkinson's and neurodegenerative disorders. It reduces heavy metal toxicity, which may be a contributing factor in creating neurodegenerative diseases. And then I eat a carnivore diet.
So, I am trying to do all these things myself. So, yes, there is reasonable support for serrapeptase, N-acetyl cysteine, and glutathione, and there is interesting information about nicotine, but I think it's not as well established.
“Hi Doctor, my friend has had respiratory issues since having Covid in 2021. He’s used an inhaler once a day since which has helped manage the symptoms of his chronic cough he’s had since. He may be more susceptible now to respiratory infection as he currently has bronchitis. What would you recommend for both the infection and the long-term issue?” [0:13:05]
Well, again, I can't give personal advice, but I can tell you about a patient I just saw today. I saw her, I think it was last Friday or Saturday, about three days ago. She's in her early 50s, and she's a nonsmoker, and she got a bad upper respiratory, which I don't recall if it was found to be COVID or not, but she had some viral infection last fall, October. And she's had a chronic cough ever since that has just made her tired and sore and worn out with this chronic cough to the point where she has seen specialists who have done, of course, imaging and labs on her, and eventually put her on several different rounds of antibiotics, and they have given her steroids, plus inhalers and various types of inhalers. And so, she came to me last Friday just exhausted with this coughing, coughing, coughing, a dry, mostly nonproductive cough. So, she is having her 40th anniversary, and she is going to Hawaii, and she was desperate if I had anything I could do to help her. Well, of course, I made available the high-dose IV vitamin C to her, as well as chelation. But I asked her to take our Ortho Molecular Buffered Vitamin C capsules, it's just a 500 mg Buffered vitamin C capsule. And I asked her to start taking one every 30 minutes. You know, maybe this is around noon when I saw her on Friday last week, and she started doing that and she was eating carnivore and drinking lots of water, plus her other vitamin D and her multimineral and her other nutrients, and taking a 500 mg capsule of vitamin C every 30 minutes made her cough stop, and she noticed that by the early evening around 6 o'clock, and then she went to bed and had one of her first best night’s sleep. And Saturday and Sunday, she just kept on using frequently the oral vitamin C capsules at least once an hour. So, it got her in the realm of somewhere between 6 and 12 grams orally a day. She really didn't get any diarrhea or much gas or bloating from it because she took it every 30 minutes with plenty of water.
And I saw her today, Tuesday, on follow-up, and she was just blown over and excited. She called her pulmonologist. He was happy for her because for over 7 months no one has been able to help her. So we praise the Lord for his wonderful simple creation of vitamin C, and I just wonder, with all the stress that we have in the world, if all of us aren't a bit vitamin C deficient, it is very subtle and the minimum recommended daily allowances to avoid the disease expression of scurvy is like around 70 to 80 mg a day, and we're talking about taking 6 to 12 g, 6,000 to 12,000 mg a day, and it's really a harmless innocuous thing. So, I think all of you out there with those chronic coughs get a buffered high-quality vitamin C. I use Ortho Molecular because this company I've worked with and I can vet, I know the owners, I have been to the plant, I've seen their analytical chemistry department, their sampling, and their receival sites for their shipments of materials and their reporting and sampling and assays, and they are just a high quality, God-fearing company. So, Ortho Molecular is what I use.
Now, Ortho Molecular only services medical doctors. But you know, vitamin C should be available over the counter as well, and you might give that a try with your friend. So, she's going to just keep on taking about four to six capsules a day, spread out throughout the day, and hopefully, she has a wonderful 40th anniversary.
“Do you still support drinking high alkaline water?” [0:18:21]
Yes. There have been, you know, now close to 15 years since some of these promotional alkaline water systems have come out. It makes extra hydrogen, which is another methodology for quenching free radicals in your system. So, that's always a good thing. It encourages you to drink water, and water consumption is always very, very important. We don't drink enough. We're trained like little rats in a jar to behave in the lab, going after entertainment every time we open our mouths instead of good old-fashioned food and water. And so, anytime you hydrate yourself, anytime you're getting extra hydrogen molecules in you to quench free radicals, you're going to do well.
Now, is this superior to a pH of 7? I don't think that has been established. And so, possibly some of the benefits we had seen from our Kangen water, the one I have and I use, may just have been just drinking more water. Now, I'm into doing, looking at the fourth stage of water, structured water, and organized or coherent water, and what is called, there's the ice phase gel, then there's the liquid, then there's the gas. So, that gel phase or coherent water is what I've been studying most recently and doing and I do feel the value of it. I do drink plenty of water all the time. So, at least this time, my water consumption is not a new feature. I've always been drinking good water for years and years. But now that I'm drinking structured water, I do feel an increased sense of energy within my body.
“Hi Dr. E. I’ve been reading about the many benefits of castor oil. The only warning was for people over 60. I’m 73. Do you have any concerns or recommendations for usage? Thanks for your input.” [0:20:37]
Well, castor oil packs have been around for thousands of years. I think that's an ancient, even Egyptian, medical archive, using the castor oil. And that is an omega 6, omega 9 rich oil ricinoleic acid, I think is the name of it, ricinoleic acid. And this has been used in machinery. What else has that been used for? It's not recommended for oral consumption. It is associated with being a stimulant to receptors in the bowel that make the bowel irritated and propel the bowel contents out to promote bowel movements and diarrhea. So, it's considered a laxative. It tastes terrible. Usually, it's been applied topically, and usually, they will put some essential oil, lavender, or some other oil essence in with it and put it as a poultice or a wrap and massage it on the abdomen, but I do not think that this is something that has ever been really valuable.
If I've been practicing 43 years, and in 43 years really never taking a vacation, so you could take 52 weeks times 43 years times 150 people a week average, because there were times when I was an ER doctor all the time and saw 80 people a day. So, I've seen millions of people. And in the millions of people I've seen, you would think if something is showing up that is very beneficial. And I have been around the birthing of the alternative mom-and-pop vitamin shops. You would think I would hear a lot about, oh, yeah castor oil packs are very valuable. I have not heard that it does not come up as something very remarkable. So, I have never used it much at all. And in those that I have, I have not seen any of these “wow” situations as I do with things like just vitamin C orally or intravenous vitamin C or chelation therapy. I mean, I have distilled it down into my practice, and for cost, because most of my patients, I'm trying to take insurance so that I can make it open to the general population. My patients can't afford fancy-dancy things. And so, I need to know what works, what has a good payoff, and that's EDTA chelation, high dose vitamin C, Systemic Enzymes, the low carb or carnivore diet, time-restricted eating, weightlifting, and grounding, you know, standing in the grass or in the wet sand for a few minutes every day, sunlight in the morning and the late afternoon, aerobic exercise, some, if you're young, can be hit high intensity for brief little spurts, and these are the things that have made the difference along with vitamin D K2 and a multimineral Zinc and the herb quercetin. Of all the herbs, I think quercetin and maybe turmeric have been the most pronounced as far as benefits. Iodine, in prevention and natural hormone replacement therapy, and methylated B vitamins, and there you have it. That's the arena that I have really seen make a difference, with loving healthcare providers that help you through this and encourage you to stick with doing these correct lifestyle changes.
And so, then where are all my new cancers, where are all my new heart attacks, strokes, blood clots? They just don't exist. It is extremely rare in my decades and decades of medical practice to have a patient who has a heart attack or a blood clot. It's just extremely rare. Now, everything got thrown upside down after the pandemic with the intervention of the mRNA injections, and then those participants had some problems, but we were able to recover every one of them. So, how exciting is that?
So when we talk about castor oil, I am not going to emphasize it, and I don't think it's necessary.
“Are there any solutions for psoriasis? A 70-year-old friend has had a severe case for most of his life. It covers most of his body except his head and neck. He has tried medication, various baths 4 times a week (Epson salt or baking soda or apple cider vinegar), and washes with tea gel and tea salt. Now trying to adjust my diet. Some improvement but never goes away. HELP.” [0:26:17]
I'm going to tell him, whoever this person is, that they have to become a carnivore, and they have to do that for a year. They have, at that age, you know, we're talking if they're 70, they have a long way and slow healing rate, it slows with aging, so they have to become a pure carnivore. That's just the absolute. And because of their age, even if they're an O type blood with good digestive enzymes, they have to, at age 70, use Ortho Digestzyme, which has betaine hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzymes that help you digest. That would be the number one direction to go. Not one cheating. Not any cheating. And if they commit to 4 months, they will definitely see the improvement. Work with a good functional doctor so that, as they improve, then we can start looking to see if we can expand their menu choice. But, as a carnivore myself, I enjoy the fish, salmon mostly, some tuna, I get some shrimp, I get some lobster occasionally for a treat, my steaks, my hamburger, I have chicken, roasted chicken, various different seasonings and butter seasonings, and then I have a Polish sausage and I have eggs that I prepare hard-boiled, scrambled, ham, I have slices of ham, and I only use mayonnaise with it, so I stay carnivore. I find there's a decent amount of variety. But I don't live to eat. I find people the most precious beautiful creation and I just enjoy human beings. I don't so much enjoy food put before me because it's been so hurt and so destroyed and so overrated. So, I think you can find a decent diet there for your friend with psoriasis.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, I’m taking vitamin D with K (Ortho Molecular products), eat yogurt, and cheese (not every day). I don’t drink milk. Do I need to take a calcium supplement? I used to take Citracal but heard that calcium supplements will deposit to arteries (calcification). Will the Vit D and Vit K2 prevent the calcification of the arteries? Thank you!” [0:28:57]
In general, yes. K2 is part of the whole metabolism of vitamin D, and calcium, and metabolism helps it not to be deposited in soft tissue areas of the body but to be appropriately put into calcium-rich areas, like your bone. That's the theme. But if you eat an inflaming, cheap, junk food, high fructose, sugar juicing diet, if you stay up late, if you have too much electromagnetic energy, and screen time, and lack of exercise, and don't drink water, and only drink diet sodas or sodas, and you eat all manner of processed packaged foods, you will be inflamed and it'll be difficult not to have chronic irritation, like we have on this picture here where you see this injury here on the cell membranes. So, you're getting micro-injuries from a lousy diet. We want to heal it like this, so you have to stop injuring all your cell membranes with a lousy diet. You have to rinse away with enough water, you have to take enzymes, and you have to not eat late. So, you need to work with a good functional doctor. Yes, vitamin D and K2, if you're living a decent lifestyle, then it should not deposit on your arteries. If you keep your carbohydrates and sugars down, it shouldn't injure the endothelial lining of your blood vessels, and you should have no risk of depositing calcium there. And no, I don't think you need to take calcium supplementally.
“Hello, Dr. E. I've seen aluminum ingredients in lotions and creams. Should I reframe from buying products such as these?” [0:31:26]
Absolutely. Absolutely. And, you know, it's all about tricking you or tantalizing you or tempting you to buy and buy and buy and buy and buy more and buy and buy and buy and buy and buy and buy. And you have to just understand, women have never had this before in life. And our health and beauty are not in what we buy and do to ourselves. Our health and beauty are in our spirit and our exercise and our life and our behavior and our very humble eating and staying well-hydrated and getting a good night's sleep and the peace that gives us. It isn't all these things. So, I have some base, which is a liquid base for, you know, if I have a spot on my skin, I have my lipstick and I have my mascara. Period. I don't put a thing on my face. I don't let soap touch my face. Nothing to my face. I use my natural hormones.
I shower maybe once every couple of weeks, and I sponge bath daily, but I don't let stuff get on my skin because my oils are precious to me and I don't want to soap away and wash them away. I want to have the moisture and the smoothness that natural body oils give me. I want to eat a low-carb diet, so I don't get pimples and I want to get modest sunlight in the morning and in the afternoon, exercise, do weight training, that kind of stuff. So, keep that stuff out of your life.
“Juice Plus is made from fruits and veggies. Does the product spike blood glucose levels like raw or cooked fruit? How do they get the sugar out? What else is lost in the processing?” [0:33:23]
Not at all. Well, it's been a proprietary private company for the past 30 years roughly. I think it came out in ‘94. So, ‘94, yeah, I would say it's about 30 years old. It has over 42 peer-reviewed published university studies on protecting DNA, antioxidants, immune enhancement, nutrients, childhood allergy, health performance, and staying well surveys in the millions now. I mean, there is nothing out there that I've seen so well documented. They take the fruits and vegetables from small farms, and these growers are dedicated to their personal family farms. They protect the water they use for irrigation and they test it. They don't use pesticides fungicides or herbicides. They grow their crop and wait until they're fully ripened, then the Juice Plus harvests them and flash freezes them right there at the harvest site. Then it is brought for processing and it is dehydrated. And so, the water that is taken away usually has most of the sugar/fruit sugars in it which are taken away.
Now, I'm sure there's probably some nutrient loss, but when you look at the DNA studies, you look at the immune lymphocyte studies, you look at the cardiovascular nutraceutical, like homocysteine improvement levels, when you look at the population studies, and the oxidative stress study reductions, you look at all these, whatever is lost is infinitesimally nothing. And I can tell you, testing it for over 30 years here on patients, it does not have sugar in it. So, it's the most research-validated nutraceutical in the world.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. What do you know about metoprolol (that I have to take as an adjunct to flecainide for my atrial fibrillation), increasing blood sugar and/or insulin? I convinced my cardiologist to switch me to carvedilol. If metoprolol is responsible for my prediabetes readings, will it go down now that I've stopped taking it?” [0:36:09]
I'm not a cardiologist and I really avoid using lots and lots of drugs. In other words, I primarily am a general practitioner. I know the functions, whether they're an ace. Inhibitor or whether they are a calcium channel blocker, or whether they're a beta-blocker or a selective blocker. So, I understand these things. But as to the nuances between one cardiovascular manipulation for the tone of your heart contraction timing versus another, that's in the expertise of a cardiologist. What would be more important to me and what we would be interested in here is what is your fasting blood sugar, and if it's above 85, then we have problems. And what is your triglyceride level? And if it's above roughly 50 or 60, what is the problem? And if we have an HDL that's not above 35 or 40, then we ask, what is the problem? And then if you have a hemoglobin A1c above 5.2 or 3, we say, what is the problem? And if you have an insulin level fasted above 4, we say, what's the problem? The problem is you're eating too much, you're not active enough. And so, it isn't so much a medicine adjustment, it's a commitment to a diet and timing of this.
I think one simple thing you could do is go and become a carnivore. Be a carnivore for 3 months, and then watch various things heal. I would do EDTA chelation, so the microcirculation not only in your heart but throughout your whole body. And find out what your testosterone level is. You remember your heart is a muscle, and it may respond very well to supplemental testosterone for its tonicity rhythm, and strength. So, there are many things. And so, these are the things we look at. I can't speak to the specifics of one drug against another. That's the purview of a cardiologist.
“I would like to know the dose of D3 K2 combo. I'm a healthy 55-year-old and I weigh 150 lbs. Also, would you recommend a brand?” [0:39:03]
Well, I use Ortho Molecular. And so, you can't buy from them, only doctors get them. So, in general, I start all my women somewhere between 5 and 10,000 international units a day of vitamin D3. Then I like that to be paired with vitamin K2, somewhere between 45 mcg to 90 mcg, and that's the range that I start with. And I test them, and I see, you know if they're taking it faithfully, and it doesn't get their vitamin D level up to about 80 nanograms per deciliter, then I'll add more.
“Hello, Dr. Rita. I had somewhat aggressive pneumonia in April. My hair started falling out in June, and I'm told it's because of the pneumonia. What can I do to prevent the loss and promote growth?” [0:40:14]
Well, it's the stress and the cortisol. Cortisol is catabolic, it'll stop the building of your hair and muscles.
So, stress cortisol breaks your body down.
Well, you're going to have to be patient. You're going to have to manage your stress and stay healthy, and very likely you would benefit also from using extra vitamin C, if you took 4 grams a day, we would recommend roughly in the realm of 4 grams or 4,000 milligrams a day. And then there are many other things. What is your weight? What is your blood type? How old are you? What time are you eating? Are you exercising? There are many other aspects that go into hair. Thyroid functions, thyroid antibodies, and various minerals. So, we would have to look at all those things, but that is why it fell out. Any stress will create cortisol, which stops building in your body and breaks you down. And vitamin C is very, very important for that.
“Hi, Dr. Rita, I'm selling my home and there is radon and chloroform present. What can my family do to detox or will our body heal naturally?” [0:41:54]
I would do EDTA chelation with vitamin C. It reduces oxidative stress and vitamin C deals with some of the environmental aromatic benzene rings and the like. That's what I would do.
“What vitamin brands do you recommend?” [0:42:29]
I don't recommend any. I only test them. Many of these companies have been bought up now by pharmaceuticals, and they keep their brand names. Like Amway used to have Nutrilite. And Shaklee, I don't know if they're still independent. But for many of these, I just was reading an article. So, for instance, it looks like the 14 mega-corporations that own your supplements, and I'm going to list the names of those corporations. Bayer, Clorox, Procter & Gamble, Nestle, Amway, Carlyle Group, Pfizer, Kikkoman, and there's a couple of others, I can't really read their names. So these common vitamins have been bought up by them and Nature Made, Sundown, Puritan's Pride, Swanson, Herbalife, and Metagenics have been bought out, Wobenzym has been bought out, Pure Encapsulation says Douglas Laboratories have been bought out, Garden of Life, Renew Life, NeoCell, and One A Day, Vega, Country Life, Nature's Way, Kal, whatever that is, something Nutraceutical, Solaray, Centrum, Emergen-C, MegaFood, Nature's Made. Thorne is 80 percent owned by some of these outside companies. So, what's left for me to trust when felony companies like Pfizer are buying up these things? That's why I have to work and find that important group and that company that I can hold personally accountable for myself and my patients, which is Ortho Molecular largely is what I work with.
So, hopefully, that is a sad answer to your question, but it gives you the answer to why I have to keep things that I know will work for me because I'm trying to avoid drugs.
“I Take Vitality-C every day. 60-year-old, A+ person.” [0:45:47]
Yeah. So Vitality-C has 4 grams of vitamin C in it for every scoop, so that's a good amount.
“Do you think hormone replacement therapy would help a postmenopausal woman with fibromyalgia who already eats healthy and exercises?” [0:46:04]
1000 percent, yes. Yes. It's part of your general contractors for building and repair, anabolism and repair. Most definitely hormones will help you. I've been doing this for decades and decades.
“Do you eat any dairy or things like dates when doing carnivore? Or should I stop eating all that and stick to meat, eggs, and butter only?” [0:46:54]
Yes, I do eat dairy. Dates, not at all, that's a plant. Not at all. I will have some dairy, and I'm only eating meat, fish, chicken, pork, crustaceans, and eggs. Yeah. And I try and eat raw dairy, unpasteurized, non-homogenized.
Well, the more severe your problem, the better it is to stick to meat, eggs, and butter, that kind of stuff, chicken. But most people are going to heal with that. Depending on your blood type, you might need Digestive Enzymes. I think you said you were O-positive, so you may not need that. Just hang in there.
“Where can I find the list of supplements that got bought out that you just mentioned?” [0:47:49]
This was created by Village Vitality available@villagevitality.com. All one word. That's where I read that down right here. That's what it looks like.