YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, May 7, 2024
May 9, 2024
“Is the drug Trodusquemine actually showing promise for reversing effects of fat buildup in arteries? There's a 2017 research paper from Aberdeen Cardiovascular and Diabetes Center funded by the British Heart Foundation.” [0:03:30]
Well, that's new to me, because again, I work and, at the end of the day, they hand me these questions. Trodusquemine, I'm not familiar with it. I believe, what little I might know about, it is involved in preventing the white blood cell macrophages from moving and acting on materials. That's my understanding of Trodusquemine. For instance, if you have an irritation on the lining inside the circle of the blood vessel, an irritation, and white blood cells will migrate to that damaged spot, even though it, you know, just like these little damaged spots and you can see this picture right here, if there's a ding in that cell membrane lining, the blood vessel, your white blood cells will go there and migrate macrophages. And I believe this is a drug that is trying to inhibit that action that would create a foam cell where it eats it up, tries to chew this thing up here and that would attract all the inflammatory localized reactions and then the potential plaque formation. This work, I think, is being used in cancer research. But anyway, the long and short of it is, that's way out there. Trodusquemine is spelled T-R-O-D-U-S-Q-U-E-M-I-N-E, if that's the right way it's pronounced, Trodusquemine. I think this is a cancer research finding.
Anyway, so that that's all I know about it. And does it stop a heart disease secondarily? Well, if it stops the migration of macrophages to a site of injury, and the endothelium is less inflamed, it could be. But look at, what you need to do is you need to drink enough water every single day, half your weight in ounces every day. So, if you're a 200-pound person, you need 100 ounces of water. One very inflaming thing in our American diet is sugar. Pure white and deadly. Yudkin wrote the book Pure, White, and Deadly in the 1960s, and he was suppressed and censored because sugar is so inflaming, so addicting, that there are no essential needs for carbohydrates in the human body. We can make our own glucose. You don't need to be taking it in.
So, if you would drink your water, get a good night's sleep, and be on low carb to stop the blizzard that's absorbed, we have such high dosings of starch and sugar, it floods our blood system and puts little dings on these little areas on these cells. If you would eat what you need to eat to repair this, which is made of protein and fat, which are the two essential things that we do need, we need to eat protein, we do have essential needs for protein and fat, and then you can repair this stuff. So, that's the direction I would go. Instead, I would take systemic enzymes like Vascuzyme, and Vitalzym. These are very safe things than this esoteric drug.
So, I'm not against it if it has a value. I just don't know enough about it to go any deeper than what I superficially know about it. It inhibits macrophages from turning into foam cells, that they eat these areas and blow up kind of and then it creates sometimes a bigger problem. Best thing is not to ding your blood vessels. Okay.
“My son needs vaccines to join his friends and play high school soccer. Do you have any suggestions on how I can help him with IV or vitamins? Will it make a difference in spreading them out months apart? The catch-up schedule wants me to do 5 vax at once, then 5 again a month later. He needs three polio, three hepatitis B, two MMR, and two chicken pox to attend in August.” [0:08:44]
Well, I don't think he's at risk of getting polio. I don't think he is sexually active, hopefully, or using IV needles with drug use to get hepatitis B. Measles, mumps, and rubella, I know a lot of visitors from foreign countries are coming in over the border, and they're bringing in diseases that we're starting to see now, including tuberculosis. I was reading about an outbreak of four cases at a hotel unnamed in Long Beach in one location. So, we know it's happening. Same with chicken pox. If you have a high enough vitamin D level, and if you eat a low-carb diet and get away from processed foods, I would far rather see you read the book Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, MD. She is probably the most wonderful layout, with charts and everything about the entire history, development, and facts concerning childhood vaccine schedules. There's the National Vaccine Safety Information by Barbara Fisher. She is that organization. You can look up Children's Health Defense with John F. Kennedy, Jr. His site, childrenshealthdefense.org. You could go to The Highwire with Del Bigtree, and Dell Bigtree is the creator of the Highwire. If you go on Rumble.com and type in ‘The Highwire Del Bigtree’, that’s his name because he's got an Indian heritage, American Indian, he has a wonderful site with many, many resources on it.
And there is a lawyer, Siri is the name of lawyer, Siri Esquire, and he has won many cases against the Food and Drug Administration, against the failure of the vaccinations to prove that they complied with the National Vaccine Childhood Safety Act of 1986. President Reagan signed that into law in 1986, The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. There were so many injuries in the early 1980s, and that's why Barbara Fisher started her vaccine information site. Her child was injured in 1982 by these MMR and TDF vaccines. And then people stopped doing vaccinations, and the vaccine companies told Congress, as a pharmaceutical, we won't do these unless we are protected from any lawsuits for injury. And so, again, information was censored if you read Suzanne Humphries’ book, Dissolving Illusions.
But there are ways to go about this. I don't know what state you're in. If you're in California, I don't do pediatrics. We don't do vaccinations here. You would have to find out the state you're with. There is a pediatrician here in California, called Bob or Robert Sears and he uses vaccinations, but he does them on a much more prolonged, separated over time. I am very suspicious and concerned about the whole topic of vaccination. I don't like working with companies that are not liable for injuring their patients and you cannot sue them or take them to court. And if you do, there's a totally unconstitutional separate court In the United States just for vaccine injuries. So, Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, the title of the act bespeaks the lie that vaccines are safe. There are injuries and that's in the name of the title. And if you cannot sue them, and they have what I would call a kangaroo court, and your case may never ever be considered worthy to be heard by them, what's the point? And if the company corporations that make these vaccines in, some of their drugs, or other pharmaceuticals have been sued for other prescriptions that they promoted in which it was determined, that they knew that there was a problem with their product, but they let it out anyway and it killed thousands of people. And no one went to jail for that. No one was found guilty of manslaughter, or reckless homicide. Just fined billions of dollars. Why would you do business with that company? Why would you expose your child to any products that these companies would make and they make these so-called vaccines? So, it's a dilemma. I agree. But this is the time that children have to grow up and parents have to start teaching their children that life is hard, decisions are hard, information is difficult to come by, and we have to start working as parents, learning about these things and facing off our children with the truth.
So, get the book, Dissolving Illusions. Look at the charts, and the question is drawn by looking at the charts all the way back to the 1830s and the whole history of vaccinations, and you'll see that, in fact, polio, measles, and these other childhood illnesses that are really not a serious threat, they were going away on their own. You can see, as the decades go by, you get past right around World War II, and there's almost no more serious death or mortality from any of these childhood illnesses because of good sanitation and nutrition. So, we should thank our plumbers and our electricians and our construction workers, our architects, our city planners, our soap makers and laundry mats, and supermarkets, grocery men, and the grocery girls because better nutrition and better hygiene went much further and doing value to protect and preserve our immune system than any vaccine can ever claim of its own. So, there you go. Those are some resources for you.
“I had a CNA Cellular Micronutrient assay test. The majority of the tests were in the good range, but my. L-glutamine was 140 percent insufficient. I take GlutaShield, so I was surprised by the low reading.” [0:18:04]
Yeah, I would be too. That means is it possible that the CNA test is not as good as we thought it was. That's a possibility.
So, the Cellular Micronutrient Assay test is newer. I don't use it. I still use SpectraCell. I'm not sure about the company. We look at newer things as they emerge and we try and see if they have value. I would suspect that I'm not going to go with that. If you're taking GlutaShield, which is rich in L-glutamine, I don't see how you could be insufficient in it. So, I'm going to agree with you. No test is perfect, and SpectraCell isn't perfect either. But these are general assays, and one amino acid is probably not going to make or break anything.
“Dissolving Solutions by Suzanne Humphries.” [0:20:06]
No, it's Dissolving Illusions. See, we have an idea, the illusion that vaccines are required simply because of the culture, everyone does it. Well, now it's dissolving illusions. Yeah.
“Have you heard of TRS drops for helping detox after a Vax? Or is there anything to help him while he’s getting the vax?” [0:20:39]
No, I haven't. I would do a high dose of vitamin C and vitamin D optimal dosing 10,000, 15,000 IU a day, I would take Systemic Enzymes, and I would be very low carb. I would drink a lot of water, maybe come in and do a high-dose vitamin C drip and EDTA chelation right after the vaccine to pull out all the aluminum or mercury that might be used as an adjuvant in it. That's how I would do it.
“See the movie Vaxxed.” [0:21:31]
Yes, Del Bigtree put out a movie called Vaxxed. It's excellent.
“I've been reading good stuff about saw palmetto to help detox excess testosterone and help with hair loss. Do you have any thoughts about this and its use/dosage for men and women?” [0:22:07]
Yeah, saw Palmetto has been around for a long, long time. It's an herb. It looks like a fan somewhat and it's in the desert areas. It has been studied for urinary tract function. It has been in clinical studies. It has not been impressive. Some say it helps testosterone metabolism, but some studies say it does not do anything to it. Some studies said there might have been less getting up to have to go pee at night for men with benign prosthetic hypertrophy, a swollen prostate gland, others against it. So, the data goes back and forth. So, I have kind of fallen out of favor with saw palmetto as far as something of any real impact. I have patients, who mostly men who use it, for their prostate enlargement, and I have as many men say it didn't do any good for them as men who seem to say it helped them. There are so many things that people do in their lifestyle. It's hard to take something like saw palmetto where no one's going to make money, get it into a study, isolate it for a specific outcome, and have a good placebo control or blind the study so that the healthcare provider, tester, and the patients don't know who's getting which. That all costs money and time and statistics and it's just not going to be done.
So, it's kind of left, all this natural stuff is left in the experience of the physician. And that's all I can offer you then, is my 43 years of experience having used saw palmetto, all these years for decades and decades, and I'm just going to say I haven't seen enough real impressive outcomes to say that its management of the metabolism of testosterone is beneficial to prevent its breakdown into dihydrotestosterone and therefore stop the androgen, kind of hair loss alopecia that women suffer or men suffer, or reduce the prostate, help the urination flow. I just haven't seen enough to in good conscience tell you I'm impressed with it. I am neutral.
“I recently started bioidentical hormones, and while I hear they are great, I feel “off” (brain fog, emotional, etc.). How long does it take to regulate? Are there some very sensitive people who are not good on bioidenticals?” [0:25:19]
I'm going to say that some people, yes, are more sensitive and we have to go slower with them at smaller doses. We have to check levels more frequently. We have to look at other factors, your blood sugar level, your insulin level, your exercise level, and your triglyceride level. And we look at those things and we get a better feel, in relationship one to the other, about your metabolism. Your blood type matters. A type of blood people tend to have more sensitivities. So, don't feel like you’re unusual and a lot of doctors are trained to think, you give a pill, you get a reaction, and the problem is solved. Hormones, depending on the age you are when you start them, and other comorbidities. If you're a diabetic, if you have other autoimmune phenomena, Hashimoto's thyroiditis. All these things do have an impact on it, and you just have to have a doctor, and you have to have time and work through this. So, please see your doctor. Please get blood levels. Please check your insulin, your triglyceride, your fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, free T3, TSH, your thyroid antibodies, and inflammation markers, like sedimentation rate, and hs-CRP, and then discuss it with your doctor. That's the best I can recommend.
“What causes dark circles under the eyes? Is it a vitamin deficiency or something else? Getting plenty of rest/sleep. Exercise six days a week.” [0:27:52]
I think dark circles represent the fact usually that the skin right under our eyes, this area right here, is of a different makeup somewhat than the skin right on the cheek and this area around here. So, this area right there is a. thinner skin layer. And as we age, our skin thins even more. So, as we become dehydrated, as the skin thins, you start seeing the veins and blood vessels, which are blue and darker, and the impact of the stress on your body then becomes more visible. Like on the back of the hand, as you age, you get the old bony, veiny, arms. So, I try and put my estradiol all over my eyelids around here, I put it on the back of my hand, to try and slow that aging trend. I try and eat a rich protein diet with healthy fats, and I try and be very low-carb and exercise. But I would put my natural hormone estradiol on my face and my eyelids every day. That's the direction I would go. Sometimes allergies make it puffy. I take natural quercetin in the form of Seasonal Shield Quercetin, which is D-Hist, and that works very nicely too.
“I've had an on-and-off anal rash for five months now. I've eliminated certain foods, and altered my showering, but can't seem to get rid of it. I have hemorrhoids, but have had them for years with no rash problems. Would a dermatologist, family care physician, or OBGYN be best to see about that?” [0:29:48]
I would say, any one of them, whoever you're seeing, should start the process and take a look. I would want to know what your fasting blood sugar is, how old you are, I would want to know what your insulin level is, and I would want to know what your hemoglobin A1c is and your triglycerides. So, fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, insulin, and hemoglobin A1c. Because when people start getting rashes, usually their blood sugar is starting to climb, and sugar starts to pile up in the cells and the capillaries. And then we all have bacteria and yeast and spores on us all the time, even after you take a shower. So, people who shower excessively, you're not going to change anything. What I want to say though is if you eat a lot of starch, fruit, sugar, potatoes, nut seed, crackers, pasta, bagels, all those things, your blood sugar is going to go up, and then that yeast, which is there, will start to grow and irritate the skin under the breast. Some women have hanging breasts and the skin touches the skin under the breast and that area gets a rash. Some women have, men have a panniculus, their tummy hangs over their pubis, and that flap of skin doesn't get exposed to the light and that skin on skin and the moist heat, you get a yeast there growing. That is what I would be concerned about. So, a family doctor, a dermatologist, and an OBGYN can look at that.
But please have that checked because that's not the only thing. If your blood sugar is climbing, and it climbs on all of us with aging, because the less active we get, our muscles shrink, then we eat at the same rate, and then the blood sugars are not burnt down because our muscles are shrinking, but we eat the same and sugar piles up, and you start becoming inflamed, your blood vessel damages the lining of your blood vessels there, and you start becoming a diabetic. We all tend to become diabetics with age because we lose our engine muscle mass, and that's the way to death. So, have them look at that and get the blood sugar, triglyceride, insulin, and hemoglobin A1c, and get a real look at it.
Now, the ranges they have are usually way too tolerant. I want a hemoglobin A1C as close to 5.2 or lower as possible, a fasting blood sugar of 85 or less, an insulin of 4 or less, and a triglyceride to not be any higher than your high-density lipoprotein HDL. So, if you exercise a lot and you have an HDL of 70, then your triglycerides can be 70. But a lot of people don't exercise, and their HDL is 39, 34, 42, but their triglycerides are 150, 130. That's ridiculous, and that's how you get ill with that. So, have that checked out?
“I've been trying to stop eating late at night, but I'm having a very difficult time in doing so. I'm slowly trying to work towards your suggestion of cutting off eating by 6 PM. I get really intense hunger cravings at night, and I've tried a variety of strategies but have not been successful. Any suggestions?” [0:33:50]
Well, I would take fat, fat in the form of a tablespoon of olive oil, a warm drink, hot tea, or coffee, and put a tablespoon of butter in it. I would, you know, for me, I try and read my Bible whenever I'm stressed or tempted, and I try and recognize that my body is not my own and I have to get it healthy to serve God and His creation, you people. So, I would say that is the most satiating thing to do. There is a hormone called leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone. So, if your body experiences cravings to eat, that's because the hormone ghrelin is being secreted and that makes you eat. And then if you eat a starch, bread, carbohydrates, pasta, beans, rice, bagel, tortilla chips, cereal, cookies, ice cream pie, or bread, all those things will promote a high insulin shoot. And then as the insulin drops off with time, shoving the sugar into all the cells, there'll be such a drop-off that the ghrelin hormone will come in and say, well we need more glucose. So, you're on a seesaw, chasing the insulin drop with a ghrelin surge that makes you eat more carbohydrates, starch, fruit sugars, that makes an insulin shoot up, that drops off, that stimulates a ghrelin, and that's what you have to go through. And this is called withdrawal. They have made us all addicted to sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and fruit sugars, and we have no essential need for carbohydrates. It's just protein and fat. This is all protein and fat.
So, you have to look at it as a withdrawal from an addiction that they've made us all through marketing propaganda, peer pressure, social engineering, triggering us. And once you get on the other side of that addiction cycle, you'll see it for what it is. we have to go through that withdrawal, and that insulin and the ghrelin surge diminishes, and it diminishes. And it takes about 2 to 3 days. Some people go cold turkey and they just go on a 3-day fast. That typically breaks it. Some people can't take the time to do a 3-day fast or they have other medical problems. They might be an insulin-dependent diabetic and they'll need their doctor to help work them through things like this to get a much more control and lower usage of insulin, but it is achievable. But the fat in your drink, like butter, in a warm tea or coffee, or a tablespoon of olive oil, is usually what solves it for me, for most of my patients as well.
“Hi, Dr. E! Are you familiar with Mitopure that has Urolithin A? Do you advise taking it?” [0:37:49]
Urolithin A is an aminosteril, and that is involved in inhibiting, I think, dephosphorylation of insulin. So, these things will try to benefit the utilization of insulin and insulin resistance which will help the cell membrane engine and respiratory Krebs cycle. That's I think what that is urolithin A. And that stuff, I think it's minutiae. I think it's a haystack with a tiny piece of hay in it that really isn't going to make any difference in the big picture. It has to do with insulin dephosphorylation, if I am recalling correctly, and insulin resistance. And I am just going to say exercise, a healthy protein, fat, very low starch, carbohydrate, fruit sugar in your diet is the way to go, and not look for these tiny molecules. For instance, I always use the example of the apple. An apple itself probably has at least 10,000 known phytochemicals that are unique and distinct, and that's probably not all there is.
So, if you're going to say urolithin, I'm wondering where does that come from…I think that's from ellagic acid products. I'm not sure. But I just know I’m not that familiar with it, as you can tell. I'm pouring over in my brain. I have to take a look and look that up and see what it is. But there's no one little tiny key lock molecule that solves our problems. It's staying busy and disciplined with a healthy lifestyle, with the proteins and fats, and exercise and areas like that. Mitopure - but I'll look that up. Maybe next week I can come up with some more information on that.
“Thank you Dr. Ellithorpe for taking my question. My 3-year-old granddaughter will be finishing her year of chemo soon, and her mom wants to know what carb-free diet you would recommend for her. She’s leaning toward Keto and maybe carnivore. Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge.” [0:40:58]
Well, I can't recommend a diet for anyone in particular. But as a general rule, chemotherapy and cancer, they do better on a low carbohydrate lifestyle because insulin stimulates the growth of tumors and cancer. Therefore, a lower carbohydrate pathway is a recommended area. In the realm of the silly food in the food store that we are seeing and think is marketed to as propaganda as normal, these cereal aisles, the candy aisles, the sugared-up soups, and the glazed foods and ketchup with high fructose corn syrup, it's no wonder we are suppressing the healthy immune system of our children and we're getting cancers at younger and younger ages. And the kids and teenagers and young adults, there's a surge in cancers, we've never seen so much, and that's because they are metabolically aging faster than I am, and their blood sugars show it, their insulin levels show it, and I'm going to say the damn ranges are too high and too tolerant because the doctors don't waste their time studying or helping their patients.
And if the range says an insulin from 2.5 to 25 is normal, you have to know that's a stupid range. What is this? That's an order of magnitude of 10 times. So, give me a break. Is the 2.5 the good end or the 25 the good end? And if your doctor doesn't know that, you’ve got to go to a doctor that's intelligent and can figure things out.
So, you have to use no packaged processed foods. You have to have your child eat real fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, with real cooked vegetables and buttered and salted, and that's it. And, sugar treats are a cultural, damnation to their health. You'll have to find a totally different way to help that child through their life and help their neighbors because the other kids are on their way to deceive and mayhem because of this irresponsible food system in the schools that are controlled by a centralized authority. That's why I hate centralized government. By the way, you all need to call (202) 224-3121 or 225-3121 for the Senate and tell them whether or not you think we should be joining or allowing the Treaty of the World Health Organization to have centralized authority of the practice of medicine and the declaration of pandemics. So, if you want free medicine, you better call now because you only have like 10 days left to speak to your congressman or your senator about what you think about having a centralized authority being the determinant of pandemics or concerns of pandemic and recommendations for the lockdown treatment and vaccinations of all member nations. So, you better call him. You only have days left to have an impact. Please call him. Tell him what you think. I'm not telling you what to say. I think you know what I would tell mine. Be polite and respectful.
So, there you go. You have to realize we are in a marketing, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, fast-fast, sharp, exciting, pictures of eating, pictures of dining, fun-fun, and that's not what the real world is made of. And so, you've got to train the children up in the way they should go.
“What is your opinion of omega 3 krill oil supplements? My eye doctor has recommended 1000 mg, two times a day, to reduce the oil buildup in my eyelid glands. I imagine that your supplements and chelations are already doing that for me.”
That's right. I would say, fight the carbs, exercise, rub on the Argentyn silver morning and evening with a Q-tip to your eyelashes, and then just be dedicated to that and take your systemic enzymes and keep your vitamin D level 80 to 100 range. That's the direction I would go.
“Hi, Dr Rita. If you're on a tight budget and could only take three supplements, what would be the priority to take?” [0:46:40]
If you're on a tight budget, I would use Juice Plus. I would use vitamin D. 10,000 and I would use TLC Multimineral. That's probably what I would do.
“Can you speak to the adrenaline hormone as related to progesterone with the following information? I understand that adrenaline could be a response to low blood sugar, particularly in the form of waking up in the middle of the night accompanied by a trip to the bathroom for me every night more than once. Menopausal, drink 50 to 75 oz. per day.” [0:47:13]
Progesterone will help you sleep through that. Your bladder should be able to hold 240 milliliters at least or more. And so, you should be able to handle that. Progesterone is not related to adrenaline at all. They're two very unique molecules. Epinephrine is a stimulant. The adrenals produce this in particular. But progesterone is made or given by prescription in a postmenopausal woman because you don't have any unless you're getting it prescribed and it's taking that night to help you sleep, to have your progesterone levels checked, and then have your estradiol levels checked. And then try and hold your urine and do Kegels, tighten your pelvic area up, exercises so that you have more endurance, you don't have to get up at night. And then have your blood sugars checked, your fasting insulin, figure out your blood type, and then we need to figure out where you're at with all this.
“Hi, Dr. Rita. Can a yeast infection followed by a bad virus and stress trigger a menstrual cycle?” [0:49:12]
“I started a cycle two weeks after a normal one. Slight cramping sometimes in the ovary area. Any suggestions?” [0:49:22]
Well, you have to see your doctor. You have to let us know how old you are. Are you on hormones or not? Do you have a history of very regular cycles? But yeah, stress can be associated with irregular menstrual bleeding. Do you take aspirin? Are you on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for other reasons? Headaches? Were you taking a lot when you had a cold or yeast infection for achiness? All these things would make a difference. Do you use natural progesterone? So, please see a functional doctor so we can figure out where you're at on that.
“Thank you, Dr. E! Trying to help my son go to a private Christian school in California. Can't find an exemption anywhere. Tired of fighting with my husband and son. So bummed. He can't go to school without them.” [0:50:20]
Well, we better turn to God and all take up our role in allowing the corruption that has taken place with an out-of-control centralization of authority as if the state and the central government know how to feed us and how to prevent disease and educate us. And I think they're lousy on every account. I think they failed in the health department. I think they failed in the education department. And I would say, call your congressmen, both local and, federal, and your state congressmen, your state senators, and speak to them. And we need our parents to teach the children that not everything is easy in this life, and there are so many dangers regarding these manufacturers now who pay no penalty for a bad product. Just tell the child, the student, you know, apparently he's adolescent or older, that would you buy a car, and if it caused you to get in a bad accident and injure yourself, should that car manufacturer and dealer be responsible due to the failure of that car get injured? Of course, that's a lawful injury. That's a biblical thing. And Leviticus, it talks about if your ox gores is a man, then you have to take care of him, and you have to put that animal down. So, product liability is a well-honored thing. But the vaccine companies don't have to do that? There's something not right at all about that.
“I will be calling.” [0:52:55]
Yes. Please call (202) 224-3121 for the House of Representatives and (202) 225-3121 for your Senator. That's the switchboard number. You could ask for Mike Johnson for the speaker and give him an earful of it. He needs it. And then, I don't know the number off the top of my head for my state of California rep, but you can go to www.cagov.org and you can find your own state senator, representative, and so forth. Please call. Please get involved.
“There are currently no medical or religious exemptions for vaccines in California.” [0:53:43]
Okay, so there you have it. You're going to have to stand having done all of them. I wouldn't say volleyball and sports are worth the risk of a potential concerning injury, and you have to look at the logic of it. His risk of polio, what is it? Ask what the risk is. It just isn't there. Risk of hepatitis B, unless he's sexually promiscuous and using IV needles, sharing needles. Come on, let's get real.
“Hi, Dr. Rita, can the Argentyn silver be dropped directly on your eye?” [0:54:30]
Absolutely can, and that's what I do every night after I see patients all day. Yes. Yes, absolutely.
“If your son had any of these diseases, a titer can be checked for those. I feel for you.” [0:54:47]
That's true. Thank you. Yeah, if you did labs to look for antibodies to measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and hepatitis B, then you could present those that you are protected already. You really shouldn't have hepatitis B antibodies though because that would be something that he had been exposed to in the past. It is a mess, but we can fix it. If we stand for truth, it won't fail us.