HomeBlog YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 21, 2024

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 21, 2024

May 24, 2024


“Is there anything you could recommend for extreme hair loss due to a traumatic event? So far, she felt she lost about a third of her hair total and is still losing.”  [0:02:47]


I guess emotional, psycho-traumatic kind of episode. Hair loss is something that very often comes up to me as a general practitioner, and with that, we want to talk about the hair follicle and various causes. One could be autoimmune. You could have an autoimmune activity going on that is impacting the hair follicles, and it could be hair anywhere on your body, a thyroiditis, other autoimmune phenomena, or psoriasis. This will then create an inflammation and this will detract from the growth requirements of your hair follicle. That hair follicle also requires you to eat enough protein, and we're living in a society that is promoting a plant base, even asking us to eat bugs and stay away from healthy things like meat and fish and pork and chicken. 

And so, our hair is made of protein and fat. All cell membranes are made of protein and fat. And so, What I like to do is take my pictures off the wall. I have my picture here now of the part in the Bible where the woman touches the hem of the Lord Jesus’ garment for healing. It was a gift that was given to me, so I like that. But I'll hold this up in my hand, so you can see it maybe a little bit better. Anyway. Everything about life is trying to fix this injury part right here. And so, if it's an autoimmune attack, and it injures the cell membrane, you have to heal it at night. And this double layer of phospholipids and proteins, the blobs are the proteins, this has to be fixed by you eating enough protein and fat. And the most nutrient-dense material for fixing these injuries in a cell membrane, that is the wall of a cell membrane like a sandwich, is eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, and the yolk. Another way to look at it is I have this picture on my wall also, and this picture shows the double phospholipid and the protein right here and then these very special fatty acids right along the protein that holds it. 

So, I eat a heavy carnivore-like diet, always have throughout my life. Of course, my father was in Armor food research, and he was part of the science team that would talk about developing TV dinners and trying to stop those fatty acids from combining with oxygen and becoming oxidized and rancid and stinking.

That's what happens with fish and their EPA, and high DHA content, there are so many double bonds. EPA has six double bonds. DHA has five. The two essential fats in a human being – let’s see if I can do it right here. This is alpha-linoleic acid right here. It has one, two, and three double bonds right here. One, two, three. And so, this is an extremely important fatty acid right here. And they're different from the little straight ones here. These have double bonds in them, and those double bonds combine with oxygen. So, if you had six of them, or if you had five of them, then you would wind up having a lot more area that would combine with oxygen. Therefore, fish stink and you have to eat this to make a hair follicle. You have to have this to grow your skin, to repair a cut. Every time you eat, you're always injuring the lining of your gut, and these areas are very important to repair every night, and that's why a good night's sleep is important.

So, when you ask about what it takes to grow hair or how you prevent hair loss, stress produces cortisol. Cortisol is a catabolic molecule. It breaks things down. And If you're trying to build things up, like repair tissue or hair, then you're going to wind up having hair loss. So, if you have a lot of cortisol from stress, then your body shifts from a building anabolic to a breaking down catabolic. That's why stress is associated with hair loss. So, people who know how to manage their stress. I use my Bible. I use my exercise. I use my water and I use my prayer time and understanding my role on the planet. I am a created being. I can only do so much, but where I am and where I'm at, I can make a difference. And so, it's important for me. to deal with all the stress in my life in that fashion. And I would say, to those people who are looking for items to help build the hair, the most nutrient-dense food would be liver, meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, that kind. It’s rich in B vitamins and biotin. It's got the amino acids for the proteins, and the fats. And so, there's no other better place to go for any and all diseases. 

So, that's that question. Oh, I wanted to just add about that, I was thinking about it. If you broke your leg let's say you went out and you were in a car accident, God forbid, and you had a hip fracture and your tibia fracture. So your entire hip and leg were broken, so two areas, so that's a major impact, you wouldn't be asking the doctor what can you give me to make my leg grow faster. I've really never seen that done. People accept that they're going to be months, even a year going through rehab. So, when your hair falls out, people come to me as if there's a vitamin or a mineral that they can take, where In two to three weeks they can start seeing the difference. And hair grows at a rate that's really unchangeable, and it's going to take months before you actually start seeing things show up. And the more you stress about it, the more you will not see a valuable hair growth phenomenon. So, I would just encourage you to be at peace, eat well, be happy with where you're at in life and what you're doing, and let God grow your hair. And remember, he said, you can't make one hair or turn gray or add a cubit to your height. And so, let that peace keep your cortisol under control, so it doesn't stop your hair growth. 


“Have you ever heard of vitamin C causing insomnia/excitability/restlessness? I took Camu Camu before bed and couldn't get to bed until 3 PM and felt anxious and couldn't stay still.”  [0:11:16]


I don't know what Camu Camu is, so I would have to plead ignorance to the..., but I've never heard of vitamin C causing anything but enhancement. I often, or not infrequently, I will take extra vitamin C before I go to bed, magnesium is my mineral, and that relaxes me vitamin C helps to create an antioxidant and a rich amount of water so that when I'm sleeping, I can heal and repair better. 


“I have hereditary hemochromatosis. I was also on the E2 patch; spoke with you last week. I took it off because I developed melasma, and having every symptom of organ damage from iron.”  [0:12:17]


Well, you need to see your physician about that. Check your iron levels, your inflammatory markers, and ferritin. And maybe consider a phlebotomy. Also, EDTA chelation is known to improve microcirculation, prevent things like that, melasma, and keep your iron chelated. We were trying to develop a new investigational drug used for EDTA chelation for hemochromatosis, and because it's not patentable, it's so old, that nobody would make money off of it, but it works. So, doing EDTA chelation is something maybe you might want to look into with your doctor. 


“Also, what are good nutrients/supplements you would recommend to support sciatica?”  [0:13:45]


Sciatica is an impingement of one of the major nerves that leave the spine and then the nerves branch and then they start going down the two legs, and impingement of that can create symptoms and pain, radicular pain, it’s like a shocking electric pain from pinching on that nerve. I would say doing weight training, exercising, sit-ups, and having a personal trainer to teach you how to build up your back muscles. And that's what I do. I didn't change into my exercise clothes, but right after we're done here, I'm going to go across the street over into the gym and lift heavy weights. So, I would say the best thing to do is weight training. Stretching, Pilates, and range of motion are very important, as drinking enough water, and then taking an anti-inflammatory systemic enzyme to reduce inflammation. Of course, muscles are made of protein and fats, and I would eat a rich heavy meat, fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, shrimp, lobster, and crab-type diet to help with that, and those foods are the most nutrient-dense foods, rather than to say there's one nutrient that will solve it. So, systemic enzymes help, water helps, weight training helps to hold up your whole structure, doing upper and lower body exercises, get a personal trainer to help you have the correct posture and build up the weights. I believe in doing them slow and slow instead of Heavyweights and doing jerking quick motions. That way you avoid injuring yourself. That's the direction I would go rather than any one supplement. 


“Not getting any help from providers or treatment for the HFE. I did a walk-in yesterday and got no help, even though I'm showing signs of kidney distress. Timely, you're discussing oxidative stress (Fe).”  [0:15:54]


Well, the high dose of vitamin C that we give with our chelation is a powerful antioxidant management and treatment. I would really find a doctor who could help you with vitamin C EDTA chelation. EDTA is an amino acid that's made to grab onto metals like iron as well. It will pull it up. 


“Found out estradiol and iron have a reciprocal relationship and both can cause hyperabsorption of each other. Also under heavy stress.”  [0:16:48]


I'm not familiar with anything that's really saying that estradiol is promoting iron absorption. I would have to plead ignorance on that and look into it. In fact, iron absorption tends to be very rare, hemochromatosis in women, because we menstruate, it's probably because of our having a little phlebotomy every month with our menstrual cycles. But in reality, I do not think estradiol is a feature of concern. You have to have a skilled doctor who knows how to use natural hormones monitor you and make associated supports of enzymes. I never give out hormones without systemic enzymes, never have in over 40 years, and it usually goes very well. And I usually offer all of them EDTA chelation at the same time. 


“Also my skin is darkening on my arms/hands and face, is getting red/brown spots. Please advise how to detox and the best protocol. I just read quercetin helps detox iron.”  [0:18:02]


You need to see a functional healthcare provider who's familiar with hormone replacement, who's familiar with EDTA chelation therapy, who has very good knowledge of vitamin C, high dose intravenously, and so forth. So that's the direction I would go.


“Hi, Dr. Ellithorpe. Today my face started itching around 3 o'clock. I thought it was weird, but around 5 o'clock my face started flushing, getting really red. It is hot and inflamed. Any ideas?”  [0:18:44]


It sounds like either some environmental pollen or histaminic reactions. The facial skin, especially around the eyes, is very sensitive. If you have any D-Hist or seasonal shield, quercetin is a very good mast cell stabilizer and antihistamine. If you have some D-Hist quercetin, I would take eight of them, three three times a day, or take four twice a day, and you should feel better right away. Of course, you could always get some over-the-counter Benadryl 25 mg. I would drink a lot of water. And I would fast because eating is only going to aggravate your already triggered immune system. So, fasting will calm it down, and that's the direction I would go. Of course, if you have any other symptoms, shortness of breath, or hives, then I would go to the urgent care.


“I had a hysterectomy 21 years ago, and no menses since then. My doc doesn’t care at all.”  [0:20:12]


So, you haven't had any period then. Well, that would be an aggravating factor for hemochromatosis. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita. Last week, you mentioned you do not like Rosuvastatin. May I ask why? Also, my daughter has sciatic pain. Everything she has tried has not worked. She had an MRI and may take cortisone.”  [0:20:35]


I don't like statins because they're given out improperly, and really, I think the vast majority, if any doctor, is honest. They're going to realize there's only a very small select group of patients who have known to have a heart attack that maybe gets some benefit, and it really may not be the cholesterol-lowering effect but the anti-inflammatory effect that statins may have. And so, It's a mixed bag, it's tremendously overprescribed, and it is thoughtlessly prescribed, and it's like a herd just running off a cliff. 

So, if you watch YouTube, I think one of the best summaries on YouTube that are very understandable is to see Dr. Ken Berry with Dr. David Diamond, Ph.D. Dr. Berry is a family practice doctor, Dr. Ken Diamond is a Ph.D., and they did this about 7 months ago, and they did all the most recent retrospective meta-analyses of the statin therapies and the recommendations and the most recent studies. And it's really been trashed. The science doesn't support it, and the results do not justify its use. They obscure the data with what are called relative versus absolute numbers, looking at relative risk, and they can twist a tiny, impact number to sound like it's 50 percent improved when it's only a very minor number. The number needed to treat to see a difference is what you should be asking. And so, the data is just not there to support the statin use anymore. 

Now, regarding sciatica, cortisol is a catabolic hormone. Cortisol is going to break down and disinflame, but it also harms tissue. And so, it's not a solution. It's a symptom reliever. You have to ask the question, why are you having sciatica? And so, the posture, the musculature that holds up the legs and the body and the spine and the upper arms and head, you have to look at the posture and the muscles and the age because we lose muscle mass with aging. If we take a cholesterol-destructive molecule, and you have to understand this right here is cholesterol, right above it is cholesterol, over here is cholesterol, these little squigglies. So, right in this incy weeny tiny little minuscule part of the cell membrane, you have lots of cholesterol that are very important for the entire cell function. If you don't eat a cholesterol-rich diet, you're going to have cells that easily break down and you will construct cells more poorly. So, you can have a cheaply built house or you can have a well-built home. So, you have to have that. For many reasons, I don't like statins. 


“I was drinking energy drinks, which had cyanocobalamin, stopped immediately because that also causes iron absorption. I feel I’m approaching end-stage organ damage, just prayed for God to spare my life, it’s that bad.”  [0:24:38]


That's a B12 with cyanocobalamin cyanide. Well, I only use methylcobalamin, which is the kind that helps to prevent cancer. So, you have to find a very good and well-informed functional doctor who is using unique, well-clinically studied nutrients that will actually produce value. Go find a good functional doctor, and get some chelation. Let them be very well-experienced in natural hormone repair and that should be a big direction that will help you. 


“My 93-year-old mother had a silent heart attack. She has atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and troponin heart injury. The heart is working at 30 percent capacity. No surgery because of her age. Only meds. Any advice.”  [0:26:03]


Yes, whenever the muscles are damaged, the troponins will be elevated. Well, I would have a functional doctor look at her and give her testosterone. The heart is a muscle. And so, I bet you she has almost no testosterone in her body anymore. And I would give her meat and proteins because that's what the heart is made of, and I would give her testosterone. That's the first direction I would go. And then in the hands of a doctor who understands chelation therapy, you could use low-dose chelation to improve the microcirculation to the capillaries in the heart muscle itself. So, that's the direction I would first head, is to use testosterone. 


“LifeWave X39 patches completely took away my sciatic pain over a year ago, and it's not come back.”  [0:27:15] 


That is another energy crystal therapy, and you could look up a LifeWave X39 patch, and that would be helpful. I think it will help all diseases as well. 


“Left atrial enlargement.”  [0:27:40]


Well, the atrium will get enlarged because of the big part of the heart, the left ventricle, doesn't squirt out the big volume of blood. It'll back up and it'll start flooding into the tinier atria and they will start enlarging as well. So, you need more muscle strength. Get on some testosterone. 


“Wow really? What are they made out of? Are they made of copper?”  [0:28:14]


Yeah, Google it. LifeWave patches. Now, I only really have experience with the X39 patch, but we are all electrochemical beings. Everything about us, God said he is the way, the truth, and the light. Light is energy. Energy is a wave or a frequency, and He spoke the world and created the universe by his word. Sounds are waves. There is so much tremendous wisdom and understanding. In the periodic table, the elements, each have their own vibrational frequency, and each one has its own kind of field, and there is an electrochemical reaction between the positive and negative. This is energy, this is waves, this is sound, this is light. And so, when you think of therapies like the X39 LifeWave patches, you have to understand they are starting to understand this. This was taught when I did my second doctorate in integrative medicine back in the 1990s, I brought this up before, it's called vibrational medicine and the body electric. You have to understand vibration and sound, the Fibonacci sequence, the circle, and the cochlea, the perfect proportionment. This is not an accident at all, and the whole universe has this imagery in it. I mean, if people really took the time to study and to praise God and to look at his creation and give him glory, it says in the 119 Psalm that the firmament declares his glory. Many other areas in the Bible talk about just looking at the earth Romans chapter 1, and we have to understand how this vibrational frequency can be used to heal us. It can also be used and seized to harm us, and that's where electromagnetic energy is becoming damaging and harmful and irritating to us. So, look at and into these things, and yes, I do support the LifeWave patch. 

But one of the ways you can help the frequency and the energy communication in your body is to have peaceful thoughts happy thoughts and prayerful thoughts. Meditate on the word of God which He instructs us to do to give us peace. If you look at science studies on water and water crystallization, or prayer and prayer acted in unison by people or individuals, we can actually see the DNA open up when there are loving words, kind words, words spoken in intent for healing, and prayer and support. And then we see the DNA coil back up with harmful, bad dirty words, cursing words, spiteful things said. 

So, the unseen world is just as important, if not more important, than what we can see and hear and touch and feel. I've used the expression in the past, this room that I'm sitting in, and the desk here, and the burrow behind me, the condenser, or whatever you call that thing, it's all held together by energy, and if we seal this room off and came back in a thousand years, this desk would be particle board, desk would be falling apart, and the metal parts would be sticking out, and the screws and stuff, simply because everything is vibrating and the oxygen in this room is combining with it and creating oxidation, burning at a slow rate. We are burning at a slow rate. We are 98.6 degrees, and I always say that we're roasting. So, it is important to have a happy heart. It is important to be peaceful, to read your Bible, drink your water, baste yourself with your water, and realize who you are and where you're at. And this gives you so much peace about your future, the resurrected life that we anticipate as Christians. The confidence we have that the word of God is true is emotionally stabilizing for me. It gives me hope even with the oldest and the weirdest people because I'm not supposed to judge them, I'm supposed to be the ambassador of my Lord to them, and I'm supposed to treat each person with the same grace and dignity that I would to anyone. And so, you have to have your spiritual self grounded, and that's all the question about the energy. 

So I would just encourage you to look into LifeWave then. But I wouldn't focus on LifeWave. I would say everything is important. Your attitude is important. The water is important. Getting a good night's sleep is important. Eating healthy meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, because that's what we're made of. This is not made of apples. This is made of meat and fish and turkey, chicken, and so forth, your skin.


“Is it true that IV chelation only rids one of the toxic metals but also the healthy metals?”  [0:34:57]


I have never seen anyone harmed with EDTA chelation therapy by taking out good magnesium, good potassium, good calcium, and things like that. We are always using calcium disodium EDTA, I would say, 99.999 percent of the time. Once in a while, we can't get a hold of the calcium disodium and we just use disodium. But we also are teaching our patients to eat nutrient-dense, mineral-rich foods like meat, fish, turkey, chicken, beef, and eggs. We all give a multimineral vitamin supplement or a multivitamin tablet like TLC Energy Core or TLC Multiminerals. So, I've never seen this as a problem where EDTA chelation pulls out healthy metals to the detriment, and I've been involved in this for nearly 60 years with chelation therapy. 


“What do you know about the BCG vaccine injected intravascularly for prophylactic treatment of bladder cancer (tumor)? This is for a family member. And what might be other preventive options? Thank you.”  [0:36:03]


Yeah, they found that people who had the tuberculosis vaccine, mostly in Mexico, I believe the research came from, I could be wrong, but I think that's where it's from. When they were taking it to prevent tuberculosis, this vaccine was attempted to be developed to prevent it, and they found out by accident that bladder cancer in the bladder where you urinate, these cancers, although rare, those who got the BCG vaccine started having remission of their cancer tumors in their bladder. So then they started with bladder cancers, taking the contents of the vaccine, the BCG antigen and they started a solution and they would infuse this into the bladder with a little catheter through the urethra of the man or the woman, and they would let it soak in the bladder with it there on cyclical times because you have to empty your bladder and pee, and they found that that was a reasonable approach. 

This is likened to immunotherapy. The tumor gets sensitized somehow to the BCG vaccine content that identifies/latches onto the abnormal tumor growing on the surface of the bladder, and then the immune system can attack it, and eat it up. And so, what else would I do? Then I would be on a low-carb diet and taking a lot of Systemic Enzymes to chew it up like Pac-Man, and I would use high-dose vitamin C therapy. I'd be very low carb, and I would drink lots of water and stay exercising and active. 


“What is your recommendation for early bone loss? Would you recommend taking prescribed medications or something natural?”  [0:38:25]


Well, I would work with your doctor. So, I don't know each individual's problems, but if you're otherwise healthy, I think you could do some heavy weight training to stimulate the bone and resistance, heavy weight training, pulling 60-80 pounds for your deltoids, pushing 80-100 pounds with your pectorals, pulling for your latissimus dorsi, leg presses, 200 to 300 pounds, whatever you could do, and tummy crunches, stomping, where you have sudden deceleration. Runners tend to have good bone density if they're not on birth control pills because that stops the hormone stimulation of bone growth. These poor girls who are on birth control foolishly all their lives, don't realize they've turned themselves into little menopausal women at the age of 14, 15 for 10, or 20 years, and they lose all that bone-building benefit of their hormones. So, their doctors ignorantly just pass this foolishness on. And then by the time they're 50, they already have osteoporosis. It's a real travesty. It should be looked at with great consternation because these doctors are raised, and taught so ignorantly. Anyway. 

So, natural hormone replacement, progesterone. If you're going to want to use natural hormones as birth control, then just use progesterone days 7 through 25 of a girl's menstrual cycle, and you'll have all the wonderful estrogen and all the wonderful progesterone, and the progesterone itself will be the natural birth control. I don't support birth control. I believe in the word of God that you should not practice birth control, but rather than harm yourself with a drug, it would be better to use natural progesterone on days 7 through 25 of your menstrual cycle and you should do very well. So, stomping, sudden deceleration. You know, women are running, chopping off the heads of chicken anymore and chopping wood, and everyone's walking on 1, 2-inch thick cushion pillows. We're not getting stimulated like we used to. So, we're sitting too much. And that's what I would do. Then I would eat rich meat, fish, chicken, and turkey because of all the wonderful minerals in it. The liver would be great. Crustaceans are great. Then I would also consider, besides the hormones, drinking enough water and staying away from the acidifying carbs, starches, sugars, and fruit sugars. That's how I would approach it.  


“Is there a non-pharmaceutical way to eliminate SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) that won't cause a lot of side effects? I took Xifaxan the last time and it caused a lot of problems.”  [0:41:36]


You have to have a healthy consistent lifestyle to avoid SIBO, and SIBO is promoted by the American SAD diet, Standard American Diet. With the high sugar carbs feeding the bad bacteria, they then make all this gas and bloating and discomfort. This high-carb diet also promotes yeast and fungal overgrowth that makes you feel ill and ruins your immune system, and you get sick more often from other causes. And so, antibiotics are never the solution. They might help the initial treatment, but we try here, if possible, to help the patient with high-dose probiotics. We use Probiotics 225. We have here. It's so common because everyone's stomach is getting a leaky gut. We use this powdered Probiotic 225 by Ortho Molecular. These are little packets, and we mix them with SBI Protect. This is Serum Bovine Immunoglobulins, IgA. That's the number one immunoglobulin you make in your saliva, your first line of defense, and this helps your secretory IgA to help protect you. So, that's protein-rich. These are the probiotics under it. And then this is the Phospholipids, those little fats. Remember I was showing you these fats here, these little lines of fat with the phosphorylated top here from eating meat, fish, chicken, turkey, and beef? And so, that is what this is, the Phospholipids. So, we mix this all together in some warm water, or we mix this in warm water because fat mixes better in a little warm water, and then we add in, you know like you would make a baby bottle, and then we mix this in with it. You take it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. And then I have yet to see someone who didn't think I was really a miracle worker when it's just God's great plan, but it works every time. I don't know the poor…you know, Ortho Molecular needs to get over to the gastroenterology offices and help those guys out who practice gastroenterology medicine because I've never seen it fail. And that is what I would do for SIBO. And then I would eat a diet that is more like carnivore, and be very low carb. And I would only eat in a 4 to 6-hour window every day. I would exercise. That will help stimulate repair. 


“For shorter cycles, like 26 days, would you suggest taking estradiol? And how often do you recommend retesting hormones for dose adjustment? Is that based on symptoms every few years?”  [0:44:52]


Well if you’re old enough to need it, yes. When I start a woman, we typically find out where she's at, and then once I know it, I will initiate natural hormones. I tend to use continuous estradiol because the human body has continuous production of estradiol, although it waxes and wanes every month, but there's always production. Then I give in cyclical progesterone. So, the same two weeks every month I give in the progesterone. And then you can have a menstrual cycle. So even a woman my age can have a natural, light, small menstrual cycle. It doesn't matter if you're on a 21-day menstrual cycle or a 36-day menstrual cycle. The range can be that variable and they're both considered normal. So, you have to work with your doctor so they know pretty much where you're at. I do think all girls who are still menstruating, all they need is the progesterone days 15 through 25 because stress will stop ovulation. If you don't ovulate, then you're estrogen-dominant. So it helps keep you healthy. 


“Hello again, Dr. E. What do you know about fluoroquinolone toxicity? Have you treated it? How would Dr. E. go about treating it? Go to www.floxiehope.com for more information on it. Thanks again, Dr. E.”  [0:46:14]


Fluoroquinolones are a type of antibiotic, like levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. And the keyword here is ‘fluoxetine’. It’s a fluoride-based salt attached to a molecule. Remember, there's chlorine, fluorine, iodine, and what's the next one? I know I'm forgetting one. Chlorine, fluoride, fluorine, iodine. I think there's another way of getting it. But anyway, on the periodic chart, that's where those salts are and everything. Oh, bromine. So, fluorine, bromine, chlorine, iodine, and Iodine are the weakest, and yes, God always uses the weak things of the world to manifest his glory. So, we need the salt iodine and that helps our thyroid and so many other things in our body. But if you have chlorine in your water, and you have fluoride in your toothpaste, and fluoride in your Mountain Dew, and your Gatorade and you're getting in all this bromine and fluorine and chloride, you're going to knock your iodine off, you're going to be hypothyroid, you're going to get dummy down, foggy thinking, and now they put it in the antibiotics ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin and other antibiotics with the floro part of it. So, it can get intercalated or brought into the tendon tissue of your body so that tendons can snap. One of the big tendons that snap from the collagen malformation from that salt fluoride is the Achilles tendon. So, that's one of the main spots. So, if I see Achilles tendonitis, I ask them, were you put on any ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin in the past months, and not infrequently, and I've diagnosed it, and it takes a long time to repair a tendon? It might take up to a week 5, 6, 7 years to see it repair nicely, and some of them actually need surgical intervention. But you have to eat meat, fish, chicken, turkey, and collagen for all the amino acids. You should do chelation therapy for microcirculation, take enzymes for the inflammation, and drink a lot of water, and God fixes it up. Avoid all those drinks. Warn your family and friends about that. 


“Hello, another family member has PMR Polymyalgia Rheumatica and the doctor is treating it with steroids. Can you comment on this disease and any other treatments or lifestyle changes that would be recommended?”  [0:49:25]


Yes, I praise God that he has helped me cure all my polymyalgia rheumatica naturally with everything I'm telling you. I put them on a carnivore diet. I put them on high-dose systemic enzyme first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. I tell them to drink half their weight in water. So 80 to 100 ounces every single day. And with that alone, I would say 95 percent of them are better within a week. Very often, if they start with a 5-day fast, 48 hours of just pure water fast, and then they go to a carnivore diet and they take the enzymes morning and evening on an empty stomach. They can do that while they're fasting and they will see a tremendous improvement on that immediately. Yeah, I've had great help. 

I had a man so terribly impacted by that. He came as a first visit. His family had to help him get dressed. He was in his early 50s, and I think he has stayed with me all these years since just because I helped him so miraculously within weeks, you know, days he turned around. But it isn't me. It's God's design plan. I'm just following his architect's plan. People think it's me, but it's God.


“For a frayed labrum of the hip and mild arthritis, would a cortisone injection be helpful for the healing process? Or would you suggest arthroscopic surgery?”  [0:51:08]


So, around the hip socket where the femur goes into the hip socket there on one half of your hip there, you know, the rim of it, that rim there, is called the lip or the labrum, and it can get irritated with all the strain of the tendons pulling on it. 

The exact same thing. You see, it's one body, one creator, really one solution. And here is where the problem is. I don't want to do it. I don't want to eat a carnivore diet. I don't want to fast. I don't want to drink the water. I don't want to pay for enzymes. I want a different solution because I don't want to have to discipline myself. And that's the struggle I have in this office room here all the time, but that's where the answers are.


“I've been having pain in my kidneys for the last 5 or 6 days. I have a history of 1 to 2 urinary tract infections yearly, but I don't have one actively. What should I be doing to increase my kidney health? Should I see a urologist? I can still urinate but my stomach is more bloated than normal. I am gluten sensitive, but I don't know if I could be celiac and it’s related.”  [0:52:07]


You need to get a good doctor. You need to follow up and solve one thing at a time. Your age, your weight, your water consumption, your hormone status, those things have to be taken into factor here to find out what's going on with your back. You're saying you have kidneys, probably meaning your flank pain hurts, could it be kidney stones, could it just be you're not exercising, your muscles are wasting, and you're starting to get little tiny micro tears with aging? There are all kinds of things. You have to be a good doctor, good patient, work this out, and you have to face the music like I have to in a little bit here, and I'm going to have to go face my heavy weight lifting. Do you think I want to do that? No. But do I do it? Yes. And so, get a good functional doctor, work through those things, and find out what the issues are. 


“What milk alternatives do you recommend for a family? If we drink regular milk, is whole milk or 2% better? Or should we stick to alternatives like oat or almond or soy?”  [0:53:34]


I don't recommend drinking milk. I'm not in favor of milk drinking at all. I'm in favor of water drinking. We don't drink enough water. Milk is great, breast milk for a baby, an infant, but beyond that I don't see why we do it. I am definitely not for these almond milks or soy milks or oat milks because you become sensitized to this, whether you get sensitized to dairy all the time, because people like to be lazy and selfish, so I'm going to have milk or I'm going to have an oatmeal milk, or I'm going to have a soy drink over and over and over and over, and then suddenly the little tiny fractures in the lining of your gut, even in a child, especially those little hole fractures there in the cell membrane, that then lets some milk proteins leak through and your body starts seeing an invasion of casein or whey or stuff or soy or almond. And then the very thing you think you're doing for your health is not harming it. So, no, drink water. 


“Hi, Dr. Rita. Is there any alternative to taking systemic enzymes long-term? They're very pricey and I can't see taking them for a long term. Would love any alternative solutions, such as intermittent fasting. Thank you.”  [0:54:54]


Well, yeah, intermittent fasting, and doing a fast 24 hours once a week, doing 48 hours once a month, drinking enough water, being low carb, eating a rich carnivore diet largely, and then maybe using enzymes two weeks out of the month and disinflame your body, or every other month, because we need enzymes. God uses them there as little waste removal and anti-inflammatory agents. That's the best thing I could say to you. 


“My 10-year-old niece was just diagnosed with Crohn's disease. They live in Germany where the food is cleaner (no glyphosate), so I was surprised by her diagnosis. Is Crohn's curable and what would you recommend for diet and lifestyle for someone who's been diagnosed at such a young age? Thank you.”  [0:55:43] 


It's in the diet and she had antibiotics, what is her blood type, get an IgG food allergy test, and take her off of all dairy and all grains immediately. I would have her go carnivore. And remember how I was showing the repair materials of the immunoglobulin proteins the Phospholipids and the probiotics. Mix this in lukewarm water twice a day, morning and evening, carnivore diet, and that's the direction I would go with that kind of an issue.


“I'm on Bactrim for a case of diverticulitis. I have constant diarrhea, around 16 times a day. Staying hydrated and on a BRAT diet. I was told to take Imodium. Any suggestions to help with diarrhea? I've lost 8 pounds.”  [0:56:42]


Basically, you need to be on the probiotic. You know, this very same thing. You need to be on the SBI Protect and you need to be on the Phospholipids morning and evening, you could do it three times a day. And I would eat, for food, maybe well-cooked, slow-roasted chicken that's buttered or slow roast, very easy to fall apart like salmon, and I would take chicken broth for the salts, and no grains, no raw vegetables. If I had anything that was a vegetable, I would just have cooked vegetables to get all the breakdown phytins, tannins, and oxalates, as low as I could out of them. But really a carnivore diet with digestive enzymes and using the SBI Protect PowderPhospholipid Powder, Probiotics 225, and chicken Broth. And I would see your doctor. You need to have a doctor if you're having 16 loose stools a day. That needs to be followed up and seen. So, please don't delay on that. 


“My primary doctor discovered a small cystocele when I asked for a pap smear after a UTI. I'm 69 years old. He prescribed estradiol 0.01% cream (not bioidentical), nightly for 1 week, then M-W-F. I’m on your new patient waiting list. Is there a BHRT estradiol you recommend? I don’t like using the cream that has methylparaben in it. Do I wean off the non-BH? Thanks.”  [0:58:27]


Well, it is bioidentical. Estradiol is estradiol. There is no non-estradiol. That's the name of the true human female bioidentical hormone, estradiol. It's just that they have to put it into some kind of cream or suspense to transport it in a tube so you can put it up in your vaginal area. 

Well, I use estriol vaginally for it. It’s one of the three human bioidentical hormones, and that's exactly what I would do. But I would also look at your estradiol level. You don't have to wean off of that. Estradiol is estradiol. It's just the carrying cream that you may or may not like, but something's got to go into it. Usually, it's Eucerin cream that we use in all the natural vaginal creams, but we'll be happy to work with that. But it is bioidentical.


“I have an issue with a scab on the inside of my nose that has come and gone over the last few years. Staying for about a week and then it's gone for a month or so. Currently, it's been there for about two weeks and seems larger and sometimes tender on the outside. I've been using Silver gel on a Q-tip. Anything that raises a concern in your opinion?”  [1:00:02]


Yeah, any recurrent sore has to be seen by a doctor to look at irritation, cancer, and things like that, even if it’s intranasal. So, I would have an ear, nose, and throat doctor get a nasal speculum and take a look at that under a light. But I agree with what you're doing. The Argentyn silver is exactly what you need to be putting on it and moisturizing it regularly. Of course, don't pick it.


“Dr. Ellithorpe, I used to be a client of yours before I moved out of state. I'm 77. I'm using progesterone cream with a recommended dose for three weeks on one week off. I noticed you recommend only two weeks and then a period after that. Do I need a period? What is your recommendation for estradiol cream? No medical problems.”  [1:00:51]


No, you don't need one. It's just if you're on estradiol like I am and you're 70 like I am, you will have a period. And so, I just use two weeks of progesterone. And then at the end or towards the end of the progesterone, I will get a little period. Some women choose to try and suppress the period and they stay on continuous progesterone all the time. So, there's no right or wrong to it. I would find a good functional doctor, go to ACAM.org put in your zip code and a mile reference you're willing to travel, and try and find a functional doctor that will help work with you.