HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 6, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, August 6, 2024

August 8, 2024


“Should you exercise in the morning before eating? Or should you have some protein before exercising?”  [0:02:38]


Well, this is an argument that goes on forever. If you go into ancient medical history, I think you'll look and learn that the Roman soldiers were only fed once a day, and the argument there was for improved performance when they were doing their job training or fighting when they only had one meal per day. So, there are those who would argue the blood supply will go to your stomach for circulating your intestines and running your digestive systems and that's maybe up to a third of your blood supply. So, I would not exercise myself. I fall into that camp suggesting that you should not eat before you exercise. You can certainly take a rich high protein. A lot of people use creatine supplements, and amino acid supplements, after a workout because then your muscles have tiny micro tears that need to be repaired. But I'm going to fall into the camp where you should not eat before you exercise. I would rather see you take the protein afterward.


“What could be causing my left leg, ankle, and foot to be puffed up or swollen, quiver, and shake with pain in my toes when I walk? I had my ankle and foot x-rayed by a Foot/Ankle Doctor with no findings. My physical therapist thinks that it could be coming from my spine/pinched nerves. An MRI is scheduled for my spine. Thank you, Dr. Ellithorpe!”  [0:04:27]


So, it looks like you're getting a good workup. So what could be causing it? Well, I don't know if you had a fall, I don't know what your age is, I don't know what your weight is, I don't know what other comorbidities or illnesses you may or may not have, I don't know what your prior lifestyle has been, I don't know what the state of your prior history of exercise is or what your posture looks like or if you have childhood scoliosis. I mean, all these things play into a unilateral limb nerve pain with what you're calling quiver or shaking. So, it certainly sounds neurological. So, all those things have to be addressed. This is why we're very aggressive with our patients in talking about good hydration, and now we're learning more about the energy of water in structured water and that it is actually an energy transducer for the cell membranes that are all over your cells and inside your cells, and around your nucleus. So, structured water is very important for cell function and energy. We tell our patients they are batteries, and you need to get yourself charged up. We tell our patients to ground themselves, to go outside in the morning with their feet in the bare grass, and to be there in the morning with the rising of the sun. There's a long far red infrared wave that can penetrate right through a bone in your skull, and this can get to that structured water that's surrounding all your membranes and intracellular membranes to enhance the potential dynamic of the voltage, and that is translated into energy. And if you have a habit of doing this, I try and go out every morning around somewhere between 6:30 and 8 o'clock in the morning. Usually, I get out there about 7:00 to 7:15. I'm out there I would say a couple 3 minutes. No less than a minute and a half, really not much more than 3 is what I'm finding when I look at research or listen to lectures on it to charge up yourself, to give you energy, to maintain posture, so that you don't pinch nerves, because as we age, we start to slump and we start to get kyphosis, our head starts to go forward, we get the Dowager's Hump. Osteoporosis promotes this. So, as the body of the vertebra compresses, and with lack of hydration and the intraspinal muscles and ligament get stiff and dried and the muscles weaken, then your whole posture, your musculoskeletal system is going to determine your posture. So, we talk about exercise, exercise, exercise, weight training, weight training, weight training, hydration, hydration, hydration, and now we're trying to emphasize good circadian rhythm and light hygiene, meaning turning off these blue light modalities, the screen that you're looking at and let things get dark, shut off your electronics, get to bed, get up before or with the sunrise, get out there right away, get your feet wet, get grounded, take your glasses off, let that infrared pass through to you, get in some weight training, and then eat plenty of protein. I'm telling my patients now, to age is to become a weightlifter, to age is to become like or become a carnivore, to age is to focus on hydration, and to age is to work on your light cycle hygiene. And so, we find these things to be very beneficial. So, we have to know if all these various things are impacting you. But it sounds like you're in the hands of doctors who are doing the appropriate workup, and I would just encourage you to do these things for exercise and weightlifting and muscle tone and stretching and posture checks and so forth.


“Hi, Doctor! My friend just found out she has two cysts on her ovaries, one larger than the other, and is scheduling surgery for removal. Do you have any counsel she might benefit from? You once enlightened me with the idea of starving cancer cells, if I’m not mistaken, by fasting and abstaining from sugar. Could that work here? Thank you. God bless.”  [0:10:08] 


Now, usually, they wouldn't just necessarily schedule a surgery for removal unless one of those cysts is looking big enough to put it at risk for being cancer or having some intra cysts kind of picture inside it that is suggestive that it is not a good-looking cyst, that it may have some early signs, that it could turn cancerous because they don't just remove cysts unless they have features that make the doctor think there's some extra risk by size and by what's inside looking in the cysts. 

“You once enlightened me with the idea of starving cancers, if I'm not mistaken, by fasting and abstaining from sugars.”  That's true because carbohydrates, sugars, fruit sugars, and starches stimulate the release of the hormone insulin, insulin is a growth-promoting hormone, and it's probably one of our number one risk factors for neoplasia, cancers, and tumors, but it also thickens the blood vessels and it also promotes fat cell development. 

Now, I am going to say, this is something that she has to follow with her doctor. I have no idea what the cysts look like or anything. But as a general theme, Systemic Enzymes are what we give to our patients here who have polycystic ovarian cysts or are isolated, usually the majority are benign cysts. And these ovarian cysts, if you take enzymes, they become uninflamed. These Systemic Enzymes are taken on an empty stomach, morning and evening, and we take like five of them or six twice a day on an empty stomach. So first thing when you wake up, last thing before you go to bed. But if you're going to have surgery, we also tell people with Systemic Enzymes not to take the enzymes for about four or five days before surgery because they do create a little bit of thinning of the blood, very minor, but it helps to prevent blood clots. And when you're doing surgery, he has to cauterize little tiny, tiny, tiny arterials. And so, you don't want to have enzymes four days or five days before surgery. So, that's our protocol here, is we tell people not to do that about four or five days before surgery. But then we say, the day after surgery, then we ask them to resume, especially from all the debris and trauma and inflammation from the assault of the surgery.

So, another thing we do is we usually recommend natural progesterone. Progesterone usually has a staying effect on any estrogen growth promotion of the lining of the uterus, because when you ovulate and you produce progesterone, as that progesterone is rising and building up, it puts a stay on the estrogen development of a thickening of the uterine lining, and then when the progesterone drops off, as far as it's not being produced anymore, so it's about two weeks out of every monthly cycle for a woman, that drop-off phase is then usually associated with the onset of her menstrual cycle, so that whining of the uterus is sloughed off. Progesterone also is associated with helping to prevent the ovarian cysts, so we tend to give those that as well. We like to get a blood level somewhere around 6 to 10 or higher in the serum test for progesterone levels. Be on a very, very low-carb diet or a carnivore diet, or a carnivore diet, exercise to improve circulation, healthy amounts of vitamin D, and a multimineral for your selenium, which is an anti-cancer and zinc, which is an immune support plus the wonderful aspects of potassium and magnesium that are in these TLC Multiminerals we give. And not eating late. We promote fasting, intermittent fasting. So, depending on knowing the patient and their health, I don't know who your friend is, but if a person's able and they're not, let's say, an insulin-dependent diabetic, usually people can do a 48-hour fast very well, and that helps lower insulin to stimulate the growth of tumors or cysts, various things like that. And then we talk about doing a 2-day fast on a cycling basis. Intermittent fasting is another item you could do where you would just eat, let's say, breakfast and lunch, and then not eat until you get to the next morning's breakfast. All these things would be the direction we would go with.


“Father, 72, is suffering from bad neuropathy pain in their feet, seems to feel worse at night and is interrupting his sleep. Overall, he is very active and healthy. Any supplement or recommendations for treatment/relief?”  [0:16:06]


Again, I don't know your father, I don't know what other comorbidities he may have or his weight or his posture. Diabetes, pre-diabetes, and chronically modestly elevated blood sugars, all are associated with damaging the vasculature lining the inside of the blood vessel, and the nerves, and these things are improved with EDTA chelation therapy. I just had a lady this week, I think she was 68 years old, who had been doing chelation as I recommended no less than once a week, and she did that for a series of about three or four months, and she found her neuropathy, the burning feet that were worse at night, to be tremendously improved. So whenever you improve the microcirculation to all parts of the body, and remember the feet are part of the most distal on your hands as well, when you get better blood supply there, more nutrition, repair, and waste removal, you start having fewer symptoms of pain. The other thing is enzymes will help reduce the inflammation of cell damage, which will reduce the pain. We were talking about this structured water where we use this Analemma wand where we get this water inside this wand is at www.analemma-water.com. And I put this into my water here like this. So, it's training all the water that I drink to have structure, meaning that it will help provide more of an electrochemical potential across the gradient of my membranes so it'll function better. That also would help with pain and neuropathies. It would help all the cells in the body, and that's rather instantaneous. So, this is called www.analemma-water.com. You can learn about that. It's about $170, but that's the total cost of it and then it'll do well. That's what I would recommend for people with neuropathy, with EDTA chelation, a low-carb diet, enzymes, adequate hydration, and exercise. 


“Hi Dr. E., I have a good friend (female, 69 yrs, no chronic health concerns that she is aware of) who has been having frequent panic attacks. Would you speak to possible physical (not emotional or spiritual) causes of panic attacks in general? Thank you!”  [0:19:14] 


Well, minerals are very much, and her blood type would matter. I would get her blood type. I tend to see more panic attacks in blood type A. If A's don't have, as a class of blood type people, enough digestive enzymes from childhood on, then they're not digesting their food as well, which means proteins and fats, and we're made of proteins and fats, they would have that wonderful cell membrane that's supposed to insulate the nerves and all the cell membranes in the body. Their structures would not maybe be as good as a B, AB, or an O. Therefore, neurological irritation could occur if you had the myelin sheath or the cell membranes. Remember, we have this picture that we're always showing where you have the damage to the cell membrane and these fans are in your diet by eating meat, fish, and egg yolks. 

I went out for lunch today to Mimi's café. I was trying to get a lemon meringue pie for my husband because it's his birthday today, and lemon meringue pie is his best. I just didn't have time to bake it nor have I made really lemon meringue pies. I'm not too good at it. Anyway. I got there and there was a misunderstanding. They don't have pies, they have muffins and stuff. So anyway, I was hungry, the lunch hour had passed and it was like around 3 o'clock, so I asked her for a steak and two eggs over easy. And she said, well, what do you want for salad? I said all I want is a steak and two eggs over easy. And she said, well, what do you want? Bread or potatoes or do you want rice? And I said, oh, please, oh, I want a steak and two eggs over easy. And then she said, do you want any vegetables? And then I said, all I want is steak and two eggs over easy. It's so funny sometimes trying to order things at restaurants as a carnivore. They just can't imagine it satisfying you. But I had a 10-ounce steak with two eggs and it was scrum delicious. And that egg yolk and the fats and the minerals rich and all that is going to be so nutritious and helpful in repairing these injuries right here because those are phospholipid fats and proteins that every cell in your body is made of. And now that we're in our 70s, I have to be very, very careful to try and repair it.  

So, when you're seeing panic attacks, A's is a class of people who have more of those injured cell membranes, injured lining of the sheaths, of the nerves that are made of all those phospholipids, and they can be easily tipped off and triggered by any stressor. So, I would encourage them to take the Digestive Enzymes for blood type A. I would encourage them to really work hard, to try and eat more egg yolks, eggs more, meat more, salmon, chicken with the skin on it, and more pork, more bacon, and really reduce their carbs, and to exercise. And the same thing with this water, this structured water would be very important, not only to drink enough water but now, as we're learning to maintain that electromagnetic difference in the energy between the membrane surface as you go out from the membrane, the negative to the positive, to help the energy potential of all the cells be better across the membranes. That is what I would recommend. 


“Hello from Arkansas. I am currently receiving weekly chelation via IV. I have moderate to severe stenosis of the cerebral arteries—all other arteries in my body are patent and flowing. I am at 28 of 40 planned weekly with 1-2 monthly for maintenance. Any words of wisdom, encouragement, or insight? I glean much from your expertise. Thank you.”  [0:24:10]


Now, are you talking about the carotid arteries? Because usually the cerebral artery Circle of Willis and stuff in your brain, if I remember back from anatomy in the 1970s. But usually, if we're talking carotid, the carotid arteries don't become hemodynamically worrisome or significant until it exceeds 75 percent to 80 percent blockage in the carotid arteries, and that's when you start to hear that whooshing with each heartbeat of that whoosh, whoosh, whoosh with a heartbeat as blood flows through a narrower space. So, if you have moderate to severe stenosis, you're probably not at that level yet. But yes, EDTA chelation with a very low carb diet, with exercise, with enzymes, with taking vitamin D with K2 at substantial levels, I would probably say K2 180 mg a day minimum, vitamin D probably 10,000 IU, never eating late. 

I think you're doing a great, great thing. We all need it. It's just the powers that be that set up the control mechanism in this centralized medical beast control system, they won't let people know we're all exposed to free radical oxidizing heavy metals that they dust on us in these chemtrails, and it's in our food, it's in our water, it's in our air, and there are no safe levels of heavy metal toxins. And EDTA is an anion that is attracted to the cation, all toxic heavy metals, aluminum, lead, arsenic, cadmium, they’re all positive. So, it grabs onto it and helps you urinate it out. We even are able to chelate people with kidney disease. Dr. Lynn has published with chronic kidney disease patients who have very poor kidney function. He slowly chelates them until they improve the microcirculation in the kidneys. So, I am so proud of you for doing chelation. Do the Systemic Enzymes, do a low-carb diet, and do not eat late. Drink water, try and look into structured water. Look up www.analemma-water.com, learn about those things, and that should help you. Take your D with K2 as well. 


“What is your opinion on cryotherapy? There's nitrogen, oxygen, and cold water plunges. They're becoming popular.”  [0:27:31]


Interestingly enough, this cold water therapy is associated with this cell membrane water structure function around your cells. So, we all are emitting infrared heat all the time. So, if you have night vision goggles, you can actually see human beings in a dark room, and the furniture, everything is emitting some form of heat, so that you can navigate walking in the dark with night vision goggles on because everything is emitting heat, humans especially. And all those cell membranes have this structured water around the membrane, and when you do a cold plunge, there's a stressor put on you thermodynamically and electrochemically to respond to the thermal challenge, and that electrochemical response throughout all your body is impacting, in a ripple effect, the multidimensional magnificence of cell physiology and electrochemistry and photons. When you do that when you give it a little bit of a charge, we're seeing side benefits of the improved immune system, the improved metabolism, psychological, immune, and mental calming aspects of this, because this water does impact the cell membranes in the brain instantaneously and it's very calming. So yeah, I'm all in favor of cold plunges. That may be the one thing I don't do in my life for anti-aging. I probably won't be someone who is a cold-plunging person. The closest thing I get to being cold is…I never get cold. So, I won't let myself get cold. So I don't see myself doing that. I might have to go to heaven without the cold plunge. Anyway. Yeah, so I'm in favor of it. 


“I submitted the question that mentioned I am receiving chelation via IV for CVD. I am also a naturopathic doctor and use many of the modalities you mentioned in a Q&A from 2021. Any of those that you believe would be particularly helpful? Again, thank you. I just read your book, “Detox Outside the Box”. I’m excited to try the suppositories.”  [0:30:11]


I don't know that the suppositories will be made like the ones we use in our research because we use a certain kind of suppository that enhances the capability of repairing the cell membrane here, and they're not doing that with suppositories. Now, it's usually a cocoa butter or a glycerin base for a suppository. And then they put calcium disodium EDTA into it. Never use the magnesium because that will create a burning sensation in your rectum. That's been tried before, and it's not a pleasant feeling.

So, use the calcium disodium EDTA 1500 mg, and it would take three of those, at least in our studies with our high-quality suppository matrix, which you don't have now if you're just using coconut or glycerin. So, it might take four suppositories, five maybe, to equal the equivalence of one standard chelation IV. But that's, if you can't get the chelation IV, it's certainly valuable to use it. And then, of course, Systemic Enzymes are helpful. I think I brought that up already as well with vitamin K two with your D. So, there you have it.


“What are your thoughts on Tirzepatide for stubborn weight loss? Especially with someone who has physical limitations, preventing a lot of exercise.”  [0:33:25] 


I have negative feelings about the GLP-1 agonists, these are newer, and there are black box warnings on these for thyroid medullary carcinoma. It is something that has to be monitored. It is associated with a plethora of side effects, and they believe it's neurogenic because we have GLP-1 receptors on many of our organs, not just in the intestine and up into our brainstem, and we believe that the nausea, the associated gastroparesis, the vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pancreatitis, bloating, these things are I just don't think something that we should tolerate. Novartis, I think, is the producer and the study involved, I think 1900 people, and all the people on the study, all the doctors on it, were all paid from Novartis. And so, when you get a study and all the people on it are paid by them, and you get these great results, that I am suspicious of them. So, I have concerns about that. I do not think it's the right thing to do. I actually think of this kind of like heroin addiction and developing Narcan for it and drug rehab centers, because people who are going to use Wegovy and these GLP-1 agonists and inhibitors, and there are other classes coming out. There are three classes, of GLP-1 agonists. I don't know the identification of the other two, but all this stuff messes with the central feedback mechanism of satiation, gastric secretions, insulin secretion, and glucagon response, these are all being messed with with drugs and chemicals. We are concerned that you'll wind up having to be on this lifelong. And the cost of it right now, I think it's something like $1200 a month, and I am not in favor of this. I am for only using this in a last case, desperate for serious morbid obesity with other cofactors, ischemic heart disease, or other terrible risks that would put them at risk for dying. Therefore, I would risk maybe a medicine like this that's so new. And it's already got black box warnings for cancer. No, I cannot use my own patients as guinea pigs like that. Sorry. So that's how I feel.


“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe, do you have a recommendation for an air purifier?”  [0:37:17]


Kenmore has come out with one, that's probably the cheapest and the most researched as beneficial. Then there's another one, I think it's called Gateway. But, you see, a good air purifier not only has a HIPAA filter for the particles, the actual particles coming through but then there has to be a carbon filter to try and get things like toxins like fluorocarbons and benzene rings caught into the carbon. So it's got to have these two levels as a minimum, and then you can get even fancier with that. Then there are monitors, the noise quality, the fan strength, the cost of replacing the filters, and looking for good testing for particulate, smell from these benzene carbon rings of fumes. All these tests are done, and I know the new Kenmore one for a room or office is good. And the other one, I think it's called Gateway, but it's more expensive. So, that's what I'd say. 


“Do you have a recommendation for a chiropractor in California or another state?”  [0:38:54]


I like Dr. DeMoss who is in Newport Beach on Orchard Avenue. He's in Newport Beach on Orchard Avenue right off Irvine Boulevard. 


“What can cause blood in a stool?”  [0:39:18] 


Well, that needs to be worked up by your physician. The first thing we get concerned about is colon cancer. So, you have to have this addressed by your doctor. But it could be hemorrhoid, it could be misunderstood to be blood by, there are certain things, people eat beets and their stool looks bloody and it's really not black tarry at all. If your whole poop is just one solid piece, it looks as black as this, that's what we call upper GI digested blood, not specks of black but the entirety of the stool is a solid piece of black. We would be concerned about that. So, you have to have that checked out by your doctor. We must rule out serious things first, like colon cancer, or an ulcer. or a hemorrhoid, which would be the least of our concerns, but those can be problematic too. 


“What is the best way to help with osteoporosis?”  [0:40:23]


We like natural hormones because they help support osteoclast and osteoblast activity or bone building and remodeling in our bones. We like weight sudden deceleration exercises, like weight lifting, stomping, and rebounders. We like using vitamin D with K2 and then monitoring this, and then checking cereal bone densities and seeing how hormone levels with the D with K2, along with your exercise and good hydration, support this. That's how we do it. 


“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, I love listening to your weekly episodes on how we can improve our health. Thank you. I am 78 years old. I use Estradiol vaginal cream 0.01% once a week and recently I started HRT. What strength and type of estrogen would you recommend for a dry face? Thank you.”  [0:41:12]


You could use Tri-Est, Bi-Est, or Estradiol. I have long since over the decades given up Tri-Est and Bi-Est because these are just tiny minute variations. I've never seen the practicality and the cost value of combining E3, E2, and E1. So, E1 is Estrone, E2 is the thing I use, Estradiol, and E3 is Estriol. So I only use estradiol. And I usually use it as a 1 mg per dose, either as a Topi-CLICK or as a syringe squeezed out, and that's what I put on my face, 1 mg a day, and I'm in my 70s also. But you have to have that checked by your doctor because this will really absorb, especially when you rub it over your eyelids and all around, your face is very absorbent. And we want to make sure the levels are not too high or too low. So, if you do something like that, please have a doctor who will check your levels after a month or two using that way and adjust accordingly. 


“If you have your last meal at 2 PM, what tricks do you employ to resist snacking until 9 PM when you retire for the day? Do you use water or chew gum? What else? Or just old-fashioned willpower?” [0:43:14]


Mostly it's old-fashioned willpower. I tend to, if I do anything, I take warm coffee, black. I drink my coffee black because I do so much talking, I get a dry throat, and I'll put a tablespoon of butter in it. Another thing I will do is put some MCT oil in it, or I'll take a swig of olive oil. So those are my cheats.


“A few years ago, one of your doctors recommended a daily CBD oral supplement from PrimeMyBody. You recommended them because of their scrupulous sourcing process. I've used this product ever since, and it's been very beneficial. But now they're out of it. Is there another company that you can recommend as highly? Thank you.”  [0:44:03]


The answer is no. We don't know of another one. I'm sorry to tell you that. But I guess you'll have to try, just like everyone else, and see if it has as good an impact as what the original had from PrimeMyBody. I don't know why they don't have it anymore. 


“I’m 75 yrs, 5’8”, 134 lbs. I have allergies/eat no dairy or bread. Tried low carb and began to experience constipation. I added more vegetables & fruit. I drink 60+ oz. of water a day. Still, the constipation remains. My OBGYN referred me to the pelvic floor PT. I have a vaginal prolapse. I see a urogynecologist on 8/7. Microbiome leaky gut issue? Ways to heal?”  [0:44:52]


Well, I don't necessarily think you have to have a bowel movement every day, especially if you're a pure carnivore. I would try a good multimineral. We have the TLC Multi Min. That's what I use. And if I'm concerned about cramping or enough potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, manganese, all these wonderful natural hormones, they're Albion chelated to amino acids. So, I'll use from 3 to 6 a day. The other thing is I will take the Ortho Molecular's Buffered Vitamin C capsules 750 mg, and I will take one every half hour until I start feeling like my bowels are churning or I have a hint that I need to have a bowel movement, and then I just back off. So, oral vitamin C capsules, and adlib until you feel like you have to move your bowels. 3 to 6 TLC Multiminerals will help as well. And the water, if you use structured water, they're doing a lot of microbiome studies currently showing that this is really enhancing the microbiome of the gut. So, I felt it instantaneously when I started using this 2 months ago with my workouts. Now, I am actually feeling that even my regularity as a carnivore is enhanced. So, I'm going to say structured water, the Analemma wand, drinking that 60 ounces might be something along with a vitamin C and the multi-minerals to do. 


“Is infrared sauna risky for someone with brain aneurysm(s) or any type of aneurysm?” [0:47:38] 


I don't think there's been any specific study that I know of that has looked at that question in particular. Instead, there are studies of sauna, especially the finished studies, associated with all-cause mortality reduction, we're talking large, significant reduction in all causes of mortality for those who are doing sauna and infrared saunas three to four times a week. So, I've got to assume that this would have nothing to do with it, but I can't give you a specific answer. I can just tell you what my thinking process is. 


“Do you think handheld massage guns vibrating the neck area are helpful for lymph drainage, especially for people who cannot use rebounders?”  [0:48:27]


I'm all in favor of massage, whether it's a motorized hand or one that does that over you like that. And I've got to assume that it's going to necessarily help with the lymphatic flow. But we can't think like allopathic physicians, like my medical training. We have to think the water is important, and now we're learning the tremendous life of these structured water issues, that water is far, far more life-giving than we ever envisioned with the energy potential of the negative-positive variations of the oxygen to the hydrogen linings of these areas. So, there is a video called Dr. Gerald Pollack, The Electrical Water Structure, or something like that. I would listen to it. It is just fantastic. It'll excite you and, and help you to stay hydrated. So, yes, I think the water is important. I think you need to not gummy up and make it sticky with a high-carb diet. I think you have to use enzymes. I think you need to honor the circadian rhythm of the sun, day and night cycle, and get electromagnetic features out of your life and area. All these things matter. 


“What is an alternative to chemotherapy for a recurring cancer?”  [0:50:15]


I am not an oncologist and we don't treat cancers here. What we do is treat people who have cancer by telling them, one, they have to be managed by an oncologist or have them watch over them. And then we work on their immune system, their nutrition, their diet and detoxing, microcirculation, things like that. There are many supportive things that are exciting to read about. We don't treat cancer, so I'm not using these per se. One is the fenbendazole research by Joe Tippen. Joe Tippen, I think, had…did he have prostate or lung cancer? I forget which one. But he used the dewormer fenbendazole, which is dog dewormer. It's an over-the-counter thing for dogs, called Panacur-C, the Joe Tippen protocol for his cancer. So, we're learning things about anti-parasitic medicines. The same could be said for ivermectin. These antiviral medicines are showing up as great immune support. 

Now, maybe there's a viral component to cancer or an immune damaging suppressive action to cancers from parasite involvement, and this is relieving the immune system so it can help to fend off cancerous stumps. You know, there's the avoiding the carbs, starving the cancer, looking at Dr. Thomas Seyfried. I think he's at Harvard. He has the video called, The Cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease, and that's where he's saying the insulin is stimulating growth from our high-carb process diet, and that's why we're seeing it in younger and younger people. 

So, these are all very interesting areas, but again we cannot recommend an alternative to chemotherapy. What we can do is talk to you about your lifestyle, your immune system, your nutrient levels, deficiencies, your exercise, your hydration, and all these various things. But you have to have an oncologist to manage you because I am not out there looking for breakthroughs in any one line of cancers or new drug trials that are always being published at the NIH. That's what you need your oncologist for, to manage your cancer. 


“Why do I get tinnitus, ringing of the ears? And how can you get rid of it?”  [0:53:41] 


Well, that is an age-old question, the sense of a pitch ringing in the ear. There's brand new data coming out that it is actually aggravated by our electrochemical light pollution, the blue light, the screens late in the day, not getting up with the sunlight, and the lack of water. There are even arguments that the sound waves are transmitted into the endolymph of the cochlea that is transferred into light energy packages that are interpreted as a tone. So, there's also it getting clogged up, you might say, if you're chronically dehydrated, if you're inflamed, lacking enzymes with aging, heavy metal toxicity, the aluminum is gradually building up, your bones are demineralizing, and in your bones exist a trove of heavy metal toxins that are now leaking out of your own bodies as your bones demineralize. I mean, there are many things.  

So, we do chelation here. We are talking about water, and now the structured water with these Analemma wands. And then we're talking about the anti-inflammatory diet of a carnivore diet, and the enzymes to reduce inflammation, and grounding your body by standing in the wet grass in the morning with the sunrise for a minute and a half to three minutes, getting adequate minerals in your body, keeping it unsticky and syrupy by cutting those carbs down, that's going carnivore. So, all these things would be a part of it. And if you put in Dr. Jack Kraus, he's a neurosurgeon, and he's the one who has been very entertaining for 20 years. He's gotten into photons, light, the electrochemical photon communication, and brain, and he's the one who's talking about tinnitus, the endolymph of the cochlea in your ears right here, and the value of this Analemma structured water, all those kind of things. So, his name is Jack Kraus. Put in ‘Jack Kraus neurosurgeon tinnitus’ or something like that. But he's going to tell you the same thing about everything I just told you right now.  


“Can you recommend incontinence pants for mom? Bad skin now. Suspect is Assurance Pants. Colour ranges white, red, sores appear easily. Itchy as heals. Bathes regularly. Various salves do not help.”  [0:57:00]


Oh, that must be the name of a pair of pants that absorbs leakage of urine, Assurance pants. Well, if your mom is bedridden, she's going to need good care and light and aeration, and I would say Argentyn Silver is the broad spectrum antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral spray that you could spray on these bedsores, and they really do improve. If there's any way you can get her to get chelation, that will help. If there's any way you can get her to use some hormone replacement therapy, that will help with promoting healthier skin. Avoid these salves that are full of petroleum gel that inhibit cell migration. So, you get the Neosporin/polymyxin, which are the antibiotics in this petroleum gel. Well, the petroleum prevents cell migration but it's got the antibiotics. So, you're stuck with the antibiotics but no healing. So, it's just foolishness. Using Argentyn Silver on these sores would be my recommendation for sores like that. I don't know of any particular anti-stress incontinence panties. I wish I could help you there, but I can't. 


“This came up a few weeks ago, but I'm wondering what your health thoughts are on hybrid cars? I'm just wondering if we even know enough yet or should we just avoid those cars for now?”  [0:59:00]


I'm telling you, the batteries and the electromagnetic energy, not to mention the number of petrochemical fuels that go into the processing plants that make these silly lithium batteries and the slave labor and the childhood abuse of kids who go into these mines, picking out these rare earth minerals, is being hidden from you. The biggest abuser, of course, is China which is producing all these cold power plants without any pollution control on them, and they're building new plants every month. So, what's with that? All these tree-hugging, earth climate catastrophe warning people, China get exempt from this till 2050 or something like that? I don't think so. Anyway, I'm not going to be for electric batteries on cars at all. 


“Should I take a probiotic every day? If so, can you recommend a brand name?”  [1:00:21]


I use them because everything is diminished with aging, and we have so many chemicals and heavy metal toxins, high carb stimulation to feed bad bacteria, why don't we make the effort to feed probiotics, good things into our bowels? But I'm really excited to see the new studies that are coming out, I haven't seen them yet, on the water structure that's taken directly into the gut. The biofilm studies reportedly, I'm getting little signals from some of my colleagues, saying, oh, it's really good, You can't believe it, Can't wait until it's published. Well, I agree. I want to see it published. So, what do I use? I use Ortho Molecular’s Probiotic and I use their Ortho Molecular Ortho Spore IG, because I believe in the Spores as well as the probiotics, so I take one of each every day. That's what I do.  


“Do you know a good vascular doctor?”  [1:01:29]


I don't. I just don't, I'm sorry. And I wish I could say.  I can’t think of one offThe only one I did know, he just retired, so I’ve got to find a new one myself.