YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, March 12, 2024
March 15, 2024
“I am drinking over 1/2 by weight in ounces. I weigh 110 lbs. and drink four 20 oz bottles of water each day. I have a reverse osmosis water filter but I get leg cramps. Am I deficient in minerals? I’m 74 years old and in good health.” [0:03:17]
Well, you're exceeding half your weight there. If you're 110 pounds and drinking 80 ounces of water, then you are likely drinking maybe too much water, and that is rinsing out your minerals. And I would get a good multi-mineral. We have the amino acid chelated Albion source for our multi-minerals, it’s called TLC Multi Min, three a day, and take them maybe with your dinner or after a dinner, and that should solve the problem for you.
“My 24-year-old brother eats fast food, drinks multiple cans of soda, and vapes every day. I'm worried about his health. He is quite thin and becomes defensive when anyone tries to talk about his poor habits. How can I get through to him so he takes his health and his life seriously?” [0:04:18]
Well, that's a challenging question. I would say the number one thing is to love him. Love on him, express love and compliments to wherever you can find good things about your brother. As you show that you're acknowledging the good things about him and the value he has, then it'll be more meaningful. When you then say to your brother, because of this value I see in you, because of your help or skills in these areas, whatever they may be, to make them available, and serve humanity longer, why wouldn't you consider eating more homemade meals or whatever the first step is. Or to encourage him to go on a walk with you and talk about these things that you might have. We all repel criticism. It's not something we like as human beings. There are things about each and every one of us, myself included. There are traits that we should improve on. “There's none righteous, no, not one,” the Bible says. So, it is you walking with them and seeing the value of your neighbor and trying to promote your neighbor's well-being and showing that love. Love covers a multitude of sins. That's how I would try to get through to him.
“How do you feel about colonics?” [0:06:17]
Colonics, I have done them in the past. For the most part, I'm neither a pro nor against them. I don't know that they have any routine value in doing them. When I did my doctorate in integrative medicine back in 1999 and 2000, there was an opportunity for me to do colonics. We listened to the hydro-colon therapist and discussed their results. They were encouraging. But again, the hydro-colon therapist is looking at one aspect of a human being, that is their colon and their bowel movements. I think in the hands of a functional doctor, if you drink enough water, if you are healthy in your mineral content, if you are exercising, if you're getting a good night's sleep, if you are taking a healthy diet that is not high in sugar, looking at food allergies and so many other things, then bowel movements will occur naturally and healthfully. Maybe in the elderly, in the latter years of our lives, colon therapy might have a greater value. Of course, it has a greater degree of potential harm because there's a pressure gradient with colon therapy, and you don't want to blow out some inflamed diverticula, and so forth. So, this is the concern I have. Someone who is elderly with diverticula likely will have some inflamed area and that could be irritated. And they're the ones that would probably benefit the most. So, I have mixed feelings about it, and that's still where I stand.
“I have a strong tingling in my upper lip and in the gums of my front teeth. Two years ago, I had a root canal in one of these front teeth. What do you think would be causing tingling? Thank you so much.” [0:08:27]
Well, I don't like root canals, and I would certainly ask you to go to a biological dentist, and have them evaluate that root canal. The potential for low-grade infection in that area, I don't know if you had a filling, or if there were toxic metals from amalgams involved. These are all concerns. Now, your front teeth, of course, are very cosmetically important to your smile. So, I would certainly ask you to go to the internet, type in “biological dentistry near me” and then call the office, maybe drop by, speak to the front office or the manager, and ask questions about how they would deal with root canals, test for symptoms, what kind of 3D imaging they do to look for cavitations, which would be like cysts full of infection, and how they would approach treating that. So, I do believe that this may in fact be something that needs to be repaired, and so we would support a biological dentist evaluation.
“I was encouraged a week or two ago when I read you believe there is science behind the X39 patch from LifeWave. Can you please tell me if these would be safe for me for long-term use, given that I am a breast cancer and melanoma survivor? I don't understand the stem cell activation the company speaks of and how that relates to my cancer history.” [0:10:07]
These products by LifeWave are talking about an electromagnetic energy, that the crystals that they use in these patches that your body heats up, and the heat of the vibration of that crystal, the frequency is then absorbed by your body, and the entire human being is an electrochemical composition. So, I'm just held together right now by bonds of negative and positive attractiveness and sharing these electrons and these molecules hold me together. We all dissolve and fall apart. Energy has to go in to maintain these bonds and electrochemical relationships between molecules, between the cell membranes, and your entire body. In the world of the immune system, there are T cells, the innate immune system that, are designed to go and surveillance your body, circulate through your body, and look for self-recognition. If these T cells see that there is a cell or a group of cells that look foreign, then the natural immune response is more T cells and other immune triggers occur to tag and identify that abnormal cell and get rid of it. There are those in the healthcare profession who believe that these T cells are actually identifying cancer cells, or cells that are misbehaving, becoming malignant and expressing abnormal DNA activity, and producing abnormal cell surface identifiers, and then these natural killer cells or T cells chew it up.
So, when you say you're taking electrochemical frequency in the form of a crystal, and they have seen this resonate with the activity of your T cell stem cells, this is encouraging the health of the population of that immune surveillance innate component of your body. This is one mechanism that should be maintained with adequate water, good sleep, exercise, low carbohydrate, a healthy, more organic, natural whole food, avoiding processed food diet, and that is another way to help that T cell non-killer (NK cell) work better.
So, I think these electrochemical frequencies that are very small, tiny, and supportive stimulate only the good, healthy stem cells. It doesn't stimulate cancer cell reactivity at all. That's not my understanding at all of how this works.
“I believe I have a parasite. It looks like worms. They very well could be in my kidneys too because they took a CT scan and said I had kidney stones in both, but I only have a history of it being on my left. What can I take to get rid of it? I'm currently taking IntestinePro off Amazon.” [0:14:07]
So, some over-the-counter supplements. Grapeseed extract, the uva-ursi, and black walnut, these are various herbs and seed oils that are associated with being toxic, usually just in the gastrointestinal system, against parasites. There are medicines that you could get. I would always begin, if you think you have parasites, getting a complete digestive stool analysis. It is a very thorough evaluation with both the visual screening under microscopic, under culture, and under PCR testing for the signature of DNA of any parasite. That's where I would go. Find a good functional integrative medicine doctor and have them do a complete digestive stool analysis on you, which is much more in-depth than just stool for ova and parasites, which traditionally is what is taught in allopathic medicine. Another item that is recommended in the alternative functional world for, this is grapeseed extract. That is another anti-parasitic herb. Grapeseed extract.
“I am a TLC patient. My niece, 32, from Mesa, Arizona took the Pfizer vaccine, no boosters. Within one month, had random fast heartbeats, a tight chest, and difficulty breathing. She went to urgent care – and put her PDN. She went to a naturopath and did food allergy. She stopped eggs and alcohol. X-ray showed a 3-mm scar on her chest. What can you recommend? Have you seen this from vaccine?” [0:16:13]
The answer is yes. I have never seen such chaotic health indices in such young people in all my 43 years of practicing medicine. I would suggest that a 3-mm scar on her chest on the x-ray is probably benign, you said she's 32, and there is valley fever, and that's from the particles and the dust and stuff. We can get scars on our chest just from that or prior colds and bronchitis. But hopefully, she's breathing better and not having chest tightness or fast heartbeats. I would see her local physician, and I would encourage her to drink half her weight in water and take systemic enzymes, such as Vitalzym or Vascuzyme. These systemic proteolytic enzymes chew up little, tiny proteinaceous waste material that could be creating tiny micro-clots. There may be spike protein involved, who knows? The continuation of production of the cell to generate spike protein is indeterminate. I think the longest they've seen it be produced subsequent to a vaccine with one of these MRA injections is 18 months, is one article that I recall.
But there is another whole study. If you look up on the Internet with nicotine, nicotine gum 2 mg, chewing that with plenty of water, systemic enzymes, possibly EDTA chelation therapy. Not possibly. I know EDTA chelation therapy will improve microcirculation, and enhance cardiovascular health and all health of the body because all the tiny capillaries are improved with perfusion.
But those are some of the pathways I would look for with that. And then, sometimes we give the anti-parasitical prescriptions on a preventive and a long-term basis for like three months and then see if this improves their symptomology as well.
“Hi, Dr. E! Is it okay to put the bi-estrogen cream on my face? If so, is there any advantage to putting it there versus on other parts of the body? Thank you.” [0:19:53]
Yes. Well, I've always put my Estradiol cream 90 percent of the time to my face. So, at 70, I do think that it has reduced my eye wrinkles and creases around my lips and stuff like that, because the natural estradiol, human female bioidentical estradiol, is associated with enhancing your collagen and elastin that kind of are the rebar that hold up your face. Now, I'm in my workout clothes because I go to do my heavy weightlifting right after Tuesday night sessions here. And so, I'm not made up or anything like that because I'm going to go work out right afterward. But, yeah, that's what I do and that's why I do it. I put it on my face for that reason.
“Hello doctor! I have a nail fungus on my two big toes. I tried everything. I went to three different professionals, and they used laser, all three different laser treatments, and I still can't get rid of them. What else can I try? Thank you for all you do.” [0:21:03]
Systemically your immune system is not fighting off the fungus that is on every one of our toes. Everyone watching this and all people have fungus and bacteria and viruses on our skin and nails. It's just the way life is, and you have far, far more in your gut biome as well. So, we are actually living in a symbiotic relationship with the life forms all around us on a microscopic level. So, it is the health of the immune system you want to address. You need to look, number one cause is that we eat a lousy standard American diet, which is pushed by a corrupt American dietetic association that largely is populated on the board of the ADA by food companies sponsoring these physicians who always vote and recommend things that favor their continued financial connections with these food industries, which are processed, high carb foods. They've corrupted our school lunch programs. Government school lunches are terribly promoted by this corrupt dietetic recommendations, and the medical board recommendation staff is getting financial kickbacks. They have corrupted the hospital system and the food industry there, the military food system. And this then has promoted the very high carbohydrate starch, and high fructose corn syrup. And we know all sugars suppress the immune system.
Therefore, I would go on an extremely low-carb diet for toenail fungus. If you could go carnivore, I would become a carnivore. It takes about a year to grow out toenails. So, I would do this, and try and do this for a year. I don't know your blood type. If you're a blood type A, you would probably need digestive enzymes. I would also use systemic enzymes in addition to digestive enzymes to help the tiny inflammation that's associated with the growth of the fungus. High-dose vitamin C and chelation therapy will enhance the oxygen and immune delivery of white blood cells to that area there, and exercise that will increase the hydraulic pressure and promoting of circulation. Adequate water, and a good night's sleep. All these things would be a benefit there.
I also would paint my toes with Argentyn silver, which is a nano silver solution, that is uniform distribution of the silver molecules as opposed to colloidal silver, which is cheaply available over the counter. But it's clumpy. It's good, but it is not as good as nanoparticulate silver in solution. Argentyn silver is only given by doctors. A half-strength product is called Sovereign Silver over the counter, and I would just put a few drops on your toenails every night, and that should work. But find a functional doctor that can help test your insulin, fasting blood sugar, triglycerides, and hemoglobin A1c, and hold you accountable to getting ideal values, which would be a triglyceride level, somewhere in the 50-60 range, certainly no higher than your HDL cholesterol. I don't care what the total or LDL cholesterol is. A fasting blood sugar, is always under 85, an insulin level that is always under 4, and a hemoglobin A1C of 5.2.
“What are the different causes of urinary tract infections?” [0:25:47]
Well, there are all kinds of causes, but very often this shows up in adulthood for women who have become sexually active, and that is very often because of the contamination of the urethral area because of that intimate exposure. And the recommendation would of course then to, wash or shower after intimacy and then to be very cautious during intimacy. Then, the other would be teaching appropriate hygiene of cleansing for particularly females after using the bathroom. And then, of course, you have to have a good healthy immune system. The higher the average blood sugars are climbing, obesity is climbing, diabetes is climbing, and so, sugar will promote inflammation and suppress the immune system so that it will promote more infections that way. Hopefully, that's helpful for you. But those are the most common.
“My friend has been taking gabapentin and another pain reliever for years because of severe neuropathy in her feet stemming from an injury. She is experiencing bad side effects and really wants to get off the medications, but the pain is pretty severe. Do you know of an alternative to gabapentin? I've heard that Jamaican Dogwood is good.” [0:27:12]
What I would say is neuropathies are on the increase, especially since the rollout of the mRNA injections, and irritation to the sheath of the nerves is being injured by high blood sugar and the inflammation damage that it occurs. Remember on these pictures here I have behind me of the healthy cell membrane over here, and then the injured damaged little membrane right here. There's a sheath that goes round and round about nerves and it's full of phospholipid fats and cholesterol to protect and insulate the nerve conduction, the electrochemical reaction. And if you are having high blood sugars, that will damage it. If you do trauma, that will damage it. But if you eat a healthy, low-carb diet, non-diabetic, and exercise, your microvasculature, the tiny, tiny, teeny-weenie little capillaries should be able to deliver to repair the injury if you eat enough healthy fats from eating meat or egg yolks and chicken with the skin on it and fish and pork and butter, and things like that. So, we would encourage a very low-carb diet and regular exercise. If she can't walk or run on her feet as well, then she can get on a stationary bicycle or something to get this rhythmic hydraulic going along, drinking her water, disinflame with the systemic enzymes, and don't use the recommended dose if a systemic enzyme will say take two or three on an empty stomach once a day or as directed by your physician. I have my patients with neuropathies do all these things and then I'll tell them to try and eat as close to a carnivore and to never eat late and to take 5 or 8, even 10 enzymes, twice a day to disinflame because inflammation is the fire of pain, and the treatment is an anti-inflammatory, which would be water, putting the fire out with water. So, drinking your water is very critical, taking enzymes to reduce the fire of inflammation, not eating late, eating a low-carb diet, taking things such as turmeric or curcumin, taking EDTA chelation therapy with vitamin C infusions weekly, and all those things together always help resolve the pain of neuropathy.
“Since you don't think the suppositories work as well as they used to because of the cocoa butter, what do you suggest for ridding myself of heavy metals? If it is chelation IVs, how many do you suggest, and how often for it to work? They are quite expensive that is why I started with suppositories first. I have quite a lot of metals. Thanks!” [0:30:46]
That would be IV chelation therapy. Well, we teach at the American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, a standard Cockcroft calculation based on body mass and creatinine, kidney function, and a dose, and that generally is set at a top limit of 3 grams per IV to anyone. Our standard is 1.5 grams. And at the academy, we'll say 30 IVs, maybe 40, and re-assess with testing for a urinary challenge on the 1st and on the 30th IV. And so, that's what we recommend.
Come and call us at Tustin Longevity Center, and we're working out a way to help you to get this supportive therapy in other ways that may be covered. So, let's see if we can help you that way.
“What do you think of red light therapy? If so, what do you think it's best used for? Thank you.” [0:32:20]
Well, again, here is another example of electro-frequency medicine. The energy of the red light frequency is at a level and a depth that will penetrate your skin, and it will enhance the vibrational rate of all the molecules in its region of influence. So, if you're laying in a bed that has all this infrared light over you, you're going to have a massive amount of your body, the surface area of your skin, that will start being heated up, which will enhance circulation. It's the same as sitting in a sauna with heat. You will get hot, you will vasodilate, your heart will be faster to cool you down, and that heat transfer will enhance the vibrational frequency of all the cells. So, yes, I think it's a useful thing. Anything that will enhance circulation is helpful for all diseases.
“God bless you, Dr. Rita. As you asked me, I watched Dr. Diamond's video on cholesterol and my blood work is on target! The video is so informative. How can calcium calcifications be removed from arteries? Thank you.” [0:33:31]
In general, over 43 years as a practicing physician, I find that if you do all these healthy things that we're suggesting, and taking the vitamin K2 with your D and doing EDTA chelation, this tends to greatly improve the circulation and reduce the calcifications. Now, there are different kinds of calcifications. There are soft plaques in which the inflammation is relatively still new, and the calcifications are just beginning to deposit and have not hardened or become very firm. This is maybe some of the most easy areas to reduce the calcium. And there are calcifications that are largely solidified down, and the removal of these is not as easy over time. But they are not financing any kind of studies in natural medicine that we can look at this. So, you're just stuck with my experience of over 43 years in chelation. And I'm going to say, that would be the direction that I would aim for, for these calcifications. The vitamin K2, somewhere around 90 to 180 micrograms daily with vitamin D somewhere around 10,000 IU a day, EDTA chelation, and all the other healthy things we talk about.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. Thanks so much for being there for all of us. Your knowledge and experience is invaluable.” [0:35:18]
Well, thank you. I wouldn't be here without God, and I couldn't do it without all of my staff and other physicians. We just had another wonderful grand rounds today. We do it every month. We take time off and we meet with our doctors on the second Tuesday of every month, and we go over case studies and literature. I'd like to bring up one before I end tonight. But it is really great. It is a team effort. So, thank you for those compliments, but it really is God and many that went before me.
“I'm a B-positive blood type and get spring allergies. Also, I deal periodically with bouts of vertigo. Any natural remedies? Thanks so much.” [0:35:58]
The age-related vertigo typically is associated with the narrowing of the circulation, capillaries, and the loops of Henle that are on each side of our head that have fluid in them, endolymph, and crystals, so that when you turn your head one way, the fluids are going to roll in waves in the direction to keep level with gravity. And if you move it back, then your body has the fluid roll in another direction. If there is clogging or pinching there, not enough water, you're dehydrated, then this fluid dynamic response will not be immediate and unequal, and then you get feedback that says you're imbalanced.
And it's really the endolymph in your loops of Henle.
So, what improves it? All the healthy things I've told you. EDTA chelation, low-carb diet, regular exercise, weightlifting and aerobics, not eating late, systemic enzymes, and adequate hydration. Then you can add into this non-sleepy kind of natural antihistamines like, D-hist or Seasonal Relief, which is our private labeled form of D-hist, and these are made up largely of quercetin. Quercetin high dose typically helps. The systemic enzymes disinflame the water, rehydrate the EDTA, and improve microcirculation, and exercise. And then, of course, if these things are persistent or recurrent, you should see your doctor or Ear, Nose, & Throat specialist. They'll put you in a Barney chair and test you for your positions and see if it stimulates this imbalance, and there are exercises you can do to help this as well.
“Hi Dr. Ellithorpe. I'm a 68-year-old, A-positive blood type patient at TLC and have heard an earful of horrible experiences from 50-plus-year-old people who came down with shingles. Do you recommend getting a Shingles vaccine at this point in life? I have had chicken pox as a youngster and life stressors are at a minimal level.” [0:38:16]
It’s a matter of maintaining your immune system. We, who have had the chicken pox, I have as well, the virus will live in the dorsal horns of our spinal cord all the years of our life. As our immune system fails us with a high-carb diet, with an inactive lifestyle, with eating late at night, with stress, with lack of nutrients, and so forth, we will then often encourage the re-expression as our immune system doesn't keep it in check.
So, what do we do? We recommend high-dose vitamin C, a low-carb diet, a good functional doctor to look at how well your immune system is, and things like this to address it. I have become very concerned about the state of our vaccine industry and I am suspicious of them as they have no risk of being sued with vaccines for this.
So, another critical thing is your vitamin D level in all of this. The vitamin D level is so low in general. Getting your vitamin D level up to 80 micrograms per deciliter is very important to have a suppressive action on it. And of course, vitamin C is a natural response for treating viral illnesses. So, get your D levels checked, make sure they're above 80, and take vitamin C IV. And it also mitigates. Even if you have an early outbreak, the faster you can get a high dose of vitamin C, the quicker you're going to get relief.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. I am an 84-year-old woman, (Dr. Mitchell's patient for years) generally in good health. Follow-up MRI with contrast of liver as compared to 2016 MRI with contrast, few lesions on liver continue to be described as hemangiomas and several renal cysts as “simple” cysts. However, liver is enlarged – 20 cm. and grew 5 cm. since 2016.” [0:40:41]
What I would ask is, you know, very often, a fatty liver will be, it'll get big and full with carbohydrates, sugars, and the fructose and alcohol will enlarge it. You need to have that looked at and worked with your gastroenterologist or hepatologist. Hemangiomas are considered benign, renal cysts are considered benign. But as to the variation between those two, and since I'm not a radiologist with the exact number in my head of the upper limits of a normal liver size, I would refer you back to seeing your specialists more about the state of the fat content of your liver, which could do this. And it's turned around with a low carbohydrate, no-fruit diet. So, I’ll look at those things, but do follow that up.
“Regard the enlarged liver that grew 5 cm. since 2016 – what is the reason for the growth? Concerning? MY integrative MD is not. My blood work is good. I eat pretty “clean” – high protein, good fats, low carb, exercise, etc. Started taking milk thistle for liver detox. Any suggestions? Thanks, as always, for all you do!” [0:42:10]
Again, alpha lipoic acid is probably the quintessential liver detox molecule. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA). Milk thistle is also valuable, but (ALA) alpha lipoic acid is even better. I can't speak to this. I would have to read the reading myself, and I would have to know you, your body size, your habits, and all those things a little bit more. So, do follow up.
“Will the EDTA IV treatments remove lead?” [0:43:09]
100 percent. 100 percent. That's what they were FDA-approved for and for children, in particular.
“Hi, I am 60 years old. My hands tend to go numb at night when I'm sleeping. I do have some pain, mostly the thumb joint. I have not been able to get my wedding ring on for the last 4 months. Is there something that can be done about this? I do not eat processed foods or sugar. I do not seem to have inflammation anywhere else in my body.” [0:43:19]
As we age, our muscles are shrinking. There are tiny muscles and there are larger muscle groups, but the whole thing holds us up instead of crouching down like we tend to do with age. So, I would recommend for tingling, of course, you see your local doctor if necessary to get an x-ray of your upper chest girdle, this area up here, to see how well your posture is. Because as you pull on your bones in various positions, it's going to be creating pinching. And as you lose your muscle mass and wasting with age, it's going to create this chronic pinching and tingling sensation. That could be one of them. There are many other causes, of course, but these are the most common. It's very common with people who are getting older to have what we call “paresthesias” tingling and positional and wake up with numb hands and stuff like that, and you have to change your position and better posturing in your bed. So, I would work with your doctor on looking at your physical therapy and doing heavy-weight training two or three times a week and see if that helps you. Of course, enzymes are anti-inflammatory. Water hydration would be very important along with many other things.
“Hello! What is your feeling about taking creatine for a woman, 53, working hard to gain muscle? Is it beneficial?” [0:45:13]
I'm going to say yes. I'm not going to suggest to you. I have a lot of experience with that. I have very few women who ever come to me wanting to build their muscles. I'm trying to get them to do it more and more. Creatine is helpful for this. But I recommend just eating the meat, the fish, the chicken, the turkey, the beef, the eggs, and try and get close to 100 grams of protein in, which will give you far more creatine in a more natural form.
“What are the most important natural supplements/herbs to take when you have Hashimoto's? I'm taking selenium/vitamin D, along with levothyroxine 125 mcg. I still feel horrible daily.” [0:45:50]
Well, there's a lot more we would need to know about you. Your functional doctor would have to look at your blood sugar, your insulin, your triglyceride, your hemoglobin A1c, your liver enzymes, the thyroid peroxidase antibodies, the thyroglobulin antibodies, your gut for your gut health and leaky gut creating an autoimmune thyroiditis, with a complete digestive stool analysis, looking for inflammation in your gut, from what you're eating, an immune food test for looking at what you're reacting to in your food, are you drinking enough water? So, these are things even before trying to take a supplement. So, there isn't a mystery supplement. What there is is mystery responsibility for individual health. Taking our own responsibility for every part of our health. And so, we encourage lifestyle medicine here, and we are cheerleaders and coaches most of the time.
Now, selenium is very valuable, and a lot of people are deficient in selenium. We do a red blood cell mineral analysis that helps us look at that or a spectra cell that looks at that. Vitamin D deficiency anti-inflammatory markers should be also screened as well. But there isn't a supplement for thyroiditis. There's a good healthy lifestyle and good adequate – you know, my core base is Juice Plus, the most researched nutraceutical antioxidant, whole fruit, vegetable, and berry concentrates in little capsules, two of each, fruit, vegetable and berry, daily as a tremendous antioxidant, anti-inflammatory impact that slows aging, protects from DNA damage, promotes healthy metabolism and waste removal of homocysteine levels. These have been proven in peer-reviewed research reported in such noble journals as cardiology, immunology, and the like. So, that's my, number one nutraceutical to take. Number two is D3 with K2. Number three would be iodine because I found the vast majority close to 100 percent of my patients are iodine deficient and very often associated with thyroiditis. And taking in a very good multi-mineral, TLC Multi-mineral and that's rich in selenium, and that is my core right there.
“Is stevia bad for you? Bad for mitochondria/microbiome?” [0:49:01]
There's all kinds of stuff out there on the internet. I could probably find as many people of noteworthy reputation that will say Stevie is good enough and safe enough, and then I'll find as many with a good reputation, saying it's not good. My question is, why do you always have to have a sweetness to eating something? And we have been made addicted to the taste of sweets. I liken this to pornography. We have been slow-cooked like a frog in a pot of water, slowly being cooked. We've been introduced to more and more vulgar stuff in our music and language, more and more vulgar stuff in the imagery and videos and TV and movies that are made to the point now that we don't react to the stimuli of a girl in a bikini compared to now a girl who is being very abused on the TV image and exposed. It's just getting worse and worse and worse.
So, the same thing with sugar and high fructose corn syrup. It has been introduced more and more and more, and we've lost the joy and the satisfaction of natural sweetness in our foods and in rare exposures on a true holiday to a sweet item. So, rather than worry about stevia, I would say work on learning to, have no sweetness and try and go a week without any sweetness and see that you can actually enjoy the sweetness in green beans. You can actually taste it.
“Do you recommend pulsing progesterone (stopping after day 12 of the month) during the cycle on menopausal females to prevent spotting or overgrowth of uterine lining from Hormone Replacement Therapy? Been seeing both this method and the continued use nightly of progesterone along with estrogen.” [0:50:59]
Yeah, it's six of one and half a dozen of another. It's an individual case. Women make progesterone naturally during their young years, and there is a surge of progesterone made. It's available about two weeks of every monthly cycle, the same two weeks roughly if you have a regular cycle. And if you pulse your progesterone, this is mimicking your youthful levels. By the time you get older in age, it becomes more profitable, you might say, for the woman, timewise and preventive-wise, sleep-wise, because sleep becomes an issue with aging usually, to take progesterone continuously. So, I would work that out with your hormone replacement doctor, and just find out what's best for you. I take it myself, pulsing. I only use it the first of the month to the 15th and it has been working for me, but other women feel better with it continuously.
“Hi, current TLC patient, mast cells in the bladder, taking Zyrtec but want a natural approach. Would D-Hist help and how do I take it? How about d-mannose, anything else I can take? Zyrtec calmed the overactive bladder. Thank you.” [0:52:28]
Then do quercetin which is in D-Hist. You’re right. Would D-Hist help? Absolutely yes. D-Hist has to be taken in a loading dose. Take eight on the first day, six maybe on day two, and then stay on four a day always until you feel much better. D-mannose lines the bladder so that bacteria have a more difficult time attaching to it. That is a non-absorbable sugar. Enough water would be valuable. For an overactive bladder, I would go to a Womanology and get some pelvic floor therapy. You could have some tiny muscle spasm on the plexus that comes off your spine at that point and is also agitated. See a urologist. PA - Gonzalez is a urologist specialty trained physician assistant we have here, and she talks about this often.
“How might I be able to address knee pain with nutrition and other means so that I can avoid having surgery?” [0:53:49]
A very low carb diet, high dose systemic enzymes on an empty stomach twice a day, Vitalzym, I would use a five or eight on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime. And as you feel better, then you can cut back to seven and seven, six and six, five and five. And then half your weight in water, along with your low-carb diet. Never, never, never eat late. And I would do muscle training, exercise with a physical therapist, and regular weight training for your whole posture. And I would also consider turmeric/curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory. And then there's a whole new field of injectable platelet-rich plasma therapy, and then there is the peptide therapy injectable also into the joints with the cartilage regrowth. EDTA chelation therapy enhances the microcirculation because the cartilage is avascular, it only gets its nutrition by diffusion, so water content is extremely important every single day. And the EDTA chelation will improve the microcirculation to the tiny, tiny, teeny-weenie synovial artery that is the only source of nutrition for the repair of your knee. And see a good functional doctor on that.
“Hi Dr. E., thanks for all you do. Just purchased a sleep product that has Apigenin in it (in addition to some other stuff like melatonin and L-Theanine). Are you familiar with Apigenin?” [0:55:46]
Not by the name they're giving it. I'm going to have to write that down. I'll look that up. Apigenin. Wait for me next week, and then we'll see what I think of that.
“Hi, Dr. E. I have been experiencing dizziness today. I have never had this before. No ear infection. Decreased energy, no nausea. Drinking a lot of water. Electrolytes? Low blood pressure? Thank you.” [0:56:25]
This could be many things, and I don't know your age or your comorbidities or none. I don't know what your blood type is or your medical history. I don't take dizziness lightly. And so, if you're drinking adequate water and taking a good multi-mineral, electrolytes, salting your food, I would have your doctor take a look at you and check your blood pressure. But for right now, I would definitely be doing the water and the electrolytes and minerals, and then see your doctor if this persists or worsens.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. If we eat a lot of meat and drink coffee, will we make our bodies too acidic? Thank you very much.” [0:57:15]
The answer is no, I've never seen that, and I've been doing this for decades. So, I have not come across a person. I suppose theoretically you could make arguments for the hydrolysis of proteins into amino acid chains and the acidity of the coffee, but that's more theory than practicality. So, I wouldn't worry about it. Just drink half your weight in water on an empty stomach every day and enjoy your coffee with your good protein diet.
“Dr. Berg on YouTube is always saying how cod liver oil is good for you. Is that true or do we not need it? Thank you.” [0:57:59]
Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, and probably vitamin A as well. But I don't like fish oil. I'm not a fish. I don't need all the other excess DHA and EPA high double bond chains that oxidize and make the stinky fish smell. I'm 98.6 degrees. Fish on average live in a 30 to 40-degree temperature. They need all these double bonds. We don't. God gave us alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid. So, that's what I take, which is in my Clinician's Preference Oil. This is what I take every day. Clinician's Preference Oil. And so, you can get your D by taking your vitamin D, getting out in the sun, and that's what I would say for that.
“Hi doctor, is there a site to help our family members find a functional doctor similar to TLC in other states? It is so hard to know by Google search and websites if they are good. Any recommendations in Az?” [0:59:08]
Yeah. And I hope it's useful. It's The American College for the Advancement of Medicine. And then you’ll just find, you’ll see the “find a doctor near me” button and put in your mile range and that should help you as well.
I would call the office manager and I would even go to a doctor's office and just sit in the waiting room for 20 to 30 minutes and listen to the chatter there, and you can get a feel for the busyness and the responsiveness and the pleasantness of the people there. You can start seeing the doctors. But you have to do your investigation, you're right.
“Tell the fungus lady to stop eating Frankenfood.” [1:00:19]
Yes. Yes. Frankenfood, that's for sure. Yes.
“Hi, Dr. E. What could cause a teenager to get acne on the back? Any tips on how to solve it?” [1:00:33]
Yeah. Eat less Frankenfood, eat less processed food, He's probably getting into it when he's at his friends or certainly at the corrupt public school, a government school terrible diet. The sugars are insulin stimulators. Insulin stimulates weight gain and abnormal hormone use and suppresses the immune system, so the tiny hair follicles start getting clogged up. That's what I would do. I would spray Argentyn silver over acne and I would get them off this junk food and sugar.
“How much protein do seniors need? I eat plant proteins. I work out with weights and swim. 69-year-old female.” [1:01:20]
I would say if you're an average, say 150-pound, woman, I would recommend you eat about a 100 grams of protein a day.
“My chiropractor said that the body will eventually shift itself out of ketosis after a long period (1 or 2 years). Is that true?” [1:01:39]
I haven't shifted out. I mean, if you're saying, do I test my ketone levels all the time? No, I don't. do I check my insulin triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c twice a year? Yes, I do. And as long as they're in those ranges, I don't really care what my ketones are. They have to be good because my triglycerides are in the 30 - 50 range, my blood sugar is usually in the 50 - 60 range, my hemoglobin A1c is always under 5.2, and the insulin is usually under 4. So, that's what I would focus on.
“On my latest blood test, my vitamin D was 140. My doctor thought it was too high and to stop taking it for a month and get another blood test.” [1:02:36]
I disagree. Were your liver enzymes elevated? So, if you had a complete comprehensive chemistry and you had AST/ALT, alkaline, and phosphine on your liver enzymes and they're normal, then we know that you're not too high in your vitamin D.
“What is your opinion of the potential benefit of NAD?” [1:03:10]
I think it’s a fad. I’ve been through so many fads in 43 years of healthcare being always involved even before medical school in health research. I even talked about Laetrile and vitamin B17 and taught it in lectures in my sophomore year of college after I read the book Laetrile Cancer Prevention by Edward Griffin. That came out in 1970, I think it was ’72. So, I’ve been around it, I’ve seen it all, I’m a dinosaur. I’m all for it, but taking a separate single molecule is never the answer. Lifestyle will always trump one molecule. Always lifestyle will help it more.
“I take 4 grams/day of omega-3 oil (proportion: 3 DHA: 1 EPA). Is that an optimal dose?” [1:04:09]
I don’t like EPA and DHA, so I would say no.