YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 19th, 2022
September 22, 2022
“I have been struggling with mouth and throat issues for a couple of months now. I tested with the Epstein Barr Virus antibodies. Are there any natural solutions to prevent or ease symptoms of breakout?”
Well, Epstein Barr Virus is in that family of varicella type viruses. And these are chronic exposures. Usually if you had mono when you were in high school, mononucleosis, that's often an Epstein Barr Virus. So, you can wind up having antibodies. There are immunoglobulin G antibodies, and then there are immunoglobulin M antibodies. M means that they are brand new, active. So, if you had this antibody test, and it was positive for Epstein Barr Virus, look and see if they did the breakout to see if it's the IgM, which means there is a reactivation of the virus in you. Because just having IgG Epstein Barr Virus is not indicative of anything.
Now, I don't know how old you are. I don't know if you have braces on or you know, the Invisalign. There are various things that a lot of cosmetic dentists are doing that are creating an irritation, and that'll increase the area on which viruses and bacteria can go. So, hopefully that's not the case that you have braces, or Invisalign, and stuff going on.
The other thing is, if you take something like Argentyn Silver, over the counter if you go went to a health food store, and you look for it the half strength of commercial product over the counter is called Sovereign Silver. After you brush your teeth, morning and evening, you take a sip, a teaspoon and swish it around. You can swallow it. It’s safe to swallow. This silver is nanoparticulate silver and it’s very, very penetrating and powerful as an antiviral.
Now for your whole body, you want to build up your immune system. So, I would certainly say you have to understand sugar, fruit sugar, juices, smoothies, soda/pops, starchy foods, all these sugar-based carbohydrate, fruit sugar based smoothies and juices have high fructose corn syrup and fructose in them. And this is very immune suppressing. So, you would want to be low carb. The other thing is exercise will help build up your immune system. I would get active. The other thing is I would get a good night's sleep, we often are staying up too late. And we are not going to bed at around 9, 9:30. The other thing is eating a diet that ends at a specific time, have some boundaries on your window of eating, so that you're not eating late. Drinking enough water is also important for a good immune system. Taking Vitamin D3, and I like it with Vitamin K2 as well. Taking Vitamin D, at least 5,000-international units of Vitamin D3 with K2. Zinc taking a multi mineral, mineral chelates. We have TLC Multi Mineral that is very rich in zinc to act as an antiviral. Then there are natural iontophoresis, like Quercetin, herbs, that are known to help suppress viral infections. In fact, all I use is Quercetin. I use it in the form of D-Hist. And I take two in the morning and then in the evening. I have gotten through this past two years, two and a quarter year since the concern over the virus. And then, you know, mushrooms, maitake mushrooms help build up the immune system, taking Vitamin C. We like Juice Plus here as an immune enhancer because we actually have lab and research and 10s of thousands of people, actually even millions, with children and their immune systems have been boosted by that.
So, those are some suggestions I would give you.
“Do you recommend using sunscreen every day?”
My answer is no. The chemicals that are in sunscreen, I don't like. And some of them have been alleged, some science has been done to implicate them in being carcinogens. So, I don't like sunscreens. I would have your Vitamin D, I would take. And what I use topically, and men can use these too is if I’m going to go out, I use Progesterone cream. And there is an over the counter Progesterone creams, very low dose. And that's what I tend to use. So, I don’t live in fear of the sun. I take my antioxidants. And I don’t, you know, take an umbrella or a sun hat. I use natural Progesterone cream over the counter.
The one we use here, over the counter, is called Kokoro. Kokoro cream. A pump or two on your arms, across your nose, thighs, and legs will probably be quite adequate. Hopefully that helps.
“My mom was diagnosed with colitis. She is on a full liquid diet, currently. Any recommendations for a way to get her the best nutrition. She is taking Juice Plus. Any supplements?”
I would definitely get her on-- There is Bio PC Pro. These are the phospholipids. And this is replacing the NT Factor. This is what we had always used, the NT Factor phospholipids. These are the fats that make up the lining of all our cells, including the gut. So, this is being replaced with Bio PC Pro phospholipids. And the reason is, this tends to get the humidity in the air and get clumpy and not mixed with water. It's an excellent product. I've had great results with all my colitis, colon cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel disease, ulcerative colitis. But Bio Pro C, by Ortho Molecular, really is doing excellent with it. And it mixes in nicely with the water. And then, you put it together with SBI Protect powder. We have a powdered probiotic, good bacteria, very powerful probiotic. So, we put all three together. These two with the packet of the powdered probiotic. You use this morning and evening. You can use it more often than that. After about two weeks, you should see tremendous improvement. That’s the direction that I would go with you mom.
“Are there any supplements she should not be taking with colitis?”
I would probably not take Magnesium because that will promote looser stools. Magnesium can make your stool watery. The other thing is, a lot of oral Vitamin C can make the stool watery. So, I would tend to stay away from high dose oral Vitamin C and high dose Magnesium. Hopefully that is a help.
“What do you do for your skin, it’s beautiful and flawless?”
I use Progesterone on my face and I use Estradiol on my face. I eat healthy fats.
You know, what’s interesting is that I listened to Dr. Paul Mirek. He was on Dr. Mo Been. He has a YouTube series. Dr. Mo Been interviewed Dr. Paul Mirek. And Dr. Mirek is famous for probably being one of the most published intensive care, respiratory therapist medical doctor in the ICU as an intensivist. He has published on high dose Vitamin C that he uses in his Virginia, or he did-- When the virus concern came up from the government and the government was giving mandates, his great success record in saving all these lives. They told him to not to use search and off label medications and high dose Vitamin C. He basically was made to stop practicing medicine. He couldn’t stand seeing his patients die.
Now, I greatly respect him. But when he was being interviewed, he was talking about the low carb diet because he had been a type two diabetic. Dr. Mirek was about 40-pounds overweight. He had been listening to Jason Fung and read his book on the intermittent fasting, low carb type diet. And what he did, he went on a low carb intermittent fasting diet and lost 40-pounds. He did very well. His blood sugar came down to normal ranges. He got off his statins. He got off his Metformin. He got off his blood pressure medicines. So, he was off all of his medicines. I think he is about 65-years old, 68-years old. I’m saying all this because he went through his slides and then talked about the importance of fats. And I have always talked about the importance of fats in our diet to maintain our healthy skin. And you know how I always point to my picture here, I will bring it up a little bit closer. You can see, this is a double membrane, bottom and top. And this is where free radical damage occurs. Sunburn, virus, bacteria, toxins, dehydration, heavy metal toxins, and you have to repair this all day long. And those fats are phospholipids. And that is why I bring that up in these products right here. That is why I have such great success.
“What do you do for your skin, it’s beautiful and flawless?”
There are only two essential fatty acids in a human being. One is linolenic and one is alpha linoleic acid. The linolenic is an omega 6. The alpha linoleic is the omega 3. These fats, omega 6s, are plentiful in healthy foods. But when you process foods and Americans eat about 70 to 80% of all their diet now coming in packaged fast-food, restaurant, eating out half the time. So, we are getting half of our foods in the form of processing. And with processing, there is hydrogenation, oxidative stress to these fats. And it makes them damaged. It improves the shelf-life. It makes profits for the companies. But it damages the human body so that if you are eating out half the time, eating packaged, and processed foods, that’s approaching the average American consumption of at least 70% of their diet, then you are going to have a lot of hydrogenated fats. We had a big brew-ha-ha over the trans fatty acids. But even with legalese, legal manipulation of the language, they put it on the package that it has no trans fats. But anything of like .5- milligram per deciliter trans fats is then allowed to be labeled as no trans fats. But most people don't eat serving sizes, they double, triple, quadruple, even six times the amount of the listed product. Many people eat a whole package of something. Then you wind up getting three, four-milligrams of trans fatty acids in that way.
I'm saying all this because you brought up the skin. My dad was in food research and the fatty acid research. And his job was to hydrogenate the fats and get TV dinners ready. So, all my life, since my childhood, there were no seed oils allowed in our house. He didn’t let Mazola, corn oil, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil, grape seed oil, none of that. No liquid oils were allowed in our house. Mom could use olive oil on salad, cold things. But we could not cook with it. We had butter, lard, and coconut oil. But really lard and butter, that was it. I believe that has helped me and I believe it has helped all my patients.
When Dr. Merik, wonderful, wonderful doctor, said be careful of the omega 6s. But he didn’t clarify that they are essential to our health and life. We must eat omega 6s in your egg yolk. You must eat omega 6s that are in your chicken with the skin on it, roasted, and your beef, and your lamb, and your crustaceans and lobsters, and pork, and the seeds and nuts. These are all in its unadulterated non-hydrogenated damaged. This is what helps maintain your skin lining, your brain, your eyeballs, every heart muscle throughout your whole body. There is an encasement of the cell membrane. You can take all the wonderful vitamins you want. But if the roof, structure, and windows, and doors of your cells are broken with these hydrogenated fatty acids, oxidized, I don’t care how much Vitamin C and wonderful Resveratrol you take because Dr. Merik was saying that he takes Spermidine (a triple tri-amino acid type that promotes autophagy, cell breakdown, and waste.) And then he takes Resveratrol. He takes Melatonin at night as an antioxidant. I don’t have anything against it. If all he is depending on is to go out to take tons of fish oil and you are not a fish, you are not fixing the problem. I don’t know how to get people aware of that.
I don’t know if you also know that we were blessed to be contacted by the Medicare subsidiary that is identifying our practice as the Medicare practice that had the healthiest, longest-lived, least used of medication and hospital/medical services. We were the number one. We are in the 1% of all the doctors. And when I told them about chelation therapy and my essential fats that I demand we use the healthy fats, which are Clinician’s Preference Oils. Now, this is our human biologically needful alpha linoleic and linolenic acid, the omega 3 and 6s. There are only two double bonds in them. So, we have it in the liquid form too. And I will very often just take or if I'm fasting or I can't eat, I'll just put some on my tongue. Take a teaspoon like that. And it satisfies me.
I'll put that on an itch. I put a topically on an itch on a rash because my skin cell membranes are made of that stuff. So, I've gotten a lot over what was asked. But we have to wise up and understand that our medical doctors are not given enough chemistry, biochemistry. They get one class on organic chemistry and that is not enough to really understand what's going on here.
I think it was Dr. Mead and his wife, both biochemists, in 1929, they found the two essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha linoleic acid. There has never been any other essential fatty acids found needful. Remember, fish have lots of double bonds. Let’s see, DHA has five double bonds in it. And EPA has six double bonds in it. Why did God put so many double bonds in their fatty acids for their cell membranes? Because oil won't freeze. Oil will not get frozen in your freezer. And so, the fish are able in cold water to stay alive and not get frozen. If you sample the EPA DHA content of fish from cold waters like up in Alaska versus in the Caribbean where the water is 80-degrees, you'll see that there is a tremendous decrease in the number of EPA DHA fats in the fish in the Gulf. Because they will die sooner if they get too much of that double bond oxidized, burnt. And so, you take a lot of that EPA fish oil, EPA and DHA and you are going to harm yourself. That's just facts of chemistry, biochemistry, and physiology. It cannot be argued.
So, I think that's another reason why we have such healthy patients here.
“What is the cure for low platelet counts?”
I don’t know if there is a cure. A lot of toxins in our environment. irritate the bone marrow where these are made. It irritates the white blood cells that are made, our blood bone marrow makes this. And so, heavy metals, plasticizers, volatile organic acids, all these fluorinated hydrocarbons, benzenes are harming us. So, I would filter my water. I would filter my air. I would eat a low carb diet because that depresses your bone marrow and immune system. But one of the things that I have found is if you heal your gut, I would take the combination of the phospholipid and the SBI Protect and I would get the
But one of the things I found is if you heal your gut, remember how Michelle had asked for her mother. She I would take the combination of the phospholipid and the SBI Protect powder and I would get the Probiotic 225 powder packets. Because I have a gentleman who is who has been with me for decades after decades, he will be 90 years old very soon. And he's had chronic low platelets, seeing his specialist, hematologist, who knows that he prefers as natural as possible ways to manage things. And we were able to manage him for many decades without any medications for his low platelet count. And we gave him a low carb diet, we put him on Juice Plus, he would stop eating at around six o'clock at night, he would exercise. But then he started using something that helps repair the cell membrane. And our oils, by the way, with the Probiotic 225. And viola, his platelet counts started coming back up again. And there they stayed, year after year after year after year after year. They did very, very, very, very well.
And the Hematologist Oncologist was just so impressed with this, he just let him stay on this and follow them that way. So, that's what I would do. I would give it a try and see your doctor and see if these natural suggestions can help you.
“What is your recommendation for normal thyroid levels?”
Well, the Free T3 is the active thyroid hormone. Free T3. The Free T4 is a precursor. You have to do-iodination, pluck one iodine off the backbone of the molecule and then it becomes Free T3. Some people have trouble with that. And they cannot get enough Free T3 made to do the job. So, I like a range-- You have to remember, I was trained by doctors who were using the pork thyroid, armor thyroid product. Let’s see, if I’m just about 70, in the 1970s when I was in training, these doctors would have been near my age. They probably were learning in the 1930s. There was far less medicines and much more involvement in other ways to naturally help their patients. And one of the things was, they very liberally used Armor Thyroid. It would not be unusual for them to have three grains, four, five, six grains, eight grains on their patients. And we are talking three grains is a 180-milligrams, you know. Four grains is 240-milligrams. Five grains is 300-milligrams of Armor Thyroid and so on.
So, today I think they underdose it. The ranges that were considered normal with the labs that they had back then, would be a Free T3 of six or seven would be the upper limits. Hyperthyroid, which could be a storm, life threatening, you could get a Free T3 that is very elevated. That is a toxin thing. You have to go to the emergency room. They have to block it with methimazole or various things. But for the most part, we like our Free T3 around six or under. But we don't like it any lower than a three. And most labs are saying a Free T3 of 3.8 or a 4, with a lower level of like a 2.2, that’s just too low in my opinion. So, those are our thoughts.
Now, the TSH, the thyroid stimulating hormone, our doctor wrote a wonderful letter about TSH and not using it to guide you so much. If you’re on thyroid, your TSH is going to be lowered. The simulation signal to tell your thyroid that it’s not working to make the Free T3 is not functioning as well. So, I don’t really care what the TSH is. But if you do the TSH and you are on two, three-- I’m on three grains at least every day of thyroid. My TSH is like a 0.01. Another doctor would probably say to me, I think you’re on too much thyroid. But if you look at all the other perimeters, I have not had hyperthyroid symptoms, raising heart rate at rest, diarrhea, tremulousness, and so there is not toxicity to this. It is very needful for my metabolism. So, there is a lot o f controversy. If you are not in a protocol, sorry you are just going to be treated like a mass of humanity, instead of each individual patient. And of course, we check once or twice a year to make sure to talk about the signs of too much thyroid, a rising heart rate, diarrhea, tremulousness, to let us know if we need to cut back the dose and follow up. We always track things on that.
“Is Berberine as good as Metformin for slowing aging and lowering insulin?”
Well, you know, you have to have research paid for to make that statement definitively. I use Berberine from quality sources-- So, you can have a bottle that labels that it is Berberine and it’s really a lousy product, therefore you wouldn’t get a good result. But we use Ortho Molecular’s sourcing and we use TLC Metabolic Formula. I have Berberine in there from a tested source. The Ortho Molecular is called dioxolan. Their Berberine is of a very high quality. And the performance activity is very, very good. I can tell you from a clinical point, yes, it seems to be very good in all of the benefits of anti-aging, metabolism of the sugar, therefore you would have less insulin coming forward. And so, yeah, Berberine is excellent. I use it every day. But I use it from a tested quality product. And if medicine every gets free from its captured state from a centralized governing source and control, bought out by pharmaceuticals industries, we will never get good testing of natural things, nor will it be taught to doctors. This information will die in the grave lack of information if we do not demand. Call our congressman, call everyone you can think of that is involved in keeping the doctor/patient private. And protect your doctor from being constrained with edex and mandates from a centralized governing source. That is a prime way to corrupt it, buy it out, influence it with lobbyists, and then you have a controlled system for only their products that you can use to work with.
“I have had a metallic taste in my mouth since June. What do you recommend?”
I think you should see the dentist, first off. Because very often, you might have a crown that you don’t know about or a covering that is still covering some old amalgam dental product. That could one thing.
Number two, you could have this metallic taste, often associated with a silent reflux. And I would you know, of course, never eaten it late, don't lay down after eating, and maybe by doing a trial of trying to take L-Glutathione or Glutagenics, or GlutaShield. These powders are kind of like natural antacids and if you take a dose every night before you go to bed, and don’t eat after six o’clock, you should see that metallic taste go away. Very often, it would be a silent reflux. Give that a try. And then, see your doctor and discuss that with them.
“What do you think of off label use of certain prescription meds like using Metformin for life extension and Viagra for Alzheimer’s? I’m seeing articles about those.”
Yes, people want to market always and make money. And this applies to the alternative world as well. The functional medicine, they will sell you vitamins and minerals and things to do. And I don't fault them. What we have to do is be informed. What I would say, the cheapest, easiest, convenient to your own time settings and can be anti-aging, reduce Alzheimer's, reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health, reduce diabetes, increase your immune system, and I can go on and on, is just fasting. Fasting is one of the most anti-aging, life extending, brain, memory, function enhancing. And nobody makes a profit on it. If you just discipline yourself to stop denying this constant grazing that they have taught us all to do and all the soda/pops that we consume and these latte/frappe/juiced up things in the juices and everything. If we can just learn to do fasting, we could get all these benefits and save money. So, that’s far better. But yes, the science on Berberine, the science on Viagra which is a nitrous oxide enhancer. But EDTA chelation is a nitric oxide enhancer. A rich carnivore diet with the amino acid L-Arginine is a nitric oxide enhancer. So, we could banter back and forth. The drug company for Viagra, the herbal functional medicine, Nutraceuticals for the natural world on Berberine. We could banter back and forth all you want, fasting beats them all.
So, I would listen to Dr. Jason Fung. And I would read up and study on fasting and how it extended the lives. All the research of Dr. Long in San Diego. You are not going to get news on that because nobody makes money on that.
But what do I do here with my patients, every one of them I'm talking about exercise. Exercise will extend your life. Exercise will help you fight Alzheimer's. Exercise will help your immune system. Hey, what if we fasted more and exercised more? Well, guess what, those are the people who wouldn't have been, you know, succumb to, you know, a viral flu as much. So, you see, we must take responsibility for our personal lifestyles and choices and what we put in our mouth and when we put it in our mouth. And I try and do a five day fast twice a year, I just came off of my last five day fast. I always do it Labor Day, that Monday night to the Saturday night. I did not make it to the Saturday night. I did eat Friday. So, I actually only had a four day fast. But I’m typically only eating once a day. And I do my five day personal trainer workout, try never to eat past 6:30, and so I think that’s where I get all good, healthier skin. I have no joint pain. You know, I exercise. I mean the energy of my youth. So, there you have it.
“Thyroid test results, Free T4 .82. Free T3 2.9. TSH 0.03. I have a half a thyroid gland. I do not take thyroid meds. And I take iodine, 12.5-milligrams daily. Should I take thyroid prescription to raise level? I’m in my 60s.
Free T4, borderline low. Free T3, borderline low to me. TSH, they would say that is probably very adequate.
I can’t treat you over the internet. But if you were my patient sitting here, those are numbers where I’d look at your weight, age, and look at your activity level. I would look at your white blood cell count, look at the triglycerides, hemoglobin A1C, fasting insulin, body composition, bowel movement activities, energy, etc. And given all these things, I would look at this and say to myself, depending on your answers on them, maybe you could use a half grain or a full grain of thyroid. So, see your doctor. We can address that on a visit with your doctor. And go from there.
“Does liquid or powdered collagen help with aging skin? I only eat chicken and fish. I’m losing muscle. What is the best supplement to increase protein? Which mushrooms are best for overall health?’
Again, those that be Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the great rest, Klaus Schwab, the Economic Forum, and the many business corporate government mergers, which is fascism, they are trying to talk down consuming beef. And make it very rare and get us to eat insects. And actually, if we could eat-- And they have frightened us off from eating eggs, yolks, meats, and all of this is rich in collagen. And I eat meat five times a week, six times a week. And I some chicken and I eat some fish. I have pickled herring. I like pickled herring and I have that whenever I’m hungry and want to snack on something in my time restricted window allowed for eating. But this is so full of collagen. All of these things already.
Now if you're getting older, I take ortho digestive enzymes to help me chew up my meat, my fish, my chicken, my lamb, my ham, my eggs, you know. And I can extract from this the collagen that is so rich in all this material that I eat every day.
There is a supplement by a doctor in his 80s. He wins all the triathlons for his age group. He retains his muscle mass. And he developed as a medical doctor and for his patients, Dr. Shallenberger, I think is the name of the doctor who promotes this as well. It's called perfect aminos. Perfect aminos is what Dr. Mincof, I think that's his name, developed to be an amino acid to help your body hold on. But you've got an exercise. If you're not doing some resistance training-- I do a resistance training three times a week with my personal trainer pushing, you know, hundreds of pounds with my bench, my leg press, and you know, I just do the whole workout three times a week. That’s how I maintain my strength and my bone density. And the amino acids are incorporated in. If you are not doing resistance training, in addition to some aerobic, then you are going to have less stimulation for that muscle mass to be maintained, let alone grow. So, it’s called perfect aminos. That is what I would use if you want a pill form or a powder. It comes as a powder as well. But you have to do weight training. And eat a lot more meat. And use your Ortho digestive enzyme when you do it.
Mataike mushroom is what I would say. We put it in our product called, Immune Protect.
“Is there a natural treatment of acute myeloid leukemia?”
You see, I am not an oncologist. We do not treat cancers. But we come alongside our cancer patient to improve their immune system, to detoxify them and their bone marrow from the toxins that they’ve probably been chronically, slowly building up over decades. This is how we do so well. So, everything that I talk about, low carb diet, time restricted eating, exercise, drinking plenty of filtered water (half your weight as ounces everyday), stop eating at six o’clock, do not go to bed on a full stomach, try and get to bed and have a good night’s sleep. Taking known research nutraceuticals like Juice Plus is powerful for the immune repair. Taking minerals, these are God's pots and pans so to say for healthy restoring of the immune system. This is the TLC Multi Mineral with all Have a zinc and the selenium minute to help fight cancer. EDTA chelation for the microcirculation and detoxing. High dose Vitamin C for the benzene volatile organic acids. Fluorinated hydrocarbons that we are being exposed too. So, all of these things and so much. Iodine would be another part of it. Eating a simple one menu diet, especially if you have cancer. The more variety and spices that you use in a day, the more you are taking your immune system from fighting your cancer to having it have to do surveillance for every spice, every piece of variety that is in your diet. So, that’s what I would say there.
“What do you recommend for getting rid of constant phlegm and a lump feeling in the throat? This is after COVID, no vax-jab.”
I would go on a dairy free protocol for two weeks. Not one drop of dairy. Zero, zilch, and see if that will greatly help you. That would be my number one recommendation.
“Can you talk about breast calcifications in your 50s? And if diet and lifestyle can reduce them?”
Well, I have had two mammograms in my lifetime. One I think I was 40 and one at 58. Many many many, many years ago. And I had microcalcifications in the one when I was 40. And I did EDTA chelation, low carb diet, used my systemic enzymes, my vitamin D with more K2, and they went away. So, I’ve only had two mammograms in my life and I'm never going to do it again. Now that's my personal choice for myself.
The recommendation for the practice of medicine in California is that you have an annual mammogram and surveillance to try and detect early breast cancer. So, I take responsibility for my decisions. And I give an informed consent and offer mammograms to anyone who wants it annually and write the order. But that's how I manage myself. And so, EDTA chelation, vitamin D with K2, a low carb diet, systemic enzymes, that ought to do it.
“Is there anything that helps really dry eyes due to natural hormone replacement therapy. My eyes are so red and scratchy.”
Well, it could be seasonal. I don't know how old you are. But as women age, we all get what is called Sikka, dry eye syndrome. And the ability of your cells to repair from the windshield wiper of your blinking eyelids all day long diminishes. Our healing diminishes and then our eyes get scratchy. Then seasonally, we get allergens and dust and stuff like that. So, I use my natural hormones to help my general contractor, Estradiol helps repair things in me to keep me younger, healthier, looking longer. I drink plenty of water. I also use Argentyn Silver. I put a drop in my eyes I just did before I came here because during so much reading all the time and so much lecture YouTube studying just all the time.
And the other thing is all the other healthy things, you've got to be low carb. I do EDTA chelation, preventatively I do it once or twice a month now with vitamin C to keep the tiny little capillaries in my skin and my eyeballs and the back of my eye working very good. So, I have no cataract formation. All those things together really help.
The other thing you might do, if it’s allergic, is the Quercetin. Because remember I’m also using D-Hist by Ortho Molecular. That is Quercetin. I’m using it because I’m seeing patients all the time with colds, runny nose, coughs, sniffles, and flu-s, and stuff. And I never, ever get sick. So, I use the Quercetin as my natural anti-viral. It acts like Ivermectin. It acts like hydroxychloroquine. It is a natural anti histamine. It will help stop the itchy, sneezy, tearing. And this could be used for the phlegm as well.
The other thing is, we all get older, we get droopy skin, double wrinkles and stuff. Even the little ring of your thyroid and hyoid bone here, the tissue inside there is getting wrinkly and flabby and loose too. And that can be that kind of feeling that there is a lump there. But see your doctor. Have someone look in your throat and track that. And see if the natural things help you.
“Charlie Kirk just had a weekend symposium called Defeat the Great Reset. Great presentations including transhumanism.”
Yeah. That is Joe Allen. And Joe Allen has a great book on that. Joebot.com or something like that. But his name is Joe Allen. And he wrote the book. Maybe I have it here. This is called, The Transhuman Code which he recommended. I saw the whole presentation. Thank you so much for bringing that up. It is well, well worth your time going to TurningPointUSA.com/Reset. And you will get the whole thing. It’s well worth your time. I put it on time and a half or time and three quarters, I’m always listening. I’m so boring as a human being to socialize, but I love learning.
“Do you recommend eating cooked vegetables over raw? If so, can you elaborate? I often hear nutrients are lost when cooking vegetables?”
Yes. Yes, but if we eat meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, we are cooking that too. And we're designed very, very well. We're not flawed. We can extract from all that probably everything you need, including vitamin C, especially if you eat organ meat. Now vegetables are really a treat. And if you cook them, you're going to help reduce the damage of those lectins. One of the really challenging thing about vegetables are the casing that they're in. This non digestible and insect repelling, fungi repelling, bacteria repelling encasement of these fruits and vegetables that are lectins that are really irritants to us. So, we have to be very, very careful about them. And then all the starch and stuff that they tend to have. So, the ones that I’m going to eat, I’m going to have broccoli, I'm going to have spinach, I'm going to have asparagus, I'll have green beans, and then I will have brussels sprouts. And that's about all I eat in the plant kingdom period. I never eat fruit.
“What about vaccines? I didn’t get the COVID vaccine because I know a lot of people that had terrible side effects, including my sister.”
I would agree that it's impossible to give informed consent because they have kept the data from the original studies under lock and key. It is only by court order that we are getting it bit by bit, fed to us. And in the research of what has been studied from the released court mandated release papers is shocking as to the fact that they seem to have been aware of many of these terrible side effects. We know the October 2020 report to the FDA included the myocarditis in the heart and a lot of these neurological problems. And this should have been said. It should never have been allowed to be stated they are safe and effective. They said it would prevent the infection and it didn’t. They said it would prevent you from spreading it, and it didn't. They said it would keep you from dying and hospitalization, and we know that's not true.
So, we have so many-- And then just the other day a pilot, I was a flight surgeon in the military, and so I have some connections still with the pilot world. And there are more in-flight incidences that I think they're letting us on to know but we do know that there was a death just recently on a Boeing 737. Thank God there are two pilots required. But we have concerns, and we are not getting the information. We have concerns about the fact that they're trying to get this into toddlers and infants based on what and what, and what risk they are at. And they can’t argue the science. So, they are trying to strong arm us. It seems through the media and seems like there is an unfair of bullying connection with media to promote government business policies. When government and business work together that is called fascism. So, I have lots of questions. And it's impossible to give informed consent, because we don't have the data that we should.