YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, November 21, 2023
November 23, 2023
“Hi, Dr. Rita, have you seen issues after ear wax removal via irrigation causing hyperacusis? Is it typically recommended to remove earwax with irrigation method?” [0:01:54]
I haven’t found that to be a common at all problem reported. And practicing medicine for 42 years, I would say usually we would have some warm water. We’d often put in some hydrogen peroxide in it. And we would use a small, soft plastic catheter, and we would gently pulse the warm water into the ear canal, and it would soften and dissolve the wax, and then it would flow into the receiver container, and that would be it. I think if you’re too aggressive or you use anything other than someone’s experienced hand and understanding the pressure of the squirt, it might create some micro-trauma. Hyperacusis is having a sensitivity to sounds that would normally not have been a problem. So, no, I don’t find that a common thing. And no, I’m not against irrigation for earwax removal.
Now, I want to just explain, the inside of the canal of the ear has hairs, okay, hairs inside the canal. And if you stick something into the canal, like a Q-tip, you’re going to wind up wiggling that hair. Why does God have hair in the canal? So, if a bug or something is trying to crawl into your ear, the wiggling of it, that hair in the canal is a secretion signal for the wax to prevent any bug to survive. And so, it’s for your protection. So, wax is a benefit. And therefore, don’t stick anything in your ear. Zero. Nothing. Nada. Never. Okay. I would say the more you try and clean it out yourself, the more you move, without intention, those hair follicles – and it’s a catch-22, the more you try and clean, the more it’ll secrete the wax. So, please don’t do it.
There are earwax softening over-the-counter medications, and your nose and throat specialist has special solutions, but I have found that just good old-fashioned hydrogen peroxide mixed 50/50 percent with very warm water, and when you add in the hydrogen peroxide, it makes it just tepid warm, is an excellent way to remove it. And have a doctor do it, who knows what they’re doing? And that’s the best I can suggest. No, I haven’t seen that as a common problem. No, I’m not against irrigation for clearing out wax.
“Hi Dr. Rita, what can I do to get rid of and prevent varicose veins and spider veins on the legs?” [0:05:15]
The veins have valves in them, so that as you’re pumping your muscles, it pushes the blood upwards back towards the heart, and it will not allow the backflow of that column of blood going up. Trauma to those valves makes them less functional, and it leaks the blood back so that that vein gets more pressure on the walls.
Now, if you have a poor standard American diet, you eat the standard hospital food, standard military chow, and standard school lunches that are all corrupted now with genetically modified grains, pesticides, heavy metal toxicities, high-fructose corn syrup, very low in quality protein and mineral density, then you will structurally have tissues, collagen, and elastin that would make up any tissue, whether it’s your face and wrinkles or wherever. But in the column of your blood vessels, there are collagen and elastin which need many things, certain amino acids, certain branched-chain amino acids, vitamin C, and so forth, to create these connections. And you need these minerals tack as templates for them to lock and load and stay tight and taut. But if you don’t have the protein to make it, and you don’t have the minerals to do it, then you get these weak web-like structures and you get wrinkles all throughout your body, and your cell membranes develop these rips or holes in them. So, this is really a nutritional slow breakdown deficiency. So, I would make sure I have enough vitamin C. I’d be on a very good amino acid-chelated multi-mineral supplement. I would take a rich protein diet. I’d try and get in, let’s say you weigh 150 pounds, and let’s say that that’s about 65 kilograms, let’s just say 75 kilograms for fun to make it easy, I would want you to take about 75 grams of protein, minimum in every day to repair, replace and replenish your body.
If your postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy is valuable to enhance, and repair, if you’re a blood type A, you’ll have to take it with Digestive Enzymes. You have to get away from eating a high-carb diet, the high-fructose corn syrup, the juices, the sugared-up coffee drinks, and stop yourselves from being propagandized by the corrupt media into junk fooding it.
From now, all the way to the first of January, all I do in January, February, and March is try and repair all the damage from this lousy pimping propaganda, commercials, and social pressure to eat junk food for the next two and a half months. It’s ridiculous. These veins are poorly constructed, so the engineering of them is defaulting, the valves are breaking down, and we need you to get away from any processed foods. That’s your food industry, that’s your hospital food, that’s your military food, that’s your old folks’ home foods. They’re all destructive nutria-defense and full of pesticides heavy metals and toxins that are beyond your wildest dreams of how bad it is. And you’ve got to cook your own food, folks, and you have to not eat late at night, and you have to exercise and drink your water and take some enzymes. All right. So, that’s what handles it.
Now, the spider veins pretty much are, as you’re aging, the skin is thinning as well. So, we all have these capillaries all over our bodies. And as the skin recedes and we get more thin skin, these become more visualized and to the surface. There’s also a secondary valve and backflow problem as well, but nutrition is idyllic. I’ve had more than one patient have blood clots after sclerosing from these plastic surgeons and dermatologists who are making money trying to zap these things or sclerose them, inject them, and I wind up seeing my patients getting blood clots, total inflammation, and irritation from them. So stop this cosmetic Tom Foolery and get with exercising, doing some weight training, aerobic training, and living the healthier diet. Eat at home.
“Can you take systemic enzymes together with alpha-lipoic acid?” [0:10:54]
Yes, you can.
“Hi Dr. Rita, will you be accepting new patients in 2024?” [0:11:01]
That’s to be determined. I want to tell you, I have a wonderful team of doctors. We are involved in growing and doing our rounds every month and doing patient presentations and presenting articles and doing extracurricular training in alternative and standard medicine practices. So, I have a wonderful team. So be happy with whoever you’re assigned to. If it’s difficult, ask the physician you’re seeing to share their case at the grand rounds we do every month, and we’ll all put our eight minds together and see if there is something we can all add to it. We do our best. There is no spectacular training for functional medicine. I don’t like the ones I’ve seen over the past 20, or 30 years. They’re just not good programs. I haven’t seen one yet. I think it’s hands-on and you have to get back to local control, local accountability, mentorship where a doctor trains a doctor, and you pick up these skills and you do a good job and you become the word of mouth referral, and that’s the best way to grow any practice, and that’s how we did it here. We didn’t do a thread advertisement at all. We just over the past quarter century here at this place, just one person saying they’re happy, they’re getting good results, and they pass the word on. That’s the way to train doctors and that’s the way to grow great practice on that.
"I had a breast exam done. Here are the results. The four-quadrant ultrasound. It looks like a retro-areola. So, under the nipple and axillary bristles, an ultrasound was performed in both breasts. There was a cyst measuring 7 millimeters. So, not even one full centimeter in the right breast at 10 o’clock, located 8 centimeters from the nipple. Do you advise on how I shrink or get rid of the cyst?" [0:13:11]
So she wants my advice on how to reduce fiber cystic breasts. Well, if you’re perimenopausal, getting towards your late 40s, 50s, you know, you’re starting to get into age-related clear-cut findings. Just like I was explaining about the varicose veins and the collagen/elastin infrastructure that holds things up, your breasts are glands, they’re meant to produce milk if you have a baby and do that over and over again. And the glands themselves are tissues that have all this collagen and elastin as well. And there are certain things like caffeine, iodine deficiency, lack of enough protein, minerals, zinc in particular, magnesium is, you know, everything’s important. But these tissues, with aging, they can kind of break apart and we get cysts. These cysts can be seen in our liver. Your liver is hanging all the time from under your diaphragm and it too is having the force of gravity, pull on it, pull on it, and little tiny cellular materials can break apart and you can get liver cysts that are benign. Your breasts are always reverberating up and down if you have any size of a breast, and that’s creating micro-trauma. And so, these cysts develop. But they’re aggravated with caffeine and lack of iodine, a poor diet low in protein, mineral deficient, and then a lack of micro-circulation and too high of a sugar, starch, carbohydrate, fruit sugar, juicing, diet, and it clogs up the capillaries for repair and structure support, no matter where it is in your body.
Therefore, we would say to you, that taking Systemic Enzymes is an anti-inflammatory, being low carb, and that allows, whatever cell or debris is there, the enzymes can chew it up. The low carb will help the capillary blood flow bring repair and necessary amino acid structural to repair the tissues. And get on iodine I would say at about 12.5 mg once a day to have a good iodine support because remember your breasts are looking for iodine. The glands are looking to incorporate iodine. And if you’re on a very low iodine, which 96.7 percent of all my patients are low iodine, so your thyroid will grow to find iodine, and your breasts will grow to find iodine. So use the iodine, cut back maybe on the caffeine, be low carb, and use good breast support, so you’re not jiggling and traumatizing it on a structural basis, and that would be the best thing I would say.
“I just read about several studies done on the effect of thyroid medicine and link in cancer, such as brain, breasts, and others. Since people with Hashi need thyroid medicine, is it best to take a desiccated form and it would be wise to keep the TSA at the high end of normal?” [0:17:13]
I think she’s thinking the TSH which, according to a study of healthy people, is no more than 1.89. Studies on the effect of thyroid medicines and the link in cancer. Well, in general, your metabolism is promoted by healthy thyroid function, which means healthy energy metabolism in each of the battery’s mitochondria. So, if you have poor thyroid function, then in general your energy production and mitochondria in all your cells start to not function optimally with failure of energy, and oxygen production into ATP, it moves toward the oxygen deprivation and lower energy production, low metabolism, which is always associated with acidosis and the epigenetic challenge to the cell. And the cell wants to survive and it has in its DNA coding the capacity to try and survive in a low oxygen tension environment and grow its own blood vessels. Just like when you were a two-cell newborn conceived baby, you didn’t have any harder lungs, but you needed that oxygen. And as you were turning into a clump of cells, as soon as you got near the uterine bloody lining, you triggered the growth of blood vessels to create your placenta. So you could get the nutrients to develop into the full baby and then infant, and then that you are today.
Now, this is written in our DNA. And if you create this kind of stress with a poor metabolism, thyroid optimal function helps prevent that from occurring. So, that would be the biochemistry in general in a short one-minute stint. And so, yes, I like glandular thyroid because it’s much more available for T1, T2, T3, T4, and I think it’s more gentle on the body as opposed to Synthroid or Tirosint which is just basically T4, and you have to hope it converts into T3, which will be the hormone that you want for metabolism, not the T4.
“What kind of multivitamin could you recommend for elderly male and female who have a very limited access of food? [0:20:32]
I am biased because I have about 23 years of history using my own TLC Energy Core. And since I have such a high population of elderly patients who I put them all on it, and now I’ve been found by Medicare to be one of the very few doctors in the United States who have high Medicare number of patients with the least amount of need for medications and hospitalizations and live the longest, and I think I found the right nutrients that have been clinically tested, so I would use our TLC Energy Core.
“Some people decide to take turkey dinner to a football game. They left the turkey in the aisle. Another person was walking by and didn’t see the turkey…It tryptophan.” [0:21:32]
That’s so cute. We love you. Happy Thanksgiving. So I have one for you and that is why is the cat small? Why is the little kitty cat small? Because it only drank condensed milk. So that’s what one of my patients brought me today.
“What do you think about HRT pellets?” [0:22:17]
I don’t think about them because I don’t like them. I did try them in the 1990s, and I had a lousy tolerance from it. The patients that were displeased with it or didn’t like the dosing or didn’t have enough, they were stuck with that plug for three/four months. So, it was too hard to operate levels. It is an invasive thing. It’s just unnatural.
“I have a girlfriend using this and she shared that her hair is falling out. Could this be excessive testosterone? She is in Arizona, do you support clients out of state?” [0:22:51]
It could be. If they come here physically, and I have a lot of Arizona patients who drive out here once or twice a year. So, yes, we do see them.
“Hi Dr. E., do you have a recommendation for homemade toothpaste? Currently using coconut oil, baking soda, and xylitol. I’ve heard commercial toothpaste isn’t healthy.” [0:23:18]
Well of course we’re against the fluoride in it. And I have always heard that baking soda was very good. And I use Argentyn for everything. I put drops of it in my eyes when I wake up in the morning and when I come home. I was so glad, last Wednesday, almost a week ago, I saw my eye doctor, and he did my eye exam, and he basically didn’t see any cataracts or any aging phenomena. So it is nice at 70 to have that. So, I use Argentyn and I just use it wet. But I brush twice a day and the Argentyn keeps the bacteria down. I drink lots of water throughout the day. So I keep my pH from being acidic. I drink a good deal of coffee, which is probably acidic, but I’m sure I balance it with far more water. That’s what I do. So that’s my only thing. And I don’t need soap sides. I just need to use a soft brush. I gently brush Argentyn, sometimes with baking soda. That’s about it.
“Dr. Rita, how can I order the vitamins you recommend?” [0:24:52]
Call 714-544-1521 and ask them for the vitamin store, and they’ll put you over there, and they’ll tell you how to get a hold of them. And this would be a good time because I’m sure we’re going to do a big Thanksgiving sale and then we’ll have a Christmas sale, I’m sure, maybe even a New Year sale, because we want healthy people.
“My mother still insists that eggs cause high cholesterol. She won’t eat yolks. Please give an explanation I can share with her about why eggs and yolks are good.” [0:25:36]
I would ask her to watch a video, called High Cholesterol is Healthy! Two doctors are on there. One is a PhD in research, his name is Dr. David Diamond. And then Dr. Kelly. But it’s called High Cholesterol is Healthy! Then go on Google and put the word in there ‘cholesterol and longevity’. So if you Google ‘cholesterol and longevity,’ Google is a corrupt organization. Maybe you should go on being a DuckDuckGo. But there’s tremendous research showing that if you’re over 70 years old and your cholesterol is not above 200, you’re not going to live too long. It’s more your mortality risk is higher, the lower your cholesterol is in general. So that’s what I would do, is I’ll show that to her that way.
“Can you recommend a good liver cleanse product?” [0:27:01]
No, because I don’t believe in cleanses. I believe in fasting. I believe in a one-menu simplistic diet, low in carbs. I believe in lifestyle, not doing cleanses. Because I think that is kind of like cheating, saying, oh well, I’ll cheat here or I’ll have some alcohol or junk food, and then I will do a cleanse. And instead, what I would say is let’s stop, stop doing the cheating, the constant consumption of these high-fructose corn syrup laid in condiments, your ketchup, your dips from the fast foods, the dips that you put your shrimp in, dips for your salmon. If I go out and I order salmon, I never use their dip because I know they’ve got junky high-fructose corn syrup in it.
So, let’s just start eating to be alive and serve God, and our friends, and our family, and our work. And then let’s have a fun time and have that wonderful treat on Thanksgiving Day. And then Christmas day, I’m going to make a birthday cake for Jesus. And I make what we call a mutta cake, it is like a yellow cake, and I cut it in half so that I put a layer of buttercream frosting. But I first put on a thin layer of apricot preserves jam, and then I put a few sprinkles of apricot brandy, and then I put the buttercream on it. Then I put the next layer and I put the apricot jam, the apricot brandy sprinkles, and then the buttercream for the four layers. And then on the outside, I make chocolate frosting with coffee, a little flavoring of coffee. And then on the top, I make little dollops of the buttercream, that’s the light color, and I put a cherry in each of them, and then I put Happy Birthday Dear Jesus, and we sing happy birthday, and for our Christmas dinner, and then we open up our packages late on Christmas day.
And so, that’s a birthday party for me, is Christmas at my house. And if I made that cake, it is so filthy full of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup. It’s ridiculous. So, I cut them in flat slices, not wedges, you know, little slices. So I cut it in half and then I chop it down in slices on its side. I take the other half of the cake and I save it for New Year’s dinner treat. So, I’m trying to keep those wonderful specialties just rare, so I look forward to it and it becomes a fun full day. I’ll enjoy having my family and my daughter-in-law and sharing how I make it because it always is a hit and my grandkids love it. So, I’ll be known for the mutta cake.
My sons, when I was in the military, across our house was a U.S. retired, he was a Korean vet. And he was retired, and I needed help with babysitting the boys, and they took the boys. And she was from Austria, during World War II he met her in the (31:00). And so, they became like grandma and grandpa on a military situation for the years we were there at Fort Knox, and she helped me with my children. And her name was Mutta, and her husband was Fatta, which is the Austrian-German name for a mother and father. It was so cute, all the German things, and it’s just great memories for me. I can’t wait to meet her in heaven when I get there too.
“Can you explain about spinal stenosis because that’s what I’ve been diagnosed with and I have been recommended it, final steroid injections every 4 to 6 months. What do you suggest for this condition?” [0:31:36]
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. You’re supposed to be fluid in there and things are transported through there. And as we age, we get dried out, we shrink, we wrinkle. So, what would I suggest for you, I would say make sure that you fall in love with half your weight as pounds as ounces of water every day. Then I would say never eat late at night. Then I would say eat a humble menu where you’re just going to have a one-menu day, your protein base, and one or two vegetables that are low carb, and keep your condiments to things like salt, pepper, maybe garlic. Try and eat simplistically very low carb. Try and learn to do intermittent fasting where 18 hours a day you don’t need anything and you’re eating in a 6-hour window but never late. Exercise. Stretch. If you’re already having trouble, maybe do Pilates once a week or twice a week. And do some weight training to build up your support muscles, so you’re not sinking in on yourself with age and crumbling up. Build your muscles to hold up your spinal canal so that you drain properly. Stretching helps the motility and the fluid going in and out of the discs. And then try and do a brisk walk, maybe 15 minutes on the alternate days that you’re not doing weight training. Weight training twice a week. Brisk walks three times a week. And when you’re on that walk, try and maybe walk 2 minutes and for 20 seconds almost break into a run for 20 seconds if you can tolerate it to get some intensity up there. And then recover, and then walk for 2 minutes, and then spurt for 20 seconds, a 2-minute walk. I do that about 15 minutes every other day.
And you will see some transformation taking place if you’re eating a healthy protein diet. If you’re over 55, you probably need some digestive enzymes. You need the vitamin D. You need all the wonderful oils that are in meat, fish, turkey, chicken with the skin on it, pork, eggs with yolks And then take Systemic Enzymes, high dose, like 4 or 5 twice a day on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, lasting at night. All this helps with spinal stenosis and puts off the need for surgery and steroids, at least that’s what my patients do.
“I take 4 Vitalzyme in the morning and night, but I’m diluting the effectiveness of it or other products taken within 15 minutes. How much time to allow in the morning between Vitalzyme and SBO Protect in the PM? How much time between Vitalzyme and oral progesterone, 5-HTP, magnesium, and other supplements to get the most benefit.” [0:34:58]
Well, there are no studies done. All you have is my 40-plus years of clinical experience. I take all my vitamins together in the morning. I take my Vitalzyme, my vitamin D, my iodine, my TLC Energy Core, my B complex, my D, my K-Force, I take my Juice Plus+, I take my multi-minerals. And I take them all in the morning. And then about an hour later, I’ll take my thyroid in the morning because the thyroid combines calcium, so I do separate that out. If I take the phospholipid powders, if I have an upset stomach, or L-glutamine powder for the stomach, I do try and wait about an hour. So that’s what I do there.
“I’m a 60-year-old female diagnosed last year with MGUS. It was an incidental finding as I was having symptoms, which we now know were due to statins. My doctor knows I’m legit and tested many things, all coming up negative except this. So now I have to see a hematologist yearly. Everything is fine now. Your thoughts on this?” [0:36:23]
MGUS, I just don’t know what that stands for anachronism. But I can speak to statins – are a great mimicker of many bodily problems, because if cholesterol is structurally part of every cell membrane, any symptom in your body, any cell performance of an organ, can be harmed by a statin. So it can be very confusing and very often doctors will blow it off and say that can’t be due to your statin when actually many neurological problems because a huge amount of cholesterol is necessary in the myelin sheath complex, plus the membranes here are full of cholesterol to have structural fluidity, membrane fluidities, and receptor performance enhancement because of the fluidity and softness of the cell membrane. Therefore, almost any organ system can manifest a symptom.
So I’m going to have to take a note down on what that stands for. You can see I don’t read these in advance because I don’t get them. MGUS statin symptom. That’ll be fun next week. So I’m always learning. The older I get, the more I learn. The older I get, the more I learn.
“Does data from annual blood work labs clearly identify if someone had Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults? Or does that diagnosis require special testing? [0:38:40]
I think that’s much to do about nothing. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults. We are being attacked by our food, by the electromagnetic energy, by the chemtrails in the sky falling down with heavy metal toxins onto our land. The nutrients through industrialized farming are being raped out of our vegetables and plant foods. The animals are eating, it gets incorporated into them, and we are being contaminated with genetically modified glyphosate pesticide, stressed out, and this then causes a breakdown in the lining of the cell membrane with little blowout spots in each little colonic cell and intestinal cell, and these create autoimmune because your gut-associated lymphoid tissue about 70 percent/80 percent lines your gut. So, it can inflame or do molecular mimicry against your thyroid or against your cartilage or against your myelin sheets, and you can get the various problems. But it can also do that against your islets of Langerhans, your beta cells in your pancreas. And then you get an attack. And this can happen very early on in childhood, adult type 1 autoimmune diabetes, where it just destroys the pancreas. So, who cares that we put some strange label on some end-stage manifestation of something we should be cleaning up, calling our local schools, getting out the commercial fast foods that are populating all the junk they’re feeding our kids with all the glyphosate grains and all the high-fructose syrup and all the heavy metals and pesticides and herbicides.
I was just listening to The Highwire with Del Bigtree, and he was interviewing moms for America or something like that about the diet the kids are getting in school. One of the interesting things was a book was brought up, a researcher, a mother. I don’t recall her name off the top, but it is a book where she looked at all the pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metal toxins in the food systems, and then she looked at the weak program, cheap junk food, and she found that it wasn’t race, it wasn’t socioeconomic status. It was the more the kid ate the junk food, the more depressed and violent the kid became.
And one of the things she quoted in that book was the study of a man in, I think it was in Ireland, who had a field and he started seeing less and less mice or rodents in his field, and he was wondering why that was so. Well, they were using these pesticides and it was glyphosate, and the mother rats were exposed to all these toxins. And in the investigation, they found that the mother rodents were eating their baby litters because they were vitamin D deficient and their irritability and crankiness and desperateness, and brain irritation were satisfied by consuming the pops and that’s why there was a such a drop-off in the rodents in this man’s field.
So, they found in the students, when they gave them all organic food and healthy vitamins, the fat-soluble D, A, E. K2, K1, that the behavior of the children improved dramatically, the focus, and so forth.
So, let’s get rid of this junk out of our lives. Let’s call up our schools. Get them into the homegrown. There are a ton of women who would love to work in the kitchens. My sister worked in the kitchens in Wisconsin for her children. A wonderful service to humanity. No less important than my job here. And they cooked their food. Of course, she worked for I think a parochial school, a Lutheran school, and they made their own homemade food. But they had higher performance students, better placement in colleges, better SAT scores, and so forth. I’m sure it was related to the healthier diet.
So, my thoughts on MGUS and statins and Adult Autoimmune Latent Diabetes is it would never have happened most likely if we would just clean up the gut and do fasting, exercise, water, eat organic, and not eat late, all the things I say.
“A person with COPD, can they benefit from inhalations with aromatherapy, steaming, and vaporizers or does this cause more fluid in the lungs? What do you recommend?” [0:44:37]
My thought on that is I don’t trust these machines, especially if you already have some chronic lung disease. The likelihood of fungus growing in these warm vaporized containers can be devastating. Some of the cleaners and plasticizers can become toxic. In the early, I think in 2002 to 2012, there were a lot of deaths in Japan. And in Japan, they have all kinds of little supportive devices and they were using a cleaning agent on their vaporizers because almost everyone in Japan has a vaporizer, and these kids were getting lung disease, and the adults were getting lung disease. There are many thousands of deaths. And finally, they found it was due to a cleaning agent.
So, I don’t like those things. And I don’t like and trust, who knows what’s in that aromatherapy. So, I can’t support it. I’m just not going to support that. There’s too much deceit. There’s too much marketing and lust for money and make a sale, make a sale. I’d rather see a person do some fasting and eat a high-protein diet simplistically, exercise, and see how that helps the lungs. EDTA chelation, vitamin C helps the elastin/collagen microcirculation, that kind of stuff. Then all these vitamins and herbs.
“I have insulin resistance despite fasting and eating low carb. My estradiol levels elevate to 90 when I use testosterone cream. My general practitioner is against using Anastrozole even if estradiol gets elevated. Without testosterone supplementation, my estradiol is between 15 and 30. Why does it elevate and how do you deal with it?” [0:46:51]
I would use Anastrozole. Find a doctor who would give it to you. 1.5 mg, half of a single mg tablet twice a week is nothing. I’ve been doing this for decades. It’s safe. It’s effective. It keeps the estrogen down. It helps you maintain all that wonderful testosterone, and that builds your muscles which helps you burn down the starch carbohydrates. And all of us move toward diabetes as we age because the machine of our muscle engines decline, and if we don’t cut what we’re putting in our mouth for consumption of the starchy carbs and fruit sugar and hidden condiments with all the stuff in it and sugared up coffee drinks and juices and so forth, our blood sugars will rise.
“They put in, ‘MGUS, Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance.’” [0:48:20]
Yeah. Well, of course. So you’re getting, here is another finding where an autoimmune phenomenon is occurring from massive cell membrane damage and fragmentation of the cell wall when trying to repair it and put in the protein and fat and phospholipid cholesterol. And because it doesn’t hit one stinking single organ and they can’t put a name on it, then they call it these names. Obviously, the body is trying to fight anything it can do to help protect the constant damage that the statin was doing that was leaving your cells with holes in them, so you wound up with gammopathy. That will quiet down. Things will improve as you restore your cholesterol and you eat the simple one menu day.
“Where’s a good place to have liver?” [0:49:32]
Well, you know, I go right across the street. I didn’t do it today, I went home and I had ham. But very often I go to Spires Family Restaurant for the liver there, and it is so dense, and all the nutrients, all the minerals, even vitamin C, I like having it once a week minimum. And I wish I knew something more than that. Pretty much liver is liver and wherever you go, it’s probably best to buy it from a place like ButcherBox and tell them you want the grass-fed animal and have the liver as well. That would be the ideal one. But like if I’m busy here, the next best thing I’ll do is my liver over there.
“What is your reasoning for adding hormone replacement testosterone for women? Do we need it?” [0:50:32]
You need muscles. You need to get out there and exercise and stomp and stand and lift things, so your bone density doesn’t diminish. So the answer is yes.
“Can DHEA satisfy?” [0:50:57]
Yes. Oftentimes, DHEA can satisfy, but not a low dose like 5 mg. 50 mg would be probably more satisfactory, but at least 25 mg.
“What should the optimum level be for women post-menopausal?” [0:51:20]
You see, we’re so used to the term ‘what’s optimum’. We treat everyone individually here and we’re for individual liberty and individual healthcare and individual doctor-patient relationships and individual private ownership. So, I think you and your doctor have to find out and they should do some digging. When I was practicing 40 years ago, 35 years ago, testosterone in men was 1600, 1500; women was like 150. So, right now, they have at women, depending on the range of your age, it will go down to 3 to 25, you know if you’re in your 80s. And I have so many women in the 80s and 90s and some getting 100 now, and I have them all with DHEA levels where I want their DHEA levels to be like 3, 4, 500 and their testosterone then is like 75 to 150. Good testosterone and, a good immune system. So hopefully that answers it for you.
“Back pain is killing in the morning and disappears by night.” [0:52:51]
You know, I’m wondering what you’re sleeping on. I’ve been thinking of that fairy tale, the princess on the P in the bed, the little pearl and she could feel it. But you know, look at your bed, what you’re sleeping on. And it might be too soft. You might have not enough pillows, too many pillows. But you have to exercise. I have to exercise. I’m lifting legs up of heavy men and moving them all around. I’m helping people stand up and everything. I have to exercise. I’m lifting up my grandchildren. So, I pay a trainer three times a week to do heavy-weight training. And then I have a Pilates instructor once or twice a week, and the other days I do my brisk, spurts, walking. So you just got to get their tummy crunching for your back, your intersecting little tiny muscles that go all along your spine there that kind of hold you up like this. Those little finger thick muscles are very very important, so you need it. Use the enzymes too. Don’t eat late at night. Drink a lot of water and hopefully, your back will get better.
“Does chelation help reverse negative effects on general anesthesia?” [0:53:52]
Absolutely, it does. Absolutely, it does.
“How young can children start on Juice Plus+?” [0:54:04]
Well, you know, Dr. Sears and his son, who is also a pediatrician, started them around 6 months. And they use like one capsule and they mix it into their food because often people start some food solids at 6 months. If you’re going to start food, then yeah, you can start them then. I tend to prefer all breastfeeding for at least the first year of life though exclusively.
“Have you seen the hardening of stool with the transition from strict carnivore to lower carb with fiber? What do you recommend to soften the stool?” [0:54:49]
I don’t necessarily say that I’ve seen that. It gets hard when you probably added some carbohydrates that are starches and the starches are impacting. So, things like spaghetti, pasta, rice, and potatoes, these are all compacting types of carbohydrates and constipating. I think minerals. So I would use TLC Multi-Mineral and I would use double-dose with plenty of water, and that should solve it no matter what the situation. I really find magnesium, zinc, and potassium in the TLC amino acid chelated do a great job. Let me know if that helps you.
“What kind of test do you do for hormones? Just moved here and my doctor won’t test. I use estradiol patch and natural progesterone.” [0:56:05]
I like serum levels. I’ve used serum levels. I was involved in research back in the early 1990s on the saliva test. But if you’re old enough for hormones, your teeth tend to have more gum line breakdown. And when you suck out to try and spit and these things, you suck out some red blood cells all the time, and it gets to be a mixed saliva blood serum. Even one red blood cell can put in a huge amount of estradiol and mess up a spit test. So, I like blood testing and that’s how I do it.
“I am having a colonoscopy next Friday. I take Thyrotain, bone health, D3, B complex. Is it okay to miss taking the day of? Anything I can take after the procedure?” [0:57:04]
Yeah, of course, you can take a day off or two of all your vitamins. And sometimes it might be wise to take a holiday for two to three days and then see how you feel and then take them back. So I appreciate, sometimes if I’m off on my, due to either forgetting them. If I go to a conference and I’d missed something or I can only take so much in a bag, yeah, I think it’s totally fine. So don’t worry over that.
“I have been on Estradiol patch 0.025 for less than two months. My provider wrote me for 0.05 but I haven’t tried the high dose yet.” [0:58:00]
Well, that’s not a high dose.
“I’m 61 and I have high cholesterol and triglycerides.” [0:58:17]
I love high cholesterol. Watch the video ‘High Cholesterol is Healthy!’. But she’s saying, “I have high triglyceride,” that means you eat too many carbs.
“And mild atherosclerosis in my right carotid and abdomen.” [0:58:30]
Well, what is mild? Everyone might have a mild amount of streaking on any kind of an imaging. It depends on the actual writing of the radiologist.
Is this dose safe for heart and health?” [0:58:45]
It absolutely is, and it’s when you lose your estradiol that we see more women have heart attacks. So, women who have used, they have their hormones, they feel alive, they feel mentally focused, they plan things, they do things, they’re more exercising, they’re into their whole life versus losing it, shutting down, just trying to sit and eat while watching computer or TV, this is the death march of aging. So, hormones don’t cause cancer and heart disease. Read the book ‘Estrogen Matters’ and watch the video at Tustin Longevity Center YouTube, hormone replacement therapy, two gynecologists. And you’ll hear from our gynecologists, Dr. Meric and Dr. Mitchell, who discussed that.
“Would you accept an out-of-state patient for telemedicine appointments?” [01:00:00]
The practice requires that I see the patient. So, I can’t start up a relationship that way. Sorry.
“I have a question regarding my daughter. Now that she is 7 months pregnant, she is experiencing some pelvic groin pain. Think this might be the baby getting bigger, etc…your comments?” [1:00:15]
Absolutely. It’s very common. And that’s when the symphysis pubis, you start having the impact of the third trimester softening the fusion with the symphysis pubis. So that’s all that is really.
“My husband’s Adam apple is starting to stick out and very point and bony. Should he be concerned?” [01:00:56]
Well, we have to see it. As we age, all of our skin thins. And as we age, we tend to not exercise them, we start to get into this Kyphotic sitting, and that makes the men’s voice box stick out. So that’s probably what it is, but have a doctor check it out.
“I have recently lost 14 pounds and I’m feeling better with even the lower dose, but I think I’d feel better with a higher dose.” [1:01:28]
Yeah, I think the 0.05 is the right way to go. But you’ve got to be with a doctor who’s going to test it, sit with you, how do you feel. That’s what practicing medicine is all about. You’re unique, we take something, we see you, how do you feel, we look you over, and so forth.