YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
“Just had a mammogram and had a lot of cysts and calcium nodules. What causes this and how can I help it not happen? I already do everything you recommend for general health. Water, chelation, enzymes, fasting, vitamins, Juice Plus, etc.” [0:01:54]
Breasts are glands and glands can become cystic. Well, that would be a question you could ask anywhere – why does arthritis occur with the bony calcium deposits around the joints? Why does calcium deposits show up in your coronary arteries? Why do we see calcium deposits in CT exams of the abdomen or chest in the cartilage area of the chest or fibroids or other parts of the intestine? And the answer is wherever inflammation is in the body, there will be micro damage. And remember we have this picture here. The picture of this cell membrane with that little damage to the cell membrane is right here. So, you'll see that hole right there. Wherever that's hurt, then the cell has to be repaired at night and fixed, so it looks like this. It's a double membrane, phospholipid layer with fat and protein, phospholipids are fats, and the receptors are protein. And if you don't eat the right materials to do that if you don't have enough water in your diet. If you don't have good capillaries to reach those sites of injuries throughout your whole body and you have, what they say, 50 trillion cells, then that area will become a constant site of irritation. And if the body doesn't see it fixed, it starts depositing calcifications to kind of seal it down or cement it off in a healing reaction, you might say.
So, calcifications in the breasts, the exact cause is not published definitively, but microtrauma. So, the breasts get bumped in sexual marital romantic encounters. There's a lot of micro damage to the breasts and these can create little tiny inflammatory damages. Sleeping on the breasts, too tight of a bra, running and creating shaking to the breasts, microtrauma. Various causes can do that from just those mechanical things.
The other thing would be the world has toxins in it. There are heavy metal toxins. There are organic chemicals like PCBs and volatile organic phosphorylated benzene rings. These things are toxins. Then the micro damage of average high blood sugars, I would say the vast majority of Americans are becoming diabetic and obese. We have an obesity problem. And instead of drinking water, we are going for sweetened flavored coffee, lattes and juices, and diet sodas that mimic the sugar response, through the neural vagal response to the pancreas with insulin secretion, even though you're taking a diet drink. All these sugar micro responses on the average that sugar create tiny micro damages to these cell membranes, like right here where that little hole is. So, you have to understand, this is basically just showing aging and micro trauma to the breasts.
Now, does this really show a high prevalence of risk for cancer? Well, trauma to the breast is a known correlation with cancer, but micro trauma, I'm not so sure. Fibrocystic breasts make it more difficult to see the breast tissue without hiding maybe a potential mass. So, they'll say fibrocystic breasts could be a risk for breast cancer, but not necessarily causative. So, we have to be honest. The Department of Oncology, the research in oncology, has failed miserably. Instead of helping reduce cancer and finance research and healthy lifestyles that will reduce inflammation. With natural cost-free things, like just telling you to eat less sugar and processed food and drink more water, get a good night's sleep, and healthy exercise. Instead of working on those things, our tax dollars are going into the vast majority of money being sent from national institutes of health and subdepartments, CDC. These research centers get their money keynoted down lines of research that are just basically one-minded to make a profit for a certain pharmaceutical industry with – it’s got to be some chemical they can patent and manage. And so, no one's going to send money off your tax dollars to do research on stopping things that cause inflammation. And we know chronic inflammation is associated with all cancers. For instance, the smokers would have that chronic inflammation in the lung, that chronic sites of irritation, and repeated stimulation for healing, which then leads to the response of a cell becoming undernourished, lack of removal of waste, and hypoxic. Then the cell energy mechanisms of the mitochondria break down and it diverts into an embryonic stage of life where it now goes back to the embryo, where it has to grow blood vessels to get its own blood vessels to get rid of waste and receive nutrients. And so, they're never going to look down those areas that are over a hundred years well known and yet are associated with the successes we see. When people eat a low-carb diet, a very lowkey keto diet, they have many of these miraculous cancer turnarounds. Well, that improves microcirculation. And if they're keto, or they do fasting, they tend to drink more water or do drink more water, they start exercising. everything that improves the circulation to restore the mitochondrial function back to the normal aerobic metabolism of energy production in every cell in the hundreds of thousands of mitochondria in a cell.
So, if you take the nucleus of a cancerous cell and you put it into the healthy identical cell of the tissue, that cell will remain fine. But if you take the mitochondria of a cancerous cell and you put it into a healthy cell, then the cell will become cancerous, and that is because cancer really isn't a nuclear DNA phenomenon. It's a metabolic energy production metabolism error. And that's from our sticky, gooey, clogged-up circulation. So, don't worry about, the microcalcifications.
What causes it? There may be you have to have more time doing more chelations, reducing heavy metals, maybe more high dose vitamin C to get rid of PCBs, and more water. I don't know what your fasting blood sugars are. When you see your doctor, please have a seat, and make sure that they are very healthy levels because a lot of us lie to ourselves thinking that, well, the range says this is the normal range and I'm in it, but the ranges on the labs are too tolerant for developing cardiovascular diabetic trends. Anyway, hopefully, that's a long-winded answer. And hopefully, when you see your doctor and you can discuss that further, that'll give you some idea about the why and what to do.
“What would you recommend for dry eyes? I've heard of people using manuka honey.” [0:11:35]
I haven't heard of that. Here's what I'm going to say. All of us get withered, wrinkled, and dehydrated with aging. Menopause is associated with getting a dry vaginal area, drier skin, thinner skin, thinning hair, and wrinkles. The membranes of our nose and vagina get thinner, and we get irritated vaginal areas, and the same happens with the cornea of the eyeball, and we make less fluid. So, if you don't work to drink enough water every day if you don't have a personal game that you play to get yourself to drink that, you will become chronically dehydrated, and these topical eye drops, Restasis, things like that, are merely just time gaps to give you a little momentary relief. Natural hormone replacement therapy using the estradiol helps a woman stay younger, longer, more voluptuous, you might say, in the sense that her tissues don't thin as quickly. That means the eyes don't dry out as much. And there's vaginal lubrication, and so it goes, hormones are designed to repair our bodies as general contractors. So, it does a lot to go on some natural hormone bioidenticals, drinks enough water, don't clog yourself up with the sticky inflammatory processed food, high carb diet, get a good night's sleep, things like that. So, that's the direction. I would move towards getting on natural hormones.
“Hello Dr. Rita, what should I eat to get my good gut bacteria up? I am not sure how they multiply. I saw a video that probiotic supplements aren't good to take daily. Thank you.” [0:13:35]
Well, a low-carb, number one. There's a lot of controversy because there's a lot of unknowns. And medical doctors, PhDs, we like to look like we know it all and that we have a great depth of knowledge, but the answer sadly is we don't, and the gut microbiome is only just now being, kind of like space is being explored. We are just now exploring really the gut microbiome because there are hundreds of thousands of families, species of bacteria, fungi, and aerobic, anaerobic items that are living with us in the gut. You might say that there are more individual genetic types in your gut and more DNA variants than in your own human body. And so, you are really carrying around an entire population in your gut. And on your skin and so forth. So, as they started discussing this, many gastroenterologists in the field of gastroenterology, family practice, and internal medicine, everyone kind of laughed at this and didn't pay much of any attention until functional medical doctors took care to look into this because ancient Chinese medicine spent a lot of time discussing bowel movements, the quality of them. They didn't understand the culturing and the growth of them, but they knew that the diet impacted their health, and you could tell a lot by looking at bowel movements. So, we are starting to see research on many of these aspects of the microbiome types of species fauna, flora, and whatever it is, that grows their bacteria and yeast. And we're getting a good idea about what probiotics are supportive and what probiotics may not be beneficial. I don't know that I've seen any that would be reported as harmful.
So, I would say you have to be cautious when you listen to YouTube. If they don't explain the very early nature of the research and the very limited background and training because there really isn't any training in medical school on this even still. it's just now beginning to open up to gastroenterologists regarding, for instance, fecal transplants. We're starting to see this is finally an accepted methodology of treating clostridium difficile by giving healthy bowel transplants to a person who has this terrible bacterial overgrowth and often deadly, and now it's about 90 percent turned around, and that's not with some chemical or antibiotic. It's with natural gut flora from healthy people. So, until we get much more money flowing in this direction, get it out of the international crime syndicate of the pharmaceuticals and that paid-off research departments in our universities, we're going to stay behind the times, and unfortunately a lot of people will be hurt. But we do know that a high carbohydrate prostate diet aggravates and is helpful to feed the bad guys, the bad bacteria and yeast, and the low-carb diets are beneficial to all the good probiotics. So, we can agree that other nutrients like vitamin D are minerals. Other vitamins are produced and supported by good bacteria. Our neurotransmitters are supported and produced in the gut as well. It's such a vast, vast field, just like this outer space. You have to understand what goes on in the gut is truly amazing. So, I can't agree that there's any one answer that this is not good to take a probiotic. And I've been working with probiotics and on functional medicine, I would say, close to 40 years now. So, I have never seen a problem with them.
“Where is the best place to rub testosterone gel on men? Thank you.” [0:18:34]
Well, there isn't anyone because we're all different. The thickness of men's skin is the closeness of the blood vessels to the skin surface so that it can be absorbed into the blood. I tell men to rub it on the thin scrotal sac. It is the best quickest, fastest way to absorb it, so they could put it on their actual scrotal sac, or I would have them put it on the insides of their wrists here where they don't have a lot of hair there and their blood vessels will be more on the surface. That's what I would recommend.
“What would cause a diabetic person to get cholesterol in their leg veins even though they take cholesterol medicine?” [0:19:22]
Well, that's because cholesterol-lowering medicine has never solved the problem of vascular, damage, and it is not the solution. There really is a poor, lousy research regarding any benefit, if it is, it's so marginal, that it's really a poor arguing point. There's this much bad reporting on the impact of cholesterol-lowering drugs as there is trying to push it. So, I think cholesterol medicine, to reduce it, is another sad story in the science of bought-off scientists, bought-off physicians, and the improper influence of pharmaceutical companies on medical school curriculum and training to think that a cholesterol-lowering drug is going to benefit anything. It has a margin, a tiny margin of benefit as an anti-inflammatory. I would watch the video called “High Cholesterol is Healthy” by Dr. Ken Berry and David Diamond, he's a PhD. One is a family doctor, and the other is a PhD. And they review most of the recent literature, retrospective meta-analysis, looking at multiple studies on statins and cardiovascular risk reduction, and it's a joke.
We all know that diabetics have higher average blood sugars, and the more that molecule of sugar is built up in your blood, the more tiny microdamage is being done to these cell membranes, right here on the cell membrane. So, microdamage all the time 24/7. So, you've got to understand the body is designed to try and repair that membrane, and that membrane must have cholesterol in it to repair it because cholesterol helps with the mobility and fluidity of the membrane, which is critical for its function. So, to try and lower cholesterol, thinking you're doing something good, it's like saying, you know, pouring glasses of water on a burning house is valuable. It's not. It would be absolutely ineffectual. So, cholesterol is not the problem, it's what's causing the inflammation, and diabetes is causing the cholesterol to try and repair those microdamage sites in the leg.
“Is postprandial somnolence a normal physiologic response?” [0:22:27]
Well, I can see your cake, your donut, and your ice cream cone there. For people who think that that is food rather than a toxic insult to the human body, the massive influx of sugar creates alarm bells in the body. Insulin shoots up to try and get that blood sugar out after eating all those carbs and starches, and the blood actually gets thicker like a blizzard. If you can imagine, you can't walk well if there's a blizzard going on. So, if there's a blizzard of sugar after you're eating these high-carb foods, like processed mashed potatoes and rice and beans and cereal, and all these kinds of things, that's going to create a blizzard impact. What that does then is this communication to all the body is diminished. So, you can't see to walk in a blizzard, you can't see signs as far ahead, and so communication and your visual sight are down, so too with your physiologic responses to stimuli diminished when you've just shot your blood volume full of sugar sticky particles, and then your brain starts to go into a state of sleepiness, fatigue, drowsiness, and sleep, hoping that if your body can put you to sleep, you'll stop putting stuff in your mouth to make it sugary and sweet. So, yes, is the answer. It's a normal physiological response, but it's very clear. Especially after Thanksgiving, everyone gets tired because we all tend to have our treats on that special holiday.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. Asking for a mom and a daughter about your recommendations for migraines. Mom is very healthy, 55, low carb, good hydration. Daughter 22. Both have tried multiple different medications and Botox.” [0:24:27]
There is some inflammatory trigger, probably most likely from their diet. They should find out their blood type. They should get a complete digestive stool analysis done by a functional doctor to look for inflammation, types of bacteria, and types of inflammatory markers, and they can get an immuno-food allergy test done to try and see how many IgG food antigen-antibody complexes are made. And we can usually find that if they will avoid those foods and then start taking nutrients to heal the gut and drink enough water, that the migraines will stop. It works always. I'm never going to say a percentage because it always works. It always helps relieve the migraines.
Now, another thing is menstruation is an inflammatory time in a woman's monthly cycle. And so, every month she has to face an inflammatory phase of a ruptured follicle egg production and the inflammation of that and the time of the shedding of the uterine lining. So, inflammation is a feature a woman has to deal with every month. That inflammation will trigger other low-grade inflammatory actions going on, typically through the gut. So, one other thing they could do is if they don't want to do the stool, or the immune, or find out their blood type, then I would have them go on a carnivore diet for eight weeks, eight full weeks, not one bite of anything outside of a pure carnivore diet, because that's the ultimate food elimination diet where they can see if they really feel better. Women often need progesterone, however, days 15 through 25 of their menstrual cycle. And so, progesterone is known to help stop and disinflame, as well as prevent migraines. Systemic enzymes help, exercise helps, adequate hydration helps, and of course, a low-carb diet because high carbs in the diet will create moments of high glucose of influx into the blood, triggering inflammation and vascular wall damage, and migraines are vascular wall damage response in general to the meninges or the membranes that creates the headache.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. What is the name of the hydrogen water that you use? Thank you.” [0:27:31]
It's called Izumio. You can call 815-601-2480 and that's where you can get the Izumi water, questions answered, and material, and they can get it ordered for you. The company that produces Izumio water is Naturally Plus Molecular Hydrogenated Water. Okay, so hopefully that helps you.
“If I have to drink alcohol, what is the best one and how much would be maximum per day/week?” [0:28:34]
I'm not going to endorse that. I think alcohol is a toxin. So, no one has to drink alcohol and I wouldn't. What is the best one? There isn't any. How much would be the maximum? One drop. So, I'm sorry. I don't support taking in a toxin, and I think that's the argument I'm going to leave it at. If you want to say, what gets away from the fermentation and the hops and all the yeast and stuffed grain, food reactivity, and antigens, I would say It would be tequila. Tequila would be the least immunogenic one, although it's a toxic alcohol product. And if you put tequila, I think tequila goes into sugary drinks, I'm not sure. But anyway, then if you put tequila in a sugary drink, then you're taking a double whammy of damage to your body. So, sorry, I wouldn't use any.
“I am drinking over half my weight in ounces. I weigh 110 pounds and drink four 20 oz bottles of water each day. I have a reverse osmosis water filter, but I get leg cramps. Am I deficient in minerals? I'm 74 years old and in good health.” [0:29:57]
My water filter has a remineralization phase to the process, but I still take my TLC Multi Minerals so that I don't get leg cramps either. It could be you're drinking too much water. If you're drinking 80 ounces and you're not in a hot yoga or sauna where you're sweating profusely, then I think maybe you're also rinsing away too many of your minerals.
“My 24-year-old brother eats fast food, drinks a lot of soda, and vapes every day. I am worried about his health. He's quite thin and becomes defensive when anyone tries to talk to him about his poor habits. How can I get through to him so he takes his health and life seriously?” [0:30:57]
Pray for him, love him, and always talk about everything that's wonderful and good about him. When I'm with my patients, even if they had a bad lab, I am always going to tell them, this part of the lab, I recognize, and I praise you for the good outcome of this aspect, or I say, you have a good body or you have everything worth in your life to improve it, because depression is being manufactured through all this corruption of our world system, and true love and true support needs to be encouraged. Once your brother really knows that you're always loving on him, then it's easier to take some corrective advice. It's like with my faith. I think about Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Savior, dying for my sins. It says, while we were yet sinners, God sent his son to die for our sins. So, God commended his love for us in anticipation first. And so, I was so impressed with that verse, that I thought, wow, even before I was and before I sinned, he already paid for it. What love, what unconditional love. So, I'm going to say the first recipe is to give a really true supportive love message to him. Then maybe give him a YouTube to watch, and I would direct him toward “Sugar: the Bitter Truth” by Dr. Lustig. And the reason is Dr. Lustig is so angry about the processed junk food, that he took a sabbatical to get, I think, his law degree because he's trying to fight the lobbyists who control the food recommendations, the nutrient recommendations that go into our school, our military, our hospital and educational food systems that are killing us, foolishness like from Tufts University that puts out a chart that says, “lucky charms are more nutritious than, I think, eggs.” I mean, how stupid can our pinhead professors be to publish something like that? But you go to Tufts University's recent publications on nutritional recommendations, and you'll see this idiocy being published out there. So, you have to understand, Dr. Lustig, you know, he and I agree on things, and there are some things we disagree on. But one thing we do agree on is there is a planned financial destruction to destroy the health and future, the fertility, the mental acuity of, the people through these terrible habits. So, in Dr. Lustig's video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” he wrote a few books. Just look up his books or give him a book and say with love or maybe pre-read the best chapter there or the whole book and then say, please read at least this chapter here, and your brother should receive your love.
“How do you feel about colonics?” [0:34:59]
I don't see them as useful. More importantly, is what you put down this hole than what you put up the other hole. And so, I don't want to take away any potential benefit. I've received colon hydrotherapy. I've had several. I wouldn't say it harmed me or anything. There's a potential for harm in anything. You could even drink too much water. But what I'm saying is to put your time and money into colonics or coffee enemas I think would far better be put into a learning to save your money. And fast, just don't eat anything and learn to train yourself to fast for 24 hours, and then eventually 48 hours in a row, and then up to 3 days in a row, and do that on a rotating basis. Like I'll do two 5-day fast a year. I'll do maybe two 3- day fast a year, and I often do a 1-day fast every week. So, that would be far more beneficial.
“I have a strong tingling in my upper lip and in the gums of my front teeth. Two years ago, I had a root canal on one of these front teeth. What do you think would be causing this tingling? Thank you so much.” [0:36:11]
Well, I think it's the metals that were in the root canal. And so, you have to go to a biological dentist. You can look that up on the internet - Biological dentist near me. These are dentists who have opened their minds and hearts scientifically to the research on heavy metal toxicity, mercury. Aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, and lead, and the value of EDTA chelation therapy, high-dose vitamin C therapy, getting rid of these root canals, and using safer non-metal based fillings and stuff like that. So, see a good biological dentist and get a good functional medical doctor who's familiar with chelation and those risks.
“I was encouraged a week or two ago when I read you believe there is science behind the x39 patch from Lifewave. Can you please tell me if these would be safe for me for long-term use given that I am a breast cancer and melanoma survivor?” [0:37:15]
These are crystals and crystals have their own structure atomically, and these atoms, with their unique structure, have a vibration that your own heat of your body can start magnifying that signal, then can be associated with benefits to the human body signaling. Everything in our body is electrochemical, absolutely everything. So, any good thing you're doing, you could also argue, is saying you are electrochemically vibrating better and having a better immune response to viruses, bacterial stress, all these things. So, everything is energy, and these patches shouldn't have any negative impact from that too, my best understanding of the science at this time.
“I don't understand the stem cell activation the company speaks of and how that relates to my cancer history.” [0:38:31]
Stem cells from the cancer line are something that we would try and starve out with a very low-carb diet, with enzymes, and with high-dose vitamin C intravenous therapy. But stem cells, in general, you have to have them all the time to help regenerate skin tissue, your bones, and your hair. Everything has a cell that is supportive of the repair and replacement. So, don't be afraid of the term stem cells. There's the argument that we're all making cancer stem cells every day of our lives. It's stopping the likelihood of it implanting in an area/organ that would be detrimental, that's one theory. I prefer the mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer. And so, the high carb, lousy processed food, inactive, dehydrated lifestyle is going to promote degenerative energy metabolism and spontaneous regression to embryonic developmental states that would grow their own blood vessels in a tumor. So, I wouldn't worry about that.
“I believe I have a parasite. It looks like worms. They very well could be in my kidneys too because they took a CT scan and said I had kidney stones in both, but I only have a history of it being on my left. What can I take to get rid of it? I'm currently taking Intestine-Pro off of Amazon. Thanks.” [0:40:00]
I'm going to tell you to just get a stool for ova and parasites or see a functional doctor who will do a complete digestive stool analysis on you, and we'll find out if you do or you don't. Pinworms can spread around from various, mostly in children, the classrooms, it gets commonly spread around. If you have pets, it's very unlikely that you're going to get worms from them. But go ahead and see your urgent care and give them a stool sample for ova and parasites, or a functional doctor who will do a complete digestive stool analysis. I like the one from Doctors Data out of St. Charles, Illinois. It is the oldest, most reliable, and first developed complete digestive stool analysis 40 or 50 years ago. So, it has the best background and history of research.
What to take? Well, I don't believe in taking anything until we've proven something because I'm a standard doctor but do get advice from the local doctor there. Usually, these things are pinworms, and they usually come and go and are self-limiting often, but sometimes we do treat them with anti-parasitical antibiotics.
“I'm a TLC patient. My niece, 32, from Mesa, Arizona, took the Pfizer vaccine, no boosters, and within one month had random fast heartbeats, tight chest, and difficulty breathing. She went to urgent care - and put her on PDN. She went to a naturopath and did food allergy. She stopped eggs and alcohol. X-ray showed a 3-mm scar on her chest. What can you recommend? Have you seen this from the vaccine?” [0:41:52]
That’s way too vague for me to really make a statement about it. I am concerned also with you about the injections that she received. She needs to find a good functional doctor who would be able to tell her about some of the fascinating research on nicotine, and using ivermectin, and systemic enzyme, and chelation therapy, a low-carb diet. But it's amazing if you do a Google search or do a DuckDuckGo or Bing.com search on nicotine, which isn't a carcinogen, it isn't a toxin of itself. Nicotine grows in zucchini and butternut squash. So, nicotine is not bad of itself, but nicotine goes to those ACE receptors and blocks them from being irritated by spike protein. So, if the injection that she took is still producing waves of spike protein through the ribosomes in her own protein generation in her cells, and that is cycled on and off throughout her life, she can take, I think the research showed 3 mg of nicotine blocked the symptoms of what they called chronic COVID, long COVID symptoms. It's very interesting. If you look at the spike protein and the research on venom poisoning on the construct of the spike protein, snake venom structure is there. One of the treatments for that is the, you know, if you ever get a snake bite, you should pee on it, and nicotine is another thing. I don't know if you noticed this, but almost no smokers really had any significant COVID problems. So, anyway, I would look at that, but please have her find a time to see a good functional doctor who can school her on these things and look into her symptoms more deeply.
“Hi, Dr. E. Is it okay to put bi-estrogen cream on my face? If so, is there any advantage putting there versus on other parts of the body?” [0:44:59]
The answer is yes. Well, it absorbs better, so you can use a smaller amount and you’ve saved money and you don't need as much cream, and it lasts longer. That's the only advantage. I put mine on my face, and I don't use a lot of cream, but it certainly works nicely.
“Hello, Doctor! I have a nail fungus on my two big toes. I tried everything. I went to three different professionals and they used laser, all three different laser treatments, and I still can't get rid of them.
What else can I try? Thank you for all you do.” [0:45:35]
I would have to know what your insulin is. If it's not around 3 or less, if your fasting blood sugar isn't around 80 or less, if your triglycerides aren't 50 or less, and if your hemoglobin A1c glucose sticking to the protein hemoglobin under 5.2%, then you're always going to be feeding sugar to grow yeast in your toes. So, if you're going to change anything, you have to change that first. I would use Argentyn Silver and put that on your toes every night, and that's the first thing. But nothing's going to help you, no treatment unless you get your carbohydrate starts and you're living in a country that is promoting filthy stuff to be consumed. They call it food, but it's toxic, highly processed of carbs, fruit sugars, and filth to harm your immune system, so that you promote the growth of fungus and you destroy the protection of the white blood cell immune system. So, you have to deal with that fact and fight it.
“What are the different causes of urinary tract infections?” [0:46:59]
Well, usually the most common thing is, as we age, the lining of our urethra and vaginal canal gets thinner and thinner and thinner because we don't have estrogen anymore. and then the tissues can get hurt with trauma. If you still have sex, if you wipe accidentally indiscriminately backward to front, you might bring some fecal bacteria into that area and it'll have a much easier opportunity to climb up the short, short urethra of a woman's urinary tract system, and that is probably the number one thing.
What are other different causes of urinary tract infections? Well, you have to have your immune system checked. If you have an immune problem, and almost all people do, eating this lousy, promoted, marketed, and socially pressured to eat this junk, even in the church, it's so disgusting, then I would say that everyone is depressing their immune system by eating this way. Those are the main reasons.
“My friend has been taking gabapentin and other pain relievers for years because of severe neuropathy in her feet stemming from an injury. She is experiencing bad side effects and really wants to get off the medication, but the pain is pretty severe. Do you know of any alternative to the gabapentin? I've heard that Jamaican Dogwood is good.” [0:48:23]
I have not heard about that, but we are designed to heal from microtrauma. I would have to understand, is her actual nerves severed nerves? Is she a diabetic? Does she have high blood sugar? Is she pre-diabetic? Does she have a low mineral count? What is her heavy metal load? What is her microcirculation like? What is her vitamin D? What is her essential fatty acid, and essential fatty acid levels? All these things would matter. Systemic Enzymes is the first direction I would go with her. Get her to a functional doctor where she can get microcirculation support through calcium disodium EDTA chelation therapy, and we can usually see a nice improvement with that. Natural hormone replacement helps stimulate tissue thickness and a more moist, robust, voluptuous tissue domain that will be helpful too. So, hopefully, those are some ideas to help her with.
“Since you don't think the suppositories work as well as they used to because of the cocoa butter, what do you suggest for ridding myself of heavy metals? If it's chelation IVs, how many do you suggest, and how often for it to work? They are quite expensive, that is why I started the suppositories first. I have quite a lot of metals. Thanks.” [0:50:02]
Well, we have found a way to try and help you get that covered through your insurance. So, give us a call here because things have changed in that venue, and we’re happy to talk to you more about that.
But the IV chelation is the number one way. We'd want to get a challenge to kind of get a reference base point of how much you're dumping. We typically do about 30 IVs, and we repeat that challenge to see the reduction in areas and the other ones that are now releasing, and then you might need another set of 30. And then we do a maintenance of about 10 per year thereafter. So, that's kind of the approach we take.
“What do you think of red light therapy? If so, what do you think it's best used for? Thank you.” [0:51:11]
Well, it is Wave Light Therapy, kind of like the LifeWave that was spoken up before. Energy stimulates vasodilation. Vasodilation improves circulation on the microscopic level, which enhances cellular health, and extends life repair and longevity. So, the, wavelength of the red light penetrates a few centimeters, I believe, into the skin and is involved with improved vascularization, and that's the benefit of it.
“God bless you, Dr. Rita. As you asked me, I watched Dr. Diamond's video on cholesterol and my blood work is on target! The video was so informative.”
Thank you for watching it and then giving a report back, because I try not to waste my time or my patient's time, but giving you the down low and dirty down low and dirty of exactly what you need to do, and that takes personal responsibility for what goes in your mouth, how much water you're drinking, getting a good night's sleep, getting exercise, both weight training and aerobic, eating a healthy real food diet, avoiding that processed food, and eating in a time-restricted zone, and that pretty much solves all your medical bills.
“How can calcium calcifications be removed from arteries? Thank you.” [0:52:42]
Well, if there's soft plaque calciums, the vitamin D with K2 MK-7 like in K4, or our D-10,000 with K2 90 mcg, this is how I would do it, along with EDTA chelation and a low-carb diet, eating real food, all these healthy things to stop the micro-injury that you're doing to these cell membranes right here, so that your body, when it heals it to this healthy side with the fats and proteins you eat in real food, then it won't be damaged, but you’ve got to lower those sugar damage things. Do chelation and that will help you.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. Thanks so much for being there for all of us. Your knowledge and experience is invaluable. I am B positive blood type and get spring allergies. Also, I deal periodically with bouts of vertigo. Any natural remedies. Thanks so much.” [0:54:05]
You’ve got to live a healthy lifestyle. EDTA chelation improves the micro-circulation damage of aging. You have to be well hydrated, you have to take Systemic Enzymes, natural anti-histamines like quercetin, and our seasonal allergy or D-hist products, I take them all the time because I'm B positive blood too. So, I would encourage that.
“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe, I'm a 68-year-old A positive blood type patient at TLC and have heard an earful of horrible experiences from 50-plus-year-old people who came down with shingles. Do you recommend getting the shingles vaccine at this point in life? I have had chicken pox as a youngster and life stressors are at a minimal level.” [0:54:50]
Do you recommend getting the shingles vaccine at this point in life? No. Well, we have an immune system that is designed to keep viruses and things like this under check. High-dose vitamin C is very good for fighting off chicken pox varicella. So, at the first hint of any viral illness or anything like that, you can come in and do the 25-gram vitamin C drip with us. Stay on your vitamin D and keep the levels above 80. Be on a low-carb diet, so your immune system doesn't get depressed. Be well hydrated, get good sleep, don't eat late at night, so you optimize your healing window of time, and exercise regularly. Take a multivitamin with minerals. I use Juice Plus as well. I take iodine. I take Systemic Enzymes as an anti-inflammatory with my D, and I take quercetin all the time, an antiviral ionophore. So, that's what I would do. And then I have vitamin C drips if I need it.
“Dr. Rita. I'm an 84-year-old woman, Dr. Mitchell's patient for years. Generally in good health. Follow-up MRI with contrast of the liver as compared to the 2016 MRI with contrast, a few lesions on the liver continue to be described as hemangiomas and several renal cysts as “simple” cysts. However, the liver is enlarged - 20 cm and has grown 5 cm since. 2016.” [00:56:29]
Well, I'm going to suggest that that might be fatty liver. You need to look at your fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, fasting insulin, and hemoglobin A1c and see if there was any reference to non-alcoholic fatty liver in the report. Discuss it with your doctor. Systemic Enzymes would be valuable doing. Doing intermittent fasting, doing exercising, all these things will help improve all those sugar numbers. And stay away from all juicing and juice from fruits because high fructose and fructose itself, any source, will aggravate liver disease, and of course, no alcohol.
“Regarding the liver that grew 5 cm. since 2016 – what is the reason for growth? My integrative M.D. is not concerned. My blood work is good. I eat pretty “clean” - high protein, good fats, low carb exercise. Started taking milk thistle for liver detox. Any suggestions? Thanks, as always, for all you do.” [0:57:47]
I already mentioned it's likely the fructose. I'm not against milk thistle, but I think lipoic acid is the absolute number one liver detox supportive item. So, taking alpha lipoic acid (ALA) 500 milligrams twice a day, being very low carb, no fruit sugar at all, no alcohol, and exercise, and then just do an ultrasound of your liver to track that. So, you don't have to do the MRIs.
“Will the EDTA IV treatments remove lead?” [0:58:44]
Absolutely. That is what it received FDA approval for in the 1950s, and early 1960’s, for children for the removal of lead from lead accidental toxicity from chewing lead-based paint on cribs and windowsills and stuff. Yes.
“Hi, I am 60 years old. My hands tend to go numb at night when I'm sleeping. I do have some pain, mostly the thumb joint. I have not been able to get my wedding ring on for the last 4 months. Is there something that can be done for this? I do not eat processed foods or sugar. I do not seem to have inflammation anywhere else in my body.” [0:59:09]
We're all aging. We're all losing our muscle mass with aging. So, past the age of 40, our muscle tone diminishes. So, our structure of sitting and our tone for how we hold our shoulders up and everything, we're starting to slump forward like this with aging. And with that, these tiny little lumbar cordy muscles between our spine are diminished, so that even when we sleep at night, the angle of pinching can be exacerbated. Therefore, I would do muscle weight training twice a week minimum for about half an hour, upper and lower body. And then, unless your blood sugar is under 85, insulin under 3, triglycerides 50 or less, and hemoglobin A1c 5.2, those are the only lab levels that I consider truly healthy and anti-inflammatory. Then I would take Systemic Enzymes like Vitalzym time or Vascuzyme systemic enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day, maybe 4 or 5. And then I would do EDTA chelation therapy to improve microcirculation. Do all that together and see your good functional doctor to help supervise and manage that for you, and that should be able to help you as well. And then we can do HSCRP and sed rate and get those labs.
“What do you make of the recent news report that excess niacin can cause heart disease? And one article showed a refrigerator case full of meat under the headline.” [1:01:14]
You know, I just think that this is fear-mongering. I've been in the business of medicine for over 43 years. I've been using nutraceuticals and what is typically regarded as higher dosing. So, while on these vitamins, I’ve never seen anything but benefits. If you get the niacin up to the level of, I think, 300 mg, yes, I think there are some side effects that are harmful. But in general, most people don’t, unless they are absolutely overdosing on niacin isolatedly.