YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, October 8th, 2024
October 10, 2024
“Hi, Dr. E., after COVID/respiratory syncytial virus, a friend has continual fluid buildup in her lung cavity, has to have it drained every two months, very painful, and a lot of fluid. Doctors are perplexed. What can she do?” [0:04:04]
Fluid will come and leak through membrane junctions. Let me get this picture here again. This is again the picture of the cell membrane, and this is a healthy cell membrane here, double layer. And this is the damaging side here. And so, the contents of the cell will leak through, and if there's enough damage to the cell membrane from either injury or infection or chemical injury or just the age-related oxidative stress of aging. Many people, as they age, they start getting some ankle edema on both ankles, and that's fluid leaking out and associated with the fact that their membranes and their cells are also getting aged and, so to say, wrinkled or injured and so forth. So it sounds like they don't know what's causing this. They've probably tested the fluid, cultured it, and so forth. I don't know what age we're talking about, but I'm assuming we're middle-aged people. And with that, I think that the thing I would do is recommend, if I saw someone with that history, I would of course do a complete physical exam, and look for other sources of edema. If that's only really in her lungs, then I would assume some cell membrane trauma is creating a non-healing state and then you have to say, how can we promote healing in tissues of the body? One of the ways to promote healing of those membranes is to eat the material the membranes are made up of, which is protein and healthy fats, which would be going on to a carnivore diet. That would be very beneficial to tremendously supply the body with enough protein and fats to try and address the injury throughout the body.
Secondly, I would encourage them, after doing certain labs, as far as inflammation markers, baselines, blood count, chemistries, blood sugars, looking at any x-ray imaging and her cardiovascular health, to look at her ability to receive high dose vitamin C. High dose vitamin C has done tremendous things throughout history. We have 80 plus years, 85 years of tremendous documentation of Nobel Prize winning physicians, PhDs, who have used high dose vitamin C. We're talking using like 50,000, 100,000 mg infused right into a vein and that creates an anti-viral, antibacterial, antifungal environment, especially in the light of being very low carb, rich in proteins and healthy fats to heal the cell membrane, so that the leaking doesn't occur. At the same time, I would introduce intermittent fasting and maybe even a prolonged fast of 24 to 48 hours once a week to jumpstart the anti-inflammatory cleansing of the body. And I would give a high dose of Systemic Enzymes to remove the inflammation, the damaged cell membranes that need to be removed. And that's because fasting stimulates growth hormone and IGF-1 and growth-promoting signals always go up when you have autophagy, meaning when you chew up debris and older cells that are beyond repair, that breakdown action and biochemical overflow, you might say, of these fragments signal to the body that there's an area to repair, so growth hormone comes out, these repair hormones, to repair that cell membrane injury to try and seal it up.
So, fasting, intermittent fasting, doing a carnivore-like diet, or very strict keto, changing the diet to eating, let's say, breakfast and lunch, and omitting dinner so that the nighttime is when we heal. So I would keep food away from anything in the stomach for dinner, so that you have 12 to 16 hours of healing time, and exercise as tolerated, and I would do these high-dose vitamin C drips no less than twice a week, running that for a month and being reassessed with lab inflammatory and looking to see if we're prolonging, it takes a longer time for the fluid to build up before you might have to drain it and then increasing even longer a period of time until there's no longer an empyema or pulmonary effusion that's occurring because we designed the program to trigger healing. And that's how I would do this.
“The friend with a lung fluid is only in her 30s and she's pretty young.” [0:11:03]
Well, then I would say definitely this is the direction I would head in with a person like that. So if she can get to a functional, integrative doctor who does high-dose vitamin C therapy. Then that's the direction I would head.
“Hi Dr Rita, my 5-year-old grandson has recently been diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome. Could you please discuss what you know about this and tell me what treatment your treatment approach might be thank you.” [0:11:35]
This has something to do with intermittent occurrence of fevers and aphthous ulcers and pharyngitis swollen lymph nodes, that kind of stuff. And they've given it this fancy name and anachronism, PFAPA syndrome.
Well, interestingly enough, children are getting a hold of way too many processed foods, and cheap carbohydrate sugars, depressing their immune system. They are not getting outside in the sunshine and the light enough. They are around electromagnetic energy and TV screen times too long. They're being allowed to eat these high carbohydrate, fructose, fruit, sugar, juices, apple juice, and snacks, even if they're labeled as healthy snacks, and then they don't eat enough at their dinner time of fish and chicken and meat and pork and eggs and bacon and this kind of things because you're nibbling and snacking. So what they're composed of, and your white blood cells have to have a healthy amount of proteins and healthy fats to produce more white blood cells to have a good immune system, and very often these children are Vitamin D deficient, one, because they're not playing outside, they're playing inside too much and getting all this fake light and blue lights, and their sleep, they're just becoming injured on many levels, the sugars, the environmental toxins, the lack of physical activity, snacking, lack of the proteins and fats that need to make a healthy body and immune system. Given that, with the vitamin D deficiency, we should add in the vitamin C deficiency. I think this is not being taught adequately at all. Medical doctors are not being taught enough about nutrition and the need for this. There is a recommendation that I think it was Dr. Klenner who did all the polio treatment with high dose vitamin C, and he was giving 100,000, 200,000 units of vitamin C to the poor people that got polio acutely and neurological paralysis, and they were recovered through high dose vitamin intravenous and some even just through injections into the muscle intramuscularly of high dose vitamin C.
Now, these aphthous ulcers of PFAPA syndrome can be viral. There can be maybe some reflux from eating and snacking too late and then the child lying down. There can be high blood sugars because we're tolerating ranges of population samples that are way too high for a good immune system. And Dr. Klenner, who is now passed, would recommend 1,000 mg for every year of life. So, a 1-year-old would get 1,000 mg a day, a 2-year-old would get 2,000 mg a day, a 3-year-old would get 3,000 mg, and so on. So if the child you're talking about is 5, 5,000 mg throughout the day would be the direction I would go and make sure that they're getting vitamin D3, and I would give them 5,000 International Units every day. You could get the blood level if you want of vitamin D. You can get an ascorbic acid level if you want.
Again, the reference ranges are absolutely too low for understanding where optimal health is. I was just talking about this today in our clinic meeting. You can get by, maybe, on minimum wage, possibly. It would be hard, and life would be difficult, but you probably could survive if you had minimum wage. But do you want to live your life like that? And I look at vitamins that way. You can probably stop the expression of scurvy, the disease, or Beriberi with thiamine vitamin B1 deficiencies and other diseases, but the thriving and enduring stamina and health and lack of illness is with far richer and more abundant availability of these nutrients. And, of course, you can go into the whole industrialized agriculture and how they're raping the land through the pressure of Large industrial farming industries pushing the small farmers out, and so the love of the land has been lost and they just raped the land and put all these pesticide, herbicides and fungicides on it.
So, children today are facing many challenges and we, the adults, have to stand up for them. But that is the direction. Since minerals are also deficient in the food, I would make sure that the children are getting a multimineral that has magnesium and molybdenum and potassium and calcium, but especially zinc and selenium in them every day as well because they are dismally low. I know that they are not being tested with red blood cell mineral assays to look at their adequacy in their minerals, and I know they're not being tested for nutrient adequacies, and the insurance won't cover this. So high dose of vitamin C, meaning 1000 mg per year, up to the age of 15. So, at around age 15, you're at 15,000 mg of vitamin C, that's the adult daily dose, and you build up a tolerance for this. If you're taking too much vitamin C, the only real risk would be you would get some loose stools and diarrhea. Just cut back a little bit on that until you can achieve more higher doses. And you do develop tolerance so that you can easily go up to these levels every day.
Linus Pauling, who had two Nobel Prizes and strongly supported these interventions with vitamin C for the common cold health prevention and longevity, with two Nobel prizes, I would say he outstrip any of his critics in the College of Pediatrics, and they lack these PhDs, I mean, Nobel Prizes, and so they don't have much of a leg to stand on compared to his history. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who found vitamin C, is also a Nobel Prize winner. In his application, he recommended it for polio. Klenner used it for polio. McIntosh was an orthopedic doctor, who recommended high-dose vitamin C for AIDS. He would give them 200,000 mg, that's 200 grams of vitamin C daily, and his AIDS patients in the 1980s tremendously improved and had far better life expectancy and well-being. But again, these wonderful nutrients don't attract financial support. It's a threat to the oligarchical pharmaceutical control over our lives and the medical schools. And so, he is canceled and censored. And so, these wonderful things remind me of what happened to these great doctors. And Dr. McCormick up in Toronto, Canada used to describe coronary artery disease, heart attacks, strokes simply as a subclinical scurvy where the blood vessel that is rich in collagen and elastin holds that blood vessel and the lining together, if you don't have enough vitamin C, then you will have a lack of collagen/elastin, you'll get these aneurysms, these dilations and these blowouts and strokes and, and the stretching/tearing of these collagen in the blood vessels can create micro-bleeds which produce and attract a blood clot and create ischemic episodes.
So, that's another explanation that they want to suppress as another concept that addresses our number one killer, that we're all chronically ascorbic acid, vitamin C borderline deficient, and maybe much of our heart disease would improve as well.
So that's a long answer to your childhood syndrome of paroxysmal fever, aphthous ulcers, pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes, and adenitis, and that's how I would begin to treat it.
“How can you treat gallbladder issues? Is it by taking a supplement with bile salts? What happens if left untreated? Thank you, Dr. Rita.” [0:22:27]
The gallbladder is a holding sac that can contract, and it's signaled through stretch and chemical receptors in the digestive process as it goes into the stomach, sensing fat and a meal with fat in it, especially as comes into the body, and the bile is squeezed out of the gallbladder and that is put into the food bolus as hopefully, you digest it in your stomach well, so that it can emulsify the fats so you can absorb these healthy fats to put it into your cell membranes.
Now, the American diet and standard is a lousy, harmful, chronic disease-producing diet, the Standard American Diet, which is everything supported by the Food and Drug Administration and Departments of Health, CDC, and NIH, it's all corrupt, in my humble opinion. So, as chronic disease is now climbing and even getting into young folks and children, we are faced with having to admit that these agencies and the government are not the solution. Personal responsibility for your health is the solution. Looking at food as a right, as a privilege, as an entertainment, as something that has to have pizzazz going into your body, has been nurtured by this whole system, and the marketing of it, the advertising of it, has made food harm, for the most part, through the Standard American Diet, through its nutrient less deficient, calorie-rich processed carbs, seed oils with hydrogenated trans fatty acids that are improperly reported because you are getting them, even if they say no trans fatty acids. What they're doing is they're saying in a serving size, there's less than 0.5 milligrams of trans fatty acid, but they darn well know that you're never going to eat a serving size. You're going to eat four times, five times, six times because they manipulate it with advertising and appealing to your bodily urges and they know you're going to consume far more. So each day you're eating several milligrams of trans fatty acids. All kinds of seed oil, hydrogenated fats. The whole thing is a mess. So, let's admit that the government is not the solution. Personal and local responsibility is the solution.
So, if you want to have fewer gallbladder issues, you have to look at the foods you're eating and make sure that you understand your blood type. Blood type A's don't have enough digestive acids as class of people to break down their fats and proteins, and that makes it difficult for them to tolerate any fats and proteins, and they gravitate then to a vegetarian, like a vegan diet, because it's easier not having to have those acids or enzymes to break down the carbohydrate-rich plant-based diet. Unfortunately, though, they lose the repair that they need for the cell membrane because it's made of protein and fat, and you don't get this cholesterol from your plant foods.
So, you have to look at your exercise level, how late you're eating, how much starch, carb, and processed foods are in your diet, how often you allow yourself these treats, what is your blood type, what time are you going to bed, when are you getting up, how much water you're drinking. You have to put these many things together and look at your diet and start to address if your digestion is getting better with the bile acids in a digestive support capsule, like Ortho Molecular's Digestzyme we have here, or what we call Systemic Enzymes, systemic digestive enzymes. And then you have to work with your doctor, maybe get a complete digestive stool analysis where we can look and see whether you're digesting your fats. We can look at your average amount of blood sugars, triglycerides, and insulin, and we can get a feel for how much-processed foods you're in to help you learn to adjust this. So we say eat real food, not packaged food. We recommend you eat at home. If you have to eat out, try and go to a restaurant where a piece of meat is prepared for you and a side vegetable as opposed to these fast-food restaurants that only have packaged, selected processed foods, so you can eat more normal by going to a restaurant where you can order a meat and a vegetable. And just re-examine your personal responsibility for your health, your hydration, your sleep hygiene, your motion, how much motion is in your life, meaning exercise activity, how late you’re were on the screens. But that's where I would go.
“What is your opinion of British osteopaths? Are they real doctors?” [0:28:53]
Yes. Yeah, they are. And I don't care. Well, it's nice to have an accountability mechanism. For instance, we didn't have residencies and all these subspecialties. Really, it started more around the 1930s and 40s. I think family practice became a residency around 1960s, emergency medicine, I was considering not doing family practice residency and doing an ER residency, and it didn't even exist until I was already practicing as an ER doctor. So, they're practicing as an ER doctor, so having a sheepskin on the wall versus being competent are two different complete things. So think of all your licensed osteopaths in England, and Britain, your doctors of osteopathy here, your medical doctors, allopathic doctors, all your specialists. All of them have, I think, failed us, especially when you look back on the so-called COVID pandemic, and how they did not stand out for basic health things that kept all my patients well. Not one died, not one was hospitalized. We were very blessed by the Lord because we take personal responsibility, and have a personal commitment to our patients. We have a personal responsibility to keep and remain astute in all the days of our lives, no matter what decade of life you're in after you get your alleged degree. It is the health of your patient population that is your best diploma on the wall. It is the recovery of your patient's health, that is your best diploma on the wall. And I am very grateful again that the Trump administration when he was president, did a study looking at Medicare recipient doctors in primary internal medicine, general practice, and family practice, and they asked of those doctors in the United States who billed to Medicare, so they had tight control on the knowledge of these doctors, who has the same similar patients. So internal medicine family practice to general practice pretty much have the same type of patient across the board throughout the nation. And we were so honored and glorify the Lord that we were identified in the United States at Tustin Longevity Center here as being in the highest best practice with the least amount of Medicare dollars billed to keep our patients healthy, alive for the longest time with the least billing cost Medicare. I don't know if there's a diploma that says something like that. But when I first became a doctor, or even in the process of going through some of the basic core studies, I just would, in my prayer time talking to God, say to Him, please just help me to do what's good, be a good doctor and do no harm. All I want to be is a good doctor and take care of a population of people.
So, when you say, are osteopaths real doctors, yes, they are. And so, you can have a bad one, but I think you can have more good ones because I see in medical school, which I did, your standard training and family practice training, I saw too many of my peers were in it for the money or the prestige, and they all got kind of sucked up into big corporate managed healthcare systems rather than going to the byway and the highway and the countries and the rural areas that also need good doctors to serve them. And so, I am very sad to report to you, that even back in 1977, in my class in medical school, I was in shock when I looked at the behavior, character, and plans of my colleagues. Always talking about making money, how to make money, how to make money, where to go, how to promote instead of, you know, ask good questions in class and be there, instead of cliff note activity. Anyway, I cried. I cried quite a bit during my first weeks in medical school.
“Hi, Dr. E. The more animal protein I eat, the more I need more fiber. I eat steamed vegetables, some blueberries, bananas, and pears. What do you think is the best fiber to soften stools? I take Vitalzym every morning and Digestive Enzymes with meals, God bless.” [0:34:24]
There is an argument that's ongoing about do we even need fiber, and what's the marketing message behind fiber, fiber, fiber. There are studies, clinical studies, placebo-controlled, there are some controlled open-label studies, where they actually find people, who are on the least amount of fiber, have the least amount of bloating, the better bowel movements, the better frequency, less abdominal distress, and so forth. So, I think you can find any scientific study you want because I know there is a whole dedicated group of finances that go to pay for research for compromised scientists and clinicians just to get paid for a study with an outcome that will favor the purchasing industry. So you'll find publications on how fiber is so important for short-chain fatty acid production in the gut. But we also know that people who are carnivores, or very good low keto people, have such low sugars, that their body produces ketones, which far exceeds the value of any higher carb production just locally in the gut. Those ketones support everything from your brain to your toe.
There's also discussion about fiber being associated with less cancer. Again, we would argue the point that people who are on more fruits and vegetables usually in a real clinical situation will say they're taking fruits and vegetables, but they're not telling you about all the Snickers, candy bars, ice cream, breads, pasta, pizza, crackers, cereals they're getting that drive up their sugars and their insulin that promotes tumor growth. So, the field of food research clinical studies is very complex, and I've seen enough research to argue that fiber isn't the end-all-be-all. I'm not saying a carnivore diet is the best diet for everyone. But given the United States history of many decades now of corruption and advertisement and all these processed high carbs, high fructose corn syrup drinks, and processed foods, the estimates are 70 percent of the standard American diet, especially for children, is processed food. We are losing our minds as a people to think we can be healthy if these processed foods are labeled as food. I think our labeling serves a corrupt regulatory industry rather than the true health. And I think our failing health and our high health care dollar costs per capita is a testimony that all this talk about food is meaningless and fiber and their so-called healthy diets and ranges of dosing for vitamins and they don't teach it. The whole system is a mess, and we have to take personal responsibility, each one of us and each health care provider, to start coming to some grounds on this and not worship fiber.
So, what could be causing constipation? If you are this way and you're eating more carbs and you're trying to be keto, hydration, mineral status. Do a red blood cell mineral and see how much minerals are there. Vitamin C deficiency, vitamin C with Magnesium daily taken at least twice a day, if not three times a day, usually is associated with bowel movements. Exercise, motility. Even getting up and having a good day/night, hygiene for sleep, getting up with sunrise, and going to bed, around 8:30 to 9:30 PM. These are the things I would say. So I can't tell you exactly what to do here on this.
“Is there a natural alternative to heavy drugs for a bone-on-bone hip? It hurts to walk and I can't get into a hip surgeon for another three months. I would love to be able to walk without shooting pains and numbness down my leg. Thank you for all your help.” [0:40:05]
Well, bone on bone, I think there are those who are going to argue that there is no ultimate unrecoverable bone on bone and they're going to suggest stem cell injections with an extremely low carb diet, fastings that stimulate growth and repair with adequate hydration, maybe like 96 ounces of water a day, along with very high Systemic Enzymes, maybe like 6, 3 times a day. Systemic enzymes are pain relieving. Interestingly enough, the orthopedic doctor, Dr. McClintock from California, who did all the high dose vitamin C on AIDS patients, would get pain relief with high dose vitamin C infusions, and that was quite remarkable, along with your very low carb diet, stimulating growth and repair, maybe consider stem cell injections, even hyaluronic acid. And then high-dose minerals. The magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, manganese and boron, and potassium supplementation will be the direction. Natural hormone replacement also promotes stem cell repair, so natural hormone replacement is considered. Then pulse electromagnetic frequency, PEMF, is also associated with stimulating stem cell growth in these areas. So hopefully that might help you.
“What would you recommend for a cold that has settled in and is causing a cough?” [0:42:27]
Honestly, I would get a capsule of vitamin C, not tablets, or capsules, because there's no need for fillers with capsules. Tablets, you have to have fillers. And I would take 500 mg every 20 minutes until either your cough goes away or you start to get the gassy rumbling in your stomach, that's telling you that's enough vitamin C for the gut. And then wait until that passes and then start taking a 500 mg capsule of vitamin C every 30 to 20 minutes until that cough is gone. Now, you could also use Argentyn Silver as a liquid. Swish and swallow it, gargle with it, and swallow it. Argentyn is a natural silver, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. I would fast for 24 hours and maybe just have chicken broth or beef broth and plenty of water. I would take extra vitamin D. I would take up to 50,000 International Units of D3 once a day for five days only. I would use zinc and we have the TLC Multi Mineral zinc with 25 milligrams of zinc. And if that doesn't get you better within the day, then I would see your doctor.
“The lady with the bone-on-bone hip pain should try the LifeWave X39 patches that activate her own stem cells and have helped many improve bone density and many other things.” [0:44:14]
That's that frequency concept, yeah, and the LifeWave X39 has crystals in there, in these patches, and your body heat raises the temperature of those crystals and they start to vibrate at their God-design level, and it creates a frequency message for your body that does stimulate your immune system and repair. So, that's another suggestion, but that's why I talked about the post-electromagnetic frequency as well.
“Could there be a correlation between a 3-month elevation in A1C to 5.7 from 5.2 and an increased MCV to 102 from 96 in a perimenopausal woman on a low-carb diet? MCHC down to 31 from 33. Glucose, B12, and iron are all normal and have no health conditions. The only symptoms are night sweats, hot flashes, and difficulty staying asleep. Also, how would you approach this?” [0:45:12]
Aging is a process in which our ability to repair is diminishing. So the pile of cells that you have that are injured, like this, compared to repairing them at night when you're young during your sleeping hours, depends on you eating enough proteins and fats, getting a good night's sleep versus the rate of injury, whether it's an acute cold or chronic stress or heavy metal toxins you're building up or breathing in environmental toxins from industry in a city urban area and on and on. So, aging is a pile-up of the unrepaired level in our bodies getting higher than our ability to repair from our youth. And so, we see this transition, especially around age 40, muscle mass, bone density, demineralization, and the ability to repair those membranes. What that means, then, is your need for nutrients, good sleep, and a high-quality diet supplementation goes up with age. Hydration, exercise, using the muscles to help preserve the signal to tell the muscle to repair itself, repair itself, repair itself, and build. So, your blood sugar will go up over time because, as we're aging and falling apart, so to say, muscle-wise, cell membrane-wise, everywhere, that ability of your muscle engines to burn up your pattern of eating starch, fruit, nuts, seeds, carbs, pasta, rice, beans, crackers, bananas, all this becomes more and more challenging as the engines are shrinking your muscle mass. So, as muscle mass diminishes because you're not doing enough weightlifting and you're eating the same amount of carbohydrates, even if they're complex carbohydrates, good for you, your body will all move toward aging and death. All elderly people start moving toward diabetes with age. So that's why your hemoglobin A1C climbed.
Number two, the MCV, the Mean Corpuscular Volume, went up from 96 to 102. And the ability of the stomach to produce B vitamins, especially if you're a blood type A, diminishes, with all of us, even if you're an O, a B, an AB, but it's worse in the A-type blood. And the ability to make B vitamins that are associated with the size of the red blood cell and mean Crepuscular Volume. Let's say the size should be this, which is good for carrying oxygen and taking away CO2. But let's say you're not digesting well, the blood cells get bigger with age, they get bigger, and we call this megaloblastic red blood cells, large red blood cells. It only really becomes a serious concern when the MCV is say around 112, 114. You're only 102. The other aspect of aging and maldigestion with aging is the lack of enough stomach acids hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, and that acid is critical in helping to make intrinsic factors to make B12. All these setbacks result in the cells getting bigger, and it's a pathway to our eventual death. So we tell people to do weight training as they age, to eat more protein as they age, to try and get that protein into the muscle by eating more with aging, eating less carbs. Exercising more, trying shifting to eating breakfasts and lunches with age and becoming a senior citizen, and not eating dinners so that breakfast and lunch are what we eat and we skip the dinners, which amplifies the ability of the body to repair itself by having an emptier stomach for nighttime. Then taking digestive enzymes that have betaine hydrochloric acid, taking a methylated B complex that will help with the many metabolic needs that are diminishing with age and energy loss of the senior citizen. So, those are all the things I would suggest about that.
“Hi, I asked you last week about iodine. So I bought Iodoral from your store and it says on the bottle a warning not to take it if you are on an anti-thyroid medication. I'm on NP Thyroid and wanted to ask you if it is safe to take while on NP thyroid. Thank you!” [0:51:11]
An anti-thyroid medication is really for someone who has a thyroid storm, like hyperthyroidism, and is on methimazole, which is a blocker of the thyroid action, or they have iodine treatments, Iodine-131 for overactive thyroid. That's what we talk about anti-thyroid medications. The vast, vast, vast, vast, vast majority of people are not on methimazole, or on radioactive Iodine-131. The NP thyroid is a natural pro-thyroid supplementation, glandular thyroid, and is in no way contraindicated with your iodine, which is very necessary for metabolic mental health, is to take iodine. And at least 97 percent of all my patients have been deficient. So I take it forever, and I'm on thyroid myself as a natural hormone.
“I am unfortunately on a statin because my cardiologist would like my LDL at 70. Thoughts on that? Should I be taking CoQ-10 and what amount? I ordered the Analemma wand and I am loving it! How much-structured water should I drink a day? How would I order from your store? Structured water amount. How to order multi-mineral from your store?” [0:52:46]
The structured water amount that was done in the studies on human beings, the brainwave studies, and the ATP production fluorescence studies all improved on the structured water, they were taking a liter and a half a day.
But to your question about statin. Well, there is the argument, why did God make LDL cholesterol? It is a carrier lipoprotein because fat does not mix with water. So when God needs to move fat around in your bloodstream, He wisely puts it in an envelope, and that envelope is a protein envelope, a membrane that looks very much like this right here, and it has receptors on it to receive signals so that if someone needs a part of some fat in the cell, it can talk to that LDL fat particle and take some healthy fat for repair of your cell membranes so you live long.
The other thing is, is that the LDL particle now functionally acts as an antioxidant, which is anti-aging, which is cardiovascularly beneficial. Another function of the LDL particle is that it works as an antibacterial, anti-endotoxin sink to try and take up bad toxins that are generated from gut bacteria or infections in your body. There are many good things about LDL cholesterol. And the vast majority of science, even the American Heart Association, has backed off about using your cholesterol as a risk factor. And now, the impact of lowering your LDL means you have fewer antioxidants, less ability to repair your cells, and we start looking at the side effects of people who are on a statin, and we find that they have more fat-dependent disease problems, such as dementia, Alzheimer's because their brain is so dependent on healthy fats, cholesterol, which is inhibited by taking a statin. Plus, the downstream particles that are produced from this, our CoQ-10, are inhibited. So, the dose you have to take a statin and the criterion for a statin to justify those levels are hotly debated in science at this time and among doctors clinicians, and researchers. So, the 300 mg a day CoQ-10, if you're on it, typically, unless you have had a heart attack already, it would be unlikely that there'd be any justification, especially for a female, to need a statin. In fact, if you do a Google search on cholesterol and being 70 years old and predicting a long life, if you don't have a total cholesterol of 200 with an LDL that is about 110, the likelihood of you living to 100 is greatly diminished. So, mortality death is associated with lower cholesterols past the age of 70.
I would encourage you to look at a YouTube put out called or titled High Cholesterol Is Healthy. I'll repeat, High Cholesterol Is Healthy, and that was put out by Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. David Diamond. David Diamond is a PhD and Dr. Berry is a family practice doctor. In this review, about nine months old now, almost a year, they went over the most recent articles, and scientific review papers about the argument over LDL lowering and survivability, mortality reduction, and the science is just not there. Remember, you can buy science and there are scientists and clinicians who can be purchased, and I think of the character of my medical school class, and I see how money meant everything. And so, they could care less about their patients. They joked about them all the time. It was so demoralizing to me. But they are the type that would be in leadership now and would have signed off on such kinds of studies, in my humble opinion. Unfortunately, we have to assume personal responsibility for our health, for our family, for the way we eat at our workplace, in our children's schools, and whether or not we're going to have stupid donuts every stupid Sunday. That's so insulting to have junk food like that when we're looking at such a disaster. It really ticks me off. The meaningfulness of a treat, of a true holiday is lost if every time you get together in the name of your religion or your Bible study, you have an excuse to eat junk food and harm your body. Sad. I'm not perfect but you have to think about it. We better start looking at these realities.