HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 28, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 28, 2024

May 31, 2024


“I have multiple chemical sensitivities. My husband's new car smell is getting me sick. What can I do until it airs out?”  [0:04:26]


In general, these are volatile organic acids, benzene-type things that are coming off the plastics in the car, and a high-dose vitamin C supplement will be helpful in ridding yourself of this N-acetyl cysteine glutathione. Of course, airing it out and avoiding it is valuable. High-dose vitamin C therapies intravenous, and all these things are helpful, but anything that will help you in your liver to do detoxing. So, for glutathione, I would probably use N-acetyl cysteine 500 mg, two twice a day. And then all the wonderful things about supporting healthy metabolism, drinking enough water, exercising, taking systemic enzymes, and eating a very, very low carbohydrate diet is always going to benefit the microcirculation that's necessary for the liver because high fructose and fructose in sugar is going to be a challenge to the liver that is being asked to detox the exposure to these fumes of the benzene rings, volatile organic gases coming off of all the plastics, but that's the direction I would head. NAC glutathione, vitamin C, and lots and lots of hydration, and of course a very low-carb diet. Hopefully, that's a helpful suggestion to you. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita, what can you recommend for overreactive microglia? Is there anything to calm down that inflammatory response in the brain? Thank you.”  [0:06:21]


Yeah, very much so. Fasting is very, very important and valuable. The microglia are really immune cells of the brain. So, things that can irritate it are quite variable. But we know that fasting is very calming. Intermittent fasting, trying to restrict your eating to a 6-hour window, noon to 6 PM, 11 AM to 5 PM, never eating late.  

The other thing is using the quercetin. Quercetin is a natural antihistamine, and this natural antihistamine, if you start using it, you have to get a reputable company. I use the Ortho Molecular. The company is in Wisconsin. Their product is called D-Hist. Ortho Molecular really built its whole successful history 30-40 years ago on the natural quercetin D-Hist. It works as a mast-cell stabilizer, and that would be extremely beneficial for the glial microglia in the brain. Adequate hydration. And then you have to try and look at your lifestyle, what are the things you're doing that might be aggravating it, finding out your blood type, getting a food allergy test. I like Fort Lauderdale, Florida's Immuno food allergy testing. That way, you can look and see if there are certain, even good, foods that you eat habitually. You might be having a self or autoimmune response through your antibodies to certain foods. IgG. These are the slow-reacting food reactions through the tiny breakdown in the gut that inflames the whole body and eventually inflames the brain with it. So, we teach a food-elimination diet. The best one, of course, is to go carnivore. If you just ate a pure carnivore diet for 2-3 months, that is extremely anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, and generally very cleansing for the whole body. It takes away all the plant anti-nutrients, lectins phytates, and oxalates, and getting rid of those will help disinflame the body.

When we modify that on a rotation diet, we ask the patient, if they're not going to be carnivores, to eat a very simplified menu. So, we tell them not to go and buy processed foods at all at any time to all our patients, but you would be eating something like a beef and broccoli day for your two meals in that 6-hour window, or a chicken and green bean for your two meals during that day, or a salmon and asparagus, salt and pepper and butter. We limit even the condiments. You could have pork and brussels sprouts for two meals so that you can have day one a meat-themed day, day two a fish-themed day, day three a chicken-themed day, day four a pork-themed day, and maybe day five an omelet egg-based day. And then try and do a 24-hour fast once a week, which is just letting the whole body detoxify and cleanse itself. So, these are suggestions for the quercetin and good hydration. 

I would also point out that when you're eating a carnivore diet, you're eating the things that help the brain and also membranes with their fat. Remember, I always have this picture up, and we have this cell membrane injury here, and that is a double layer of fat, and these round balls are just the protein.

So, when you eat meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, that's what you're repairing, and then you heal quickly at night is when you repair. So, all healing is dependent on taking, this is all protein and fat, not fruits and vegetables. So, hopefully, that would be a support to you and the quercetin, and hopefully that helps.


“Hi, Dr Rita, my 3-year-old daughter who is autistic is a very picky eater and she has recurring bad/painful constipation. We've tried everything the pediatrician recommended and it hasn't worked. What can I do to help her constipation?”  [0:11:53]


One of the things we found is Juice Plus for children is helpful with constipation. That's the most researched nutraceutical whole food concentrate of fruits, berries, and vegetables, and that's a feature we keep on getting told back to us – is the regularity of bowel movements seems to be much better. So, I would recommend Juice Plus. They have them as gummies that keep some of the fruit sugar in them, but I do like the capsules. You could open up a capsule into her food. Maybe you could put it in some applesauce that's unsweetened

Another thing is making sure that you're not teaching your child to get their liquids from sweet drinks, apple juice, or orange juice. sugared teas, and things. We want our children to drink water. Minerals are very important. If your blood type is A and your child is A, I don't recall what your blood type was but find out the blood type of the child because usually A type blood children have a lower capacity to digest, and this is some of the reason why they become picky eaters. So, find out her blood type. And if she is a blood type A, the Ortho Molecular company, again, using a digestive enzyme, mixing it in some unsweetened applesauce, would be a benefit. If your blood type is B, maybe your husband's is A, but just find out if her blood type is A, and that would be something helpful as well. 

So, minerals, a multimineral would be another useful thing because the contraction and peristalsis of the body in the gut depends on having enough minerals in it. So, you would want to look at something like that. So, trying to get the child to use the minerals, the Juice Plus, drinking enough water, not sugar drinks, all of these kinds would be a helpful thing for her, and we'll go from there, and let us know how she does. 


“I was referred by Dr. Kelly Tucker, and I'm just checking if you're taking new patients yet. Thank you.”  [0:14:59]


I like Dr. Tucker very much as a cardiologist. I personally am not taking new patients. It would be a rare thing if I had an opening because I've been practicing so long, I'm usually booked way, way out. But I have wonderful doctors here in our group and we all meet every month and we do clinical rounds and discuss cases and new science and so forth. So, we have Dr. Amber Majid, she's wonderful. We have Dr. Kaur. We have Dr. Meric. We have Dr. Gonzales. We have several doctors here. So I would ask you to just get started and you can ask the doctor you're saying if you wish to bring your case up during one of our monthly grand rounds and our clinical meetings, and we can see if we can be a help to you that way. But as far as me personally taking new patients I don't think they've opened it up for me yet in a while. It's been a long time. So, that's kind of, but I thank you for asking, but I want to really endorse the other doctors here. We are a team and we do meet every month and we do our rounds and we share patient questions and management as well. 


“I have had a very itchy scalp for about six months (no flakes). I take fish oil and eat a diet rich in good oils. I use a very pure shampoo and only shampoo about every 4 days. I do not color my hair or use products. I have tried tea tree oil, rosemary oil, and a combo of other oils, but my scalp still seems to be inflamed. What do you suggest?”  [0:16:44]


There are so many different things to think about. I would want to know how old you are. I would want to know if you have other autoimmune antibodies in your body. Fibroid is the most common thyroid antibody. I'd like to know your blood type. I would like to know some certain parameters about your B vitamin status, and your vitamin D status. I would like to know your blood sugar, insulin, triglyceride, and hemoglobin A1c, because the microcirculation to the scalp, the tiny, tiny capillaries in the scalp, your protein level, blood urea, nitrogen, total proteins, all these things, and many others are very important to repair the skin on the scalp. So, we're always growing and replacing. We're growing skin from the inside out. And then it flakes off when we shower, when we put clothes on when we dry our bodies off. Skin is always exfoliating, and we're always in a growth pattern. And that's what we need to look at. 

If I were to make a suggestion about your scalp and shampoo, I would go and suggest getting Selsun shampoo. It is a 1% or a 2% selenium-based shampoo. I get mine at the pharmacy, CVS, or Walgreens, or Rite Aid. They all have Selsun shampoos or just a basic selenium-rich mineral. Why do I do that? Because that is antifungal. So often, with our high-carb diet, we don't realize the average blood sugar is too high, and our immune system is depressed and fungus at a very low-grade level will develop. So, Selsun is a very good thing to do. If you do that with the shower and the Selsun shampoo goes over all your body, it'll help prevent any fungus in your nails, your toenails, and anywhere in your body as well. So I use Selsun whenever I shower, and that's the only soap that touches me. I would try as much as you can to only shower or shampoo even less often. I would say maybe at most once a week. I would use only cold or cool lukewarm water, so you're not in there a long time because warm water cracks the skin, dries it out, and creates little tiny cavities/invaginations that allow, of course, microscopic bacteria and stuff to invaginate deeper. So, the less often you shower or shampoo, the cooler and the briefer time you are in the shower, and using Selsun shampoo for all your body wash as well, that would be the first step because it does sound like you're trying to eat well. 

Then see a doctor who will look at your insulin, triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, and hemoglobin A1C. Get your blood type and get your blood count and chemistry, your thyroid antibodies, and inflammation markers like highly sensitive C-reactive protein sedimentation rate, and look at inflammation in your body and see if that doesn't help. So, that would be what I would suggest there. 


“My friend called today. They said they're only putting people on a waiting list.”  [0:21:22]


Oh, I see. So, you're talking about trying to get in as a new patient here. Pray for us that we can find more doctors and make sure they're trained so that they'll do as much preventive nature. Always look and see, you know, we'll get cancellations, even I will get a cancellation from time to time, and then we call you up and try and see if we can work you in, but that's usually with only a 24-hour notice. So, hopefully, that will be some way to help. I'm sure there are many other good doctors out there. If you go to ACAM, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and that is one of the very oldest alternative natural chelation therapy organizations that started in the 1970s, 1972 to be exact. It was preceded by GLACAM Great Lakes Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, and which started up in the Chicagoland area, and it was over EDTA chelation therapy to improve microcirculation. So, ACAM.org, and put your name or zip code in there and how many miles you're willing to travel. And usually, ACAM doctors are open-minded enough to learn about chelation. They tend to be good at growing in their knowledge based on preventative care, and hopefully, that would be a help to you.


“Hello, I'm a female with hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto's, and I've been on Synthroid for about 9 to 10 years. I have extreme chronic fatigue. Nothing helps. Can I start a different medicine or stay on my current meds?”  [0:23:21]


Usually, when we see patients here, we will take them off of Synthroid because that's essentially just free T4, which is a precursor thyroid. You have to convert that yourself to the active molecule-free T3. So, Synthroid is only T4. Therefore, we give whole glandular thyroid and we use Armour Thyroid. We use NP Thyroid and WP Thyroid. So, these natural whole glandular thyroids do provide the free T3 with the T4 and there's some T1 and T2 in there. I find that our patients who are just on Synthroid are restricted and some people struggle to make that conversion from T4 to T3 to do the metabolism for the energy demands of their body. So, I would ask your doctor, or your health care provider, to try another thyroid that is glandular, whole glandular thyroid. Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, these are the two most common ones out there. And there's a conversion or the doctor can call the pharmacist and say what's the conversion. Like if you're on Synthroid 50 mcg, one a day, that's about a half-grain tablet of a whole glandular thyroid. But that's the direction I would go. 

Find a good metabolic doctor who will help look at your sugar metabolism because one of the number one things that is happening to us is we are having what we call metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance from a chronic exposure to processed foods over the many years, along with having a gastrointestinal system where all these plant anti-nutrients, lectins, are irritating and scratching the lining of your gut. Remember, we have to understand this is the basic picture of damage here to the cell, and then we have to get it repaired to this form right here. So, when you swallow things that irritate your gut, it's scratching the one cell lining between you, the outside world, and your inside body, and that can create chronic inflammation and make you sick, and this is happening under the term called leaky gut. It's happening to all of us, it happens with age to every one of us. We can get gas, bloating, either irritable loose stools or constipated stools. So, that would be a thing to start looking into. 

So she said she's on Synthroid 112. That would be more like a one-grain tablet of the natural Armour Thyroid or NP Thyroid. And you could just switch, one day take one, and then the next day try the other. Of course, you need to have your follow-up within a couple of months to make sure the new level of thyroid and check how you're feeling on it. But that's the direction I would start going, and look for food allergies, try and eat no processed foods, maybe even go carnivore for a season, so that you're not getting in all these food plant antinutrients, we call lectins, that create leaky gut that will also bring your blood sugar into control if insulin resistance is a problem, which is extremely common. 

So, you mix all these things together, processed foods, junk foods, the inflammation of leaky gut, the high average sugars, high insulin resistance, and then the autoimmune reaction of these little tears in your gut system over the years, then it creates the autoimmune attack to your thyroid, you get Hashimoto's. Then your energy falls because you're still doing the same lifestyle and diet that created the problem. It's very subtle. It's multifactorial. And then eventually, as we age, it becomes more and more of a challenge and a problem. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita. My son is 51 years old, and he is on lisinopril 10 mg and Atorvastatin 40 mg. What are your thoughts on both medicines?”  [0:28:24]


Well, I'm not his doctor. He apparently is being given lisinopril most likely for high blood pressure. It's an ACE receptor/modulator. And so, this helps lower the blood pressure. Lisinopril is often given also with heart failure or post-heart attack, but the most common reason is for high blood pressure. Atorvastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug. It blocks the formation of cholesterol. And unless you've had a heart attack, we try and have our patients change their lifestyles, so that they become very low carb, no processed food, time-restricted eating, exercise, well hydrated, getting in a life cycle where you're trying to have the same bedtime, get-up time early, try and ground yourself either in the sand or the beach or the wet grass, and not eat late, taking magnesium to relax the blood vessels in the body and the mind, using EDTA chelation for microcirculation to help the cardiovascular system, blood pressure. And we do this kind of thing instead of using drugs, atorvastatin to lower cholesterol and lisinopril to lower the blood pressure. But every person has a unique situation and there's a very, very narrow but logical reason for prescribing each of those medications. 

There is a very good YouTube. It would be very smart to watch, called High Cholesterol is Healthy by Dr. Berry and Dr. Diamond. So, if you type in on YouTube, High Cholesterol is Healthy, Dr. Berry and Dr. Diamond, you'll see the two men show up and they review all the science in a very understandable method, and there are very much anti-cholesterol lowering medications except in a very, very extreme limited application. So, you'll be educated by doing that, and so will your son. 

Another thing is to watch, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, how sugar is associated with creating insulin resistance and that leads to a whole plethora of metabolic problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, dementia, obesity, fatigue, cancers, and various things like this. And so, if you would watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr. Lustig, it is quite an educational program. And you can apply this immediately just by changing your lifestyle, no processed food, eating only a piece of real meat, real fish, real chicken, real pork, real eggs with a vegetable, salt, and pepper, and butter, and you're having good food. So, what you're being challenged with is all the entertainment that has been foisted at you through marketing, making you think every time you eat something, it should be entertaining to this mouth hole, and you think, what would I like to eat? What will entertain my mouth? That's a whole different thing than the topic of health, and this is where the battle begins. There are probably five billion people on the planet right now who would be thrilled to be able to eat just chicken and green beans with salt and pepper and butter. They would be thrilled to have hamburgers or meat with broccoli with salt, pepper, and butter. They would be thrilled to have a piece of salmon with asparagus with salt, pepper, and butter. They would be thrilled to have pork chop or a pork roast with baked brussels sprouts of butter, salt, and pepper. But you see, we have been changed through marketing. We are insatiable with our idea of what this hole should have to equal what is called food because you've been marketed to over and over and over and over again. 

So, when I go to the store, I call it the pornography store when I go to buy food because there's no food really there at the store. It is a pornography store for the mouth. So, I keep in mind when I'm going there that I'm going to pick up certain items. I don't shop when I go to the grocery store. I am picking up selected items. I try and keep my eyes focused on where it should be and not pondering or thinking. Of course, they market to you all this junk food right at the front of the store, and as you are in the checkout aisle, but that is the way it is throughout this life. You have to choose life or choose death. It's set before every decision we make, with every bite we eat, exercise, and all these things as well. So, hopefully, your son and you can look at that and find a good doctor that will help monitor that with you. 


“My hubby is recovering from diverticulitis. Day 7 of antibiotics and feeling good today after 1.5 grams of vitamin C at a local place. Would a 15-gram vitamin C infusion be overkill? He is also on probiotics and GI Revive.”  [0:36:15]


No, no it wouldn't be. See, the stress of any illness when an animal gets sick or injured, it stops eating and its body under the stress will convert its own metabolism to produce vitamin C in the hundreds of grams a day. And so, we, humans, cannot do that, and we get the stress of life, we get the stress of an illness or an injury, and we need that vitamin C. And so, much of the disease today is misconstrued as a disease when really it is a Vitamin C product or borderline scurvy, which is a deficiency in vitamin C. We give IV vitamin C in the realm of 25 grams, and there's 1000 mg in each gram. We give the 50 g, we give 100 g, 75 g. So, you had a supportive dose of 15 grams. That's very valuable. So, I would continue it and the probiotics because, yes, he was on the antibiotic, so probiotics would be very important. 

And I don't know what GI Revive is, but all you really need is a very low-carb diet or just be on a carnivore diet. Remember, when you've injured yourself, all injury, every piece of disease, is basically injury on the cell membrane, and you have to fix it over here. And what is this? This is fat and protein. Our fat and protein-rich meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and eggs are the most abundant and readily available to the very first thing going down your gut where the diverticulitis injury is to the lining of that gut. So, meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and eggs would be the number one valuable thing. 


“Hi Dr. Rita, I forgot the name of the book you recommended about natural hormone replacement and how it does not give you cancer.”  [0:39:02]


Yeah, the name of that book is called Estrogen Matters. That was written about, I think, eight years ago. I think they have a new edition, and it's very good. That's the name of the book.


“What do you think of Vital Air: Energised Oxygen Therapy? (energisedoxygen.com).”  [0:39:42]


What do I think of Vital Air Energised Oxygen Therapy? I think it's great. In other words, you could do any form of oxygen therapy. Just going outside and taking a walk is oxygen therapy. We're at about a percent saturation of 21% in the air at sea level, that's about 14 pounds per square inch atmospheric pressure, and when you're exercising, you're extracting the oxygen, it's being picked up by your red blood cells, and it's being delivered to the muscle parts, wherever you're working out primarily, although it goes everywhere. So, just taking a walk, a brisk walk, running, jump-roping, all of this is oxygen therapy.

Now, when you take in a machine that you put on with a mask or a cannula and you start delivering some extra oxygen concentration, then you're increasing the amount delivered capacity to your body, and it should help you with your metabolism, your endurance, which will help if you're exercising to develop more muscle capacity and just a generally healthier body. So, this exercise with oxygen therapy is called EWOT, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy. And athletes, Olympians, all these kinds of things are done to expand this. 

Now, this is different than hyperbaric oxygen therapy. If you go in a tank where it's sealed and we can actually increase the pounds per square inch pressure of the oxygen content, then that will get into your body, not just on the red blood cells, but it'll also get dissolved into your plasma, so that kind of strong colored liquid in your blood, so that you can tremendously increase your oxygen in your body through a tank, a hyperbaric oxygen tank. The thing is you can't exercise in those things. And the issue there is you get a higher concentration, but you're confined, it's much more expensive.

So, I do, I like exercise, which is what I'm going to do right after I'm done here, I’ll go to my workout here shortly on Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, and Saturdays after work, and we do our heavy weight-lifting, and I do my walks on the other days. So, yeah, I'm all in favor of Energised Oxygen therapy.


“What is Eagle Forum OC – Sun., 6-2-24 – 7:00 – Dr. Rita Ellithorpe, M.D. about?” [0:43:19] 


That is me. I'm going to be giving a talk to the Eagle Forum. Phyllis Schlafly was a wonderful woman who helped support freedom constitutional issues/matters of the day. She has since passed, but her Eagle Forum has chapters all across the country. And this is a chapter here of Eagle Forum where women usually gather to talk about issues. They asked me to talk about issues regarding our children and gender, and so that's what I'll be talking about, and ways to approach it. It's going to be at, I think, the Hillsdale Church in Whittier off the 405, at 7 o’clock on June 2nd. But it's Eagle Forum Orange County, and I'll have to check the church that I'm doing this at on Sunday, June 2nd. Thank you for asking. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita, people are saying that some IV places dilute their IVs. When I get when I get too sick to leave my house, I like to have a mobile IV come to my house. Do you recommend one that you think is legit?”  [0:44:46] 


I haven't looked into this, and I'm concerned, you know, a lot of the vitamin C, the vast majority, comes from communist China, and they enslave their people and they abuse their population, and they take shortcuts, they're a collectivist society that uses the state is more important than the individual. So, they're building cold power plants. Every two weeks, they're erecting another cold powerplant. They're belching all this on environmental-protected smokestacks and they are one of the major contributors to lead and mercury in the atmosphere now, but this is not allowed to be discussed as a politically correct thing. That lead and that mercury lands on their fields and their waters and it gets into the food. So, the corn, which turns into vitamin C in the vitamins and in the IVs, becomes contaminated. And so, I endeavor to work with entrepreneurs that are private, that have their name and their family future and provision based on the high quality of their products. So, I don't compromise. I make sure I'm not getting anything from China, communist China, and that is unfortunately what makes these mobile units cut corners and stuff. Maybe they don't know about it, but you need to ask them where their source is and if they're aware of the heavy metal contamination. So, I don't know of these places, I think a doctor should be present, and I teach chelation therapy and the importance of a health provider being there. Is a nurse enough? I don't know the situation. I just don't like taking risks with my patients. So, no, I don't know of any mobile IV place that I would recommend. 


“I have an upcoming appointment with a surgeon to review CT scans showing 3 hernias. What questions should I ask to ensure I receive medically necessary treatment and a thorough review in my 15-minute appointment?”  [0:47:27]


That's kind of challenging. I would, I assume, maybe you have a hiatal hernia. That's where the esophagus goes through the diaphragm between the chest and the abdomen, and sometimes the stomach kind of burps out into the chest cavity there a little bit, we call it a hiatal hernia. That's very common if you've had children. Almost all women have some degree of a hiatal hernia when the baby's in them and they're eating, it puts a strain on the musculature there. So, hiatal hernia. Or maybe you have a tummy abdominal or umbilical hernia maybe when they sewed you up or if you had a C-section, and maybe you have an inguinal groin hernia. So, three hernias are significant. The more areas to address, the higher the degree of complexity. 

I would want to ask him if he's going to use mesh, is he going to just use sutures, or is he going to put a grip, kind of like a meshwork in there? What kind of statistics exist on the body rejecting that? What are the statistical long-term problems with it? Sometimes these mesh migrate and slip, you might say. What is his follow-up protocol? Will you be taking probiotics if he gives you antibiotics? Because usually, they will give you antibiotics with surgery. I would make sure your vitamin D level was up. What kind of exercise does he recommend for rehabilitation after surgery? There are various questions like that, but really I would ask you to address those questions with him, but that's a starter at least for you.


“I am taking HCl, pancreatic enzymes, and IVM with meals. Will either the HCL or pancreatic enzymes inactivate the IVM or reduce its efficacy?”  [0:50:05]


I'm not sure I know what you're referring to by IVM. Oh, ivermectin. Oh, no. Okay, yeah. Ivermectin should be fine. I can see that you just went ahead and put that there. If it's ivermectin, it'll be fine with pancreatic enzymes and betaine HCL, it's totally safe.


“Hi, Dr. Rita, a friend about age 60 was just diagnosed with dystonia and possibly Parkinson's. It is in the beginning stages. Have you worked with cases of this, and have you seen any cases of reversal of symptoms? Would love any tips on how you would go about treating such a case. Thank you!” [0:52:00] 


Well, of course, I would want to know the general state of health, the age, the blood type of the person, and lifestyle matters, so that dystonia is a situation in which – like you could get that reaction from a drug. Like a Compazine for nausea, sometimes you get a dystonia, torticollis of the neck, things like that, twisted tics, and so forth. The other thing is you can get facial repetitious patterns. It’s like a motor activity through damage to the brain, various types that are occurring in the brainstem and parts of the brain. So, if the brain is made of protein and fat, just like every other cell in your human body, and that cell membrane is damaged from a lifestyle of processed foods, the brain has all these injured cells in it. And you have to get it to this healthy part. And you do that by eating fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and eggs, and getting all the sugar, starch, carbohydrates, bread, pasta, and bagels. Get a food allergy test, drink half your weight in water, take enzymes, and get your vitamin D level up to at least 80 to 120 mcg/dL or IU/dL. Never eat late. Start exercising, both weight training and aerobic, and do EDTA chelation therapy which will help the tiny microcirculation pull out heavy metal toxins, which are usually an antagonistic and maybe promoting feature that is usually never looked into, like what is their aluminum level with the mercury, with the lead, with the arsenic, with the uranium level. All these things cumulatively add up and create oxidative stress, and the brain will be injured, those membranes will be injured, and then you'll start getting depolarization problems with electrical membrane potential, and that'll create these little twitches and problems. 

So, we would do chelation, low carb or a carnivore diet, and food allergies. We'd get a stool sample to look for digestive inflammatory problems with maldigestion, and leaky gut. We would do the low-sugar, rich carnivore diet. We would look at good chemistry. We'd give them hormones. If we can give them hormones, that exhilarates the healing. We would get them in an exercise program and systemic enzymes to clean out debris, inflammation, vitamin D levels, a good multimineral, and a good methylated B complex. Juice Plus has an antioxidant shield. That would be the beginning basis that we would go through for that issue.


“Unbeknownst to me, I had mesh after I had a cyst removed from my tailbone. I developed rheumatoid arthritis. Can there be a connection?”  [0:55:55]


Yes, there certainly can be. The autoimmune attack is whenever you have a foreign body put into your body, like a breast implant, a mesh, even hip replacements, knee replacements, penile implants, any implant into the body, valves, even in the heart, stents put into the coronary vessels, all of these elicit an autoimmune response. Now, how much of an autoimmune response is the question? Some people get very aggravated and they'll develop other autoimmune phenomena as the body is trying to identify and eradicate, expunge, or get rid of this foreign body. Sometimes you need these foreign bodies, like a valve for your heart or a hip replacement. 

So, what we try and do is we live a low of a triggering autoimmune lifestyle, and that would be a carnivore diet-type lifestyle. That would be adequate hydration. That would be eating in a time-restricted zone so that the gut can heal and the gates of injury would be greatly reduced and healed up in a more timely fashion, giving more time for healing each day for when you eat. Exercise stimulates healing. A good night's sleep helps. Hormones help. Systemic enzymes disinflame. You know, there's a whole body and methodology of the healing process. Just like we know the inflammatory process, they should teach the healing process, but they don't do that in medical school.  

So the answer is, yes, it could develop RA. I'm not saying it did. I'm just saying I can think of a real-life scenario and I've had innumerable cases over my 43 years where usually it's women who get rid of their breast implants, and their health improves dramatically shortly thereafter after their breast implants were removed. And your body had been all these decades trying to fight this implant and it made the woman inflamed, maybe weight problems, thyroid, autoimmune, other issues, and as soon as they removed the breasts. It's called the implant syndrome.