YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, September 24th, 2024
September 26, 2024
“What is the ideal A1C number for a 67-year-old woman? Is there a range that could be more attainable? Will TLC be adding another physician?” [0:01:08]
Yes, we are looking to add another physician or physician assistant or both, and we're looking at that. And we want someone who loves people and loves God preferably, who sees working in medicine as a service ministry. The old concept was either you were going to be a preacher's son, a preacher, or a doctor both in ministry, and I want to restore that and get rid of this glamor, this idea of ego and high pay and all this kind of foolishness. To be a physician is to sign on to be a student for the rest of your life, and to develop a relationship. And yes, there's a limit to the boundaries, I guess. I guess they don't want physicians treating their own family members and often that's difficult, especially if it's a serious disease, but sometimes you have to. And then, on the other hand, we want to be in the community. We want to know our members, and very often the old-time doctors lived in the community their life long. They went to school with their patients and grew up together and they know their families and played on the same sports teams and go to the same church. So, we want a healthy long-term relationship with our patients and we need to be accountable to our patients as our patients are going to be accountable to us. So that's what we're looking for. We want our physicians to get experience with the whole spectrum of their standard medical training, along with the functional medicine, which we have many decades of experience here. I, myself, am probably 50 years old, and the other physicians here and physician assistants have tremendous experience in complementary, functional, and integrative care. So this is what we want to cultivate.
Regarding hemoglobin A1c, I think a good number is under 5.5%. Remember, this is glucose sticking to proteins throughout your body biochemically, and there are trillions of biochemical reactions going on all the time in our body. And if you have a sugar molecule sticking to a protein, that's interrupting an important pathway of performance for repair or protection of your immune system or rebuilding things or a healthy tearing down of a cell autophagy. You don't want a sugar molecule sticking on that. So, we do the hemoglobin A1C because it's easy to access on a blood test, but it doesn't mean sugar is only sticking to hemoglobin protein molecules, it’s sticking to all protein molecules, and we're interpolating or assuming that if it's 5.6 or 7, or I think they let it go up to 5.7. Above 5. 7 they're saying you're pre-diabetic and by 6.4 you are a diabetic. So, with all of these proteins, you don't want 6 percent of your proteins sticking to glucose, messing up the function. It'd be like having a patch on your eye or a patch on your mouth or blocking one side of your nose.
So, another thing that we have found is people who exercise build up their muscle mass, and as we age, we need to work on this because you lose your muscle mass with aging, usually past age 40, you start to lose about 1 percent of your muscle mass every year, so that's why you see older people thin and there are hands and their muscles in their hands and their arms look very gaunt and thin. And if you do exercise and build up your muscle mass, sometimes we see people with a hemoglobin A1c that might be 5.8, or even 5.9, and we find that their blood sugar fasting is, let's say, 75 or 65, their triglycerides are 30 or 40, and their insulin is 3 or 4. And what we start to realize now over many years of doing testing here is that if you're living healthy, you're aging more slowly. Well, what that means is red blood cells that normally circulate in your body about 90 days, about three months, we did these calculations on the hemoglobin A1c based on the average life expectancy of that protein hemoglobin, 90 days, 3 months. But those of us who try and exercise and eat very low carbs, do intermittent fasting, sometimes prolonged fastings, and take various nutrients, and adequate water, what we find then is that their red blood cells are lasting longer. They might last 120 days. So then we're sampling a population of red blood cells that are longer lived and more of them had an opportunity to bump into a glucose molecule. So, we're starting to see, that in people who are otherwise with excellent insulin, fasting blood sugar, and triglyceride, we might actually even see their hemoglobin A1C go up to 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9. So, how interesting is that? So hopefully that helps you understand that a little bit better.
“TLC patient, 72, and is a Ketovore, has adrenal issues and brawny edema in both lower legs. The left leg turned into lymphedema. The blood clot was removed in 1980. Detox pathways closed. What can I do?” [0:07:55]
Well, that's too kind of a wide spectrum to just say detox pathways are closed because we always have detox pathways. If you're talking about the circulation to the lower extremities, I think that's what you're possibly referring to. What you need to do is be very low-carb, and drink healthy, structured water.
I keep on bringing up now Dr. Gerald Pollack and then the Analemma wand. This wand has a Structured crystal that is inside of it, you can see the bubble in there. The water in here is really not water like you think of it, it's structured water, and it is very organized and it teaches all the water in my glass. It teaches the water in my glass to behave in a more structured form. So when I drink it, it is going to create that electronegative envelope of every cell membrane, which increases my energy battery capacitance over my transmembrane. So, yeah, if you drink enough water, that's very, very important. But now that we've learned about structured water, and now we've learned how to support structuring your water with that wand, Analemma is spelled Analemma-water.com. You can learn about it there and you can go on YouTube and watch some YouTube videos about Analemma water from the creators. This is a science that has been well-studied for decades now. Now it's commercially available. It's probably going to impact the future of our health, and it's going to redefine Biology and biochemistry.
Getting back to the lymphedema and such. So without creating sticky sugar proteins, food antigen antibodies by eating food allergy-provoking items, drinking enough water, staying exercised, using Systemic Enzymes to kind of disinflame and clean the blood of inflammation, not eating late, getting up in the morning and grounding, putting your bare feet on the grass and having the ions, the electrons from the earth come into your body to help your cell envelope, that is electronegative, and getting the infrared waves right through your bone and your clothes and stuff, that will help every part of your body. You only have to stand outside at sunrise around 6:45 to 7:00 in the morning for about a minute and a half to three minutes. Then I would do EDTA chelation to improve microcirculation. And that's the direction I would begin for the brawny edema and so forth.
“My good friend turned 60 years old in May. She exercises and lifts weights almost every day, not vigorously but regularly. I drink plenty of water, rarely alcohol. This past few months, I've been feeling extremely bloated, nauseous, lots of gas, a little fatigued, and anxious. I'm uncomfortable almost instantly after I turned 60, ironically. This is not normal for me and my body.” [0:12:08]
So I would realize in the American eating culture, the standard American diet is very pro-disease. Pro-chronic disease, pro-inflammation. It markets to you to use your mouth as an entertainment source, and it markets to you all these fake sugars, the excitement of the taste of sugar, the excitement of the taste of salt. So, I would encourage you to take charge and plan out how the next 40 years of your life will be. Will you be healthy or will you be going down the chronic disease pathway?
I would begin with that morning, getting up in the morning at sunrise and letting the infrared come to me for a minute and a half with my feet bare and grounded. I would drink half of my pound into weight as water. So if you're 150, you want 75 ounces of water a day. I would eat on a time-restricted range, whatever works best for you, but we do know that with aging, the older you get, the older we get, it is more important for us to prioritize protein, eating protein, because if we're going to repair, and as we age, we don't digest as well, we have to increase the volume of proteins, and it's probably smart to start using Digestive Enzymes to help with the bloating and gas as that begins to diminish. Find out your blood type. Usually, blood type A already needs digestive enzymes from childhood. But all of us, by the time we're around 60, could use support when we eat our healthy proteins and fats, which is what we're made of. This isn't made of fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables have some micronutrients and minerals that kind of things that are available, coal factors and such. Very often, and what I'm learning as I'm studying all the time, we are missing, even I've been missing chronic subclinical thiamin B1 deficiency. And so, you can do some YouTube studies on thiamin deficiency. And I like the gentleman from England. He's a nutritionist, called OE Nutrition. I don't know what OE stands for, but he's a young man and he talks about thiamine and does a beautiful job laying it out. He's kind of a protege of Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, who just died, who was kind of the father of the research on thiamine. He was a pediatrician at Cleveland Clinic. And he just passed recently. So, thiamine vitamin B one is just as important as NAD, Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide, or that NMN craze, and just as important as any other part. The sirtuins, the mTORC, the cyclic AMP, all these various little things we’re learning, you have to put the whole thing together in the stew. Otherwise, you don't have good health like a stew. So, what I'm saying is B vitamins thiamine are used up like Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide every time we process a sugar molecule through the Krebs cycle to give us our burn for the food and energy from it, making ATP and such. However remember now, with the electronegative covering of all of our cell membranes with structured water, we're starting to understand that really not all our energy comes from food. It is our electrochemical status. That's why grounding, earthing, getting some infrared light and getting your light hygiene, trying to get some of these LED lights and these screen times and your phone electromagnetic wave diminished in your life. That can help you with your energy as well. And then thiamine vitamin B1 is also associated with mimicking almost all disease disorders, from palpitations to anxiety, to tingling paresthesias, palpitations, gastric reflux, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, skin rashes, seborrheic dermatitis. And so, the dosing of vitamin D is ridiculously low in multivitamins. We have to use vitamin dosings at least starting at 50 mg and that's what my TLC Methyl B Complex has in it. And I would start with that much a day to see if even that alone will help with your energy because you need thiamine for every piece of glucose or fatty acid that you process for energy. And that will go a long way. If you know you're getting 50 mg of thiamine and you're watching how you're doing, with eating your carbs, not eating late, so to age is to be a carnivore, to do weight training, be a weightlifter, and to age is to start avoiding dinners and just eating breakfasts and lunches more often. So, that would be my thought on that. Hopefully, that will give you some ideas.
“Will EDTA chelation therapy remove lead and cadmium in the blood levels? I already had it to remove mercury. They say the urine test revealed other heavy metals.” [0:18:57]
Yes, it's a broad-spectrum chelator of many, many metals. That's why we use it. There are other chelating I items, DMSA, penicillamine, and so forth. These are entities that are attracted to the positive cation of toxic metals. They're all positive cations. EDTA is a negative anion, and the negativity attracts that and it grabs onto it. That's the Latin term, chelate, grab onto, and it carries it out through your urine. It’s so safe that even toddlers/infants can take it, but it removes a broad spectrum, but you do it slow and you do it consistently over years. I met some people who need 60 IVs and other people don't need as much, but we all have the heavy metal toxins that are associated with all chronic diseases.
There is a wonderful YouTube. I would have all of you watch. The doctor who did it is one of my colleagues who taught. We used to teach chelation therapy at ACAM, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. Her name is Dorothy Merritt, MD, and the name of the YouTube is Chelation Therapy Data Review and Development: An Inside Look. She does an excellent review of this whole story. And just to add insult to injury, the older we get, we start to lose our bone minerals, and in the bone is where a lot of these toxic metals are stored when we're younger, so we become auto-intoxicating to ourselves as we demineralize our bones, as we are inactive and acidic and inflamed with a standard American diet. And so, it amplifies the damage of these heavy metal toxins. So the name again is Chelation Therapy Data Review and Development: And Inside Look. And the doctor is Dorothy Merritt, MD. And she's fantastic.
If you want to watch the video on the structure of water, see Dr. Gerald Pollack; Electrically Structured Water. So that'd be really good.
“Does the removal of an umbilical hernia require only local anesthesia or full-body anesthesia? I've had a small umbilical hernia for a few years; never worried about it. I have been afraid to have it removed the last few ‘COVID years’ because I don’t want to be jabbed while under full-body sedation. Just afraid to be ‘put under’ totally and jabbed with COVID.” [0:22:32]
Well, I think that's a legitimate concern that you have, unfortunately. I think the ethics of medicine has taken a deep dive lately. So we need to restore our moral integrity and our worldview. I have a biblical worldview. I try and serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every day, and I see my patients as His greatest creation, and that helps keep me from being critical and moody, nasty, and judgmental because we have all of that. Every one of us has prejudgments of everyone, and I have to fight this and be unconditionally like our Lord is. And so, my worldview keeps me accountable that He's watching everything I'm doing. And so, I never recommended any of that or any of those injections. And I would always say there's way too little information, it's under too much controversy. They tried to seal up the court's paperwork on it for 75 years. Look at it. If it’s so great, why don't you show off your research and publications? That's what I do with my publications. And until we got that court order to reveal it, now we have that wonderful book that I have right back here behind me, called The Pfizer Documents Analysis Report book, and that's by Naomi Wolf on the DailyClout.io. And it's just remarkable how much really sinister false reporting hiding of damage that was done. It made me sick. It made me ashamed of my profession. So, I was right in saying I can't give informed consent. You're coming to me for advice. And if I don't have enough information, I can't give you that recommendation.
So back to your little umbilical hernia. Again, the thing that we're concerned about is if a loop of your small intestine got up in there and got twisted, then you'd have a medical emergency and have to have surgery to get it out of there. And so, it's probably good to have a general surgeon who knows who you are and knows what the situation is, God forbid it would ever do that, but at least you would be known to him and not foreign to a surgical qualified surgeon in your area that could help you, God forbid that that ever happened, and that's how I would approach him. And then you ask him if he could do it under a spinal. During a spinal, they can block the pain, like all those C-sections that are done when you're wide awake and they cut your abdomen and your belly button area there. So yeah, you could easily have a spinal. I don't know if they do it under locally, but you would ask your general surgeon.
“Tomorrow morning I have my first fourthly visit with my doctor to assess my efforts to reduce my cholesterol numbers. I learned an hour ago my total cholesterol is down from 220 to 195 but my triglyceride is up to 235 and HDL is down to 38. Are these two numbers of concern to you, and if so what can I do? Do u recommend Red Yeast Rice over Citrus Bergamot to lower triglycerides.” [0:26:14]
We love cholesterol here. So, when I was starting medicine in the 1970s, cholesterol levels were like 430, 380, 360. So, I don't buy into that philosophy. Anyway, long and short of it is you got it down from 220 to 195. “But my triglyceride is up to 235,” and that's where all the trouble is. Triglycerides come from fruits, vegetables, starches, and carbohydrates, and so you are eating beyond your rate of burning it down. And that happens with aging, especially as our muscle mass goes away. So we tell everyone to lift weights three times, two times minimum a week for a half hour. I recommend just using the machines because free weights are where anyone gets hurt using something and it kind of gets out of control and they get strained. So, using the machines builds up your muscles which will help burn down your carbohydrates. I want my triglycerides to be lower than my HDL, and you said your HDL is down to 38. So if you exercise, your HDL will start going up with exercise as your muscle mass increases, and your triglycerides should have been no higher than 38.
I don't care about your cholesterol. I care about your triglycerides. And so, you have to do a serious job of exercising and cutting back on the carbs and fruit sugars, starches, nuts, seeds, all the plant foods. If you become a carnivore for a month or three months, that would turn it around immediately.
“Do you recommend red yeast rice over citrus bergamot to lower triglycerides?” I don't, and I'm not happy with recommending supplements to do something that a better diet and exercise should do. So I'm never going to be recommending bergamot or red yeast rice. I love cholesterol and I want triglycerides down with exercise and better meal choices.
“My healthy 38-year-old son, blood type B+, has been experiencing odd heartbeats and went to a cardiologist for tests. They did an ultrasound and he wore a Holter monitor. At today's follow-up, they found thankfully nothing to be wrong. I was sure his symptoms were due to stress and anxiety (as I have experienced this many times). Any suggestions?” [0:28:49]
Yeah, I would give him TLC Methyl B Complex and I would have him take all four capsules every day. And I would say in a month's time, he'll be better. I would tell him to exercise because that helps with mood/anxiety. It helps sleep, it helps burn down carbs, reduce heart rate or heart disease risk, and the B vitamins are very much needed and it's a missed or not looked at problem associated with palpitations.
“Is there evidence that repeated COVID-19 vaccine boosters are leading to an increase in autoimmune diseases, such as POTS, MS, Parkinson’s, and CFS? If so, is the risk with vaccines more significant than natural COVID-19 infection? I’ve read some concerning data that suggests repeated vaccines dampen our immune system.” [0:29:50]
Yes, that's our understanding. It is doing that. It appears that we always knew this to be so, and now that we are getting these leaked and studied transcripts that are now in these book forms from the daily DailyClout, the Pfizer Documents Analysis Report, Naomi Wolf, and you go to the DailyClout.io and you can order your copy of this. And then there's an updated version. They're slowly leaking these things out and it's very disturbing that doctors like myself were doing, by the grace of God, the right thing all along, and saying they didn't have the information humble enough to say, I can't give consent to something like that, and then finally being aware that natural immunity, which we were forbidden, to say is the paramount thing with good health. And that's all we do here. And that's why all my patients did fine. None of my patients died from this. I don't think a single one was hospitalized. We used a high dose of vitamin D, the vitamin C, we had zinc minerals, and we had a low-carb diet.
And so, there you have it. If you have doctors who are truly doctors and not tiny, narrow, pointed pinhead physicians full of themselves overpaid, then you'll have a good doctor that will look at your whole health and keep you and your immune system capable of fending off these things.
“I've read some concerning data that suggests repeated vaccines dampen our immune system.” Yeah, that's all the IgG4 antibodies studies are coming out, and that was all predicted right at the onset of this. So doctors who really care are really students all the time and they really study all the time.
And maybe they're not the most fun spouses or friends because they're always studying and they're always watching out for their patients. But we thank the Lord that the dad is there and our good Lord told us not to worry about a thing. And he would provide what we need. And he gave me all the right direction to keep all my patients healthy and safe.
“Do you have an opinion about taking NMN as a longevity supplement?” [0:33:16]
Yes. And my opinion is Nucleotide Mononucleosis a precursor for NAD Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide. So, it's the precursor, and MNN is the precursor. And this is another hype. You see, I've been doing this for decades, after decades, after decades. And I see everyone get excited about one supplement, then another supplement. And there’s maybe this idea about the water and structured water is a fad. But I've been doing things long enough that I tend to see if they lock and load into a long-term baseline. So, I'm going to always vote for lifestyle, not eating late, exercising, and having a healthy circadian rhythm in the morning. O]earthing/grounding with your feet, get your feet in the natural grass for at least a few minutes in the morning, clean out the bad ultraviolet electromagnetic waves from your home, your room, your bedroom at least, eating a low carb diet because we've been forced into a high carbohydrate lifestyle of eating, and getting some certain nutrients because the food quality, compared to what it was 75 years ago, 50 years ago, with all this bought out Bill Gates and Chinese farming, they're doing industrialized farming, we don't have wonderful small farmers. We have lost thousands of farmers who used to provide for their families with their hundred acres or 50 to, you know, 400 acres. And they did a wonderful job. They nurtured, they care for that land. They rotated it. Now, industrialized farming is just spraying it and putting all these chemicals and the same crop over and over. And so, the nutrient component in the food today is maybe half of what it used to be. So unfortunately you have to do well research, clinically tested and that's what we do here, nutrients and have a functional doctor who can look over what you're doing. But not push the supplements, push the lifestyle changes. So, low carb, more protein, that's what we're made of, better sleep cycles, light pollution, clean that up in your life. Adequate hydration, consider the new fourth phase of water, the electric phenomena of structured water, and drinking enough of it. And then you exercise, and then after all that's done, then you look at some supplementation. And I think it's more of the basics rather than you know, thinking that resveratrol is the end all be all, all are sulfur-based foods, like the cruciferous vegetables. And yes, we need sulfa. And so, yeah, get that egg eaten and the yolk, and get your broccoli eaten and your brussels sprouts. But it isn't any one thing, it's everything.
“Hi, do you think most people need to take iodine as a supplement since it's not in sea salt or pink salt? I was wondering if we need it. Thank you for all you do.” [0:36:56]
Yes, because about 97 percent of all my patients are deficient. So I've taken iodine for decades. I take 12. 5 milligrams every day. David Brownstein would say take 25. I take a 12 and a half. I probably could take 25. I've just been using the. One a day of his Iodoral tablets, but everyone is deficient. You go to Japan and they have like 16 milligrams daily consumed of iodine in their diet, and their prostate and breast cancer is only a tiny fraction of what ours is. Plus, their mental acuity is higher. And so, for many, many metabolic mental acuity prevention of glandular diseases, like thyroid, breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancers. They're all iodine-dependent, so I would take it, yes. Now, Dr. David Brownstein wrote the book Iodine, and he's done other follow-up books on that.
I would recommend you read it or go on YouTube and listen to him lecture about that.
“I am a patient of Dr. Janel Meric. I have loved having her as my doctor., and through her thermography office, I found TLC. I wish to stay with TLC. How can I get more information about the other medical providers in the group? I am a 75-year-old woman, that has some issues but is mostly healthy. I have an appointment with Dr. Meric on 12/5/24.” [0:38:17]
Thank you very much. We work hard to have the finest and most wonderful doctors, but Dr. Meric is moving her practice to Arizona. So, she's bought a house out there, I understand, and moving there. I'm going to have dinner with her in a week, but she's not going to be here anymore, you were doing thermography with her, and you wish to stay here at TLC.
So, your appointment with Dr. Meric on December 5. 24 is going to be canceled because she isn't here. So we're looking to get the other doctors. I am going to try and expand the YouTube and question time so you can see these doctors here and get a better feel for them. Dr. Kaur is fantastic. She's been with me. P. A. Patel will be back in February I think next year. She's on maternity leave. Dr. Gonzalez. PA. Gonzalez is fabulous. Dr. Majid is fabulous. And so we have several physicians, and we're looking to get another one or two. So I'm so happy that Dr. Meric is expanding her practice and moving out. Ultimately, that's what I did from, you know, I used to work with Whitaker Wellness. I think we all grow up and develop our own practices and we teach the good things we've learned. So hopefully that'll work for you.
If you have inflammation somewhere. And the older you get, the more likely you have inflammation. But yeah, once a day three of them on an empty stomach hours before you eat anything is very, very valuable. But if I hear anything or I have an infection or allergy that starts acting up and my sinus pressure starts, I’ll up it to 5 or 8 tablets 10 tablets a day, 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening on an empty stomach.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, thanks for sharing your knowledge with the masses. Can colloidal silver be used on newborn babies to address the usual conditions? Ear infections, diaper rash, common colds, etc.?” [0:40:32]
Well, you have to have a pediatrician because, you want to be very careful with newborns, but yeah, we put silver in their eyes right at birth, at least when I was delivering babies in the 1980s. I delivered babies and we would put a drop of silver in each of their eyes. Whenever my eyes, well I do it every night, I put silver in my eyes every night because if people sneeze on me here and I'm in my 70s, I don't want to get my immune system down. So yeah, I put it in my eyes and ears. You can't presume what's going on there. You have to have someone look in the ears and take a look at it. You can put drops in their nose and make them sneeze get that bulb syringe and clean them out. You can put it in their mouth and that will help with any oral bacteria. But yes, for diapers, there's a Silvadene that Desitin sits in. Desitin is a silver-based diaper rash based on the protection of silver. So it's a very safe one and you can certainly use it, but be careful if there's any concern or any fever, please have your pediatrician immediately see the patient. And for all ear infections, you can't see what's going on there. We have to look.
“God bless you, Dr. E. I eat as "clean" as possible. RA factor 53 down from original 94; recent blood test: hsCRP= 2.7. Is that high? Lipid panel: Cholesterol=178, Total HDL 55, Triglycerides = 79, but LDL-choles are high at 106, choles/HDLC ratio=3.2, non-HDL choles=123. I am 75 years old, 5'4" 120lb. What can I do to improve CRP and LDL-choles? Thank you so much.” [0:42:03]
Well, anything under three is considered the average normal area. So I would say it probably is decent. Your lipids, and cholesterol 178 for a total, HDL 55, triglycerides 79. Now that's higher than the HDL of 55. So you want to exercise and cut the carbs a little more. And the LDL is 106. I think that's fine. So, she says “I'm 75, 5 foot 4, 120. What can I do to improve CRP?” Well, drink enough, water and exercise. Get out in the morning, earthing with the sunrise for three minutes, and take these Systemic Enzymes to improve your HSCRP, the-C reactive protein, eat a low-carb diet, and eat more humbly, in other words, and the LDL cholesterol. I love your LDL cholesterol. I love total cholesterol, so I think it's great.
“Is there a critical window, more important time period to drink water the next day after using Detoxamin? I have been thinking the sooner in the morning that you start, the better.” [0:43:17]
No, there's, there's no thoughts on that. Normally you want to start hydrating after being asleep for seven hours and not drinking. So you want to start drinking as soon as you get up in the morning.
And you probably want to, the older you get, stop drinking by about five or six o'clock in the evening. And most of us need somewhere between 64 and 128 ounces, depending on how much your weight is. If you're 228 pounds or 240 pounds, you're going to need a gallon of water a day, especially if it's warm. If you're 150 pounds, you'll need about 75 ounces. So you have to just kind of figure that out, but no, Detoxamin, and I have to say, that should be prescribed by a doctor. Detoxamin is something that I used to have here and I prescribed it to my patients. My patients could not just randomly order it. And then I learned that it was available on the internet, and that is not good because it's a prescription. EDTA is a prescription. So I don't know about the company or where you're getting it from. So be, be safe. And think about that.
“How does one get enough fiber when adopting a carnivore diet and intermittent fasting? If you have an ulcer in your stomach or the first part of your small intestine, can you take Digestive Enzymes? Thank you for your comments.” [0:44:41]
Well, that's if you think fiber is the most important thing, which I don't. The body is able to have the flora, and the bacteria produced and make bulk along with the collagen that's in the meat and the fiber of the pork and the chicken and the fish and the beef products. So, I am not. I don't think fiber is all that it's trumped up to be. Therefore, I'm not worried about it. I am not 100 percent carnivore right at this time. I'm probably eating some vegetables. Maybe some broccoli or asparagus, but very little. So I am largely a carnivore and, I have healthy well-formed long movements and every day on time. So you, you don't need a fiber to have that. I do use the Digestive Enzymes. She asked, can you take Digestive Enzymes? And yes, I have to, at my age, to help me digest it.
“Your thoughts on my husband blood/urine results: MCHC 30.9 low, calcium 11.5 High, WBC Esterase abnormal with trace result, cholesterol total 187, LDL 110 high, HDL 63, Triglycerides 74, Intact PTH, Calcium Serum 11.6 high, PTH Intact Assay 165 High, PSA Total 6.9 high, PSA Free 1.55, % Free PSA 22.5, Vitamin D 25-Hydrosy 37.2, Phosphorus 2.7 low.” [0:46:17]
You had a question here that is too complex. You're talking about your husband, his blood, and his urine results, and you have all this data listed here, and that's not what this program is for I can't do management individually over YouTube and this is not meant to be individual This is all for educational. But apparently with the high serum calcium and the high parathyroid hormones and other things along with the PSA, this needs to be followed up by your local doctor and find out why he has the elevated parathyroid hormones, elevated serum calcium, and elevated PSAs. So please see your doctor about that. And if you have any general questions about what your doctor says or what you're doing, I can address them.
“Hi! I see Dr Majid. I’m 21, a brain cancer survivor (CNS suprasellar pure germinoma treated &Cancer free since 2015. Type O POS, Panhypopituitarism, Synthroid, Cytomel, Desmopressin, and estradiol patch. Have peribronchial thickening. Been exposed to low levels of CO through HVAC for years, 30-year-old HVAC that has fiberglass ductwork blowing fiberglass particles in the air. Help?” [0:47:09]
Well, I don't know if you're a patient here, but you're a prime candidate for doing the EDTA chelation. Get your heavy metals measured. Get the fasting blood sugars, your red blood cell minerals, and your metabolic panel if you have B vitamin deficiencies or mineral deficiencies. It helps the microcirculation, and if you take plenty of enzymes and you're on a very low-carbon exercise, we see these peribronchial thickenings improve. I mean, I have cystic fibrosis patients and people with pulmonary hypertension, and their doctors have for years and years now, and they can't figure out why they're not progressing in their disease. Well, they do everything we tell them to, and they do chelation therapy, and they take their enzymes. So, whoever you're seeing, let's work on that.
“Hello Dr E! I am wondering about contrast dye for CT and MRI. Are they the same? I know that chelation therapy is good to do to help with detox, but if you don't have it available where you live, is there another way? Also, what is the best test for detecting heavy metals? Hair, blood, or urine? Thank you so much for what you do!” [0:48:58]
Yeah, typically they use the same gadolinium-based heavy metal. You could find your local doctor and have them write a prescription for a suppository of EDTA, calcium disodium EDTA put into a suppository and put that up your butt three nights in a row after any CT, and then you could do that once a week and just keep on pulling this stuff out.
What's the best test for detecting heavy metals? I would do a standardized urine collection. We do an IV of chelation, so we give you a fixed amount. We know your creatinine, we know your weight, and we infuse that over an hour and a half, and then we collect six hours of urine, and then we see how much comes out compared to your urine function creatinine, and we see the volume of the metals, and it's reproducible, and that's what science is, is reproducing the test to compare the value of are you moving them out or not?
What can I do to clear the peribronchial thickening? How to feel better and not be so tired all of the time? Mom gets me up and barefoot at sunrise, walks on the beach to watch the sunset, drinks 2x body weight, eats protein and little carbs, lifts weights, and water aerobics, but I am very tired 24/7. Is it from CO?” [0:50:38]
Well, the next thing to do is go and get the TLC Methyl B Complex and take three of those twice a day and see if that won't help with your metabolism. You might have some subclinical thiamine B1 deficiencies, and that might help you greatly.
“I am 78, blood type O+. (I have a hiatal hernia) I have been having severe heartburn for 5 years. I have been taking Prilosec 20 mg /day which gives me relief. I am concerned about side effects and hope you can suggest something else.” [0:51:21]
I would be concerned because there are significant side effects from dementia to calcium bone mineral metabolism problems, to kidney disease. It also is associated with other prescription medicines creating problems in your body. It was never meant to be a chronic use. We've got to find another way to solve your heartburn and that, of course, is not eating late and using Digestive Enzymes. It could be that you are thiamine deficient, so the vagus nerve is not acting well enough to empty and it’s slowing down too much, you might need Digestive Enzymes. You might need the Phospholipid powder with SBI protection for a season. You might need it with Probiotics, certainly, you need a low-carb diet. But please see a doctor who will do those things for you.
“Our dear friend took a Coronary Artery Calcium test and scored over 5000! He fairly recently went on a low-carb diet and lost over 40 lbs. He was able to get off his cholesterol medication, as well as metformin. He's pretty much maintained his diet, but now this. His triglycerides are 55. Dr. Rita, do you have any recommendations as to how he should proceed?” [0:52:29]
Well, if he were my patient, I would want him on the K-Force, I would put him on two a day. That has the ability to give him vitamin D with the K2 to help gradually reduce calcium deposits in the soft tissues where it shouldn't occur. I would have him stay on a low-carb exercise, and drink his water.
I would give him Systemic Enzymes four or five twice a day. I would put him on EDTA chelation therapy, and I would do a challenge to see what heavy metal burning is. Have him watch that video. I told you about this video, Chelation Therapy Data Review and Development: An Inside Look, by Dorothy Merrit, MD. Please have him watch that and I will go from there.
“I had some anxiety issues and my doctor said it might be the methyl B vitamins she had recommended. Why would they cause anxiety?” [0:54:04]
I can't imagine how that would be. So, is it one of the doctors who work here with me? So let me know so I can ask them. Actually, remember Beriberi is an old disease that killed people, and that's Beriberi, and it was a thiamine B1 deficiency. Probably other B vitamins were involved, but that's what the research in the 1920s discovered. And what were the symptoms of beriberi? Anxiety, dementia. They were demented. So they were the three D's, Dementia, they had diarrhea, and they had dermatitis rashes. Dementia, Diarrhea, and Dermatitis were the diagnosis of beriberi. And all they had to do was get B vitamins and their anxiety and all that improved. So, I have not heard of that. No, I'm not saying it isn't impossible. I mean, we're all unique, variable individuals. So, you’ve got to work with your doctor. But to me, if you're coming to me, that's off the cuff. So in, I don't know, 50 years of practicing medicine, I just have nothing to add there. I'm always ready to learn though. So I'll look.
“I also get anxiety with methyl B12. I think it has something with MTHFR, two copies.” [0:55:53]
Well, if you're only taking one vitamin, that's why I always make it a complex, and I always do things as a lifestyle, you might be forcing the metabolic pathway with one item when it needs many or a sampling, kind of like a good plate with various foods on it that you need. So, I think if we think we can tell you exactly what you need, I am more humble and I would back off and give more general recommendations, complete B complexes than one item.
She has the methylenetetrahydrofolate SNPs, she has two. And yeah, so I would say almost a third of the American or human population now has the B vitamin SNPs that show methylenetetrahydrofolate for methylation is compromised, which is a risk for heart disease and cancers and other things, and making serotonin and happy hormones and stuff. So, I would say talk with your doctor, look at your lifestyle, and work as you can to try to get the whole lifestyle going for you.