YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, January 14, 2025
January 16, 2025
“Hi, I'm a 64-year-old female, and over New Year's week I had an allergic reaction to a spider bite and they put me on steroids (methylprednisolone) and antibiotics for infection. Now that I'm off of it, what can I take to replace my flora in my gut, or any other recommendations? Thank you!” [0:04:13]
Well, there are a lot of probiotics and the field of microbiome management is increasing exponentially. All these decades that doctors, like myself, have been spending time looking at complete digestive stool analyses, probably the best is from Doctor's Data. They're out of St. Charles, Illinois. Dr. Quig is the PhD scientist who is very much involved in this. You can submit a sample, you have to have a doctor order it, and we get your floras, the various groups. So, there are trillions of microbes in your intestinal gut, and we are learning the families of these microbes. There are some beneficial, there are some imbalances that are not necessarily harmful, and then there are some dysbiotic flora that have the potential to be harmful. As you eat a poor standard American diet full of processed, high-sugar, carbohydrate, inflammatory foods high in sugars, this will depress these good bacteria and then more bacteria will become imbalanced. And then, as you stay in that poor eating state, some of the imbalance will allow for the bad bacteria called dysbiotic bacteria to grow.
So, it's more than just asking what can I do to build up my flora. It's a lifestyle decision. You have to back away from a lot of carbohydrates, fruit sugar, and starchy carbohydrates that are going to be known to suppress the immune system because we know all diabetics have a poor immune system. They will more easily get infections and they will get vascular injuries. They'll get limb amputations because they just have a poor immune system. And the phagocytosis of your white blood cells is slowed down tremendously with even five teaspoons of sugar, which would be 20 grams of carbohydrates. That's why most low-carb diets are suggesting a 20-gram or less diet. If you want to heal your gut, you need to lower those carbs. One teaspoon of sugar is known to see a slowing of the phagocytosis, as you increase it to four or five teaspoons, and I think one Coca-Cola has something like 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. So you can see how easily Americans are harming their gut and the immune system's protection.
So what would you do? Well, you could try to eat fermented food. You could get some kombucha or you could get some yogurt or you could get some sauerkraut, and these have healthy, beneficial bacteria. You could also buy a probiotic. There are families that we know increasingly have an impact on health and your immune system and many other factors, like helping you make serotonin, and helping you make your own melatonin. Many beneficial vitamins are assisted through your good, healthy gut bacteria. They also offset and help to have a balance on the bad bacteria that may be producing some amount of an endotoxin lipopolysaccharide. But these good bacteria, if you live a healthy lifestyle, will promote good vitamin production in your gut. There are vitamins that are made from these good bacteria, blocking endotoxins, and making wonderful molecules, like melatonin. In fact, there's more melatonin in your gut than actually made in your brain, making serotonin and other beneficial items.
So, lactobacillus was one of the earliest ones that we started supplementing with 30-40 years ago in a large way. We have looked at now, the fact that finally specialists are getting involved, gastroenterologists are starting to look at this, and even we're starting to see research money trickle into this area, but most of this has been good old doctors just putting up their own money or a group of them. And I don't know the name of this doctor, but I know the title of her book, and the name of it is called Let's Talk SH’T. She's a gastroenterologist and she did a lot of work during the alleged COVID pandemic time. She found that bifidobacteria was a good bacteria that was tremendously suppressed in patients who were involved with being diagnosed with this viral illness. So, that viral illness was associated with low bifidobacteria. Now, there are many subspecies in that group. But it was interesting, she found those who even in the family who did not get sick had a higher bifidobacteria. So, the family of lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and other type of good bacteria are very important. Now, there are many others. I can't do an entire talk on this. But what you would want to do is ask your doctor if they have any real experience in prescribing and seeing gut complete digestive stool analyses improving through the prescription of their probiotic supplements, and we have decades of experience. And that would be primarily with the Ortho Molecular product called Probiotics, and they have the bifid and the lactobacillus and other species in there. There is another product put out by Ohhira called Essential Probiotics. These have some of the beneficial gram-negative bacteria, like enterococcus and so forth. So when I get concerned about someone taking antibiotics, I put them on both the probiotic gram positives and probiotic gram negatives. So, I give them Ortho Molecular's Probiotic, there is a more concentrated form called Ortho Biotic 100, and then there is a very high probiotic by Ortho Molecular called Probiotic 225. That's a powder, a packet that you can mix into some lukewarm food, not hot, and then take a packet a day, especially if you've had IV antibiotics and a very terrible prolonged exposure to antibiotics. And then I would take the Ohhira’s Essential Probiotics, one capsule. So, one of each of the Probiotics, and Ohhira’s Essential Probiotics should do it for a very short brief, you know, 5 to 7 days of their antibiotics. And I would be very low carb and I would not eat late. I would exercise and I would drink plenty, plenty of water, half your weight in pounds as ounces of water every day. And that would be the direction I would aim for with that.
“What can be done about the white flaky substance on the top eyelash/eyelid line? Tried removing it with water and coconut oil but it didn't help.” [0:13:06]
I use two things. We have bacteria all over our skin, staph predominantly. Staph is a type of class of bacteria, but there are many others. There are fungal spores and things like that as well. And your skin is one of your largest organs. And if you have healthy, thick skin and those epidermal cells build up a layer that protects the living cells that are gradually aging and being pushed to the top, and the seal of your body and your immune system, the vessels, nerves, and all that are in your tissue and the fiber in there, this thins with age. And those who don't use hormone replacement therapy thin quicker, faster, more worse. So, those who are on natural hormone replacement therapies have thicker skin and better resistance to that bacteria trying to wedge their way in between the flaky thinning epidermal layer. Those people who eat a more rich protein diet with lots of collagen in it are going to have better skin thickness and formation. Those who drink enough water will have better perfusion of the tiny capillaries that will help everywhere in your body to prevent irritation and flaking skin.
But the other thing I do is I recommend taking Clinician’s Preference Oils, which we of course have. I have everything I'm referring to here. These are made to have the essential linoleic and alpha-linolenic essential oils that literally make up the character of the skin thickness membrane, the cell membrane. So, I take those capsules orally once in a while. Especially right now at this time of the year, it's very dry. The humidity level is way down. So your skin is going to be losing water to the environment and you'll get rough, irritating, tiny little itchy, tingling skin surfaces. And so, I will crack open with a little needle and I'll prick the top of one of my Clinician Preference Oils. I don't use fish oils, not at all. That's another story. And I'll put a drop of that on my fingers, and then I rub my eyes, the skin around it, and they get some thickening, you might say, by that oil. So it's very safe, very natural.
The other thing I do is I take Argentyn Silver, which is nanoparticulate 23 parts per billion, and I put my Q-tip in that clear-looking water called Argentyn Silver, which acts as a topical antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, on a Q-tip, and I will rub it around my eyelids at night. I will inhale it up my nose as Argentyn spray for any bacteria, very often to moisten, especially as you get more crusty and dried mucous membranes in your sinus and nasal area in this region. A lot of people blow their nose in the allergy season and wiping it, you'll get irritation around your upper lip and nasal area. And I'll put that oil, the Clinician's Preference Oil, a drop of it, and massage it into my skin, anywhere on my body that I feel is particularly dry. So, I greatly reduce showering and putting soap on that will lift off all those oils and make my skin get thin and flaky. So those are the things that I would do.
“Hi, Dr. Rita, I'm trying to get my hubby off anti-stomach acid prescription medications. What should he take other than probiotics and digestive enzymes? He's on a good diet because I cook.” [0:17:28]
I would have handy at any given time some glutamine, Glutagenics is the trade name of Metagenics. Metagenics makes glutamine or Glutagenics. That amino acid and it's got some licorice and other items in it, you can mix this a little scoop in some water and take a shot of it, and it's very lining, soothing to the one cell membrane layer thick lining of the throat and the esophagus and then the stomach. And you can repeat that multiple times throughout the day. This works as a natural antacid. There is another one Glutagenics, and well, we have two kinds with a little bit of variations in them. I don't use it a lot, that's why I'm not thinking of the name right now, but L-glutamine, the amino acid, is a natural antacid. Then there's aloe vera. You could buy aloe vera juice and carry around a small bottle. I think the other product, Glutagenics has the licorice the other one has aloe vera in it. So, I think that would be the first thing. You could always take a swig of olive oil. You could keep a little tiny flask of a dark or opaque bottle so this light doesn't get through and hit the double bonds of the essential oils in there oxidize them and make them rancid. A sip of olive oil is very soothing as an antacid. Hopefully, that'll help you.
“Hello Dr. Rita, I have two small dogs who sleep on top of my bed. Is it possible to contract parasites, and do you recommend in this case that it is advisable to periodically deworm? I have heard mixed information on this topic, and would appreciate your recommendations on what to take and how often.” [0:19:52]
It's not advised really that you should sleep with your pets. I mean, pets are pets and they're walking with their paws on the grass and the ground where all manner of transferred bacteria, spores, and cysts might exist. So it's not good to let them jump up. You can't wash your dog every day, and that would be harmful to their coat and the protection of their skin and hair lining. I wouldn't sleep with them. But it's very unlikely. It's very rare. But it's a risk. It is a risk. And you might have them hop down and you might brush off a hair or something and then on your and you'll get this cyst or trophocyte or spore or whatever, and then you might rub your eye or you might pinch your nose or something, and then there you've transferred this to you. Now, what might have some value is if you use preventatively ivermectin at a milligram per kilogram strength, depending on how many pounds you are, but typically it's somewhere between 12 to 18 mg of ivermectin which is an anti-worming, anti-parasite activity, and you can take that twice a week, plus it'll help ward off viral illnesses, and now there's a lot of information appearing in research studies acting as an anti-cancer. The same with fenbendazole. That's another product. It's given in the pet kingdom. I've seen some people use this themselves. But these are anti-viral medications, ivermectin, and fenbendazole. And so, you should talk with your doctor and make sure you don't have any other Illnesses or reasons or medications that might put stress on your body from taking that once or twice a week. For some of my patients, we’ll use it for a month, and then they'll be off for a month, and then they'll go back on it. So, others stay on it twice a week. If they're coming down with a cold, then they might take it every day for 5 to 7 days, and we did that a lot for SARS-CoV-2, and COVID-19, and we had great, great results and we had no problems. But those are things you could do. There are natural things like caprylic acid, and oregano oil. That is called Candicid Forte and intestinal, two different types of oral natural substances in capsule form. One is called Candicid Forte, the other is called Intestinal, and you can take one a day of one or the other if you want to try things like that. These are a natural over-the-counter anti-parasite, anti-candida-type herbs, and such that help.
“I am a 77-year-old female with an ultrasound bone scan of both hips and spine. Aware of osteoporosis, but learned I have a 60 to 100% risk of major osteoporotic fracture within 5 years. The doctor offers bisphosphonates, Prolia, and raloxifene, but insists on Forteo, or daily injections. I prefer to avoid pharmaceuticals. Any options, supplements, or exercise program?” [0:23:50]
So I would see your doctor or find a doctor alongside your primary care if your regular doctor doesn't want to consider this and have your vitamin D level measured, your vitamin D. And if your level is not 80 to 120, I like it right around 100, and that is usually when I prescribe it, I'm giving 10 to 15,000, sometimes 20,000 daily International Units with vitamin K2 in the same capsule. So it's D 10,000. I would add maybe 5,000 with it and both of them have K2 MK7 with it. These are known to support good bone rebuilding and structure. There are times when I will have them use two of the 10,000. This is very safe. And if you recheck your vitamin D level with the chemistry to look at liver enzymes and serum calcium, your doctor can check on it supporting you. If your liver enzymes are normal and your calcium is normal in your chemistry comprehensive CHEM-24 panel, then you're fine using the 20,000. And you can recheck it again in six months then, and it should be about the same with the chemistry panel and your vitamin D level.
I would also do heavy weightlifting. I'm talking about going to the gym, working on the machines, putting the pin for the resistance level you want, doing these heavy weights, and pulling weights and leg presses. I would even stomp. I would stomp with my feet for 10 seconds like I'm having a temper tantrum, banging my feet, so I can feel that shudder go up my legs and so forth. I would even take my hand and slam it down at the heel of my hand, so I can feel the shake on my wrist, so I don't break my wrist if I should fall or trip in my 70s. Of course, a very low-carb diet, a diet rich in protein. Taking an Albion amino acid chelated multi-mineral is very helpful, the whole potpourri of minerals because God uses the minerals as his pots and pans, along with other co-factors such as the B vitamins and such to help bring in the amino acids and the oils that help make the proteins, collagen elastin on which that calcium is going to attach to strengthen that bone. I would drink plenty of water, I would eat low carb so you're not clogging up the tiny little capillaries to my bones, and I would go on natural hormone replacement therapy if I're an eligible candidate and can find a doctor who knows how to give this to you. I like topicals, to start with, topical estradiol. Some were starting around 1 mg topical daily as a cream anywhere up to 6 mg, and I would use progesterone 200 mg, and that's how I would begin it. And I have lots of patients now. I just had today a patient who invited me to his 90 something birthday. I missed it, but I have so many patients in their 70s and their 80s and their 90s, and now some are cresting into their 100th birthday, and these are all functional, active intelligent communicative, self-caring people, and they have normal bone densities. How about that? 88-year-old women, with normal bone densities by doing this without any drugs.
“Hi, Dr. E., are digestive enzymes good for slow GI transit?” [0:28:40]
Absolutely. Yes, thank you. The older you get, the less secretion of hormones, of neurotransmitters, just the production of stomach acids, acid itself, and enzymes. All of this diminishes with age, and there you put in a load of protein and fat and it needs to be hydrolyzed and chopped up into its little parts, and it'll sit in your stomach for longer periods of time. So you might eat at 3 o'clock, and at 9 PM you can still, in your own breath if you burp, smell your lunch at 2 to 3 o'clock. That's because that food is still sitting in your stomach the older you get. I always take Digestive Enzymes, and which has the betaine hydrochloric acid and the pancreatic acids and bromelain and propane and amylase lipase, proteases that you need. That's also from Ortho Molecular, it's called Ortho Digestzyme. I'll take two with every meal. If it's a big meal, I'll take three or four. So yes, it will help with transit time.
“What's the best skincare products? I don't want to use anything tested on animals.” [0:30:10]
I am not a good person to ask that because I do almost nothing for personal self-care regarding makeup or skincare. If anything, I use my Clinician's Preference Oil and I'll put it on maybe some dry areas, because now in my 70s, I do have some patchy areas of skin that are not as healthy as they used to be when I was in my teens and 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. And so that Clinician's Preference Oil comes as a liquid, so you can take a drop of the liquid and you can rub it wherever you want. I put it on my eyelids, everywhere. The other thing is I like my natural hormone replacement therapy in a cream form, a very basic, simple Eucerin cream, and I make it myself here, and that's what I use. And I put it on my face every morning. I don't use any cleansers. I don't use any soap on my face. I rarely expose my face to water ever, ever, ever, other than to brush my teeth twice a day, minimum, and then I have to dry the water off around my lips. But I'm trying to keep my skin integrity, the oils in it, the hormones, which are the general contractors to stimulate repair, and rebuilding of collagen, and elastin, and eat a rich protein diet that gives me all the amino acids, collagen in my high, nearly carnivore-type diet to do this. So, there you have it. And then I'll buy lipstick and I'll buy maybe some mascara, and I have some foundation cream that I'll put in the darker areas in my inner eye area so I don't look so dark like I have sunken eyes. That's about all I do. I don't use powders or anything. So, I have a mascara, I have a lipstick, and I have a foundation. Period. That's it. Nada. And I don't put anything on my body anywhere. I just try and keep it away from hot water and soap. That would rip off my natural oils and make me wrinkle and flake. So there you go.
“How can I buy your products?” [0:32:52]
I would call the office (714) 544-1521, which is our office clinic number, and ask for the supplement department. We have very knowledgeable people working there with us for many, many years, and they can help you with your questions on that, and hopefully that helps you.
“I am having diverticulitis again and I want to avoid a CAT scan and antibiotics. I have been on a water fast for 2 days now. Should I increase my Vitalzym and should I be taking ivermectin? Thank you.” [0:33:23]
I can't manage you over the internet, but I will tell you how I manage people who have diverticulitis. That's the suggested inflammatory, possibly bacterial-generated inflammation of some of those outpouchings or like nipples that are on the tube of your colon with those little blimps. And you get material stuck in there and that can break down. Remember your gastrointestinal lining is only one cell membrane thick. One cell membrane is thick. Therefore, you need to be very careful about what you choose to swallow down into your stomach, whether it's a plant food or has lots of anti-nutrient impact on your body. For instance, beans can absorb your zinc massively and reduce your zinc level by 97 percent for what might be in your food for that day. So, anti-nutrients are in plant materials. Whenever a patient of mine has complaints of pain and I know them and I examine them and I check their CBC, their white blood cell count, and their blood chemistries and make sure they don't have fevers or diarrhea or are healthfully passing gas and bowel movements and then they're not bloody or black tar and I can follow them up and keep a close eye on them, I do try to avoid antibiotics. I ask them to fast for two days. I ask them to take the Phospholipid Powder, a scoop of it, and put it in warm water, not hot. I asked them to take a second jar of powder called SBI Protect. This has immunoglobulin A which is your number one first-line immune defense protein immunoglobulin A, and it has some other beneficial nutrients in it. So, I mix the fat part lining on the cell and then I give the protein which will be part of the protein repair, so that that cell membrane can heal and the immune system can be immediately boosted up. I give them the probiotic, depending on how concerned I am, I might use that, Probiotic 225 powder, and mix it all together in lukewarm baby milk kind of a warm 8 ounces, 6 ounces of water. And I have them drink that first thing in the morning, last thing at night, two days fasting, taking their vitamin D. I might double their vitamin D for the 5 days. Take their multivitamin minerals. Take their iodine if they're on it. I usually have them take Juice Plus as an antioxidant, and I have them take their Methylated B Complex and their iodine tablet. Usually, all the supplements they normally take with lots and lots of water, fasting for two days. And then when they start to eat, I ask them to try and just eat soft proteins, a pure carnivore diet that also contains the phospholipids and the proteins and many of the nutrients that go along with repairing that one cell membrane thick bilipid layer of phospholipids and the proteins, such as a soft fish, salmon. Butter it and have that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Have 2 pounds of it, nothing else. Then the next day some nice roasted chicken, butter it, dip each piece in butter, and have that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And then the fifth day would be, say two days of fasting. So, a fish day, a meat like a roasted beef day, a roasted chicken day, a roasted pork/shredded pork day. And then they can go, after those 5 to 6 days and they're still fine, the pain is gone, there's no fever, and we check to CBC in their chemistry and their urine, they're feeling great, then they can go back to a regular diet. But then you have to live a lifestyle that prevents this recurrence, which means you have to be probably on a healing diet, which is largely carnivore probably for 3 months. Maybe some need 6 months. I have colitis and and ulcerative colitis patients who go on a carnivore diet for 6 to 9 months to heal everything up. And it always works with that Phospholipid powder, SBI Protect, the Probiotic 225, and the vitamin D and their zinc mineral supplements that I have, amino acid chelated, and so forth. That's how I would do it. And do follow up with your doctor.
“I have been researching chlorine dioxide and its amazing health benefits. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you.” [0:39:15]
Chlorine dioxide is a powerful, powerful antioxidant. It's a chlorine molecule with two oxygens, dioxide. And it's normally used in industry and in healthcare for cleansing and disinfecting things. As far as using it for internal ingestion, I would and have never recommended it orally. Okay. I know there are some who have said this works powerfully as a form of oxidative therapy, which is powerful in killing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and, and neutralizing toxins. But not orally. And so, in the cleaning industry, even in the disinfecting healthcare industry, in agriculture for cleansing down animal bins and tools and implements in the farming of goats and pigs and stuff like that, and chickens, it's a wonderful
disinfectant, but that's where I stand on that. Hydrogen peroxide, garden variety, the 3 percent liquid you can get at the drugstore, you can put it in a nebulizer. You can mix it half and half if you wish with some sterile water or distilled water. You can use that as a nebulizer and for a cold coming on, and I've seen tremendous benefits from that with hydrogen peroxide nebulized, and I've never seen any harm from that as an oxidative therapy. I've used hydrogen peroxide intravenously. High-dose vitamin C actually generates an oxidative, prooxidative state where you generate hydrogen peroxide molecules in your body. So, there are many other things to do. Try and stay away from some of these things like chloro-dioxide or di-chloro-oxide. So, I would never use it orally.
“My son has an Attention Deficit Disorder diagnosis. Would you be able to help my son?” [0:41:47]
Well, there's always help. In the preventive, restorative, complimentary, functional medicine, there's always help. So, yes, I see people with any diagnosis. I come alongside. They may have their specialists, and they follow their specialists, and I'll try and rebuild their tissues, their cell membranes, and do all these other peripheral things, detoxing them, build up their immune system, build up their nutrient status, but yes. now, attention deficit disorder, there are many and multifactorial ways to benefit them, and gut health is very, very important. So, we would do a complete digestive stool analysis. We would do a food allergy. Very often, there are these anti-nutrient inflammatory impacts of plant materials. And there are all kinds, lectins, oxalate, phytates, plant tannins, and on and on. And so, we would look at that. We would look at their blood type. We would find out what their nutrient antioxidant mineral status is. We would look at heavy metal oxidative damage and accumulation. We'd invite them to ground themselves every morning, earthing in the sunrise, somewhere between 6:30 and 8:30, standing on the wet, dew grass with your bare feet for two minutes. Very often, that infrared, far-red light that is most abundant in the morning will go through the pupils and impact the photo-receptor dynamics of photo modulation and therapy to the brainstem. It is helpful for seasonal affective disorder and general depression. Even seasonal affective disorder, with light therapy like that from just standing in the grass grounded with your bare feet every morning for two to three minutes, has helped autistic children, people with depression, and with depression in some studies equal to being prescribed antidepressant drugs. So, there are many things. Getting adequate protein, make sure there's enough digestion and absorption of these proteins to help make neurotransmitters. Remember, if you have a bad gut, you're going to have imbalanced flora, and the bad guys will make endotoxins, inflammation, blocking your own good bacteria from making some of the supplemental melatonin for deep restorative sleep, your serotonin, and on and on it goes. So, gut health is very, very important. So, look into photo light therapy, infrared light therapy, grounding, earthing, adequate hydration, low-carb diet. A carnivore diet is pretty much the universal first thing I will go to in any serious situation to get rid of all the plant toxins, and anti-nutrients for a month, let's say, and see how they do. Get them outside, get them exercising, get that light therapy, phototherapy, these kind of things.
“Blessings Dr. E! Do you know anything about the X39 LifeWave patch? It is a patented wearable light technology that evidently elevates copper peptides to mobilize stem cell activity within the body.” [0:45:31]
Yes, I have a bunch in my drawer over here. I've had them for years now. And this patch has crystals in it. They have various types of crystals and some combination crystals. And it's in a little patch, just kind of like some women put on hormone patches, you can put this patch on your skin over your spine and other parts of your body, usually along meridian lines. These are lines that acupuncturists and Chinese medicine understand about the flow dynamics of the electrochemical signaling and pathways that usually follow the fascia of the kind of saran wrap lining of muscle bundles to facilitate electrochemical changes in your body. And these crystals, when they get on the warmth of your body and your own infrared, we all generate, the room has infrared. If I had infrared night goggles on as I had 30 to 40 years ago when I was on active duty, I could see heat emission and where the chairs are and everything and you can just casually walk through with no light on because everything heats up during the day and it emits infrared all the way through the night. It diminishes over time. But that infrared in your own body will heat up that patch, and those crystals will start to have a frequency, that frequency will speak to parts of your neuroendocrine and musculoskeletal cell membranes to effectuate better energy, dynamics, and healing. Okay. Yes. So I'm very familiar with that.
“What do you think about food-grade hydrogen peroxide orally for health maintenance?” [0:47:34]
I just talked about that with the person who was asking about di-chloro-oxide. So yeah, I think it's fine. I think it's safe. Food grade 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Swish, you can swallow it, you can nebulize it, you can use it topically. I think it's fine.
“What can you do to build bone after severe osteoporosis diagnosis without taking big pharma drugs or injections? Does Fortigel supplementation help?” [0:47:59]
Natural hormone replacement, testosterone, stomping, weight resistance, low carb diet, lots of protein to make collagen elastin, and using high dose vitamin D or very good dose to monitor D in the 20,000, 15,000 international unit range. Check that with a complete chemistry to check your serum calcium levels. And then after being on 20,000 roughly a day, if you're not getting up to that 100 range on your vitamin D level, then we'll even give you more and then we'll recheck it again in another couple three months. Those are the things. So check that out that I went over before.
“I’ve been wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor. Can you explain why the blood sugar rises quite a bit first thing in the morning when I’m still fasting? My blood sugar usually hits 54 in the middle of the night, it’s in the low 70s when arising, and within an hour, after taking supplements and drinking black coffee but still fasting goes up to the upper 90s for a moment. Thank you.” [0:49:08]
My monitor would go off. It would go so low at night. My beeper on my phone would go off and say danger, danger, low blood sugar, and I would hit the 40s and 50s every night. So, I had to actually take the thing off because you can't readjust the lows because they've adjusted for the average American who eats lousy, but for those of us who live lifelong, do intermittent fasting, exercise, weight resistance, take our nutrients, eat low carb, drink plenty of water, take our enzymes, take our hormones, we will naturally, I always I'm in the 50 to the 100 range, I barely broke 100 even after eating.
But why will it go up in the morning? That's called the dawn effect. As the electromagnetic energy starts increasing infrared and it starts penetrating through the sky, to through the trees, through the leaves, through the atmosphere, through the walls of your house, it's going to reach you, and that infrared light signal, with its increasing magnitude of strength, is going to stimulate your pineal gland, which is going to send out corticotropin-releasing hormones that'll give you cortisol-stimulating hormone. That cortisol will release your epinephrine, and norepinephrine, alarm, awaken, and then that epinephrine will mobilize a little bit of stored glycogen that's in your muscles and your liver. And so, we will see a dawn effect on your blood sugars for that reason.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe, does intermittent fasting cause our bodies to attack muscle tissue? I’m 63 and trying to rebuild muscle loss with weights twice a week, and walking twice a week. I’ve been warned by others who say athletes don’t intermittent fast because of this.” [0:51:14]
Does intermittent fasting cause our bodies to attack muscle tissue? No. We're talking, you're getting data in people who are in their 20s and they're athletes, who are using their bodies in high-performance demanding scenarios, that to do that kind of high-performance work, they must eat higher caloric volumes, and they're demanding tremendous output. So, you don't even ask yourself to compare to an athlete. Then let's say you're talking to an average middle-aged male, 30, 40, 50 years old, don't compare yourself with them either, because intermittent fasting has been wrong, by uninformed health care professionals who don't understand and do enough research on biochemistry and insulin metabolic metabolism, and what they find is that intermittent fasting, let's say you do it, you eat in a 6-hour window and you fast for 18. Some do it for 20 hours and eat in a 4-hour window. Others will eat in an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours. When you get your stomach empty for about 14 hours, no one's going to go, your body isn't designed to chew up muscle. It would never do that. That only happens as you start to starve yourself. So, let's say you go past three days even with no food, and I've done five days, and I usually do it twice a year, at that point, I can tell my hunger awakens again, and I know if I don't eat, then my body will start to consume my muscle mass to digest it into amino acids that can be used to generate gluconeogenesis, new glucose molecules. But you're talking to people who don't understand the biochemistry, the science of fasting, and the actual truth is if you fast 14, 18, or 20 hours and you only eat in a 4 or 6-hour window every day, you're stimulating somatotropin growth-promoting hormones every day of your life. And if you get in that gym and really push heavy metal, I'm not talking about a little 8-pound, 3-pound weight, or even a 10-pound weight, I'm talking doing leg presses and chest press, that kind of stuff on the machines, then you'll build bone because you'll have human growth hormone, growth promoting factors stimulated every day.
“What supplements can help a pinched nerve L5?” [0:54:35]
Water. Water. Water is typically not consumed enough, and we dehydrate protein. Protein is needed for that pad there, your intervertebral discs, to repair. Chelation will improve microcirculation to that non-blood vessel tissue. So, all cartilage, whether it's your ear or your nose, these cartilage areas have no blood supply, they're avascular, and they get their nutrients only through diffusion, and that requires water. So, if you're going to rebuild your pads between your joints, you need water, you need protein, you need good microcirculation. Therefore, you’ve got to get the sugar out. And if you take Systemic Enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day, 5, 6, 7, 8 of them, the inflammation will go way down right away, and you should feel better. Under the guidance, you know, I don't know how big a protrusion you have, with your orthopedic doctor, with MRI or CT imaging, with physical therapy, range of motion strengthening, and build up your core and go work out three times a week. Okay. And do your crunches, do your machine crunching, do your chest press, do your leg press, do your leg extension and flexion. Do all these things generate stimulation of the tiny little muscles that go all along in between each vertebrae? There are hundreds and hundreds of little muscles there, and they'll get strengthened if you do these things.
“I’ve read of concerns from some functional doctors that Argentyn Silver is not safe for my Down syndrome daughter because it is not certain the metal is released from the body and can accumulate at toxic levels in the brain. Any comment on this?” [0:56:39]
Yes, I use Argentyn nanoparticulate 23 parts per billion silver very liberally. I almost use it every day on my eyes with a Q-tip to clean any of the mascara debris, and to put a nice antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral because people are sneezing on, coughing on me every day. I use it as a spray up my nose. I swish and swallow after I floss and brush. So, I use a little bit every day and I've been doing this for decades and decades and decades and decades and I've used Argentyn Silver. So, no, I don't see any of that at all. Now, there are other products, because Argentyn Silver is only sold to physicians, there are other colloidal silvers that are generally good, and there are people who try and self-generate silver ions in their water using distilled water and electrodes with a piece of silver, and that'll make ions of silver (Ag) get dispersed into the water. It makes it almost a little cloudy. That is an unregulated, high particulate consumption, free radical positive ion silver molecules, and that's what kind of led to the blue man argyria. Okay. You saw the guy with the blue skin. So, stay away from that kind of foolish homemade stuff. If you're going to get anything, talk with your doctor, talk with a functional doctor with experience. It's very safe, even with newborns and infants. But we have the high-quality Argentyn 23 parts per billion. I think over the counter they finally made a product that you can get a hold of that's half that strength, is still useful, called Sovereign Silver. So I think it's fine.
“What are your thoughts on taking collagen, specifically “vital proteins, collagen peptides, unflavored”? [0:59:10]
I would say eat meat, eat chicken, eat pork, eat fish, eat crab, eat shrimp, eat lobster, eat eggs, eat lots of them, and there are tremendous amounts of collagen in them, and it's already bioavailable in perfect mammalian fish, you know, poultry levels that are very much absorbable. Collagen production is very dependent on absorption, it's a big molecule. And if they make these various collagen things, their geometric 3-dimensional sizes often are too big, and they're just selling you a product, okay? Eat the food. If you're older than 50, probably start using Digestive Enzymes, so you can break up your meat, fish, chicken, crab, lobster, and fish, and you can get that wonderful collagen, protein/amino acids from it.
That's what I would do.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. What do you recommend for a yeast infection? Thank you.” [1:00:31]
A low-carb diet. Fast for a day or two if you can. Drink plenty of water. And then could see your doctor. I don't know if it's vaginal yeast or if it's yeast on your skin, under your skin wedges. Sometimes your skin, your breasts hang down when you're older and the skin underneath your breasts doesn't get much exposure to oxygen and then rubbing there, and then bacteria and fungus are always on our skin, and then through some of the cracks and the moistness and the heat of the skin where the folds between the skin are, you can start having yeast grow. What you do is, I put Argentyn Silver there, it's antifungal. A very low-carb diet. And if you are seeing a gynecologist about this vaginally, they can give you Diflucan or Nystatin. This kind of things would be how I would approach it.
“What brand of mascara, lipstick, and under-eye foundation do you use?” [1:01:47]
Cheap. I just go to Walgreens. I have no time for my life. I have no time. I have no time. If I get a moment to rest, I'm at the age now I need a nap. So, I go to CoverGirl or Maybelline and I'll just buy them, you know, it looks like a lipstick tube with the foundation as a lipstick cream and I'll put it under my eye and I'll put it where my skin folds are to kind of diminish the darkness of the cracked skin in my folds skin there, and then I use some red color Maybelline/Covergirl lipstick and their eye mascara. Period. And I don't give it two thoughts to the wind. I'm on active duty for the Lord and I want to look decent for my husband and that’s it. That’s it. I have too much work to do.
“I’ve been using rebounding and I believe it is helping, as well as being a carnivore. I feel my knee injury is almost gone.” [1:03:03]
Yeah, because rebounding on that mini trampoline, it’s like a 3-ft diameter mini trampoline, and my grandkids love my rebounder and they have the bar on it. So, I can hop on it, and that stimulation with your muscles contracting and relaxing helps lymph fluid go throughout your whole body. And it’s far better if you’re low carb, especially carnivore. It’s far better if you drink enough water.