YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, November 14, 2023
November 15, 2023
“What are your thoughts on eating gluten? I feel so much worse when I eat bread, noodles, etc. Have never been tested for the allergy though.” [0:02:58]
Well, there’s a lot of confusion about gluten. Gluten is a protein that’s produced by grains like wheat. It’s found in wheat, barley, rye, brewer’s yeast even has it in it, and these products produce this protein as part of its cellular identifiable structure. These are called lectins, you might say.
Now, there’s a disease called celiac disease in which a person is truly genetically at risk to or reacts poorly, they have a true allergy to gluten, and then, they will become ill with gas, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, and various generalized symptoms. These are celiac disease. These are the gluten-true allergy people. People who have celiac disease can develop this autoimmune phenomenon where their own cell membranes along the lining of their gut, and there’s only a one-cell membrane thick lining there to the cells lining your gut between you and the outside world, and if the immune system on a celiac patient attacks them through autoimmune attack, that lining in the gut becomes very thin, flattened out, and they’re absorption diminishes. They can become very ill and even die from this.
Now, a lot of people can be what we call gluten-sensitive, not in the true sense of having celiac, and this is something that probably a large majority of us have where we’re not a celiac’s genetically predisposed to have the disease and damage, but we can become fatigued, gassy, bloating, having the discomfort in our abdomen and even have some loose stools. And so, that is something that’s going to teach you if you eat wheat, barley, rye, brewer’s yeast, things like that, that you should learn to avoid it. Do you have to get tested? And the answer is no. If you find a food you react to, just avoid it because a very small percentage of people actually have celiac disease with gluten allergies that we can test in the blood serum.
Again, I start my day with my workouts every morning, and then I’m here at work working full time with barely a break, and I’m talking all day long. So, on Tuesdays, sometimes it’s hard for me, my throat gets dry, especially in this dryer weather. So, I might cough a little bit because I’m so dry.
Now, the other thing is, so don’t go looking for gluten testing necessarily. I would say 99 percent of all the people I’ve tested over 40 years of practicing medicine are not true celiac or gluten-sensitive people, in the sense of a true allergy. And therefore, just avoid it. Besides, the carbs are so high in breads, pasta, crackers, bagels, and cereals. You should be eating far more protein. Remember, this is a bilipid layer made of fat and protein, cholesterol, and this is what we’re composed of. So, that’s what you need to focus on eating.
“I usually don’t suffer from allergies, but this fall they got me. My blood type is O positive and you know me. And I practice intermittent fasting and a low-carb diet. Is there a supplement I could take to help?” [0:07:26]
Most definitely. And it helps avoid viruses as well. And that would be quercetin. I use it in a tried and true product called D-Hist put out by orthomolecular. D-Hist has quercetin in it. It’s standardized. And it takes about 600 mg, maybe 800 mg, and you do a loading dose. So, the first day or two, if there’s 200 mg in a capsule, I would take four or five, maybe even six, to load all of your histaminic receptors. Then the next day, taper by one or two capsules, but always stay on at least two or three a day. I have to take two or three a day and that’s why I just have such bad allergies. Sometimes I have to succumb to taking over-the-counter Zyrtec or over-the-counter Allegra. This is loratadine or cetirizine (08:57), and these two items are over-the-counter but chemicals made by the pharmaceuticals for over-the-counter antihistamines that will not make you drowsy, but they work as antihistamines. So, I’m not sure that you would have to use that, but certainly, the quercetin does a great job. Hopefully, that helps you.
“Today, I dropped off at your office. My question, on behalf of my sister on strict keto. She’s worried about her blood results. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts. Stay the course? “ [0:09:26]
Well, I don’t know if I got any hand-off of a question today, but I would say, Margot, is the older we get, the more muscle mass we lose. And the more muscle mass we lose, the engines for burning up energy source molecules like sugar diminish. And therefore, it’s very easy for us with aging to become diabetics. So, it becomes even more imperative for older adults and aging people to eat more and more protein healthy fat-rich diets compared to the vegetable and starch ones. That way, we will live longer, and have more resources.
As we age, sometimes people have the gut lining where they’re not absorbing possibly or they’re not consuming in their diet adequate nutrition, or they have metabolism, hypothyroid disorders, and they start having muscle wasting and they lose weight along with their muscle loss and they start to become very thin with aging. And they have to very aggressively do weight training and weightlifting, resistance training, to help build up their muscles to talk to that environment, epigenetically talking to the DNA in ourselves to say we’re alive, we’re alive, we’re using our muscles. Repair and rebuild. Repair and rebuild.
So, if someone is doing intermittent fasting to control their blood sugar but they’re too thin and they’re losing their muscle mass, the answer is they have to work out. They have to do weight training. And I would do a two times minimum a week, both upper and lower body, exercising for at least about a half an hour, 20 minutes. I do it three times a week and then aerobics on the other days. But hopefully, that answers your question.
So, by building muscle mass, then their blood sugars will improve because they can’t do much more fasting because they’re already losing their body weight and their lean body mass. So, the only way to reverse that is to do weight training and to eat a higher, richer protein/fat diet and use digestive enzymes, and probably probiotics to help do that. Maybe using the phospholipid product. This is the Phospholipid Powder and the SBI Protect Powder. Mixing those in water twice a day will help jumpstart any gut repair and gut sensitivity, any gut injury, colitis diarrhea, diverticulitis, or anything that is stressing the gut.
“I meant to stay strict carnivore.” [0:13:22]
Alright. Well, I’m glad she’s a strict carnivore to try and build it up, if I’m getting it right because I don’t know the question exactly from her, but still, everything I said I think is valuable.
“I think my question from last week got lost. I learned to drink Perfect Aminos while fasting in the morning after I worked out. Someone said that the Perfect Aminos will take me out of fasting.” [0:13:41]
Well, they will because they are food. The amino acids are just in the sense pre-digestive proteins. Now, will they do a significant amount? And I’m going to say no. I don’t think they’ll do a significant amount, so I wouldn’t worry about it.
“Thank you for your excellent work. What is the ideal way to take Digestive Enzymes? What times a day? How many times with meals?” [0:14:24]
It all depends, Holly. I try, as I get older, now I’m starting my 70s, to take Ortho Digestive Enzyme with every meal I take. Digestive enzymes or this is Ortho Molecular. Again, we use sources that are well studied and reliable and of high integrity, good general manufacturing, using resources that are well tested and surveyed in their labs and chemistries and quarantine. All these wonderful things. And so, Ortho Digestive Enzyme has done very well, especially for people getting older. This is supposed to be taken with every meal.
Now, should you take it right before your meal, in between bites in the middle of your meal, or after your meal? That’s a matter of what works for you. What works for me is to always take it after I – because I live such a busy stressful life, sometimes I can get called away from eating. And if I take my digestive enzyme before I eat, I might get pulled away from eating that I have that digestive enzyme with the betaine hydrochloric acid sitting in there without any food. So, it really is up to you.
Now, as to how many to take, it’s the size of the meal and how you feel. Sometimes I’ll just take one or two after a meal. And then maybe two to three hours later, I still feel that the food isn’t moving, and as you age peristalsis and digestion diminishes, it just doesn’t seem like it’s moving, and I’ll take an additional one or two more. If it’s a Thanksgiving dinner, I’ll probably take four right after I eat my Thanksgiving dinner, maybe even six. So, it’s kind of what works for you. If you take too many, you’ll wind up getting a little heartburn from the excess hydrochloric acid and then you can just take another bite of food to buffer it right away. So, that’s kind of how I would work with that.
“My brother was diagnosed with chronic hives. No known reason for onset. What would be your recommendations on how to treat it? He does not want to go on the monthly injectable meds the immunologist has prescribed.” [0:16:51]
Well, you know, I don’t know his background history. The immunologist may have a very good reason for these allergy-managing immunosuppressant treatments. But in general, I would want to know whether he had received an injectable of the mRNA for the virus in the past two years. That can create that. I’ve seen that emerging more and more.
And then the other thing is I would tell him to go pure carnivore for three months. That would give his whole body a chance to get away from all the corruption of the food and processing. Of course, I would want him to eat grass-fed, wild-caught sources. And if it is in his diet, he’ll eliminate that and he can enjoy steaks, lobster, shrimp, and crab, and fish, and pork, and eggs, and chicken with a skin on it. So, totally eliminate all causes, and that will dis-inflame him.
The other thing is drinking half his weight in water every day as ounces. So, if he is 200 pounds, he would have to have 100 ounces of water. And then I would have him use natural quercetin, which also works as an antiviral, especially in the flu season. So get some D-Hist. And I would take two twice a day and just stay on it with the carnivore diet. I would probably take it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
And then I would take Systemic Enzymes. The enzymes dis-inflame the whole body and calm down the entire pathways of inflammation and that’s how I would begin to do it. But of course, that’s a general idea, without knowing anything about him. You have to always follow up with the doctor who knows the person individually and their rationale. But as a general thing, that’s how I would approach any chronic hives situation that’s new in an adult as well.
Then, of course, he has to screen his medicines, his exposures, and his world travel. Make sure there aren’t any hidden parasites, and so forth. But assuming all that has been done, that’s how I would lifestyle approach him.
“What is your opinion about SBO Probiotics? And when is the best time to take it?” [0:19:47]
I don’t know that there’s any proof scientifically in clinical trials because we get so very little money to look at these things. The corrupt international crime syndicate running the pharmaceuticals and the training in the medical schools really has a stronghold on all the money that goes out for research and grants, and they’ve trained all the institutions too if you want to be anybody in research medicine in any of the high-powered institutions, you just toe the line and you just shut up, take your grant money. You do a study, and boy, you sure as heck make sure that it comes out to make those donors and the grant provider is happy with your outcome.
So, given that being said, SBO Probiotics, when is the best time to take it? My thought would be from all my experience decades and decades is that it’s probably best taken in the evenings. One, the gut has the least amount of challenges from you eating other things and taking away from the benefit of those probiotics. There’s a good book out there. What is her name? I forget her name, but I know the title of her book. Let’s Talk SH!T. So, Let’s Talk SH!T. That’s the title of her book. And in it, she’s a gastroenterologist. Sabine is her last name and she’s from California, I think in the Ventura area. So, she even did a lot of work with COVID and found that the probiotic Bifidobacteria is injured very much with illnesses, and when you heal, Bifidobacteria comes back.
So, I like having probiotics that are very rich in Bifidobacteria, but there are hundreds of thousands of these things. We need so much income to do studies on these things. And there are so many genetic strains and so forth and hundreds and thousands of strains of bad bacteria, good bacteria, commensal, or what we call imbalance bacteria. This is the most difficult thing to study, poop and digestion. But her book and her experiences on when to take probiotics seem to also indicate that families have similar trends in their bacterial counts, and if they make a change in their probiotic exposures, the entire family will be exposed and improve as well.
So, very often, people have a pattern of taking their probiotics in the morning as a group or in the evenings, and that’s about the best I can hit there for you on the SBO Probiotics.
“I had been suggested to take Probiotic 123 Powder from PURE every morning before any food. Is that correct?” [0:23:39]
Well, it’s on an empty stomach, but then you start eating shortly thereafter. I tend to think taking it at night time might be a better choice. But again, this is just my clinical gut feeling of experience. And after reading thousands of stool studies over the decades, I’m going to say an evening time is probably better on an empty stomach.
“Have you ever heard of the Nutrition Detective here on YouTube? He talks a lot about vitamin toxicity.” [0:24:18]
You know, I have been in and around vitamin usage and conversation since I was a child. That would be easily since I was 4 or 5 years old. So, you’re talking 65 years. And yes, vitamin D is fat-soluble, vitamin E is fat-soluble, vitamin K fat-soluble, and vitamin A fat-soluble. Theoretically, it would be possible to take too much of these fat vitamins and create a toxicity. But I just have never seen it in all the decades, and I have practiced significant vitamin replacement therapies for close to half a century. So, where is this toxicity concern? You know, there’s high B6 in neuropathies, high dose oral vitamin C, and diarrhea. Yeah, you can bring all these things up, but I’m going to have to look that up. What’s his name…he’s called Nutrition Detective. Okay, I’ll look him up on vitamin toxicities and see what I can find on that.
“If you have lots of cartilage injury, does it help to take collagen? Anything that helps heal torn joints?” [0:26:13]
If we ate enough meat and fish and chicken and pork and lobster and crab, and even egg yolks with the whites in eggs, we’re going to get plenty of collagen. And we’re turning into this science-based technology people and I just think it’s foolishness. We are made of fat and protein, and we are mobile, so we are not meant to be a hard tree that is stuck in the ground and stiff. We’re not meant to be a hard melon that you can knock on it and hear an echo. We are mobile. We’re made of fat and protein. We are not made of fruits and vegetables. So, if we would eat enough meat, fish, chicken, turkey, and things like this, we’re going to get all the wonderful collagen that we need for the repair that we need.
Now, are there some good products? Yes, the answer is yes. I use Ortho Molecular because I know the moral character of the owners of the place and their representatives, and I know that they look for hard science and clinical studies. And therefore, if we have anything, it’s from Ortho Molecular and that’s called CollaGEN and Chondro-Flx, which are our collagen products. There are different kinds of collagen. So, there are different Daltons, weights, or the bigness of the chain of the amino acid protein chains that make up collagen. And their absorption is difficult if it’s too big. So, there has to be the right size.
And I think there are a lot of corruption issues in the alternative world as well. So, I can understand why Luwa said, you know, what about the detective on Nutrition Detective? Yeah, I think there’s scamming going on. And so, you know, who can know the heart, it’s utterly wicked. The Bible teaches about our hearts. We are always fearful about having enough shelter, and food and protecting our own self-interest. It’s a difficult challenge to always try and never lie, never cheat, never steal, and trust the good Lord to prosper us and give us. In Proverbs, there’s one that says, Lord, give me only so much so that I am not overly wealthy and forget who you are and don’t give me so little that I blaspheme your name in anger. So, God has certainly kept me in that spot. Anyway, praise the Lord. So, that’s what I would have to say to you about collagen.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, my brother had surgery on his arm where they had to reconstruct his bone and put metal plates in it so that it heals better. He thinks he needs to take calcium. I think you said once it’s not necessary.” [0:29:46]
I think I answered this already. I don’t believe that extra supplemental calcium, you can get it from all the meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and eggs, and use a digestive enzyme if your brother is older. If he’s a blood type A, make sure he uses Digestive Enzymes. But I don’t believe in extras, supplemental calcium, and the reason is because of the type of calcium and there are so many scams and over the past 40 or so years, I have seen them recommend 250 mg of calcium a day for osteoporosis to build bones and then they went to 500, then they went to 800, then they went to 1000, 1200, 1500.
Calcium supplementation doesn’t work, folks. It’s using the body and the muscles and being low carb and eating a healthy rich diet because your bones have a protein matrix and there are proteins and fats that go into the process of laying down new bone and cartilage, and you’re always reforming and rebuilding. And so, eat the meat, eat the fish, and so forth.
“Is taking NAD beneficial for everyone? What about collagen?” [0:31:28]
Well, I answered that on collagen. Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide. See, everyone’s getting caught up and catchy of the vitamin a day, the breakthrough I learned about NAD and I’m going to have super DNA and I’m going to have super mitochondrial electron transfer and I’m going to have super energy. Well, you know what, everything matters. So, NAD to me is like having JP-4 jet fuel in a fighter jet F-35, okay? So, NAD is helpful in the energy transfer in a human being, just like the JP-4 jet fuel is needed in an F-35 gasoline tank. But if the seal on the tank and the engine and the valves and the construction of that F-35, that NAD, that JP-4 jet fuel means nothing if the structure and the absolute environment in which that explosion is to take place is not in a controlled environment.
So, what’s more important? The phospholipid lining that makes up every cell and all the cristae of your mitochondria and the lining of your nucleus and the lining of your Golgi apparatus and the lining of your ribosomes and on and on and on and the lining sheaths of your nerves? Or is it the super duper coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol? Or the super duper NAD, Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (33:19)? And on and on and on, we can go around bantering fancy terms.
No. You know what it is? You know what’s really exciting? When we take control of our own life and we say no to that candy at the checkout, when we say no to that donut in the workroom, when we say no to that donut at church, when we say no to giving our children these junk food things, that is the most exciting vitamin. That’s the most exciting anti-aging thing. Don’t belittle it. So, let’s not lift up NAD to any special thing. It’s in the healthy foods, liver, chicken, turkey, fish, beef, and eggs. It’s all there. Eat the good food. Exercise. Weight train. Drink your water. Get a good night’s sleep. Whatsoever is lovely, beautiful, good report. Think about these things. Happy thoughts. And now let’s not fuss over little special things.
“I’m a patient of Dr. Cindy and take estradiol patch and progesterone pill. I was asked to double the dose of my progesterone and felt really dizzy and experienced itching around my groin and butt area. So, I’m using the compound progesterone to supplement. The symptoms went away. Have any of your patients experienced these side effects from the pill form?” [0:34:35]
I see. So you’re comparing oral progesterone with the topical cream progesterone. You know, the thing is progesterone is a hypnagogue – meaning it’s designed to help you sleep and rest. Some women are much more sensitive than others; whereas a 1 mg dose will make another woman lethargic the next day. It will not phase another woman at all. Just like caffeine. I can drink a full mug of this before I go to bed tonight, and if my husband even came near even a teaspoon of this, it would ruin his sleep for the night. We are so interestingly and fearfully and wonderfully made in such beautiful variety in the human structure. I don’t have the answer nor does anyone have the answer to that, I believe. So, I’m going to just say probably the cream puts it through a slower phase of absorption and circulation. And so, in a sense, it spreads out the dosing, whereas a pill probably has more of a spike. If you like the pill form, you could get an extended-release form. Ask Dr. Cindy about that or your doctor.
“Does overuse of essential oils show up in liver function panels? I use them to avoid perfumes and chemicals and laundry soaps but wonder if I’m exchanging one toxin for another. How do I use them beneficially and protect my liver?” [0:36:21]
Well, you have to ask the question, are you really using essential oils? There are so many scams out there and there are so many corrupt sourcings. Just like bottled water, you think you’re getting this from spraying or you think something fantastic about your type of water, and then someone spends some money to do some good testing on it from a third independent party, and they find out you’re spending money on stuff that really has no difference or has contaminants in it. We’re in a mess of a world with character from the individual to the organizational network, and it’s getting so hard to find trustworthy situations.
Therefore, yeah, I understand and I did a second doctorate at Capital University in Washington, DC in the late 90s to early 2000 where I studied back remedies, essential oils energy, and all this kind of stuff. And I do believe that these, what they call essential oils, should change their names to non-essential oils because the only two essential oils out there for human is alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids. So, the omega-6 linoleic and alpha-linolenic, the omega-3 fatty acids. So, these essential oils should be changed as far as their name. They’re not essential. But they could be called aromatic oils, medicinal oils, and things like that. And yes, you could all reuse them and it can create some inflammatory responses in your liver because it’s the detox organ.
“Can switching to a long-term keto meal plan trigger oxalate dumping?” [0:38:45]
The answer should be yes in principle, but no, I haven’t seen it, unless you’re doing something crazy wild, like taking this green powder. Everyone is doing, not everyone, but too many of my patients are being sucked into these internet infomercials about these powdered greens, powdered greens of all kinds and sorts. And the vegetables, I don’t know if I can name them off my head. I know spinach and kale and other greens have a lot of oxalic acid in them. These plant antinutrients are the template for creating the problem with all these oxalate stones. So, what you might think is detoxing, you’re accidentally taking some green drink and you’re starting to feel sick, and you’re thinking, oh, I’m doing intermittent fasting and I’m detoxing. No. You’re buying some product that doesn’t have any true clinical testing or reference data in a so full of hyper-concentrated pre-volumetrically pounds of greens to create the dust powder, that you’re getting a massive, massive, hundreds of thousands of milligrams of dried spinach powdered and you’re getting a massive dose of oxalic acid. Scary, isn’t it? It should be scary. No, I don’t believe in eating anything but real food.
“How do you avoid or buffer these conditions?” [0:40:36]
I would not be eating any powdered anything. I don’t even like protein shakes. I don’t even promote. As much as I like Juice Plus+ in the little tiny capsules, too little capsules of the fruit, vegetable, and berry concentrate, they have their protein shakes and other products, I won’t promote them because I want to promote healthy food eating at a dinner table around your loved ones, okay? And if you don’t have any loved ones, you can invite God to sit down with you and eat and talk to Him, because there are too many times I’ve had to do that myself alone.
“You’ve been exercising early in the morning when you fast. Afterward, the rest of the morning, I sip on water with Perfect Aminos in the powdered form until I break.” [0:41:21]
I think you asked this question already. Yeah, it will break your fast but it’s such a minor dose that I think it’s kind of straining out on that, and I would worry about it.
“I used to exercise using the virtual head Google. I don’t remember what it’s called. My shoulder began bothering after a couple of months ago and my shoulder is still bothering me, with soreness and stiffness in the morning. My question is as the cause of the soreness.” [0:41:47]
Well I don’t know what using the virtual head Google is, so I don’t know what maneuver or methodology of exercise you were doing nor do I know how old you are, which would put you in certain categories of likelihood of injuries. But I will tell you, any musculoskeletal tenderness or cartilaginous soreness is pictured in all diseases in the damage through the cell membrane here. See. Through that phospholipid bilipid membrane. That’s the cell membrane. And every cell on the human body, your muscle, your tendons, your brain, everything is made of this phospholipid bilipid membrane. And you better know how to fix it. And the way to fix it is by eating phospholipids and proteins and the fats, and that’s in meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, and the egg yolks and crabs and lobster and shellfish and all that kind of stuff which they’re frightening you away from.
So, if you want to heal well, you have to eat the stuff that you heal yourself with. You have to stop eating at a certain point so that your stomach empties when you go to bed at night and hopefully you sleep well that you will be healing up. And so, you have to have a window of eating time instead of perpetual snacking. And then you have to understand this concept of the bilipid membrane and so forth. So, there you have it. The cause of this is, you know, you traumatically or you weren’t drinking enough water or you exceeded. You know, you can overdo certain minerals under. I mean there are all kinds of ways to damage ourselves. There could have been a virus going on. So, even if you’re in good shape but you’re fighting off a virus, your body’s ability to recover diminishes. So, learn about cell membrane repair, and that will help you hopefully.
We have some new questions in the live area here.
“I tried the carnivore diet but I noticed my eyebags got worse and my skin got some kind of a rash reaction. What could be the reason?” [0:44:30]
Well, a carnivore diet is not the cause of bags under your eyes and a rash. Maybe there was some product fed to that animal. If they’re not grass-fed, they could have been given pesticides or antibiotics, growth hormones, and other GMO grains that you’re reacting to. So, you are what you eat/ate. So, whatever you’re eating/eating is what you can also become. So, it could have been something, yes, in a carnivore diet that you weren’t getting grass-fed or from a corrupt organization and the toxins that they gave. And the same with vegetables or fruit. They’re putting wax on them, genetically modifying them. They’re putting insecticide, and Bt toxins in them. And so, the entire plant and animal and fish kingdom were all being hurt by chemtrails and these nanoparticulate heavy metals, and you better be doing some chelation therapy. If you expect to maintain your health, you’ve got to pull these toxins out slowly but surely and have a steady pace, like doing weight training and building muscle. You also have to have a pace at which you’re detoxing from the exposures of these chemtrails and all the foolishness of these nanoparticulate metals they’re dumping on you.
So that’s what I think happened, Karla.
“Are vitamin and mineral supplements necessary if we eat strictly carnivore consisting of primarily high-fat red meat from ruminant animals, no carb or sugar, water, and coffee?” [0:46:27]
I would say no. I don’t think you necessarily need a multivitamin-mineral because, especially if you’re eating organ meat, these animals should be so well a source of cell repair, nutrient, and mineral replenishment. But now if you’re a plant-based person, there are so many known mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It’s a sad sad thing. So yeah, really a carnivore person should not have to take that amount of vitamin-mineral replacement.
“Sometimes at night I get woken up and my heart starts beating harder and faster for a minute. Other times, I feel weird, like my body is vibrating. Any ideas why this is happening?” [0:47:26]
Usually, I see this in A-type blood people who are, they can be in their late 20s and onward. And what they’re sensing is a mineral imbalance because A-type people don’t digest as well, therefore, they don’t get the minerals. They don’t repair their fats and bilipid phospholipid membranes well. They have more holes in their cell. So, if this is a cell and they get holes in it, and so the cell functions are starting to not work as well, and you’re perceptive in your body and you start getting a tremulous feeling. So, I would go to a good healthcare provider. I would get your red blood cell mineral assessment. I would get your blood type confirmed. I would get in the phospholipids and proteins. I would take a good amino acid chelated multimineral and go from there. And that’s how I would begin doing it. Of course, it would be really smart if you did this combination of the protein/fat, especially for all my vegetarian patients who can’t stand eating an animal. The phospholipid and the protein are in these two things. And then you would have to take the amino acid chelate, that’s called TLC multi-minerals. And that would be a good start. But again, it will take months to plug in all these holes.
“I had been a long-time user of Velaqua countertop water dispenser for which parts are no longer available. What do you recommend as a replacement?” [0:49:32]
The countertop water dispenser. I don’t have a name of mine. I know the Kangen system is excellent. Kangen, K-A-N-G-E-N. Kangen Water. And they have their factory in Torrance, California. And you can go there. So, you can have parts repaired and they do the water filter, and you can get super filters, and you can get the fluorine component filter, then they have technicians that can come out. Kangen Water, that’s where I would go, and the plant is in Torrance.
“What do you recommend I do to clear up brain fogginess? After I experienced post-partum depression after my first pregnancy, I feel as though my overall awareness and memory have been negatively affected, but very slowly regaining. What can I take to enhance my body for particular symptoms?” [0:50:38]
I could tell you about supplements out there that are marketed to give you focus and to help your thinking. But really, exercise, drinking water, getting a good night's sleep, and if you just had a baby, then you probably should have a doctor who will look at your thyroid, thyroid antibody, and your estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and DHEA levels and work with you on that. But remember, we’re fearfully and wonderfully made and it’s written in our DNA how to repair, but we’ve got to supply the good shop to repair – meaning we have to take in the parts that fix our brain and our membranes that help us. We have to drink enough water to create the blood flow through our brain for our alertness. We have to get the sticky sugars out that clog and choke out the brain and make it hypoxic. We have to filter our water to get the heavy metals out. We could do chelation therapy to improve the circulation for sure. We could take, most or all of us are iodine-deficient, and after having a baby, that’s probably aggravated. So, I would certainly consider taking iodine at least 12.5 mg a day, DHEA is a cortisol stress management. DHEA helps. Iodine helps. Chelation helps. Sometimes I give hormones to postpartum women to help them kind of stabilize out after their pregnancies. Find out if your blood type A. This is usually in the blood type A most dramatically noted. Either rich protein/fat diet. Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. And by the way, if I didn’t mention it, exercise. And then finally I would say things like Vinpocetine, caffeine stimulants, ECGC, and green tea. I don’t think I would use those stimulants. I would first work with getting these other things done first. And I didn’t mention, vitamin D is important also. Try that. See a good doctor who has a good grip on the hormones and brain function.
“My husband had an episode last week that landed him in the emergency room. The ENT surgical specialist gave him two alternatives to treat his paralyzed vocal chords -surgery to sever one cord or tracheostomy. Do you know of any natural means?” [0:53:51]
I think this was already asked on a prior entity. This is too complex of a question to try and even approach, and there are so many issues that have to be asked about how did this become paralyzed, and what’s the cause, that I don’t want to go into that here, Denise. I’m sorry.
“My triglycerides tend to be around 20 to 40. Can this cause health issues?” [0:54:35]
No. No, it cannot.
“My 59-year-old brother has tremors in his hands. He saw a neurologist and he told him there’s nothing to worry about. It sounds like benign familial tremors. This just happens when you get older. No treatment for it. He’s not happy with the lack of interest in his condition that the doctor showed. Can you suggest a course of treatment that he can try?” [0:54:45]
Well, whereas it was working once and it’s not working as well is an age-related phenomenon. So, what’s during the aging? These free-radical heavy metals damage his nerves, the membranes surrounding the insulation of his nerves. He’s got to get the sugar stickiness out so that capillaries can bring the phospholipids and fats to repair that hole there and make the membranes good, so they’re not getting messed up on the electron transfer of the signals. He has to exercise and use and re-signal and repurpose and re-use to gain balance and confidence. The tremulousness often leads to less and less physical activity, muscle wasting and then aggravation of everything. He probably should find out his blood type and use his digestive enzymes so he can digest the proteins and fats, so he can repair his minerals. He should do chelation therapy to improve the little capillary microcirculation that brings to the cell membrane, all those nutrients that are needed. And he should probably take parent essential oils. Because my patients with Parkinson’s and all kinds of neurodegenerative diseases, MS, post-stroke, post-MI, all these people, they do better. Even the ones who had the mRNA injections who you were told were safe and effective, these people who had the subsequent strokes and injuries, after we give them the enzymes and the chelation and the low carb diet and the rich phospholipids and fat in protein meat and stuff, not eating late, eating late, exercising as much as possible, drinking enough water, they all did great. Every single one of them did great, along with systemic enzymes. So hopefully that’s the direction I would go. So find a doctor who can do something like that for your brother, Joanna.
“My father has just been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation. The hospital advised to restrict his fluids. So, would it be advisable for him not to continue with chelation therapy?” [0:57:19]
Well, we can reduce the volume of fluids that he’s in. So, if he’s getting chelation therapy, his doctor should be made known of his Afib and congestive heart failure. And then we can put this in a small little 100 cc, you know, 2 to 3-ounce volume of fluid. So yeah, he can still get chelation therapy. Talk to his doctor about that.
“I have heard that as we get older, especially, a diet heavy in animal products is particularly hard on the liver. Can you comment?” [0:58:04]
Yes, it’s not particularly hard on the liver. They just want us to pass on and not collect our Social Security checks, in my opinion. No, we need more fat and protein as we age. If you don’t digest it well because you don’t make digestive enzymes, then you get gut issues. And then if you eat a piece of meat or chicken or fish or eggs, it’s harder to digest and you get more gut issues, then you say, “Oh, when I eat fat proteins, I get an upset stomach. But yummy, yummy! When I eat that pudding and the tapioca and stuff, oh I’m fine.” Well, guess what, you’re mismatching cause and effect. It’s like firemen showing up at a fire. Whenever you eat the thing you need, you don’t have enough enzymes, so you get an upset stomach. So get the enzymes in there and then you can get the fats and protein so you can repair yourself in that age as quickly.
“What is your view of chiropractic adjustments in general? Have you ever considered any of the Standard Process supplements? God bless you and your team.” [0:59:16]
The answer is yes and yes. I believe in chiropractic. I believe it was a criminal thing that the (59:34) report did and making chiropractic colleges and training and schooling, challenged and limited, and negatively looked down to as an inferior health science. No, I am for alignment and not impinging on the nerves. It’s absolutely a legitimate field, and yes, I think we should be working on our posture, our alignment, and exercising and getting those adjustments. Also, Standard Process has this place, the kind of patients I see tend to be so complex that I need more dynamic higher concentration and nutrients and stuff. I know there is the training that less is more where you can take a tiny dose of something and it can have an effect in parts per billion light-years. So, a tiny poison anecdotally can cure a reaction during a poison exposure. I forgot the name of that. It’s a form of homeopathy. But I just don’t use Standard Process for various reasons over the many decades that I have known their products and gone to various meetings and seen them being used, and they’re just not potent enough for me.
“My mother has been dealing with Irritable Bowel Diarrhea for a month now. She has been trying to get an appointment with her primary doctor. Do you have any advice on foods that she should or should not be eating and any other gut advice?” [0:61:06]
Yeah, I would have her get on the Phospholipid with the SBI Protect Powder twice a day mixed in warm water. And I would have her eat primarily roasted chicken with the skin on it, roasted salmon, simple things like that that are easy to digest and that are rich in protein and fat, and chicken broth and beef broth. So, I would eat chicken broth as a soup and have soft, well-roasted, slow-roasted chicken with the skin on it, and I would have like prime rib or roasted salmon, broiled salmon, and beef broth, and have that and do that exclusively for at least three days, and watch her diarrhea fade away. It usually works 99 percent of the time for me. But have her see your doctor and go from there.
“Are vitamin and mineral supplements necessary? Strictly carnivore.” [0:62:46]
We talked about that. Yeah.